blob: 5ce1ba2355070d819ab45ce8b59ac2a3a0058492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TimestampArithmeticExpr.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.AggregateFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.BuiltinsDb;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function.CompareMode;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.TestSchemaUtils;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExpr;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunction;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionBinaryType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TQueryOptions;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AnalyzeExprsTest extends AnalyzerTest {
public void TestNumericLiteralMinMaxValues() {
testNumericLiteral(Byte.toString(Byte.MIN_VALUE), Type.TINYINT);
testNumericLiteral(Byte.toString(Byte.MAX_VALUE), Type.TINYINT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Byte.toString(Byte.MIN_VALUE), Type.SMALLINT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Byte.toString(Byte.MAX_VALUE), Type.TINYINT);
testNumericLiteral(Short.toString(Short.MIN_VALUE), Type.SMALLINT);
testNumericLiteral(Short.toString(Short.MAX_VALUE), Type.SMALLINT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Short.toString(Short.MIN_VALUE), Type.INT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Short.toString(Short.MAX_VALUE), Type.SMALLINT);
testNumericLiteral(Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), Type.INT);
testNumericLiteral(Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE), Type.INT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE), Type.BIGINT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE), Type.INT);
testNumericLiteral(Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE), Type.BIGINT);
testNumericLiteral(Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE), Type.BIGINT);
testNumericLiteral(Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE), Type.BIGINT);
testNumericLiteral("- " + Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE), Type.BIGINT);
// Result type is a decimal because Long can't hold the value.
testNumericLiteral(Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE) + "1",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(20, 0));
testNumericLiteral(Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE) + "1",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(20, 0));
// Test min int64-1.
BigInteger minMinusOne = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
minMinusOne = minMinusOne.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
testNumericLiteral(minMinusOne.toString(), ScalarType.createDecimalType(19, 0));
// Test max int64+1.
BigInteger maxPlusOne = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
maxPlusOne = maxPlusOne.add(BigInteger.ONE);
testNumericLiteral(maxPlusOne.toString(), ScalarType.createDecimalType(19, 0));
// Test floating-point types.
testNumericLiteral(Float.toString(Float.MIN_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral(Float.toString(Float.MAX_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("-" + Float.toString(Float.MIN_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("-" + Float.toString(Float.MAX_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral(Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral(Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("-" + Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("-" + Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE), Type.DOUBLE);
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s1", Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE)),
"Numeric literal '1.7976931348623157E+3081' exceeds maximum range of DOUBLE.");
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s1", Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE)),
"Numeric literal '4.9E-3241' underflows minimum resolution of DOUBLE.");
// Test edge cases near the upper limits of decimal precision - 38 digits.
// Integer literal.
checkDecimalReturnType("select 12345678901234567890123456789012345678",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 0));
// Decimal point at front.
// Decimal point at back.
// Negative values.
// Decimal point in middle.
// Test literals that do not fit into a decimal and are treated as DOUBLE.
// Edge cases that have 39 digits.
testNumericLiteral("123456789012345678901234567890123456789", Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("123456789012345678901234567890123456789.", Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral("1234567890123.45678901234567890123456789", Type.DOUBLE);
testNumericLiteral(".123456789012345678901234567890123456789", Type.DOUBLE);
// Really huge literals are always interpreted as DOUBLE.
+ "55559999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", Type.DOUBLE);
+ "555559999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", Type.DOUBLE);
+ "555559999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", Type.DOUBLE);
* Test scientific notation typing. Values in scientific notation are expanded to
* decimal or integer literals and the same typing rules then apply.
public void TestScientificNumericLiterals() {
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1e9", Type.INT);
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.123456789e9", Type.INT);
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.1234567891e9",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.1234567891e6",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 4));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 9e9", Type.BIGINT);
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1e-2", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 2));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.123e-2", ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 5));
// Scientific notation - edge cases between decimal and double.
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1e37", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 0));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.23456e37", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 0));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1e38", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.23456e38", Type.DOUBLE);
* Asserts that "select literal" analyzes ok and that the expectedType
* matches the actual type.
private void testNumericLiteral(String literal, Type expectedType) {
SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + literal);
Type actualType = selectStmt.resultExprs_.get(0).getType();
Assert.assertTrue("Expected Type: " + expectedType + " Actual type: " + actualType,
public void TestTimestampValueExprs() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select cast (0 as timestamp)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast (0.1 as timestamp)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast ('1970-10-10 10:00:00.123' as timestamp)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast (cast ('1970-10-10' as date) as timestamp)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast (date '1970-10-10' as timestamp)");
public void testDateValueExprs() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select DATE '1970-10-10'");
AnalyzesOk("select cast ('1970-10-10' as date)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast (cast ('1970-10-10 10:00:00.123' as timestamp) as date)");
public void TestBooleanValueExprs() throws AnalysisException {
// Test predicates in where clause.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where true");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where false");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where bool_col = true");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where bool_col = false");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where bool_col = NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where NULL = NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where NULL and NULL or NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where true or false");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes where true and false");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes " +
"where true or false and bool_col = false");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes " +
"where true and false or bool_col = false");
// In select list.
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col = true from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col = false from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col = NULL from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select true or false and bool_col = false from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select true and false or bool_col = false from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select NULL or NULL and NULL from functional.AllTypes");
public void TestBinaryPredicates() throws AnalysisException {
for (String operator: new String[]{"<=>", "IS DISTINCT FROM",
"IS NOT DISTINCT FROM", "<", ">", ">=", "<=", "!=", "=", "<>"}) {
// Operator can compare numeric values (literals, casts, and columns), even ones of
// different types.
List<String> numericValues =
new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("0", "1", "1.1", "-7", "-7.7", "1.2e99",
"false", "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "tinyint_col",
"smallint_col", "int_col", "bigint_col", "float_col", "double_col"));
String numericTypes[] = new String[] {
for (String numericType : numericTypes) {
numericValues.add("cast(NULL as " + numericType + ")");
for (String lhs : numericValues) {
for (String rhs : numericValues) {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " + lhs + " "
+ operator + " " + rhs);
// Operator can compare identical non-numeric types
for (String operand :
new String[] {"bool_col", "string_col", "timestamp_col", "NULL"}) {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " + operand + " "
+ operator + " " + operand);
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " + operand + " "
+ operator + " NULL");
"select * from functional.alltypes where NULL " + operator + " " + operand);
// Operator can compare date columns
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl where date_col " + operator
+ " date_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl where date_col " + operator
+ " NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl where NULL " + operator
+ " date_col");
// Operator can compare date column and timestamp column
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes where date_col "
+ operator + " timestamp_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes where "
+ "timestamp_col " + operator + " date_col");
// Operator can compare date column and string literals. This works beacuse the
// string literal is implicitly converted to date.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl where date_col " + operator
+ " '1993-01-21'");
// Operator can compare string column and literals
"select * from functional.alltypes where string_col " + operator + " 'hi'");
// Operator can compare timestamp column and literals
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where timestamp_col "
+ operator + " '1993-01-21 02:00:00'");
// Operator can compare bool column and literals
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where bool_col " + operator
+ " true");
// Decimal types of different precisions and scales are comparable
String decimalColumns[] = new String[]{"d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "NULL"};
for (String operand1 : decimalColumns) {
for (String operand2 : decimalColumns) {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.decimal_tbl where " + operand1 + " "
+ operator + " " + operand2);
// IMPALA-7260: Check that when a numerical type gets implicitly cast to decimal,
// we do not get an error when the type of the decimal operand is not able to fit
// all of the digits of the non-deicmal operand.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38,37)) " + operator + " cast(2 as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as bigint) " + operator + " cast(2 as decimal(38,37))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38,1)) " + operator + " cast(2 as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38,37)) " + operator + " cast(2 as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38,37)) " + operator + " cast(2 as double)");
// Chars of different length are comparable
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) {
AnalyzesOk("select cast('hi' as char(" + i + ")) " + operator +
" 'hi'");
AnalyzesOk("select cast('hi' as char(" + i + ")) " + operator +
" NULL");
for (int j = 1; j < 16; ++j) {
AnalyzesOk("select cast('hi' as char(" + i + ")) " + operator +
" cast('hi' as char(" + j + "))");
// Binary operators do not operate on expression with incompatible types
for (String numeric_type: new String[]{"BOOLEAN", "TINYINT", "SMALLINT", "INT",
for (String string_type: new String[]{"STRING", "TIMESTAMP", "DATE"}) {
AnalysisError("select cast(NULL as " + numeric_type + ") "
+ operator + " cast(NULL as " + string_type + ")",
"operands of type " + numeric_type + " and " + string_type +
" are not comparable:");
AnalysisError("select cast(NULL as " + string_type + ") "
+ operator + " cast(NULL as " + numeric_type + ")",
"operands of type " + string_type + " and " + numeric_type +
" are not comparable:");
// invalid casts
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where bool_col = '15'",
"operands of type BOOLEAN and STRING are not comparable: bool_col = '15'");
// Complex types are not comparable.
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes where int_array_col = 1",
"operands of type ARRAY<INT> and TINYINT are not comparable: int_array_col = 1");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes where int_map_col = 1",
"operands of type MAP<STRING,INT> and TINYINT are not comparable: " +
"int_map_col = 1");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes where int_struct_col = 1",
"operands of type STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT> and TINYINT are not comparable: " +
"int_struct_col = 1");
// Complex types are not comparable even if identical.
// TODO: Reconsider this behavior. Such a comparison should ideally work,
// but may require complex-typed SlotRefs and BE functions able to accept
// complex-typed parameters.
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes " +
"where int_map_col = int_map_col",
"operands of type MAP<STRING,INT> and MAP<STRING,INT> are not comparable: " +
"int_map_col = int_map_col");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.date_tbl where date_col = 15",
"operands of type DATE and TINYINT are not comparable: date_col = 15");
// TODO: Enable once datetime is implemented.
// AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where datetime_col = 1.0",
// "operands are not comparable: datetime_col = 1.0");
public void TestDecimalCasts() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1.1 as boolean)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1.1 as timestamp)");
AnalysisError("select cast(1.1 as date)",
"Invalid type cast of 1.1 from DECIMAL(2,1) to DATE");
AnalysisError("select cast(true as decimal)",
"Invalid type cast of TRUE from BOOLEAN to DECIMAL(9,0)");
AnalysisError("select cast(cast(1 as timestamp) as decimal)",
"Invalid type cast of CAST(1 AS TIMESTAMP) from TIMESTAMP to DECIMAL(9,0)");
AnalysisError("select cast(date '1970-01-01' as decimal)",
"Invalid type cast of DATE '1970-01-01' from DATE to DECIMAL(9,0)");
for (Type type: Type.getSupportedTypes()) {
if (type.isNull() || type.isDecimal() || type.isBoolean() || type.isDateOrTimeType()
|| type.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.VARCHAR
|| type.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.CHAR) {
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1.1 as " + type + ")");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(cast(1 as " + type + ") as decimal)");
// Casts to all other decimals are supported.
for (int precision = 1; precision <= ScalarType.MAX_PRECISION; ++precision) {
for (int scale = 0; scale < precision; ++scale) {
Type t = ScalarType.createDecimalType(precision, scale);
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1.1 as " + t.toSql() + ")");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(cast(1 as " + t.toSql() + ") as decimal)");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as decimal(0, 1))",
"Decimal precision must be > 0: 0");
// IMPALA-2264: decimal is implicitly cast to lower-precision integer in edge cases.
"select CAST(999 AS DECIMAL(3,0))", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3,0));
AnalysisError("insert into functional.alltypesinsert (tinyint_col, year, month) " +
"values(CAST(999 AS DECIMAL(3,0)), 1, 1)",
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'functional.alltypesinsert'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(999 AS DECIMAL(3,0))' (type: DECIMAL(3,0)) would need to be " +
"cast to TINYINT for column 'tinyint_col'");
* Asserts that an expression can be cast as the specified type
private void testExprCast(String literal, Type expectedType) {
SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select cast(" + literal +
" as " + expectedType.toSql() + ")");
Type actualType = selectStmt.resultExprs_.get(0).getType();
Assert.assertTrue("Expected Type: " + expectedType + " Actual type: " + actualType,
public void TestStringCasts() throws AnalysisException {
// No implicit cast from STRING to numeric and boolean
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where tinyint_col = '1'",
"operands of type TINYINT and STRING are not comparable: tinyint_col = '1'");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where bool_col = '0'",
"operands of type BOOLEAN and STRING are not comparable: bool_col = '0'");
// No explicit cast from STRING to boolean.
AnalysisError("select cast('false' as boolean) from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid type cast of 'false' from STRING to BOOLEAN");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('0.5' as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"smallint_col = cast('0.5' as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col = cast('0.5' as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"bigint_col = cast('0.5' as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1.0 = cast('" + Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE) +
"' as double)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1.0 = cast('-" + Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE) +
"' as double)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1.0 = cast('" + Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE) +
"' as double)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1.0 = cast('-" + Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE) +
"' as double)");
// Test chains of minus. Note that "--" is the a comment symbol.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('-1' as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('- -1' as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('- - -1' as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('- - - -1' as tinyint)");
// Test correct casting to compatible type on bitwise ops.
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Byte.toString(Byte.MIN_VALUE) + "' as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Byte.toString(Byte.MAX_VALUE) + "' as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Short.toString(Short.MIN_VALUE) + "' as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Short.toString(Short.MAX_VALUE) + "' as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE) + "' as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + "' as int)");
// We need to add 1 to MIN_VALUE because there are no negative integer literals.
// The reason is that whether a minus belongs to an
// arithmetic expr or a literal must be decided by the parser, not the lexer.
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1) + "' as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 | cast('" + Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE) + "' as bigint)");
// Cast to numeric never overflow
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where tinyint_col = " +
"cast('" + Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE) + "1' as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where tinyint_col = " +
"cast('" + Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE) + "1' as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where tinyint_col = " +
"cast('" + Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE) + "1' as tinyint)");
// Java converts a float underflow to 0.0.
