blob: 7dacfcfa3bd47fee491e26f3c9e100bd76a60c56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeView;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.View;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.SqlCastException;
import org.apache.impala.planner.DataSink;
import org.apache.impala.planner.PlanRootSink;
* Abstract base class for any statement that returns results
* via a list of result expressions, for example a
* SelectStmt or UnionStmt. Also maintains a map of expression substitutions
* for replacing expressions from ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses with
* their corresponding result expressions.
* Used for sharing members/methods and some of the analysis code, in particular the
* analysis of the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses.
public abstract class QueryStmt extends StatementBase {
// BEGIN: Members that need to be reset()
protected WithClause withClause_;
protected List<OrderByElement> orderByElements_;
protected LimitElement limitElement_;
// For a select statment:
// original list of exprs in select clause (star-expanded, ordinals and
// aliases substituted, agg output substituted)
// For a union statement:
// list of slotrefs into the tuple materialized by the union.
protected List<Expr> resultExprs_ = new ArrayList<>();
// For a select statment: select list exprs resolved to base tbl refs
// For a union statement: same as resultExprs
protected List<Expr> baseTblResultExprs_ = new ArrayList<>();
* Map of expression substitutions for replacing aliases
* in "order by" or "group by" clauses with their corresponding result expr.
protected final ExprSubstitutionMap aliasSmap_;
* Select list item alias does not have to be unique.
* This list contains all the non-unique aliases. For example,
* select int_col a, string_col a from alltypessmall;
* Both columns are using the same alias "a".
protected final List<Expr> ambiguousAliasList_;
protected SortInfo sortInfo_;
// evaluateOrderBy_ is true if there is an order by clause that must be evaluated.
// False for nested query stmts with an order-by clause without offset/limit.
// sortInfo_ is still generated and used in analysis to ensure that the order-by clause
// is well-formed.
protected boolean evaluateOrderBy_;
// END: Members that need to be reset()
// Contains the post-analysis toSql() string before rewrites. I.e. table refs are
// resolved and fully qualified, but no rewrites happened yet. This string is showed
// to the user in some cases in order to display a statement that is very similar
// to what was originally issued.
protected String origSqlString_ = null;
// If true, we need a runtime check on this statement's result to check if it
// returns a single row.
protected boolean isRuntimeScalar_ = false;
QueryStmt(List<OrderByElement> orderByElements, LimitElement limitElement) {
orderByElements_ = orderByElements;
sortInfo_ = null;
limitElement_ = limitElement == null ? new LimitElement(null, null) : limitElement;
aliasSmap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
ambiguousAliasList_ = new ArrayList<>();
* Returns all table references in the FROM clause of this statement and all statements
* nested within FROM clauses.
public void collectFromClauseTableRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs) {
collectTableRefs(tblRefs, true);
public void collectTableRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs) {
collectTableRefs(tblRefs, false);
public List<TableRef> collectTableRefs() {
List<TableRef> tableRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
return tableRefs;
* Helper for collectFromClauseTableRefs() and collectTableRefs().
* If 'fromClauseOnly' is true only collects table references in the FROM clause,
* otherwise all table references.
protected void collectTableRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs, boolean fromClauseOnly) {
if (!fromClauseOnly && withClause_ != null) {
for (View v: withClause_.getViews()) {
v.getQueryStmt().collectTableRefs(tblRefs, fromClauseOnly);
public List<FeView> collectInlineViews() {
Set<FeView> inlineViews = Sets.newHashSet();
return new ArrayList<>(inlineViews);
* Returns all inline view references in this statement.
public void collectInlineViews(Set<FeView> inlineViews) {
if (withClause_ != null) {
List<? extends FeView> withClauseViews = withClause_.getViews();
for (FeView withView : withClauseViews) {
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (isAnalyzed()) return;
if (hasWithClause()) withClause_.analyze(analyzer);
* Returns a list containing all the materialized tuple ids that this stmt is
* correlated with (i.e., those tuple ids from outer query blocks that TableRefs
* inside this stmt are rooted at).
* Throws if this stmt contains an illegal mix of un/correlated table refs.
