blob: a3c959a701b16b9bf6e5c4a5edd0e9b8ceb78a84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include <cstring>
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
// Test to verify that impala::StringCompare() and clib strncmp() give equivalent results.
namespace impala {
// Expect that strncmp() and StringCompare() return the same result.
static void RunTestCase(const string& l, const string& r) {
int cmp_len = ::min(l.size(), r.size());
int strncmp_r = strncmp(l.c_str(), r.c_str(), cmp_len);
int stringcompare_r = StringCompare(l.c_str(), l.size(), r.c_str(), r.size(), cmp_len);
if (strncmp_r == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(stringcompare_r, 0) << l << " " << r;
} else if (strncmp_r > 0) {
EXPECT_GT(stringcompare_r, 0) << l << " " << r;
} else {
EXPECT_LT(stringcompare_r, 0) << l << " " << r;
TEST(StringCompareTest, Basic) {
const struct Cases {
string lhs, rhs;
} cases[] = {{"abc", "abc"},
{"abc", "abd"},
{"", ""},
{"\x01", "\x01"},
{"\x01", "\x02"},
{"\x7f", "\x01"},
{"\x80", "\x80"},
{"\x80", "\x01"},
{"\x7F", "\x80"},
{"\xFF", "\x01"},
{"\xFF", "\x7F"},
{"\xE9", "\x32"},
{"\x32", "\xE5"},
{"\xE5", "\xE9"}};
for (const Cases& c : cases) {
RunTestCase(c.lhs, c.rhs);
RunTestCase(c.rhs, c.lhs);
// Induce the SSE 4.2 code path by using longer strings.
string suffix = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
for (const Cases& c : cases) {
RunTestCase(c.lhs + suffix, c.rhs + suffix);
RunTestCase(c.rhs + suffix, c.lhs + suffix);