blob: 7ed411e55d5fd8ba79d2fec755e7766a14df4002 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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# Talk to an impalad through beeswax.
# Usage:
# * impalad is a string with the host and port of the impalad
# with which the connection should be established.
# The format is "<hostname>:<port>"
# * query_string is the query to be executed, as a string.
# client = ImpalaBeeswaxClient(impalad)
# client.connect()
# result = client.execute(query_string)
# where result is an object of the class ImpalaBeeswaxResult.
import time
import shlex
import getpass
import re
from beeswaxd import BeeswaxService
from beeswaxd.BeeswaxService import QueryState
from datetime import datetime
# If Exec Summary is not implemented in Impala, this cannot be imported
from ExecStats.ttypes import TExecStats
except ImportError:
from ImpalaService import ImpalaService
from tests.util.thrift_util import create_transport
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportException
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException
# Custom exception wrapper.
# All exceptions coming from thrift/beeswax etc. go through this wrapper.
# __str__ preserves the exception type.
# TODO: Add the ability to print some of the stack.
class ImpalaBeeswaxException(Exception):
__name__ = "ImpalaBeeswaxException"
def __init__(self, message, inner_exception):
self.__message = message
self.inner_exception = inner_exception
def __str__(self):
return "%s:\n %s" % (self.__name__, self.__message)
class ImpalaBeeswaxResult(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.query = kwargs.get('query', None)
self.success = kwargs.get('success', False)
# Insert returns an int, convert into list to have a uniform data type.
# TODO: We should revisit this if we have more datatypes to deal with. = kwargs.get('data', None)
if not isinstance(, list): = str( = []
self.log = None
self.time_taken = kwargs.get('time_taken', 0)
self.summary = kwargs.get('summary', str())
self.schema = kwargs.get('schema', None)
self.runtime_profile = kwargs.get('runtime_profile', str())
self.exec_summary = kwargs.get('exec_summary', None)
def get_data(self):
return self.__format_data()
def __format_data(self):
return '\n'.join(
return ''
def __str__(self):
message = ('Summary: %s\n'
'Success: %s\n'
'Took: %s(s)\n'
% (self.summary, self.success, self.time_taken,
return message
# Interface to beeswax. Responsible for executing queries, fetching results.
class ImpalaBeeswaxClient(object):
# Regex applied to all tokens of a query to detect the query type.
INSERT_REGEX = re.compile("^insert$", re.I)
def __init__(self, impalad, use_kerberos=False, user=None, password=None,
self.connected = False
self.impalad = impalad
self.imp_service = None
self.transport = None
self.use_kerberos = use_kerberos
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.user, self.password = user, password
self.use_ldap = (self.user is not None)
self.__query_options = {}
self.query_states = QueryState._NAMES_TO_VALUES
def __options_to_string_list(self):
return ["%s=%s" % (k,v) for (k,v) in self.__query_options.iteritems()]
def get_query_options(self):
return self.__query_options
def set_query_option(self, name, value):
self.__query_options[name.upper()] = value
def set_query_options(self, query_option_dict):
if query_option_dict is None:
raise ValueError, 'Cannot pass None value for query options'
for name, value in query_option_dict.iteritems():
self.set_query_option(name, value)
def get_query_option(self, name):
return self.__query_options.get(name.upper())
def clear_query_options(self):
def connect(self):
"""Connect to impalad specified in intializing this object
Raises an exception if the connection is unsuccesful.
self.impalad = self.impalad.split(':')
self.transport = self.__get_transport()
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
self.imp_service = ImpalaService.Client(protocol)
self.connected = True
except Exception, e:
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(e), e)
def close_connection(self):
"""Close the transport if it's still open"""
if self.transport:
self.connected = False
def __get_transport(self):
"""Creates the proper transport type based environment (secure vs unsecure)"""
trans_type = 'buffered'
if self.use_kerberos:
trans_type = 'kerberos'
elif self.use_ldap:
trans_type = 'plain_sasl'
return create_transport(host=self.impalad[0], port=int(self.impalad[1]),
service='impala', transport_type=trans_type, user=self.user,
password=self.password, use_ssl=self.use_ssl)
def execute(self, query_string, user=None):
"""Re-directs the query to its appropriate handler, returns ImpalaBeeswaxResult"""
# Take care of leading/trailing whitespaces.
query_string = query_string.strip()
start = time.time()
start_time =
handle = self.__execute_query(query_string.strip(), user=user)
if self.__get_query_type(query_string) == 'insert':
