blob: 2febae7dd0f33bd24892cedecc8af848c2ff4d75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.h"
#include "runtime/io/file-writer.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
namespace impala {
class TmpFileMgr;
class TmpFileRemote;
namespace io {
class RemoteOperRange;
class ScanRange;
class WriteRange;
/// DiskFileType indicates the type of the file handled by the DiskFile.
/// LOCAL indicates the file is in the local filesystem.
/// LOCAL_BUFFER indicates the file is used as a buffer in the local filesystem.
/// DFS indicates the file is an HDFS file.
/// S3 indicates the file is in the Amazon S3 filesystem.
/// DUMMY is a type for a fake file.
enum class DiskFileType { LOCAL, LOCAL_BUFFER, DFS, S3, DUMMY };
/// DiskFileStatus indicates the status of the file handled by the DiskFile.
/// INWRITING indicates the file is allowed to write, and it is the initial status.
/// PERSISTED indicates the file is closed with all of the content written.
/// DELETED indicates the file is deleted from the filesystem.
enum class DiskFileStatus { INWRITING, PERSISTED, DELETED };
/// DiskFile is a handle to a physical file, mainly contains the information
/// of the file, control the status changing, and provide the file writer for
/// writing the file.
/// Some methods of DiskFile are not thread-safe.
class DiskFile {
/// Constructor for a LOCAL file only.
DiskFile(const std::string& path, DiskIoMgr* io_mgr);
/// Constructor for a file with detail settings.
DiskFile(const std::string& path, DiskIoMgr* io_mgr, int64_t file_size,
DiskFileType disk_type, const hdfsFS* hdfs_conn = nullptr);
virtual ~DiskFile() {}
// Delete the physical file. Caller should hold the exclusive file lock.
Status Delete(const std::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex>& lock);
/// Returns the path of the DiskFile.
/// If it is a remote temporary file, the path should be a remote scratch space path.
/// The same, if it is a local one, the path should be a local path either.
const std::string& path() const { return path_; }
/// Returns the disk type of the DiskFile.
DiskFileType disk_type() { return disk_type_; }
/// Return the default size of the file.
int64_t file_size() const { return file_size_; }
/// Return the actual size of the file.
int64_t actual_file_size() const { return actual_file_size_.Load(); }
/// If return True, the file is persisted.
/// The caller should hold the status lock.
bool is_persisted(const std::unique_lock<SpinLock>& l) {
return GetFileStatusLocked(l) == DiskFileStatus::PERSISTED;
/// If return True, the file is in writing.
/// The caller should hold the status lock.
bool is_writing(const std::unique_lock<SpinLock>& l) {
return GetFileStatusLocked(l) == DiskFileStatus::INWRITING;
/// If return True, the file is deleted.
/// The caller should hold the status lock.
bool is_deleted(const std::unique_lock<SpinLock>& l) {
return GetFileStatusLocked(l) == DiskFileStatus::DELETED;
/// Set the status of the DiskFile. Caller should not hold the status lock.
void SetStatus(DiskFileStatus status) {
std::unique_lock<SpinLock> l(status_lock_);
SetStatusLocked(status, l);
/// Same as SetStatus, but the caller should hold the status lock.
void SetStatusLocked(
DiskFileStatus status, const std::unique_lock<SpinLock>& status_lock) {
DCHECK(status_lock.mutex() == &status_lock_ && status_lock.owns_lock());
/// Returns the status of the file.
/// The caller should not hold the status lock.
DiskFileStatus GetFileStatus() {
std::unique_lock<SpinLock> l(status_lock_);
return GetFileStatusLocked(l);
DiskFileStatus GetFileStatusLocked(const std::unique_lock<SpinLock>& status_lock) {
DCHECK(status_lock.mutex() == &status_lock_ && status_lock.owns_lock());
return file_status_;
/// Return the writer of the file.
io::FileWriter* GetFileWriter() { return file_writer_.get(); }
/// Getter and setter for space reserved flag.
void SetSpaceReserved() { space_reserved_.Store(true); }
bool IsSpaceReserved() { return space_reserved_.Load(); }
/// Set actual file size. Should only be called by the TmpFileRemote::AllocateSpace()
/// right after the allocation is at capacity, and the function should only be called
/// once during the lifetime of the DiskFile.
void SetActualFileSize(int64_t size) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, actual_file_size_.Load());
DCHECK_LE(file_size_, size);
friend class RemoteOperRange;
friend class ScanRange;
friend class WriteRange;
friend class impala::TmpFileMgr;
friend class impala::TmpFileRemote;
/// Path of the physical file in the filesystem.
const std::string path_;
/// The default file size of the disk file.
const int64_t file_size_ = 0;
/// Specify the type of the disk where the file locates.
const DiskFileType disk_type_;
/// The status of the file.
