blob: b0344cc97f44a22dc7cde66ac163919a8574b75c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "gutil/strings/strip.h"
#include "gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "util/disk-info.h"
#include "util/system-state-info.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <fstream>
#include "common/names.h"
using std::accumulate;
using kudu::Env;
using kudu::faststring;
using kudu::ReadFileToString;
using strings::Split;
using strings::SkipWhitespace;
namespace {
/// Reads a file into a buffer and returns whether the read was successful. If not
/// successful, writes a warning into the log.
bool ReadFileOrWarn(const string& path, faststring* buf) {
kudu::Status status = ReadFileToString(Env::Default(), path, buf);
if (!status.ok()) {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 60) << "Could not open " << path << ": "
<< status.message() << endl;
return false;
return true;
template <class T>
void ReadIntArray(const StringPiece& sp, int expected_num_values, T* out) {
vector<StringPiece> counters = Split(sp, " ", SkipWhitespace());
// Something is wrong with the number of values that we read
if (expected_num_values > counters.size()) {
memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 60) << "Failed to parse enough values: expected "
<< expected_num_values << " but found " << counters.size() << ". Input was: "
<< sp;
for (int i = 0; i < expected_num_values; ++i) {
int64_t* v = &(*out)[i];
if (!safe_strto64(counters[i].as_string(), v)) {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 60) << "Failed to parse value: " << *v;
*v = 0;
DCHECK_GE(*v, 0) << "Value " << i << ": " << *v;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace impala {
// Partially initializing cpu_ratios_ will default-initialize the remaining members.
SystemStateInfo::SystemStateInfo() {
memset(&cpu_ratios_, 0, sizeof(cpu_ratios_));
memset(&network_usage_, 0, sizeof(network_usage_));
memset(&disk_stats_, 0, sizeof(disk_stats_));
last_net_update_ms_ = MonotonicMillis();
last_disk_update_ms_ = MonotonicMillis();
void SystemStateInfo::CaptureSystemStateSnapshot() {
// Capture and compute CPU usage
int64_t now = MonotonicMillis();
DCHECK_GT(last_net_update_ms_, 0L);
ComputeNetworkUsage(now - last_net_update_ms_);
last_net_update_ms_ = now;
now = MonotonicMillis();
DCHECK_GT(last_disk_update_ms_, 0L);
ComputeDiskStats(now - last_disk_update_ms_);
last_disk_update_ms_ = now;
void SystemStateInfo::ReadCurrentProcStat() {
string path = "/proc/stat";
faststring buf;
if (!ReadFileOrWarn(path, &buf)) return;
StringPiece buf_sp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, buf.size());
vector<StringPiece> lines = strings::Split(buf_sp, "\n");
DCHECK_GT(lines.size(), 0);
void SystemStateInfo::ReadProcStatString(const string& stat_string) {
cpu_val_idx_ = 1 - cpu_val_idx_;
DCHECK(cpu_val_idx_ == 0 || cpu_val_idx_ == 1) << "cpu_val_idx_: " << cpu_val_idx_;
CpuValues& next_values = cpu_values_[cpu_val_idx_];
// Skip the first value ('cpu ');
StringPiece sp(stat_string);
DCHECK(sp.starts_with("cpu "));
ReadIntArray(sp.substr(5), NUM_CPU_VALUES, &next_values);
void SystemStateInfo::ComputeCpuRatios() {
const CpuValues& cur = cpu_values_[cpu_val_idx_];
const CpuValues& old = cpu_values_[1 - cpu_val_idx_];
// Sum up all counters
int64_t cur_sum = accumulate(cur.begin(), cur.end(), 0L);
int64_t old_sum = accumulate(old.begin(), old.end(), 0L);
int64_t total_tics = cur_sum - old_sum;
// If less than 1/USER_HZ time has time has passed for any of the counters, the ratio is
// zero (to avoid dividing by zero).
if (total_tics == 0) {
memset(&cpu_ratios_, 0, sizeof(cpu_ratios_));
DCHECK_GT(total_tics, 0);
// Convert each ratio to basis points.
