blob: 6653ecc2d8a1c321b17997d578179c202b006f5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <boost/bind/mem_fn.hpp>
#include "util/aligned-new.h"
#include "util/blocking-queue.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
namespace impala {
/// Simple threadpool which processes items (of type T) in parallel which were placed on a
/// blocking queue by Offer(). Each item is processed by a single user-supplied method.
template <typename T>
class ThreadPool : public CacheLineAligned {
/// Signature of a work-processing function. Takes the integer id of the thread which is
/// calling it (ids run from 0 to num_threads - 1) and a reference to the item to
/// process.
typedef boost::function<void (int thread_id, const T& workitem)> WorkFunction;
/// Creates a new thread pool without starting any threads. Code must call
/// Init() on this thread pool before any calls to Offer().
/// -- num_threads: how many threads are part of this pool
/// -- queue_size: the maximum size of the queue on which work items are offered. If the
/// queue exceeds this size, subsequent calls to Offer will block until there is
/// capacity available.
/// -- work_function: the function to run every time an item is consumed from the queue
/// -- fault_injection_eligible - If set to true, allow fault injection at this
/// callsite (see thread_creation_fault_injection). If set to false, fault
/// injection is diabled at this callsite. Thread creation sites that crash
/// Impala or abort startup must have this set to false.
ThreadPool(const std::string& group, const std::string& thread_prefix,
uint32_t num_threads, uint32_t queue_size, const WorkFunction& work_function,
bool fault_injection_eligible = false)
: group_(group), thread_prefix_(thread_prefix), num_threads_(num_threads),
work_function_(work_function), work_queue_(queue_size),
fault_injection_eligible_(fault_injection_eligible) {}
/// Destructor ensures that all threads are terminated before this object is freed
/// (otherwise they may continue to run and reference member variables)
virtual ~ThreadPool() {
/// Create the threads needed for this ThreadPool. Returns an error on any
/// error spawning the threads.
Status Init() {
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads_; ++i) {
std::stringstream threadname;
threadname << thread_prefix_ << "(" << i + 1 << ":" << num_threads_ << ")";
std::unique_ptr<Thread> t;
Status status = Thread::Create(group_, threadname.str(),
boost::bind<void>(boost::mem_fn(&ThreadPool<T>::WorkerThread), this, i), &t,
if (!status.ok()) {
// The thread pool initialization failed. Shutdown any threads that were
// spawned. Note: Shutdown() and Join() are safe to call multiple times.
return status;
initialized_ = true;
return Status::OK();
/// Blocking operation that puts a work item on the queue. If the queue is full, blocks
/// until there is capacity available. The ThreadPool must be initialized before
/// calling this method.
/// 'work' is copied into the work queue, but may be referenced at any time in the
/// future. Therefore the caller needs to ensure that any data referenced by work (if T
/// is, e.g., a pointer type) remains valid until work has been processed, and it's up to
/// the caller to provide their own signalling mechanism to detect this (or to wait until
/// after DrainAndShutdown returns).
/// Returns true if the work item was successfully added to the queue, false otherwise
/// (which typically means that the thread pool has already been shut down).
template <typename V>
bool Offer(V&& work) {
return work_queue_.BlockingPut(std::forward<V>(work));
/// Blocks until the work item is placed on the queue or the timeout expires. The
/// ThreadPool must be initialized before calling this method. The same requirements
/// about the lifetime of 'work' applies as in Offer() above. If the operation times
/// out, the work item can be safely freed.
/// Returns true if the work item was successfully added to the queue, false otherwise
/// (which means the operation timed out or the thread pool has already been shut down).
template <typename V>
bool Offer(V&& work, int64_t timeout_millis) {
int64_t timeout_micros = timeout_millis * MICROS_PER_MILLI;
return work_queue_.BlockingPutWithTimeout(std::forward<V>(work), timeout_micros);
/// Shuts the thread pool down, causing the work queue to cease accepting offered work
/// and the worker threads to terminate once they have processed their current work item.
/// Returns once the shutdown flag has been set, does not wait for the threads to
/// terminate.
void Shutdown() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
shutdown_ = true;
/// Blocks until all threads are finished. Shutdown does not need to have been called,
/// since it may be called on a separate thread.
void Join() {
uint32_t GetQueueSize() const {
return work_queue_.Size();
/// Blocks until the work queue is empty, and then calls Shutdown to stop the worker
/// threads and Join to wait until they are finished.
/// Any work Offer()'ed during DrainAndShutdown may or may not be processed.
void DrainAndShutdown() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock_);
// If the ThreadPool is not initialized, then the queue must be empty.
DCHECK(initialized_ || work_queue_.Size() == 0);
while (work_queue_.Size() != 0) {
/// Driver method for each thread in the pool. Continues to read work from the queue
/// until the pool is shutdown.
void WorkerThread(int thread_id) {
while (!IsShutdown()) {
T workitem;
if (work_queue_.BlockingGet(&workitem)) {
work_function_(thread_id, workitem);
if (work_queue_.Size() == 0) {
/// Take lock to ensure that DrainAndShutdown() cannot be between checking
/// GetSize() and wait()'ing when the condition variable is notified.
/// (It will hang if we notify right before calling wait().)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock_);
/// Returns value of shutdown_ under a lock, forcing visibility to threads in the pool.
bool IsShutdown() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
return shutdown_;
/// Group string to tag threads for this pool
const std::string group_;
/// Thread name prefix
const std::string thread_prefix_;
/// The number of threads to start in this pool
uint32_t num_threads_;
/// User-supplied method to call to process each work item.
