blob: 572bfda59b921d6918a22e981e059226de8fb9f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <ostream>
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "runtime/types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Descriptors_types.h" // for TTupleId
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
namespace llvm {
class Function;
class PointerType;
class StructType;
class Value;
namespace impala {
class LlvmBuilder;
class LlvmCodeGen;
class ObjectPool;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExpr;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
class TDescriptorTable;
class TSlotDescriptor;
class TTable;
class TTupleDescriptor;
/// A path into a table schema (e.g. a vector of ColumnTypes) pointing to a particular
/// column/field. The i-th element of the path is the ordinal position of the column/field
/// of the schema at level i. For example, the path [0] would be the first column of the
/// table, and path [1,0] would be the first field in the second column of the table.
/// Arrays are represented as having two fields. The first is the item element in the
/// schema. The second is an artifical position element, which does not actually exist in
/// the table schema. For example, if path [0] is an array, path [0,0] would refer to the
/// array's item, and path [0,1] would refer to the position element, which is the item
/// count of the array.
/// Maps are also represented as having two fields, the key and the value elements (maps
/// do not have a position element).
typedef std::vector<int> SchemaPath;
class SchemaPathConstants {
static const int ARRAY_ITEM = 0;
static const int ARRAY_POS = 1;
static const int MAP_KEY = 0;
static const int MAP_VALUE = 1;
struct LlvmTupleStruct {
llvm::StructType* tuple_struct;
llvm::PointerType* tuple_ptr;
std::vector<int> indices;
/// Location information for null indicator bit for particular slot.
/// For non-nullable slots, the byte_offset will be 0 and the bit_mask will be 0.
/// This allows us to do the NullIndicatorOffset operations (tuple + byte_offset &/|
/// bit_mask) regardless of whether the slot is nullable or not.
/// This is more efficient than branching to check if the slot is non-nullable.
struct NullIndicatorOffset {
int byte_offset;
uint8_t bit_mask; /// to extract null indicator
NullIndicatorOffset(int byte_offset = 0, int bit_offset = -1)
: byte_offset(byte_offset),
bit_mask(bit_offset == -1 ? 0 : 1 << bit_offset) {
bool Equals(const NullIndicatorOffset& o) const {
return this->byte_offset == o.byte_offset && this->bit_mask == o.bit_mask;
std::string DebugString() const;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NullIndicatorOffset& null_indicator);
class TupleDescriptor;
class SlotDescriptor {
SlotId id() const { return id_; }
const ColumnType& type() const { return type_; }
const TupleDescriptor* parent() const { return parent_; }
const TupleDescriptor* collection_item_descriptor() const {
return collection_item_descriptor_;
/// Returns the column index of this slot, including partition keys.
/// (e.g., col_pos - num_partition_keys = the table column this slot corresponds to)
/// TODO: This function should eventually be replaced by col_path(). It is currently
/// convenient for table formats for which we only support flat data.
int col_pos() const { return col_path_[0]; }
const SchemaPath& col_path() const { return col_path_; }
/// Returns the field index in the generated llvm struct for this slot's tuple
int llvm_field_idx() const { return llvm_field_idx_; }
int tuple_offset() const { return tuple_offset_; }
const NullIndicatorOffset& null_indicator_offset() const {
return null_indicator_offset_;
bool is_nullable() const { return null_indicator_offset_.bit_mask != 0; }
int slot_size() const { return slot_size_; }
/// Comparison function for ordering slot descriptors by their col_path_.
/// Returns true if 'a' comes before 'b'.
/// Orders the paths as in a depth-first traversal of the schema tree, as follows:
/// - for each level i in min(a.path.size, b.path.size),
/// order the paths ascending by col_path_[i]
/// - in case of ties, the path with smaller size comes first
static bool ColPathLessThan(const SlotDescriptor* a, const SlotDescriptor* b);
std::string DebugString() const;
/// Return true if the physical layout of this descriptor matches the physical layout
/// of other_desc, but not necessarily ids.
bool LayoutEquals(const SlotDescriptor& other_desc) const;
/// Generate LLVM code at the insert position of 'builder' that returns a boolean value
/// represented as a LLVM i1 indicating whether this slot is null in 'tuple'.
llvm::Value* CodegenIsNull(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* tuple) const;
/// Generate LLVM code at the insert position of 'builder' that returns a boolean value
/// represented as a LLVM i1 with value of the NULL bit at 'null_indicator_offset' in
/// 'tuple'.
static llvm::Value* CodegenIsNull(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder,
const NullIndicatorOffset& null_indicator_offset, llvm::Value* tuple);
/// Generate LLVM code at the insert position of 'builder' to set this slot's
/// NULL bit in the given 'tuple' to the value 'is_null'. 'tuple' is a pointer
/// to the tuple, and 'is_null' is an boolean value represented as a LLVM i1.
void CodegenSetNullIndicator(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder,
llvm::Value* tuple, llvm::Value* is_null) const;
friend class DescriptorTbl;
friend class TupleDescriptor;
const SlotId id_;
const ColumnType type_;
const TupleDescriptor* parent_;
/// Non-NULL only for collection slots
const TupleDescriptor* collection_item_descriptor_;
// TODO for 2.3: rename to materialized_path_
const SchemaPath col_path_;
const int tuple_offset_;
const NullIndicatorOffset null_indicator_offset_;
/// the idx of the slot in the tuple descriptor (0-based).
