blob: d892bce96bb01edf49788f151bde49db4e8d44aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "common/status.h"
#include "util/cache/cache.h"
#include "util/metrics-fwd.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
#include "util/thread-pool.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
/// This class is an implementation of an IO data cache which is backed by local storage.
/// It implicitly relies on the OS page cache management to shuffle data between memory
/// and the storage device. This is useful for caching data read from remote filesystems
/// (e.g. remote HDFS data node, S3, ABFS, ADLS).
/// A data cache is divided into one or more partitions based on the configuration
/// string which specifies a list of directories and their corresponding storage quotas.
/// Each partition has a meta-data cache which tracks the mappings of cache keys to
/// the locations of the cached data. A cache key is a tuple of (file's name, file's
/// modification time, file offset) and a cache entry is a tuple of (backing file,
/// offset in the backing file, length of the cached data, optional checksum). The
/// file's modification time is used for distinguishing between different versions of
/// a file with a given name. Each partition stores its set of cached data in backing
/// files created on local storage. When inserting new data into the cache, the data is
/// appended to the current backing file in use. The storage consumption of each cache
/// entry counts towards the quota of that partition. When a partition reaches its
/// capacity, the least recently used data in that partition is evicted. Evicted data is
/// removed from the underlying storage by punching holes in the backing file it's stored
/// in. As a backing file reaches a certain size (e.g. 4TB), new data will stop being
/// appended to it and a new file will be created instead. Note that due to hole punching,
/// the backing file is actually sparse. For instance, a backing file may look like the
/// following after some insertion and eviction. All the holes in file consume no storage
/// space at all.
/// 0 1GB
/// +----------+----------+----------+-----------------+---------+---------+-------+
/// | | | | | | | |
/// | Data | Hole | Data | Hole | Data | Hole | Data |
/// | | | | | | | |
/// +----------+----------+----------+-----------------+---------+---------+-------+
/// ^
/// insertion offset
/// Optionally, checksumming can be enabled to verify read from the cache is consistent
/// with what was inserted and to verify that multiple attempted insertions with the same
/// cache key have the same cache content.
/// Note that the cache currently doesn't support sub-ranges lookup and or handle
/// overlapping ranges. In other words, if the cache has an entry for a file at range
/// [0,4095], a look up for range [4000,4095] will result in a miss even though it's a
/// sub-range of [0,4095]. Also inserting the range [4000,4095] will not consolidate
/// with any overlapping ranges. In other words, inserting entries for ranges [0,4095]
/// and [4000,4095] will result in caching the data for range [4000,4095] twice. This
/// hasn't been a major concern in practice when testing with TPC-DS + parquet but this
/// requires more investigation for other file formats and workloads.
/// To probe for cached data in the cache, the interface Lookup() is used; To insert
/// data into the cache, the interface Store() is used. Write to the backing file and
/// eviction from it happen synchronously. Currently, Store() is limited to the
/// concurrency of one thread per partition to prevent slowing down the caller in case
/// the cache is thrashing and it becomes IO bound. The write concurrency can be tuned
/// via the knob --data_cache_write_concurrency. Also, Store() has a minimum granularity
/// of 4KB so any data inserted will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4KB.
/// The number of backing files in all partitions is bound by
/// --data_cache_max_opened_files. Once the number of files exceeds that set limit, files
/// are closed and deleted asynchronously by thread in 'file_deleter_pool_'. Stale cache
/// entries which reference deleted files are erased lazily upon the next access or
/// indirectly via eviction.
/// Future work:
/// - investigate the overlapping ranges support
/// - be more selective on what to cache
/// - asynchronous eviction
/// - better data placement: put on hot data on faster media and lukewarm data in not
/// so fast storage media
/// - evaluate the option of exposing the cache via mmap() and pinning similar to HDFS
/// caching. This has the advantage of not needing to copy out the data but pinning
/// may complicate the code.
namespace impala {
namespace io {
namespace trace {
class Tracer;
enum class EventType;
class DataCache {
/// 'config' is the configuration string of the form <dir1>,...,<dirN>:<quota>
/// in which <dir1>, <dirN> are part of a list of directories for storing cached data
/// and each directory corresponds to a cache partition. <quota> is the storage quota
/// for each directory. Impala daemons running on the same host will not share any
/// caching directories. If 'trace_replay' is set to true, the cache operates in a
/// an optimized mode that skips all file operations and only does the metadata
/// operations. This is used to replay the access trace and compare different cache
/// configurations. See data-cache-trace.h
explicit DataCache(const std::string config, bool trace_replay = false)
: config_(config), trace_replay_(trace_replay) { }
~DataCache() { ReleaseResources(); }
/// Parses the configuration string, initializes all partitions in the cache by
/// checking for storage space available and creates a backing file for caching.
/// Return error if any of the partitions failed to be initialized.
Status Init();
/// Releases any resources (e.g. backing files) consumed by all partitions.
void ReleaseResources();
/// Looks up a cached entry and copies any cached content from the cache into 'buffer'.
/// (filename, mtime, offset) forms a cache key. Please note that sub-range lookup is
/// currently not supported. See header comments for details.
