blob: 92ad0aa720141559cdf7bffe3ea17bd2d8c299b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <memory>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ErrorCodes_types.h"
#include "gutil/macros.h"
#include "gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/path_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "runtime/io/error-converter.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/error-util.h"
#include "util/filesystem-util.h"
#include "util/kudu-status-util.h"
#include "util/scope-exit-trigger.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
#include <linux/falloc.h>
#include "common/names.h"
namespace errc = boost::system::errc;
namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem;
using boost::system::error_code;
using kudu::Env;
using kudu::JoinPathSegments;
using kudu::RWFile;
using kudu::Slice;
using std::exception;
using namespace strings;
// boost::filesystem functions must be given an errcode parameter to avoid the variants
// of those functions that throw exceptions.
namespace impala {
Status FileSystemUtil::RemoveAndCreateDirectory(const string& directory) {
error_code errcode;
bool exists = filesystem::exists(directory, errcode);
// Need to check for no_such_file_or_directory error case - Boost's exists() sometimes
// returns an error when it should simply return false.
if (errcode != errc::success &&
errcode != errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered error checking existence of directory '0': $1", directory,
if (exists) {
// Attempt to remove the directory and its contents so that we can create a fresh
// empty directory that we will have permissions for. There is an open window between
// the check for existence above and the removal here. If the directory is removed in
// this window, we may get "no_such_file_or_directory" error which is fine.
// There is a bug in boost library (as of version 1.61) which may lead to unexpected
// exceptions from the no-exceptions interface. Even worse, the no-exceptions
// interface is marked as noexcept, so the unexpected exception will cause the
// program to immediately call std::terminate(). This renders the try/catch block
// useless. For now, this uses the interface that can throw exceptions and
// gets the errorcode from the exception. See IMPALA-2846 + IMPALA-9571.
// TODO: Newer boost has a fix for this bug, so this can be switched back after
// upgrading boost.
try {
} catch (filesystem::filesystem_error& e) {
errcode = e.code();
if (errcode != errc::success &&
errcode != errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute("Encountered error "
"removing directory '$0': $1", directory, errcode.message())));
filesystem::create_directories(directory, errcode);
if (errcode != errc::success) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered error creating directory '$0': $1", directory, errcode.message())));
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::RemovePaths(const vector<string>& directories) {
for (int i = 0; i < directories.size(); ++i) {
error_code errcode;
// This uses the boost remove_all() interface that can throw exceptions to avoid a
// bug in the implementation of the no-exceptions remove_all(). See comment in
// RemoveAndCreateDirectory() for more details.
try {
} catch (filesystem::filesystem_error& e) {
errcode = e.code();
if (errcode != errc::success) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered error removing directory $0: $1", directories[i],
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::CreateFile(const string& file_path) {
int fd;
RETRY_ON_EINTR(fd, creat(file_path.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
if (fd < 0) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR,
Substitute("Create file $0 failed with errno=$1 description=$2",
file_path.c_str(), errno, GetStrErrMsg())));
int success = close(fd);
if (success < 0) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR,
Substitute("Close file $0 failed with errno=$1 description=$2",
file_path.c_str(), errno, GetStrErrMsg())));
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::VerifyIsDirectory(const string& directory_path) {
error_code errcode;
bool exists = filesystem::exists(directory_path, errcode);
if (errcode != errc::success) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered exception while verifying existence of directory path $0: $1",
directory_path, errcode.message())));
if (!exists) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Directory path $0 does not exist", directory_path)));
bool is_dir = filesystem::is_directory(directory_path, errcode);
if (errcode != errc::success) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered exception while verifying existence of directory path $0: $1",
directory_path, errcode.message())));
if (!is_dir) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Path $0 is not a directory", directory_path)));
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::PathExists(const std::string& path, bool* exists) {
error_code errcode;
*exists = filesystem::exists(path, errcode);
if (errcode != errc::success) {
// Need to check for no_such_file_or_directory error case - Boost's exists() sometimes
// returns an error when it should simply return false.
