blob: 23a09f5dc198579c7a2dc19a56ff5c06813922e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "service/impala-server.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <gperftools/malloc_extension.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <rapidjson/rapidjson.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "catalog/catalog-server.h"
#include "catalog/catalog-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/version.h"
#include "exec/external-data-source-executor.h"
#include "exprs/timezone_db.h"
#include "rpc/authentication.h"
#include "rpc/rpc-trace.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-thread.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "runtime/client-cache.h"
#include "runtime/coordinator.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/lib-cache.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include "scheduling/scheduler.h"
#include "service/impala-http-handler.h"
#include "service/impala-internal-service.h"
#include "service/client-request-state.h"
#include "service/frontend.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "util/container-util.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/error-util.h"
#include "util/histogram-metric.h"
#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
#include "util/lineage-util.h"
#include "util/network-util.h"
#include "util/openssl-util.h"
#include "util/parse-util.h"
#include "util/redactor.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "util/summary-util.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/DataSinks_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/LineageGraph_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::adopt_lock_t;
using boost::algorithm::is_any_of;
using boost::algorithm::istarts_with;
using boost::algorithm::join;
using boost::algorithm::replace_all_copy;
using boost::algorithm::split;
using boost::algorithm::token_compress_on;
using boost::get_system_time;
using boost::system_time;
using boost::uuids::random_generator;
using boost::uuids::uuid;
using namespace apache::hive::service::cli::thrift;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace apache::thrift::transport;
using namespace beeswax;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace rapidjson;
using namespace strings;
DEFINE_int32(beeswax_port, 21000, "port on which Beeswax client requests are served."
"If 0 or less, the Beeswax server is not started.");
DEFINE_int32(hs2_port, 21050, "port on which HiveServer2 client requests are served."
"If 0 or less, the HiveServer2 server is not started.");
DEFINE_int32(fe_service_threads, 64,
"number of threads available to serve client requests");
DEFINE_string(default_query_options, "", "key=value pair of default query options for"
" impalad, separated by ','");
DEFINE_int32(query_log_size, 25, "Number of queries to retain in the query log. If -1, "
"the query log has unbounded size.");
DEFINE_bool(log_query_to_file, true, "if true, logs completed query profiles to file.");
DEFINE_int64(max_result_cache_size, 100000L, "Maximum number of query results a client "
"may request to be cached on a per-query basis to support restarting fetches. This "
"option guards against unreasonably large result caches requested by clients. "
"Requests exceeding this maximum will be rejected.");
DEFINE_int32(max_audit_event_log_file_size, 5000, "The maximum size (in queries) of the "
"audit event log file before a new one is created (if event logging is enabled)");
DEFINE_string(audit_event_log_dir, "", "The directory in which audit event log files are "
"written. Setting this flag will enable audit event logging.");
DEFINE_bool(abort_on_failed_audit_event, true, "Shutdown Impala if there is a problem "
"recording an audit event.");
DEFINE_int32(max_lineage_log_file_size, 5000, "The maximum size (in queries) of "
"the lineage event log file before a new one is created (if lineage logging is "
DEFINE_string(lineage_event_log_dir, "", "The directory in which lineage event log "
"files are written. Setting this flag with enable lineage logging.");
DEFINE_bool(abort_on_failed_lineage_event, true, "Shutdown Impala if there is a problem "
"recording a lineage record.");
DEFINE_string(profile_log_dir, "", "The directory in which profile log files are"
" written. If blank, defaults to <log_file_dir>/profiles");
DEFINE_int32(max_profile_log_file_size, 5000, "The maximum size (in queries) of the "
"profile log file before a new one is created");
DEFINE_int32(max_profile_log_files, 10, "Maximum number of profile log files to "
"retain. The most recent log files are retained. If set to 0, all log files "
"are retained.");
DEFINE_int32(cancellation_thread_pool_size, 5,
"(Advanced) Size of the thread-pool processing cancellations due to node failure");
DEFINE_string(ssl_server_certificate, "", "The full path to the SSL certificate file used"
" to authenticate Impala to clients. If set, both Beeswax and HiveServer2 ports will "
"only accept SSL connections");
DEFINE_string(ssl_private_key, "", "The full path to the private key used as a "
"counterpart to the public key contained in --ssl_server_certificate. If "
"--ssl_server_certificate is set, this option must be set as well.");
DEFINE_string(ssl_client_ca_certificate, "", "(Advanced) The full path to a certificate "
"used by Thrift clients to check the validity of a server certificate. May either be "
"a certificate for a third-party Certificate Authority, or a copy of the certificate "
"the client expects to receive from the server.");
DEFINE_string(ssl_private_key_password_cmd, "", "A Unix command whose output returns the "
"password used to decrypt the certificate private key file specified in "
"--ssl_private_key. If the .PEM key file is not password-protected, this command "
"will not be invoked. The output of the command will be truncated to 1024 bytes, and "
"then all trailing whitespace will be trimmed before it is used to decrypt the "
"private key");
// TODO: For 3.0 (compatibility-breaking release), set this to a whitelist of ciphers,
// e.g.
DEFINE_string(ssl_cipher_list, "",
"The cipher suite preferences to use for TLS-secured "
"Thrift RPC connections. Uses the OpenSSL cipher preference list format. See man (1) "
"ciphers for more information. If empty, the default cipher list for your platform "
"is used");
const string SSL_MIN_VERSION_HELP = "The minimum SSL/TLS version that Thrift "
"services should use for both client and server connections. Supported versions are "
"TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 (as long as the system OpenSSL library supports them)";
DEFINE_string(ssl_minimum_version, "tlsv1", SSL_MIN_VERSION_HELP.c_str());
DEFINE_int32(idle_session_timeout, 0, "The time, in seconds, that a session may be idle"
" for before it is closed (and all running queries cancelled) by Impala. If 0, idle"
" sessions are never expired. It can be overridden by the query option"
" 'idle_session_timeout' for specific sessions");
DEFINE_int32(idle_query_timeout, 0, "The time, in seconds, that a query may be idle for"
" (i.e. no processing work is done and no updates are received from the client) "
"before it is cancelled. If 0, idle queries are never expired. The query option "
"QUERY_TIMEOUT_S overrides this setting, but, if set, --idle_query_timeout represents"
" the maximum allowable timeout.");
DEFINE_bool(is_coordinator, true, "If true, this Impala daemon can accept and coordinate "
"queries from clients. If false, it will refuse client connections.");
DEFINE_bool(is_executor, true, "If true, this Impala daemon will execute query "
#ifndef NDEBUG
DEFINE_int64(stress_metadata_loading_pause_injection_ms, 0, "Simulates metadata loading"
"for a given query by injecting a sleep equivalent to this configuration in "
"milliseconds. Only used for testing.");
namespace impala {
// Prefix of profile, event and lineage log filenames. The version number is
// internal, and does not correspond to an Impala release - it should
// be changed only when the file format changes.
// In the 1.0 version of the profile log, the timestamp at the beginning of each entry
// was relative to the local time zone. In log version 1.1, this was changed to be
// relative to UTC. The same time zone change was made for the audit log, but the
// version was kept at 1.0 because there is no known consumer of the timestamp.
const string PROFILE_LOG_FILE_PREFIX = "impala_profile_log_1.1-";
const string ImpalaServer::AUDIT_EVENT_LOG_FILE_PREFIX = "impala_audit_event_log_1.0-";
const string LINEAGE_LOG_FILE_PREFIX = "impala_lineage_log_1.0-";
const uint32_t MAX_CANCELLATION_QUEUE_SIZE = 65536;
const string BEESWAX_SERVER_NAME = "beeswax-frontend";
const string HS2_SERVER_NAME = "hiveserver2-frontend";
const char* ImpalaServer::SQLSTATE_SYNTAX_ERROR_OR_ACCESS_VIOLATION = "42000";
const char* ImpalaServer::SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR = "HY000";
// Interval between checks for query expiration.
// Work item for ImpalaServer::cancellation_thread_pool_.
class CancellationWork {
CancellationWork(const TUniqueId& query_id, const Status& cause, bool unregister)
: query_id_(query_id), cause_(cause), unregister_(unregister) {
CancellationWork() {
const TUniqueId& query_id() const { return query_id_; }
const Status& cause() const { return cause_; }
bool unregister() const { return unregister_; }
bool operator<(const CancellationWork& other) const {
return query_id_ < other.query_id_;
bool operator==(const CancellationWork& other) const {
return query_id_ == other.query_id_;
// Id of query to be canceled.
TUniqueId query_id_;
// Error status containing a list of failed impalads causing the cancellation.