* A statement is illegal if it contains a TableRef correlated with a parent query
* block as well as a table ref with an absolute path (e.g. a BaseTabeRef). Such a
* statement would generate a Subplan containing a base table scan (very expensive),
* and should therefore be avoided.
* In other words, the following cases are legal:
* (1) only uncorrelated table refs
* (2) only correlated table refs
* (3) a mix of correlated table refs and table refs rooted at those refs
* (the statement is 'self-contained' with respect to correlation)
public List<TupleId> getCorrelatedTupleIds()
throws AnalysisException {
// Correlated tuple ids of this stmt.
List<TupleId> correlatedTupleIds = new ArrayList<>();
// First correlated and absolute table refs. Used for error detection/reporting.
// We pick the first ones for simplicity. Choosing arbitrary ones is equally valid.
TableRef correlatedRef = null;
TableRef absoluteRef = null;
// Materialized tuple ids of the table refs checked so far.
Set<TupleId> tblRefIds = new HashSet<>();
List<TableRef> tblRefs = new ArrayList<>();
collectTableRefs(tblRefs, true);
for (TableRef tblRef: tblRefs) {
if (absoluteRef == null && !tblRef.isRelative()) absoluteRef = tblRef;
if (tblRef.isCorrelated()) {
// Check if the correlated table ref is rooted at a tuple descriptor from within
// this query stmt. If so, the correlation is contained within this stmt
// and the table ref does not conflict with absolute refs.
CollectionTableRef t = (CollectionTableRef) tblRef;
// This check relies on tblRefs being in depth-first order.
if (!tblRefIds.contains(t.getResolvedPath().getRootDesc().getId())) {
if (correlatedRef == null) correlatedRef = tblRef;
if (correlatedRef != null && absoluteRef != null) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference '%s' " +
"correlated with an outer block as well as an uncorrelated one '%s':\n%s",
correlatedRef.tableRefToSql(), absoluteRef.tableRefToSql(), toSql()));
return correlatedTupleIds;
private void analyzeLimit(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (limitElement_.getOffsetExpr() != null && !hasOrderByClause()) {
throw new AnalysisException("OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: " +
* Creates sortInfo by resolving aliases and ordinals in the orderingExprs.
* If the query stmt is an inline view/union operand, then order-by with no
* limit with offset is not allowed, since that requires a sort and merging-exchange,
* and subsequent query execution would occur on a single machine.
* Sets evaluateOrderBy_ to false for ignored order-by w/o limit/offset in nested
* queries.
protected void createSortInfo(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
// not computing order by
if (orderByElements_ == null) {
evaluateOrderBy_ = false;
List<Expr> orderingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> isAscOrder = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> nullsFirstParams = new ArrayList<>();
// extract exprs
for (OrderByElement orderByElement: orderByElements_) {
if (orderByElement.getExpr().contains(Predicates.instanceOf(Subquery.class))) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"Subqueries are not supported in the ORDER BY clause.");
// create copies, we don't want to modify the original parse node, in case
// we need to print it
substituteOrdinalsAndAliases(orderingExprs, "ORDER BY", analyzer);
if (!analyzer.isRootAnalyzer() && hasOffset() && !hasLimit()) {
throw new AnalysisException("Order-by with offset without limit not supported" +
" in nested queries.");
sortInfo_ = new SortInfo(orderingExprs, isAscOrder, nullsFirstParams);
// order by w/o limit and offset in inline views, union operands and insert statements
// are ignored.
if (!hasLimit() && !hasOffset() && !analyzer.isRootAnalyzer()) {
evaluateOrderBy_ = false;
// Return a warning that the order by was ignored.
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("Ignoring ORDER BY clause without LIMIT or OFFSET: ");
strBuilder.append("ORDER BY ");
for (int i = 1; i < orderByElements_.size(); ++i) {
strBuilder.append(", ").append(orderByElements_.get(i).toSql());
strBuilder.append(".\nAn ORDER BY appearing in a view, subquery, union operand, ");
strBuilder.append("or an insert/ctas statement has no effect on the query result ");
strBuilder.append("unless a LIMIT and/or OFFSET is used in conjunction ");
strBuilder.append("with the ORDER BY.");
} else {
evaluateOrderBy_ = true;
* Create a tuple descriptor for the single tuple that is materialized, sorted and
* output by the exec node implementing the sort. Done by materializing slot refs in
* the order-by and result expressions. Those SlotRefs in the ordering and result exprs
* are substituted with SlotRefs into the new tuple. This simplifies sorting logic for
* total (no limit) sorts.