if (errcode == errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
*exists = false;
return Status::OK();
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered exception while checking existence of path $0: $1",
path, errcode.message())));
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::GetSpaceAvailable(const string& directory_path,
uint64_t* available_bytes) {
error_code errcode;
filesystem::space_info info = filesystem::space(directory_path, errcode);
if (errcode != errc::success) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, Substitute(
"Encountered exception while checking available space for path $0: $1",
directory_path, errcode.message())));
*available_bytes = info.available;
return Status::OK();
uint64_t FileSystemUtil::MaxNumFileHandles() {
struct rlimit data;
if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &data) == 0) return static_cast<uint64_t>(data.rlim_cur);
return 0ul;
Status FileSystemUtil::GetCanonicalPath(const string& file_path, string* canonical_path) {
DCHECK(canonical_path != nullptr);
char rp[PATH_MAX];
if (realpath(file_path.c_str(), rp) == nullptr) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR,
Substitute("Resolving path for $0 failed with errno=$1 description=$2",
file_path.c_str(), errno, GetStrErrMsg())));
*canonical_path = rp;
return Status::OK();
bool FileSystemUtil::IsCanonicalPath(const string& path) {
return !path.empty()
&& path.front() == '/'
&& (path.length() == 1 || path.back() != '/')
&& (path.length() == 1 || strcmp(path.c_str() + path.length() - 2, "/.") != 0)
&& (path.length() <= 2 || strcmp(path.c_str() + path.length() - 3, "/..") != 0)
&& strstr(path.c_str(), "//") == nullptr
&& strstr(path.c_str(), "/./") == nullptr
&& strstr(path.c_str(), "/../") == nullptr;
Status FileSystemUtil::IsSymbolicLink(const string& file_path, bool* is_symbolic_link,
string* canonical_path) {
DCHECK(is_symbolic_link != nullptr);
DCHECK(canonical_path != nullptr);
struct stat sb;
if (lstat(file_path.c_str(), &sb) == -1) {
return Status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR,
Substitute("Getting file status for $0 failed with errno=$1 description=$2",
file_path.c_str(), errno, GetStrErrMsg())));
*is_symbolic_link = S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0;
if (*is_symbolic_link) {
return GetCanonicalPath(file_path, canonical_path);
return Status::OK();
bool FileSystemUtil::IsPrefixPath(const string& prefix, const string& path) {
return !prefix.empty()
&& (prefix == path
|| (prefix.length() < path.length()
&& strncmp(prefix.c_str(), path.c_str(), prefix.length()) == 0
&& (prefix.back() == '/' || path[prefix.length()] == '/')));
bool FileSystemUtil::GetRelativePath(const string& path, const string& start,
string* relpath) {
DCHECK(relpath != nullptr);
if (IsPrefixPath(start, path)) {
*relpath = path.substr(start.length());
if (!relpath->empty() && relpath->front() == '/') *relpath = relpath->substr(1);
return true;
return false;
FileSystemUtil::Directory::Directory(const string& path)
: dir_path_(path),
status_(Status::OK()) {
dir_stream_ = opendir(dir_path_.c_str());
if (dir_stream_ == nullptr) {
status_ = ErrorConverter::GetErrorStatusFromErrno("opendir()", dir_path_, errno);
FileSystemUtil::Directory::~Directory() {
if (dir_stream_ != nullptr) (void)closedir(dir_stream_);
bool FileSystemUtil::Directory::GetNextEntryName(string* entry_name, EntryType type) {
DCHECK(entry_name != nullptr);
if (status_.ok()) {
DCHECK(dir_stream_ != nullptr);
errno = 0;
const dirent* dir_entry = nullptr;
while ((dir_entry = readdir(dir_stream_)) != nullptr) {
if (dir_entry->d_name[0] == 0 || strcmp(dir_entry->d_name, ".") == 0
|| strcmp(dir_entry->d_name, "..") == 0) {
if (type != DIR_ENTRY_ANY && dir_entry->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN) {
if (type == DIR_ENTRY_REG && dir_entry->d_type != DT_REG) {
if (type == DIR_ENTRY_DIR && dir_entry->d_type != DT_DIR) {
*entry_name = dir_entry->d_name;
return true;
// readdir() returned nullptr:
// Either readdir() failed or no more entries were found in 'dir_stream'.