Status cause_;
// If true, unregister the query rather than cancelling it. Calling UnregisterQuery()
// does call CancelInternal eventually, but also ensures that the query is torn down and
// archived.
bool unregister_;
ImpalaServer::ImpalaServer(ExecEnv* exec_env)
: exec_env_(exec_env),
services_started_(false) {
// Initialize default config
Status status = exec_env_->frontend()->ValidateSettings();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_config_error) {
"Aborting Impala Server startup due to improper configuration");
status = exec_env->tmp_file_mgr()->Init(exec_env->metrics());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_config_error) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Aborting Impala Server startup due to improperly "
"configured scratch directories.");
if (!InitProfileLogging().ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Query profile archival is disabled";
FLAGS_log_query_to_file = false;
if (!InitAuditEventLogging().ok()) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Aborting Impala Server startup due to failure initializing "
"audit event logging");
if (!InitLineageLogging().ok()) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Aborting Impala Server startup due to failure initializing "
"lineage logging");
if (!FLAGS_authorized_proxy_user_config.empty()) {
Status status = PopulateAuthorizedProxyConfig(FLAGS_authorized_proxy_user_config,
FLAGS_authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter, &authorized_proxy_user_config_);
if (!status.ok()) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR(Substitute("Invalid proxy user configuration."
"No mapping value specified for the proxy user. For more information review "
"usage of the --authorized_proxy_user_config flag: $0", status.GetDetail()));
if (!FLAGS_authorized_proxy_group_config.empty()) {
Status status = PopulateAuthorizedProxyConfig(FLAGS_authorized_proxy_group_config,
FLAGS_authorized_proxy_group_config_delimiter, &authorized_proxy_group_config_);
if (!status.ok()) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR(Substitute("Invalid proxy group configuration. "
"No mapping value specified for the proxy group. For more information review "
"usage of the --authorized_proxy_group_config flag: $0", status.GetDetail()));
if (FLAGS_disk_spill_encryption) {
// Initialize OpenSSL for spilling encryption. This is not thread-safe so we
// initialize it once on startup.
// TODO: Set OpenSSL callbacks to provide locking to make the library thread-safe.
http_handler_.reset(new ImpalaHttpHandler(this));
// Initialize impalad metrics
// Register the membership callback if running in a real cluster.
if (!TestInfo::is_test()) {
auto cb = [this](const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap& state,
vector<TTopicDelta>* topic_updates) {
this->MembershipCallback(state, topic_updates);
Statestore::IMPALA_MEMBERSHIP_TOPIC, true, false, cb));
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator && !FLAGS_use_local_catalog) {
auto catalog_cb = [this] (const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap& state,
vector<TTopicDelta>* topic_updates) {
this->CatalogUpdateCallback(state, topic_updates);
CatalogServer::IMPALA_CATALOG_TOPIC, true, true, catalog_cb));
// Initialise the cancellation thread pool with 5 (by default) threads. The max queue
// size is deliberately set so high that it should never fill; if it does the
// cancellations will get ignored and retried on the next statestore heartbeat.
cancellation_thread_pool_.reset(new ThreadPool<CancellationWork>(
"impala-server", "cancellation-worker",
FLAGS_cancellation_thread_pool_size, MAX_CANCELLATION_QUEUE_SIZE,
bind<void>(&ImpalaServer::CancelFromThreadPool, this, _1, _2)));
// Initialize a session expiry thread which blocks indefinitely until the first session
// with non-zero timeout value is opened. Note that a session which doesn't specify any
// idle session timeout value will use the default value FLAGS_idle_session_timeout.
ABORT_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("impala-server", "session-expirer",
bind<void>(&ImpalaServer::ExpireSessions, this), &session_timeout_thread_));
ABORT_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("impala-server", "query-expirer",
bind<void>(&ImpalaServer::ExpireQueries, this), &query_expiration_thread_));
is_coordinator_ = FLAGS_is_coordinator;
is_executor_ = FLAGS_is_executor;
Status ImpalaServer::PopulateAuthorizedProxyConfig(
const string& authorized_proxy_config,
const string& authorized_proxy_config_delimiter,
AuthorizedProxyMap* authorized_proxy_config_map) {
// Parse the proxy user configuration using the format:
// <proxy user>=<comma separated list of users/groups they are allowed to delegate>
// See FLAGS_authorized_proxy_user_config or FLAGS_authorized_proxy_group_config
// for more details.
vector<string> proxy_config;
split(proxy_config, authorized_proxy_config, is_any_of(";"),
if (proxy_config.size() > 0) {
for (const string& config: proxy_config) {
size_t pos = config.find("=");
if (pos == string::npos) {
return Status(config);
string proxy_user = config.substr(0, pos);
string config_str = config.substr(pos + 1);
vector<string> parsed_allowed_users_or_groups;
split(parsed_allowed_users_or_groups, config_str,
is_any_of(authorized_proxy_config_delimiter), token_compress_on);
unordered_set<string> allowed_users_or_groups(
parsed_allowed_users_or_groups.begin(), parsed_allowed_users_or_groups.end());
authorized_proxy_config_map->insert({proxy_user, allowed_users_or_groups});
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::LogLineageRecord(const ClientRequestState& client_request_state) {
const TExecRequest& request = client_request_state.exec_request();
if (!request.__isset.query_exec_request && !request.__isset.catalog_op_request) {
return Status::OK();
TLineageGraph lineage_graph;
if (request.__isset.query_exec_request &&
request.query_exec_request.__isset.lineage_graph) {
lineage_graph = request.query_exec_request.lineage_graph;
} else if (request.__isset.catalog_op_request &&
request.catalog_op_request.__isset.lineage_graph) {
lineage_graph = request.catalog_op_request.lineage_graph;
} else {
return Status::OK();
// Set the query end time in TLineageGraph. Must use UNIX time directly rather than
// e.g. converting from client_request_state.end_time() (IMPALA-4440).
lineage_graph.__set_ended(UnixMillis() / 1000);
string lineage_record;
LineageUtil::TLineageToJSON(lineage_graph, &lineage_record);
const Status& status = lineage_logger_->AppendEntry(lineage_record);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to record query lineage record: " << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_failed_lineage_event) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Shutting down Impala Server due to "
return status;
bool ImpalaServer::IsCoordinator() { return is_coordinator_; }
bool ImpalaServer::IsExecutor() { return is_executor_; }
int ImpalaServer::GetThriftBackendPort() {
DCHECK(thrift_be_server_ != nullptr);
return thrift_be_server_->port();
TNetworkAddress ImpalaServer::GetThriftBackendAddress() {
return MakeNetworkAddress(FLAGS_hostname, GetThriftBackendPort());
int ImpalaServer::GetBeeswaxPort() {
DCHECK(beeswax_server_ != nullptr);
return beeswax_server_->port();
int ImpalaServer::GetHS2Port() {
DCHECK(hs2_server_ != nullptr);
return hs2_server_->port();
const ImpalaServer::BackendDescriptorMap& ImpalaServer::GetKnownBackends() {
return known_backends_;
bool ImpalaServer::IsLineageLoggingEnabled() {
return !FLAGS_lineage_event_log_dir.empty();
Status ImpalaServer::InitLineageLogging() {
if (!IsLineageLoggingEnabled()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Lineage logging is disabled";
return Status::OK();
lineage_logger_.reset(new SimpleLogger(FLAGS_lineage_event_log_dir,
LINEAGE_LOG_FILE_PREFIX, FLAGS_max_lineage_log_file_size));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("impala-server", "lineage-log-flush",
&ImpalaServer::LineageLoggerFlushThread, this, &lineage_logger_flush_thread_));
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::LogAuditRecord(const ClientRequestState& request_state,
const TExecRequest& request) {
stringstream ss;
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
// Each log entry is a timestamp mapped to a JSON object
ss << UnixMillis();
if (request_state.do_as_user().empty()) {
// If there is no do_as_user() is empty, the "impersonator" field should be Null.
