blob: d5b0d01d24560872ebfa48a315a7b10d9a3fcff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <snappy.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "gen-cpp/parquet_types.h"
// TCompactProtocol requires some #defines to work right.
// TODO: is there a better include to use?
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wstring-plus-int"
#include <thrift/TApplicationException.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TCompactProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TDebugProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#include "exec/parquet-common.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/rle-encoding.h"
#include "common/names.h"
DEFINE_string(file, "", "File to read");
DEFINE_bool(output_page_header, false, "If true, output page headers to stderr.");
using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
using namespace apache::thrift::transport;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace parquet;
using std::min;
boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> CreateDeserializeProtocol(
boost::shared_ptr<TMemoryBuffer> mem, bool compact) {
if (compact) {
TCompactProtocolFactoryT<TMemoryBuffer> tproto_factory;
return tproto_factory.getProtocol(mem);
} else {
TBinaryProtocolFactoryT<TMemoryBuffer> tproto_factory;
return tproto_factory.getProtocol(mem);
// Deserialize a thrift message from buf/len. buf/len must at least contain
// all the bytes needed to store the thrift message. On return, len will be
// set to the actual length of the header.
template <class T>
bool DeserializeThriftMsg(
uint8_t* buf, uint32_t* len, bool compact, T* deserialized_msg) {
// Deserialize msg bytes into c++ thrift msg using memory transport.
boost::shared_ptr<TMemoryBuffer> tmem_transport(new TMemoryBuffer(buf, *len));
boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> tproto =
CreateDeserializeProtocol(tmem_transport, compact);
try {
} catch (apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocolException& e) {
cerr << "couldn't deserialize thrift msg:\n" << e.what() << endl;
return false;
uint32_t bytes_left = tmem_transport->available_read();
*len = *len - bytes_left;
return true;
string TypeMapping(Type::type t) {
auto it = _Type_VALUES_TO_NAMES.find(t);
if (it != _Type_VALUES_TO_NAMES.end()) return it->second;
return "UNKNOWN";
void AppendSchema(
const vector<SchemaElement>& schema, int level, int* idx, stringstream* ss) {
for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) {
(*ss) << " ";
(*ss) << schema[*idx].name;
if (schema[*idx].__isset.type) (*ss) << " " << TypeMapping(schema[*idx].type);
(*ss) << endl;
int num_children = schema[*idx].num_children;
for (int i = 0; i < num_children; ++i) {
AppendSchema(schema, level + 1, idx, ss);
string GetSchema(const FileMetaData& md) {
const vector<SchemaElement>& schema = md.schema;
if (schema.empty()) return "Invalid schema";
int num_root_elements = schema[0].num_children;
stringstream ss;
int idx = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_root_elements; ++i) {
AppendSchema(schema, 0, &idx, &ss);
return ss.str();
// Inherit from RleDecoder to get access to repeat_count_, which is protected.
class ParquetLevelReader : public impala::RleDecoder {
ParquetLevelReader(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width)
: RleDecoder(buffer, buffer_len, bit_width) {}
uint32_t repeat_count() const { return repeat_count_; }
// Performs sanity checking on the contents of data pages, to ensure that:
// - Compressed pages can be uncompressed successfully.
// - The number of def levels matches num_values in the page header when using RLE.
// Note that this will not catch every instance of Impala writing the wrong number of
// def levels - with our RLE scheme it is not possible to determine how many values
// were actually written if the final run is a literal run, only if the final run is
// a repeated run (see util/rle-encoding.h for more details).
// Returns the number of rows specified by the header.
// Aborts the process if reading the file fails.
int CheckDataPage(const ColumnChunk& col, const PageHeader& header, const uint8_t* page) {
const uint8_t* data = page;
std::vector<uint8_t> decompressed_buffer;
if (col.meta_data.codec != parquet::CompressionCodec::UNCOMPRESSED) {
boost::scoped_ptr<impala::Codec> decompressor;
ABORT_IF_ERROR(impala::Codec::CreateDecompressor(NULL, false,
impala::PARQUET_TO_IMPALA_CODEC[col.meta_data.codec], &decompressor));
uint8_t* buffer_ptr =;
int uncompressed_page_size = header.uncompressed_page_size;
impala::Status s = decompressor->ProcessBlock32(
true, header.compressed_page_size, data, &uncompressed_page_size, &buffer_ptr);
if (!s.ok()) {
cerr << "Error: Decompression failed: " << s.GetDetail() << " \n";
data =;
if (header.data_page_header.definition_level_encoding == parquet::Encoding::RLE) {
// Parquet data pages always start with the encoded definition level data, and
// RLE sections in Parquet always start with a 4 byte length followed by the data.
int num_def_level_bytes = *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(data);
ParquetLevelReader def_levels(const_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + sizeof(int32_t),
num_def_level_bytes, sizeof(uint8_t));
uint8_t level;
for (int i = 0; i < header.data_page_header.num_values; ++i) {
if (!def_levels.Get(&level)) {
cerr << "Error: Decoding of def levels failed.\n";
if (i + def_levels.repeat_count() + 1 > header.data_page_header.num_values) {
cerr << "Error: More def levels encoded (" << (i + def_levels.repeat_count() + 1)
<< ") than num_values (" << header.data_page_header.num_values << ").\n";
return header.data_page_header.num_values;
// Simple utility to read parquet files on local disk. This utility validates the
// file is correctly formed and can output values from each data page. The
// entire file is buffered in memory so this is not suitable for very large files.