// Since there is no easy, reliable way to detect underflow,
// we don't consider it an error.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where tinyint_col = " +
"cast('" + Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE) + "1' as tinyint)");
// Cast never raise analysis exception
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"tinyint_col = cast('--1' as tinyint)");
// Cast string literal to string
AnalyzesOk("select cast('abc' as string)");
// Cast decimal to string
AnalyzesOk("select cast(cast('1.234' as decimal) as string)");
// Cast to / from VARCHAR
AnalyzesOk("select cast('helloworld' as VARCHAR(3))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(cast('helloworld' as VARCHAR(3)) as string)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(cast('3.0' as VARCHAR(5)) as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select NULL = cast('123' as CHAR(3))");
AnalysisError("select now() = cast('hi' as CHAR(3))",
"operands of type TIMESTAMP and CHAR(3) are not comparable: " +
"now() = CAST('hi' AS CHAR(3))");
AnalysisError("select cast(now() as DATE) = cast('hi' as CHAR(3))",
"operands of type DATE and CHAR(3) are not comparable: " +
"CAST(now() AS DATE) = CAST('hi' AS CHAR(3))");
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as VARCHAR(5))", ScalarType.createVarcharType(7));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as VARCHAR(5))", ScalarType.createVarcharType(3));
AnalysisError("select cast('foo' as varchar(0))",
"Varchar size must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("select cast('foo' as varchar(65536))",
"Varchar size must be <= 65535: 65536");
AnalysisError("select cast('foo' as char(0))",
"Char size must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("select cast('foo' as char(256))",
"Char size must be <= 255: 256");
testExprCast("'Hello'", ScalarType.createCharType(5));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as CHAR(5))", ScalarType.STRING);
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as CHAR(5))", ScalarType.createVarcharType(7));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as VARCHAR(5))", ScalarType.createCharType(7));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as CHAR(7))", ScalarType.createVarcharType(5));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as VARCHAR(7))", ScalarType.createCharType(5));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as CHAR(5))", ScalarType.createVarcharType(5));
testExprCast("cast('Hello' as VARCHAR(5))", ScalarType.createCharType(5));
testExprCast("1", ScalarType.createCharType(5));
testExprCast("cast('abcde' as char(10)) IN " +
"(cast('abcde' as CHAR(20)), cast('abcde' as VARCHAR(10)), 'abcde')",
testExprCast("'abcde' IN " +
"(cast('abcde' as CHAR(20)), cast('abcde' as VARCHAR(10)), 'abcde')",
testExprCast("cast('abcde' as varchar(10)) IN " +
"(cast('abcde' as CHAR(20)), cast('abcde' as VARCHAR(10)), 'abcde')",
* Tests that cast(null to type) returns type for all types.
public void TestNullCasts() throws AnalysisException {
for (Type type: Type.getSupportedTypes()) {
// Cannot cast to NULL_TYPE
if (type.isNull()) continue;
if (type.isDecimal()) type = Type.DEFAULT_DECIMAL;
if (type.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.VARCHAR) {
type = ScalarType.createVarcharType(1);
if (type.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.CHAR) {
type = ScalarType.createCharType(1);
checkExprType("select cast(null as " + type + ")", type);
* Tests that casts to complex types fail with an appropriate error message.
public void TestComplexTypeCasts() throws AnalysisException {
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as array<int>)",
"Unsupported cast to complex type: ARRAY<INT>");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as map<int, int>)",
"Unsupported cast to complex type: MAP<INT,INT>");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as struct<a:int,b:char(20)>)",
"Unsupported cast to complex type: STRUCT<a:INT,b:CHAR(20)>");
public void TestLikePredicates() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col like 'test%'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col like string_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col ilike 'test%'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col ilike string_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where 'test' like string_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col rlike 'test%'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col regexp 'test.*'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col iregexp 'test.*'");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col like 5",
"right operand of LIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col ilike 5",
"right operand of ILIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where 'test' like 5",
"right operand of LIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where 'test' ilike 5",
"right operand of ILIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col like 'test%'",
"left operand of LIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col ilike 'test%'",
"left operand of ILIKE must be of type STRING");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col regexp 'test]['",
"invalid regular expression in 'string_col REGEXP 'test][''");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col iregexp 'test]['",
"invalid regular expression in 'string_col IREGEXP 'test][''");
// Test NULLs.
String[] likePreds = new String[] {"LIKE", "RLIKE", "REGEXP", "ILIKE", "IREGEXP"};
for (String likePred: likePreds) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where string_col %s NULL", likePred));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where NULL %s string_col", likePred));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where NULL %s NULL", likePred));
public void TestCompoundPredicates() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"string_col = '5' and int_col = 5");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"string_col = '5' or int_col = 5");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where (string_col = '5' " +
"or int_col = 5) and string_col > '1'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where not string_col = '5'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col = cast('5' as int)");
// Test all combinations of truth values and bool_col with all boolean operators.
String[] operands = new String[]{ "true", "false", "NULL", "bool_col" };
for (String lop: operands) {
for (String rop: operands) {
for (CompoundPredicate.Operator op: CompoundPredicate.Operator.values()) {
// Unary operator tested elsewhere (below).
if (op == CompoundPredicate.Operator.NOT) continue;
String expr = String.format("%s %s %s", lop, op, rop);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes where %s",
expr, expr));
String notExpr = String.format("%s %s", CompoundPredicate.Operator.NOT, lop);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes where %s",
notExpr, notExpr));
// arbitrary exprs as operands should fail to analyze
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where 1 + 2 and false",
"Operand '1 + 2' part of predicate '1 + 2 AND FALSE' should return " +
"type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'SMALLINT'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where 1 + 2 or true",
"Operand '1 + 2' part of predicate '1 + 2 OR TRUE' should return " +
"type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'SMALLINT'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where not 1 + 2",
"Operand '1 + 2' part of predicate 'NOT 1 + 2' should return " +
"type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'SMALLINT'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where 1 + 2 and true",
"Operand '1 + 2' part of predicate '1 + 2 AND TRUE' should return " +
"type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'SMALLINT'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where false and trim('abc')",
"Operand 'trim('abc')' part of predicate 'FALSE AND trim('abc')' should " +
"return type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where bool_col or double_col",
"Operand 'double_col' part of predicate 'bool_col OR double_col' should " +
"return type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'DOUBLE'.");
AnalysisError("select int_array_col or true from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_array_col' part of predicate 'int_array_col OR TRUE' should " +
"return type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'ARRAY<INT>'");
AnalysisError("select false and int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_struct_col' part of predicate 'FALSE AND int_struct_col' should " +
"return type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.");
AnalysisError("select not int_map_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_map_col' part of predicate 'NOT int_map_col' should return " +
"type 'BOOLEAN' but returns type 'MAP<STRING,INT>'.");
public void TestIsNullPredicates() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col is null");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where string_col is not null");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where null is not null");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes where int_map_col is null",
"IS NULL predicate does not support complex types: int_map_col IS NULL");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.allcomplextypes where complex_struct_col " +
"is null", "IS NULL predicate does not support complex types: " +
"complex_struct_col IS NULL");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.allcomplextypes where nested_struct_col " +
"is not null", "IS NOT NULL predicate does not support complex types: " +
"nested_struct_col IS NOT NULL");
public void TestBoolTestExpression() throws AnalysisException {
String[] rhsOptions = new String[] {"true", "false", "unknown"};
String[] lhsOptions = new String[] {
"bool_col", // column reference
"1>1", // boolean expression
"istrue(false)", // function
"(1>1 is true)" // nested expression
// Bool test in both the select and where clauses. Includes negated IS clauses.
for (String rhsVal : rhsOptions) {
String template = "select (%s is %s) from functional.alltypes where (%s is %s)";
String lhsVal = rhsVal == "unknown" ? "null" : rhsVal;
String negatedRhsVal = "not " + rhsVal;
// Tests for lhs being one of true, false or null.
AnalyzesOk(String.format(template, lhsVal, rhsVal, lhsVal, rhsVal));
AnalyzesOk(String.format(template, lhsVal, negatedRhsVal, lhsVal, negatedRhsVal));
// Tests for lhs being one lhsOptions expressions.
for (String lhs : lhsOptions) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format(template, lhs, rhsVal, lhs, rhsVal));
AnalyzesOk(String.format(template, lhs, negatedRhsVal, lhs, negatedRhsVal));
AnalysisError("select ('foo' is true)",
"No matching function with signature: istrue(STRING).");
AnalysisError("select (10 is true)",
"No matching function with signature: istrue(TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select (10 is not true)",
"No matching function with signature: isnottrue(TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select (10 is false)",
"No matching function with signature: isfalse(TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select (10 is not false)",
"No matching function with signature: isnotfalse(TINYINT).");
public void TestBetweenPredicates() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where tinyint_col between smallint_col and int_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where tinyint_col not between smallint_col and int_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where 'abc' between string_col and date_string_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where 'abc' not between string_col and date_string_col");
// Additional predicates before and/or after between predicate.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where string_col = 'abc' and tinyint_col between 10 and 20");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where tinyint_col between 10 and 20 and string_col = 'abc'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where bool_col and tinyint_col between 10 and 20 and string_col = 'abc'");
// Chaining/nesting of between predicates.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where true between false and true and 'b' between 'a' and 'c'");
// true between ('b' between 'a' and 'b') and ('bb' between 'aa' and 'cc)
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where true between 'b' between 'a' and 'c' and 'bb' between 'aa' and 'cc'");
// Test proper precedence with exprs before between.
AnalyzesOk("select 5 + 1 between 4 and 10");
AnalyzesOk("select 'abc' like '%a' between true and false");
AnalyzesOk("select false between (true and true) and (false and true)");
// Lower and upper bounds require implicit casts.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where double_col between smallint_col and int_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes, functional.date_tbl " +
"where timestamp_col between date_part and date_col");
// Comparison expr requires implicit cast.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where smallint_col between float_col and double_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes " +
"where date_col between timestamp_col and timestamp_col + interval 1 day");
// Test NULLs.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where NULL between float_col and double_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where smallint_col between NULL and double_col");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where smallint_col between float_col and NULL");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where NULL between NULL and NULL");
// Incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where string_col between bool_col and double_col",
"Incompatible return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN' " +
"of exprs 'string_col' and 'bool_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where timestamp_col between int_col and double_col",
"Incompatible return types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'timestamp_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes " +
"where date_col between int_col and double_col",
"Incompatible return types 'DATE' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'date_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes " +
"where int_struct_col between 10 and 20",
"Incompatible return types 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>' and 'TINYINT' " +
"of exprs 'int_struct_col' and '10'.");
// IMPALA-7211: Do not cast decimal types to other decimal types
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38,2)) between " +
"0.9 * cast(1 as decimal(38,3)) and 3");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as decimal(38,1)) and cast(3 as decimal(38,15))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as double) and cast(3 as decimal(38,1))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as decimal(38,1)) and cast(3 as double)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as decimal(38,1)) and cast(3 as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as bigint) and cast(3 as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as bigint) and cast(3 as decimal(38,1))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as decimal(38,1)) and cast(3 as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38,37)) between " +
"cast(1 as int) and cast(3 as decimal(38,1))");
public void TestInPredicates() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col in (1, 2, 3, 4)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where int_col not in (1, 2, 3, 4)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"string_col in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"string_col not in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')");
// Test booleans.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"true in (bool_col, true and false)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"true not in (bool_col, true and false)");
// In list requires implicit casts.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"double_col in (int_col, bigint_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes, functional.date_tbl where " +
"timestamp_col in (date_col, date_part)");
// Comparison expr requires implicit cast.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"int_col in (double_col, bigint_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes, functional.date_tbl where " +
"date_col in (timestamp_col, timestamp_col + interval 1 day)");
// Test predicates.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"!true in (false or true, true and false)");
// Test NULLs.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"NULL in (NULL, NULL)");
// Test IN in binary predicates
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col = (int_col in (1,2)), " +
"case when tinyint_col in (10, NULL) then tinyint_col else NULL end " +
"from functional.alltypestiny where int_col > (bool_col in (false)) " +
"and (int_col in (1,2)) = (select min(bool_col) from functional.alltypes) " +
"and (int_col in (3,4)) = (tinyint_col in (4,5))");
// Incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"string_col in (bool_col, double_col)",
"Incompatible return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN' " +
"of exprs 'string_col' and 'bool_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"timestamp_col in (int_col, double_col)",
"Incompatible return types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'timestamp_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where " +
"timestamp_col in (NULL, int_col)",
"Incompatible return types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'timestamp_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes where " +
"date_col in (int_col, double_col)",
"Incompatible return types 'DATE' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'date_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes where " +
"date_col in (NULL, int_col)",
"Incompatible return types 'DATE' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'date_col' and 'int_col'.");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes where " +
"int_array_col in (id, NULL)",
"Incompatible return types 'ARRAY<INT>' and 'INT' " +
"of exprs 'int_array_col' and 'id'.");
public void TestAnalyticExprs() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypessmall order by count(*) over () "
+ "limit 10");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over () from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select avg(bigint_col) over (partition by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select count(smallint_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows 2 preceding) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 preceding and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and 2 preceding) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 following and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
// TODO: Enable after RANGE windows with offset boundaries are supported
//AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
// + "range between 2 preceding and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
//AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
// + "range between 2 preceding and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 preceding and 6 following) from functional.alltypes");
// TODO: substitute constants in-line so that 2*3 becomes implicitly castable
// to tinyint
//+ "range between 2 preceding and 2 * 3 following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 preceding and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select lead(int_col, 1, null) over "
+ "(partition by id order by tinyint_col) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select rank() over "
+ "(partition by id order by tinyint_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select id from functional.alltypes order by rank() over (order by tinyint_col)");
// last_value/first_value
"select first_value(tinyint_col) over (order by id) from functional.alltypesagg");
"select last_value(tinyint_col) over (order by id) from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select first_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over (order by id) from "
+ "functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select last_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over (order by id) from "
+ "functional.alltypesagg");
// IMPALA-4301: Test IGNORE NULLS with subqueries.
