blob: 676f646752c566209383038ac93f72abf907e687 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include <linux/falloc.h>
#include <zstd.h> // for ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/random_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/join.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool-counters.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.h"
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/io/error-converter.h"
#include "runtime/io/local-file-writer.h"
#include "runtime/io/request-context.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr-internal.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/collection-metrics.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/disk-info.h"
#include "util/filesystem-util.h"
#include "util/hdfs-util.h"
#include "util/histogram-metric.h"
#include "util/kudu-status-util.h"
#include "util/os-util.h"
#include "util/parse-util.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/scope-exit-trigger.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "common/names.h"
DEFINE_bool(disk_spill_encryption, true,
"Set this to encrypt and perform an integrity "
"check on all data spilled to disk during a query");
DEFINE_string(disk_spill_compression_codec, "",
"(Advanced) If set, data will be compressed using the specified compression codec "
"before spilling to disk. This can substantially reduce scratch disk usage, at the "
"cost of requiring more CPU and memory resources to compress the data. Uses the same "
"syntax as the COMPRESSION_CODEC query option, e.g. 'lz4', 'zstd', 'zstd:6'. If "
"this is set, then --disk_spill_punch_holes must be enabled.");
DEFINE_int64(disk_spill_compression_buffer_limit_bytes, 512L * 1024L * 1024L,
"(Advanced) Limit on the total bytes of compression buffers that will be used for "
"spill-to-disk compression across all queries. If this limit is exceeded, some data "
"may be spilled to disk in uncompressed form.");
DEFINE_bool(disk_spill_punch_holes, false,
"(Advanced) changes the free space management strategy for files created in "
"--scratch_dirs to punch holes in the file when space is unused. This can reduce "
"the amount of scratch space used by queries, particularly in conjunction with "
"disk spill compression. This option requires the filesystems of the directories "
"in --scratch_dirs to support hole punching.");
DEFINE_string(scratch_dirs, "/tmp",
"Writable scratch directories. "
"This is a comma-separated list of directories. Each directory is "
"specified as the directory path, an optional limit on the bytes that will "
"be allocated in that directory, and an optional priority for the directory. "
"If the optional limit is provided, the path and "
"the limit are separated by a colon. E.g. '/dir1:10G,/dir2:5GB,/dir3' will allow "
"allocating up to 10GB of scratch in /dir1, 5GB of scratch in /dir2 and an "
"unlimited amount in /dir3. "
"If the optional priority is provided, the path and the limit and priority are "
"separated by colon. Priority based spilling will result in directories getting "
"selected as a spill target based on their priority. The lower the numerical value "
"the higher the priority. E.g. '/dir1:10G:0,/dir2:5GB:1,/dir3::1', will cause "
"spilling to first fill up '/dir1' followed by using '/dir2' and '/dir3' in a "
"round robin manner.");
DEFINE_bool(allow_multiple_scratch_dirs_per_device, true,
"If false and --scratch_dirs contains multiple directories on the same device, "
"then only the first writable directory is used");
DEFINE_string(remote_tmp_file_size, "16M",
"Specify the size of a remote temporary file. Upper bound is 256MB. Lower bound "
"is the block size. The size should be power of 2 and integer times of the block "
DEFINE_string(remote_tmp_file_block_size, "1M",
"Specify the size of the block for doing file uploading and fetching. The block "
"size should be power of 2 and less than the size of remote temporary file.");
DEFINE_bool(remote_tmp_files_avail_pool_lifo, false,
"If true, lifo is the algo to evict the local buffer files during spilling "
"to the remote. Otherwise, fifo would be used.");
DEFINE_bool(allow_spill_to_hdfs, false,
"Spill to HDFS is a test-only feature, only when set true, the user can configure "
"a HDFS scratch path.");
DEFINE_int32(wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_s, 60,
"Specify the timeout duration waiting for the buffer to write (second). If a spilling"
"opertion fails to get a buffer from the pool within the duration, the operation"
using boost::algorithm::is_any_of;
using boost::algorithm::join;
using boost::algorithm::split;
using boost::algorithm::token_compress_off;
using boost::algorithm::token_compress_on;
using boost::filesystem::absolute;
using boost::filesystem::path;
using boost::uuids::random_generator;
using namespace impala::io;
using kudu::Env;
using kudu::RWFile;
using kudu::RWFileOptions;
using namespace strings;
namespace impala {
constexpr int64_t TmpFileMgr::HOLE_PUNCH_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES;
const string TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME = "impala-scratch";
const uint64_t AVAILABLE_SPACE_THRESHOLD_MB = 1024;
// Default path for Spill to HDFS.
// The Spill to HDFS is only supported for testing, and a fixed default HDFS path is used,
// To support a flexible HDFS path input, we may need some modifications, Jira
// IMPALA-10429 is tracking the limitation.
const string TMP_DIR_HDFS_LOCAL_DEFAULT = "hdfs://localhost:20500/tmp";
// Metric keys
const string LOCAL_BUFF_BYTES_USED_FORMAT = "tmp-file-mgr.local-buff-bytes-used.dir-$0";
static const Status& TMP_FILE_MGR_NO_AVAILABLE_FILE_TO_EVICT = Status(ErrorMsg::Init(
"TmpFileMgr::ReserveLocalBufferSpace() failed to find available files to evict."));
using DeviceId = TmpFileMgr::DeviceId;
using TmpDir = TmpFileMgr::TmpDir;
using WriteDoneCallback = TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback;
TmpFileMgr::TmpFileMgr() {}
TmpFileMgr::~TmpFileMgr() {}
Status TmpFileMgr::Init(MetricGroup* metrics) {
return InitCustom(FLAGS_scratch_dirs, !FLAGS_allow_multiple_scratch_dirs_per_device,
FLAGS_disk_spill_compression_codec, FLAGS_disk_spill_punch_holes, metrics);
Status TmpFileMgr::InitCustom(const string& tmp_dirs_spec, bool one_dir_per_device,
const string& compression_codec, bool punch_holes, MetricGroup* metrics) {
vector<string> all_tmp_dirs;
// Empty string should be interpreted as no scratch
if (!tmp_dirs_spec.empty()) {
split(all_tmp_dirs, tmp_dirs_spec, is_any_of(","), token_compress_on);
return InitCustom(
all_tmp_dirs, one_dir_per_device, compression_codec, punch_holes, metrics);
Status TmpFileMgr::InitCustom(const vector<string>& tmp_dir_specifiers,
bool one_dir_per_device, const string& compression_codec, bool punch_holes,
MetricGroup* metrics) {
punch_holes_ = punch_holes;
if (tmp_dir_specifiers.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Running without spill to disk: no scratch directories provided.";
if (!compression_codec.empty()) {
if (!punch_holes) {
return Status("--disk_spill_punch_holes must be true if disk spill compression "
"is enabled");
Status codec_parse_status = ParseUtil::ParseCompressionCodec(
compression_codec, &compression_codec_, &compression_level_);
if (!codec_parse_status.ok()) {
return Status(
Substitute("Could not parse --disk_spill_compression_codec value '$0': $1",
compression_codec, codec_parse_status.GetDetail()));
if (compression_enabled()) {
new MemTracker(FLAGS_disk_spill_compression_buffer_limit_bytes,
"Spill-to-disk temporary compression buffers",
bool is_percent;
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_file_size_ =
ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_remote_tmp_file_size, &is_percent, 0);
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_file_size_ <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute(
"Invalid value of remote_tmp_file_size '$0'", FLAGS_remote_tmp_file_size));
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_file_size_
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_file_size_ =
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_block_size_ =
ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_remote_tmp_file_block_size, &is_percent,
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_block_size_ <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute(
"Invalid value of remote_tmp_block_size '$0'", FLAGS_remote_tmp_file_block_size));
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_us_ =
FLAGS_wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_s * MICROS_PER_SEC;
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_us_ <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Invalid value of wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_us '$0'",
// Below options are using for test by setting different modes to implement the
// spilling to the remote.
