blob: 886e196e336e235cacab567f0e6b988eb847e1e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "util/ldap-util.h"
#include <ldap.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gutil/strings/split.h>
#include <gutil/strings/util.h>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "util/os-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
DEFINE_string(ldap_uri, "", "The URI of the LDAP server to authenticate users against");
DEFINE_bool(ldap_tls, false, "If true, use the secure TLS protocol to connect to the LDAP"
" server");
DEFINE_bool(ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok, false, "If set, will allow LDAP passwords "
"to be sent in the clear (without TLS/SSL) over the network. This option should not "
"be used in production environments" );
DEFINE_bool(ldap_allow_anonymous_binds, false, "(Advanced) If true, LDAP authentication "
"with a blank password (an 'anonymous bind') is allowed by Impala.");
DEFINE_string(ldap_domain, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of "
"the form <userid>@<ldap_domain>");
DEFINE_string(ldap_baseDN, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of "
"the form uid=<userid>,<ldap_baseDN>");
DEFINE_string(ldap_bind_pattern, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name"
" of <ldap_bind_pattern>, but where the string #UID is replaced by the user ID. Use"
" to control the bind name precisely; do not set --ldap_domain or --ldap_baseDN with"
" this option");
DEFINE_string(ldap_group_dn_pattern, "", "Colon separated list of patterns for the "
"'distinguished name' used to search for groups in the directory. Each pattern may "
"contain a '%s' which will be substituted with each group name from "
"--ldap_group_filter when doing group searches.");
DEFINE_string(ldap_group_membership_key, "member",
"The LDAP attribute on group entries that indicates its members.");
DEFINE_string(ldap_group_class_key, "groupOfNames",
"The LDAP objectClass each of the groups in --ldap_group_filter implements in LDAP.");
DEFINE_string(ldap_bind_dn, "",
"Distinguished name of the user to bind as when doing user or group searches. Only "
"required if user or group filters are being used and the LDAP server is not "
"configured to allow anonymous searches.");
DEFINE_string(ldap_bind_password_cmd, "",
"A Unix command whose output returns the password to use with --ldap_bind_dn. The "
"output of the command will be truncated to 1024 bytes and trimmed of trailing "
TAG_FLAG(ldap_bind_password_cmd, sensitive);
using boost::algorithm::replace_all;
using namespace strings;
namespace impala {
// Required prefixes for ldap URIs:
static const string LDAP_URI_PREFIX = "ldap://";
static const string LDAPS_URI_PREFIX = "ldaps://";
Status ImpalaLdap::ValidateFlags() {
const string excl_msg = "--$0 and --$1 are mutually exclusive "
"and should not be set together";
if (!FLAGS_ldap_domain.empty()) {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_domain", "ldap_baseDN"));
if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_domain", "ldap_bind_pattern"));
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_baseDN", "ldap_bind_pattern"));
if (FLAGS_ldap_uri.empty()) {
return Status("--ldap_uri must be supplied when --ldap_enable_auth is set");
if ((FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAP_URI_PREFIX) != 0)
&& (FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAPS_URI_PREFIX) != 0)) {
return Status(Substitute(
"--ldap_uri must start with either $0 or $1", LDAP_URI_PREFIX, LDAPS_URI_PREFIX));
LOG(INFO) << "Using LDAP authentication with server " << FLAGS_ldap_uri;
if (!FLAGS_ldap_tls && (FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAPS_URI_PREFIX) != 0)) {
if (FLAGS_ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication is being used, but without TLS. "
} else {
return Status("LDAP authentication specified, but without TLS. "
"Passwords would go over the network in the clear. "
"Enable TLS with --ldap_tls or use an ldaps:// URI. "
"To override this is non-production environments, "
"specify --ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok");
} else if (FLAGS_ldap_ca_certificate.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication is being used with TLS, but without "
<< "an --ldap_ca_certificate file, the identity of the LDAP "
<< "server cannot be verified. Network communication (and "
<< "hence passwords) could be intercepted by a "
<< "man-in-the-middle attack";
if ((!FLAGS_ldap_user_filter.empty() || !FLAGS_ldap_group_filter.empty())
&& (!FLAGS_principal.empty() && !FLAGS_skip_external_kerberos_auth)) {
return Status("LDAP user and group filters may not be used if Kerberos auth is "
"turned on for external connections.");
return Status::OK();
Status ImpalaLdap::Init(const std::string& user_filter, const std::string& group_filter) {
if (!user_filter.empty()) {
user_filter_ = Split(user_filter, ",");
if (!group_filter.empty()) {
if (FLAGS_ldap_group_dn_pattern.empty()) {
return Status("In order to apply an LDAP group filter, --ldap_group_dn_pattern "
"must be specified.");
group_filter_ = Split(group_filter, ",");
vector<string> group_dns = Split(FLAGS_ldap_group_dn_pattern, ":");
// Build the list of DNs to search for groups by iterating through the
// DN patterns and replacing the optional '%s' with each group name, if present.
for (const string& group_dn_pattern : group_dns) {
if (group_dn_pattern.find("%s") != std::string::npos) {
for (const string& group : group_filter_) {
StringReplace(group_dn_pattern, "%s", group, /* replace_all */ false));
} else {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_password_cmd.empty()) {
if (!RunShellProcess(
FLAGS_ldap_bind_password_cmd, &bind_password_, true, {"JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS"})) {
return Status(
Substitute("ldap_bind_password_cmd failed with output: '$0'", bind_password_));
return Status::OK();
bool ImpalaLdap::LdapCheckPass(const char* user, const char* pass, unsigned passlen) {
if (passlen == 0 && !FLAGS_ldap_allow_anonymous_binds) {
// Disable anonymous binds.