AnalyzesOk("select first_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over (order by id)," +
"last_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over (order by id)" +
"from functional.alltypesagg a " +
"where exists (select 1 from functional.alltypes b where =");
// last_value/first_value without using order by
AnalyzesOk("select first_value(tinyint_col) over () from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select last_value(tinyint_col) over () from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select first_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over () from "
+ "functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select last_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over () from "
+ "functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select first_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over ()," +
"last_value(tinyint_col ignore nulls) over () from functional.alltypesagg a " +
"where exists (select 1 from functional.alltypes b where =");
// legal combinations of analytic and agg functions
AnalyzesOk("select sum(count(id)) over (partition by min(int_col) "
+ "order by max(bigint_col)) from functional.alltypes group by id, tinyint_col "
+ "order by rank() over (order by max(bool_col), tinyint_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select lead(count(id)) over (order by tinyint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypes group by id, tinyint_col "
+ "order by rank() over (order by tinyint_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select min(count(id)) over (order by tinyint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypes group by id, tinyint_col "
+ "order by rank() over (order by tinyint_col)");
// IMPALA-1231: COUNT(t1.int_col) shows up in two different ways: as agg output
// and as an analytic fn call
AnalyzesOk("select t1.int_col, COUNT(t1.int_col) OVER (ORDER BY t1.int_col) "
+ "FROM functional.alltypes t1 GROUP BY t1.int_col HAVING COUNT(t1.int_col) > 1");
// legal windows
"select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "rows between 2 following and 4 following) from functional.alltypes");
"select max(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "range between unbounded preceding and current row) "
+ "from functional.alltypes");
"select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "range between current row and unbounded following) "
+ "from functional.alltypes");
"select max(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "
+ "from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 4 preceding and 2 preceding) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 following and 4 following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk( "select "
+ "2 * min(tinyint_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ " rows between unbounded preceding and current row), "
+ "concat(max(string_col) over (partition by timestamp_col, int_col "
+ " order by tinyint_col, smallint_col "
+ " rows between unbounded preceding and current row), "
+ "min(string_col) over (partition by timestamp_col, int_col "
+ " order by tinyint_col, smallint_col "
+ " rows between unbounded preceding and current row)) "
+ "from functional.alltypes");
"select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "rows between current row and current row) from functional.alltypes");
"select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "range between current row and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"RANGE is only supported with both the lower and upper bounds UNBOUNDED or one "
+ "UNBOUNDED and the other CURRENT ROW.");
AnalysisError("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "range between 2 following and 2 following) from functional.alltypes",
"RANGE is only supported with both the lower and upper bounds UNBOUNDED or one "
+ "UNBOUNDED and the other CURRENT ROW.");
// Min/max do not support start bounds with offsets
AnalysisError("select max(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows 2 preceding) from functional.alltypes",
"'max(int_col)' is only supported with an UNBOUNDED PRECEDING start bound.");
// If the query can be re-written so that the start is unbounded, it should
// be supported (IMPALA-1433).
AnalyzesOk("select max(id) over (order by id rows between current row and "
+ "unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 preceding and unbounded following) from functional.alltypes");
// TODO: Enable after RANGE windows with offset boundaries are supported
//AnalysisError("select max(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
// + "range 2 preceding) from functional.alltypes",
// "'max(int_col)' is only supported with an UNBOUNDED PRECEDING start bound.");
// missing grouping expr
"select lead(count(bigint_col)) over (order by tinyint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypes group by id, tinyint_col "
+ "order by rank() over (order by smallint_col)",
"ORDER BY expression not produced by aggregation output (missing from GROUP "
+ "BY clause?): rank() OVER (ORDER BY smallint_col ASC)");
// missing Over clause
AnalysisError("select 1, lag(int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"Analytic function requires an OVER clause: lag(int_col)");
// no FROM clause
AnalysisError("select 1, count(*) over()",
"Analytic expressions require FROM clause");
// can't mix DISTINCT and analytics
"select distinct int_col, sum(double_col) over () from functional.alltypes",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with analytic functions");
// analytic expr in Group By
"select id, count(*) from functional.alltypes "
+ "group by 1, rank() over(order by int_col)",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain analytic expressions: rank() OVER "
+ "(ORDER BY int_col ASC)");
"select id, rank() over(order by int_col), count(*) "
+ "from functional.alltypes group by 1, 2",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain analytic expressions: rank() OVER "
+ "(ORDER BY int_col ASC)");
// analytic expr in Having
"select id, count(*) from functional.alltypes group by 1 "
+ "having rank() over(order by int_col) > 1",
"HAVING clause must not contain analytic expressions: rank() OVER "
+ "(ORDER BY int_col ASC)");
// analytic expr in Where
"select id, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes "
+ "where row_number() over(order by id) > 1",
"WHERE clause must not contain analytic expressions: row_number() OVER "
+ "(ORDER BY id ASC)");
// analytic expr with Distinct
"select id, tinyint_col, sum(distinct tinyint_col) over(order by id) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"DISTINCT not allowed in analytic function");
// IGNORE NULLS may only be used with first_value/last_value
"select sum(id ignore nulls) over (order by id) from functional.alltypes",
"Function SUM does not accept the keyword IGNORE NULLS.");
// IMPALA-1256: AnalyticExpr.resetAnalysisState() didn't sync up w/ orderByElements_
AnalyzesOk("with t as ("
+ "select * from (select sum(t1.year) over ("
+ " order by max(, t1.year "
+ " rows between unbounded preceding and 5 preceding) "
+ "from functional.alltypes t1 group by t1.year) t1) select * from t");
AnalyzesOk("with t as ("
+ "select sum(t1.smallint_col) over () from functional.alltypes t1) "
+ "select * from t");
// IMPALA-1234
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select 1 as int_col_1 from functional.alltypesagg t1) "
+ "select count(t1.int_col_1) as int_col_1 from t t1 where t1.int_col_1 is null "
+ "group by t1.int_col_1 union all "
+ "select min( over () from functional.alltypesagg t1");
// IMPALA-2532: Resolve wildcard decimals returned from first_value().
AnalyzesOk("select 1 in " +
"(first_value(cast(int_col AS DECIMAL)) " +
" over (order by int_col rows between 2 preceding and 1 preceding)) " +
"from functional.alltypestiny");
// IMPALA-6323: Allow constant expressions in analytic window exprs.
AnalyzesOk("select rank() over (order by 1) from functional.alltypestiny");
AnalyzesOk("select count() over (partition by 2) from functional.alltypestiny");
"select rank() over (partition by 2 order by 1) from functional.alltypestiny");
// nested analytic exprs
"select sum(int_col) over (partition by id, rank() over (order by int_col) "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col "
+ "rows between 2 following and 4 following) from functional.alltypes",
"Nesting of analytic expressions is not allowed");
"select lead(rank() over (order by int_col)) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"Nesting of analytic expressions is not allowed");
"select max(int_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by rank() over (order by tinyint_col), int_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"Nesting of analytic expressions is not allowed");
// lead/lag variants
"select lag(int_col, 10, 5 + 1) over (partition by id, bool_col "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select lead(string_col, 1, 'default') over ("
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select lag(bool_col, 3) over ("
+ "order by id, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select lead(float_col, 2) over (partition by string_col, timestamp_col "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select lag(double_col) over ("
+ "order by string_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
"select lead(timestamp_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes");
// missing offset w/ default
"select lag(string_col, 'x') over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"No matching function with signature: lag(STRING, STRING)");
// mismatched default type
"select lead(int_col, 1, 'x') over ("
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"No matching function with signature: lead(INT, TINYINT, STRING)");
// missing params
"select lag() over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"No matching function with signature: lag()");
// bad offsets
"select lead(int_col, -1) over ("
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"The offset parameter of LEAD/LAG must be a constant positive integer");
"select lag(int_col, tinyint_col * 2, 5) over ("
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"The offset parameter of LEAD/LAG must be a constant positive integer");
"select lag(int_col, 1, int_col) over ("
+ "order by tinyint_col, int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"The default parameter (parameter 3) of LEAD/LAG must be a constant");
// wrong type of function
AnalysisError("select abs(float_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"OVER clause requires aggregate or analytic function: abs(float_col)");
AnalysisError("select group_concat(string_col) over (order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"Aggregate function 'group_concat(string_col)' not supported with OVER clause.");
// Order By missing
AnalysisError("select sum(int_col) over (partition by id "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"Windowing clause requires ORDER BY clause");
// Order By missing for ranking fn
AnalysisError("select dense_rank() over (partition by id) from functional.alltypes",
"'dense_rank()' requires an ORDER BY clause");
// Order By missing for offset fn
AnalysisError("select lag(tinyint_col, 1, null) over (partition by id) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"'lag(tinyint_col, 1, NULL)' requires an ORDER BY clause");
// Window for ranking fn
AnalysisError("select row_number() over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"Windowing clause not allowed with 'row_number()'");
// Window for offset fn
AnalysisError("select lead(tinyint_col, 1, null) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows between unbounded preceding and current row) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"Windowing clause not allowed with 'lead(tinyint_col, 1, NULL)'");
// windows
AnalysisError("select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows between unbounded following and current row) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is only allowed for upper bound of BETWEEN");
AnalysisError("select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows unbounded following) from functional.alltypes",
"UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is only allowed for upper bound of BETWEEN");
AnalysisError("select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows between current row and unbounded preceding) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is only allowed for lower bound of BETWEEN");
AnalysisError("select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows 2 following) from functional.alltypes",
"FOLLOWING requires a BETWEEN clause");
"select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows between 2 following and current row) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"A lower window bound of FOLLOWING requires that the upper bound also be "
"select sum(tinyint_col) over (partition by id "
+ "order by tinyint_col rows between current row and 2 preceding) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"An upper window bound of PRECEDING requires that the lower bound also be "
// offset boundaries
"select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between tinyint_col preceding and current row) "
+ "from functional.alltypes",
"For ROWS window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
+ "constant positive integer: tinyint_col PRECEDING");
"select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between current row and '2' following) from functional.alltypes",
"For ROWS window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
+ "constant positive integer: '2' FOLLOWING");
"select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between -2 preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"For ROWS window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
+ "constant positive integer: -2 PRECEDING");
"select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between 2 preceding and 3 preceding) from functional.alltypes",
"Offset boundaries are in the wrong order: ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND "
"select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by tinyint_col "
+ "rows between count(*) preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
"For ROWS window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
+ "constant positive integer: count(*) PRECEDING");
// TODO: Enable after RANGE windows with offset boundaries are supported.
// "select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by float_col "
// + "range between -2.1 preceding and current row) from functional.alltypes",
// "For RANGE window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
// + "constant positive number: -2.1 PRECEDING");
// "select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by int_col "
// + "range between current row and 2.1 following) from functional.alltypes",
// "The value expression of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING clause of a RANGE window must "
// + "be implicitly convertable to the ORDER BY expression's type: 2.1 cannot "
// + "be implicitly converted to INT");
// "select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by int_col "
// + "range between 2 * tinyint_col preceding and current row) "
// + "from functional.alltypes",
// "For RANGE window, the value of a PRECEDING/FOLLOWING offset must be a "
// + "constant positive number");
// "select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by int_col "
// + "range between 3.1 following and 2.0 following) "
// + "from functional.alltypes",
// "Offset boundaries are in the wrong order");
//// multiple ordering exprs w/ range offset
// "select min(int_col) over (partition by id order by int_col, tinyint_col "
// + "range between 2 preceding and current row) "
// + "from functional.alltypes",
// "Only one ORDER BY expression allowed if used with a RANGE window with "
// percent_rank(), cume_dist() and ntile() tests
AnalyzesOk("select percent_rank() over(order by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select cume_dist() over(order by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select ntile(3) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select ntile(3000) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select ntile(3000000000) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select percent_rank() over(partition by tinyint_col, bool_col "
+ "order by id), ntile(3) over(partition by int_col, bool_col "
+ "order by smallint_col, id), cume_dist() over(partition by int_col, bool_col "
+ "order by month) from functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("select ntile(-1) over(order by int_col) from functional.alltypestiny",
"NTILE() requires a positive argument: -1");
AnalysisError("select percent_rank() over(partition by int_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypestiny",
"'percent_rank()' requires an ORDER BY clause");
AnalysisError("select cume_dist() over(partition by int_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypestiny",
"'cume_dist()' requires an ORDER BY clause");
AnalysisError("select ntile(2) over(partition by int_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypestiny",
"'ntile(2)' requires an ORDER BY clause");
// TODO: Remove this test once we allow for non-constant arguments in ntile()
"select ntile(int_col) over(order by tinyint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypestiny",
"NTILE() requires a constant argument");
// Cannot order or partition by complex-typed expression.
AnalysisError("select id, row_number() over (order by int_array_col) " +
"from functional_parquet.allcomplextypes", "ORDER BY expression " +
"'int_array_col' with complex type 'ARRAY<INT>' is not supported.");
AnalysisError("select id, count() over (partition by int_struct_col) " +
"from functional_parquet.allcomplextypes", "PARTITION BY expression " +
"'int_struct_col' with complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>' is not supported.");
* Test of all arithmetic type casts.
public void TestArithmeticTypeCasts() throws AnalysisException {
// Test all non-decimal numeric types and the null type.
// Decimal has custom type promotion rules which are tested elsewhere.