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_files_avail_pool_lifo_ =
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.allow_spill_to_hdfs_ = FLAGS_allow_spill_to_hdfs;
vector<std::unique_ptr<TmpDir>> tmp_dirs;
// need_local_buffer_dir indicates if currently we need to a directory in local scratch
// space for being the buffer of a remote directory.
bool need_local_buffer_dir = false;
// Parse the directory specifiers. Don't return an error on parse errors, just log a
// warning - we don't want to abort process startup because of misconfigured scratch,
// since queries will generally still be runnable.
for (const string& tmp_dir_spec : tmp_dir_specifiers) {
string tmp_dirs_without_prefix, prefix;
string tmp_dir_spec_trimmed(boost::algorithm::trim_left_copy(tmp_dir_spec));
if (IsHdfsPath(tmp_dir_spec_trimmed.c_str(), false)) {
if (!tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.allow_spill_to_hdfs_) {
return Status("HDFS scratch space is not allowed. Please set allow_spill_to_hdfs "
"if HDFS path is needed.");
tmp_dirs_without_prefix = tmp_dir_spec_trimmed.substr(strlen(FILESYS_PREFIX_HDFS));
need_local_buffer_dir = true;
} else if (IsS3APath(tmp_dir_spec.c_str(), false)) {
tmp_dirs_without_prefix = tmp_dir_spec_trimmed.substr(strlen(FILESYS_PREFIX_S3));
need_local_buffer_dir = true;
// Initialize the S3 options for later getting S3 connection.
s3a_options_ = {make_pair("", "true"),
make_pair("", "disk")};
} else {
prefix = "";
tmp_dirs_without_prefix = tmp_dir_spec_trimmed.substr(0);
vector<string> toks;
split(toks, tmp_dirs_without_prefix, is_any_of(":"), token_compress_off);
if (toks.size() > 3) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse temporary dir specifier, too many colons: '"
<< tmp_dir_spec << "'";
int64_t bytes_limit = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
if (toks.size() >= 2) {
bool is_percent;
bytes_limit = ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(toks[1], &is_percent, 0);
if (bytes_limit < 0 || is_percent) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Malformed scratch directory capacity configuration '"
<< tmp_dirs_without_prefix << "'";
} else if (bytes_limit == 0) {
// Interpret -1, 0 or empty string as no limit.
bytes_limit = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int priority = numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (toks.size() == 3 && !toks[2].empty()) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
priority = StringParser::StringToInt<int>(toks[2].data(), toks[2].size(), &result);
if (result != StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Malformed scratch directory priority configuration '"
<< tmp_dir_spec << "'";
new TmpDir(prefix.append(toks[0]), bytes_limit, priority, nullptr));
vector<bool> is_tmp_dir_on_disk(DiskInfo::num_disks(), false);
// For each tmp directory, find the disk it is on,
// so additional tmp directories on the same disk can be skipped.
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
Status status;
path tmp_path(trim_right_copy_if(tmp_dirs[i]->path, is_any_of("/")));
bool is_hdfs_path = IsHdfsPath(tmp_path.c_str(), false);
bool is_s3a_path = IsS3APath(tmp_path.c_str(), false);
if (is_hdfs_path || is_s3a_path) {
// Only support one remote dir.
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ != nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Only one remote directory is supported. Directory "
<< tmp_path.c_str() << " is abandoned.";
string scratch_subdir_path_str;
if (is_hdfs_path) {
hdfsFS hdfs_conn;
TMP_DIR_HDFS_LOCAL_DEFAULT, &hdfs_conn, &hdfs_conns_));
scratch_subdir_path_str = TMP_DIR_HDFS_LOCAL_DEFAULT + "/" + TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME;
if (hdfsExists(hdfs_conn, scratch_subdir_path_str.c_str()) != 0) {
if (hdfsCreateDirectory(hdfs_conn, scratch_subdir_path_str.c_str()) != 0) {
return Status(
GetHdfsErrorMsg("HDFS create path failed: ", scratch_subdir_path_str));
} else {
path scratch_subdir_path(tmp_path / TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME);
scratch_subdir_path_str = scratch_subdir_path.string();
tmp_dirs_remote_ =
std::make_unique<TmpDir>(scratch_subdir_path_str, tmp_dirs[i]->bytes_limit,
tmp_dirs[i]->priority, tmp_dirs[i]->bytes_used_metric, false);
} else {
tmp_path = absolute(tmp_path);
path scratch_subdir_path(tmp_path / TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME);
// tmp_path must be a writable directory.
status = FileSystemUtil::VerifyIsDirectory(tmp_path.string());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot use directory " << tmp_path.string()
<< " for scratch: " << status.msg().msg();
// Find the disk id of tmp_path. Add the scratch directory if there isn't another
// directory on the same disk (or if we don't know which disk it is on).
int disk_id = DiskInfo::disk_id(tmp_path.c_str());
if (!one_dir_per_device || disk_id < 0 || !is_tmp_dir_on_disk[disk_id]) {
uint64_t available_space;
FileSystemUtil::GetSpaceAvailable(tmp_path.string(), &available_space));
if (available_space < AVAILABLE_SPACE_THRESHOLD_MB * 1024 * 1024) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Filesystem containing scratch directory " << tmp_path
<< " has less than " << AVAILABLE_SPACE_THRESHOLD_MB
<< "MB available.";
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateDirectory(scratch_subdir_path.string(), tmp_path.string(),
tmp_dirs[i], metrics, &is_tmp_dir_on_disk, &need_local_buffer_dir, disk_id));
// Sort the tmp directories by priority.
std::sort(tmp_dirs_.begin(), tmp_dirs_.end(),
[](const TmpDir& a, const TmpDir& b) { return a.priority < b.priority; });
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ != nullptr) {
if (local_buff_dir_ == nullptr) {
// Should at least have one local dir for the buffer. Later we might allow to use
// s3 fast upload directly without a buffer.
return Status(
Substitute("No local directory configured for remote scratch space: $0",
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Using scratch directory " << tmp_dirs_remote_->path
<< " limit: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(tmp_dirs_remote_->bytes_limit);
IntGauge* bytes_used_metric = metrics->AddGauge(
SCRATCH_DIR_BYTES_USED_FORMAT, 0, Substitute("$0", tmp_dirs_.size()));
tmp_dirs_remote_->bytes_used_metric = bytes_used_metric;
DCHECK(metrics != nullptr);
num_active_scratch_dirs_metric_ =
active_scratch_dirs_metric_ = SetMetric<string>::CreateAndRegister(
metrics, TMP_FILE_MGR_ACTIVE_SCRATCH_DIRS_LIST, set<string>());
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ == nullptr) {
} else {
num_active_scratch_dirs_metric_->SetValue(tmp_dirs_.size() + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs_.size(); ++i) {
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ != nullptr) {
scratch_bytes_used_metric_ =
initialized_ = true;
if ((tmp_dirs_.empty() && local_buff_dir_ == nullptr) && !tmp_dirs.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Running without spill to disk: could not use any scratch "
<< "directories in list: " << join(tmp_dir_specifiers, ",")
<< ". See previous warnings for information on causes.";
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileMgr::CreateDirectory(const string& scratch_subdir_path,
const string& tmp_path, const std::unique_ptr<TmpDir>& tmp_dir, MetricGroup* metrics,
vector<bool>* is_tmp_dir_on_disk, bool* need_local_buffer_dir, int disk_id) {
// Create the directory, destroying if already present. If this succeeds, we will
// have an empty writable scratch directory.
Status status = FileSystemUtil::RemoveAndCreateDirectory(scratch_subdir_path);
if (status.ok()) {
if (*need_local_buffer_dir) {
*need_local_buffer_dir = false;
// Add the first local dir as local buffer, the dir is only served as the buffer for
// Spill to Remote FS. At least we need the dir has two default file size space.
if (tmp_dir->bytes_limit < tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.remote_tmp_file_size_ * 2) {
return Status(Substitute(
"Local buffer directory $0 configured for remote scratch "
"space has a size limit of $1 bytes, should be at least twice as the "
"temporary file size "
"$2 bytes",
tmp_dir->path, tmp_dir->bytes_limit,
IntGauge* local_buff_bytes_used_metric =
metrics->AddGauge(LOCAL_BUFF_BYTES_USED_FORMAT, 0, Substitute("$0", 0));
local_buff_dir_ = std::make_unique<TmpDir>(
scratch_subdir_path, tmp_dir->bytes_limit, 0, local_buff_bytes_used_metric);
return Status::OK();
if (disk_id >= 0) (*is_tmp_dir_on_disk)[disk_id] = true;
LOG(INFO) << "Using scratch directory " << scratch_subdir_path << " on "
<< "disk " << disk_id
<< " limit: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(tmp_dir->bytes_limit);
IntGauge* bytes_used_metric = metrics->AddGauge(
SCRATCH_DIR_BYTES_USED_FORMAT, 0, Substitute("$0", tmp_dirs_.size()));
scratch_subdir_path, tmp_dir->bytes_limit, tmp_dir->priority, bytes_used_metric);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not remove and recreate directory " << scratch_subdir_path
<< ": cannot use it for scratch. "
<< "Error was: " << status.msg().msg();
if (punch_holes_) {
// Make sure hole punching is supported for the directory.
// IMPALA-9798: this file should *not* be created inside impala-scratch
// subdirectory to avoid races with multiple impalads starting up.