DiskFileStatus file_status_;
/// The FileWriter of the DiskFile.
/// Caller can use the writer to write a range to the disk file.
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter> file_writer_;
/// Every time to query or modify the status, or need to guarantee working under
/// certain status, the caller should own the lock.
/// If a thread needs to hold both status lock of two disk files, the sequence of
/// acquiring locks must be from local file to remote file to avoid a deadlock.
/// The lock order of file lock (below) and status lock should be file lock acquired
/// first.
SpinLock status_lock_;
/// Protect the physical file from deleting. For removing the file, the caller should
/// hold the unique lock of the mutex. In other cases, like writing to or reading from
/// the file, a shared lock will be held.
/// If a thread needs to hold the lock of two disk files for doing an operation like
/// upload, the sequence of acquiring locks must be from local file to remote file to
/// avoid a deadlock.
/// The lock order of file lock and status lock (above) should be file lock acquired
/// first.
boost::shared_mutex physical_file_lock_;
/// The hdfs connection used to connect to the remote scratch path.
hdfsFS hdfs_conn_;
/// Specify if the file's space is reserved to be allowed to write to the filesystem
/// because the filesystem may reach the size limit and needs some time before it can
/// release space for new writes to the filesystem, so the space reserved indicator is
/// a way to gain the permission to write.
/// It is mainly used for a LOCAL_BUFFER file to control multiple write ranges to
/// guarantee sending them to the DiskQueues with space reserved.
/// For simplicity, the space_reserved_ only allows one-way transition, from false to
/// true, once the space_reserved_ is set true, won't be changed back.
/// For a LOCAL_BUFFER file, space_reserved_ is primarily accessed in TmpFileBufferPool
/// under the exclusive TmpFileBufferPool::lock_ to guarantee the correctness of
/// accessing. One special case is that space_reserved_ can be set true if quick space
/// reservation is successful in TmpFileGroup::AllocateRemoteSpace(), but because the
/// "set" only works on the first range of the file, and the operation is before all the
/// ranges of the same file arriving the TmpFileBufferPool (it is guaranteed by
/// TmpFileGroup::lock_ gained in the TmpFileGroup::AllocateSpace()), the correctness is
/// guaranteed. One other special "read" on the indicator is in TmpFileRemote::Remove(),
/// when the function is called in TmpFileGroup::Close() and the order should be after
/// all of the "set" of the indicator, so the correctness of the "read" is guaranteed.
/// If any above condition is changed, we may need to reconsider the safety.
/// For type LOCAL, the space reserved is always true, because the query would fail
/// immediately before creating the DiskFile if it exceeds the total size limit.
AtomicBool space_reserved_{false};
/// The actual file size is mainly used for a LOCAL_BUFFER file, the value could be
/// slightly over the default file size. Should only be set by the
/// TmpFileRemote::AllocateSpace() right after the allocation is at capacity, and the
/// value would be checked by the DiskQueues when writing the range to the file system.
/// If the current bytes written is equals to the actual file size, it indicates the
/// range is the last range of the file, the file can be closed and starts to upload.
/// The reason of identifying the last range by the actual file size is that, the order
/// of writing to the file system doesn't have to be the same as the order assigned to
/// them in TmpFileMgr because the ranges of a file arrive in different disk queues and
/// are written separately, and for efficiency consider, we do a sequential write for
/// the same LOCAL_BUFFER file instead of seeking for a specific offset, so the last
/// range being written into the filesystem is unknown util it is written. The safety is
/// guaranteed because the actual_file_size_ is only set once when the allocation of a
/// file is at capacity in TmpFileMgr, and it is guaranteed to be set before the last
/// range arrives the DiskQueue. When actual_file_size_ is used for a file in remote FS,
/// like S3, it is set after a successful upload.
AtomicInt64 actual_file_size_{0};
/// Internal setter to set the status.
/// The status is from INWRITING -> PERSISTED -> DELETED, which should not be a
/// reverse transition.
void SetInternalStatus(DiskFileStatus new_status) {
DCHECK(disk_type_ != DiskFileType::LOCAL);
switch (new_status) {
case DiskFileStatus::INWRITING: {
DCHECK(file_status_ != DiskFileStatus::DELETED
&& file_status_ != DiskFileStatus::PERSISTED);
case DiskFileStatus::PERSISTED: {
DCHECK(file_status_ != DiskFileStatus::DELETED);
case DiskFileStatus::DELETED: {
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid disk file status: " << static_cast<int>(new_status);
file_status_ = new_status;
/// Return the lock of the file.
boost::shared_mutex* GetFileLock() { return &physical_file_lock_; }
/// Return the status lock of the file.
SpinLock* GetStatusLock() { return &status_lock_; }
} // namespace io
} // namespace impala