blob: 02fa13282be70f0e785ff54b77e2f17986ae9fed [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "delimited-text-parser.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/sse-util.h"
namespace impala {
/// Updates the values in the field and tuple masks, escaping them if necessary.
/// If the character at n is an escape character, then delimiters(tuple/field/escape
/// characters) at n+1 don't count.
inline void ProcessEscapeMask(uint16_t escape_mask, bool* last_char_is_escape,
uint16_t* delim_mask) {
// Escape characters can escape escape characters.
bool first_char_is_escape = *last_char_is_escape;
bool escape_next = first_char_is_escape;
for (int i = 0; i < SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER; ++i) {
if (escape_next) {
escape_mask &= ~SSEUtil::SSE_BITMASK[i];
escape_next = escape_mask & SSEUtil::SSE_BITMASK[i];
// Remember last character for the next iteration
*last_char_is_escape = escape_mask &
// Shift escape mask up one so they match at the same bit index as the tuple and
// field mask (instead of being the character before) and set the correct first bit
escape_mask = escape_mask << 1 | (first_char_is_escape ? 1 : 0);
// If escape_mask[n] is true, then tuple/field_mask[n] is escaped
*delim_mask &= ~escape_mask;
template <bool process_escapes>
inline Status DelimitedTextParser::AddColumn(int64_t len, char** next_column_start,
int* num_fields, FieldLocation* field_locations) {
if (UNLIKELY(!BitUtil::IsNonNegative32Bit(len))) {
return Status(TErrorCode::TEXT_PARSER_TRUNCATED_COLUMN, len);
if (ReturnCurrentColumn()) {
// Found a column that needs to be parsed, write the start/len to 'field_locations'
field_locations[*num_fields].start = *next_column_start;
int64_t field_len = len;
if (process_escapes && current_column_has_escape_) {
field_len = -len;
field_locations[*num_fields].len = static_cast<int32_t>(field_len);
if (process_escapes) current_column_has_escape_ = false;
*next_column_start += len + 1;
return Status::OK();
template <bool process_escapes>
inline Status DelimitedTextParser::FillColumns(int64_t len, char** last_column,
int* num_fields, FieldLocation* field_locations) {
// Fill in any columns missing from the end of the tuple.
char* dummy = NULL;
if (last_column == NULL) last_column = &dummy;
while (column_idx_ < num_cols_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddColumn<process_escapes>(len, last_column,
num_fields, field_locations));
// The rest of the columns will be null.
last_column = &dummy;
len = 0;
return Status::OK();
/// SSE optimized raw text file parsing. SSE4_2 added an instruction (with 3 modes) for
/// text processing. The modes mimic strchr, strstr and strcmp. For text parsing, we can
/// leverage the strchr functionality.
/// The instruction operates on two sse registers:
/// - the needle (what you are searching for)
/// - the haystack (where you are searching in)
/// Both registers can contain up to 16 characters. The result is a 16-bit mask with a bit
/// set for each character in the haystack that matched any character in the needle.
/// For example:
/// Needle = 'abcd000000000000' (we're searching for any a's, b's, c's or d's)
/// Haystack = 'asdfghjklhjbdwwc' (the raw string)
/// Result = '1010000000011001'
template <bool process_escapes>
inline Status DelimitedTextParser::ParseSse(int max_tuples,
int64_t* remaining_len, char** byte_buffer_ptr,
char** row_end_locations, FieldLocation* field_locations,
int* num_tuples, int* num_fields, char** next_column_start) {
// To parse using SSE, we:
// 1. Load into different sse registers the different characters we need to search for
// tuple breaks, field breaks, escape characters
// 2. Load 16 characters at a time into the sse register
// 3. Use the SSE instruction to do strchr on those 16 chars, the result is a bitmask
// 4. Compute the bitmask for tuple breaks, field breaks and escape characters.
