blob: 5b40e2670b38062e68532ebf88fd700de00b2def [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/CatalogObjects_types.h"
namespace impala {
class MemPool;
/// Create a compression object. This is the base class for all compression algorithms. A
/// compression algorithm is either a compressor or a decompressor. To add a new
/// algorithm, generally, both a compressor and a decompressor will be added. Each of
/// these objects inherits from this class. The objects are instantiated in the Create
/// static methods defined here. The type of compression is defined in the Thrift
/// interface THdfsCompression.
/// TODO: make this pure virtual (no members) so that external codecs (e.g. Lzo)
/// can implement this without binary dependency issues.
/// TODO: this interface is clunky. There should be one class that implements both the
/// compress and decompress APIs so remove duplication.
class Codec {
/// These are the codec string representations used in Hadoop.
static const char* const DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const GZIP_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const BZIP2_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const SNAPPY_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const LZ4_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const ZSTD_COMPRESSION;
static const char* const UNKNOWN_CODEC_ERROR;
// Output buffer size for streaming compressed file.
static const int64_t STREAM_OUT_BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Map from codec string to compression format
typedef std::map<const std::string, const THdfsCompression::type> CodecMap;
static const CodecMap CODEC_MAP;
struct CodecInfo {
CodecInfo(THdfsCompression::type format, int compression_level = 0)
: format_(format), compression_level_(compression_level) {}
THdfsCompression::type format_;
// Currently only ZSTD uses compression level.
int compression_level_;
/// Create a decompressor.
/// Input:
/// mem_pool: the memory pool used to store the decompressed data.
/// reuse: if true the allocated buffer can be reused.
/// format: the type of decompressor to create.
/// Output:
/// decompressor: scoped pointer to the decompressor class to use.
/// If mem_pool is nullptr, then the resulting codec will never allocate memory and
/// the caller must be responsible for it.
static Status CreateDecompressor(MemPool* mem_pool, bool reuse,
THdfsCompression::type format,
boost::scoped_ptr<Codec>* decompressor) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Alternate factory method: takes a codec string and populates a scoped pointer.
static Status CreateDecompressor(MemPool* mem_pool, bool reuse,
const std::string& codec,
boost::scoped_ptr<Codec>* decompressor) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Create a compressor.
/// Input:
/// mem_pool: the memory pool used to store the compressed data.
/// reuse: if true the allocated buffer can be reused.
/// format: The type of compressor to create.
/// Output:
/// compressor: scoped pointer to the compressor class to use.
static Status CreateCompressor(MemPool* mem_pool, bool reuse,
const CodecInfo& codec_info,
boost::scoped_ptr<Codec>* compressor) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Alternate factory method: takes a codec string and populates a scoped pointer.
static Status CreateCompressor(MemPool* mem_pool, bool reuse, const std::string& codec,
boost::scoped_ptr<Codec>* compressor) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Return the name of a compression algorithm.
static std::string GetCodecName(THdfsCompression::type);
/// Returns the java class name for the given compression type
static Status GetHadoopCodecClassName(
THdfsCompression::type, std::string* out_name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual ~Codec();
/// Initialize the codec. This should only be called once.
virtual Status Init() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return Status::OK(); }
/// Process a block of data, either compressing or decompressing it.
/// If output_preallocated is true, *output_length must be the length of *output and data
/// will be written directly to *output (*output must be big enough to contain the
/// transformed output). If output_preallocated is false, *output will be allocated from
/// the codec's mempool. In this case, a mempool must have been passed into the c'tor.
/// If the transformation succeeds, *output_length will be set to the actual length of
/// the transformed output. Otherwise it will be set to 0.
/// Inputs:
/// input_length: length of the data to process
/// input: data to process
virtual Status ProcessBlock(bool output_preallocated, int64_t input_length,
const uint8_t* input, int64_t* output_length,
uint8_t** output) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
/// Wrapper to the actual ProcessBlock() function. This wrapper uses lengths as ints and
/// not int64_ts. We need to keep this interface because the Parquet thrift uses ints.
/// See IMPALA-1116.
Status ProcessBlock32(bool output_preallocated, int input_length, const uint8_t* input,
int* output_length, uint8_t** output) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Process data like ProcessBlock(), but can consume partial input and may only produce
/// partial output. *input_bytes_read returns the number of bytes of input that have
/// been consumed. Even if all input has been consumed, the caller must continue calling
/// to fetch output until *output_length==0.
/// On the same codec object, we should call either ProcessBlock() or
/// ProcessBlockStreaming() but not both. Use ProcessBlockStreaming() when decompressing
/// file. Use ProcessBlock() when decompressing blocks.
/// Inputs:
/// input_length: length, in bytes of the data to decompress
/// input: data to decompress
/// Outputs:
/// input_bytes_read: number of bytes of 'input' that were decompressed
/// output_length: length of decompresed data
/// output: decompressed data
/// stream_end: end of output buffer corresponds to the end of a compressed stream.
virtual Status ProcessBlockStreaming(int64_t input_length, const uint8_t* input,
int64_t* input_bytes_read, int64_t* output_length, uint8_t** output,
bool* stream_end) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return Status("Not implemented.");
/// Returns the maximum result length from applying the codec to input.
/// Note this is not the exact result length, simply a bound to allow preallocating
/// a buffer.
/// This must be an O(1) operation (i.e. cannot read all of input). Codecs that
/// don't support this should return -1.
/// Return value 0 means error, the input size is too large.
virtual int64_t MaxOutputLen(int64_t input_len, const uint8_t* input = nullptr) = 0;
/// Must be called on codec before destructor for final cleanup.
virtual void Close();
/// File extension to use for this compression codec.
virtual std::string file_extension() const = 0;
bool reuse_output_buffer() const { return reuse_buffer_; }
bool supports_streaming() const { return supports_streaming_; }
/// Create a compression operator
/// Inputs:
/// mem_pool: memory pool to allocate the output buffer. If mem_pool is nullptr then
/// the caller must always preallocate *output in ProcessBlock().
/// reuse_buffer: if false always allocate a new buffer rather than reuse.
Codec(MemPool* mem_pool, bool reuse_buffer, bool supports_streaming = false);
/// Pool to allocate the buffer to hold transformed data.
MemPool* memory_pool_ = nullptr;
/// Temporary memory pool: in case we get the output size too small we can use this to
/// free unused buffers.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> temp_memory_pool_;
/// Can we reuse the output buffer or do we need to allocate on each call?
bool reuse_buffer_;
/// Buffer to hold transformed data.
/// Either passed from the caller or allocated from memory_pool_.
uint8_t* out_buffer_ = nullptr;
/// Length of the output buffer.
int64_t buffer_length_ = 0;
/// Can decompressor support streaming mode.
/// This is set to true for codecs that implement ProcessBlockStreaming().
bool supports_streaming_;