blob: 33a3f84bba331aa69e3178a9dd691bfdaec8f05e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "service/control-service.h"
#include "common/constant-strings.h"
#include "common/thread-debug-info.h"
#include "exec/kudu-util.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_context.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "rpc/rpc-mgr.h"
#include "rpc/rpc-mgr.inline.h"
#include "runtime/coordinator.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/query-exec-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/query-driver.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "service/client-request-state.h"
#include "service/impala-server.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/memory-metrics.h"
#include "util/parse-util.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/RuntimeProfile_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/control_service.pb.h"
#include "gen-cpp/control_service.proxy.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using kudu::rpc::RpcContext;
static const string QUEUE_LIMIT_MSG = "(Advanced) Limit on RPC payloads consumption for "
"ControlService. " + Substitute(MEM_UNITS_HELP_MSG, "the process memory limit");
DEFINE_string(control_service_queue_mem_limit, "50MB", QUEUE_LIMIT_MSG.c_str());
DEFINE_int32(control_service_num_svc_threads, 0, "Number of threads for processing "
"control service's RPCs. if left at default value 0, it will be set to number of "
"CPU cores. Set it to a positive value to change from the default.");
namespace impala {
ControlService::ControlService(MetricGroup* metric_group)
: ControlServiceIf(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->rpc_mgr()->metric_entity(),
ExecEnv::GetInstance()->rpc_mgr()->result_tracker()) {
MemTracker* process_mem_tracker = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->process_mem_tracker();
bool is_percent; // not used
int64_t bytes_limit = ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_control_service_queue_mem_limit,
&is_percent, process_mem_tracker->limit());
if (bytes_limit <= 0) {
CLEAN_EXIT_WITH_ERROR(Substitute("Invalid mem limit for control service queue: "
"'$0'.", FLAGS_control_service_queue_mem_limit));
mem_tracker_.reset(new MemTracker(
bytes_limit, "Control Service Queue", process_mem_tracker));
MemTrackerMetric::CreateMetrics(metric_group, mem_tracker_.get(), "ControlService");
Status ControlService::Init() {
int num_svc_threads = FLAGS_control_service_num_svc_threads > 0 ?
FLAGS_control_service_num_svc_threads : CpuInfo::num_cores();
// The maximum queue length is set to maximum 32-bit value. Its actual capacity is
// bound by memory consumption against 'mem_tracker_'.
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), this, mem_tracker_.get()));
return Status::OK();
Status ControlService::GetProxy(const TNetworkAddress& address, const string& hostname,
unique_ptr<ControlServiceProxy>* proxy) {
// Create a ControlService proxy to the destination.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->rpc_mgr()->GetProxy(address, hostname, proxy));
// Use a network plane different from DataStreamService's to avoid being blocked by
// large payloads in DataStreamService.
return Status::OK();
bool ControlService::Authorize(const google::protobuf::Message* req,
google::protobuf::Message* resp, RpcContext* context) {
return ExecEnv::GetInstance()->rpc_mgr()->Authorize("ControlService", context,
Status ControlService::GetProfile(const ReportExecStatusRequestPB& request,
const ClientRequestState& request_state, RpcContext* rpc_context,
TRuntimeProfileForest* thrift_profiles) {
// Debug action to simulate deserialization failure.
kudu::Slice thrift_profiles_slice;
request.thrift_profiles_sidecar_idx(), &thrift_profiles_slice),
"Failed to get thrift profile sidecar");
uint32_t len = thrift_profiles_slice.size();
&len, true, thrift_profiles));
return Status::OK();
// Retrieves the sidecar at 'sidecar_idx' from 'rpc_context' and deserializes it into
// 'thrift_obj'.
template <typename T>
static Status GetSidecar(int sidecar_idx, RpcContext* rpc_context, T* thrift_obj) {
kudu::Slice sidecar_slice;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(rpc_context->GetInboundSidecar(sidecar_idx, &sidecar_slice),
"Failed to get sidecar");
uint32_t len = sidecar_slice.size();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DeserializeThriftMsg(, &len, true, thrift_obj));
return Status::OK();
void ControlService::ExecQueryFInstances(const ExecQueryFInstancesRequestPB* request,
ExecQueryFInstancesResponsePB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
DebugActionNoFail(FLAGS_debug_actions, "EXEC_QUERY_FINSTANCES_DELAY");
// Deserialize the sidecars. The QueryState will make a copy of the TQueryCtx and
// TExecPlanFragmentInfo, so we can deallocate the deserialized values after
// StartQuery(). TODO: can we avoid this extra copy?
