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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
namespace impala {
/// Location at which a new ScanRange would be enqueued.
enum class EnqueueLocation { HEAD, TAIL };
namespace io {
/// Mode argument for AddRangeToDisk().
enum class ScheduleMode {
/// A request context is used to group together I/O requests belonging to a client of the
/// I/O manager for management and scheduling.
/// Implementation Details
/// ======================
/// This object maintains a lot of state that is carefully synchronized. The context
/// maintains state across all disks as well as per disk state.
/// The unit for an IO request is a RequestRange, which may be a ScanRange or a
/// WriteRange.
/// A scan range for the reader is on one of six states:
/// 1) PerDiskState's 'unstarted_scan_ranges_': This range has only been queued
/// and nothing has been read from it.
/// 2) RequestContext's 'ready_to_start_ranges_': This range is about to be started.
/// As soon as the reader picks it up, it will move to the 'in_flight_ranges_'
/// queue.
/// 3) PerDiskState's 'in_flight_ranges_': This range is being processed and will
/// be read from the next time a disk thread picks it up in GetNextRequestRange()
/// 4) The ScanRange is blocked waiting for buffers because it does not have any unused
/// buffers to read data into. It is unblocked when a client adds new buffers via
/// AllocateBuffersForRange() or returns existing buffers via ReturnBuffer().
/// ScanRanges in this state are identified by 'blocked_on_buffer_' == true.
/// 5) ScanRange is cached and in the 'cached_ranges_' queue.
/// 6) Inactive - either all the data for the range was returned or the range was
/// cancelled. I.e. ScanRange::eosr_ is true or ScanRange::cancel_status_ != OK.
/// If the scan range is read and does not get blocked waiting for buffers, the
/// transitions are: 1 -> 2 -> 3.
/// If the scan range does get blocked, the transitions are
/// 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> (4 -> 3)*
/// In the case of a cached scan range, the range is immediately put in 'cached_ranges_'.
/// When the caller asks for the next range to process, we first pull ranges from
/// the 'cache_ranges_' queue. If the range was cached, the range is removed and
/// done (ranges are either entirely cached or not at all). If the cached read attempt
/// fails, we put the range in state 1.
/// All scan ranges in states 1-5 are tracked in 'active_scan_ranges_' so that they can be
/// cancelled when the RequestContext is cancelled. Scan ranges are removed from
/// 'active_scan_ranges_' during their transition to state 6.
/// A write range for a context may be in one of two queues:
/// 1) 'unstarted_write_ranges_': Ranges that have been queued but not processed.
/// 2) 'in_flight_ranges_': The write range is ready to be processed by the next disk
/// thread that picks it up in GetNextRequestRange().
/// AddWriteRange() adds WriteRanges for a disk.
/// It is the responsibility of the client to pin the data to be written via a WriteRange
/// in memory. After a WriteRange has been written, a callback is invoked to inform the
/// client that the write has completed.
/// An important assumption is that write does not exceed the maximum read size and that
/// the entire range is written when the write request is handled. (In other words, writes
/// are not broken up.)
/// When a RequestContext is processed by a disk thread in GetNextRequestRange(),
/// a write range is always removed from the list of unstarted write ranges and appended
/// to the in_flight_ranges_ queue. This is done to alternate reads and writes - a read
/// that is scheduled (by calling GetNextUnstartedRange()) is always followed by a write
/// (if one exists). And since at most one WriteRange can be present in in_flight_ranges_
/// at any time (once a write range is returned from GetNetxRequestRange() it is completed
/// and not re-enqueued), a scan range scheduled via a call to GetNextUnstartedRange() can
/// be queued up behind at most one write range.
class RequestContext {
/// Adds the scan ranges to this context's queues, but does not start scheduling it.
/// The range can be scheduled by a thread calling GetNextUnstartedRange(). This call
/// is non-blocking. The caller must not deallocate the scan range pointers before
/// UnregisterContext(). 'ranges' must not be empty. Depnending on the enqueue_loction,
/// the scan ranges would be added with ScheduleMode::UPON_GETNEXT_HEAD or
/// ScheduleMode::UPON_GETNEXT_TAIL.
Status AddScanRanges(const std::vector<ScanRange*>& ranges,
EnqueueLocation enqueue_location) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Tries to get an unstarted scan range that was added to this context with
/// AddScanRanges(). On success, returns OK and returns the range in '*range'.