// 5. If there are escape characters, fix up the matching masked bits in the
// field/tuple mask
// 6. Go through the mask bit by bit and write the parsed data.
// xmm registers:
// - xmm_buffer: the register holding the current (16 chars) we're working on from the
// file
// - xmm_delim_search_: the delim search register. Contains field delimiter,
// collection_item delim_char and tuple delimiter
// - xmm_escape_search_: the escape search register. Only contains escape char
// - xmm_delim_mask: the result of doing strchr for the delimiters
// - xmm_escape_mask: the result of doing strchr for the escape char
__m128i xmm_buffer, xmm_delim_mask, xmm_escape_mask;
while (LIKELY(*remaining_len >= SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER)) {
// Load the next 16 bytes into the xmm register
xmm_buffer = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(*byte_buffer_ptr));
// Do the strchr for tuple and field breaks
// The strchr sse instruction returns the result in the lower bits of the sse
// register. Since we only process 16 characters at a time, only the lower 16 bits
// can contain non-zero values.
// _mm_extract_epi16 will extract 16 bits out of the xmm register. The second
// parameter specifies which 16 bits to extract (0 for the lowest 16 bits).
xmm_delim_mask = SSE4_cmpestrm<SSEUtil::STRCHR_MODE>(xmm_delim_search_,
num_delims_, xmm_buffer, SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER);
uint16_t delim_mask = _mm_extract_epi16(xmm_delim_mask, 0);
uint16_t escape_mask = 0;
// If the table does not use escape characters, skip processing for it.
if (process_escapes) {
DCHECK(escape_char_ != '\0');
xmm_escape_mask = SSE4_cmpestrm<SSEUtil::STRCHR_MODE>(xmm_escape_search_, 1,
xmm_buffer, SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER);
escape_mask = _mm_extract_epi16(xmm_escape_mask, 0);
ProcessEscapeMask(escape_mask, &last_char_is_escape_, &delim_mask);
char* last_char = *byte_buffer_ptr + 15;
bool last_char_is_unescaped_delim = delim_mask >> 15;
unfinished_tuple_ = !(last_char_is_unescaped_delim &&
(*last_char == tuple_delim_ || (tuple_delim_ == '\n' && *last_char == '\r')));
int last_col_idx = 0;
// Process all non-zero bits in the delim_mask from lsb->msb. If a bit
// is set, the character in that spot is either a field or tuple delimiter.
while (delim_mask != 0) {
// ffs is a libc function that returns the index of the first set bit (1-indexed)
int n = ffs(delim_mask) - 1;
DCHECK_GE(n, 0);
DCHECK_LT(n, 16);
// clear current bit
delim_mask &= ~(SSEUtil::SSE_BITMASK[n]);
if (process_escapes) {
// Determine if there was an escape character between [last_col_idx, n]
bool escaped = (escape_mask & low_mask_[last_col_idx] & high_mask_[n]) != 0;
current_column_has_escape_ |= escaped;
last_col_idx = n;
char* delim_ptr = *byte_buffer_ptr + n;
if (*delim_ptr == field_delim_ || *delim_ptr == collection_item_delim_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddColumn<process_escapes>(delim_ptr - *next_column_start,
next_column_start, num_fields, field_locations));
if (*delim_ptr == tuple_delim_ || (tuple_delim_ == '\n' && *delim_ptr == '\r')) {
last_row_delim_offset_ == *remaining_len - n && *delim_ptr == '\n')) {
// If the row ended in \r\n then move the next start past the \n
last_row_delim_offset_ = -1;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddColumn<process_escapes>(delim_ptr - *next_column_start,
next_column_start, num_fields, field_locations));
Status status = FillColumns<false>(0, NULL, num_fields, field_locations);
column_idx_ = num_partition_keys_;
row_end_locations[*num_tuples] = delim_ptr;
// Remember where we saw the last \r.