* Done after analyzeAggregation() since ordering and result exprs may refer to the
* outputs of aggregation.
protected void createSortTupleInfo(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
for (Expr orderingExpr: sortInfo_.getSortExprs()) {
if (orderingExpr.getType().isComplexType()) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format("ORDER BY expression '%s' with " +
"complex type '%s' is not supported.", orderingExpr.toSql(),
sortInfo_.createSortTupleInfo(resultExprs_, analyzer);
ExprSubstitutionMap smap = sortInfo_.getOutputSmap();
for (int i = 0; i < smap.size(); ++i) {
if (!(smap.getLhs().get(i) instanceof SlotRef)
|| !(smap.getRhs().get(i) instanceof SlotRef)) {
SlotRef inputSlotRef = (SlotRef) smap.getLhs().get(i);
SlotRef outputSlotRef = (SlotRef) smap.getRhs().get(i);
if (hasLimit()) {
inputSlotRef.getSlotId(), outputSlotRef.getSlotId());
} else {
analyzer.createAuxEqPredicate(outputSlotRef, inputSlotRef);
substituteResultExprs(smap, analyzer);
* Substitutes top-level ordinals and aliases. Does not substitute ordinals and
* aliases in subexpressions.
* Modifies the 'exprs' list in-place.
* The 'exprs' are all analyzed after this function regardless of whether
* substitution was performed.
protected void substituteOrdinalsAndAliases(List<Expr> exprs, String errorPrefix,
Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
exprs.set(i, resolveReferenceExpr(exprs.get(i), errorPrefix,
analyzer, true));
* Substitutes an ordinal or an alias. An ordinal is an integer NumericLiteral
* that refers to a select-list expression by ordinal. An alias is a SlotRef
* that matches the alias of a select-list expression (tracked by 'aliasMap_').
* We should substitute by ordinal or alias but not both to avoid an incorrect
* double substitution.
* Logic is a bit tricky. The SlotRef, if it exists, cannot be resolved until we
* check for an alias. (Resolving the SlotRef may find a column, or trigger an
* error, which is not what we want.)
* After the alias check, then we can resolve (analyze) the expression.Then, if
* the expression is an ordinal, replace it. Else, the expression is "ordinary"
* and can be rewritten by the caller.
* @param expr the expression on which to perform substitution
* @param allowOrdinal whether the context of the expression allows ordinals.
* lists (ORDER BY, GROUP BY) allow ordinals, expressions (HAVING) do not.
* (In the 3.x series, for backward compatibility, HAVING continues to allow
* ordinals, but the goal is to remove this non-standard support in the future)
* @return the rewritten or substituted expression, with analysis completed
protected Expr resolveReferenceExpr(Expr expr,
String errorPrefix, Analyzer analyzer, boolean allowOrdinal)
throws AnalysisException {
// Check for a SlotRef (representing an alias) before analysis. Since
// the slot does not reference a real column, the analysis will fail.
// TODO: Seems an odd state of affairs. Consider revisiting by putting
// alias in a namespace that can be resolved more easily.
if (expr instanceof SlotRef) {
if (ambiguousAliasList_.contains(expr)) {
// Reference to an ambiguous alias
// SELECT foo AS a, bar AS a ORDER BY a
throw new AnalysisException(errorPrefix +
": ambiguous alias: '" + expr.toSql() + "'");
// Look the name up in the alias substitution map
// Returns a clone of the expression if not found
return expr.trySubstitute(aliasSmap_, analyzer_, false);
// Ordinal reference?
// Only want values that started as numeric literals
boolean wasNumber = expr instanceof NumericLiteral;
if (allowOrdinal && wasNumber && Expr.IS_INT_LITERAL.apply(expr)) {
long pos = ((NumericLiteral) expr).getLongValue();
if (pos < 1) {
throw new AnalysisException(
errorPrefix + ": ordinal must be >= 1: " + expr.toSql());
if (pos > resultExprs_.size()) {
throw new AnalysisException(
errorPrefix + ": ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: " +
// Create copy to protect against accidentally shared state.
return resultExprs_.get((int) pos - 1).clone();
// Ordinary expression.
return expr;
* Returns the materialized tuple ids of the output of this stmt.