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileMgr::CreateTmpFileBufferPoolThread(MetricGroup* metrics) {
DCHECK(metrics != nullptr);
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_.reset(new TmpFileBufferPool(this));
std::unique_ptr<Thread> t;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("tmp-file-pool", "work-loop(TmpFileSpaceReserve Worker)",
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_.get(), &t));
int64_t ONE_HOUR_IN_NS = 60L * 60L * NANOS_PER_SEC;
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_->dequeue_timer_metric_ =
metrics->RegisterMetric(new HistogramMetric(
return Status::OK();
void TmpFileMgr::NewFile(
TmpFileGroup* file_group, DeviceId device_id, unique_ptr<TmpFile>* new_file) {
DCHECK_GE(device_id, 0);
DCHECK_LT(device_id, tmp_dirs_.size());
DCHECK(file_group != nullptr);
// Generate the full file path.
string unique_name = lexical_cast<string>(random_generator()());
stringstream file_name;
file_name << PrintId(file_group->unique_id()) << "_" << unique_name;
path new_file_path(tmp_dirs_[device_id].path);
new_file_path /= file_name.str();
new_file->reset(new TmpFileLocal(file_group, device_id, new_file_path.string()));
void TmpFileMgr::RemoveRemoteDir(TmpFileGroup* file_group, DeviceId device_id) {
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ == nullptr) return;
string dir = tmp_dirs_remote_->path;
stringstream files_dir;
files_dir << dir << "/" << PrintId(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->backend_id(), "_") << "_"
<< PrintId(file_group->unique_id(), "_");
hdfsFS hdfs_conn;
Status status =
HdfsFsCache::instance()->GetConnection(files_dir.str(), &hdfs_conn, &hdfs_conns_);
DCHECK(hdfs_conn != nullptr);
hdfsDelete(hdfs_conn, files_dir.str().c_str(), 1);
Status TmpFileMgr::AsyncWriteRange(WriteRange* write_range, TmpFile* tmp_file) {
if (write_range->disk_file()->disk_type() == io::DiskFileType::LOCAL) {
DCHECK(write_range != nullptr);
DCHECK(write_range->io_ctx() != nullptr);
return write_range->io_ctx()->AddWriteRange(write_range);
// If spill to a remote directory, TmpFileBufferPool is helping to send the writes to
// the DiskQueue because the local buffer for the remote file may be used up and it may
// need to wait in the pool before the writes can be sent to the DiskQueue.
DCHECK(tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_ != nullptr);
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
return tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_->EnqueueWriteRange(write_range, tmp_file);
void TmpFileMgr::EnqueueTmpFilesPoolDummyFile() {
EnqueueTmpFilesPool(tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_->tmp_file_dummy_, true);
void TmpFileMgr::EnqueueTmpFilesPool(shared_ptr<TmpFile>& tmp_file, bool front) {
tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_->EnqueueTmpFilesPool(tmp_file, front);
Status TmpFileMgr::DequeueTmpFilesPool(shared_ptr<TmpFile>* tmp_file, bool quick_return) {
return tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_->DequeueTmpFilesPool(
tmp_file, quick_return);
Status TmpFileMgr::TryEvictFile(TmpFile* tmp_file) {
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
if (tmp_file->disk_type() == io::DiskFileType::DUMMY) return Status::OK();
// Remove the buffer of the TmpFile.
// After deletion of the buffer, if the TmpFile doesn't exist in the remote file system
// either, that means the TmpFile shared pointer can be removed from the TmpFileMgr,
// because in this case, the physical file is considered no longer in the system.
// Fetch the unique locks of the files when doing the deletion.
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file_remote = static_cast<TmpFileRemote*>(tmp_file);
DiskFile* buffer_file = tmp_file_remote->DiskBufferFile();
Status status = Status::OK();
unique_lock<shared_mutex> buffer_lock(buffer_file->physical_file_lock_);
if (buffer_file->GetFileStatus() == io::DiskFileStatus::PERSISTED) {
status = buffer_file->Delete(buffer_lock);
return status;
Status TmpFileMgr::ReserveLocalBufferSpace(bool quick_return) {
int64_t file_size = GetRemoteTmpFileSize();
// The high water mark is used to record the total bytes which have been assigned, we
// can assume that all the assigned bytes will be finally returned to the pool.
// Before the high water mark reaches the bytes limit of the local buffer directory,
// the caller can gain space freely. But if the high water mark is over the bytes limit,
// the caller needs to gain space from the pool because all the available spaces are in
// the pool now.
TmpDir* dir = local_buff_dir_.get();
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.local_buff_dir_bytes_high_water_mark_.Add(file_size)
> dir->bytes_limit) {
} else {
return Status::OK();
shared_ptr<TmpFile> tmp_file;
// If all of the space of the buffer directory has been assigned, gain a file which
// is available to be evicted from the TmpFileBufferPool. It can be a long wait if
// quick return is not set and there is no available file in the pool.
Status status = DequeueTmpFilesPool(&tmp_file, quick_return);
if (!status.ok()) {
DCHECK(tmp_file == nullptr);
return status;
// Evict the file to release the physical space.
// If error happens during eviction, we log an warning, and return status ok instead to
// keep the caller doing the writing since probably the physical file is already
// deleted.
status = TryEvictFile(tmp_file.get());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "File Eviction Failed: " << tmp_file->GetWriteFile()->path();
return Status::OK();
TmpDir* TmpFileMgr::GetLocalBufferDir() const {
return local_buff_dir_.get();
int TmpFileMgr::NumActiveTmpDevicesLocal() {
return tmp_dirs_.size();
int TmpFileMgr::NumActiveTmpDevices() {
return tmp_dirs_.size() + ((tmp_dirs_remote_ == nullptr) ? 0 : 1);
vector<DeviceId> TmpFileMgr::ActiveTmpDevices() {
vector<DeviceId> devices;
DeviceId device_id = 0;
for (; device_id < tmp_dirs_.size(); ++device_id) {
if (tmp_dirs_remote_ != nullptr) {
return devices;
string TmpFileMgr::GetTmpDirPath(DeviceId device_id) const {
DCHECK_GE(device_id, 0);
DCHECK_LT(device_id, tmp_dirs_.size() + ((tmp_dirs_remote_ == nullptr) ? 0 : 1));
if (device_id < tmp_dirs_.size()) {
return tmp_dirs_[device_id].path;
} else {
return tmp_dirs_remote_->path;
TmpFileGroup* file_group, DeviceId device_id, const string& path, bool expected_local)
: file_group_(file_group),
blacklisted_(false) {}
int TmpFile::AssignDiskQueue(bool is_local_buffer) const {
if (is_local_buffer) {
return file_group_->io_mgr_->AssignQueue(local_buffer_path_.c_str(), -1, true);
return file_group_->io_mgr_->AssignQueue(path_.c_str(), disk_id_, expected_local_);
bool TmpFile::Blacklist(const ErrorMsg& msg) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error for temporary file '" << path_ << "': " << msg.msg();
if (!blacklisted_) {
blacklisted_ = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
TmpFileMgr::TmpDir* TmpFile::GetDir() {
auto tmp_file_mgr = file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_;
if (device_id_ >= tmp_file_mgr->tmp_dirs_.size()) {
// Only one remote directory supported.
DCHECK(device_id_ - tmp_file_mgr->tmp_dirs_.size() == 0);
return tmp_file_mgr->tmp_dirs_remote_.get();
return &tmp_file_mgr->tmp_dirs_[device_id_];
Status TmpFile::PunchHole(int64_t offset, int64_t len) {
// Because of RAII, the file is automatically closed when this function returns.
RWFileOptions opts;
opts.mode = Env::CREATE_OR_OPEN;
unique_ptr<RWFile> file;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Env::Default()->NewRWFile(opts, path_, &file),
"Failed to open scratch file for hole punching");
file->PunchHole(offset, len), "Failed to punch hole in scratch file");
VLOG(3) << "Punched hole in " << path_ << " " << offset << " " << len;
return Status::OK();
string TmpFile::DebugString() {
return Substitute(
"File $0 path '$1' device id $2 disk id $3 allocation offset $4 blacklisted $5",
this, path_, device_id_, disk_id_, allocation_offset_, blacklisted_);
TmpFileLocal::TmpFileLocal(TmpFileGroup* file_group, TmpFileMgr::DeviceId device_id,
const std::string& path, bool expected_local)
: TmpFile(file_group, device_id, path, expected_local) {
DCHECK(file_group != nullptr);
disk_file_ = make_unique<io::DiskFile>(path_, file_group->io_mgr_);
disk_type_ = io::DiskFileType::LOCAL;
bool TmpFileLocal::AllocateSpace(int64_t num_bytes, int64_t* offset) {
DCHECK_GT(num_bytes, 0);
TmpDir* dir = GetDir();
// Increment optimistically and roll back if the limit is exceeded.
if (dir->bytes_used_metric->Increment(num_bytes) > dir->bytes_limit) {
return false;
*offset = allocation_offset_;
allocation_offset_ += num_bytes;
return true;
io::DiskFile* TmpFileLocal::GetWriteFile() {
return disk_file_.get();
Status TmpFileLocal::Remove() {
// Remove the file if present (it may not be present if no writes completed).