/// 'filename' : name of the requested file
/// 'mtime' : the modification time of the requested file
/// 'offset' : starting offset of the requested region in the file
/// 'bytes_to_read' : number of bytes to be read from the cache
/// 'buffer' : output buffer to be written into on cache hit or nullptr for
/// trace replay
/// Returns the number of bytes read from the cache on cache hit; Returns 0 otherwise.
int64_t Lookup(const std::string& filename, int64_t mtime, int64_t offset,
int64_t bytes_to_read, uint8_t* buffer);
/// Inserts a new cache entry by copying the content in 'buffer' into the cache.
/// (filename, mtime, offset) together forms a cache key. Insertion involves writing
/// to the backing file and potentially evicting entries synchronously so callers
/// may want to avoid holding locks while calling this function.
/// 'filename' : name of the file being inserted
/// 'mtime' : the modification time of the file being inserted.
/// 'offset' : the starting offset of the region in the file being inserted
/// 'buffer' : buffer holding the data to be inserted or nullptr for trace
/// replay
/// 'buffer_len' : size of 'buffer'
/// The cache key is hashed and the resulting hash determines the partition to use.
/// Please note that 'buffer_len' is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4KB when
/// it's being written to the backing file. This ensures that every cache entry starts
/// at a 4KB offset in the backing file, making hole punching easier as the entire page
/// can be reclaimed.
/// An entry may not be installed for various reasons:
/// - an entry with the given cache key already exists unless 'buffer_len' is larger
/// than the existing entry, in which case, the entry will be replaced with the
/// new data.
/// - a pending entry with the same key is already being installed.
/// - the maximum write concurrency (via --data_cache_write_concurrency) is reached.
/// - IO error when writing to the backing file.
/// Returns true iff the entry is installed successfully.
bool Store(const std::string& filename, int64_t mtime, int64_t offset,
const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len);
/// Utility function to verify that all partitions' consumption don't exceed their
/// quotas. Return error status if checking files' sizes failed or if the total space
/// consumed by a partition exceeded its capacity. Will close the backing files of
/// partitions before verifying their sizes. Used by test only.
Status CloseFilesAndVerifySizes();
friend class DataCacheBaseTest;
friend class DataCacheTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DataCacheTest, TestAccessTrace);
class CacheFile;
struct CacheKey;
class CacheEntry;
/// An implementation of a cache partition. Each partition maintains its own set of
/// cache keys in a LRU cache.
class Partition : public Cache::EvictionCallback {
/// Creates a partition at the given directory 'path' with quota 'capacity' in bytes.
/// 'max_opened_files' is the maximum number of opened files allowed per partition.
/// If 'trace_replay' is true, this only performs metadata operations for the
/// access trace functionality.
Partition(int32_t index, const std::string& path, int64_t capacity,
int max_opened_files, bool trace_replay);
/// Initializes the current partition:
/// - verifies if the specified directory is valid
/// - removes any stale backing file in this partition
/// - checks if there is enough storage space
/// - checks if the filesystem supports hole punching
/// - creates an empty backing file.
/// Returns error if there is any of the above steps fails. Returns OK otherwise.
Status Init();
/// Close and delete all backing files created for this partition. Also releases
/// the memory held by the metadata cache.
void ReleaseResources();
/// Looks up in the meta-data cache with key 'cache_key'. If found, try copying
/// 'bytes_to_read' bytes from the backing file into 'buffer'. If trace_replay
/// is enabled, the buffer is null and no bytes are copied. Returns number
/// of bytes read from the cache. Returns 0 if there is a cache miss.
int64_t Lookup(const CacheKey& cache_key, int64_t bytes_to_read, uint8_t* buffer);
/// Inserts a entry with key 'cache_key' and data in 'buffer' into the cache.
/// 'buffer' is nullptr for trace replay. 'buffer_len' is the length of buffer.
/// 'start_reclaim' is set to true if the number of backing files exceeds the per
/// partition limit. Returns true if the entry is inserted. Returns false otherwise.
bool Store(const CacheKey& cache_key, const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len,
bool* start_reclaim);
/// Callback invoked when evicting an entry from the cache. 'key' is the cache key
/// of the entry being evicted and 'value' contains the cache entry which is the
/// meta-data of where the cached data is stored.
virtual void EvictedEntry(kudu::Slice key, kudu::Slice value) override;
/// Utility function to verify that the backing files don't exceed the capacity
/// of the partition. Used by test only.
/// Return error status if:
/// - getting files' sizes failed
/// - total space consumed exceeded the partition's capacity
/// - file's size exceeded the specified limit in --data_cache_file_max_size
/// Will close the backing files of partitions before verifying their sizes.
/// Returns OK otherwise.