* Used in case this stmt is part of an InlineViewRef,
* since we need to know the materialized tupls ids of a TableRef.
* This call must be idempotent because it may be called more than once for Union stmt.
* TODO: The name of this function has become outdated due to analytics
* producing logical (non-materialized) tuples. Re-think and clean up.
public abstract void getMaterializedTupleIds(List<TupleId> tupleIdList);
public List<Expr> getResultExprs() { return resultExprs_; }
public void setWithClause(WithClause withClause) { this.withClause_ = withClause; }
public boolean hasWithClause() { return withClause_ != null; }
public WithClause getWithClause() { return withClause_; }
public boolean hasOrderByClause() { return orderByElements_ != null; }
public boolean hasLimit() { return limitElement_.getLimitExpr() != null; }
public String getOrigSqlString() { return origSqlString_; }
public boolean isRuntimeScalar() { return isRuntimeScalar_; }
public void setIsRuntimeScalar(boolean isRuntimeScalar) {
isRuntimeScalar_ = isRuntimeScalar;
public long getLimit() { return limitElement_.getLimit(); }
public boolean hasOffset() { return limitElement_.getOffsetExpr() != null; }
public long getOffset() { return limitElement_.getOffset(); }
public SortInfo getSortInfo() { return sortInfo_; }
public boolean evaluateOrderBy() { return evaluateOrderBy_; }
public List<Expr> getBaseTblResultExprs() { return baseTblResultExprs_; }
public void setLimit(long limit) throws SqlCastException {
Preconditions.checkState(limit >= 0);
long newLimit = hasLimit() ? Math.min(limit, getLimit()) : limit;
limitElement_ = new LimitElement(NumericLiteral.create(newLimit, Type.BIGINT),
* Mark all slots that need to be materialized for the execution of this stmt.
* This excludes slots referenced in resultExprs (it depends on the consumer of
* the output of the stmt whether they'll be accessed) and single-table predicates
* (the PlanNode that materializes that tuple can decide whether evaluating those
* predicates requires slot materialization).
* This is called prior to plan tree generation and allows tuple-materializing
* PlanNodes to compute their tuple's mem layout.
public abstract void materializeRequiredSlots(Analyzer analyzer);
* Mark slots referenced in exprs as materialized.
protected void materializeSlots(Analyzer analyzer, List<Expr> exprs) {
List<SlotId> slotIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr e: exprs) {
e.getIds(null, slotIds);
* Substitutes the result expressions with smap. Preserves the original types of
* those expressions during the substitution.
public void substituteResultExprs(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer) {
resultExprs_ = Expr.substituteList(resultExprs_, smap, analyzer, true);
public DataSink createDataSink(List<Expr> resultExprs) {
return new PlanRootSink(resultExprs);
public List<OrderByElement> cloneOrderByElements() {
if (orderByElements_ == null) return null;
List<OrderByElement> result =
for (OrderByElement o: orderByElements_) result.add(o.clone());
return result;
public WithClause cloneWithClause() {
return withClause_ != null ? withClause_.clone() : null;
* C'tor for cloning.
protected QueryStmt(QueryStmt other) {
withClause_ = other.cloneWithClause();
orderByElements_ = other.cloneOrderByElements();
limitElement_ = other.limitElement_.clone();
resultExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.resultExprs_);
baseTblResultExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.baseTblResultExprs_);
aliasSmap_ = other.aliasSmap_.clone();
ambiguousAliasList_ = Expr.cloneList(other.ambiguousAliasList_);
sortInfo_ = (other.sortInfo_ != null) ? other.sortInfo_.clone() : null;
analyzer_ = other.analyzer_;
evaluateOrderBy_ = other.evaluateOrderBy_;
origSqlString_ = other.origSqlString_;
isRuntimeScalar_ = other.isRuntimeScalar_;
public void reset() {
if (orderByElements_ != null) {
for (OrderByElement o: orderByElements_) o.getExpr().reset();
sortInfo_ = null;
evaluateOrderBy_ = false;
public abstract QueryStmt clone();