TExecPlanFragmentInfo fragment_info;
const Status& fragment_info_sidecar_status =
GetSidecar(request->plan_fragment_info_sidecar_idx(), rpc_context, &fragment_info);
if (!fragment_info_sidecar_status.ok()) {
RespondAndReleaseRpc(fragment_info_sidecar_status, response, rpc_context);
TQueryCtx query_ctx;
const Status& query_ctx_sidecar_status =
GetSidecar(request->query_ctx_sidecar_idx(), rpc_context, &query_ctx);
if (!query_ctx_sidecar_status.ok()) {
RespondAndReleaseRpc(query_ctx_sidecar_status, response, rpc_context);
ScopedThreadContext scoped_tdi(GetThreadDebugInfo(), query_ctx.query_id);
VLOG_QUERY << "ExecQueryFInstances():"
<< " query_id=" << PrintId(query_ctx.query_id)
<< " coord=" << TNetworkAddressToString(query_ctx.coord_address)
<< " #instances=" << fragment_info.fragment_instance_ctxs.size();
Status resp_status = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->query_exec_mgr()->StartQuery(
request, query_ctx, fragment_info);
if (!resp_status.ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "ExecQueryFInstances() failed: query_id=" << PrintId(query_ctx.query_id)
<< ": " << resp_status.GetDetail();
RespondAndReleaseRpc(resp_status, response, rpc_context);
void ControlService::ReportExecStatus(const ReportExecStatusRequestPB* request,
ReportExecStatusResponsePB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
const TUniqueId query_id = ProtoToQueryId(request->query_id());
QueryHandle query_handle;
Status status =
ExecEnv::GetInstance()->impala_server()->GetQueryHandle(query_id, &query_handle);
// This failpoint is to allow jitter to be injected.
DebugActionNoFail(FLAGS_debug_actions, "REPORT_EXEC_STATUS_DELAY");
if (!status.ok()) {
// This is expected occasionally (since a report RPC might be in flight while
// cancellation is happening). Return an error to the caller to get it to stop.
const string& err = Substitute("ReportExecStatus(): Received report for unknown "
"query ID (probably closed or cancelled): $0 "
"remote host=$1",
PrintId(query_id), rpc_context->remote_address().ToString());
VLOG(1) << err;
RespondAndReleaseRpc(Status::Expected(err), response, rpc_context);
// The runtime profile is sent as a Thrift serialized buffer via sidecar. Get the
// sidecar and deserialize the thrift profile if there is any. The sender may have
// failed to serialize the Thrift profile so an empty thrift profile is valid.
// TODO: Fix IMPALA-7232 to indicate incomplete profile in this case.
TRuntimeProfileForest thrift_profiles;
if (LIKELY(request->has_thrift_profiles_sidecar_idx())) {
const Status& profile_status =
GetProfile(*request, *query_handle, rpc_context, &thrift_profiles);
if (UNLIKELY(!profile_status.ok())) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("ReportExecStatus(): Failed to deserialize profile "
"for query ID $0: $1", PrintId(query_handle->query_id()),
// Do not expose a partially deserialized profile.
TRuntimeProfileForest empty_profiles;
swap(thrift_profiles, empty_profiles);
Status resp_status = query_handle->UpdateBackendExecStatus(*request, thrift_profiles);
RespondAndReleaseRpc(resp_status, response, rpc_context);
template <typename ResponsePBType>
void ControlService::RespondAndReleaseRpc(
const Status& status, ResponsePBType* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
// Release the memory against the control service's memory tracker.
void ControlService::CancelQueryFInstances(const CancelQueryFInstancesRequestPB* request,
CancelQueryFInstancesResponsePB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
const TUniqueId& query_id = ProtoToQueryId(request->query_id());
VLOG_QUERY << "CancelQueryFInstances(): query_id=" << PrintId(query_id);
// This failpoint is to allow jitter to be injected.
DebugActionNoFail(FLAGS_debug_actions, "CANCEL_QUERY_FINSTANCES_DELAY");
QueryState::ScopedRef qs(query_id);
if (qs.get() == nullptr) {
Status status(ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR,
Substitute("Unknown query id: $0", PrintId(query_id))));
RespondAndReleaseRpc(status, response, rpc_context);
RespondAndReleaseRpc(Status::OK(), response, rpc_context);
void ControlService::RemoteShutdown(const RemoteShutdownParamsPB* req,
RemoteShutdownResultPB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
// This failpoint is to allow jitter to be injected.
DebugActionNoFail(FLAGS_debug_actions, "REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_DELAY");
Status status = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->impala_server()->StartShutdown(
req->has_deadline_s() ? req->deadline_s() : -1,
RespondAndReleaseRpc(status, response, rpc_context);