# DML queries are finished by this point.
time_taken = time.time() - start
# fetch_results() will close the query after which there is no guarantee that
# profile and log will be available so fetch them first.
runtime_profile = self.get_runtime_profile(handle)
exec_summary = self.get_exec_summary(handle)
log = self.get_log(handle.log_context)
result = self.fetch_results(query_string, handle)
result.time_taken, result.start_time, result.runtime_profile, result.log = \
time_taken, start_time, runtime_profile, log
result.exec_summary = exec_summary
# For SELECT queries, execution might still be ongoing. fetch_results() will block
# until the query is completed.
result = self.fetch_results(query_string, handle)
result.time_taken = time.time() - start
result.start_time = start_time
result.exec_summary = self.get_exec_summary(handle)
result.log = self.get_log(handle.log_context)
result.runtime_profile = self.get_runtime_profile(handle)
return result
def get_exec_summary(self, handle):
"""Calls GetExecSummary() for the last query handle"""
summary = self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.GetExecSummary(handle))
except ImpalaBeeswaxException:
summary = None
if summary is None or summary.nodes is None:
return None
# If exec summary is not implemented in Impala, this function returns, so we do not
# get the function __build_summary_table which requires TExecStats to be imported.
output = []
self.__build_summary_table(summary, 0, False, 0, False, output)
return output
def __build_summary_table(self, summary, idx, is_fragment_root, indent_level,
new_indent_level, output):
"""NOTE: This was taken This method will be a placed in a library
that is shared between impala_shell and this file.
Direct translation of Coordinator::PrintExecSummary() to recursively build a list
of rows of summary statistics, one per exec node
summary: the TExecSummary object that contains all the summary data
idx: the index of the node to print
is_fragment_root: true if the node to print is the root of a fragment (and therefore
feeds into an exchange)
indent_level: the number of spaces to print before writing the node's label, to give
the appearance of a tree. The 0th child of a node has the same indent_level as its
parent. All other children have an indent_level of one greater than their parent.
new_indent_level: If true, this indent level is different from the previous row's.
output: the list of rows into which to append the rows produced for this node and its
Returns the index of the next exec node in summary.exec_nodes that should be
processed, used internally to this method only.
attrs = ["latency_ns", "cpu_time_ns", "cardinality", "memory_used"]
# Initialise aggregate and maximum stats
agg_stats, max_stats = TExecStats(), TExecStats()
for attr in attrs:
setattr(agg_stats, attr, 0)
setattr(max_stats, attr, 0)
node = summary.nodes[idx]
for stats in node.exec_stats:
for attr in attrs:
val = getattr(stats, attr)
if val is not None:
setattr(agg_stats, attr, getattr(agg_stats, attr) + val)
setattr(max_stats, attr, max(getattr(max_stats, attr), val))
if len(node.exec_stats) > 0:
avg_time = agg_stats.latency_ns / len(node.exec_stats)
avg_time = 0
# If the node is a broadcast-receiving exchange node, the cardinality of rows produced
# is the max over all instances (which should all have received the same number of
# rows). Otherwise, the cardinality is the sum over all instances which process
# disjoint partitions.
if node.is_broadcast:
cardinality = max_stats.cardinality
cardinality = agg_stats.cardinality
est_stats = node.estimated_stats
label_prefix = ""
if indent_level > 0:
label_prefix = "|"
label_prefix += " |" * (indent_level - 1)
if new_indent_level:
label_prefix += "--"
label_prefix += " "
row = {}
row["prefix"] = label_prefix
row["operator"] = node.label
row["num_hosts"] = len(node.exec_stats)
row["avg_time"] = avg_time
row["max_time"] = max_stats.latency_ns
row["num_rows"] = cardinality
row["est_num_rows"] = est_stats.cardinality
row["peak_mem"] = max_stats.memory_used
row["est_peak_mem"] = est_stats.memory_used
row["detail"] = node.label_detail
sender_idx = summary.exch_to_sender_map[idx]
# This is an exchange node, so the sender is a fragment root, and should be printed
# next.
self.__build_summary_table(summary, sender_idx, True, indent_level, False, output)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# Fall through if idx not in map, or if exch_to_sender_map itself is not set
idx += 1
if node.num_children > 0:
first_child_output = []
idx = \
summary, idx, False, indent_level, False, first_child_output)
for child_idx in xrange(1, node.num_children):
# All other children are indented (we only have 0, 1 or 2 children for every exec
# node at the moment)
idx = self.__build_summary_table(
summary, idx, False, indent_level + 1, True, output)
output += first_child_output
return idx
def get_runtime_profile(self, handle):
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.GetRuntimeProfile(handle))
def execute_query_async(self, query_string, user=None):
Executes a query asynchronously
Issues a query and returns the query handle to the caller for processing.