} else {
// Otherwise, the delegator is the current connected user.
if (request.stmt_type == TStmtType::DDL) {
if (request.catalog_op_request.op_type == TCatalogOpType::DDL) {
} else {
} else {
string stmt = replace_all_copy(request_state.sql_stmt(), "\n", " ");
for (const TAccessEvent& event: request.access_events) {
Status status = audit_event_logger_->AppendEntry(buffer.GetString());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to record audit event record: " << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_failed_audit_event) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Shutting down Impala Server due to "
return status;
bool ImpalaServer::IsAuditEventLoggingEnabled() {
return !FLAGS_audit_event_log_dir.empty();
Status ImpalaServer::InitAuditEventLogging() {
if (!IsAuditEventLoggingEnabled()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Event logging is disabled";
return Status::OK();
audit_event_logger_.reset(new SimpleLogger(FLAGS_audit_event_log_dir,
AUDIT_EVENT_LOG_FILE_PREFIX, FLAGS_max_audit_event_log_file_size));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("impala-server", "audit-event-log-flush",
&ImpalaServer::AuditEventLoggerFlushThread, this,
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::LogQueryEvents(const ClientRequestState& request_state) {
Status status = request_state.query_status();
bool log_events = true;
switch (request_state.stmt_type()) {
case TStmtType::QUERY: {
// If the query didn't finish, log audit and lineage events only if the
// the client issued at least one fetch.
if (!status.ok() && !request_state.fetched_rows()) log_events = false;
case TStmtType::DML: {
if (!status.ok()) log_events = false;
case TStmtType::DDL: {
if (request_state.catalog_op_type() == TCatalogOpType::DDL) {
// For a DDL operation, log audit and lineage events only if the
// operation finished.
if (!status.ok()) log_events = false;
} else {
// This case covers local catalog operations such as SHOW and DESCRIBE.
if (!status.ok() && !request_state.fetched_rows()) log_events = false;
case TStmtType::EXPLAIN:
case TStmtType::LOAD:
case TStmtType::SET:
// Log audit events that are due to an AuthorizationException.
if (IsAuditEventLoggingEnabled() &&
(Frontend::IsAuthorizationError(request_state.query_status()) || log_events)) {
// TODO: deal with an error status
discard_result(LogAuditRecord(request_state, request_state.exec_request()));
if (IsLineageLoggingEnabled() && log_events) {
// TODO: deal with an error status
Status ImpalaServer::InitProfileLogging() {
if (!FLAGS_log_query_to_file) return Status::OK();
if (FLAGS_profile_log_dir.empty()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << FLAGS_log_dir << "/profiles/";
FLAGS_profile_log_dir = ss.str();
profile_logger_.reset(new SimpleLogger(FLAGS_profile_log_dir,
PROFILE_LOG_FILE_PREFIX, FLAGS_max_profile_log_file_size,
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("impala-server", "log-flush-thread",
&ImpalaServer::LogFileFlushThread, this, &profile_log_file_flush_thread_));
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::GetRuntimeProfileStr(const TUniqueId& query_id,
const string& user, bool base64_encoded, stringstream* output) {
DCHECK(output != nullptr);
// Search for the query id in the active query map
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> request_state = GetClientRequestState(query_id);
if (request_state.get() != nullptr) {
// For queries in INITIALIZED_STATE, the profile information isn't populated yet.
if (request_state->operation_state() == TOperationState::INITIALIZED_STATE) {
return Status::Expected("Query plan is not ready.");
lock_guard<mutex> l(*request_state->lock());
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckProfileAccess(user, request_state->effective_user(),
if (base64_encoded) {
} else {
return Status::OK();
// The query was not found the active query map, search the query log.
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_log_lock_);
QueryLogIndex::const_iterator query_record = query_log_index_.find(query_id);
if (query_record == query_log_index_.end()) {
// Common error, so logging explicitly and eliding Status's stack trace.
string err = strings::Substitute("Query id $0 not found.", PrintId(query_id));
VLOG(1) << err;
return Status::Expected(err);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckProfileAccess(user, query_record->second->effective_user,
if (base64_encoded) {
(*output) << query_record->second->encoded_profile_str;
} else {
(*output) << query_record->second->profile_str;
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::GetExecSummary(const TUniqueId& query_id, const string& user,
TExecSummary* result) {
// Search for the query id in the active query map.
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> request_state = GetClientRequestState(query_id);
if (request_state != nullptr) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(*request_state->lock());
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckProfileAccess(user, request_state->effective_user(),
if (request_state->operation_state() == TOperationState::PENDING_STATE) {
return Status::OK();
} else if (request_state->GetCoordinator() != nullptr) {
TExecProgress progress;
// TODO: does this not need to be synchronized?
return Status::OK();
// Look for the query in completed query log.
// IMPALA-5275: Don't create Status while holding query_log_lock_
string effective_user;
bool user_has_profile_access = false;
bool is_query_missing = false;
TExecSummary exec_summary;
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_log_lock_);
QueryLogIndex::const_iterator query_record = query_log_index_.find(query_id);
is_query_missing = query_record == query_log_index_.end();
if (!is_query_missing) {
effective_user = query_record->second->effective_user;
user_has_profile_access = query_record->second->user_has_profile_access;
exec_summary = query_record->second->exec_summary;
if (is_query_missing) {
// Common error, so logging explicitly and eliding Status's stack trace.
string err = strings::Substitute("Query id $0 not found.", PrintId(query_id));
VLOG(1) << err;
return Status::Expected(err);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckProfileAccess(user, effective_user, user_has_profile_access));
*result = exec_summary;
return Status::OK();
[[noreturn]] void ImpalaServer::LogFileFlushThread() {
while (true) {
const Status status = profile_logger_->Flush();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error flushing profile log: " << status.GetDetail();
[[noreturn]] void ImpalaServer::AuditEventLoggerFlushThread() {
while (true) {
Status status = audit_event_logger_->Flush();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error flushing audit event log: " << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_failed_audit_event) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Shutting down Impala Server due to "
[[noreturn]] void ImpalaServer::LineageLoggerFlushThread() {
while (true) {
Status status = lineage_logger_->Flush();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error flushing lineage event log: " << status.GetDetail();
if (FLAGS_abort_on_failed_lineage_event) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Shutting down Impala Server due to "
void ImpalaServer::ArchiveQuery(const ClientRequestState& query) {
string encoded_profile_str;
Status status = query.profile()->SerializeToArchiveString(&encoded_profile_str);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Didn't serialize the string. Continue with empty string.
LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 1000) << "Could not serialize profile to archive string "
<< status.GetDetail();
// If there was an error initialising archival (e.g. directory is not writeable),
// FLAGS_log_query_to_file will have been set to false
if (FLAGS_log_query_to_file) {
stringstream ss;
ss << UnixMillis() << " " << PrintId(query.query_id()) << " " << encoded_profile_str;
status = profile_logger_->AppendEntry(ss.str());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 1000) << "Could not write to profile log file file ("
<< google::COUNTER << " attempts failed): "
<< status.GetDetail();
<< "Disable query logging with --log_query_to_file=false";
if (FLAGS_query_log_size == 0) return;
QueryStateRecord record(query, true, encoded_profile_str);
if (query.GetCoordinator() != nullptr)
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_log_lock_);
// Add record to the beginning of the log, and to the lookup index.
query_log_index_[query.query_id()] = query_log_.insert(query_log_.begin(), record);
if (FLAGS_query_log_size > -1 && FLAGS_query_log_size < query_log_.size()) {
DCHECK_EQ(query_log_.size() - FLAGS_query_log_size, 1);
ImpalaServer::~ImpalaServer() {}
void ImpalaServer::AddPoolConfiguration(TQueryCtx* ctx,
const QueryOptionsMask& override_options_mask) {
// Errors are not returned and are only logged (at level 2) because some incoming
// requests are not expected to be mapped to a pool and will not have query options,
// e.g. 'use [db];'. For requests that do need to be mapped to a pool successfully, the
// pool is resolved again during scheduling and errors are handled at that point.
string resolved_pool;
Status status = exec_env_->request_pool_service()->ResolveRequestPool(*ctx,
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_RPC << "Not adding pool query options for query=" << PrintId(ctx->query_id)
<< " ResolveRequestPool status: " << status.GetDetail();
TPoolConfig config;
status = exec_env_->request_pool_service()->GetPoolConfig(resolved_pool, &config);
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_RPC << "Not adding pool query options for query=" << PrintId(ctx->query_id)
<< " GetConfigPool status: " << status.GetDetail();
TQueryOptions pool_options;
QueryOptionsMask set_pool_options_mask;
status = ParseQueryOptions(config.default_query_options, &pool_options,
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Ignoring errors while parsing default query options for pool="
<< resolved_pool << ", message: " << status.GetDetail();
QueryOptionsMask overlay_mask = override_options_mask & set_pool_options_mask;
VLOG_RPC << "Parsed pool options: " << DebugQueryOptions(pool_options)
<< " override_options_mask=" << override_options_mask.to_string()
<< " set_pool_mask=" << set_pool_options_mask.to_string()
<< " overlay_mask=" << overlay_mask.to_string();
OverlayQueryOptions(pool_options, overlay_mask, &ctx->client_request.query_options);
Status ImpalaServer::Execute(TQueryCtx* query_ctx,
shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state,
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>* request_state) {
// Redact the SQL stmt and update the query context
string stmt = replace_all_copy(query_ctx->client_request.stmt, "\n", " ");
query_ctx->client_request.__set_redacted_stmt((const string) stmt);
bool registered_request_state;
Status status = ExecuteInternal(*query_ctx, session_state, &registered_request_state,
if (!status.ok() && registered_request_state) {
discard_result(UnregisterQuery((*request_state)->query_id(), false, &status));
return status;
Status ImpalaServer::ExecuteInternal(
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx,
shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state,
bool* registered_request_state,
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>* request_state) {
DCHECK(session_state != nullptr);
*registered_request_state = false;
request_state->reset(new ClientRequestState(query_ctx, exec_env_, exec_env_->frontend(),
this, session_state));
(*request_state)->query_events()->MarkEvent("Query submitted");
TExecRequest result;
// Keep a lock on request_state so that registration and setting
// result_metadata are atomic.