Status CloseFilesAndVerifySizes();
/// Deletes old backing files until number of backing files is no larger than
/// --data_cache_max_opened_files.
void DeleteOldFiles();
friend class DataCacheBaseTest;
friend class DataCacheTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DataCacheTest, TestAccessTrace);
/// Index of this partition. This is used for naming metrics or other items that
/// need separate values for each partition. It does not impact cache behavior.
int32_t index_;
/// The directory path which this partition stores cached data in.
const std::string path_;
/// The capacity in bytes of this partition.
const int64_t capacity_;
/// Maximum number of opened files allowed in a partition.
const int max_opened_files_;
/// Whether this is only a trace replay. For trace replay, this is only
/// performing the metadata operations to determine the hit/miss rate.
/// There is no need to perform any filesystem operations.
bool trace_replay_;
/// True if this partition has been closed. Expected to be set after all IO
/// threads have been joined.
bool closed_ = false;
/// The prefix of the names of the cache backing files.
static const char* CACHE_FILE_PREFIX;
/// Protects the following fields.
SpinLock lock_;
/// Index into 'cache_files_' of the oldest opened file.
int oldest_opened_file_ = -1;
/// The set of backing files used by this partition. By default, cache_files_.back()
/// is the latest backing file to which new data is appended. Must be accessed with
/// 'lock_' held.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CacheFile>> cache_files_;
/// This set tracks cache keys of entries in progress of being inserted into the
/// cache. As we don't hold locks while writing to the backing file, this set is
/// used to prevent multiple insertion into the cache with the same cache key.
/// The insertion path will check against this set and if the entry doesn't already
/// exist, it will insert one into this set. Upon completion of cache insertion,
/// the entry will be removed from this set. Must be accessed with 'lock_' held.
std::unordered_set<std::string> pending_insert_set_;
/// The LRU cache for tracking the cache key to cache entries mappings.
/// A cache key is created by calling the constructor of CacheKey, which is a tuple
/// of (fname, mtime, offset).
/// A cache entry has type CacheEntry and it contains the metadata of the cached
/// content. Please see comments at CachedEntry for details.
std::unique_ptr<Cache> meta_cache_;
std::unique_ptr<trace::Tracer> tracer_;
/// Metrics to track performance of the underlying filesystem for the data cache
/// These are all latency histograms for the operations on the data cache files for
/// this partition.
HistogramMetric* read_latency_ = nullptr;
HistogramMetric* write_latency_ = nullptr;
HistogramMetric* eviction_latency_ = nullptr;
/// Initialize the metrics
void InitMetrics();
/// Utility function for creating a new backing file in 'path_'. The cache
/// partition's lock needs to be held when calling this function. Returns
/// error on failure.
Status CreateCacheFile();
/// Utility function to delete cache files left over from previous runs of Impala.
/// Returns error on failure.
Status DeleteExistingFiles() const;
/// Utility function for computing the checksum of 'buffer' with length 'buffer_len'.
static uint64_t Checksum(const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len);
/// Helper function which handles the case in which the key to be inserted already
/// exists in the cache. With checksumming enabled, it also verifies that the content
/// in 'buffer' matches the expected checksum in the cache's metadata. Please note
/// that an existing entry may be overwritten if 'buffer_len' is larger than the
/// length of the existing entry. 'handle' is the handle into the metadata cache.
/// Needed for referencing the cache entry.
/// Returns true iff the existing entry already covers the range of 'buffer' so no
/// work needs to be done. Returns false otherwise. In which case, the existing entry
/// will be overwritten.
bool HandleExistingEntry(const kudu::Slice& key,
const Cache::UniqueHandle& handle, const uint8_t* buffer,
int64_t buffer_len);
/// Helper function to insert a new entry with key 'key' into the LRU cache.
/// The content in 'buffer' of length 'buffer_len' in bytes will be written to
/// the backing file 'cache_file' at offset 'insertion_offset'.
/// Returns true iff the insertion into the cache and the write to the backing file
/// succeeded. Returns false otherwise.
bool InsertIntoCache(const kudu::Slice& key, CacheFile* cache_file,
int64_t insertion_offset, const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len);
/// Utility function for verifying that the checksum of 'buffer' with length
/// 'buffer_len' matches the checksum recorded in the meta-data 'entry->checksum'.
/// 'ops_name" is the name of the operation which triggers the checksum verification.
/// Currently, it's either "read" or "write" but future changes may add more names.
/// Returns false if the checksum of 'buffer' doesn't match 'entry->checksum'.
static bool VerifyChecksum(const std::string& ops_name, const CacheEntry& entry,
const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len);
void Trace(const trace::EventType& status, const DataCache::CacheKey& key,
int64_t lookup_len, int64_t entry_len);
/// The configuration string for the data cache.
const std::string config_;
/// Set to true if this is only doing trace replay. Trace replay does only metadata
/// operations, and no filesystem operations are required.
bool trace_replay_;
/// The set of all cache partitions.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Partition>> partitions_;
/// Thread pool for deleting old files from partitions to keep the number of opened
/// files within --date_cache_max_opened_files. This allows deletion requests
/// to be queued for deferred processing. There is only one thread in this pool.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool<int>> file_deleter_pool_;
/// Thread function called by threads in 'file_deleter_pool_' for deleting old files
/// in partitions_[partition_idx].
void DeleteOldFiles(uint32_t thread_id, int partition_idx);
} // namespace io
} // namespace impala