blob: 66c4cc25838e963d417cb29243a413f57054986f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <tuple>
#include "runtime/io/handle-cache.h"
#include "runtime/io/hdfs-monitored-ops.h"
#include "util/hash-util.h"
#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "util/time.h"
namespace impala {
namespace io {
HdfsFileHandle::~HdfsFileHandle() {
if (hdfs_file_ != nullptr && fs_ != nullptr) {
VLOG_FILE << "hdfsCloseFile() fid=" << hdfs_file_;
hdfsCloseFile(fs_, hdfs_file_); // TODO: check return code
fs_ = nullptr;
fname_ = nullptr;
hdfs_file_ = nullptr;
Status HdfsFileHandle::Init(HdfsMonitor* monitor) {
Status status = monitor->OpenHdfsFileWithTimeout(fs_, fname_, O_RDONLY, 0,
// fname_ is no longer needed, null it out
fname_ = nullptr;
return status;
CachedHdfsFileHandle::CachedHdfsFileHandle(const hdfsFS& fs, const string* fname,
int64_t mtime)
: HdfsFileHandle(fs, fname, mtime) {
CachedHdfsFileHandle::~CachedHdfsFileHandle() {
FileHandleCache::FileHandleCache(size_t capacity,
size_t num_partitions, uint64_t unused_handle_timeout_secs, HdfsMonitor* hdfs_monitor)
: cache_partitions_(num_partitions),
hdfs_monitor_(hdfs_monitor) {
DCHECK_GT(num_partitions, 0);
size_t remainder = capacity % num_partitions;
size_t base_capacity = capacity / num_partitions;
size_t partition_capacity = (remainder > 0 ? base_capacity + 1 : base_capacity);
for (FileHandleCachePartition& p : cache_partitions_) {
p.size = 0;
p.capacity = partition_capacity;
typename MapType::iterator map_entry_in)
: map_entry(map_entry_in), timestamp_seconds(MonotonicSeconds()) {}
FileHandleCache::~FileHandleCache() {
if (eviction_thread_ != nullptr) eviction_thread_->Join();
Status FileHandleCache::Init() {
return Thread::Create("disk-io-mgr-handle-cache", "File Handle Timeout",
&FileHandleCache::EvictHandlesLoop, this, &eviction_thread_);
Status FileHandleCache::GetFileHandle(
const hdfsFS& fs, std::string* fname, int64_t mtime, bool require_new_handle,
CachedHdfsFileHandle** handle_out, bool* cache_hit) {
DCHECK_GT(mtime, 0);
// Hash the key and get appropriate partition
int index = HashUtil::Hash(fname->data(), fname->size(), 0) % cache_partitions_.size();
FileHandleCachePartition& p = cache_partitions_[index];
// If this requires a new handle, skip to the creation codepath. Otherwise,
// find an unused entry with the same mtime
if (!require_new_handle) {
std::lock_guard<SpinLock> g(p.lock);
pair<typename MapType::iterator, typename MapType::iterator> range =
// When picking a cached entry, always follow the ordering of the map and
// pick earlier entries first. This allows excessive entries for a file
// to age out. For example, if there are three entries for a file and only
// one is used at a time, only the first will be used and the other two
// can age out.
while (range.first != range.second) {
FileHandleEntry* elem = &range.first->second;
DCHECK(elem->fh.get() != nullptr);
if (!elem->in_use && elem->fh->mtime() == mtime) {
// This element is currently in the lru_list, which means that lru_entry must
// be an iterator pointing into the lru_list.
DCHECK(elem->lru_entry != p.lru_list.end());
// Remove the element from the lru_list and designate that it is not on
// the lru_list by resetting its iterator to point to the end of the list.
elem->lru_entry = p.lru_list.end();
*cache_hit = true;
elem->in_use = true;
*handle_out = elem->fh.get();
return Status::OK();
// There was no entry that was free or caller asked for a new handle
// Opening a file handle requires talking to the NameNode, so construct
// the file handle without holding the lock to reduce contention.
