blob: 0622d7dd1a5d9bbb7edfb0c89c2ea1cee1a6e003 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Tests end-to-end codegen behaviour.
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIf
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_exec_option_dimension_from_dict
from tests.common.test_result_verifier import get_node_exec_options,\
class TestCodegen(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestCodegen, cls).add_test_dimensions()
'exec_single_node_rows_threshold' : [0]}))
# No need to run this on all file formats. Run it on text/none, which has stats
# computed.
lambda v: v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none')
def test_disable_codegen(self, vector):
"""Test that codegen is enabled/disabled by the planner as expected."""
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/disable-codegen', vector)
def test_select_node_codegen(self, vector):
"""Test that select node is codegened"""
result = self.execute_query('select * from (select * from functional.alltypes '
'limit 1000000) t1 where int_col > 10 limit 10')
exec_options = get_node_exec_options(result.runtime_profile, 1)
# Make sure test fails if there are no exec options in the profile for the node
assert len(exec_options) > 0
assert_codegen_enabled(result.runtime_profile, [1])
def test_datastream_sender_codegen(self, vector):
"""Test the KrpcDataStreamSender's codegen logic"""
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/datastream-sender-codegen', vector)
def test_codegen_failure_for_char_type(self, vector):
"""IMPALA-7288: Regression tests for the codegen failure path when working with a
CHAR column type. Until IMPALA-3207 is completely fixed there are various paths where
we need to bail out of codegen."""
# Previously codegen failed in TextConverter::CodegenWriteSlot() if there was a CHAR
# column, but IMPALA-9747 changed this so that instead of failing codegen for all
# columns, the codegen'd code for the CHAR column calls the interpreted version of the
# function.
# Previously codegen for this join failed in HashTableCtx::CodegenEquals() because of
# missing ScalarFnCall codegen support, which was added in IMPALA-7331.
result = self.execute_query("select 1 from functional.chars_tiny t1, "
"functional.chars_tiny t2 "
"where t1.cs = cast(t2.cs as string)")
profile_str = str(result.runtime_profile)
assert "Probe Side Codegen Enabled" in profile_str, profile_str
assert "Build Side Codegen Enabled" in profile_str, profile_str
# Codegen for this join fails because it is joining two CHAR exprs.
result = self.execute_query("select 1 from functional.chars_tiny t1, "
"functional.chars_tiny t2 "
"where t1.cs = t2.cs")
profile_str = str(result.runtime_profile)
assert ("Probe Side Codegen Disabled: HashTableCtx::CodegenHashRow(): CHAR NYI"
in profile_str), profile_str
assert ("Build Side Codegen Disabled: HashTableCtx::CodegenHashRow(): CHAR NYI"
in profile_str), profile_str
# Previously codegen for this join failed in HashTableCtx::CodegenEvalRow() because of
# missing ScalarFnCall codegen support, which was added in IMPALA-7331.
result = self.execute_query("select 1 from functional.chars_tiny t1, "
"functional.chars_tiny t2 where t1.cs = "
"FROM_TIMESTAMP(cast(t2.cs as string), 'yyyyMMdd')")
profile_str = str(result.runtime_profile)
assert "Probe Side Codegen Enabled" in profile_str, profile_str
assert "Build Side Codegen Enabled" in profile_str, profile_str