WorkFunction work_function_;
/// Queue on which work items are held until a thread is available to process them in
/// FIFO order.
BlockingQueue<T> work_queue_;
/// Whether this ThreadPool will tolerate failure by aborting a query. This means
/// it is safe to inject errors for Init().
bool fault_injection_eligible_;
/// Collection of worker threads that process work from the queue.
ThreadGroup threads_;
/// Guards shutdown_ and empty_cv_
std::mutex lock_;
/// Set to true when Init() has finished spawning the threads.
bool initialized_ = false;
/// Set to true when threads should stop doing work and terminate.
bool shutdown_ = false;
/// Signalled when the queue becomes empty
ConditionVariable empty_cv_;
/// Utility thread-pool that accepts callable work items, and simply invokes them.
class CallableThreadPool : public ThreadPool<boost::function<void()>> {
CallableThreadPool(const std::string& group, const std::string& thread_prefix,
uint32_t num_threads, uint32_t queue_size) :
group, thread_prefix, num_threads, queue_size, &CallableThreadPool::Worker) {
static void Worker(int thread_id, const boost::function<void()>& f) {
/// Parent class for all synchronous work items
/// Important note for all subclasses:
/// All fields need to have a lifetime that matches this operation's lifetime.
/// In particular, caller-provided arguments need to be moved, copied, or need to have a
/// lifetime independent of the caller. The monitored operation must survive the caller
/// timing out and potentially deallocating memory.
class SynchronousWorkItem {
virtual ~SynchronousWorkItem() {}
/// Customized implementation for each operation. Subclasses must override this.
/// The status is conveyed back to the original caller.
virtual Status Execute() {
DCHECK(false) << "Execute() must be implemented";
return Status("Execute() must be implemented");
virtual std::string GetDescription() {
DCHECK(false) << "GetDescription() must be implemented";
return "";
friend class SynchronousThreadPool;
/// This is called by the worker thread and handles the mechanics of notifying
/// the caller and conveying status when Execute() completes.
void WorkerExecute() {
Status status = Execute();
/// Wait for the operation to complete or time out with the specified limit
/// 'timeout_millis' given that the caller has already waited 'time_used_millis'.
/// If the operation times out, it returns TErrorCode::THREAD_POOL_TASK_TIMED_OUT.
/// Otherwise, it returns the status returned by Execute().
Status Wait(int64_t timeout_millis, int64_t time_used_millis) {
// If the time used has already exceeded the timeout, go directly to returning
bool timed_out = (time_used_millis >= timeout_millis);
Status status;
if (!timed_out) {
int64_t timeout_left_millis = timeout_millis - time_used_millis;
status = done_promise_.Get(timeout_left_millis, &timed_out);
if (timed_out) {
// IMPALA-7946: Always throw an error using the original timeout, not the
// timeout remaining.
Status timeout_status = Status(TErrorCode::THREAD_POOL_TASK_TIMED_OUT,
GetDescription(), timeout_millis / MILLIS_PER_SEC);
LOG(WARNING) << timeout_status.GetDetail();
return timeout_status;
return status;
// Set to the return status of ExecuteImpl() upon completion
Promise<Status> done_promise_;
/// Synchronous thread pool can run any subclass of SynchronousWorkItem
/// Ownership is shared between the caller side and the worker side:
/// 1. The caller accesses the operation to wait for its completion (or timeout) and
/// retrieve any result.
/// 2. The ThreadPool worker calls Execute() on the operation and needs to maintain
/// ownership until the operation completes. The blocking queue inside the ThreadPool
/// also needs to maintain ownership until a thread removes the operation for
/// processing.
/// This is an awkward circumstance to have exclusive ownership. The caller can time
/// out and leave while the worker is processing. When the worker completes and could
/// release ownership, the caller might still need to retrieve the result or the caller
/// might be gone. shared_ptr does what we want: the HdfsMonitorOp will survive until
/// neither thread needs it anymore.
class SynchronousThreadPool : public ThreadPool<std::shared_ptr<SynchronousWorkItem>> {
SynchronousThreadPool(const std::string& group, const std::string& thread_prefix,
uint32_t num_threads, uint32_t queue_size) :
ThreadPool<std::shared_ptr<SynchronousWorkItem>>(group, thread_prefix, num_threads,
queue_size, &SynchronousThreadPool::Worker) {}
/// Run the provided work item and wait up to 'timeout_milliseconds' for the
/// operation to complete. If it completes, return the status from the work
/// item's Execute() function. Otherwise, return an error status:
/// - THREAD_POOL_TASK_TIMED_OUT if the individual task timed out
/// - THREAD_POOL_SUBMIT_FAILED if all the threads are busy and the task did not
/// even start
Status SynchronousOffer(std::shared_ptr<SynchronousWorkItem> work,
int64_t timeout_milliseconds) {
MonotonicStopWatch offer_timer;
bool offer_success = Offer(work, timeout_milliseconds);
if (!offer_success) {
// This scenario only happens when all threads are occupied and the queue
// is full. This means the system is in a catastrophic state. Log to ERROR.
Status failed_to_submit_status =
Status(TErrorCode::THREAD_POOL_SUBMIT_FAILED, work->GetDescription(),
timeout_milliseconds / MILLIS_PER_SEC);
LOG(ERROR) << failed_to_submit_status.GetDetail();
return failed_to_submit_status;
int64_t time_used_millis =
offer_timer.ElapsedTime() / (NANOS_PER_MICRO * MICROS_PER_MILLI);
return work->Wait(timeout_milliseconds, time_used_millis);
static void Worker(int thread_id, const std::shared_ptr<SynchronousWorkItem>& work) {