Type[] numericTypes = new Type[] { Type.TINYINT, Type.SMALLINT, Type.INT,
Type.BIGINT, Type.FLOAT, Type.DOUBLE , Type.NULL };
for (Type type1: numericTypes) {
for (Type type2: numericTypes) {
Type t = Type.getAssignmentCompatibleType(type1, type2, false, false);
ScalarType compatibleType = (ScalarType) t;
Type promotedType = compatibleType.getNextResolutionType();
boolean inputsNull = false;
if (type1.isNull() && type2.isNull()) {
inputsNull = true;
promotedType = Type.DOUBLE;
compatibleType = Type.INT;
// +, -, *, %
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.ADD, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.ADD, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.SUBTRACT, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.SUBTRACT, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.MULTIPLY, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.MULTIPLY, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.MOD, null,
inputsNull ? Type.DOUBLE : compatibleType);
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.MOD, null,
inputsNull ? Type.DOUBLE : compatibleType);
// /
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.DIVIDE, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.DIVIDE, null,
// div, &, |, ^ only for fixed-point types
if ((!type1.isFixedPointType() && !type1.isNull())
|| (!type2.isFixedPointType() && !type2.isNull())) {
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.INT_DIVIDE, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.INT_DIVIDE, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITAND, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITAND, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITOR, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITOR, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITXOR, null,
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITXOR, null,
List<Type> fixedPointTypes = new ArrayList<Type>(Type.getIntegerTypes());
for (Type type: fixedPointTypes) {
typeCastTest(null, type, false, ArithmeticExpr.Operator.BITNOT, null,
type.isNull() ? Type.INT : type);
* Test of all type casts in comparisons following mysql's casting policy.
public void TestComparisonTypeCasts() throws AnalysisException {
// Test all non-decimal numeric types and the null type.
// Decimal has custom type promotion rules which are tested elsewhere.
Type[] types = new Type[] { Type.TINYINT, Type.SMALLINT, Type.INT,
Type.BIGINT, Type.FLOAT, Type.DOUBLE , Type.NULL };
// test on all comparison ops
for (BinaryPredicate.Operator cmpOp: BinaryPredicate.Operator.values()) {
for (Type type1: types) {
for (Type type2: types) {
// Prefer strict matching.
Type compatibleType = Type.getAssignmentCompatibleType(
type1, type2, true, true);
if (compatibleType.isInvalid()) {
compatibleType = Type.getAssignmentCompatibleType(
type1, type2, false, false);
typeCastTest(type1, type2, false, null, cmpOp, compatibleType);
typeCastTest(type1, type2, true, null, cmpOp, compatibleType);
* Generate an expr of the form "<type1> <arithmeticOp | cmpOp> <type2>"
* and make sure that the expr has the correct type (opType for arithmetic
* ops or bool for comparisons) and that both operands are of type 'opType'.
private void typeCastTest(Type type1, Type type2,
boolean op1IsLiteral, ArithmeticExpr.Operator arithmeticOp,
BinaryPredicate.Operator cmpOp, Type opType) throws AnalysisException {
Preconditions.checkState((arithmeticOp == null) != (cmpOp == null));
boolean arithmeticMode = arithmeticOp != null;
String op1 = "";
if (type1 != null) {
if (op1IsLiteral) {
op1 = typeToLiteralValue_.get(type1);
} else {
op1 = TestSchemaUtils.getAllTypesColumn(type1);
String op2 = TestSchemaUtils.getAllTypesColumn(type2);
String queryStr = null;
if (arithmeticMode) {
queryStr = "select " + op1 + " " + arithmeticOp.toString() + " " + op2 +
" AS a from functional.alltypes";
} else {
queryStr = "select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"where " + op1 + " " + cmpOp.toString() + " " + op2;
SelectStmt select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(queryStr);
Expr expr = null;
if (arithmeticMode) {
List<Expr> selectListExprs = select.getResultExprs();
assertEquals(selectListExprs.size(), 1);
// check the first expr in select list
expr = selectListExprs.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("opType= " + opType + " exprType=" + expr.getType(),
opType, expr.getType());
} else {
// check the where clause
expr = select.getWhereClause();
if (!expr.getType().isNull()) {
assertEquals(Type.BOOLEAN, expr.getType());
// The children's types must be NULL or equal to the requested opType.
Type child1Type = expr.getChild(0).getType();
Type child2Type = type1 == null ? null : expr.getChild(1).getType();
Assert.assertTrue("opType= " + opType + " child1Type=" + child1Type,
opType.equals(child1Type) || opType.isNull() || child1Type.isNull());
if (type1 != null) {
Assert.assertTrue("opType= " + opType + " child2Type=" + child2Type,
opType.equals(child2Type) || opType.isNull() || child2Type.isNull());
* Get the result type of a select statement with a single select list element.
Type getReturnType(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx) {
SelectStmt select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(stmt, ctx);
List<Expr> selectListExprs = select.getResultExprs();
assertEquals(selectListExprs.size(), 1);
// check the first expr in select list
Expr expr = selectListExprs.get(0);
return expr.getType();
private void checkReturnType(String stmt, Type resultType, AnalysisContext ctx) {
Type exprType = getReturnType(stmt, ctx);
assertEquals("Expected: " + resultType + " != " + exprType, resultType, exprType);
private void checkReturnType(String stmt, Type resultType) {
checkReturnType(stmt, resultType, createAnalysisCtx(Catalog.DEFAULT_DB));
* Test expressions involving decimal types that return different numeric types
* depending on the DECIMAL_V2 setting.
private void checkDecimalReturnType(String stmt, Type decimalV1ResultType,
Type decimalV2ResultType) {
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx(Catalog.DEFAULT_DB);
checkReturnType(stmt, decimalV1ResultType, ctx);
ctx = createAnalysisCtx(Catalog.DEFAULT_DB);
checkReturnType(stmt, decimalV2ResultType, ctx);
* Test expressions that return the same type with either DECIMAL_V2 setting.
private void checkDecimalReturnType(String stmt, Type resultType) {
checkDecimalReturnType(stmt, resultType, resultType);
public void TestNumericLiteralTypeResolution() throws AnalysisException {
checkReturnType("select 1", Type.TINYINT);
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.1", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2,1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 01.1", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2,1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1 + 1.1",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 0.23 + 1.1", ScalarType.createDecimalType(4,2));
checkReturnType("select float_col + float_col from functional.alltypestiny",
checkReturnType("select int_col + int_col from functional.alltypestiny",
// All arithmetic operators except multiplication involving floating point follow the
// same rules for deciding whether the output is a decimal or floating point.
// DECIMAL_V1: floating point + any numeric literal = floating point
// DECIMAL_V2: floating point + any expr of type decimal = decimal
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col - 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col / 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col % 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.FLOAT, ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 9));
// BOTH: decimal + decimal literal = decimal
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 + 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 - 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 * 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 1), ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 / 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(14, 4), ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 6));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 % 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 1));
// BOTH: decimal + int literal = decimal
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 + 2 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 0));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 - 2 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 0));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 * 2 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 0), ScalarType.createDecimalType(13, 0));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 / 2 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(13, 4), ScalarType.createDecimalType(15, 6));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 % 2 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(3, 0));
// DECIMAL_V1: int + numeric literal = floating point
// DECIMAL_V2: int + decimal expr = decimal
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col + 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col - 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col * 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(13, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col / 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(17, 6));
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col % 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 1));
// Multiplying a floating point type with any other type always results in a double.
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col * d1 from functional.alltypestiny " +
"join functional.decimal_tbl", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 * float_col from functional.alltypestiny " +
"join functional.decimal_tbl", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select double_col * d1 from functional.alltypestiny " +
"join functional.decimal_tbl", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col * 10 from functional.alltypestiny",
checkDecimalReturnType("select 10 * float_col from functional.alltypestiny",
checkDecimalReturnType("select double_col * 10 from functional.alltypestiny",
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col * 10.0 from functional.alltypestiny",
checkDecimalReturnType("select 10.0 * float_col from functional.alltypestiny",
checkDecimalReturnType("select double_col * 10.0 from functional.alltypestiny",
// IMPALA-3439: constant expression involving a function with mixed decimal and
// integer inputs. Regression tests to make sure that only the decimal literals
// in the constant decimal expr are cast to double. The second argument of round()
// must be an integer.
checkDecimalReturnType("select round(1.2345, 2) * pow(10, 10)", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select round(1.2345, 2) + pow(10, 10)",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 16));
// Explicitly casting the literal to a decimal or float changes the type of the
// literal. This is independent of the DECIMAL_V2 setting.
checkDecimalReturnType("select int_col + cast(1.1 as decimal(2,1)) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny", ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + cast(1.1 as decimal(2,1)) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 9), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + cast(1.1*1.2+1.3 as decimal(2,1)) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 9), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + cast(1.1 as float) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + cast(1.1 as float) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny", Type.DOUBLE);
checkDecimalReturnType("select float_col + cast(1.1 as double) from "
+ " functional.alltypestiny", Type.DOUBLE);
// Test behavior of compound expressions with a single slot ref and many literals.
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + float_col + 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 7));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + 2.0 + float_col from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + 2.0 + pi() * float_col from functional.alltypestiny",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 16));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + d1 + 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + 2.0 + d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 1));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.0 + 2.0 + pi() * d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 16));
// Test behavior of compound expressions with multiple slot refs and literals.
checkDecimalReturnType("select double_col + 1.23 + float_col + 1.0 " +
" from functional.alltypestiny", Type.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 7));
checkDecimalReturnType("select double_col + 1.23 + float_col + 1.0 + int_col " +
" + bigint_col from functional.alltypestiny", Type.DOUBLE,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 6));
checkDecimalReturnType("select d1 + 1.23 + d2 + 1.0 " +
" from functional.decimal_tbl", ScalarType.createDecimalType(14, 2));
// Test with slot refs of both decimal and non-decimal
checkDecimalReturnType("select t1.int_col + t2.c1 from functional.alltypestiny t1 " +
" cross join functional.decimal_tiny t2", ScalarType.createDecimalType(15, 4));
checkDecimalReturnType("select 1.1 + t1.int_col + t2.c1 from functional.alltypestiny t1 " +
" cross join functional.decimal_tiny t2", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 17),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 4));
* Check that:
* - we don't implicitly cast literals (we should have simply converted the literal
* to the target type)
* - we don't do redundant casts (ie, we don't cast a bigint expr to a bigint)
private void checkCasts(Expr expr) {
if (expr instanceof CastExpr) {
CastExpr cast = (CastExpr)expr;
if (cast.isImplicit()) {
Assert.assertFalse(expr.getType() + " == " + expr.getChild(0).getType(),
Assert.assertFalse(expr.debugString(), expr.getChild(0) instanceof LiteralExpr);
for (Expr child: expr.getChildren()) {
// TODO: re-enable tests as soon as we have date-related types
// @Test
public void DoNotTestStringLiteralToDateCasts() throws AnalysisException {
// positive tests are included in TestComparisonTypeCasts
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where date_col = 'ABCD'",
"Unable to parse string 'ABCD' to date");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"where date_col = 'ABCD-EF-GH'",
"Unable to parse string 'ABCD-EF-GH' to date");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where date_col = '2006'",
"Unable to parse string '2006' to date");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where date_col = '0.5'",
"Unable to parse string '0.5' to date");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where " +
"date_col = '2006-10-10 ABCD'",
"Unable to parse string '2006-10-10 ABCD' to date");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where " +
"date_col = '2006-10-10 12:11:05.ABC'",
"Unable to parse string '2006-10-10 12:11:05.ABC' to date");
// TODO: generate all possible error combinations of types and operands
public void TestFixedPointArithmeticOps() throws AnalysisException {
// negative tests, no floating point types allowed
AnalysisError("select ~float_col from functional.alltypes",
"'~' operation only allowed on integer types");
AnalysisError("select float_col! from functional.alltypes",
"'!' operation only allowed on integer types");
AnalysisError("select float_col ^ int_col from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '^'");
AnalysisError("select float_col & int_col from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '&'");
AnalysisError("select double_col | bigint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '|'");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes where " +
"float_col & bool_col > 5",
"Arithmetic operation requires numeric operands");
* We have three variants of timestamp/date arithmetic exprs, as in MySQL:
* (section #function_date-add)
* 1. Non-function-call like version, e.g., 'a + interval b timeunit'
* 2. Beginning with an interval (only for '+'), e.g., 'interval b timeunit + a'
* 3. Function-call like version, e.g., date_add(a, interval b timeunit)
public void TestTimestampArithmeticExpressions() {
String[] valueTypeCols =
new String[] {"tinyint_col", "smallint_col", "int_col", "bigint_col", "NULL"};
// Tests all time units.
for (TimeUnit timeUnit: TimeUnit.values()) {
// Tests on all valid time value types (fixed points).
for (String col: valueTypeCols) {
// Non-function call like version.
AnalyzesOk("select timestamp_col + interval " + col + " " + timeUnit.toString() +
" from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select timestamp_col - interval " + col + " " + timeUnit.toString() +
" from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select NULL - interval " + col + " " + timeUnit.toString() +
" from functional.alltypes");
// Reversed interval and timestamp using addition.
AnalyzesOk("select interval " + col + " " + timeUnit.toString() +
" + timestamp_col from functional.alltypes");
// Function-call like version.
AnalyzesOk("select date_add(timestamp_col, interval " + col + " " +
timeUnit.toString() + ") from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select date_sub(timestamp_col, interval " + col + " " +
timeUnit.toString() + ") from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select date_add(NULL, interval " + col + " " +
timeUnit.toString() + ") from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select date_sub(NULL, interval " + col + " " +
timeUnit.toString() + ") from functional.alltypes");
// First operand does not return a timestamp. Non-function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select float_col + interval 10 years from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'float_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'float_col + INTERVAL 10 years' returns type 'FLOAT'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
AnalysisError("select string_col + interval 10 years from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'string_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'string_col + INTERVAL 10 years' returns type 'STRING'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
"select int_struct_col + interval 10 years from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_struct_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'int_struct_col + INTERVAL 10 years' returns type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
// Reversed interval and timestamp using addition.