last_row_delim_offset_ = *delim_ptr == '\r' ? *remaining_len - n - 1 : -1;
if (UNLIKELY(*num_tuples == max_tuples)) {
(*byte_buffer_ptr) += (n + 1);
if (process_escapes) last_char_is_escape_ = false;
*remaining_len -= (n + 1);
// If the last character we processed was \r then set the offset to 0
// so that we will use it at the beginning of the next batch.
if (last_row_delim_offset_ == *remaining_len) last_row_delim_offset_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
if (process_escapes) {
// Determine if there was an escape character between (last_col_idx, 15)
bool unprocessed_escape = escape_mask & low_mask_[last_col_idx] & high_mask_[15];
current_column_has_escape_ |= unprocessed_escape;
*remaining_len -= SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER;
*byte_buffer_ptr += SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER;
return Status::OK();
/// Simplified version of ParseSSE which does not handle tuple delimiters.
template <bool process_escapes>
inline Status DelimitedTextParser::ParseSingleTuple(int64_t remaining_len, char* buffer,
FieldLocation* field_locations, int* num_fields) {
char* next_column_start = buffer;
__m128i xmm_buffer, xmm_delim_mask, xmm_escape_mask;
column_idx_ = num_partition_keys_;
current_column_has_escape_ = false;
if (LIKELY(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2))) {
while (LIKELY(remaining_len >= SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER)) {
// Load the next 16 bytes into the xmm register
xmm_buffer = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(buffer));
xmm_delim_mask = SSE4_cmpestrm<SSEUtil::STRCHR_MODE>(xmm_delim_search_,
num_delims_, xmm_buffer, SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER);
uint16_t delim_mask = _mm_extract_epi16(xmm_delim_mask, 0);
uint16_t escape_mask = 0;
// If the table does not use escape characters, skip processing for it.
if (process_escapes) {
DCHECK(escape_char_ != '\0');
xmm_escape_mask = SSE4_cmpestrm<SSEUtil::STRCHR_MODE>(xmm_escape_search_, 1,
xmm_buffer, SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER);
escape_mask = _mm_extract_epi16(xmm_escape_mask, 0);
ProcessEscapeMask(escape_mask, &last_char_is_escape_, &delim_mask);
int last_col_idx = 0;
// Process all non-zero bits in the delim_mask from lsb->msb. If a bit
// is set, the character in that spot is a field.
while (delim_mask != 0) {
// ffs is a libc function that returns the index of the first set bit (1-indexed)
int n = ffs(delim_mask) - 1;
DCHECK_GE(n, 0);
DCHECK_LT(n, 16);
if (process_escapes) {
// Determine if there was an escape character between [last_col_idx, n]
bool escaped = (escape_mask & low_mask_[last_col_idx] & high_mask_[n]) != 0;
current_column_has_escape_ |= escaped;
last_col_idx = n;
// clear current bit
delim_mask &= ~(SSEUtil::SSE_BITMASK[n]);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddColumn<process_escapes>(buffer + n - next_column_start,
&next_column_start, num_fields, field_locations));
if (process_escapes) {
// Determine if there was an escape character between (last_col_idx, 15)
bool unprocessed_escape = escape_mask & low_mask_[last_col_idx] & high_mask_[15];
current_column_has_escape_ |= unprocessed_escape;
remaining_len -= SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER;
buffer += SSEUtil::CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER;
while (remaining_len > 0) {
if (*buffer == escape_char_) {
current_column_has_escape_ = true;
last_char_is_escape_ = !last_char_is_escape_;
} else {
last_char_is_escape_ = false;
if (!last_char_is_escape_ &&
(*buffer == field_delim_ || *buffer == collection_item_delim_)) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddColumn<process_escapes>(buffer - next_column_start,
&next_column_start, num_fields, field_locations));
// Last column does not have a delimiter after it. Add that column and also
// pad with empty cols if the input is ragged.
return FillColumns<process_escapes>(buffer - next_column_start,
&next_column_start, num_fields, field_locations);