lock_guard<mutex> l(*(*request_state)->lock());
// register exec state as early as possible so that queries that
// take a long time to plan show up, and to handle incoming status
// reports before execution starts.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(RegisterQuery(session_state, *request_state));
*registered_request_state = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Inject a sleep to simulate metadata loading pauses for tables. This
// is only used for testing.
if (FLAGS_stress_metadata_loading_pause_injection_ms > 0) {
exec_env_->frontend()->GetExecRequest(query_ctx, &result)));
(*request_state)->query_events()->MarkEvent("Planning finished");
(*request_state)->summary_profile()->AddEventSequence(, result.timeline);
if (result.__isset.result_set_metadata) {
VLOG(2) << "Execution request: " << ThriftDebugString(result);
// start execution of query; also starts fragment status reports
if (result.stmt_type == TStmtType::DDL) {
Status status = UpdateCatalogMetrics();
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Couldn't update catalog metrics: " << status.GetDetail();
if ((*request_state)->schedule() != nullptr) {
const PerBackendExecParams& per_backend_params =
if (!per_backend_params.empty()) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_locations_lock_);
for (const auto& entry : per_backend_params) {
const TNetworkAddress& host = entry.first;
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::PrepareQueryContext(TQueryCtx* query_ctx) {
PrepareQueryContext(GetThriftBackendAddress(), query_ctx);
void ImpalaServer::PrepareQueryContext(
const TNetworkAddress& backend_addr, TQueryCtx* query_ctx) {
int64_t now_us = UnixMicros();
const Timezone& utc_tz = TimezoneDatabase::GetUtcTimezone();
string local_tz_name = query_ctx->client_request.query_options.timezone;
if (local_tz_name.empty()) local_tz_name = TimezoneDatabase::LocalZoneName();
const Timezone* local_tz = TimezoneDatabase::FindTimezone(local_tz_name);
if (local_tz != nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found local timezone \"" << local_tz_name << "\".";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find local timezone \"" << local_tz_name
<< "\". Falling back to UTC";
local_tz_name = "UTC";
local_tz = &utc_tz;
query_ctx->__set_utc_timestamp_string(ToStringFromUnixMicros(now_us, utc_tz));
query_ctx->__set_now_string(ToStringFromUnixMicros(now_us, *local_tz));
query_ctx->__set_start_unix_millis(now_us / MICROS_PER_MILLI);
// Creating a random_generator every time is not free, but
// benchmarks show it to be slightly cheaper than contending for a
// single generator under a lock (since random_generator is not
// thread-safe).
query_ctx->query_id = UuidToQueryId(random_generator()());
Status ImpalaServer::RegisterQuery(shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state,
const shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>& request_state) {
lock_guard<mutex> l2(session_state->lock);
// The session wasn't expired at the time it was checked out and it isn't allowed to
// expire while checked out, so it must not be expired.
DCHECK(session_state->ref_count > 0 && !session_state->expired);
// The session may have been closed after it was checked out.
if (session_state->closed) {
VLOG(1) << "RegisterQuery(): session has been closed, ignoring query.";
return Status::Expected("Session has been closed, ignoring query.");
const TUniqueId& query_id = request_state->query_id();
ScopedShardedMapRef<std::shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>> map_ref(query_id,
DCHECK(map_ref.get() != nullptr);
auto entry = map_ref->find(query_id);
if (entry != map_ref->end()) {
// There shouldn't be an active query with that same id.
// (query_id is globally unique)
stringstream ss;
ss << "query id " << PrintId(query_id) << " already exists";
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR, ss.str()));
map_ref->insert(make_pair(query_id, request_state));
// Metric is decremented in UnregisterQuery().
VLOG_QUERY << "Registered query query_id=" << PrintId(query_id)
<< " session_id=" << PrintId(request_state->session_id());
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::SetQueryInflight(shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state,
const shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>& request_state) {
const TUniqueId& query_id = request_state->query_id();
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_state->lock);
// The session wasn't expired at the time it was checked out and it isn't allowed to
// expire while checked out, so it must not be expired.
DCHECK_GT(session_state->ref_count, 0);
// The session may have been closed after it was checked out.
if (session_state->closed) {
VLOG(1) << "Session closed: cannot set " << PrintId(query_id) << " in-flight";
return Status::Expected("Session closed");
// Add query to the set that will be unregistered if sesssion is closed.
// If the query has a timeout or time limit, schedule checks.
int32_t idle_timeout_s = request_state->query_options().query_timeout_s;
if (FLAGS_idle_query_timeout > 0 && idle_timeout_s > 0) {
idle_timeout_s = min(FLAGS_idle_query_timeout, idle_timeout_s);
} else {
// Use a non-zero timeout, if one exists
idle_timeout_s = max(FLAGS_idle_query_timeout, idle_timeout_s);
int32_t exec_time_limit_s = request_state->query_options().exec_time_limit_s;
int64_t cpu_limit_s = request_state->query_options().cpu_limit_s;
int64_t scan_bytes_limit = request_state->query_options().scan_bytes_limit;
if (idle_timeout_s > 0 || exec_time_limit_s > 0 ||
cpu_limit_s > 0 || scan_bytes_limit > 0) {
lock_guard<mutex> l2(query_expiration_lock_);
int64_t now = UnixMillis();
if (idle_timeout_s > 0) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query " << PrintId(query_id) << " has idle timeout of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(idle_timeout_s, TUnit::TIME_S);
now + (1000L * idle_timeout_s), query_id, ExpirationKind::IDLE_TIMEOUT});
if (exec_time_limit_s > 0) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query " << PrintId(query_id) << " has execution time limit of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(exec_time_limit_s, TUnit::TIME_S);
now + (1000L * exec_time_limit_s), query_id, ExpirationKind::EXEC_TIME_LIMIT});
if (cpu_limit_s > 0 || scan_bytes_limit > 0) {
if (cpu_limit_s > 0) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query " << PrintId(query_id) << " has CPU limit of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(cpu_limit_s, TUnit::TIME_S);
if (scan_bytes_limit > 0) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query " << PrintId(query_id) << " has scan bytes limit of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(scan_bytes_limit, TUnit::BYTES);
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::UnregisterQuery(const TUniqueId& query_id, bool check_inflight,
const Status* cause) {
VLOG_QUERY << "UnregisterQuery(): query_id=" << PrintId(query_id);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CancelInternal(query_id, check_inflight, cause));
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> request_state;
ScopedShardedMapRef<std::shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>> map_ref(query_id,
DCHECK(map_ref.get() != nullptr);
auto entry = map_ref->find(query_id);
if (entry == map_ref->end()) {
VLOG(1) << "Invalid or unknown query handle " << PrintId(query_id);
return Status::Expected("Invalid or unknown query handle");
} else {
request_state = entry->second;
int64_t duration_us = request_state->end_time_us() - request_state->start_time_us();
int64_t duration_ms = duration_us / MICROS_PER_MILLI;
// duration_ms can be negative when the local timezone changes during query execution.
if (duration_ms >= 0) {
if (request_state->stmt_type() == TStmtType::DDL) {
} else {
lock_guard<mutex> l(request_state->session()->lock);
if (request_state->GetCoordinator() != nullptr) {
TExecSummary t_exec_summary;
string exec_summary = PrintExecSummary(t_exec_summary);
request_state->summary_profile()->AddInfoStringRedacted("ExecSummary", exec_summary);
const PerBackendExecParams& per_backend_params =
if (!per_backend_params.empty()) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_locations_lock_);
for (const auto& entry : per_backend_params) {
const TNetworkAddress& hostport = entry.first;
// Query may have been removed already by cancellation path. In particular, if
// node to fail was last sender to an exchange, the coordinator will realise and
// fail the query at the same time the failure detection path does the same
// thing. They will harmlessly race to remove the query from this map.