const int BASIS_MAX = 10000;
cpu_ratios_.user = ((cur[CPU_USER] - old[CPU_USER]) * BASIS_MAX) / total_tics;
cpu_ratios_.system = ((cur[CPU_SYSTEM] - old[CPU_SYSTEM]) * BASIS_MAX) / total_tics;
cpu_ratios_.iowait = ((cur[CPU_IOWAIT] - old[CPU_IOWAIT]) * BASIS_MAX) / total_tics;
void SystemStateInfo::ReadCurrentProcNetDev() {
string path = "/proc/net/dev";
faststring buf;
if (!ReadFileOrWarn(path, &buf)) return;
void SystemStateInfo::ReadProcNetDevString(const string& dev_string) {
net_val_idx_ = 1 - net_val_idx_;
DCHECK(net_val_idx_ == 0 || net_val_idx_ == 1) << "net_val_idx_: " << net_val_idx_;
NetworkValues& sum_values = network_values_[net_val_idx_];
memset(&sum_values, 0, sizeof(sum_values));
StringPiece sp(dev_string);
vector<StringPiece> lines = Split(sp, "\n", SkipWhitespace());
// The first two lines contain the header, skip them.
DCHECK_GT(lines.size(), 2);
for (int i = 2; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
const StringPiece& line = lines[i];
NetworkValues line_values;
ReadProcNetDevLine(line, &line_values);
AddNetworkValues(line_values, &sum_values);
void SystemStateInfo::ReadProcNetDevLine(
const StringPiece& dev_string, NetworkValues* result) {
StringPiece sp(dev_string);
// Lines can have leading whitespace
// Initialize result to 0 to simplify error handling below
memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
// Don't include the loopback interface
if (sp.starts_with("lo:")) return;
int colon_idx = sp.find_first_of(':');
if (colon_idx == StringPiece::npos) {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 60) << "Failed to parse interface name in line: "
<< sp.as_string();
ReadIntArray(sp.substr(colon_idx + 1), NUM_NET_VALUES, result);
void SystemStateInfo::AddNetworkValues(const NetworkValues& a, NetworkValues* b) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NET_VALUES; ++i) (*b)[i] += a[i];
void SystemStateInfo::ComputeNetworkUsage(int64_t period_ms) {
if (period_ms <= 0) return;
// Compute network throughput in bytes per second
const NetworkValues& cur = network_values_[net_val_idx_];
const NetworkValues& old = network_values_[1 - net_val_idx_];
int64_t rx_bytes = cur[NET_RX_BYTES] - old[NET_RX_BYTES];
network_usage_.rx_rate = rx_bytes * 1000L / period_ms;
int64_t tx_bytes = cur[NET_TX_BYTES] - old[NET_TX_BYTES];
network_usage_.tx_rate = tx_bytes * 1000L / period_ms;
void SystemStateInfo::ReadCurrentProcDiskStats() {
string path = "/proc/diskstats";
faststring buf;
if (!ReadFileOrWarn(path, &buf)) return;
void SystemStateInfo::ReadProcDiskStatsString(const string& disk_stats) {
stringstream ss(disk_stats);
string line;
disk_val_idx_ = 1 - disk_val_idx_;
DCHECK(disk_val_idx_ == 0 || disk_val_idx_ == 1) << "disk_val_idx_: " << disk_val_idx_;
DiskValues& sum_values = disk_values_[disk_val_idx_];
memset(&sum_values, 0, sizeof(sum_values));
while (getline(ss, line)) {
DiskValues line_values;
ReadProcDiskStatsLine(line, &line_values);
AddDiskValues(line_values, &sum_values);
void SystemStateInfo::ReadProcDiskStatsLine(
const string& disk_stats, DiskValues* result) {
stringstream ss(disk_stats);
// Read the device IDs and name
string major, minor, disk_name;
ss >> major >> minor >> disk_name;
if (!DiskInfo::is_known_disk(disk_name)) {
memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
ReadIntArray(StringPiece(disk_stats).substr(ss.tellg()), NUM_DISK_VALUES, result);
void SystemStateInfo::AddDiskValues(const DiskValues& a, DiskValues* b) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DISK_VALUES; ++i) (*b)[i] += a[i];
void SystemStateInfo::ComputeDiskStats(int64_t period_ms) {
if (period_ms <= 0) return;
// Compute disk throughput in bytes per second
const DiskValues& cur = disk_values_[disk_val_idx_];
const DiskValues& old = disk_values_[1 - disk_val_idx_];
int64_t read_sectors = cur[DISK_SECTORS_READ] - old[DISK_SECTORS_READ];
disk_stats_.read_rate = read_sectors * BYTES_PER_SECTOR * 1000 / period_ms;
int64_t write_sectors = cur[DISK_SECTORS_WRITTEN] - old[DISK_SECTORS_WRITTEN];
disk_stats_.write_rate = write_sectors * BYTES_PER_SECTOR * 1000 / period_ms;
} // namespace impala