blob: 355376e80fa01d6b9b105d72075f7193af9f94ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "gen-cpp/CatalogObjects_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ErrorCodes_constants.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ErrorCodes_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/TCLIService_types.h"
#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
namespace impala {
/// Returns the error message for errno. We should not use strerror directly
/// as that is not thread safe.
/// Returns empty string if errno is 0.
std::string GetStrErrMsg();
// This version of the function receives errno as a parameter instead of reading it
// itself.
std::string GetStrErrMsg(int err_no);
/// Returns an error message warning that the given table names are missing relevant
/// table/and or column statistics.
std::string GetTablesMissingStatsWarning(
const std::vector<TTableName>& tables_missing_stats);
/// Class that holds a formatted error message and potentially a set of detail
/// messages. Error messages are intended to be user facing. Error details can be attached
/// as strings to the message. These details should only be accessed internally.
class ErrorMsg {
static constexpr int MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN = 128 * 1024; // 128kb
typedef strings::internal::SubstituteArg ArgType;
/// Trivial constructor.
ErrorMsg() : error_(TErrorCode::OK) {}
/// Below are a set of overloaded constructors taking all possible number of arguments
/// that can be passed to Substitute. The reason is to try to avoid forcing the compiler
/// putting all arguments for Substitute() on the stack whenver this is called and thus
/// polute the instruction cache.
explicit ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4,
const ArgType& arg5);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4,
const ArgType& arg5, const ArgType& arg6);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4,
const ArgType& arg5, const ArgType& arg6, const ArgType& arg7);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4,
const ArgType& arg5, const ArgType& arg6, const ArgType& arg7,
const ArgType& arg8);
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0, const ArgType& arg1,
const ArgType& arg2, const ArgType& arg3, const ArgType& arg4,
const ArgType& arg5, const ArgType& arg6, const ArgType& arg7,
const ArgType& arg8, const ArgType& arg9);
/// Static initializer that is needed to avoid issues with static initialization order
/// and the point in time when the string list generated via thrift becomes
/// available. This method should not be used if no static initialization is needed as
/// the cost of this method is proportional to the number of entries in the global error
/// message list.
static ErrorMsg Init(TErrorCode::type error, const ArgType& arg0 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg1 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg2 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg3 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg4 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg5 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg6 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg7 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg8 = ArgType::kNoArg,
const ArgType& arg9 = ArgType::kNoArg);
TErrorCode::type error() const { return error_; }
/// Add detail string message.
void AddDetail(const std::string& d) {
/// Set a specific error code.
void SetErrorCode(TErrorCode::type e) {
error_ = e;
/// Return the formatted error string.
const std::string& msg() const {
return message_;
const std::vector<std::string>& details() const {
return details_;
/// Set a specific error message. Truncate the message if the length is longer than
void SetErrorMsg(const std::string& msg);
/// Produce a string representation of the error message that includes the formatted
/// message of the original error and the attached detail strings.
std::string GetFullMessageDetails() const;
TErrorCode::type error_;
std::string message_;
std::vector<std::string> details_;
/// Maps the HS2 TStatusCode types to the corresponding TErrorCode.
TErrorCode::type HS2TStatusCodeToTErrorCode(
const apache::hive::service::cli::thrift::TStatusCode::type& hs2Code);