QueryLocations::iterator it = query_locations_.find(hostport);
if (it != query_locations_.end()) {
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::UpdateCatalogMetrics() {
TGetCatalogMetricsResult metrics;
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::CancelInternal(const TUniqueId& query_id, bool check_inflight,
const Status* cause) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Cancel(): query_id=" << PrintId(query_id);
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> request_state = GetClientRequestState(query_id);
if (request_state == nullptr) {
return Status::Expected("Invalid or unknown query handle");
RETURN_IF_ERROR(request_state->Cancel(check_inflight, cause));
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::CloseSessionInternal(const TUniqueId& session_id,
bool ignore_if_absent) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Closing session: " << PrintId(session_id);
// Find the session_state and remove it from the map.
shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state;
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_state_map_lock_);
SessionStateMap::iterator entry = session_state_map_.find(session_id);
if (entry == session_state_map_.end()) {
if (ignore_if_absent) {
return Status::OK();
} else {
string err_msg = Substitute("Invalid session id: $0", PrintId(session_id));
VLOG(1) << "CloseSessionInternal(): " << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
session_state = entry->second;
DCHECK(session_state != nullptr);
if (session_state->session_type == TSessionType::BEESWAX) {
} else {
unordered_set<TUniqueId> inflight_queries;
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_state->lock);
session_state->closed = true;
// Since closed is true, no more queries will be added to the inflight list.
// Unregister all open queries from this session.
Status status = Status::Expected("Session closed");
for (const TUniqueId& query_id: inflight_queries) {
// TODO: deal with an error status
discard_result(UnregisterQuery(query_id, false, &status));
// Reconfigure the poll period of session_timeout_thread_ if necessary.
VLOG_QUERY << "Closed session: " << PrintId(session_id);
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaServer::GetSessionState(const TUniqueId& session_id,
shared_ptr<SessionState>* session_state, bool mark_active) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_state_map_lock_);
SessionStateMap::iterator i = session_state_map_.find(session_id);
if (i == session_state_map_.end()) {
*session_state = std::shared_ptr<SessionState>();
string err_msg = Substitute("Invalid session id: $0", PrintId(session_id));
VLOG(1) << "GetSessionState(): " << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
} else {
if (mark_active) {
lock_guard<mutex> session_lock(i->second->lock);
if (i->second->expired) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Client session expired due to more than " << i->second->session_timeout
<< "s of inactivity (last activity was at: "
<< ToStringFromUnixMillis(i->second->last_accessed_ms) << ").";
return Status::Expected(ss.str());
if (i->second->closed) {
VLOG(1) << "GetSessionState(): session " << PrintId(session_id) << " is closed.";
return Status::Expected("Session is closed");
*session_state = i->second;
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::ReportExecStatus(
TReportExecStatusResult& return_val, const TReportExecStatusParams& params) {
VLOG_FILE << "ReportExecStatus() coord_state_idx=" << params.coord_state_idx;
// TODO: implement something more efficient here, we're currently
// acquiring/releasing the map lock and doing a map lookup for
// every report (assign each query a local int32_t id and use that to index into a
// vector of ClientRequestStates, w/o lookup or locking?)
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> request_state =
if (request_state.get() == nullptr) {
// This is expected occasionally (since a report RPC might be in flight while
// cancellation is happening). Return an error to the caller to get it to stop.
const string& err = Substitute("ReportExecStatus(): Received report for unknown "
"query ID (probably closed or cancelled): $0", PrintId(params.query_id));
VLOG(1) << err;
void ImpalaServer::InitializeConfigVariables() {
// Set idle_session_timeout here to let the SET command return the value of
// the command line option FLAGS_idle_session_timeout
QueryOptionsMask set_query_options; // unused
Status status = ParseQueryOptions(FLAGS_default_query_options,
&default_query_options_, &set_query_options);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Log error and exit if the default query options are invalid.
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR(Substitute("Invalid default query options. Please check "
"-default_query_options.\n $0", status.GetDetail()));
LOG(INFO) << "Default query options:" << ThriftDebugString(default_query_options_);
map<string, string> string_map;
TQueryOptionsToMap(default_query_options_, &string_map);
string_map["SUPPORT_START_OVER"] = "false";
string_map["TIMEZONE"] = TimezoneDatabase::LocalZoneName();
map<string, string>::const_iterator itr = string_map.begin();
for (; itr != string_map.end(); ++itr) {
ConfigVariable option;
AddOptionLevelToConfig(&option, itr->first);
void ImpalaServer::SessionState::UpdateTimeout() {
DCHECK(impala_server != nullptr);
int32_t old_timeout = session_timeout;
if (set_query_options.__isset.idle_session_timeout) {
session_timeout = set_query_options.idle_session_timeout;
} else {
session_timeout = server_default_query_options->idle_session_timeout;
if (old_timeout != session_timeout) {
void ImpalaServer::AddOptionLevelToConfig(ConfigVariable* config,
const string& option_key) const {
const auto query_option_level = query_option_levels_.find(option_key);
DCHECK(query_option_level != query_option_levels_.end());
void ImpalaServer::SessionState::ToThrift(const TUniqueId& session_id,
TSessionState* state) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(lock);
state->session_id = session_id;
state->session_type = session_type;
state->database = database;
state->connected_user = connected_user;
// The do_as_user will only be set if delegation is enabled and the
// proxy user is authorized to delegate as this user.
if (!do_as_user.empty()) state->__set_delegated_user(do_as_user);
state->network_address = network_address;
TQueryOptions ImpalaServer::SessionState::QueryOptions() {
TQueryOptions ret = *server_default_query_options;
OverlayQueryOptions(set_query_options, set_query_options_mask, &ret);
return ret;
void ImpalaServer::CancelFromThreadPool(uint32_t thread_id,
const CancellationWork& cancellation_work) {
if (cancellation_work.unregister()) {
Status status = UnregisterQuery(cancellation_work.query_id(), true,
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query de-registration (" << PrintId(cancellation_work.query_id())
<< ") failed";
} else {
Status status = CancelInternal(cancellation_work.query_id(), true,
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Query cancellation (" << PrintId(cancellation_work.query_id())
<< ") did not succeed: " << status.GetDetail();
Status ImpalaServer::AuthorizeProxyUser(const string& user, const string& do_as_user) {
if (user.empty()) {
const string err_msg("Unable to delegate using empty proxy username.");
VLOG(1) << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
} else if (do_as_user.empty()) {
const string err_msg("Unable to delegate using empty doAs username.");
VLOG(1) << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
stringstream error_msg;
error_msg << "User '" << user << "' is not authorized to delegate to '"
<< do_as_user << "'.";
if (authorized_proxy_user_config_.size() == 0 &&
authorized_proxy_group_config_.size() == 0) {
error_msg << " User/group delegation is disabled.";
VLOG(1) << error_msg;
return Status::Expected(error_msg.str());
// Get the short version of the user name (the user name up to the first '/' or '@')
// from the full principal name.
size_t end_idx = min(user.find("/"), user.find("@"));
// If neither are found (or are found at the beginning of the user name),
// return the username. Otherwise, return the username up to the matching character.
string short_user(
end_idx == string::npos || end_idx == 0 ? user : user.substr(0, end_idx));
// Check if the proxy user exists. If he/she does, then check if they are allowed
// to delegate to the do_as_user.
AuthorizedProxyMap::const_iterator proxy_user =
if (proxy_user != authorized_proxy_user_config_.end()) {
boost::unordered_set<string> users = proxy_user->second;
if (users.find("*") != users.end() ||
users.find(do_as_user) != users.end()) {
return Status::OK();
if (authorized_proxy_group_config_.size() > 0) {
// Check if the groups of do_as_user are in the authorized proxy groups.
AuthorizedProxyMap::const_iterator proxy_group =
if (proxy_group != authorized_proxy_group_config_.end()) {
boost::unordered_set<string> groups = proxy_group->second;
if (groups.find("*") != groups.end()) return Status::OK();
TGetHadoopGroupsRequest req;
TGetHadoopGroupsResponse res;
int64_t start = MonotonicMillis();
Status status = exec_env_->frontend()->GetHadoopGroups(req, &res);
VLOG_QUERY << "Getting Hadoop groups for user: " << short_user << " took " <<
(PrettyPrinter::Print(MonotonicMillis() - start, TUnit::TIME_MS));
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting Hadoop groups for user: " << short_user << ": "
<< status.GetDetail();
return status;
for (const string& do_as_group : res.groups) {
if (groups.find(do_as_group) != groups.end()) {
return Status::OK();
VLOG(1) << error_msg;
return Status::Expected(error_msg.str());
void ImpalaServer::CatalogUpdateVersionInfo::UpdateCatalogVersionMetrics()
void ImpalaServer::CatalogUpdateCallback(
const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap& incoming_topic_deltas,
vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates) {
StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap::const_iterator topic =
if (topic == incoming_topic_deltas.end()) return;
const TTopicDelta& delta = topic->second;
TopicItemSpanIterator callback_ctx (delta.topic_entries, FLAGS_compact_catalog_topic);
TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest req;
TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse resp;
Status s = exec_env_->frontend()->UpdateCatalogCache(req, &resp);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "There was an error processing the impalad catalog update. Requesting"
<< " a full topic update to recover: " << s.GetDetail();
TTopicDelta& update = subscriber_topic_updates->back();
update.topic_name = CatalogServer::IMPALA_CATALOG_TOPIC;
// Dropped all cached lib files (this behaves as if all functions and data
// sources are dropped).