AnalysisError("select interval 10 years + float_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'float_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'INTERVAL 10 years + float_col' returns type 'FLOAT'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'");
AnalysisError("select interval 10 years + string_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'string_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'INTERVAL 10 years + string_col' returns type 'STRING'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'");
"select interval 10 years + int_array_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_array_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'INTERVAL 10 years + int_array_col' returns type 'ARRAY<INT>'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
// First operand does not return a timestamp. Function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select date_add(float_col, interval 10 years) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'float_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(float_col, INTERVAL 10 years)' returns type 'FLOAT'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
AnalysisError("select date_add(string_col, interval 10 years) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Operand 'string_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(string_col, INTERVAL 10 years)' returns type 'STRING'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
AnalysisError("select date_add(int_map_col, interval 10 years) " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_map_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(int_map_col, INTERVAL 10 years)' returns type 'MAP<STRING,INT>'. " +
"Expected type 'TIMESTAMP' or 'DATE'.");
// Second operand is not compatible with a fixed-point type.
// Non-function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select timestamp_col + interval 5.2 years from functional.alltypes",
"Operand '5.2' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'timestamp_col + INTERVAL 5.2 years' returns type 'DECIMAL(2,1)'. " +
"Expected an integer type.");
AnalysisError("select cast(0 as timestamp) + interval int_array_col years " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Operand 'int_array_col' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'CAST(0 AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL int_array_col years' " +
"returns type 'ARRAY<INT>'. Expected an integer type.");
// No implicit cast from STRING to integer types.
AnalysisError("select timestamp_col + interval '10' years from functional.alltypes",
"Operand ''10'' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'timestamp_col + INTERVAL '10' years' returns type 'STRING'. " +
"Expected an integer type.");
AnalysisError("select date_add(timestamp_col, interval '10' years) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Operand ''10'' of timestamp/date " +
"arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(timestamp_col, INTERVAL '10' years)' returns type " +
"'STRING'. Expected an integer type.");
// Cast from STRING to INT.
AnalyzesOk("select timestamp_col + interval cast('10' as int) years " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Reversed interval and timestamp using addition.
AnalysisError("select interval 5.2 years + timestamp_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operand '5.2' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'INTERVAL 5.2 years + timestamp_col' returns type 'DECIMAL(2,1)'. " +
"Expected an integer type.");
// Cast from STRING to INT.
AnalyzesOk("select interval cast('10' as int) years + timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Second operand is not compatible with type INT. Function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select date_add(timestamp_col, interval 5.2 years) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Operand '5.2' of timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(timestamp_col, INTERVAL 5.2 years)' returns type 'DECIMAL(2,1)'. " +
"Expected an integer type.");
// Cast from STRING to INT.
AnalyzesOk("select date_add(timestamp_col, interval cast('10' as int) years) " +
" from functional.alltypes");
// Invalid time unit. Non-function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select timestamp_col + interval 10 error from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid time unit 'error' in timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'timestamp_col + INTERVAL 10 error'.");
AnalysisError("select timestamp_col - interval 10 error from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid time unit 'error' in timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'timestamp_col - INTERVAL 10 error'.");
// Reversed interval and timestamp using addition.
AnalysisError("select interval 10 error + timestamp_col from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid time unit 'error' in timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'INTERVAL 10 error + timestamp_col'.");
// Invalid time unit. Function-call like version.
AnalysisError("select date_add(timestamp_col, interval 10 error) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid time unit 'error' in timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_ADD(timestamp_col, INTERVAL 10 error)'.");
AnalysisError("select date_sub(timestamp_col, interval 10 error) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Invalid time unit 'error' in timestamp/date arithmetic expression " +
"'DATE_SUB(timestamp_col, INTERVAL 10 error)'.");
public void TestFunctionCallExpr() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select pi()");
AnalyzesOk("select _impala_builtins.pi()");
AnalyzesOk("select _impala_builtins.decode(1, 2, 3)");
AnalyzesOk("select _impala_builtins.DECODE(1, 2, 3)");
AnalyzesOk("select sin(pi())");
AnalyzesOk("select sin(cos(pi()))");
AnalyzesOk("select sin(cos(tan(e())))");
AnalysisError("select pi(*)", "Cannot pass '*' to scalar function.");
AnalysisError("select sin(DISTINCT 1)",
"Cannot pass 'DISTINCT' to scalar function.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes where pi(*) = 5",
"Cannot pass '*' to scalar function.");
// Invalid function name.
AnalysisError("select a.b.sin()",
"Invalid function name: 'a.b.sin'. Expected [dbname].funcname");
// Call function that only accepts decimal
AnalyzesOk("select precision(1)");
AnalyzesOk("select precision(cast('1.1' as decimal))");
AnalyzesOk("select scale(1.1)");
AnalysisError("select scale('1.1')",
"No matching function with signature: scale(STRING).");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast('1.1' as decimal), cast(1 as int))");
// 1 is a tinyint, so the function is not a perfect match
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast('1.1' as decimal), 1)");
// No matching signature for complex type.
AnalysisError("select lower(int_struct_col) from functional.allcomplextypes",
"No matching function with signature: lower(STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>).");
// Special cases for FROM in function call
AnalyzesOk("select extract(year from now())");
AnalyzesOk("select extract(year from cast(now() as date))");
AnalyzesOk("select extract(year from date_col) from functional.date_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select extract(hour from now())");
AnalysisError("select extract(hour from cast(now() as date))",
"Time unit 'hour' in expression 'EXTRACT(hour FROM CAST(now() AS DATE))' is " +
"invalid. Expected one of YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, DAY.");
AnalysisError("select extract(foo from now())",
"Time unit 'foo' in expression 'EXTRACT(foo FROM now())' is invalid. Expected " +
AnalysisError("select extract(foo from date_col) from functional.date_tbl",
"Time unit 'foo' in expression 'EXTRACT(foo FROM date_col)' is " +
"invalid. Expected one of YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, DAY.");
AnalysisError("select extract(year from 0)",
"Expression '0' in 'EXTRACT(year FROM 0)' has a return type of TINYINT but a " +
"TIMESTAMP or DATE is required.");
AnalysisError("select functional.extract(year from now())",
"Function functional.extract conflicts with the EXTRACT builtin");
AnalysisError("select date_part(year from now())",
"Function DATE_PART does not accept the keyword FROM");
// IGNORE NULLS may only be used with first_value/last_value
AnalysisError("select lower('FOO' ignore nulls)",
"Function LOWER does not accept the keyword IGNORE NULLS.");
// NVL2() is converted to IF() before analysis.
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(1, 'not null', 'null')");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(null, 'not null', 'null')");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2('null', 'not null', 'null')");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(int_col, 'not null', 'null') from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(int_col, extract (year from now()), extract (month from " +
"now())) from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(nvl2(null, 1, 2), 'not null', 'null')");
AnalyzesOk("select nvl2(nvl2(null, null, null), nvl2(null, 'not null', 'null'), " +
"nvl2(2, 'not null', 'null'))");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypesagg where nvl2(int_col, true, " +
AnalysisError("select nvl2('null', true, '4')", "No matching function with " +
"signature: if(BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN, STRING).");
AnalysisError("select nvl2(now(), true)", "No matching function with signature: " +
AnalysisError("select nvl2()", "No matching function with signature: if().");
// IFNULL() is converted to IF() before analysis.
AnalyzesOk("select nullif(1, 1)");
AnalyzesOk("select nullif(NULL, 'not null')");
AnalyzesOk("select nullif('not null', null)");
AnalyzesOk("select nullif(int_col, int_col) from functional.alltypesagg");
// Because of conversion, nullif() isn't found rather than having no
// matching function with the signature.
AnalysisError("select nullif(1,2,3)", "default.nullif() unknown");
AnalysisError("select nullif('x', 1)",
"operands of type STRING and TINYINT are not comparable: 'x' IS DISTINCT FROM 1");
public void TestVarArgFunctions() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', 'b', 'c')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')");
// Test different vararg type signatures for same function name.
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce(true)");
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce(true, false, true)");
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce(5)");
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce(5, 6, 7)");
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce('a')");
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce('a', 'b', 'c')");
// Need at least one argument.
AnalysisError("select concat()",
"No matching function with signature: concat().");
AnalysisError("select coalesce()",
"No matching function with signature: coalesce().");
* Tests that functions with NULL arguments get resolved properly,
* and that proper errors are reported when the non-null arguments
* cannot be cast to match a signature.
public void TestNullFunctionArguments() {
// Test fixed arg functions using 'substring' as representative.
AnalyzesOk("select substring(NULL, 1, 2)");
AnalyzesOk("select substring('a', NULL, 2)");
AnalyzesOk("select substring('a', 1, NULL)");
AnalyzesOk("select substring(NULL, NULL, NULL)");
// Cannot cast non-null args to match a signature.
AnalysisError("select substring(1, NULL, NULL)",
"No matching function with signature: " +
AnalysisError("select substring(NULL, 'a', NULL)",
"No matching function with signature: " +
"substring(NULL_TYPE, STRING, NULL_TYPE).");
// Test vararg functions with 'concat' as representative.
AnalyzesOk("select concat(NULL, 'a', 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', NULL, 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("select concat('a', 'b', NULL)");
AnalyzesOk("select concat(NULL, NULL, NULL)");
// Cannot cast non-null args to match a signature.
AnalysisError("select concat(NULL, 1, 'b')",
"No matching function with signature: concat(NULL_TYPE, TINYINT, STRING).");
AnalysisError("select concat('a', NULL, 1)",
"No matching function with signature: concat(STRING, NULL_TYPE, TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select concat(1, 'b', NULL)",
"No matching function with signature: concat(TINYINT, STRING, NULL_TYPE).");
public void TestCaseExpr() throws AnalysisException {
// No case expr.
AnalyzesOk("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 else 15 end");
// No else.
AnalyzesOk("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 end");
// First when condition is a boolean slotref.
AnalyzesOk("select case when bool_col then 20 else 15 end from functional.alltypes");
// Requires casting then exprs.
AnalyzesOk("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 when 1 > 2 then 1.0 else 15 end");
// Requires casting then exprs.
AnalyzesOk("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 when 1 > 2 then 1.0 " +
"when 4 < 5 then 2 else 15 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case when 20 > 10 then date '2001-01-01' else " +
"cast('2001-01-01' as timestamp) end");
// First when expr doesn't return boolean.
AnalysisError("select case when 20 then 20 when 1 > 2 then timestamp_col " +
"when 4 < 5 then 2 else 15 end from functional.alltypes",
"When expr '20' is not of type boolean and not castable to type boolean.");
AnalysisError("select case when int_array_col then 20 when 1 > 2 then id end " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes",
"When expr 'int_array_col' is not of type boolean and not castable to " +
"type boolean.");
// Then exprs return incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 when 1 > 2 then timestamp_col " +
"when 4 < 5 then 2 else 15 end from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'TINYINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' " +
"of exprs '20' and 'timestamp_col'.");
AnalysisError("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 when 1 > 2 then date_col " +
"when 4 < 5 then 2 else 15 end from functional.date_tbl",
"Incompatible return types 'TINYINT' and 'DATE' " +
"of exprs '20' and 'date_col'.");
AnalysisError("select case when 20 > 10 then 20 when 1 > 2 then int_map_col " +
"else 15 end from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Incompatible return types 'TINYINT' and 'MAP<STRING,INT>' of exprs " +
"'20' and 'int_map_col'.");
// With case expr.
AnalyzesOk("select case int_col when 20 then 30 else 15 end " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// No else.
AnalyzesOk("select case int_col when 20 then 30 end " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Requires casting case expr.
AnalyzesOk("select case int_col when bigint_col then 30 else 15 end " +
"from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select case date_col when timestamp_col then 30 else " +
"15 end from functional.date_tbl, functional.alltypes");
// Requires casting when expr.
AnalyzesOk("select case bigint_col when int_col then 30 else 15 end " +
"from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select case timestamp_col when date_col then 30 else 15 end " +
"from functional.alltypes, functional.date_tbl");
// Requires multiple casts.
AnalyzesOk("select case bigint_col when int_col then 30 " +
"when double_col then 1.0 else 15 end from functional.alltypes");
// Type of case expr is incompatible with first when expr.
AnalysisError("select case bigint_col when timestamp_col then 30 " +
"when double_col then 1.0 else 15 end from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'BIGINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' " +
"of exprs 'bigint_col' and 'timestamp_col'.");
AnalysisError("select case bigint_col when date_col then 30 " +
"when double_col then 1.0 else 15 end from functional.alltypes, " +
"Incompatible return types 'BIGINT' and 'DATE' " +
"of exprs 'bigint_col' and 'date_col'.");
// Then exprs return incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select case bigint_col when int_col then 30 " +
"when double_col then timestamp_col else 15 end from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'TINYINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' " +
"of exprs '30' and 'timestamp_col'.");
AnalysisError("select case bigint_col when int_col then 30 " +
"when double_col then date_col else 15 end from functional.alltypes, " +
"Incompatible return types 'TINYINT' and 'DATE' " +
"of exprs '30' and 'date_col'.");
// Test different type classes (all types are tested in BE tests).
AnalyzesOk("select case when true then 1 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case when true then 1.0 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case when true then 'abc' end");
AnalyzesOk("select case when true then cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' " +
"as timestamp) end");
AnalyzesOk("select case when true then date '2011-01-01' end");
// Test NULLs.