Status status = FileSystemUtil::RemovePaths({path_});
int64_t bytes_in_use = file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_->punch_holes() ?
allocation_offset_ - bytes_reclaimed_.Load() :
return status;
TmpFileRemote::TmpFileRemote(TmpFileGroup* file_group, TmpFileMgr::DeviceId device_id,
const std::string& path, const std::string& local_buffer_path, bool expected_local,
const char* hdfs_url)
: TmpFile(file_group, device_id, path, expected_local) {
DCHECK(hdfs_url != nullptr);
hdfs_conn_ = nullptr;
if (IsHdfsPath(hdfs_url, false)) {
hdfs_conn_ = hdfsConnect("default", 0);
disk_type_ = io::DiskFileType::DFS;
disk_id_ = file_group->io_mgr_->RemoteDfsDiskId();
} else if (IsS3APath(hdfs_url, false)) {
disk_type_ = io::DiskFileType::S3;
disk_id_ = file_group->io_mgr_->RemoteS3DiskId();
Status status = HdfsFsCache::instance()->GetConnection(hdfs_url, &hdfs_conn_,
file_size_ = file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize();
local_buffer_path_ = local_buffer_path;
disk_file_ = make_unique<io::DiskFile>(path_, file_group->io_mgr_,
file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize(), disk_type_, &hdfs_conn_);
disk_buffer_file_ = make_unique<io::DiskFile>(local_buffer_path_, file_group_->io_mgr_,
file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize(), io::DiskFileType::LOCAL_BUFFER);
TmpFileRemote::~TmpFileRemote() {
// Need to return the buffer before deconstruction if buffer space is reserved.
if (DiskBufferFile()->IsSpaceReserved()) DCHECK(is_buffer_returned());
bool TmpFileRemote::AllocateSpace(int64_t num_bytes, int64_t* offset) {
DCHECK_GT(num_bytes, 0);
if (at_capacity_) return false;
*offset = allocation_offset_;
allocation_offset_ += num_bytes;
// The actual size could be a little over the file size.
if (allocation_offset_ >= file_size_) {
// Set the actual file size of the disk file for the use of writing.
at_capacity_ = true;
return true;
io::DiskFile* TmpFileRemote::GetWriteFile() {
return disk_buffer_file_.get();
TmpFileMgr::TmpDir* TmpFileRemote::GetLocalBufferDir() const {
return file_group_->tmp_file_mgr_->GetLocalBufferDir();
Status TmpFileRemote::Remove() {
Status status = Status::OK();
// If True, we need to enqueue the file back to the pool after deletion.
bool to_return_the_buffer = false;
// The order of acquiring the lock must be from local to remote to avoid deadlocks.
unique_lock<shared_mutex> buffer_file_lock(*(disk_buffer_file_->GetFileLock()));
unique_lock<shared_mutex> file_lock(*(disk_file_->GetFileLock()));
// Delete the local buffer file if exists.
if (disk_buffer_file_->GetFileStatus() != io::DiskFileStatus::DELETED) {
status = disk_buffer_file_->Delete(buffer_file_lock);
if (!status.ok()) {
// If the physical file is failed to delete, log a warning, and set a deleted flag
// anyway.
LOG(WARNING) << "Delete file: " << disk_buffer_file_->path() << " failed.";
} else if (disk_file_->GetFileStatus() != io::DiskFileStatus::PERSISTED
&& disk_buffer_file_->IsSpaceReserved()) {
// If the file is not uploaded and the buffer space is reserved, we need to return
// the buffer to the pool after deletion of the TmpFile. The buffer of a uploaded
// file should have been returned to the pool after upload operation completes.
to_return_the_buffer = true;
} else {
// Do nothing.
// Set the remote file status to deleted. The physical remote files would be deleted
// during deconstruction of TmpFileGroup by deleting the entire remote
// directory for efficiency consideration.
// Update the metrics.
// Return the file to the pool if it hasn't been enqueued.
if (to_return_the_buffer) {
file_group_->FindTmpFileSharedPtr(this), true);
return status;
TmpFileGroup::TmpFileGroup(TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr, DiskIoMgr* io_mgr,
RuntimeProfile* profile, const TUniqueId& unique_id, int64_t bytes_limit)
: tmp_file_mgr_(tmp_file_mgr),
write_counter_(ADD_COUNTER(profile, "ScratchWrites", TUnit::UNIT)),
bytes_written_counter_(ADD_COUNTER(profile, "ScratchBytesWritten", TUnit::BYTES)),
ADD_COUNTER(profile, "UncompressedScratchBytesWritten", TUnit::BYTES)),
read_counter_(ADD_COUNTER(profile, "ScratchReads", TUnit::UNIT)),
bytes_read_counter_(ADD_COUNTER(profile, "ScratchBytesRead", TUnit::BYTES)),
ADD_COUNTER(profile, "ScratchFileUsedBytes", TUnit::BYTES)),
disk_read_timer_(ADD_TIMER(profile, "TotalReadBlockTime")),
encryption_timer_(ADD_TIMER(profile, "TotalEncryptionTime")),
compression_timer_(tmp_file_mgr->compression_enabled() ?
ADD_TIMER(profile, "TotalCompressionTime") :
free_ranges_(64) {
DCHECK(tmp_file_mgr != nullptr);
io_ctx_ = io_mgr_->RegisterContext();
// Populate the priority based index ranges.
const std::vector<TmpDir>& tmp_dirs = tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_;
if (tmp_dirs.size() > 0) {
int start_index = 0;
int priority = tmp_dirs[0].priority;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size() - 1; ++i) {
priority = tmp_dirs[i].priority;
const int next_priority = tmp_dirs[i+1].priority;
if (next_priority != priority) {
tmp_files_index_range_.emplace(priority, TmpFileIndexRange(start_index, i));
start_index = i + 1;
priority = next_priority;
TmpFileIndexRange(start_index, tmp_dirs.size() - 1));
TmpFileGroup::~TmpFileGroup() {
DCHECK_EQ(tmp_files_.size(), 0);
Status TmpFileGroup::CreateFiles() {
vector<DeviceId> tmp_devices = tmp_file_mgr_->ActiveTmpDevices();
DCHECK(tmp_file_mgr_->NumActiveTmpDevicesLocal() <= tmp_devices.size());
int files_allocated = 0;
// Initialize the tmp files and the initial file to use.
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_file_mgr_->NumActiveTmpDevicesLocal(); ++i) {
DeviceId device_id = tmp_devices[i];
unique_ptr<TmpFile> tmp_file;
tmp_file_mgr_->NewFile(this, device_id, &tmp_file);
DCHECK_EQ(tmp_file_mgr_->NumActiveTmpDevicesLocal(), files_allocated);
DCHECK_EQ(tmp_file_mgr_->NumActiveTmpDevicesLocal(), tmp_files_.size());
if (tmp_files_.size() == 0) return ScratchAllocationFailedStatus({});
// Initialize the next allocation index for each priority.
for (const auto& entry: tmp_files_index_range_) {
const int priority = entry.first;
const int start = entry.second.start;
const int end = entry.second.end;
// Start allocating on a random device to avoid overloading the first device.
next_allocation_index_.emplace(priority, start + rand() % (end - start + 1));
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
void TmpFileGroup::CloseInternal(vector<T>& tmp_files) {
for (auto& file : tmp_files) {
Status status = file->Remove();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error removing scratch file '" << file->path()
<< "': " << status.msg().msg();
void TmpFileGroup::Close() {
// Cancel writes before deleting the files, since in-flight writes could re-create
// deleted files.
if (io_ctx_ != nullptr) {
if (tmp_file_mgr_->HasRemoteDir()) {
// Remove all the writes using the io_ctx and waiting for buffer reservation in
// the pool.
