blob: 5ba8872dcf43f884d487597eb3cbc26e922bb1cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "util/hdfs-util.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/path_util.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "util/error-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
string GetHdfsErrorMsg(const string& prefix, const string& file) {
string error_msg = GetStrErrMsg();
stringstream ss;
ss << prefix << file << "\n" << error_msg;
char* root_cause = hdfsGetLastExceptionRootCause();
if (root_cause != nullptr) {
ss << "\nRoot cause: " << root_cause;
return ss.str();
Status GetFileSize(const hdfsFS& connection, const char* filename, int64_t* filesize) {
hdfsFileInfo* info = hdfsGetPathInfo(connection, filename);
if (info == NULL) return Status(GetHdfsErrorMsg("Failed to get file info ", filename));
*filesize = info->mSize;
hdfsFreeFileInfo(info, 1);
return Status::OK();
Status GetLastModificationTime(const hdfsFS& connection, const char* filename,
time_t* last_mod_time) {
hdfsFileInfo* info = hdfsGetPathInfo(connection, filename);
if (info == NULL) return Status(GetHdfsErrorMsg("Failed to get file info ", filename));
*last_mod_time = info->mLastMod;
hdfsFreeFileInfo(info, 1);
return Status::OK();
bool IsHiddenFile(const string& filename) {
return !filename.empty() && (filename[0] == '.' || filename[0] == '_');
Status CopyHdfsFile(const hdfsFS& src_conn, const string& src_path,
const hdfsFS& dst_conn, const string& dst_path) {
int error = hdfsCopy(src_conn, src_path.c_str(), dst_conn, dst_path.c_str());
if (error != 0) {
string error_msg = GetHdfsErrorMsg("");
stringstream ss;
ss << "Failed to copy " << src_path << " to " << dst_path << ": " << error_msg;
return Status(ss.str());
return Status::OK();
bool IsHdfsPath(const char* path) {
if (strstr(path, ":/") == NULL) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 7, "hdfs://") == 0;
return strncmp(path, "hdfs://", 7) == 0;
bool IsS3APath(const char* path) {
if (strstr(path, ":/") == NULL) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 6, "s3a://") == 0;
return strncmp(path, "s3a://", 6) == 0;
bool IsABFSPath(const char* path) {
if (strstr(path, ":/") == NULL) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 7, "abfs://") == 0 ||
ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 8, "abfss://") == 0;
return strncmp(path, "abfs://", 7) == 0 || strncmp(path, "abfss://", 8) == 0;
bool IsADLSPath(const char* path) {
if (strstr(path, ":/") == NULL) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 6, "adl://") == 0;
return strncmp(path, "adl://", 6) == 0;
bool IsOzonePath(const char* path) {
if (strstr(path, ":/") == NULL) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().compare(0, 7, "o3fs://") == 0;
return strncmp(path, "o3fs://", 7) == 0;
// Returns the length of the filesystem name in 'path' which is the length of the
// 'scheme://authority'. Returns 0 if the path is unqualified.
static int GetFilesystemNameLength(const char* path) {
// Special case for "file:/". It will not have an authority following it.
if (strncmp(path, "file:", 5) == 0) return 5;
const char* after_scheme = strstr(path, "://");
if (after_scheme == NULL) return 0;
// Some paths may come only with a scheme. We add 3 to skip over "://".
if (*(after_scheme + 3) == '\0') return strlen(path);
const char* after_authority = strstr(after_scheme + 3, "/");
if (after_authority == NULL) return strlen(path);
return after_authority - path;
bool FilesystemsMatch(const char* path_a, const char* path_b) {
int fs_a_name_length = GetFilesystemNameLength(path_a);
int fs_b_name_length = GetFilesystemNameLength(path_b);
const char* default_fs = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->default_fs().c_str();
int default_fs_name_length = GetFilesystemNameLength(default_fs);
// Neither is fully qualified: both are on default_fs.
if (fs_a_name_length == 0 && fs_b_name_length == 0) return true;
// One is a relative path: check fully-qualified one against default_fs.
if (fs_a_name_length == 0) {
DCHECK_GT(fs_b_name_length, 0);
return strncmp(path_b, default_fs, default_fs_name_length) == 0;
if (fs_b_name_length == 0) {
DCHECK_GT(fs_a_name_length, 0);
return strncmp(path_a, default_fs, default_fs_name_length) == 0;
DCHECK_GT(fs_a_name_length, 0);
DCHECK_GT(fs_b_name_length, 0);
// Both fully qualified: check the filesystem prefix.
if (fs_a_name_length != fs_b_name_length) return false;
return strncmp(path_a, path_b, fs_a_name_length) == 0;
string GetBaseName(const char* path) {
int fs_name_length = GetFilesystemNameLength(path);
if (fs_name_length >= strlen(path)) return ".";
string bname = kudu::BaseName(&(path[fs_name_length]));
if (bname.empty() || bname == "/") return ".";
return bname;