AnalyzesOk("select case NULL when 1 then 2 else 3 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case 1 when NULL then 2 else 3 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case 1 when 2 then NULL else 3 end");
AnalyzesOk("select case 1 when 2 then 3 else NULL end");
AnalyzesOk("select case NULL when NULL then NULL else NULL end");
// IMPALA-3155: Verify that a CHAR type is returned when all THEN
// exprs are of type CHAR.
checkReturnType("select case when 5 < 3 then cast('L' as char(1)) else " +
"cast('M' as char(1)) end", ScalarType.createCharType(1));
// IMPALA-3155: Verify that a STRING type is returned when at least one THEN
// expr is of type STRING.
checkReturnType("select case when 5 < 3 then cast('L' as string) else " +
"cast('M' as char(1)) end", ScalarType.STRING);
public void TestDecodeExpr() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select decode(1, 1, 1)");
AnalyzesOk("select decode(1, 1, 'foo')");
AnalyzesOk("select decode(1, 2, true, false)");
AnalyzesOk("select decode(null, null, null, null, null, null)");
"decode(1, 2, NULL, 'foo')");
"decode(1, 2, NULL, 4)");
"CASE WHEN string_col = 'a' THEN 1 WHEN string_col = 'b' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END",
"decode(string_col, 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 3)");
"CASE WHEN int_col IS NULL AND bigint_col IS NULL "
+ "OR int_col = bigint_col THEN tinyint_col ELSE smallint_col END",
"decode(int_col, bigint_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col)");
"CASE WHEN int_col = 1 THEN 1 WHEN int_col IS NULL AND bigint_col IS NULL OR "
+ "int_col = bigint_col THEN 2 WHEN int_col IS NULL THEN 3 ELSE 4 END",
"decode(int_col, 1, 1, bigint_col, 2, NULL, 3, 4)");
"decode(null, null, null, null)");
AnalysisError("select decode()",
"DECODE in 'decode()' requires at least 3 arguments");
AnalysisError("select decode(1)",
"DECODE in 'decode(1)' requires at least 3 arguments");
AnalysisError("select decode(1, 2)",
"DECODE in 'decode(1, 2)' requires at least 3 arguments");
AnalysisError("select decode(*)", "Cannot pass '*'");
AnalysisError("select decode(distinct 1, 2, 3)", "Cannot pass 'DISTINCT'");
AnalysisError("select decode(true, 'foo', 1)",
"operands of type BOOLEAN and STRING are not comparable: TRUE = 'foo'");
AnalysisError("select functional.decode(1, 1, 1)", "functional.decode() unknown");
* Assert that the caseSql and decodeSql have the same underlying child expr
* and thrift representation.
void assertCaseEquivalence(String caseSql, String decodeSql)
throws AnalysisException {
String sqlTemplate = "select %s from functional.alltypes";
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt)AnalyzesOk(String.format(sqlTemplate, caseSql));
CaseExpr caseExpr =
makeExprExecutable(caseExpr, stmt.getAnalyzer());
TExpr caseThrift = caseExpr.treeToThrift();
stmt = (SelectStmt)AnalyzesOk(String.format(sqlTemplate, decodeSql));
CaseExpr decodeExpr =
Assert.assertEquals(caseSql, decodeExpr.toCaseSql());
makeExprExecutable(caseExpr, stmt.getAnalyzer());
Assert.assertEquals(caseThrift, decodeExpr.treeToThrift());
* Marks all slots referenced by 'e' as materialized. Also marks all referenced tuples
* as materialized and computes their mem layout.
private void makeExprExecutable(Expr e, Analyzer analyzer) {
List<TupleId> tids = new ArrayList<>();
List<SlotId> sids = new ArrayList<>();
e.getIds(tids, sids);
for (SlotId sid: sids) {
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.getDescTbl().getSlotDesc(sid);
for (TupleId tid: tids) {
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = analyzer.getTupleDesc(tid);
public void TestConditionalExprs() {
// Test IF conditional expr.
AnalyzesOk("select if(true, false, false)");
AnalyzesOk("select if(1 != 2, false, false)");
AnalyzesOk("select if(bool_col, false, true) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select if(bool_col, int_col, double_col) from functional.alltypes");
// Test NULLs.
AnalyzesOk("select if(NULL, false, true) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select if(bool_col, NULL, true) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select if(bool_col, false, NULL) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select if(NULL, NULL, NULL) from functional.alltypes");
// No matching signature.
AnalysisError("select if(true, int_struct_col, int_struct_col) " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes",
"No matching function with signature: " +
"if(BOOLEAN, STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>, STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>).");
// if() only accepts three arguments
AnalysisError("select if(true, false, true, true)",
"No matching function with signature: if(BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN, " +
AnalysisError("select if(true, false)",
"No matching function with signature: if(BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN).");
AnalysisError("select if(false)",
"No matching function with signature: if(BOOLEAN).");
// Test IsNull() conditional function.
for (String literal : typeToLiteralValue_.values()) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select isnull(%s, %s)", literal, literal));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select isnull(%s, NULL)", literal));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select isnull(NULL, %s)", literal));
// IsNull() requires two arguments.
AnalysisError("select isnull(1)",
"No matching function with signature: isnull(TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select isnull(1, 2, 3)",
"No matching function with signature: isnull(TINYINT, TINYINT, TINYINT).");
// Incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select isnull('a', true)",
"No matching function with signature: isnull(STRING, BOOLEAN).");
// No matching signature.
AnalysisError("select isnull(1, int_array_col) from functional.allcomplextypes",
"No matching function with signature: isnull(TINYINT, ARRAY<INT>).");
public void TestUdfs() {
AnalysisError("select udf()", "default.udf() unknown");
AnalysisError("select functional.udf()", "functional.udf() unknown");
AnalysisError("select udf(1)", "default.udf() unknown");
// Add a udf default.udf(), default.udf(int), default.udf(string...),
// default.udf(int, string...) and functional.udf(double)
catalog_.addFunction(ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf",
new ArrayList<Type>(), Type.INT, "/dummy", "dummy.class", null, null,
catalog_.addFunction(ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf",
Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.INT), Type.INT, "/dummy", "dummy.class",
null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE));
ScalarFunction varArgsUdf1 = ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default",
"udf", Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.STRING), Type.INT, "/dummy",
"dummy.class", null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE);
ScalarFunction varArgsUdf2 = ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default",
"udf", Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.INT, Type.STRING), Type.INT,
"/dummy", "dummy.class", null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE);
ScalarFunction udf = ScalarFunction.createForTesting("functional", "udf",
Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.DOUBLE), Type.INT, "/dummy",
"dummy.class", null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE);
AnalyzesOk("select udf()");
AnalyzesOk("select default.udf()");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(1)");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(cast (1.1 as INT))");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(cast(1.1 as TINYINT))");
// Var args
AnalyzesOk("select udf('a')");
AnalyzesOk("select udf('a', 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("select udf('a', 'b', 'c')");
AnalysisError("select udf(1, 1)",
"No matching function with signature: default.udf(TINYINT, TINYINT).");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(1, 'a')");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(1, 'a', 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("select udf(1, 'a', 'b', 'c')");
AnalysisError("select udf(1, 'a', 2)",
"No matching function with signature: default.udf(TINYINT, STRING, TINYINT).");
AnalysisError("select udf(1.1)",
"No matching function with signature: default.udf(DECIMAL(2,1))");
AnalyzesOk("select functional.udf(1.1)");
AnalysisError("select functional.udf('Hello')",
"No matching function with signature: functional.udf(STRING).");
AnalysisError("select udf(1, 2)",
"No matching function with signature: default.udf(TINYINT, TINYINT).");
// Serializes to thrift and checks the mtime setting.
private void checkSerializedMTime(Expr expr, boolean expectMTime) {
TExpr thriftExpr = expr.treeToThrift();
Preconditions.checkState(thriftExpr.getNodesSize() > 0);
TFunction thriftFn = thriftExpr.getNodes().get(0).getFn();
if (expectMTime) {
assertTrue(thriftFn.getLast_modified_time() >= 0);
} else {
assertEquals(thriftFn.getLast_modified_time(), -1);
// Checks that 'expr', when serialized to thrift, has mtime
// set as expected. 'expr' must be a single function call.
private void testMTime(String expr, boolean expectMTime) {
SelectStmt stmt =
(SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + expr + " from functional.alltypes");
Preconditions.checkState(stmt.getSelectList().getItems().size() == 1);
TupleDescriptor tblRefDesc = stmt.fromClause_.get(0).getDesc();
if (stmt.hasMultiAggInfo()) {
Preconditions.checkState(stmt.getMultiAggInfo().getAggClasses().size() == 1);
AggregateInfo aggInfo = stmt.getMultiAggInfo().getAggClass(0);
TupleDescriptor intDesc = aggInfo.intermediateTupleDesc_;
checkSerializedMTime(aggInfo.getAggregateExprs().get(0), expectMTime);
aggInfo.getMergeAggInfo().getAggregateExprs().get(0), expectMTime);
} else {
checkSerializedMTime(stmt.getSelectList().getItems().get(0).getExpr(), expectMTime);
public void TestFunctionMTime() {
// Expect unset mtime for builtin.
testMTime("sleep(1)", false);
testMTime("concat('a', 'b')", false);
testMTime("3 is null", false);
testMTime("1 < 3", false);
testMTime("1 + 1", false);
testMTime("avg(int_col)", false);
final String nativeSymbol =
final String nativeUdfPath = "/test-warehouse/";
final String javaSymbol = "SYMBOL='org.apache.impala.TestUdf";
final String javaPath = "/test-warehouse/impala-hive-udfs.jar";
final String nativeUdaPath = "hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/";
// Spec for a bogus builtin that specifies a bogus path.
catalog_.addFunction(ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf_builtin_bug",
new ArrayList<Type>(), Type.INT, "/dummy", "dummy.class", null, null,
// Valid specs for native and java udf/uda's.
catalog_.addFunction(ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf_jar",
Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.INT), Type.INT, javaPath, javaSymbol, null, null,
catalog_.addFunction(ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf_native",
new ArrayList<Type>(), Type.INT, nativeUdfPath, nativeSymbol, null, null,
new FunctionName("default", "uda"), Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.INT), Type.INT,
Type.INT, new HdfsUri(nativeUdaPath), "init_fn_symbol", "update_fn_symbol", null,
null, null, null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE));
// Expect these to have mtime set.
testMTime("udf_builtin_bug()", false);
testMTime("udf_jar(3)", true);
testMTime("udf_native()", true);
testMTime("uda(int_col)", true);
public void TestExprChildLimit() {
// Test IN predicate.
StringBuilder inPredStr = new StringBuilder("select 1 IN(");
for (int i = 0; i < Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1; ++i) {
if (i + 1 != Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1) inPredStr.append(", ");
AnalyzesOk(inPredStr.toString() + ")");
inPredStr.append(", " + 1234);
AnalysisError(inPredStr.toString() + ")",
String.format("Exceeded the maximum number of child expressions (%d).\n" +
"Expression has %s children", Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT,
// Test CASE expr.
StringBuilder caseExprStr = new StringBuilder("select case");
for (int i = 0; i < Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT/2; ++i) {
caseExprStr.append(" when true then 1");
AnalyzesOk(caseExprStr.toString() + " end");
caseExprStr.append(" when true then 1");
AnalysisError(caseExprStr.toString() + " end",
String.format("Exceeded the maximum number of child expressions (%d).\n" +
"Expression has %s children", Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT,
public void TestExprDepthLimit() {
// Compound predicates.
testInfixExprDepthLimit("select true", " and false");
testInfixExprDepthLimit("select true", " or false");
// Arithmetic expr. Use a bigint value to avoid casts that make reasoning about the
// expr depth more difficult.
testInfixExprDepthLimit("select " + String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE),
" + " + String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE));
// Function-call expr.
testFuncExprDepthLimit("lower(", "'abc'", ")");
// UDF.
ScalarFunction udf = ScalarFunction.createForTesting("default", "udf",
Lists.<Type>newArrayList(Type.INT), Type.INT, "/dummy",
"dummy.class", null, null, TFunctionBinaryType.NATIVE);
try {
testFuncExprDepthLimit("udf(", "1", ")");
} finally {
// Timestamp arithmetic expr.
testFuncExprDepthLimit("date_add(", "now()", ", interval 1 day)");
// Casts.
testFuncExprDepthLimit("cast(", "1", " as int)");
/** Generates a specific number of expressions by repeating a column reference.
* It generates a string containing 'num_copies' expressions. If 'use_alias' is true,
* each column reference has a distinct alias. This allows the repeated columns to be
* used in places that require distinct names (e.g. the definition of a view).
String getRepeatedColumnReference(String col_name, int num_copies, boolean use_alias) {
StringBuilder repColRef = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < num_copies; ++i) {
if (i != 0) repColRef.append(", ");
if (use_alias) repColRef.append(String.format(" alias%d", i));
return repColRef.toString();
/** Get the error message for a statement with 'actual_num_expressions' that exceeds
* the statment_expression_limit 'limit'.
String getExpressionLimitErrorStr(int actual_num_expressions, int limit) {
return String.format("Exceeded the statement expression limit (%d)\n" +
"Statement has %d expressions", limit, actual_num_expressions);
public void TestStatementExprLimit() {
// To keep it simple and fast, we use a low value for statement_expression_limit.
// Since the statement_expression_limit is evaluated before rewrites, turn off
// expression rewrites.
TQueryOptions queryOpts = new TQueryOptions();
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx(queryOpts);
// Known SQL patterns (repeated reference to column) that generate 20 and 21
// expressions, respectively.
String repCols20 = getRepeatedColumnReference("int_col", 20, true);
String repCols21 = getRepeatedColumnReference("int_col", 21, true);
// Select from table
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols20), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols21),
ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// WHERE clause
// This statement has 20 expressions without the WHERE clause, as tested above.
// So, this will only be an error if the bool_col in the WHERE clause counts.