/// If this context was cancelled, returns CANCELLED_INTERNALLY. If another error is
/// encountered, an error status is returned. Otherwise, if error or cancellation wasn't
/// encountered and there are no unstarted ranges for this context, returns OK and sets
/// '*range' to nullptr.
/// If '*needs_buffers' is returned as true, the caller must call
/// AllocateBuffersForRange() to add buffers for the data to be read into before the
/// range can be scheduled. Otherwise, the range is scheduled and the IoMgr will
/// asynchronously read the data for the range and the caller can call
/// ScanRange::GetNext() to read the data.
Status GetNextUnstartedRange(ScanRange** range, bool* needs_buffers) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Adds the scan range to the queues, as with AddScanRanges(), but immediately
/// start scheduling the scan range. This can be used to do synchronous reads as well
/// as schedule dependent ranges, e.g. for columnar formats. This call is non-blocking.
/// The caller must not deallocate the scan range pointers before UnregisterContext().
/// If this returns true in '*needs_buffers', the caller must then call
/// AllocateBuffersForRange() to add buffers for the data to be read into before the
/// range can be scheduled. Otherwise, the range is scheduled and the IoMgr will
/// asynchronously read the data for the range and the caller can call
/// ScanRange::GetNext() to read the data.
Status StartScanRange(ScanRange* range, bool* needs_buffers) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Add a WriteRange for the writer. This is non-blocking and schedules the context
/// on the IoMgr disk queue.
Status AddWriteRange(WriteRange* write_range) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Add a RemoteOperRange for the writer. This is non-blocking and schedules the context
/// on the IoMgr disk queue.
Status AddRemoteOperRange(RemoteOperRange* write_range) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Cancel the context asynchronously. All outstanding requests are cancelled
/// asynchronously. This does not need to be called if the context finishes normally.
/// Calling GetNext() on any scan ranges belonging to this RequestContext will return
/// CANCELLED_INTERNALLY (or another error, if an error was encountered for that scan
/// range before it is cancelled).
void Cancel();
bool IsCancelled() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
return state_ == Cancelled;
int64_t bytes_read_local() const { return bytes_read_local_.Load(); }
int64_t bytes_read_short_circuit() const { return bytes_read_short_circuit_.Load(); }
int64_t bytes_read_dn_cache() const { return bytes_read_dn_cache_.Load(); }
int num_remote_ranges() const { return num_remote_ranges_.Load(); }
int64_t unexpected_remote_bytes() const { return unexpected_remote_bytes_.Load(); }
int cached_file_handles_hit_count() const {
return cached_file_handles_hit_count_.Load();
int cached_file_handles_miss_count() const {
return cached_file_handles_miss_count_.Load();
void set_bytes_read_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_read_counter) {
bytes_read_counter_ = bytes_read_counter;
void set_read_timer(RuntimeProfile::Counter* read_timer) { read_timer_ = read_timer; }
void set_open_file_timer(RuntimeProfile::Counter* open_file_timer) {
open_file_timer_ = open_file_timer;
void set_active_read_thread_counter(
RuntimeProfile::Counter* active_read_thread_counter) {
active_read_thread_counter_ = active_read_thread_counter;
void set_disks_accessed_bitmap(RuntimeProfile::Counter* disks_accessed_bitmap) {
disks_accessed_bitmap_ = disks_accessed_bitmap;
void set_data_cache_hit_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
data_cache_hit_counter_ = counter;
void set_data_cache_partial_hit_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
data_cache_partial_hit_counter_ = counter;
void set_data_cache_miss_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
data_cache_miss_counter_ = counter;
void set_data_cache_hit_bytes_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
data_cache_hit_bytes_counter_ = counter;
void set_data_cache_miss_bytes_counter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
data_cache_miss_bytes_counter_ = counter;
TUniqueId instance_id() const { return instance_id_; }
void set_instance_id(const TUniqueId& instance_id) {
instance_id_ = instance_id;
TUniqueId query_id() const { return query_id_; }
void set_query_id(const TUniqueId& query_id) {
query_id_ = query_id;
class PerDiskState;
/// BEGIN: private members that are accessed by other io:: classes
friend class DiskQueue;
friend class DiskIoMgr;
friend class ScanRange;
friend class HdfsFileReader;
friend class WriteRange;
friend class RemoteOperRange;
friend class LocalFileWriter;
enum State {
/// Reader is initialized and maps to a client
/// Reader is in the process of being cancelled. Cancellation is coordinated between
/// different threads and when they are all complete, the reader context is moved to
/// the inactive state.