} else {
unique_lock<mutex> unique_lock(catalog_version_lock_);
if (catalog_update_info_.catalog_version != resp.new_catalog_version) {
LOG(INFO) << "Catalog topic update applied with version: " <<
resp.new_catalog_version << " new min catalog object version: " <<
catalog_update_info_.catalog_version = resp.new_catalog_version;
catalog_update_info_.catalog_topic_version = delta.to_version;
catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id = resp.catalog_service_id;
catalog_update_info_.min_catalog_object_version = resp.min_catalog_object_version;
ImpaladMetrics::CATALOG_READY->SetValue(resp.new_catalog_version > 0);
// TODO: deal with an error status
// Always update the minimum subscriber version for the catalog topic.
unique_lock<mutex> unique_lock(catalog_version_lock_);
min_subscriber_catalog_topic_version_ = delta.min_subscriber_topic_version;
void ImpalaServer::WaitForCatalogUpdate(const int64_t catalog_update_version,
const TUniqueId& catalog_service_id) {
unique_lock<mutex> unique_lock(catalog_version_lock_);
// Wait for the update to be processed locally.
VLOG_QUERY << "Waiting for catalog version: " << catalog_update_version
<< " current version: " << catalog_update_info_.catalog_version;
while (catalog_update_info_.catalog_version < catalog_update_version &&
catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id == catalog_service_id) {
if (catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id != catalog_service_id) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Detected change in catalog service ID";
} else {
VLOG_QUERY << "Received catalog version: " << catalog_update_version;
void ImpalaServer::WaitForCatalogUpdateTopicPropagation(
const TUniqueId& catalog_service_id) {
unique_lock<mutex> unique_lock(catalog_version_lock_);
int64_t min_req_subscriber_topic_version =
VLOG_QUERY << "Waiting for min subscriber topic version: "
<< min_req_subscriber_topic_version << " current version: "
<< min_subscriber_catalog_topic_version_;
while (min_subscriber_catalog_topic_version_ < min_req_subscriber_topic_version &&
catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id == catalog_service_id) {
if (catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id != catalog_service_id) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Detected change in catalog service ID";
} else {
VLOG_QUERY << "Received min subscriber topic version: "
<< min_req_subscriber_topic_version;
void ImpalaServer::WaitForMinCatalogUpdate(const int64_t min_req_catalog_object_version,
const TUniqueId& catalog_service_id) {
unique_lock<mutex> unique_lock(catalog_version_lock_);
int64_t min_catalog_object_version =
// TODO: Set a timeout to eventually break out of this loop is something goes
// wrong?
VLOG_QUERY << "Waiting for minimum catalog object version: "
<< min_req_catalog_object_version << " current version: "
<< min_catalog_object_version;
while (catalog_update_info_.min_catalog_object_version < min_req_catalog_object_version
&& catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id == catalog_service_id) {
if (catalog_update_info_.catalog_service_id != catalog_service_id) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Detected change in catalog service ID";
} else {
VLOG_QUERY << "Updated minimum catalog object version: "
<< min_req_catalog_object_version;
Status ImpalaServer::ProcessCatalogUpdateResult(
const TCatalogUpdateResult& catalog_update_result, bool wait_for_all_subscribers) {
const TUniqueId& catalog_service_id = catalog_update_result.catalog_service_id;
if (!catalog_update_result.__isset.updated_catalog_objects &&
!catalog_update_result.__isset.removed_catalog_objects) {
// Operation with no result set. Use the version specified in
// 'catalog_update_result' to determine when the effects of this operation
// have been applied to the local catalog cache.
if (catalog_update_result.is_invalidate) {
WaitForMinCatalogUpdate(catalog_update_result.version, catalog_service_id);
} else {
WaitForCatalogUpdate(catalog_update_result.version, catalog_service_id);
if (wait_for_all_subscribers) {
// Now wait for this update to be propagated to all catalog topic subscribers.
// If we make it here it implies the first condition was met (the update was
// processed locally or the catalog service id has changed).
} else {
CatalogUpdateResultIterator callback_ctx(catalog_update_result);
TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest update_req;
// The catalog version is updated in WaitForCatalogUpdate below. So we need a
// standalone field in the request to update the service ID without touching the
// catalog version.
// Apply the changes to the local catalog cache.
TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse resp;
Status status = exec_env_->frontend()->UpdateCatalogCache(update_req, &resp);
if (!status.ok()) LOG(ERROR) << status.GetDetail();
if (!wait_for_all_subscribers) return Status::OK();
// Wait until we receive and process the catalog update that covers the effects
// (catalog objects) of this operation.
WaitForCatalogUpdate(catalog_update_result.version, catalog_service_id);
// Now wait for this update to be propagated to all catalog topic
// subscribers.
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::MembershipCallback(
const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap& incoming_topic_deltas,
vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates) {
// TODO: Consider rate-limiting this. In the short term, best to have
// statestore heartbeat less frequently.
StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap::const_iterator topic =
if (topic != incoming_topic_deltas.end()) {
const TTopicDelta& delta = topic->second;
// If this is not a delta, the update should include all entries in the topic so
// clear the saved mapping of known backends.
if (!delta.is_delta) known_backends_.clear();
// Process membership additions/deletions.
for (const TTopicItem& item: delta.topic_entries) {
if (item.deleted) {
auto entry = known_backends_.find(item.key);
// Remove stale connections to removed members.
if (entry != known_backends_.end()) {
uint32_t len = item.value.size();
TBackendDescriptor backend_descriptor;
Status status = DeserializeThriftMsg(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, &len, false, &backend_descriptor);
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG(2) << "Error deserializing topic item with key: " << item.key;
// This is a new item - add it to the map of known backends.
known_backends_.insert(make_pair(item.key, backend_descriptor));
// Register the local backend in the statestore and update the list of known backends.
// Only register if all ports have been opened and are ready.
if (services_started_.load()) AddLocalBackendToStatestore(subscriber_topic_updates);
// Create a set of known backend network addresses. Used to test for cluster
// membership by network address.
set<TNetworkAddress> current_membership;
// Also reflect changes to the frontend. Initialized only if any_changes is true.
// Only send the hostname and ip_address of the executors to the frontend.
TUpdateExecutorMembershipRequest update_req;
bool any_changes = !delta.topic_entries.empty() || !delta.is_delta;
for (const BackendDescriptorMap::value_type& backend: known_backends_) {
if (any_changes && backend.second.is_executor) {
if (any_changes) {
Status status = exec_env_->frontend()->UpdateExecutorMembership(update_req);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error updating frontend membership snapshot: "
<< status.GetDetail();
// Maps from query id (to be cancelled) to a list of failed Impalads that are
// the cause of the cancellation.
map<TUniqueId, vector<TNetworkAddress>> queries_to_cancel;
// Build a list of queries that are running on failed hosts (as evidenced by their
// absence from the membership list).
// TODO: crash-restart failures can give false negatives for failed Impala demons.
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_locations_lock_);
QueryLocations::const_iterator loc_entry = query_locations_.begin();
while (loc_entry != query_locations_.end()) {
if (current_membership.find(loc_entry->first) == current_membership.end()) {
unordered_set<TUniqueId>::const_iterator query_id = loc_entry->second.begin();
// Add failed backend locations to all queries that ran on that backend.
for(; query_id != loc_entry->second.end(); ++query_id) {
vector<TNetworkAddress>& failed_hosts = queries_to_cancel[*query_id];
// We can remove the location wholesale once we know backend's failed. To do so
// safely during iteration, we have to be careful not in invalidate the current
// iterator, so copy the iterator to do the erase(..) and advance the original.
QueryLocations::const_iterator failed_backend = loc_entry;
} else {
if (cancellation_thread_pool_->GetQueueSize() + queries_to_cancel.size() >
// Ignore the cancellations - we'll be able to process them on the next heartbeat
// instead.
LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 60) << "Cancellation queue is full";
} else {
// Since we are the only producer for this pool, we know that this cannot block
// indefinitely since the queue is large enough to accept all new cancellation
// requests.
map<TUniqueId, vector<TNetworkAddress>>::iterator cancellation_entry;
for (cancellation_entry = queries_to_cancel.begin();
cancellation_entry != queries_to_cancel.end();
++cancellation_entry) {
stringstream cause_msg;
cause_msg << "Failed due to unreachable impalad(s): ";
for (int i = 0; i < cancellation_entry->second.size(); ++i) {
cause_msg << TNetworkAddressToString(cancellation_entry->second[i]);
if (i + 1 != cancellation_entry->second.size()) cause_msg << ", ";
string cause_str = cause_msg.str();
LOG(INFO) << "Query " << PrintId(cancellation_entry->first) << ": " << cause_str;
Status::Expected(cause_msg.str()), false));
void ImpalaServer::AddLocalBackendToStatestore(
vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates) {
const string& local_backend_id = exec_env_->subscriber()->id();
if (known_backends_.find(local_backend_id) != known_backends_.end()) return;
TBackendDescriptor local_backend_descriptor;
local_backend_descriptor.ip_address = exec_env_->ip_address();
const TNetworkAddress& krpc_address = exec_env_->krpc_address();
TTopicDelta& update = subscriber_topic_updates->back();
update.topic_name = Statestore::IMPALA_MEMBERSHIP_TOPIC;
TTopicItem& item = update.topic_entries.back();
item.key = local_backend_id;
Status status = thrift_serializer_.Serialize(&local_backend_descriptor, &item.value);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to serialize Impala backend descriptor for statestore topic:"
<< " " << status.GetDetail();
} else {
known_backends_.insert(make_pair(item.key, local_backend_descriptor));
ImpalaServer::QueryStateRecord::QueryStateRecord(const ClientRequestState& request_state,
bool copy_profile, const string& encoded_profile) {
id = request_state.query_id();
const TExecRequest& request = request_state.exec_request();
const string* plan_str = request_state.summary_profile()->GetInfoString("Plan");
if (plan_str != nullptr) plan = *plan_str;
stmt = request_state.sql_stmt();
stmt_type = request.stmt_type;
effective_user = request_state.effective_user();
default_db = request_state.default_db();
start_time_us = request_state.start_time_us();
end_time_us = request_state.end_time_us();
has_coord = false;
Coordinator* coord = request_state.GetCoordinator();
if (coord != nullptr) {
num_complete_fragments = coord->progress().num_complete();
total_fragments = coord->progress().total();
has_coord = true;
query_state = request_state.BeeswaxQueryState();
num_rows_fetched = request_state.num_rows_fetched();
query_status = request_state.query_status();
if (copy_profile) {
stringstream ss;
profile_str = ss.str();
if (encoded_profile.empty()) {
Status status =
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 1000) << "Could not serialize profile to archive string "
<< status.GetDetail();
} else {
encoded_profile_str = encoded_profile;
// Save the query fragments so that the plan can be visualised.
for (const TPlanExecInfo& plan_exec_info:
request_state.exec_request().query_exec_request.plan_exec_info) {
plan_exec_info.fragments.begin(), plan_exec_info.fragments.end());
all_rows_returned = request_state.eos();
last_active_time_ms = request_state.last_active_ms();
// For statement types other than QUERY/DML, show an empty string for resource pool
// to indicate that they are not subjected to admission control.
if (stmt_type == TStmtType::QUERY || stmt_type == TStmtType::DML) {
resource_pool = request_state.request_pool();
user_has_profile_access = request_state.user_has_profile_access();
bool ImpalaServer::QueryStateRecordLessThan::operator() (
const QueryStateRecord& lhs, const QueryStateRecord& rhs) const {
if (lhs.start_time_us == rhs.start_time_us) return <;
return lhs.start_time_us < rhs.start_time_us;
void ImpalaServer::ConnectionStart(
const ThriftServer::ConnectionContext& connection_context) {
if (connection_context.server_name == BEESWAX_SERVER_NAME) {
// Beeswax only allows for one session per connection, so we can share the session ID
// with the connection ID
const TUniqueId& session_id = connection_context.connection_id;
shared_ptr<SessionState> session_state = make_shared<SessionState>(this);
session_state->closed = false;
session_state->start_time_ms = UnixMillis();
session_state->last_accessed_ms = UnixMillis();
session_state->database = "default";
session_state->session_timeout = FLAGS_idle_session_timeout;
session_state->session_type = TSessionType::BEESWAX;
session_state->network_address = connection_context.network_address;
session_state->server_default_query_options = &default_query_options_;
session_state->kudu_latest_observed_ts = 0;
// If the username was set by a lower-level transport, use it.
if (!connection_context.username.empty()) {
session_state->connected_user = connection_context.username;
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_state_map_lock_);
bool success =
session_state_map_.insert(make_pair(session_id, session_state)).second;
// The session should not have already existed.
lock_guard<mutex> l(connection_to_sessions_map_lock_);
void ImpalaServer::ConnectionEnd(
const ThriftServer::ConnectionContext& connection_context) {
vector<TUniqueId> sessions_to_close;
unique_lock<mutex> l(connection_to_sessions_map_lock_);
ConnectionToSessionMap::iterator it =
// Not every connection must have an associated session
if (it == connection_to_sessions_map_.end()) return;
// We don't expect a large number of sessions per connection, so we copy it, so that
// we can drop the map lock early.
sessions_to_close = it->second;
LOG(INFO) << "Connection from client "
<< TNetworkAddressToString(connection_context.network_address)
<< " closed, closing " << sessions_to_close.size()
<< " associated session(s)";
for (const TUniqueId& session_id: sessions_to_close) {
Status status = CloseSessionInternal(session_id, true);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error closing session " << PrintId(session_id) << ": "
<< status.GetDetail();
void ImpalaServer::RegisterSessionTimeout(int32_t session_timeout) {
if (session_timeout <= 0) return;
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_timeout_lock_);
void ImpalaServer::UnregisterSessionTimeout(int32_t session_timeout) {
if (session_timeout > 0) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(session_timeout_lock_);
auto itr = session_timeout_set_.find(session_timeout);
DCHECK(itr != session_timeout_set_.end());
[[noreturn]] void ImpalaServer::ExpireSessions() {
while (true) {
unique_lock<mutex> timeout_lock(session_timeout_lock_);
if (session_timeout_set_.empty()) {
} else {
// Sleep for a second before checking whether an active session can be expired.
session_timeout_cv_.WaitFor(timeout_lock, MICROS_PER_SEC);
int64_t now = UnixMillis();
int expired_cnt = 0;
VLOG(3) << "Session expiration thread waking up";
// TODO: If holding session_state_map_lock_ for the duration of this loop is too
// expensive, consider a priority queue.
lock_guard<mutex> map_lock(session_state_map_lock_);
for (SessionStateMap::value_type& session_state: session_state_map_) {
unordered_set<TUniqueId> inflight_queries;
lock_guard<mutex> state_lock(session_state.second->lock);
if (session_state.second->ref_count > 0) continue;
// A session closed by other means is in the process of being removed, and it's
// best not to interfere.
if (session_state.second->closed || session_state.second->expired) continue;
if (session_state.second->session_timeout == 0) continue;
int64_t last_accessed_ms = session_state.second->last_accessed_ms;
int64_t session_timeout_ms = session_state.second->session_timeout * 1000;
if (now - last_accessed_ms <= session_timeout_ms) continue;
LOG(INFO) << "Expiring session: " << PrintId(session_state.first) << ", user: "
<< session_state.second->connected_user << ", last active: "
<< ToStringFromUnixMillis(last_accessed_ms);
session_state.second->expired = true;
// Since expired is true, no more queries will be added to the inflight list.
// Unregister all open queries from this session.
Status status = Status::Expected("Session expired due to inactivity");
for (const TUniqueId& query_id: inflight_queries) {
cancellation_thread_pool_->Offer(CancellationWork(query_id, status, true));
LOG_IF(INFO, expired_cnt > 0) << "Expired sessions. Count: " << expired_cnt;
[[noreturn]] void ImpalaServer::ExpireQueries() {
while (true) {
// The following block accomplishes four things:
// 1. Update the ordered list of queries by checking the 'idle_time' parameter in
// client_request_state. We are able to avoid doing this for *every* query in flight
// thanks to the observation that expiry times never move backwards, only
// forwards. Therefore once we find a query that a) hasn't changed its idle time and
// b) has not yet expired we can stop moving through the list. If the idle time has
// changed, we need to re-insert the query in the right place in queries_by_timestamp_
// 2. Remove any queries that would have expired but have already been closed for any
// reason.
// 3. Compute the next time a query *might* expire, so that the sleep at the end of
// this loop has an accurate duration to wait. If the list of queries is empty, the
// default sleep duration is half the idle query timeout.