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes where bool_col",
repCols20), ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Create table as select
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table exprlimit1 as " +
"select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols20), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
AnalysisError(String.format("create table exprlimit1 as " +
"select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols21), ctx,
getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Create view
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create view exprlimit1 as " +
"select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols20), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
AnalysisError(String.format("create view exprlimit1 as " +
"select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols21), ctx,
getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Subquery
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from (select %s from functional.alltypes) x",
repCols20), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from (select %s from functional.alltypes) x",
repCols21), ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// WITH clause
AnalyzesOk(String.format("with v as (select %s from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from v", repCols20), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
AnalysisError(String.format("with v as (select %s from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from v", repCols21), ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// View is counted (functional.alltypes_parens has a few expressions)
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes_parens", repCols20),
ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(32, 20));
// If a view is referenced multiple times, it counts multiple times.
AnalysisError(String.format("with v as (select %s from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from v v1,v v2", repCols20), ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(40, 20));
// If a view is not referenced, it doesn't count.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("with v as (select %s from functional.alltypes) select 1",
repCols21), ctx);
// This is zero because literals do not count.
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 0);
// EXPLAIN is not exempted from the limit
AnalysisError(String.format("explain select %s from functional.alltypes", repCols21),
ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Wide table doesn't impact *
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.widetable_1000_cols", ctx);
// Literal expressions don't count towards the limit, so build a list of literals
// to use to test various cases.
StringBuilder literalList = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
if (i != 0) literalList.append(", ");
// Literals in the select list do not count
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s", literalList.toString()), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 0);
// Literals in an IN list do not count
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col IN (%s) from functional.alltypes",
literalList.toString()), ctx);
// Literals in a VALUES clause do not count
StringBuilder valuesList = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
if (i != 0) valuesList.append(", ");
valuesList.append("(" + i + ")");
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.insert_overwrite_nopart (col1) VALUES " +
valuesList.toString(), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 0);
// Expressions that are operators applied to constants still count
StringBuilder constantExpr = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 21; ++i) {
if (i != 0) constantExpr.append(" * ");
// 21 literals with 20 multiplications requires 20 ArithmeticExprs
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s", constantExpr.toString()), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
constantExpr.append(" * 100");
// 22 literals with 21 multiplications requires 21 ArithmeticExprs
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s", constantExpr.toString()),
ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Put a non-literal in an IN list to verify it still counts appropriately.
StringBuilder inListExpr = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
if (i != 0) inListExpr.append(" * ");
// 19 literals with 18 multiplications = 18 expressions. int_col and IN are another
// two expressions. This has 20 expressions total.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col IN (%s) from functional.alltypes",
inListExpr.toString()), ctx);
assertEquals(ctx.getAnalyzer().getNumStmtExprs(), 20);
// Adding one more expression pushes us over the limit.
inListExpr.append(" * 100");
AnalysisError(String.format("select int_col IN (%s) from functional.alltypes",
inListExpr.toString()), ctx, getExpressionLimitErrorStr(21, 20));
// Verifies the resulting expr decimal type is expectedType under decimal v1 or
// decimal v2.
private void testDecimalExpr(String expr, Type decimalExpectedType, boolean isV2) {
TQueryOptions queryOpts = new TQueryOptions();
SelectStmt selectStmt =
(SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + expr, createAnalysisCtx(queryOpts));
Expr root = selectStmt.resultExprs_.get(0);
Type actualType = root.getType();
"Expr: " + expr + " Decimal Version: " + (isV2? "2" : "1") +
" Expected: " + decimalExpectedType + " Actual: " + actualType,
// Verifies the resulting expr decimal type is expectedType under decimal v1.
private void testDecimalExprV1(String expr, Type decimalExpectedType) {
testDecimalExpr(expr, decimalExpectedType, false);
// Verifies the resulting expr decimal type is expectedType under decimal v2.
private void testDecimalExprV2(String expr, Type decimalExpectedType) {
testDecimalExpr(expr, decimalExpectedType, true);
// Verifies the resulting expr decimal type is expectedType under decimal v1 and
// decimal v2.
private void testDecimalExpr(String expr,
Type decimalV1ExpectedType, Type decimalV2ExpectedType) {
testDecimalExprV1(expr, decimalV1ExpectedType);
testDecimalExprV2(expr, decimalV2ExpectedType);
// Verifies the resulting expr decimal type is exptectedType
private void testDecimalExpr(String expr, Type expectedType) {
testDecimalExpr(expr, expectedType, expectedType);
// Verify that mod and % returns the same type when it's DECIMAL V2 mode.
// See IMPALA-6202.
public void TestModReturnType() {
testDecimalExprV2("mod(9.8, 3)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2,1));
testDecimalExprV2("9.7 % 3", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2,1));
testDecimalExprV2("mod(109.8, 3)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(4,1));
testDecimalExprV2("109.7 % 3", ScalarType.createDecimalType(4,1));
testDecimalExprV2("mod(109.8, 3.45)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3,2));
testDecimalExprV2("109.7 % 3.45", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3,2));
testDecimalExprV1("mod(9.6, 3)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(4,1));
testDecimalExprV1("9.5 % 3", Type.DOUBLE);
public void TestDecimalArithmetic() {
String decimal_10_0 = "cast(1 as decimal(10,0))";
String decimal_5_5 = "cast(1 as decimal(5, 5))";
String decimal_38_34 = "cast(1 as decimal(38, 34))";
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0, ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5, ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34, ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34));
// Test arithmetic operations.
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " - " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " * " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(20, 0), ScalarType.createDecimalType(21, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " / " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(21, 11));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " % " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " - " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " * " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(15, 5), ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " / " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(21, 6));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " % " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " + " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " - " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " * " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(15, 5), ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " / " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 16));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " % " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 5));
// Test some overflow cases.
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_38_34,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 27));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " - " + decimal_38_34,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 27));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " * " + decimal_38_34,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 23));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " / " + decimal_38_34,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 6));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " % " + decimal_38_34,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34 + " + " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 33));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34 + " - " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 33));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34 + " * " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 38), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 33));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34 + " / " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 34), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 29));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_38_34 + " % " + decimal_5_5,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(34, 34));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(12, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " - " + decimal_10_0 + " * " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(21, 0), ScalarType.createDecimalType(22, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " / " + decimal_10_0 + " / " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(32, 22));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " % " + decimal_10_0 + " + " + decimal_10_0,
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
// Operators between decimal and numeric types should be supported. The int
// should be cast to the appropriate decimal (e.g. tinyint -> decimal(3,0)).
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as tinyint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as smallint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as int)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as bigint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(20, 0));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as float)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 9), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 8));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_10_0 + " + cast(1 as double)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 17), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 16));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " + cast(1 as tinyint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(9, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " - cast(1 as smallint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(11, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " * cast(1 as int)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(15, 5), ScalarType.createDecimalType(16, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " % cast(1 as bigint)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(5, 5));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " / cast(1 as float)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 9), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 29));
testDecimalExpr(decimal_5_5 + " + cast(1 as double)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 17), ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 16));
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " = cast(1 as tinyint)");
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " != cast(1 as smallint)");
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " > cast(1 as int)");
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " < cast(1 as bigint)");
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " >= cast(1 as float)");
AnalyzesOk("select " + decimal_5_5 + " <= cast(1 as double)");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " + 'abcd'",
"Arithmetic operation requires numeric operands: "
+ "CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) + 'abcd'");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " + 'cast(1 as timestamp)'",
"Arithmetic operation requires numeric operands: "
+ "CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) + 'cast(1 as timestamp)'");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " + \"DATE '1970-01-01'\"",
"Arithmetic operation requires numeric operands: "
+ "CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) + 'DATE \\\'1970-01-01\\\''");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " = 'abcd'",
"operands of type DECIMAL(5,5) and STRING are not comparable: " +
"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) = 'abcd'");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " > 'cast(1 as timestamp)'",
"operands of type DECIMAL(5,5) and STRING are not comparable: "
+ "CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) > 'cast(1 as timestamp)'");
AnalysisError("select " + decimal_5_5 + " > date '1899-12-23'",
"operands of type DECIMAL(5,5) and DATE are not comparable: "
+ "CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(5,5)) > DATE '1899-12-23'");
// IMPALA-7254: Inconsistent decimal behavior when finding a compatible type.
// for casting.
// In predicate that does not result in a new precision.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as double) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)), cast(3 as decimal(38, 37)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)) in " +
"(cast(2 as double), cast(3 as decimal(38, 37)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)), cast(3 as double))");
// In predicate that results in a precision.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as double) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(5, 3)), cast(3 as decimal(10, 5)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(5, 3)) in " +
"(cast(2 as double), cast(3 as decimal(10, 5)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(5, 3)) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(10, 5)), cast(3 as double))");
// In predicate that results in a loss of precision.
AnalysisError("select cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)) in (cast(2 as decimal(38, 1)))",
"Incompatible return types 'DECIMAL(38,37)' and 'DECIMAL(38,1)' of exprs " +
"'CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(38,37))' and 'CAST(2 AS DECIMAL(38,1))'");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as double) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)), cast(3 as decimal(38, 1)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)) in " +
"(cast(2 as double), cast(3 as decimal(38, 1)))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(2 as decimal(38, 37)) in " +
"(cast(2 as decimal(38, 1)), cast(3 as double))");
public void TestDecimalOperators() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select d2 % d5 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d1 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(d2 as decimal(1)) from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d3 + d4 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d5 - d1 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d2 * d2 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d4 / d1 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select d2 % d5 from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalysisError("select d1 & d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '&': d1 & d1");
AnalysisError("select d1 | d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '|': d1 | d1");
AnalysisError("select d1 ^ d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
"Invalid non-integer argument to operation '^': d1 ^ d1");
AnalysisError("select ~d1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
"'~' operation only allowed on integer types: ~d1");
AnalysisError("select d1! from functional.decimal_tbl",
"'!' operation only allowed on integer types: d1!");
public void TestDecimalCast() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal)");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(1))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(1, 0))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(10, 5))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38, 0))");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as decimal(38, 38))");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as decimal(0))",
"Decimal precision must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as decimal(39))",
"Decimal precision must be <= 38: 39");
AnalysisError("select cast(1 as decimal(1, 2))",
"Decimal scale (2) must be <= precision (1)");
public void TestDecimalFunctions() throws AnalysisException {
final String [] aliasesOfTruncate = new String[]{"truncate", "dtrunc", "trunc"};
AnalyzesOk("select abs(cast(1 as decimal))");
AnalyzesOk("select abs(cast(-1.1 as decimal(10,3)))");
AnalyzesOk("select floor(cast(-1.1 as decimal(10,3)))");
AnalyzesOk("select ceil(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)))");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)))");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 0)");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 2)");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 5)");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), -2)");
for (final String alias : aliasesOfTruncate) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)))", alias));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 0)", alias));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 2)", alias));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 5)", alias));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), -1)", alias));
AnalysisError("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 5.1)",
"No matching function with signature: round(DECIMAL(10,3), DECIMAL(2,1))");
AnalyzesOk("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(30,20)), 40)");
for (final String alias : aliasesOfTruncate) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), 40)", alias));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s(NULL)", alias));
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s(NULL, 1)", alias),
String.format("Cannot resolve DECIMAL precision and scale from NULL type " +
"in %s function.", alias));
AnalysisError("select round(cast(1.123 as decimal(10,3)), NULL)",
"round() cannot be called with a NULL second argument.");
// This has 39 digits and can only be represented as a DOUBLE.
AnalysisError("select precision(999999999999999999999999999999999999999.)",
"No matching function with signature: precision(DOUBLE).");
AnalysisError("select precision(cast(1 as float))",
"No matching function with signature: precision(FLOAT)");
AnalysisError("select precision(NULL)",
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL precision and scale from NULL type in " +
"precision function");
AnalysisError("select scale(NULL)",
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL precision and scale from NULL type in " +
"scale function.");
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 0));
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23, 1)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3, 1));
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23, 0)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 0));
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23, 3)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3, 2));
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23, -1)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 0));
testDecimalExpr("round(1.23, -2)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 0));
testDecimalExpr("round(cast(1.23 as decimal(3,2)), -2)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 0));
testDecimalExpr("round(cast(1.23 as decimal(30, 20)), 40)",
ScalarType.createDecimalType(30, 20));
testDecimalExpr("ceil(123.45)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(4, 0));
testDecimalExpr("floor(12.345)", ScalarType.createDecimalType(3, 0));
for (final String alias : aliasesOfTruncate) {
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(1, 0));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23, 1)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(2, 1));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23, 0)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(1, 0));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23, 3)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(3, 2));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23, -1)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(1, 0));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(1.23, -2)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(1, 0));
testDecimalExpr(String.format("%s(cast(1.23 as decimal(30, 20)), 40)", alias),
ScalarType.createDecimalType(30, 20));
AnalysisContext decimalV1Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalysisContext decimalV2Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
testDecimalExpr("coalesce(cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 19));
AnalyzesOk("select coalesce(cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError("select coalesce(cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV2Ctx,
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL types of the coalesce(DECIMAL(20,20), " +
"DECIMAL(19,0)) function arguments. You need to wrap the arguments in a CAST.");
testDecimalExpr("if(true, cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 19));
AnalyzesOk("select if(true, cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError("select if(true, cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV2Ctx,
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL types of the if(BOOLEAN, " +
"DECIMAL(20,20), DECIMAL(19,0)) function arguments. " +
"You need to wrap the arguments in a CAST.");
testDecimalExpr("isnull(cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 19));
AnalyzesOk("select isnull(cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError("select isnull(cast(0.789 as decimal(20, 20)), " +
"cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)))", decimalV2Ctx,
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL types of the isnull(DECIMAL(20,20), " +
"DECIMAL(19,0)) function arguments. You need to wrap the arguments in a CAST.");
testDecimalExpr("case 1 when 0 then cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)) " +
"else cast(123 as decimal(19, 0)) end", ScalarType.createDecimalType(38, 19));
AnalyzesOk("select case 1 when 0 then cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)) " +
"else cast(123 as decimal(20, 0)) end", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError("select case 1 when 0 then cast(0.789 as decimal(19, 19)) " +
"else cast(123 as decimal(20, 0)) end", decimalV2Ctx,
"Incompatible return types 'DECIMAL(19,19)' and 'DECIMAL(20,0)' " +
"of exprs 'CAST(0.789 AS DECIMAL(19,19))' and 'CAST(123 AS DECIMAL(20,0))'.");
* Test expr depth limit of operators in infix notation, e.g., 1 + 1.