DCHECK(tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_remote_ctrl_.tmp_file_pool_ != nullptr);
tmp_file_mgr_->RemoveRemoteDir(this, 0);
-1 * scratch_space_bytes_used_counter_->value());
// Rounds up to the smallest unit of allocation in a scratch file
// that will fit 'bytes'.
static int64_t RoundUpToScratchRangeSize(bool punch_holes, int64_t bytes) {
if (punch_holes) {
// Round up to a typical disk block size - 4KB that that hole punching can always
// free the backing storage for the entire range.
return BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOf2(bytes, TmpFileMgr::HOLE_PUNCH_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
} else {
// We recycle scratch ranges, which must be positive power-of-two sizes.
return max<int64_t>(1L, BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(bytes));
void TmpFileGroup::UpdateScratchSpaceMetrics(int64_t num_bytes, bool is_remote) {
if (is_remote) current_bytes_allocated_remote_.Add(num_bytes);
string TmpFileGroup::GenerateNewPath(string& dir, string& unique_name) {
stringstream file_name;
file_name << TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME << "-" << unique_name;
path new_file_path(dir);
new_file_path /= file_name.str();
return new_file_path.string();
std::shared_ptr<TmpFile>& TmpFileGroup::FindTmpFileSharedPtr(TmpFile* tmp_file) {
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
DCHECK(tmp_file->DiskFile()->disk_type() != io::DiskFileType::LOCAL);
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(tmp_files_remote_ptrs_lock_);
auto shared_file_it = tmp_files_remote_ptrs_.find(tmp_file);
DCHECK(shared_file_it != tmp_files_remote_ptrs_.end());
return shared_file_it->second;
Status TmpFileGroup::AllocateRemoteSpace(int64_t num_bytes, TmpFile** tmp_file,
int64_t* file_offset, vector<int>* at_capacity_dirs) {
// Only one remote dir supported currently.
string dir = tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_remote_->path;
// It is not supposed to have a remote directory other than HDFS or S3.
DCHECK(IsHdfsPath(dir.c_str(), false) || IsS3APath(dir.c_str(), false));
// Look for the space from a previous created file.
if (!tmp_files_remote_.empty()) {
TmpFile* tmp_file_cur = tmp_files_remote_.back().get();
// If the file is blocklisted or is at capacity, we will create a new file instead.
if (!tmp_file_cur->is_blacklisted()) {
if (tmp_file_cur->AllocateSpace(num_bytes, file_offset)) {
*tmp_file = tmp_file_cur;
return Status::OK();
// Return an error if the new bytes is over the bytes limit of the query or the remote
// directory.
int64_t new_bytes =
current_bytes_allocated_.Load() + tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize();
if (bytes_limit_ != -1 && new_bytes > bytes_limit_) {
return Status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, bytes_limit_, GetBackendString());
int64_t remote_dir_bytes_limit = tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_remote_->bytes_limit;
if (remote_dir_bytes_limit != -1 && new_bytes > remote_dir_bytes_limit) {
return Status(
TErrorCode::SCRATCH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, remote_dir_bytes_limit, GetBackendString());
// The device id of remote directory is defined as the max local device id
// plus the index of the remote dir. Since we only support one remote dir now,
// the id is the max local device id plus one.
DeviceId dev_id = tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_.size();
string unique_name = lexical_cast<string>(random_generator()());
stringstream file_name;
dir = dir + "/" + PrintId(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->backend_id(), "_") + "_"
+ PrintId(unique_id(), "_");
string new_file_path = GenerateNewPath(dir, unique_name);
string local_buffer_dir = tmp_file_mgr_->local_buff_dir_->path;
string new_file_path_local = GenerateNewPath(local_buffer_dir, unique_name);
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file_r = new TmpFileRemote(
this, dev_id, new_file_path, new_file_path_local, false, dir.c_str());
if (tmp_file_r == nullptr) {
return Status("Failed to allocate temporary file object.");
if (tmp_file_r->hdfs_conn_ == nullptr) {
return Status(Substitute("Failed to connect to FS: $0.", dir));
shared_ptr<TmpFile> tmp_file_remote(move(tmp_file_r));
int64_t file_size = tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize();
TmpFileMgr::TmpDir* tmp_dir_remote = tmp_file_remote->GetDir();
if (tmp_dir_remote->bytes_limit != -1
&& tmp_dir_remote->bytes_used_metric->Increment(file_size)
> tmp_dir_remote->bytes_limit) {
return Status(Substitute("Reach the size limit $0 of dir: $1",
tmp_dir_remote->bytes_limit, tmp_dir_remote->path));
UpdateScratchSpaceMetrics(file_size, true);
// It should be a successful return to allocate the first range from the new file.
DCHECK(tmp_file_remote->AllocateSpace(num_bytes, file_offset));
*tmp_file = tmp_files_remote_.back().get();
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(tmp_files_remote_ptrs_lock_);
tmp_files_remote_ptrs_.emplace(*tmp_file, tmp_files_remote_.back());
*file_offset = 0;
// Try to reserve the space for local buffer with a quick return to avoid
// a long wait, if failed, caller should do the reservation for the buffer.
Status reserve_status = tmp_file_mgr_->ReserveLocalBufferSpace(true);
if (reserve_status.ok()) (*tmp_file)->GetWriteFile()->SetSpaceReserved();
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileGroup::AllocateLocalSpace(int64_t num_bytes, TmpFile** tmp_file,
int64_t* file_offset, vector<int>* at_capacity_dirs, bool* alloc_full) {
int64_t scratch_range_bytes =
RoundUpToScratchRangeSize(tmp_file_mgr_->punch_holes(), num_bytes);
int free_ranges_idx = BitUtil::Log2Ceiling64(scratch_range_bytes);
if (!free_ranges_[free_ranges_idx].empty()) {
DCHECK(!tmp_file_mgr_->punch_holes()) << "Ranges not recycled when punching holes";
*tmp_file = free_ranges_[free_ranges_idx].back().first;
*file_offset = free_ranges_[free_ranges_idx].back().second;
return Status::OK();
if (bytes_limit_ != -1
&& current_bytes_allocated_.Load() + scratch_range_bytes > bytes_limit_) {
return Status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, bytes_limit_, GetBackendString());
// Lazily create the files on the first write.
if (tmp_files_.empty()) RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateFiles());
// Find the next physical file in priority based round-robin order and allocate a range
// from it.
for (const auto& entry: tmp_files_index_range_) {
const int priority = entry.first;
const int start = entry.second.start;
const int end = entry.second.end;
DCHECK (0 <= start && start <= end && end < tmp_files_.size())
<< "Invalid index range: [" << start << ", " << end << "] "
<< "tmp_files_.size(): " << tmp_files_.size();
for (int index = start; index <= end; ++index) {
const int idx = next_allocation_index_[priority];
next_allocation_index_[priority] = start + (idx - start + 1) % (end - start + 1);
*tmp_file = tmp_files_[idx].get();
if ((*tmp_file)->is_blacklisted()) continue;
// Check the per-directory limit.
if (!(*tmp_file)->AllocateSpace(scratch_range_bytes, file_offset)) {
return Status::OK();
// Using a bool to notify there is no more space left, could cost less overhead than
// using a Status, because we want the error reporting as fast as possible for the
// case of mixing use of remote and local scratch space, so that it can keep trying to
// allocate from the remote after this.
*alloc_full = true;
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileGroup::AllocateSpace(
int64_t num_bytes, TmpFile** tmp_file, int64_t* file_offset) {
// Since in eviction, it probably waits for the async upload task if it
// reaches bytes limit, so it can be slow here.
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
// Track the indices of any directories where we failed due to capacity. This is
// required for error reporting if we are totally out of capacity so that it's clear
// that some disks were at capacity.
vector<int> at_capacity_dirs;
if (!tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_.empty()) {
// If alloc_full is set true, meaning all of the local directories are at capacity.
bool alloc_full = false;
Status status = AllocateLocalSpace(
num_bytes, tmp_file, file_offset, &at_capacity_dirs, &alloc_full);
// If the all of the dirs are at capacity, try remote scratch space.
// Otherwise, return the status (could be an okay or error).
if (!status.ok() || !alloc_full) return status;
// If can't find any space locally, allocate from remote scratch space.
if (tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_remote_ != nullptr) {
Status remote_status =
AllocateRemoteSpace(num_bytes, tmp_file, file_offset, &at_capacity_dirs);
if (remote_status.ok() || at_capacity_dirs.empty()) return remote_status;
return ScratchAllocationFailedStatus(at_capacity_dirs);
void TmpFileGroup::RecycleFileRange(unique_ptr<TmpWriteHandle> handle) {
TmpFile* file = handle->file_;
int64_t space_used_bytes =
RoundUpToScratchRangeSize(tmp_file_mgr_->punch_holes(), handle->on_disk_len());
if (tmp_file_mgr_->punch_holes()) {
Status status = file->PunchHole(handle->write_range_->offset(), space_used_bytes);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Proceed even in the hole punching fails - we will use extra disk space but
// functionally we can continue to spill.
LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 100) << "Failed to punch hole in scratch file, couldn't "
<< "reclaim space: " << status.GetDetail();
} else {
// For the remote files, we don't recycle the file and range because the remote file
// is not allowed to in-place modification.
if (file->DiskFile()->disk_type() == io::DiskFileType::LOCAL) {
int free_ranges_idx = BitUtil::Log2Ceiling64(space_used_bytes);
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
free_ranges_[free_ranges_idx].emplace_back(file, handle->write_range_->offset());
Status TmpFileGroup::Write(MemRange buffer, WriteDoneCallback cb,
unique_ptr<TmpWriteHandle>* handle, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
DCHECK_GE(buffer.len(), 0);
unique_ptr<TmpWriteHandle> tmp_handle(new TmpWriteHandle(this, cb));
TmpWriteHandle* tmp_handle_ptr = tmp_handle.get(); // Pass ptr by value into lambda.
WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback = [this, tmp_handle_ptr](
const Status& write_status) {
WriteComplete(tmp_handle_ptr, write_status);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(tmp_handle->Write(io_ctx_.get(), buffer, callback, counters));
*handle = move(tmp_handle);
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileGroup::Read(TmpWriteHandle* handle, MemRange buffer) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadAsync(handle, buffer));
return WaitForAsyncRead(handle, buffer);
Status TmpFileGroup::ReadAsync(TmpWriteHandle* handle, MemRange buffer) {
DCHECK(handle->write_range_ != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(buffer.len(), handle->data_len());
Status status;
VLOG(3) << "ReadAsync " << handle->TmpFilePath() << " "
<< handle->write_range_->offset() << " " << handle->on_disk_len();
// Don't grab 'write_state_lock_' in this method - it is not necessary because we
// don't touch any members that it protects and could block other threads for the
// duration of the synchronous read.
DCHECK(handle->read_range_ == nullptr);
DCHECK(handle->write_range_ != nullptr);
MemRange read_buffer = buffer;
if (handle->is_compressed()) {
int64_t compressed_len = handle->compressed_len_;
if (!handle->compressed_.TryAllocate(compressed_len)) {
return tmp_file_mgr_->compressed_buffer_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
nullptr, "Failed to decompress spilled data", compressed_len);
DCHECK_EQ(compressed_len, handle->write_range_->len());
read_buffer = MemRange(handle->compressed_.buffer(), compressed_len);
// Don't grab handle->write_state_lock_, it is safe to touch all of handle's state
// since the write is not in flight.
handle->read_range_ = scan_range_pool_.Add(new ScanRange);
if (handle->file_ != nullptr && !handle->file_->is_local()) {
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file = static_cast<TmpFileRemote*>(handle->file_);
DiskFile* disk_buffer_file = tmp_file->DiskBufferFile();
DiskFile* disk_file = tmp_file->DiskFile();
// Reset the read_range, use the remote filesystem's disk id.
handle->read_range_->Reset(tmp_file->hdfs_conn_, disk_file->path().c_str(),
handle->write_range_->len(), handle->write_range_->offset(), tmp_file->disk_id(),
false, tmp_file->mtime_,
BufferOpts::ReadInto(, read_buffer.len(), BufferOpts::NO_CACHING),
nullptr, disk_file, disk_buffer_file);
} else {
// Read from local.
handle->read_range_->Reset(nullptr, handle->write_range_->file(),
handle->write_range_->len(), handle->write_range_->offset(),
handle->write_range_->disk_id(), false, ScanRange::INVALID_MTIME,
BufferOpts::ReadInto(, read_buffer.len(), BufferOpts::NO_CACHING));
bool needs_buffers;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(io_ctx_->StartScanRange(handle->read_range_, &needs_buffers));
DCHECK(!needs_buffers) << "Already provided a buffer";
return Status::OK();
Status TmpFileGroup::WaitForAsyncRead(
TmpWriteHandle* handle, MemRange buffer, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
DCHECK(handle->read_range_ != nullptr);
// Don't grab handle->write_state_lock_, it is safe to touch all of handle's state
// since the write is not in flight.
MemRange read_buffer = handle->is_compressed() ?
MemRange{handle->compressed_.buffer(), handle->compressed_.Size()} :
DCHECK( != nullptr);
unique_ptr<BufferDescriptor> io_mgr_buffer;
Status status = handle->read_range_->GetNext(&io_mgr_buffer);
if (!status.ok()) goto exit;
DCHECK(io_mgr_buffer != NULL);
DCHECK_LE(io_mgr_buffer->len(), read_buffer.len());
if (io_mgr_buffer->len() < read_buffer.len()) {
// The read was truncated - this is an error.
status = Status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_READ_TRUNCATED, read_buffer.len(),
handle->write_range_->file(), GetBackendString(), handle->write_range_->offset(),
goto exit;
handle->is_compressed() ? handle->compressed_.buffer() :;
// Decrypt and decompress in the reverse order that we compressed then encrypted the
// data originally.
if (FLAGS_disk_spill_encryption) {
status = handle->CheckHashAndDecrypt(read_buffer, counters);
if (!status.ok()) goto exit;
if (handle->is_compressed()) {
compression_timer_, counters == nullptr ? nullptr : counters->compression_time);
scoped_ptr<Codec> decompressor;
status = Codec::CreateDecompressor(
nullptr, false, tmp_file_mgr_->compression_codec(), &decompressor);
if (status.ok()) {
int64_t decompressed_len = buffer.len();
uint8_t* decompressed_buffer =;
status = decompressor->ProcessBlock(true, read_buffer.len(),,
&decompressed_len, &decompressed_buffer);
// Free the compressed data regardless of whether the read was successful.
if (!status.ok()) goto exit;
// Always return the buffer before exiting to avoid leaking it.
if (io_mgr_buffer != nullptr) handle->read_range_->ReturnBuffer(move(io_mgr_buffer));
handle->read_range_ = nullptr;
return status;
Status TmpFileGroup::RestoreData(unique_ptr<TmpWriteHandle> handle, MemRange buffer,
const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
DCHECK_EQ(handle->data_len(), buffer.len());
if (!handle->is_compressed()) DCHECK_EQ(handle->write_range_->data(),;
DCHECK(handle->read_range_ == nullptr);
VLOG(3) << "Restore " << handle->TmpFilePath() << " " << handle->write_range_->offset()
<< " " << handle->data_len();
Status status;
if (handle->is_compressed()) {
// 'buffer' already contains the data needed, because the compressed data was written
// to 'compressed_' and (optionally) encrypted over there.
} else if (FLAGS_disk_spill_encryption) {
// Decrypt after the write is finished, so that we don't accidentally write decrypted
// data to disk.
status = handle->CheckHashAndDecrypt(buffer, counters);
return status;
void TmpFileGroup::DestroyWriteHandle(unique_ptr<TmpWriteHandle> handle) {
void TmpFileGroup::WriteComplete(
TmpWriteHandle* handle, const Status& write_status) {
Status status;
// Debug action for simulating disk write error. To use, specify in query options as:
// 'debug_action': 'IMPALA_TMP_FILE_WRITE:<hostname>:<port>:<action>'
// where <hostname> and <port> represent the impalad which execute the fragment
// instances, <port> is the BE krpc port (default 27000).
const Status* p_write_status = &write_status;
Status debug_status = DebugAction(debug_action_, "IMPALA_TMP_FILE_WRITE",
if (UNLIKELY(!debug_status.ok())) p_write_status = &debug_status;
if (!p_write_status->ok()) {
status = RecoverWriteError(handle, *p_write_status);
if (status.ok()) return;
} else {
status = *p_write_status;
Status TmpFileGroup::RecoverWriteError(
TmpWriteHandle* handle, const Status& write_status) {
DCHECK(handle->file_ != nullptr);
// We can't recover from cancellation or memory limit exceeded.
if (write_status.IsCancelled() || write_status.IsMemLimitExceeded()) {
return write_status;
// Save and report the error before retrying so that the failure isn't silent.
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
if (handle->file_->Blacklist(write_status.msg())) {
DCHECK_LT(num_blacklisted_files_, tmp_files_.size());
if (num_blacklisted_files_ == tmp_files_.size()) {
// Check if all errors are 'blacklistable'.
bool are_all_blacklistable_errors = true;
for (Status& err : scratch_errors_) {
if (!ErrorConverter::IsBlacklistableError(err)) {
are_all_blacklistable_errors = false;
if (are_all_blacklistable_errors) spilling_disk_faulty_ = true;
// Do not retry cancelled writes or propagate the error, simply return CANCELLED.
if (handle->is_cancelled_) return Status::CancelledInternal("TmpFileMgr write");
TmpFile* tmp_file;
int64_t file_offset;
// Discard the scratch file range - we will not reuse ranges from a bad file.
// Choose another file to try. Blacklisting ensures we don't retry the same file.