/// this is provided by the FE
const int slot_idx_;
/// the byte size of this slot.
const int slot_size_;
/// The idx of the slot in the llvm codegen'd tuple struct
/// This is set by TupleDescriptor during codegen and takes into account
/// any padding bytes.
int llvm_field_idx_;
/// collection_item_descriptor should be non-NULL iff this is a collection slot
SlotDescriptor(const TSlotDescriptor& tdesc, const TupleDescriptor* parent,
const TupleDescriptor* collection_item_descriptor);
/// Generate LLVM code at the insert position of 'builder' to get the i8 value of
/// the byte containing 'null_indicator_offset' in 'tuple'. If 'null_byte_ptr' is
/// non-NULL, sets that to a pointer to the null byte.
static llvm::Value* CodegenGetNullByte(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder,
const NullIndicatorOffset& null_indicator_offset, llvm::Value* tuple,
llvm::Value** null_byte_ptr);
class ColumnDescriptor {
ColumnDescriptor(const TColumnDescriptor& tdesc);
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
const ColumnType& type() const { return type_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
std::string name_;
ColumnType type_;
/// Base class for table descriptors.
class TableDescriptor {
TableDescriptor(const TTableDescriptor& tdesc);
virtual ~TableDescriptor() {}
int num_cols() const { return col_descs_.size(); }
int num_clustering_cols() const { return num_clustering_cols_; }
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
/// The first num_clustering_cols_ columns by position are clustering
/// columns.
bool IsClusteringCol(const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc) const {
return slot_desc->col_path().size() == 1 &&
slot_desc->col_path()[0] < num_clustering_cols_;
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
const std::string& database() const { return database_; }
int id() const { return id_; }
TTableType::type type() const { return type_; }
const std::vector<ColumnDescriptor>& col_descs() const { return col_descs_; }
/// Returns "<database>.<name>"
std::string fully_qualified_name() const;
std::string name_;
std::string database_;
TableId id_;
TTableType::type type_;
int num_clustering_cols_;
std::vector<ColumnDescriptor> col_descs_;
/// Metadata for a single partition inside an Hdfs table.
class HdfsPartitionDescriptor {
HdfsPartitionDescriptor(const THdfsTable& thrift_table,
const THdfsPartition& thrift_partition);
char line_delim() const { return line_delim_; }
char field_delim() const { return field_delim_; }
char collection_delim() const { return collection_delim_; }
char escape_char() const { return escape_char_; }
THdfsFileFormat::type file_format() const { return file_format_; }
int block_size() const { return block_size_; }
const std::string& location() const { return location_; }
int64_t id() const { return id_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
/// It is safe to call the returned expr evaluators concurrently from multiple
/// threads because all exprs are literals, after the descriptor table has been
/// opened.
const std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& partition_key_value_evals() const {
return partition_key_value_evals_;
friend class DescriptorTbl;
char line_delim_;
char field_delim_;
char collection_delim_;
char escape_char_;
int block_size_;
// TODO: use the same representation as the Catalog does, in which common prefixes are
// stripped.
std::string location_;
int64_t id_;
/// List of literal (and therefore constant) expressions for each partition key. Their
/// order corresponds to the first num_clustering_cols of the parent table.
/// The Prepare()/Open()/Close() cycle is controlled by the containing descriptor table
/// because the same partition descriptor may be used by multiple exec nodes with
/// different lifetimes.
const std::vector<TExpr>& thrift_partition_key_exprs_;
/// These evaluators are safe to be shared by all fragment instances as all expressions
/// are Literals.
/// TODO: replace this with vector<Literal> instead.