// 4. Cancel queries with CPU and scan bytes constraints if limit is exceeded
int64_t now;
lock_guard<mutex> l(query_expiration_lock_);
ExpirationQueue::iterator expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.begin();
now = UnixMillis();
while (expiration_event != queries_by_timestamp_.end()) {
// 'queries_by_timestamp_' is stored in ascending order of deadline so we can
// break out of the loop and sleep as soon as we see a deadline in the future.
if (expiration_event->deadline > now) break;
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> crs =
if (crs == nullptr || crs->is_expired()) {
// Query was deleted or expired already from a previous expiration event.
expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.erase(expiration_event);
// Check for CPU and scanned bytes limits
if (expiration_event->kind == ExpirationKind::RESOURCE_LIMIT) {
Status resource_status = CheckResourceLimits(crs.get());
if (resource_status.ok()) {
expiration_event->query_id, ExpirationKind::RESOURCE_LIMIT});
} else {
ExpireQuery(crs.get(), resource_status);
expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.erase(expiration_event);
// If the query time limit expired, we must cancel the query.
if (expiration_event->kind == ExpirationKind::EXEC_TIME_LIMIT) {
int32_t exec_time_limit_s = crs->query_options().exec_time_limit_s;
VLOG_QUERY << "Expiring query " << PrintId(expiration_event->query_id)
<< " due to execution time limit of " << exec_time_limit_s << "s.";
const string& err_msg = Substitute(
"Query $0 expired due to execution time limit of $1",
PrettyPrinter::Print(exec_time_limit_s, TUnit::TIME_S));
ExpireQuery(crs.get(), Status::Expected(err_msg));
expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.erase(expiration_event);
DCHECK(expiration_event->kind == ExpirationKind::IDLE_TIMEOUT)
<< static_cast<int>(expiration_event->kind);
// Now check to see if the idle timeout has expired. We must check the actual
// expiration time in case the query has updated 'last_active_ms' since the last
// time we looked.
int32_t idle_timeout_s = crs->query_options().query_timeout_s;
if (FLAGS_idle_query_timeout > 0 && idle_timeout_s > 0) {
idle_timeout_s = min(FLAGS_idle_query_timeout, idle_timeout_s);
} else {
// Use a non-zero timeout, if one exists
idle_timeout_s = max(FLAGS_idle_query_timeout, idle_timeout_s);
int64_t expiration = crs->last_active_ms() + (idle_timeout_s * 1000L);
if (now < expiration) {
// If the real expiration date is in the future we may need to re-insert the
// query's expiration event at its correct location.
if (expiration == expiration_event->deadline) {
// The query hasn't been updated since it was inserted, so we know (by the
// fact that queries are inserted in-expiration-order initially) that it is
// still the next query to expire. No need to re-insert it.
} else {
// Erase and re-insert with an updated expiration time.
TUniqueId query_id = expiration_event->query_id;
expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.erase(expiration_event);
expiration, query_id, ExpirationKind::IDLE_TIMEOUT});
} else if (!crs->is_active()) {
// Otherwise time to expire this query
<< "Expiring query due to client inactivity: "
<< PrintId(expiration_event->query_id) << ", last activity was at: "
<< ToStringFromUnixMillis(crs->last_active_ms());
const string& err_msg = Substitute(
"Query $0 expired due to client inactivity (timeout is $1)",
PrettyPrinter::Print(idle_timeout_s, TUnit::TIME_S));
ExpireQuery(crs.get(), Status::Expected(err_msg));
expiration_event = queries_by_timestamp_.erase(expiration_event);
} else {
// Iterator is moved on in every other branch.
// Since we only allow timeouts to be 1s or greater, the earliest that any new query
// could expire is in 1s time. An existing query may expire sooner, but we are
// comfortable with a maximum error of 1s as a trade-off for not frequently waking
// this thread.
Status ImpalaServer::CheckResourceLimits(ClientRequestState* crs) {
Coordinator* coord = crs->GetCoordinator();
// Coordinator may be null if query has not started executing, check again later.
if (coord == nullptr) return Status::OK();
Coordinator::ResourceUtilization utilization = coord->ComputeQueryResourceUtilization();
// CPU time consumed by the query so far
int64_t cpu_time_ns = utilization.cpu_sys_ns + utilization.cpu_user_ns;
int64_t cpu_limit_s = crs->query_options().cpu_limit_s;
int64_t cpu_limit_ns = cpu_limit_s * 1000'000'000L;
if (cpu_limit_ns > 0 && cpu_time_ns > cpu_limit_ns) {
const string& err_msg = Substitute("Query $0 terminated due to CPU limit of $1",
PrintId(crs->query_id()), PrettyPrinter::Print(cpu_limit_s, TUnit::TIME_S));
VLOG_QUERY << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
int64_t scan_bytes = utilization.bytes_read;
int64_t scan_bytes_limit = crs->query_options().scan_bytes_limit;
if (scan_bytes_limit > 0 && scan_bytes > scan_bytes_limit) {
const string& err_msg = Substitute(
"Query $0 terminated due to scan bytes limit of $1", PrintId(crs->query_id()),
PrettyPrinter::Print(scan_bytes_limit, TUnit::BYTES));
VLOG_QUERY << err_msg;
return Status::Expected(err_msg);
// Query is within the resource limits, check again later.
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::ExpireQuery(ClientRequestState* crs, const Status& status) {
cancellation_thread_pool_->Offer(CancellationWork(crs->query_id(), status, false));
Status ImpalaServer::Start(int32_t thrift_be_port, int32_t beeswax_port,
int32_t hs2_port) {
if (!FLAGS_is_coordinator && !FLAGS_is_executor) {
return Status("Impala does not have a valid role configured. "
"Either --is_coordinator or --is_executor must be set to true.");
// Subscribe with the statestore. Coordinators need to subscribe to the catalog topic
// then wait for the initial catalog update.
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) exec_env_->frontend()->WaitForCatalog();
SSLProtocol ssl_version = SSLProtocol::TLSv1_0;
if (IsExternalTlsConfigured() || IsInternalTlsConfigured()) {
SSLProtoVersions::StringToProtocol(FLAGS_ssl_minimum_version, &ssl_version));
// Start the internal service.
if (thrift_be_port > 0 || (TestInfo::is_test() && thrift_be_port == 0)) {
boost::shared_ptr<ImpalaInternalService> thrift_if(new ImpalaInternalService());
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> be_processor(
new ImpalaInternalServiceProcessor(thrift_if));
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessorEventHandler> event_handler(
new RpcEventHandler("backend", exec_env_->metrics()));
ThriftServerBuilder be_builder("backend", be_processor, thrift_be_port);
if (IsInternalTlsConfigured()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling SSL for backend";
be_builder.ssl(FLAGS_ssl_server_certificate, FLAGS_ssl_private_key)
ThriftServer* server;
if (!FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
LOG(INFO) << "Initialized executor Impala server on "
<< TNetworkAddressToString(GetThriftBackendAddress());
} else {
// Initialize the client servers.
boost::shared_ptr<ImpalaServer> handler = shared_from_this();
if (beeswax_port > 0 || (TestInfo::is_test() && beeswax_port == 0)) {
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> beeswax_processor(
new ImpalaServiceProcessor(handler));
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessorEventHandler> event_handler(
new RpcEventHandler("beeswax", exec_env_->metrics()));
ThriftServerBuilder builder(BEESWAX_SERVER_NAME, beeswax_processor, beeswax_port);
if (IsExternalTlsConfigured()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling SSL for Beeswax";
builder.ssl(FLAGS_ssl_server_certificate, FLAGS_ssl_private_key)
ThriftServer* server;
if (hs2_port > 0 || (TestInfo::is_test() && hs2_port == 0)) {
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> hs2_fe_processor(
new ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor(handler));
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessorEventHandler> event_handler(
new RpcEventHandler("hs2", exec_env_->metrics()));
ThriftServerBuilder builder(HS2_SERVER_NAME, hs2_fe_processor, hs2_port);
if (IsExternalTlsConfigured()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling SSL for HiveServer2";
builder.ssl(FLAGS_ssl_server_certificate, FLAGS_ssl_private_key)
ThriftServer* server;
LOG(INFO) << "Initialized coordinator/executor Impala server on "
<< TNetworkAddressToString(GetThriftBackendAddress());
// Start the RPC services.
if (thrift_be_server_.get()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Impala InternalService listening on " << thrift_be_server_->port();
if (hs2_server_.get()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Impala HiveServer2 Service listening on " << hs2_server_->port();
if (beeswax_server_.get()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Impala Beeswax Service listening on " << beeswax_server_->port();
services_started_ = true;
LOG(INFO) << "Impala has started.";
return Status::OK();
void ImpalaServer::Join() {
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> ImpalaServer::GetClientRequestState(
const TUniqueId& query_id) {
ScopedShardedMapRef<std::shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>> map_ref(query_id,
DCHECK(map_ref.get() != nullptr);
auto entry = map_ref->find(query_id);
if (entry == map_ref->end()) {
return shared_ptr<ClientRequestState>();
} else {
return entry->second;
void ImpalaServer::UpdateFilter(TUpdateFilterResult& result,
const TUpdateFilterParams& params) {
shared_ptr<ClientRequestState> client_request_state =
if (client_request_state.get() == nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Could not find client request state: " << PrintId(params.query_id);