if (errno != 0) {
status_ = ErrorConverter::GetErrorStatusFromErrno(
"readdir()", dir_path_, errno);
return false;
Status FileSystemUtil::Directory::GetEntryNames(const string& path,
vector<string>* entry_names, int max_result_size, EntryType type,
const string& regex) {
DCHECK(entry_names != nullptr);
Directory dir(path);
std::regex entry_regex(regex);
string entry_name;
while ((max_result_size <= 0 || entry_names->size() < max_result_size) &&
dir.GetNextEntryName(&entry_name, type)) {
// If there is a regex and the regex doesn't match, skip this entry
if (regex.size() != 0 && !std::regex_match(entry_name, entry_regex)) continue;
return dir.GetLastStatus();
// Copied and pasted from Kudu source: src/kudu/fs/
bool FileSystemUtil::IsBuggyEl6Kernel() {
const string& kernel_release = kudu::Env::Default()->GetKernelRelease();
autodigit_less lt;
// Only el6 is buggy.
if (kernel_release.find("el6") == string::npos) return false;
// Kernels in the 6.8 update stream (2.6.32-642.a.b) are fixed
// for a >= 15.
if (MatchPattern(kernel_release, "2.6.32-642.*.el6.*") &&
lt("2.6.32-642.15.0", kernel_release)) {
return false;
// If the kernel older is than 2.6.32-674 (el6.9), it's buggy.
return lt(kernel_release, "2.6.32-674");
Status FileSystemUtil::CheckForBuggyExtFS(const string& path) {
bool is_on_ext;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(kudu::Env::Default()->IsOnExtFilesystem(path, &is_on_ext),
Substitute("Failed to check filesystem type at $0", path));
if (is_on_ext && IsBuggyEl6Kernel()) {
return Status(Substitute("Data dir $0 is on an ext filesystem which is affected by "
"KUDU-1508.", path));
return Status::OK();
Status FileSystemUtil::CheckHolePunch(const string& path) {
// Check if the filesystem of 'path' is affected by KUDU-1508.
// Open the test file.
string filename = JoinPathSegments(path, PrintId(GenerateUUID()));
unique_ptr<RWFile> test_file;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(kudu::Env::Default()->NewRWFile(filename, &test_file),
Substitute("Failed to create file $0", filename));
// Delete file on exit from the function.
auto delete_file = MakeScopeExitTrigger([&filename]() {
const int buffer_size = 4096 * 4;
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer(new uint8_t[buffer_size]);
memset(buffer.get(), 0xaa, buffer_size);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(test_file->Write(i * buffer_size,
Slice(buffer.get(), buffer_size)),
Substitute("Failed to write to file $0", path));
const off_t init_file_size = buffer_size * 4;
uint64_t sz;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(kudu::Env::Default()->GetFileSizeOnDisk(filename, &sz),
"Failed to get pre-punch file size");
if (sz != init_file_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Unexpected pre-punch file size for $0: expected $1 but "
"got $2", filename, init_file_size, sz));
// Punch the hole, testing the file's size again.
const off_t hole_offset = buffer_size;
const off_t hole_size = buffer_size * 2;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(test_file->PunchHole(hole_offset, hole_size),
"Failed to punch hole");
const int final_file_size = init_file_size - hole_size;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(kudu::Env::Default()->GetFileSizeOnDisk(filename, &sz),
"Failed to get post-punch file size");
if (sz != final_file_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Unexpected post-punch file size for $0: expected $1 but "
"got $2", filename, final_file_size, sz));
int offset = 0;
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> tmp_buffer(new uint8_t[buffer_size]);
memset(tmp_buffer.get(), 0, buffer_size);
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(test_file->Read(offset, Slice(tmp_buffer.get(), buffer_size)),
Substitute("Failed to read file $0", path));
if (memcmp(tmp_buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer_size) != 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Mismatched file content $0 at offset 0", filename));
offset = hole_offset + hole_size;
memset(tmp_buffer.get(), 0, buffer_size);
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(test_file->Read(offset, Slice(tmp_buffer.get(), buffer_size)),
Substitute("Failed to read file $0", path));
if (memcmp(tmp_buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer_size) != 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Mismatched file content $0 at offset $1", filename,
return Status::OK();
} // namespace impala