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> partition_key_value_evals_;
/// The format (e.g. text, sequence file etc.) of data in the files in this partition
THdfsFileFormat::type file_format_;
class HdfsTableDescriptor : public TableDescriptor {
HdfsTableDescriptor(const TTableDescriptor& tdesc, ObjectPool* pool);
const std::string& hdfs_base_dir() const { return hdfs_base_dir_; }
const std::string& null_partition_key_value() const {
return null_partition_key_value_;
const std::string& null_column_value() const { return null_column_value_; }
const std::string& avro_schema() const { return avro_schema_; }
typedef std::map<int64_t, HdfsPartitionDescriptor*> PartitionIdToDescriptorMap;
HdfsPartitionDescriptor* GetPartition(int64_t partition_id) const {
PartitionIdToDescriptorMap::const_iterator it =
if (it == partition_descriptors_.end()) return NULL;
return it->second;
const PartitionIdToDescriptorMap& partition_descriptors() const {
return partition_descriptors_;
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
std::string hdfs_base_dir_;
std::string null_partition_key_value_;
/// Special string to indicate NULL values in text-encoded columns.
std::string null_column_value_;
PartitionIdToDescriptorMap partition_descriptors_;
/// Set to the table's Avro schema if this is an Avro table, empty string otherwise
std::string avro_schema_;
class HBaseTableDescriptor : public TableDescriptor {
HBaseTableDescriptor(const TTableDescriptor& tdesc);
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
const std::string table_name() const { return table_name_; }
struct HBaseColumnDescriptor {
std::string family;
std::string qualifier;
bool binary_encoded;
HBaseColumnDescriptor(const std::string& col_family, const std::string& col_qualifier,
bool col_binary_encoded)
: family(col_family),
const std::vector<HBaseColumnDescriptor>& cols() const { return cols_; }
/// native name of hbase table
std::string table_name_;
/// List of family/qualifier pairs.
std::vector<HBaseColumnDescriptor> cols_;
/// Descriptor for a DataSourceTable
class DataSourceTableDescriptor : public TableDescriptor {
DataSourceTableDescriptor(const TTableDescriptor& tdesc) : TableDescriptor(tdesc) { }
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
// Descriptor for a KuduTable
class KuduTableDescriptor : public TableDescriptor {
explicit KuduTableDescriptor(const TTableDescriptor& tdesc);
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
const std::string table_name() const { return table_name_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& key_columns() const { return key_columns_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& kudu_master_addresses() const {
return master_addresses_;
// native name of Kudu table
std::string table_name_;
std::vector<std::string> key_columns_;
std::vector<std::string> master_addresses_;
class TupleDescriptor {
int byte_size() const { return byte_size_; }
int num_null_bytes() const { return num_null_bytes_; }
int null_bytes_offset() const { return null_bytes_offset_; }
const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& slots() const { return slots_; }
const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& string_slots() const { return string_slots_; }
const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& collection_slots() const {
return collection_slots_;
bool HasVarlenSlots() const { return has_varlen_slots_; }
const SchemaPath& tuple_path() const { return tuple_path_; }
const TableDescriptor* table_desc() const { return table_desc_; }
TupleId id() const { return id_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
/// Returns true if this tuple or any nested collection item tuples have string slots.
bool ContainsStringData() const;
/// Return true if the physical layout of this descriptor matches that of other_desc,
/// but not necessarily the id.
bool LayoutEquals(const TupleDescriptor& other_desc) const;
/// Creates a typed struct description for llvm. The layout of the struct is computed
/// by the FE which includes the order of the fields in the resulting struct.
/// Returns the struct type or NULL if the type could not be created.
/// For example, the aggregation tuple for this query: select count(*), min(int_col_a)
/// would map to:
/// struct Tuple {
/// int8_t null_byte;
/// int32_t min_a;
/// int64_t count_val;
/// };
llvm::StructType* GetLlvmStruct(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) const;
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
friend class DescriptorTbl;
const TupleId id_;
TableDescriptor* table_desc_;
const int byte_size_;
const int num_null_bytes_;
const int null_bytes_offset_;
/// Contains all slots. Slots are in the same order as the expressions that materialize
/// them. See Tuple::MaterializeExprs().
std::vector<SlotDescriptor*> slots_;
/// Contains only materialized string slots.
std::vector<SlotDescriptor*> string_slots_;
/// Contains only materialized map and array slots.
std::vector<SlotDescriptor*> collection_slots_;
/// Provide quick way to check if there are variable length slots.
/// True if string_slots_ or collection_slots_ have entries.
bool has_varlen_slots_;
/// Absolute path into the table schema pointing to the collection whose fields are
/// materialized into this tuple. Non-empty if this tuple belongs to a nested
/// collection, empty otherwise.
SchemaPath tuple_path_;
TupleDescriptor(const TTupleDescriptor& tdesc);
void AddSlot(SlotDescriptor* slot);
/// Returns slots in their physical order.
vector<SlotDescriptor*> SlotsOrderedByIdx() const;
class DescriptorTbl {
/// Creates a descriptor tbl within 'pool' from thrift_tbl and returns it via 'tbl'.