/// Reader context does not map to a client. Accessing memory in this context
/// is invalid (i.e. it is equivalent to a dangling pointer).
RequestContext(DiskIoMgr* parent, const std::vector<DiskQueue*>& disk_queues);
/// Called when dequeueing this RequestContext from the disk queue to increment the
/// count of disk threads with a reference to this context for 'disk_id. These threads
/// do not hold any locks while reading from HDFS, so we need to prevent the
/// RequestContext from being destroyed underneath them.
void IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue(int disk_id);
/// Called when the disk queue for disk 'disk_id' shuts down. Only used in backend
/// tests - disk queues are not shut down for the singleton DiskIoMgr in a daemon.
void UnregisterDiskQueue(int disk_id);
/// Decrements the number of active disks for this reader. If the disk count
/// goes to 0, the disk complete condition variable is signaled.
/// 'lock_' must be held via 'lock'.
void DecrementDiskRefCount(const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
/// Reader & Disk Scheduling: Readers that currently can't do work are not on
/// the disk's queue. These readers are ones that don't have any ranges in the
/// in_flight_queue AND have not prepared a range by setting next_range_to_start.
/// The rule to make sure readers are scheduled correctly is to ensure anytime a
/// range is put on the in_flight_queue or anytime next_range_to_start is set to
/// NULL, the reader is scheduled.
/// Adds range to in_flight_ranges, scheduling this reader on the disk threads
/// if necessary.
/// 'lock_' must be held via 'lock'. Only valid to call if this context is active.
void ScheduleScanRange(const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range);
// Called from the disk thread for 'disk_id' to get the next request range to process
// for this context for the disk. Returns nullptr if there are no ranges currently
// available. The calling disk thread should hold no locks and must hold a refcount
// obtained from IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue() to ensure that the context is not
// destroyed while executing this function.
RequestRange* GetNextRequestRange(int disk_id);
/// Called from a disk thread when a read completes. Decrements the disk thread count
/// and other bookkeeping and re-schedules 'range' if there are more reads to do.
/// Caller must not hold 'lock_'.
void ReadDone(int disk_id, ReadOutcome outcome, ScanRange* range);
/// Invokes write_range->callback() or oper_range->callback() after the range has been
/// executed, and updates per-disk state and handle state. The status of the operation
/// OK/RUNTIME_ERROR etc. is passed via status and to the callback. An error status
/// does not cancel the request context - that decision is left to the callback handler.
void OperDone(RequestRange* range, const Status& status);
/// Cancel the context if not already cancelled, wait for all scan ranges to finish
/// and mark the context as inactive, after which it cannot be used.
void CancelAndMarkInactive();
/// Adds a request range to the appropriate disk state. 'schedule_mode' controls which
/// queue the range is placed in. This RequestContext is scheduled on the disk state
/// if required by 'schedule_mode'.
/// Write ranges must always have 'schedule_mode' IMMEDIATELY and are added to the
/// 'unstarted_write_ranges_' queue, from which they will be asynchronously moved to the
/// 'in_flight_ranges_' queue.
/// Scan ranges can have different 'schedule_mode' values. If IMMEDIATELY, the range is
/// immediately added to the 'in_flight_ranges_' queue where it will be processed
/// asynchronously by disk threads. If UPON_GETNEXT_HEAD or UPON_GETNEXT_TAIL, the
/// range is added to the 'unstarted_ranges_' queue, from which it can be returned to a
/// client by GetNextUnstartedRange(). If BY_CALLER, the scan range is not added to
/// any queues. The range will be scheduled later as a separate step, e.g. when it is
/// unblocked by adding buffers to it. Caller must hold 'lock_' via 'lock'.
void AddRangeToDisk(const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, RequestRange* range,
ScheduleMode schedule_mode);
/// Adds an active range to 'active_scan_ranges_'
void AddActiveScanRangeLocked(
const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range);
/// Removes the range from 'active_scan_ranges_'. Called by ScanRange after eos or
/// cancellation. If calling the Locked version, the caller must hold
/// 'lock_'. Otherwise the function will acquire 'lock_'.
void RemoveActiveScanRange(ScanRange* range);
void RemoveActiveScanRangeLocked(
const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range);
/// Try to read the scan range from the cache. '*read_succeeded' is set to true if the
/// scan range can be found in the cache, otherwise false.
