blob: d0755ca592c165072754276a8b183fe882f1ef62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "util/bit-packing.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
namespace impala {
/// Utility class to write bit/byte streams. This class can write data to either be
/// bit packed or byte aligned (and a single stream that has a mix of both).
/// This class does not allocate memory.
class BitWriter {
/// buffer: buffer to write bits to. Buffer should be preallocated with
/// 'buffer_len' bytes.
BitWriter(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len) :
max_bytes_(buffer_len) {
void Clear() {
buffered_values_ = 0;
byte_offset_ = 0;
bit_offset_ = 0;
/// The number of current bytes written, including the current byte (i.e. may include a
/// fraction of a byte). Includes buffered values.
int bytes_written() const { return byte_offset_ + BitUtil::Ceil(bit_offset_, 8); }
uint8_t* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
int buffer_len() const { return max_bytes_; }
/// Writes a value to buffered_values_, flushing to buffer_ if necessary. This is bit
/// packed. Returns false if there was not enough space. num_bits must be <= 64.
bool PutValue(uint64_t v, int num_bits);
/// Writes v to the next aligned byte using num_bytes. If T is larger than num_bytes, the
/// extra high-order bytes will be ignored. Returns false if there was not enough space.
template<typename T>
bool PutAligned(T v, int num_bytes);
/// Write an unsigned ULEB-128 encoded int to the buffer. Return false if there was not
/// enough room. The value is written byte aligned. For more details on ULEB-128:
/// UINT_T must be an unsigned integer type.
template<typename UINT_T>
bool PutUleb128(UINT_T v);
/// Write a ZigZag encoded int to the buffer. Return false if there was not enough
/// room. The value is written byte aligned. For more details on ZigZag encoding:
/// INT_T must be a signed integer type.
template<typename INT_T>
bool PutZigZagInteger(INT_T v);
/// Get a pointer to the next aligned byte and advance the underlying buffer
/// by num_bytes.
/// Returns NULL if there was not enough space.
uint8_t* GetNextBytePtr(int num_bytes = 1);
/// Flushes all buffered values to the buffer. Call this when done writing to the buffer.
/// If 'align' is true, buffered_values_ is reset and any future writes will be written
/// to the next byte boundary.
void Flush(bool align=false);
/// Maximum supported bitwidth for writer.
static const int MAX_BITWIDTH = 64;
uint8_t* buffer_;
int max_bytes_;
/// Bit-packed values are initially written to this variable before being memcpy'd to
/// buffer_. This is faster than writing values byte by byte directly to buffer_.
uint64_t buffered_values_;
int byte_offset_; // Offset in buffer_
int bit_offset_; // Offset in buffered_values_
/// Utility class to read bit/byte stream. This class can read bits or bytes that are
/// either byte aligned or not. It also has utilities to read multiple bytes in one
/// read (e.g. encoded int). Exposes a batch-oriented interface to allow efficient
/// processing of multiple values at a time.
class BatchedBitReader {
/// 'buffer' is the buffer to read from. The buffer's length is 'buffer_len'.
/// Does not take ownership of the buffer.
BatchedBitReader(const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len) {
Reset(buffer, buffer_len);
BatchedBitReader() {}
// The implicit copy constructor is left defined. If a BatchedBitReader is copied, the
// two copies do not share any state. Invoking functions on either copy continues
// reading from the current read position without modifying the state of the other
// copy.
/// Resets the read to start reading from the start of 'buffer'. The buffer's
/// length is 'buffer_len'. Does not take ownership of the buffer.
void Reset(const uint8_t* buffer, int64_t buffer_len) {
DCHECK(buffer != nullptr);
DCHECK_GE(buffer_len, 0);
buffer_pos_ = buffer;
buffer_end_ = buffer + buffer_len;
/// Gets up to 'num_values' bit-packed values, starting from the current byte in the
/// buffer and advance the read position. 'bit_width' must be <= 64.
/// If 'bit_width' * 'num_values' is not a multiple of 8, the trailing bytes are
/// skipped and the next UnpackBatch() call will start reading from the next byte.
/// If the caller does not want to drop trailing bits, 'num_values' must be exactly the
/// total number of values the caller wants to read from a run of bit-packed values, or
/// 'bit_width' * 'num_values' must be a multiple of 8. This condition is always
/// satisfied if 'num_values' is a multiple of 32.
/// The output type 'T' must be an unsigned integer.
/// Returns the number of values read.
template<typename T>
int UnpackBatch(int bit_width, int num_values, T* v);
/// Skip 'num_values_to_skip' bit-packed values.
/// 'num_values_to_skip * bit_width' is either divisible by 8, or
/// 'num_values_to_skip' equals to the count of the remaining bit-packed values.
bool SkipBatch(int bit_width, int num_values_to_skip);
/// Unpack bit-packed values in the same way as UnpackBatch() and decode them using the
/// dictionary 'dict' with 'dict_len' entries. Return -1 if a decoding error is
/// encountered, i.e. if the bit-packed values are not valid indices in 'dict'.
/// Otherwise returns the number of values decoded. The values are written to 'v' with
/// a stride of 'stride' bytes.
template <typename T>
int UnpackAndDecodeBatch(
int bit_width, T* dict, int64_t dict_len, int num_values, T* v, int64_t stride);
/// Reads an unpacked 'num_bytes'-sized value from the buffer and stores it in 'v'. T
/// needs to be a little-endian native type and big enough to store 'num_bytes'.
/// Returns false if there are not enough bytes left.
template<typename T>
bool GetBytes(int num_bytes, T* v);
/// Read an unsigned ULEB-128 encoded int from the stream. The encoded int must start
/// at the beginning of a byte. Return false if there were not enough bytes in the
/// buffer or the int is invalid. For more details on ULEB-128:
/// UINT_T must be an unsigned integer type.
template<typename UINT_T>
bool GetUleb128(UINT_T* v);
/// Read a ZigZag encoded int from the stream. The encoded int must start at the
/// beginning of a byte. Return false if there were not enough bytes in the buffer or
/// the int is invalid. For more details on ZigZag encoding:
/// INT_T must be a signed integer type.
template<typename INT_T>
bool GetZigZagInteger(INT_T* v);
/// Returns the number of bytes left in the stream.
int bytes_left() { return buffer_end_ - buffer_pos_; }
/// Maximum byte length of a vlq encoded integer of type T.
template <typename T>
static constexpr int max_vlq_byte_len() {
return BitUtil::Ceil(sizeof(T) * 8, 7);
/// Maximum supported bitwidth for reader.
static const int MAX_BITWIDTH = BitPacking::MAX_BITWIDTH;
/// Current read position in the buffer.
const uint8_t* buffer_pos_ = nullptr;
/// Pointer to the byte after the end of the buffer.
const uint8_t* buffer_end_ = nullptr;