/// Returns OK on success, otherwise error (in which case 'tbl' will be unset).
static Status Create(ObjectPool* pool, const TDescriptorTable& thrift_tbl,
DescriptorTbl** tbl) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Free memory allocated in Create().
void ReleaseResources();
TableDescriptor* GetTableDescriptor(TableId id) const;
TupleDescriptor* GetTupleDescriptor(TupleId id) const;
SlotDescriptor* GetSlotDescriptor(SlotId id) const;
/// return all registered tuple descriptors
void GetTupleDescs(std::vector<TupleDescriptor*>* descs) const;
std::string DebugString() const;
typedef std::unordered_map<TableId, TableDescriptor*> TableDescriptorMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<TupleId, TupleDescriptor*> TupleDescriptorMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<SlotId, SlotDescriptor*> SlotDescriptorMap;
TableDescriptorMap tbl_desc_map_;
TupleDescriptorMap tuple_desc_map_;
SlotDescriptorMap slot_desc_map_;
DescriptorTbl(): tbl_desc_map_(), tuple_desc_map_(), slot_desc_map_() {}
static Status CreatePartKeyExprs(
const HdfsTableDescriptor& hdfs_tbl, ObjectPool* pool) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Records positions of tuples within row produced by ExecNode. RowDescriptors are
/// typically owned by their ExecNode, and shared by reference across the plan tree.
/// TODO: this needs to differentiate between tuples contained in row
/// and tuples produced by ExecNode (parallel to PlanNode.rowTupleIds and
/// PlanNode.tupleIds); right now, we conflate the two (and distinguish based on
/// context; for instance, HdfsScanNode uses these tids to create row batches, ie, the
/// first case, whereas TopNNode uses these tids to copy output rows, ie, the second
/// case)
class RowDescriptor {
RowDescriptor(const DescriptorTbl& desc_tbl, const std::vector<TTupleId>& row_tuples,
const std::vector<bool>& nullable_tuples);
/// standard copy c'tor, made explicit here
RowDescriptor(const RowDescriptor& desc)
: tuple_desc_map_(desc.tuple_desc_map_),
has_varlen_slots_(desc.has_varlen_slots_) {
/// c'tor for a row assembled from two rows
RowDescriptor(const RowDescriptor& lhs_row_desc, const RowDescriptor& rhs_row_desc);
RowDescriptor(TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc, bool is_nullable);
/// dummy descriptor, needed for the JNI EvalPredicate() function
RowDescriptor() {}
/// Returns total size in bytes.
/// TODO: also take avg string lengths into account, ie, change this
/// to GetAvgRowSize()
int GetRowSize() const;
static const int INVALID_IDX = -1;
/// Returns INVALID_IDX if id not part of this row.
int GetTupleIdx(TupleId id) const;
/// Return true if the Tuple of the given Tuple index is nullable.
bool TupleIsNullable(int tuple_idx) const;
/// Return true if any Tuple of the row is nullable.
bool IsAnyTupleNullable() const;
/// Return true if any Tuple has variable length slots.
bool HasVarlenSlots() const { return has_varlen_slots_; }
/// Return descriptors for all tuples in this row, in order of appearance.
const std::vector<TupleDescriptor*>& tuple_descriptors() const {
return tuple_desc_map_;
/// Populate row_tuple_ids with our ids.
void ToThrift(std::vector<TTupleId>* row_tuple_ids) const;
/// Return true if the tuple ids of this descriptor are a prefix
/// of the tuple ids of other_desc.
bool IsPrefixOf(const RowDescriptor& other_desc) const;
/// Return true if the tuple ids of this descriptor match tuple ids of other desc.
bool Equals(const RowDescriptor& other_desc) const;
/// Return true if the tuples of this descriptor are a prefix of the tuples of
/// other_desc. Tuples are compared by their physical layout and not by ids.
bool LayoutIsPrefixOf(const RowDescriptor& other_desc) const;
/// Return true if the physical layout of this descriptor matches the physical layout
/// of other_desc, but not necessarily the ids.
bool LayoutEquals(const RowDescriptor& other_desc) const;
std::string DebugString() const;
/// Initializes tupleIdxMap during c'tor using the tuple_desc_map_.
void InitTupleIdxMap();
/// Initializes has_varlen_slots_ during c'tor using the tuple_desc_map_.
void InitHasVarlenSlots();
/// map from position of tuple w/in row to its descriptor
std::vector<TupleDescriptor*> tuple_desc_map_;
/// tuple_idx_nullable_map_[i] is true if tuple i can be null
std::vector<bool> tuple_idx_nullable_map_;
/// map from TupleId to position of tuple w/in row
std::vector<int> tuple_idx_map_;
/// Provide quick way to check if there are variable length slots.
bool has_varlen_slots_;