// If this fails, the status will include all the errors in 'scratch_errors_'.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AllocateSpace(handle->on_disk_len(), &tmp_file, &file_offset));
return handle->RetryWrite(io_ctx_.get(), tmp_file, file_offset);
Status TmpFileGroup::ScratchAllocationFailedStatus(
const vector<int>& at_capacity_dirs) {
vector<string> tmp_dir_paths;
for (TmpDir& tmp_dir : tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_) {
vector<string> at_capacity_dir_paths;
for (int dir_idx : at_capacity_dirs) {
if (dir_idx >= tmp_file_mgr_->tmp_dirs_.size()) {
} else {
Status status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_ALLOCATION_FAILED, join(tmp_dir_paths, ","),
join(at_capacity_dir_paths, ","));
// Include all previous errors that may have caused the failure.
for (Status& err : scratch_errors_) status.MergeStatus(err);
return status;
bool TmpFileGroup::IsSpillingDiskFaulty() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
return spilling_disk_faulty_;
string TmpFileGroup::DebugString() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
stringstream ss;
ss << "TmpFileGroup " << this << " bytes limit " << bytes_limit_
<< " current bytes allocated " << current_bytes_allocated_.Load()
<< " next allocation index [ ";
// Get priority based allocation index.
for (const auto& entry: next_allocation_index_) {
ss << " (priority: " << entry.first << ", index: " << entry.second << "), ";
ss << "] writes "
<< write_counter_->value() << " bytes written " << bytes_written_counter_->value()
<< " uncompressed bytes written " << uncompressed_bytes_written_counter_->value()
<< " reads " << read_counter_->value() << " bytes read "
<< bytes_read_counter_->value() << " scratch bytes used "
<< scratch_space_bytes_used_counter_ << " dist read timer "
<< disk_read_timer_->value() << " encryption timer " << encryption_timer_->value()
<< endl
<< " " << tmp_files_.size() << " files:" << endl;
for (unique_ptr<TmpFile>& file : tmp_files_) {
ss << " " << file->DebugString() << endl;
return ss.str();
TmpFileGroup* const parent, WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback cb)
: parent_(parent),
compressed_(parent_->tmp_file_mgr_->compressed_buffer_tracker()) {}
TmpWriteHandle::~TmpWriteHandle() {
DCHECK(read_range_ == nullptr);
DCHECK(compressed_.buffer() == nullptr);
string TmpWriteHandle::TmpFilePath() const {
if (file_ == nullptr) return "";
return file_->path();
string TmpWriteHandle::TmpFileBufferPath() const {
if (file_ == nullptr) return "";
return file_->LocalBuffPath();
int64_t TmpWriteHandle::on_disk_len() const {
return write_range_->len();
Status TmpWriteHandle::Write(RequestContext* io_ctx, MemRange buffer,
WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
MemRange buffer_to_write = buffer;
if (parent_->tmp_file_mgr_->compression_enabled() && TryCompress(buffer, counters)) {
buffer_to_write = MemRange(compressed_.buffer(), compressed_len_);
// Ensure that the compressed buffer is freed on all the code paths where we did not
// start the write successfully.
bool write_started = false;
const auto free_compressed = MakeScopeExitTrigger([this, &write_started]() {
if (!write_started) FreeCompressedBuffer();
// Allocate space after doing compression, to avoid overallocating space.
TmpFile* tmp_file;
int64_t file_offset;
Status status = Status::OK();
// For the second unpin of a page, it will be written to a new file since the
// content should be changed
RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->AllocateSpace(buffer_to_write.len(), &tmp_file, &file_offset));
if (FLAGS_disk_spill_encryption) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncryptAndHash(buffer_to_write, counters));
// Set all member variables before calling AddWriteRange(): after it succeeds,
// WriteComplete() may be called concurrently with the remainder of this function.
data_len_ = buffer.len();
file_ = tmp_file;
write_range_.reset(new WriteRange(tmp_file->path(), file_offset,
tmp_file->AssignDiskQueue(!tmp_file->is_local()), callback));
write_range_->SetData(, buffer_to_write.len());
// For remote files, we write the range to the local buffer.
VLOG(3) << "Write " << tmp_file->path() << " " << file_offset << " "
<< buffer_to_write.len();
write_in_flight_ = true;
// Add the write range asyncly to the DiskQueue for writing.
status = parent_->tmp_file_mgr()->AsyncWriteRange(write_range_.get(), tmp_file);
if (!status.ok()) {
// The write will not be in flight if we returned with an error.
write_in_flight_ = false;
// We won't return this TmpWriteHandle to the client of TmpFileGroup, so it won't be
// cancelled in the normal way. Mark the handle as cancelled so it can be
// cleanly destroyed.
is_cancelled_ = true;
return status;
write_started = true;
return Status::OK();
bool TmpWriteHandle::TryCompress(
MemRange buffer, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
counters == nullptr ? nullptr : counters->compression_time);
DCHECK_LT(compressed_len_, 0);
DCHECK(compressed_.buffer() == nullptr);
scoped_ptr<Codec> compressor;
Status status = Codec::CreateCompressor(nullptr, false,
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to compress, couldn't create compressor: "
<< status.GetDetail();
return false;
int64_t compressed_buffer_len = compressor->MaxOutputLen(buffer.len());
if (!compressed_.TryAllocate(compressed_buffer_len)) {
LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 100) << "Failed to compress: couldn't allocate "
<< PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(compressed_buffer_len);
return false;
uint8_t* compressed_buffer = compressed_.buffer();
int64_t compressed_len = compressed_buffer_len;
status = compressor->ProcessBlock(
true, buffer.len(),, &compressed_len, &compressed_buffer);
if (!status.ok()) {
return false;
compressed_len_ = compressed_len;
VLOG(3) << "Buffer size: " << buffer.len() << " compressed size: " << compressed_len;
return true;
Status TmpWriteHandle::RetryWrite(RequestContext* io_ctx, TmpFile* file, int64_t offset) {
file_ = file;
write_range_->SetRange(file->path(), offset, file->AssignDiskQueue());
Status status = io_ctx->AddWriteRange(write_range_.get());
if (!status.ok()) {
// The write will not be in flight if we returned with an error.
write_in_flight_ = false;
return status;
return Status::OK();
void TmpWriteHandle::UploadComplete(TmpFile* tmp_file, const Status& upload_status) {
if (upload_status.ok()) {
// If uploaded, the local buffer is available to be evicted, so enqueue it to the
// pool.
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
TmpFileGroup* file_group = tmp_file->file_group_;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Upload temporary file: '" << tmp_file->path() << " failed";
void TmpWriteHandle::WriteComplete(const Status& write_status) {
WriteDoneCallback cb;
Status status = write_status;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(write_state_lock_);
write_in_flight_ = false;
// Need to extract 'cb_' because once 'write_in_flight_' is false and we release
// 'write_state_lock_', 'this' may be destroyed.
cb = move(cb_);
if (is_compressed()) {
DCHECK(compressed_.buffer() != nullptr);
if (status.ok() && !file_->expected_local_) {
// Do file upload if the local buffer file is finished.
if (write_range_->is_full()) {
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file = static_cast<TmpFileRemote*>(file_);
int disk_id = tmp_file->DiskFile()->disk_type() == io::DiskFileType::S3 ?
parent_->io_mgr_->RemoteS3DiskFileOperId() :
RemoteOperRange::RemoteOperDoneCallback u_callback =
[this, tmp_file](
const Status& upload_status) { UploadComplete(tmp_file, upload_status); };
tmp_file->upload_range_.reset(new RemoteOperRange(tmp_file->DiskBufferFile(),
tmp_file->DiskFile(), parent_->tmp_file_mgr()->GetRemoteTmpBlockSize(),
disk_id, RequestType::FILE_UPLOAD, parent_->io_mgr_, u_callback));
status = parent_->io_ctx_->AddRemoteOperRange(tmp_file->upload_range_.get());
// Notify before releasing the lock - after the lock is released 'this' may be
// destroyed.
// Call 'cb' last - once 'cb' is called client code may call Read() or destroy this
// handle.
void TmpWriteHandle::Cancel() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(write_state_lock_);
is_cancelled_ = true;
// TODO: in future, if DiskIoMgr supported write cancellation, we could cancel it
// here.
void TmpWriteHandle::CancelRead() {
if (read_range_ != nullptr) {
read_range_->Cancel(Status::CancelledInternal("TmpFileMgr read"));
read_range_ = nullptr;
void TmpWriteHandle::WaitForWrite() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(write_state_lock_);
while (write_in_flight_) write_complete_cv_.Wait(lock);
Status TmpWriteHandle::EncryptAndHash(
MemRange buffer, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
counters == nullptr ? nullptr : counters->encryption_time);
// Since we're using GCM/CTR/CFB mode, we must take care not to reuse a
// key/IV pair. Regenerate a new key and IV for every data buffer we write.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(key_.Encrypt(, buffer.len(),;
if (!key_.IsGcmMode()) {
hash_.Compute(, buffer.len());
return Status::OK();
Status TmpWriteHandle::CheckHashAndDecrypt(
MemRange buffer, const BufferPoolClientCounters* counters) {
DCHECK(write_range_ != nullptr);
counters == nullptr ? nullptr : counters->encryption_time);
// GCM mode will verify the integrity by itself
if (!key_.IsGcmMode()) {
if (!hash_.Verify(, buffer.len())) {
return Status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_READ_VERIFY_FAILED, buffer.len(),
write_range_->file(), GetBackendString(), write_range_->offset());
Status decrypt_status = key_.Decrypt(, buffer.len(),;
if (!decrypt_status.ok()) {
// Treat decryption failing as a verification failure, but include extra info from
// the decryption status.