// We expect the table to be split into multiple parquet files, each the size of
// a HDFS block, in which case this utility will be able to able to handle it.
// cerr is used to output diagnostics of the file
// cout is used to output converted data (in csv)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
if (FLAGS_file.size() == 0) {
cout << "Must specify input file." << endl;
return -1;
FILE* file = fopen(FLAGS_file.c_str(), "r");
assert(file != NULL);
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t file_len = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
cerr << "File Length: " << file_len << endl;
vector<uint8_t> buffer_vector(file_len);
uint8_t* buffer =;
size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, file_len, file);
assert(bytes_read == file_len);
// Check file starts and ends with magic bytes
assert(memcmp(buffer, PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER, sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER)) == 0);
assert(memcmp(buffer + file_len - sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER),
// Get metadata
uint8_t* metadata_len_ptr =
buffer + file_len - sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER) - sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t metadata_len = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(metadata_len_ptr);
cerr << "Metadata len: " << metadata_len << endl;
uint8_t* metadata = metadata_len_ptr - metadata_len;
FileMetaData file_metadata;
bool status = DeserializeThriftMsg(metadata, &metadata_len, true, &file_metadata);
cerr << ThriftDebugString(file_metadata) << endl;
cerr << "Schema: " << endl << GetSchema(file_metadata) << endl;
int pages_skipped = 0;
int pages_read = 0;
int num_rows = 0;
int total_page_header_size = 0;
int total_compressed_data_size = 0;
int total_uncompressed_data_size = 0;
vector<int> column_byte_sizes;
vector<int> column_num_rows;
for (int i = 0; i < file_metadata.row_groups.size(); ++i) {
cerr << "Reading row group " << i << endl;
RowGroup& rg = file_metadata.row_groups[i];
for (int c = 0; c < rg.columns.size(); ++c) {
cerr << " Reading column " << c << endl;
ColumnChunk& col = rg.columns[c];
int first_page_offset = col.meta_data.data_page_offset;
if (col.meta_data.__isset.dictionary_page_offset) {
first_page_offset = ::min(first_page_offset,
uint8_t* data = buffer + first_page_offset;
uint8_t* col_end = data + col.meta_data.total_compressed_size;
// Loop through the entire column chunk. This lets us walk all the pages.
while (data < col_end) {
uint32_t header_size = file_len - col.file_offset;
PageHeader header;
status = DeserializeThriftMsg(data, &header_size, true, &header);
if (FLAGS_output_page_header) {
cerr << ThriftDebugString(header) << endl;
data += header_size;
if (header.__isset.data_page_header) {
column_num_rows[c] += CheckDataPage(col, header, data);
total_page_header_size += header_size;
column_byte_sizes[c] += header.compressed_page_size;
total_compressed_data_size += header.compressed_page_size;
total_uncompressed_data_size += header.uncompressed_page_size;
data += header.compressed_page_size;
// Check that we ended exactly where we should have.
assert(data == col_end);
// Check that all cols have the same number of rows.
assert(column_num_rows[0] == column_num_rows[c]);
num_rows += column_num_rows[0];
double compression_ratio =
static_cast<double>(total_uncompressed_data_size) / total_compressed_data_size;
stringstream ss;
ss << "\nSummary:\n"
<< " Rows: " << num_rows << endl
<< " Read pages: " << pages_read << endl
<< " Skipped pages: " << pages_skipped << endl
<< " Metadata size: " << metadata_len
<< "(" << (metadata_len / (double)file_len) << ")" << endl
<< " Total page header size: " << total_page_header_size
<< "(" << (total_page_header_size / (double)file_len) << ")" << endl;
ss << " Column compressed size: " << total_compressed_data_size
<< "(" << (total_compressed_data_size / (double)file_len) << ")" << endl;
ss << " Column uncompressed size: " << total_uncompressed_data_size
<< "(" << compression_ratio << ")" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < column_byte_sizes.size(); ++i) {
ss << " " << "Col " << i << ": " << column_byte_sizes[i]
<< "(" << (column_byte_sizes[i] / (double)file_len) << ")" << endl;
cerr << ss.str() << endl;
return 0;