return false;
string user_dn = ConstructUserDN(user);
LDAP* ld;
VLOG_QUERY << "Trying simple LDAP bind for: " << user_dn;
bool success = Bind(user_dn, pass, passlen, &ld);
if (success) {
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, nullptr, nullptr);
VLOG(2) << "LDAP bind successful";
return success;
bool ImpalaLdap::Bind(
const std::string& user_dn, const char* pass, unsigned passlen, LDAP** ld) {
int rc = ldap_initialize(ld, FLAGS_ldap_uri.c_str());
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not initialize connection with LDAP server (" << FLAGS_ldap_uri
<< "). Error: " << ldap_err2string(rc);
return false;
// Force the LDAP version to 3 to make sure TLS is supported.
int ldap_ver = 3;
ldap_set_option(*ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &ldap_ver);
// If -ldap_tls is turned on, and the URI is ldap://, issue a STARTTLS operation.
// Note that we'll ignore -ldap_tls when using ldaps:// because we've already
// got a secure connection (and the LDAP server will reject the STARTTLS).
if (FLAGS_ldap_tls && (FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAP_URI_PREFIX) == 0)) {
int tls_rc = ldap_start_tls_s(*ld, nullptr, nullptr);
if (tls_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not start TLS secure connection to LDAP server ("
<< FLAGS_ldap_uri << "). Error: " << ldap_err2string(tls_rc);
ldap_unbind_ext(*ld, nullptr, nullptr);
return false;
VLOG(2) << "Started TLS connection with LDAP server: " << FLAGS_ldap_uri;
// Map the password into a credentials structure
struct berval cred;
cred.bv_val = const_cast<char*>(pass);
cred.bv_len = passlen;
rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(
*ld, user_dn.c_str(), LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &cred, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
// Free ld
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication failure for " << user_dn << " : "
<< ldap_err2string(rc);
ldap_unbind_ext(*ld, nullptr, nullptr);
return false;
return true;
bool ImpalaLdap::LdapCheckFilters(std::string username) {
if (user_filter_.empty() && group_filter_.empty()) return true;
VLOG(2) << "Checking LDAP filters for " << username;
if (username.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to check LDAP filters: username empty.";
return false;
LDAP* ld;
bool success =
Bind(FLAGS_ldap_bind_dn, bind_password_.c_str(), bind_password_.size(), &ld);
if (!success) return false;
if (!user_filter_.empty() && user_filter_.count(username) != 1) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication failure for " << username << ". Bind was "
<< "successful but user is not in the authorized user list.";
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, nullptr, nullptr);
return false;
if (!group_filter_.empty()) {
string filter_user_dn = ConstructUserDN(username);
if (!CheckGroupMembership(ld, filter_user_dn)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication failure for " << username << ". Bind was "
<< "successful but user is not in any of the required groups.";
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, nullptr, nullptr);
return false;
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, nullptr, nullptr);
VLOG(2) << "LDAP filter check for " << username << " was successful.";
return true;
bool ImpalaLdap::CheckGroupMembership(LDAP* ld, const string& user_dn) {
// Construct a filter that will search for LDAP entries that represent groups
// (determined by having the group class key) and that contain the user trying to
// authenticate (determined by having a membership entry matching the user).
string filter = Substitute("(&(objectClass=$0)($1=$2))", FLAGS_ldap_group_class_key,
FLAGS_ldap_group_membership_key, user_dn);
VLOG(2) << "Searching for groups with filter: " << filter;
for (const string& group_dn : group_filter_dns_) {
LDAPMessage* result;
// Search through LDAP starting at a base of 'group_dn' and including the entire
// subtree below it while applying 'filter'. This should return a list of all group
// entries encountered in the search that have the given user as a member.
int rc = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, group_dn.c_str(), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter.c_str(),
nullptr, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, LDAP_MAXINT, &result);
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP search failed for " << filter << " with DN=" << group_dn
<< ": " << ldap_err2string(rc);
for (LDAPMessage* msg = ldap_first_message(ld, result); msg != nullptr;
msg = ldap_next_message(ld, msg)) {
int msg_type = ldap_msgtype(msg);
switch (msg_type) {
char* dn;
if ((dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, msg)) != nullptr) {
string short_name = GetShortName(dn);
if (group_filter_.count(short_name) == 1) {
return true;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP search error for " << filter << " with DN=" << group_dn
<< ": Was not able to get DN from search result.";
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP search error for " << filter << " with DN=" << group_dn
<< ": Following of referrals not supported, ignoring.";
char** referrals;
int parse_rc = ldap_parse_reference(ld, msg, &referrals, nullptr, 0);
if (parse_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Was unable to parse LDAP search reference result: "
<< ldap_err2string(parse_rc);
if (referrals != nullptr) {
for (int i = 0; referrals[i] != nullptr; ++i) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Got search reference: " << referrals[i];
// Indicates the end of the messages in the result. Nothing to do.
return false;
string ImpalaLdap::GetShortName(const string& rdn) {
vector<string> attributes = Split(rdn, delimiter::Limit(",", 1));
vector<string> value = Split(attributes[0], delimiter::Limit("=", 1));
return value[1];
string ImpalaLdap::ConstructUserDN(const std::string& user) {
string user_dn = user;
if (!FLAGS_ldap_domain.empty()) {
// Append @domain if there isn't already an @ in the user string.
if (user_dn.find("@") == string::npos) {
user_dn = Substitute("$0@$1", user_dn, FLAGS_ldap_domain);
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
user_dn = Substitute("uid=$0,$1", user_dn, FLAGS_ldap_baseDN);
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
user_dn = FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern;
replace_all(user_dn, "#UID", user);
return user_dn;
} // namespace impala