query = BeeswaxService.Query()
query.query = query_string
query.hadoop_user = user if user is not None else getpass.getuser()
query.configuration = self.__options_to_string_list()
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.query(query,))
def __execute_query(self, query_string, user=None):
"""Executes a query and waits for completion"""
handle = self.execute_query_async(query_string, user=user)
# Wait for the query to finish execution.
return handle
def cancel_query(self, query_id):
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.Cancel(query_id))
def close_query(self, handle):
self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.close(handle))
def wait_for_completion(self, query_handle):
"""Given a query handle, polls the coordinator waiting for the query to complete"""
while True:
query_state = self.get_state(query_handle)
# if the rpc succeeded, the output is the query state
if query_state == self.query_states["FINISHED"]:
elif query_state == self.query_states["EXCEPTION"]:
error_log = self.__do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.get_log(query_handle.log_context))
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException("Query aborted:" + error_log, None)
def get_default_configuration(self):
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.get_default_configuration(False))
def get_state(self, query_handle):
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.get_state(query_handle))
def get_log(self, query_handle):
return self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.get_log(query_handle))
def refresh(self):
"""Invalidate the Impalad catalog"""
return self.execute("invalidate metadata")
def refresh_table(self, db_name, table_name):
"""Refresh a specific table from the catalog"""
return self.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (db_name, table_name))
def fetch_results(self, query_string, query_handle, max_rows = -1):
"""Fetches query results given a handle and query type (insert, use, other)"""
query_type = self.__get_query_type(query_string)
if query_type == 'use':
# TODO: "use <database>" does not currently throw an error. Need to update this
# to handle the error case once that behavior has been changed.
return ImpalaBeeswaxResult(query=query_string, success=True, data=[])
# Result fetching for insert is different from other queries.
exec_result = None
if query_type == 'insert':
exec_result = self.__fetch_insert_results(query_handle)
exec_result = self.__fetch_results(query_handle, max_rows)
exec_result.query = query_string
return exec_result
def __fetch_results(self, handle, max_rows = -1):
"""Handles query results, returns a ImpalaBeeswaxResult object"""
schema = self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.get_results_metadata(handle)).schema
# The query has finished, we can fetch the results
result_rows = []
while len(result_rows) < max_rows or max_rows < 0:
fetch_rows = -1 if max_rows < 0 else max_rows - len(result_rows)
results = self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.fetch(handle, False, fetch_rows))
if not results.has_more:
# The query executed successfully and all the data was fetched.
exec_result = ImpalaBeeswaxResult(success=True, data=result_rows, schema=schema)
exec_result.summary = 'Returned %d rows' % (len(result_rows))
return exec_result
def __fetch_insert_results(self, handle):
"""Executes an insert query"""
result = self.__do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.CloseInsert(handle))
# The insert was successful
num_rows = sum(map(int, result.rows_modified.values()))
data = ["%s: %s" % row for row in result.rows_modified.iteritems()]
exec_result = ImpalaBeeswaxResult(success=True, data=data)
exec_result.summary = "Inserted %d rows" % (num_rows,)
return exec_result
def __get_query_type(self, query_string):
# Set posix=True and add "'" to escaped quotes
# to deal with escaped quotes in string literals
lexer = shlex.shlex(query_string.lstrip(), posix=True)
lexer.escapedquotes += "'"
tokens = list(lexer)
# Do not classify explain queries as 'insert'
if (tokens[0].lower() == "explain"):
return tokens[0].lower()
# Because the WITH clause may precede INSERT or SELECT queries,
# just checking the first token is insufficient.
if filter(self.INSERT_REGEX.match, tokens):
return "insert"
return tokens[0].lower()
def __build_error_message(self, exception):
"""Construct a meaningful exception string"""
message = str(exception)
if isinstance(exception, BeeswaxService.BeeswaxException):
message = exception.message
return 'INNER EXCEPTION: %s\n MESSAGE: %s' % (exception.__class__, message)
def __do_rpc(self, rpc):
"""Executes the RPC lambda provided with some error checking.
Catches all the relevant exceptions and re throws them wrapped
in a custom exception [ImpalaBeeswaxException].
if not self.connected:
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException("Not connected", None)
return rpc()
except BeeswaxService.BeeswaxException, b:
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(b), b)
except TTransportException, e:
self.connected = False
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(e), e)
except TApplicationException, t:
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(t), t)
except Exception, u:
raise ImpalaBeeswaxException(self.__build_error_message(u), u)