/// If '*needs_buffers' is returned as true, the caller must call
/// AllocateBuffersForRange() to add buffers for the data to be read into before the
/// range can be scheduled.
Status TryReadFromCache(const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range,
bool* read_succeeded, bool* needs_buffers);
// Counters are updated by other classes - expose to other io:: classes for convenience.
/// Total bytes read for this reader
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_read_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total time spent in hdfs reading
RuntimeProfile::Counter* read_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Total time spent open hdfs file handles
RuntimeProfile::Counter* open_file_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Number of active read threads
RuntimeProfile::Counter* active_read_thread_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Disk access bitmap. The counter's bit[i] is set if disk id i has been accessed.
/// TODO: we can only support up to 64 disks with this bitmap but it lets us use a
/// builtin atomic instruction. Probably good enough for now.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* disks_accessed_bitmap_ = nullptr;
/// Data cache counters.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_cache_hit_counter_ = nullptr;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_cache_partial_hit_counter_ = nullptr;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_cache_miss_counter_ = nullptr;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_cache_hit_bytes_counter_ = nullptr;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_cache_miss_bytes_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of bytes read locally, updated at end of each range scan
AtomicInt64 bytes_read_local_{0};
/// Total number of bytes read via short circuit read, updated at end of each range scan
AtomicInt64 bytes_read_short_circuit_{0};
/// Total number of bytes read from date node cache, updated at end of each range scan
AtomicInt64 bytes_read_dn_cache_{0};
/// Total number of bytes from remote reads that were expected to be local.
AtomicInt64 unexpected_remote_bytes_{0};
/// The number of scan ranges that required a remote read, updated at the end of each
/// range scan. Only used for diagnostics.
AtomicInt32 num_remote_ranges_{0};
/// The total number of scan ranges that have not been started. Only used for
/// diagnostics. This is the sum of all unstarted_scan_ranges across all disks.
AtomicInt32 num_unstarted_scan_ranges_{0};
/// Total number of file handle opens where the file handle was present in the cache
AtomicInt32 cached_file_handles_hit_count_{0};
/// Total number of file handle opens where the file handle was not in the cache
AtomicInt32 cached_file_handles_miss_count_{0};
/// END: private members that are accessed by other io:: classes
bool Validate() const;
/// Dumps out reader information. 'lock_' must be held by caller.
std::string DebugString() const;
/// Parent object
DiskIoMgr* const parent_;
/// All fields below are accessed by multiple threads and the lock needs to be
/// taken before accessing them. Must be acquired before ScanRange::lock_ if both
/// are held simultaneously.
std::mutex lock_;
/// Current state of the reader
State state_ = Active;
/// Scan ranges that have been added to the IO mgr for this context. Ranges can only
/// be added when 'state_' is Active. When this context is cancelled, Cancel() is
/// called for all the active ranges. If a client attempts to add a range while
/// 'state_' is Cancelled, the range is not added to this list and CANCELLED_INTERNALLY
/// is returned to the client. This ensures that all active ranges are cancelled as a
/// result of RequestContext cancellation.
/// Ranges can be cancelled or hit eos non-atomically with their removal from this set,
/// so eos or cancelled ranges may be temporarily present here. Cancelling these ranges
/// a second time or cancelling after eos is safe and has no effect.
boost::unordered_set<ScanRange*> active_scan_ranges_;
/// The number of disks with scan ranges remaining (always equal to the sum of
/// disks with ranges).
int num_disks_with_ranges_ = 0;
/// This is the list of ranges that are expected to be cached on the DN.
/// When the reader asks for a new range (GetNextScanRange()), we first
/// return ranges from this list.
InternalList<ScanRange> cached_ranges_;
/// A list of ranges that should be returned in subsequent calls to
/// GetNextUnstartedRange().
/// There is a trade-off with when to populate this list. Populating it on
/// demand means consumers need to wait (happens in GetNextUnstartedRange()).
/// Populating it preemptively means we make worse scheduling decisions.
/// We currently populate one range per disk.
/// TODO: think about this some more.
InternalList<ScanRange> ready_to_start_ranges_;
ConditionVariable ready_to_start_ranges_cv_; // used with lock_
/// Condition variable for UnregisterContext() to wait for all disks to complete
ConditionVariable disks_complete_cond_var_;
/// Per disk states to synchronize multiple disk threads accessing the same request
/// context. One state per IoMgr disk queue.
std::vector<PerDiskState> disk_states_;
TUniqueId instance_id_;
TUniqueId query_id_;