*cache_hit = false;
// Create a new file handle
std::unique_ptr<CachedHdfsFileHandle> new_fh;
new_fh.reset(new CachedHdfsFileHandle(fs, fname, mtime));
// Get the lock and create/move the new entry into the map
// This entry is new and will be immediately used. Place it as the first entry
// for this file in the multimap. The ordering is largely unimportant if all the
// existing entries are in use. However, if require_new_handle is true, there may be
// unused entries, so it would make more sense to insert the new entry at the front.
std::lock_guard<SpinLock> g(p.lock);
pair<typename MapType::iterator, typename MapType::iterator> range =
FileHandleEntry entry(std::move(new_fh), p.lru_list);
typename MapType::iterator new_it = p.cache.emplace_hint(range.first,
*fname, std::move(entry));
if (p.size > p.capacity) EvictHandles(p);
FileHandleEntry* new_elem = &new_it->second;
new_elem->in_use = true;
*handle_out = new_elem->fh.get();
return Status::OK();
void FileHandleCache::ReleaseFileHandle(std::string* fname,
CachedHdfsFileHandle* fh, bool destroy_handle) {
DCHECK(fh != nullptr);
// Hash the key and get appropriate partition
int index = HashUtil::Hash(fname->data(), fname->size(), 0) % cache_partitions_.size();
FileHandleCachePartition& p = cache_partitions_[index];
std::lock_guard<SpinLock> g(p.lock);
pair<typename MapType::iterator, typename MapType::iterator> range =
// TODO: This can be optimized by maintaining some state in the file handle about
// its location in the map.
typename MapType::iterator release_it = range.first;
while (release_it != range.second) {
FileHandleEntry* elem = &release_it->second;
if (elem->fh.get() == fh) break;
DCHECK(release_it != range.second);
// This file handle is no longer referenced
FileHandleEntry* release_elem = &release_it->second;
release_elem->in_use = false;
if (destroy_handle) {
// Hdfs can use some memory for readahead buffering. Calling unbuffer reduces
// this buffering so that the file handle takes up less memory when in the cache.
// If unbuffering is not supported, then hdfsUnbufferFile() will return a non-zero
// return code, and we close the file handle and remove it from the cache.
if (hdfsUnbufferFile(release_elem->fh->file()) == 0) {
// This FileHandleEntry must not be in the lru list already, because it was
// in use. Verify this by checking that the lru_entry is pointing to the end,
// which cannot be true for any element in the lru list.
DCHECK(release_elem->lru_entry == p.lru_list.end());
// Add this to the lru list, establishing links in both directions.
// The FileHandleEntry has an iterator to the LruListEntry and the
// LruListEntry has an iterator to the location of the FileHandleEntry in
// the cache.
release_elem->lru_entry = p.lru_list.emplace(p.lru_list.end(), release_it);
if (p.size > p.capacity) EvictHandles(p);
} else {
VLOG_FILE << "FS does not support file handle unbuffering, closing file="
<< fname;
void FileHandleCache::EvictHandlesLoop() {
while (true) {
for (FileHandleCachePartition& p : cache_partitions_) {
std::lock_guard<SpinLock> g(p.lock);
// This Get() will time out until shutdown, when the promise is set.
bool timed_out;
shut_down_promise_.Get(EVICT_HANDLES_PERIOD_MS, &timed_out);
if (!timed_out) break;
// The promise must be set to true.
void FileHandleCache::EvictHandles(
FileHandleCache::FileHandleCachePartition& p) {
uint64_t now = MonotonicSeconds();
uint64_t oldest_allowed_timestamp =
now > unused_handle_timeout_secs_ ? now - unused_handle_timeout_secs_ : 0;
while (p.lru_list.size() > 0) {
// Peek at the oldest element
LruListEntry oldest_entry = p.lru_list.front();
typename MapType::iterator oldest_entry_map_it = oldest_entry.map_entry;
uint64_t oldest_entry_timestamp = oldest_entry.timestamp_seconds;
// If the oldest element does not need to be aged out and the cache is not over
// capacity, then we are done and there is nothing to evict.
if (p.size <= p.capacity && (unused_handle_timeout_secs_ == 0 ||
oldest_entry_timestamp >= oldest_allowed_timestamp)) {
// Evict the oldest element