Status result_status(TErrorCode::SCRATCH_READ_VERIFY_FAILED, buffer.len(),
write_range_->file(), GetBackendString(), write_range_->offset());
return result_status;
return Status::OK();
void TmpWriteHandle::FreeCompressedBuffer() {
if (compressed_.buffer() == nullptr) return;
string TmpWriteHandle::DebugString() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(write_state_lock_);
stringstream ss;
ss << "Write handle " << this << " file '" << file_->path() << "'"
<< " is cancelled " << is_cancelled_ << " write in flight " << write_in_flight_;
if (write_range_ != NULL) {
ss << " data " << write_range_->data() << " disk range len " << write_range_->len()
<< " file offset " << write_range_->offset() << " disk id "
<< write_range_->disk_id();
return ss.str();
TmpFileBufferPool::TmpFileBufferPool(TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr)
: tmp_file_mgr_(tmp_file_mgr) {
tmp_file_dummy_.reset(new TmpFileDummy());
TmpFileBufferPool::~TmpFileBufferPool() {
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
shut_down_ = true;
// Wake up the waiting thread.
void TmpFileBufferPool::TmpFileSpaceReserveThreadLoop() {
while (true) {
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
while (!shut_down_ && write_ranges_.empty()) {
// Wait if there are no ranges in the queue.
if (shut_down_) return;
cur_write_range_ = write_ranges_.front();
DCHECK(cur_write_range_ != nullptr);
// Find out the TmpFile which the current range is associated with, and store the
// shared_ptr of the file to cur_tmp_file_ in case it is deconstructed while waiting
// for reservation.
auto it = write_ranges_iterator_.find(cur_write_range_);
DCHECK(it != write_ranges_iterator_.end());
TmpFile* tmp_file = it->second.second;
cur_tmp_file_ = tmp_file->FileGroup()->FindTmpFileSharedPtr(tmp_file);
DCHECK(cur_tmp_file_ != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(cur_write_range_->disk_file(), cur_tmp_file_->GetWriteFile());
// Reserve space from the tmp_files_avail_pool_. The process could need a long wait.
Status status = tmp_file_mgr_->ReserveLocalBufferSpace(false);
vector<TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback> write_callbacks;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
if (status.ok()) {
DCHECK(cur_tmp_file_ != nullptr);
if (cur_write_range_ != nullptr) {
// Send all of the writes of the same disk file to the disk queue.
status = MoveWriteRangesHelper(
cur_write_range_->disk_file(), &write_callbacks, false);
} else {
// If the current range becomes a nullptr, it must be set by
// RemoveWriteRanges(). In this case, the io_ctx which the range belongs to is
// cancelled, and all the writes using that io_ctx are already cancelled. So, we
// are safe to return the TmpFile to the pool to recycle the buffer space.
EnqueueTmpFilesPool(cur_tmp_file_, true);
} else if (!status.ok() && cur_write_range_ != nullptr) {
// Cancel the spilling if fails to reserve the buffer.
RemoveWriteRangesInternal(cur_write_range_->io_ctx(), &write_callbacks);
status = Status::CancelledInternal(
Substitute("TmpFileBufferPool because: $0", status.GetDetail()).c_str());
cur_write_range_ = nullptr;
for (const TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback& write_callback : write_callbacks) {
Status TmpFileBufferPool::MoveWriteRangesHelper(DiskFile* disk_file,
vector<TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback>* write_callbacks, bool is_cancelled) {
Status status = Status::OK();
auto write_ranges_it = write_ranges_to_add_.find(disk_file);
if (write_ranges_it != write_ranges_to_add_.end()) {
auto write_range_it = write_ranges_it->second.begin();
while (write_range_it != write_ranges_it->second.end()) {
auto range = *write_range_it;
DCHECK(range != nullptr);
if (status.ok() && !is_cancelled) {
status = range->io_ctx()->AddWriteRange(range);
} else {
if (is_cancelled && range->offset() == 0) {
// If is_cancelled is set, try to remove the range from the write_ranges list.
// If the range hasn't been popped, it must still be in the write_ranges list.
if (cur_write_range_ != range) {
auto key_range_it = write_ranges_iterator_.find(range);
DCHECK(key_range_it != write_ranges_iterator_.end());
DCHECK_EQ(*(key_range_it->second.first), range);
write_range_it = write_ranges_it->second.erase(write_range_it);
return status;
Status TmpFileBufferPool::EnqueueWriteRange(io::WriteRange* range, TmpFile* tmp_file) {
Status status = Status::OK();
unique_lock<mutex> write_range_list_lock(lock_);
DCHECK(range != nullptr);
DCHECK(range->disk_file() != nullptr);
DCHECK(range->io_ctx() != nullptr);
if (range->disk_file()->IsSpaceReserved()) {
// If the space is reserved, send the range to the DiskQueue.
return range->io_ctx()->AddWriteRange(range);
} else if (range->io_ctx()->IsCancelled()) {
// If the io_ctx is cancelled, nofity the caller to cancel the query.
} else {
// Put the first range of a file to the queue for waiting for the available space,
// the ranges in the queue would be popped one by one, when the space is reserved,
// all ranges of the file are added to the DiskQueue by io_ctx.
if (range->offset() == 0) {
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
write_ranges_iterator_[range] =
std::make_pair(prev(write_ranges_.cend()), tmp_file);
return status;
void TmpFileBufferPool::RemoveWriteRangesInternal(
RequestContext* io_ctx, vector<TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback>* write_callbacks) {
auto file_set_it = io_ctx_to_file_set_map_.find(io_ctx);
if (file_set_it != io_ctx_to_file_set_map_.end()) {
auto file_it = file_set_it->second.begin();
while (file_it != file_set_it->second.end()) {
DCHECK(*file_it != nullptr);
// Remove all the ranges belonging to the file, and fetch the callback
// functions of the ranges.
Status status = MoveWriteRangesHelper(*file_it, write_callbacks, true);
if (cur_write_range_ != nullptr && *file_it == cur_write_range_->disk_file()) {
// Set the current write range to nullptr if the TmpFileGroup is closing to
// notify the reservation thread (it is waiting for the reservation) that the
// space is no longer needed for the write range.
cur_write_range_ = nullptr;
file_it = file_set_it->second.erase(file_it);
void TmpFileBufferPool::RemoveWriteRanges(RequestContext* io_ctx) {
DCHECK(io_ctx != nullptr);
vector<TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback> write_callbacks;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
RemoveWriteRangesInternal(io_ctx, &write_callbacks);
for (const TmpFileMgr::WriteDoneCallback& write_callback : write_callbacks) {
void TmpFileBufferPool::EnqueueTmpFilesPool(shared_ptr<TmpFile>& tmp_file, bool front) {
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
unique_lock<mutex> buffer_lock(tmp_files_avail_pool_lock_);
if (tmp_file->disk_type() != io::DiskFileType::DUMMY) {
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file_remote = static_cast<TmpFileRemote*>(tmp_file.get());
if (tmp_file_remote->is_enqueued()) return;
if (front) {
} else {
-1 * tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize());
Status TmpFileBufferPool::DequeueTmpFilesPool(
shared_ptr<TmpFile>* tmp_file, bool quick_return) {
DCHECK(tmp_file != nullptr);
DCHECK(dequeue_timer_metric_ != nullptr);
ScopedHistogramTimer wait_timer(dequeue_timer_metric_);
unique_lock<mutex> buffer_lock(tmp_files_avail_pool_lock_);
// If quick return is set and no buffer is available, return immediately.
if (quick_return && tmp_files_avail_pool_.empty()) {
while (tmp_files_avail_pool_.empty()) {
// Wait if there is no temporary file on the queue.
// If timeout, return immediately.
if (!tmp_files_available_cv_.WaitFor(
buffer_lock, tmp_file_mgr_->GetSpillBufferWaitTimeout())) {
return Status(Substitute("Timeout waiting for a local buffer in $0 seconds",
tmp_file_mgr_->GetSpillBufferWaitTimeout() / MICROS_PER_SEC));
*tmp_file = tmp_files_avail_pool_.front();
DCHECK(*tmp_file != nullptr);
if ((*tmp_file)->disk_type() != io::DiskFileType::DUMMY) {
TmpFileRemote* tmp_file_remote = static_cast<TmpFileRemote*>(tmp_file->get());
// Assert the default size remains the same in case the object is corrupted.
DCHECK_EQ(tmp_file_remote->file_size_, tmp_file_mgr_->GetRemoteTmpFileSize());
return Status::OK();
} // namespace impala