blob: c50f4572fa0fc48e6a97e0ccc5c0a63260829a3f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for addiitional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from tests.util.thrift_util import create_transport
from hive_metastore import ThriftHiveMetastore
from hive_metastore.ttypes import (AbortTxnRequest, AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest,
CheckLockRequest, CommitTxnRequest, GetValidWriteIdsRequest, HeartbeatRequest,
LockComponent, LockLevel, LockType, LockRequest, OpenTxnRequest, ShowLocksRequest,
TruncateTableRequest, UnlockRequest)
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
# HMS config
metastore_host = "localhost"
metastore_port = "9083"
service = "Hive Metastore Server"
trans_type = 'buffered'
# User config
user = 'AcidTxn - Impala test'
hostname = 'localhost'
# Utility class for interacting with Hive ACID transactions.
# It's basically a facade, i.e. it provides a simplified interface for HMS.
# You can also use it interactively from impala-python, e.g.:
# $> impala-python
# >>> from tests.util.acid_txn import AcidTxn
# >>> at = AcidTxn()
# >>> at.get_open_txns()
class AcidTxn(object):
def __init__(self, hms_client=None):
if hms_client:
self.hms_client = hms_client
hive_transport = create_transport(
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(hive_transport)
self.hms_client = ThriftHiveMetastore.Client(protocol)
def get_hms_client(self):
return self.hms_client
def get_open_txns(self):
return self.hms_client.get_open_txns()
def get_open_txns_info(self):
return self.hms_client.get_open_txns_info()
def open_txns(self):
open_txn_req = OpenTxnRequest()
open_txn_req.num_txns = 1
open_txn_req.user = user
open_txn_req.hostname = hostname
open_txn_resp = self.hms_client.open_txns(open_txn_req)
return open_txn_resp.txn_ids[0]
def allocate_table_write_ids(self, txn_id, db_name, table_name):
allocate_req = AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest()
allocate_req.dbName = db_name
allocate_req.tableName = table_name
allocate_req.txnIds = [txn_id]
resp = self.hms_client.allocate_table_write_ids(allocate_req)
return resp.txnToWriteIds[0].writeId
def get_valid_write_ids(self, db_name, table_name):
get_writeids_req = GetValidWriteIdsRequest()
get_writeids_req.fullTableNames = ['{}.{}'.format(db_name, table_name)]
return self.hms_client.get_valid_write_ids(get_writeids_req)
def show_locks(self, db_name, table_name, part_name=None, is_extended=False):
show_locks_req = ShowLocksRequest()
show_locks_req.dbname = db_name
show_locks_req.tablename = table_name
show_locks_req.partname = part_name
show_locks_req.isExtended = is_extended
return self.hms_client.show_locks(show_locks_req)
def lock(self, txn_id, db_name, table_name, type=LockType.SHARED_WRITE,
lock_comp = LockComponent()
lock_comp.type = type
lock_comp.level = level
lock_comp.dbname = db_name
lock_comp.tablename = table_name
lock_req = LockRequest()
lock_req.component = [lock_comp]
lock_req.txnid = txn_id
lock_req.user = user
lock_req.hostname = hostname
return self.hms_client.lock(lock_req)
def check_lock(self, lock_id):
check_lock_req = CheckLockRequest()
check_lock_req.lockid = lock_id
return self.hms_client.check_lock(check_lock_req)
def unlock(self, lock_id):
unlock_req = UnlockRequest()
unlock_req.lockid = lock_id
return self.hms_client.unlock(unlock_req)
def heartbeat(self, txn_id=None, lock_id=None):
heartbeat_req = HeartbeatRequest()
heartbeat_req.txnid = txn_id
heartbeat_req.lockid = lock_id
def commit_txn(self, txn_id):
commit_req = CommitTxnRequest()
commit_req.txnid = txn_id
return self.hms_client.commit_txn(commit_req)
def abort_txn(self, txn_id):
abort_req = AbortTxnRequest()
abort_req.txnid = txn_id
return self.hms_client.abort_txn(abort_req)
def truncate_table_req(self, db_name, table_name):
truncate_req = TruncateTableRequest()
truncate_req.dbName = db_name
truncate_req.tableName = table_name
return self.hms_client.truncate_table_req(truncate_req)
def commit_all_open_txns(self):
open_txns_resp = self.get_open_txns()
min_open = open_txns_resp.min_open_txn
for txn in open_txns_resp.open_txns:
if txn >= min_open:
except Exception as e:
print str(e)