* Generates test exprs using the pattern: prefix + repeatSuffix*
private void testInfixExprDepthLimit(String prefix, String repeatSuffix) {
StringBuilder exprStr = new StringBuilder(prefix);
for (int i = 0; i < Expr.EXPR_DEPTH_LIMIT - 1; ++i) {
String.format("Exceeded the maximum depth of an expression tree (%s).",
// Test 10x the safe depth (already at 1x, append 9x).
for (int i = 0; i < Expr.EXPR_DEPTH_LIMIT * 9; ++i) {
String.format("Exceeded the maximum depth of an expression tree (%s).",
* Test expr depth limit of function-like operations, e.g., f(a).
* Generates test exprs using the pattern: openFunc* baseArg closeFunc*
private void testFuncExprDepthLimit(String openFunc, String baseArg,
String closeFunc) {
AnalyzesOk("select " + getNestedFuncExpr(openFunc, baseArg, closeFunc,
AnalysisError("select " + getNestedFuncExpr(openFunc, baseArg, closeFunc,
String.format("Exceeded the maximum depth of an expression tree (%s).",
// Test 10x the safe depth.
AnalysisError("select " + getNestedFuncExpr(openFunc, baseArg, closeFunc,
String.format("Exceeded the maximum depth of an expression tree (%s).",
* Generates a string: openFunc* baseArg closeFunc*,
* where * repetition of exactly numFuncs times.
private String getNestedFuncExpr(String openFunc, String baseArg,
String closeFunc, int numFuncs) {
StringBuilder exprStr = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numFuncs; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < numFuncs; ++i) {
return exprStr.toString();
public void TestAppxCountDistinctOption() throws AnalysisException {
TQueryOptions queryOptions = new TQueryOptions();
// Accumulates count(distinct) for all columns of alltypesTbl or decimalTbl.
List<String> countDistinctFns = new ArrayList<>();
// Accumulates count(distinct) for all columns of both alltypesTbl and decimalTbl.
List<String> allCountDistinctFns = new ArrayList<>();
Table alltypesTbl = catalog_.getOrLoadTable("functional", "alltypes");
for (Column col: alltypesTbl.getColumns()) {
String colName = col.getName();
// Test a single count(distinct) with some other aggs.
String countDistinctFn = String.format("count(distinct %s)", colName);
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s, sum(distinct smallint_col), " +
"avg(float_col), min(%s) " +
"from functional.alltypes",
countDistinctFn, colName), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
validateSingleColAppxCountDistinctRewrite(stmt, colName, 4, 1, 1);
// Test a single query with a count(distinct) on all columns of alltypesTbl.
SelectStmt alltypesStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s from functional.alltypes",
Joiner.on(",").join(countDistinctFns)), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
assertAllNdvAggExprs(alltypesStmt, alltypesTbl.getColumns().size());
Table decimalTbl = catalog_.getOrLoadTable("functional", "decimal_tbl");
for (Column col: decimalTbl.getColumns()) {
String colName = col.getName();
// Test a single count(distinct) with some other aggs.
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select count(distinct %s), sum(distinct d1), " +
"avg(d2), min(%s) " +
"from functional.decimal_tbl",
colName, colName), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
countDistinctFns.add(String.format("count(distinct %s)", colName));
validateSingleColAppxCountDistinctRewrite(stmt, colName, 4, 1, 1);
// Test a single query with a count(distinct) on all columns of decimalTbl.
SelectStmt decimalTblStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s from functional.decimal_tbl",
Joiner.on(",").join(countDistinctFns)), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
assertAllNdvAggExprs(decimalTblStmt, decimalTbl.getColumns().size());
Table dateTbl = catalog_.getOrLoadTable("functional", "date_tbl");
for (Column col: dateTbl.getColumns()) {
String colName = col.getName();
// Test a single count(distinct) with some other aggs.
String countDistinctFn = String.format("count(distinct %s)", colName);
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s, avg(%s), min(%s) from functional.date_tbl",
countDistinctFn, colName, colName), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
validateSingleColAppxCountDistinctRewrite(stmt, colName, 3, 0, 1);
// Test a single query with a count(distinct) on all columns of dateTbl.
SelectStmt dateStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s from functional.date_tbl",
Joiner.on(",").join(countDistinctFns)), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
assertAllNdvAggExprs(dateStmt, dateTbl.getColumns().size());
// Test a single query with a count(distinct) on all columns of alltypes, decimalTbl
// and dateTbl.
SelectStmt comboStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select %s from functional.alltypes cross join functional.decimal_tbl " +
"cross join functional.date_tbl",
Joiner.on(",").join(allCountDistinctFns)), createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions));
assertAllNdvAggExprs(comboStmt, alltypesTbl.getColumns().size() +
decimalTbl.getColumns().size() + dateTbl.getColumns().size());
// The rewrite does not work for multiple count() arguments.
SelectStmt noRewriteStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(
"select count(distinct int_col, bigint_col), " +
"count(distinct string_col, float_col) from functional.alltypes");
assertNoNdvAggExprs(noRewriteStmt, 2);
// The rewrite only applies to the count() function.
noRewriteStmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(
"select avg(distinct int_col), sum(distinct float_col) from functional.alltypes",
assertNoNdvAggExprs(noRewriteStmt, 2);
// Checks that 'stmt' has two aggregate exprs - DISTINCT 'sum' and non-DISTINCT 'ndv'.
private void validateSingleColAppxCountDistinctRewrite(
SelectStmt stmt, String rewrittenColName, int expNumAggExprs,
int expNumDistinctExprs, int expNumNdvExprs) {
MultiAggregateInfo multiAggInfo = stmt.getMultiAggInfo();
List<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs = multiAggInfo.getAggExprs();
assertEquals(expNumAggExprs, aggExprs.size());
int numDistinctExprs = 0;
int numNdvExprs = 0;
for (FunctionCallExpr aggExpr : aggExprs) {
if (aggExpr.isDistinct()) {
assertEquals("sum", aggExpr.getFnName().toString());
if (aggExpr.getFnName().toString().equals("ndv")) {
assertEquals(expNumDistinctExprs, numDistinctExprs);
assertEquals(expNumNdvExprs, numNdvExprs);
// Checks that all aggregate exprs in 'stmt' are non-DISTINCT 'ndv'.
private void assertAllNdvAggExprs(SelectStmt stmt, int expectedNumAggExprs) {
MultiAggregateInfo multiAggInfo = stmt.getMultiAggInfo();
List<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs = multiAggInfo.getAggExprs();
assertEquals(expectedNumAggExprs, aggExprs.size());
for (FunctionCallExpr aggExpr : aggExprs) {
assertEquals("ndv", aggExpr.getFnName().toString());
// Checks that all aggregate exprs in 'stmt' are DISTINCT and not 'ndv'.
private void assertNoNdvAggExprs(SelectStmt stmt, int expectedNumAggExprs) {
MultiAggregateInfo multiAggInfo = stmt.getMultiAggInfo();
List<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs = multiAggInfo.getAggExprs();
assertEquals(expectedNumAggExprs, aggExprs.size());
for (FunctionCallExpr aggExpr : aggExprs) {
assertNotEquals("ndv", aggExpr.getFnName().toString());
// IMPALA-2233: Regression test for loss of precision through implicit casts.
public void TestImplicitArgumentCasts() throws AnalysisException {
FunctionName fnName = new FunctionName(BuiltinsDb.NAME, "greatest");
Function tinyIntFn = new Function(fnName, new Type[] {ScalarType.DOUBLE},
Type.DOUBLE, true);
Function decimalFn = new Function(fnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.TINYINT, ScalarType.createDecimalType(30, 10)},
Type.INVALID, false);
Assert.assertFalse(, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF));
// Check that this resolves to the decimal version of the function.
Db db = catalog_.getDb(BuiltinsDb.NAME);
Function foundFn = db.getFunction(decimalFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
// The double version of the function is a non-strict supertype if the arguments are
// (double, decimal).
Function doubleDecimalFn = new Function(fnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.DOUBLE, ScalarType.createDecimalType(30, 10)},
Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(doubleDecimalFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
foundFn = db.getFunction(doubleDecimalFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.DOUBLE, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
// Float and any precision decimal can be matched to FLOAT non-strictly.
Function floatDecimalFn = new Function(fnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.FLOAT, ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 7)},
Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(floatDecimalFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
foundFn = db.getFunction(floatDecimalFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.FLOAT, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
// Float and bigint should be matched to double.
Function floatBigIntFn = new Function(fnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.FLOAT, ScalarType.BIGINT}, Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(floatBigIntFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.DOUBLE, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
FunctionName lagFnName = new FunctionName(BuiltinsDb.NAME, "lag");
// String should not be converted to timestamp or date if string overload available.
Function lagStringFn = new Function(lagFnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.STRING, Type.TINYINT}, Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(lagStringFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.STRING, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
// Date should not be converted to timestamp if date overload is available.
Function lagDateFn = new Function(lagFnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.DATE, Type.TINYINT}, Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(lagDateFn, CompareMode.IS_INDISTINGUISHABLE);
foundFn = db.getFunction(lagDateFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.DATE, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
// String is matched non-strictly to date, instead of converting both string and date
// arguments to timestamp.
FunctionName ifFnName = new FunctionName(BuiltinsDb.NAME, "if");
Function ifStringDateFn = new Function(ifFnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.BOOLEAN, ScalarType.STRING, ScalarType.DATE}, Type.INVALID,
foundFn = db.getFunction(ifStringDateFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
foundFn = db.getFunction(ifStringDateFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.DATE, foundFn.getArgs()[1]);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.DATE, foundFn.getArgs()[2]);
// Date is matched non-strictly to timestamp
ifStringDateFn = new Function(ifFnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.BOOLEAN, ScalarType.TIMESTAMP, ScalarType.DATE},
Type.INVALID, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(ifStringDateFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
foundFn = db.getFunction(ifStringDateFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.TIMESTAMP, foundFn.getArgs()[1]);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.TIMESTAMP, foundFn.getArgs()[2]);
// String is matched non-strictly to timestamp if there's no string overload but both
// timestamp and date overloads are available.
FunctionName yearFnName = new FunctionName(BuiltinsDb.NAME, "year");
Function yearStringFn = new Function(yearFnName,
new Type[] {ScalarType.STRING}, Type.INT, false);
foundFn = db.getFunction(yearStringFn, CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
foundFn = db.getFunction(yearStringFn, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
Assert.assertEquals(Type.TIMESTAMP, foundFn.getArgs()[0]);
public void TestCastFormatClauseFromString() throws AnalysisException {
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS DATETIME FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"Unsupported data type: DATETIME");
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS INT FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from STRING to INT");
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS STRING FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from STRING to STRING");
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS BOOLEAN FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from STRING to BOOLEAN");
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS DOUBLE FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from STRING to DOUBLE");
AnalysisError("select cast('05-01-2017' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT '')",
"FORMAT clause can't be empty");
AnalyzesOk("select cast('05-01-2017' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')");
AnalyzesOk("select cast('05-01-2017' AS DATE FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')");
public void TestCastFormatClauseFromDatetime() throws AnalysisException {
private void RunCastFormatTestOnType(String type) {
String to_timestamp_cast = "cast('05-01-2017' as " + type + ")";
"select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " as DATETIME FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"Unsupported data type: DATETIME");
if (!type.equals("TIMESTAMP")) {
"select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " as TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from " + type + " to TIMESTAMP");
if (!type.equals("DATE")) {
AnalysisError("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " as DATE FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from " + type + " to DATE");
AnalysisError("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS INT FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from " + type +" to INT");
AnalysisError("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS BOOLEAN FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from " + type + " to BOOLEAN");
AnalysisError("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS DOUBLE FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')",
"FORMAT clause is not applicable from " + type + " to DOUBLE");
AnalysisError("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS STRING FORMAT '')",
"FORMAT clause can't be empty");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS STRING FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS VARCHAR FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(" + to_timestamp_cast + " AS CHAR(10) FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')");
public void TestToStringOnCastFormatClause() throws AnalysisException {
String cast_str = "CAST('05-01-2017' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')";
SelectStmt select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + cast_str);
Assert.assertEquals(cast_str, select.getResultExprs().get(0).toSqlImpl());
cast_str = "CAST('05-01-2017' AS DATE FORMAT 'MM-dd-yyyy')";
select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + cast_str);
Assert.assertEquals(cast_str, select.getResultExprs().get(0).toSqlImpl());
// Check that escaped single quotes in the format remain escaped in the printout.
cast_str = "CAST('2019-01-01te\\\'xt' AS DATE FORMAT " +
select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select " + cast_str);
Assert.assertEquals(cast_str, select.getResultExprs().get(0).toSqlImpl());
// Check that non-escaped single quotes in the format are escaped in the printout.
// Also check that the surrounding double quotes around the format string are
// replaced with single quotes in the output.
cast_str = "select CAST(\"2019-01-02te'xt\" AS DATE FORMAT " +
select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(cast_str);
String expected_str = "CAST('2019-01-02te\\\'xt' AS DATE FORMAT " +
Assert.assertEquals(expected_str, select.getResultExprs().get(0).toSqlImpl());
// Check that a single quote in a free text token is escaped in the output even if it
// is after an escaped backslash.
cast_str = "select CAST(\"2019-01-02te\\'xt\" AS DATE FORMAT " +
select = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(cast_str);
expected_str = "CAST('2019-01-02te\\\'xt' AS DATE FORMAT " +
Assert.assertEquals(expected_str, select.getResultExprs().get(0).toSqlImpl());