blob: a011d946e494ab43b0d0b3fbfee2b440c4d97f59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/admission_control_service.pb.h"
#include "gen-cpp/statestore_service.pb.h"
#include "scheduling/executor-group.h"
#include "util/container-util.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
struct FragmentScheduleState;
struct FInstanceScheduleState;
/// map from scan node id to a list of scan ranges
typedef std::map<TPlanNodeId, std::vector<ScanRangeParamsPB>> PerNodeScanRanges;
/// map from an impalad host address to the per-node assigned scan ranges;
/// records scan range assignment for a single fragment
typedef std::unordered_map<NetworkAddressPB, PerNodeScanRanges>
/// Execution parameters for a single backend. This gets created for every backend that
/// participates in query execution, which includes every backend that has fragments
/// scheduled on it and the coordinator backend.
/// Created by ScheduleState::GetOrCreateBackendScheduleState() and initialized in
/// Scheduler::ComputeBackendExecParams(). Used as an input to the
/// AdmissionController and Coordinator::BackendState.
struct BackendScheduleState {
BackendDescriptorPB be_desc;
/// Pointer to the corresponding protobuf struct containing any parameters for this
/// backend that will need to be sent back to the coordinator. Owned by
/// ScheduleState::query_schedule_pb_.
BackendExecParamsPB* exec_params;
explicit BackendScheduleState(BackendExecParamsPB* exec_params)
: exec_params(exec_params) {}
/// Map from an impalad backend address to the state for that backend.
typedef std::unordered_map<NetworkAddressPB, BackendScheduleState>
/// Execution parameters for a single fragment instance. Contains both intermediate
/// info needed by the scheduler and info that will be sent back to the coordinator.
/// FInstanceScheduleStates are created as children of FragmentScheduleStates (in
/// 'instance_states') and then the calculated execution parameters, 'exec_params', are
/// transferred to the corresponding BackendExecParamsPB in
/// Scheduler::ComputeBackendExecParams().
struct FInstanceScheduleState {
/// Thrift address of execution backend.
NetworkAddressPB host;
/// Krpc address of execution backend.
NetworkAddressPB krpc_host;
/// Contains any info that needs to be sent back to the coordinator. Computed during
/// Scheduler::ComputeFragmentExecParams() then transferred to the corresponding
/// BackendExecParamsPB in Scheduler::ComputeBackendExecParams(), after which it
/// is no longer valid to access.
FInstanceExecParamsPB exec_params;
FInstanceScheduleState(const UniqueIdPB& instance_id, const NetworkAddressPB& host,
const NetworkAddressPB& krpc_host, int per_fragment_instance_idx,
const FragmentScheduleState& fragment_state);
/// Adds the ranges in 'scan_ranges' to the scan at 'scan_idx' in 'exec_params'.
void AddScanRanges(int scan_idx, const std::vector<ScanRangeParamsPB>& scan_ranges);
/// Execution parameters shared between fragment instances. This struct is a container for
/// any intermediate data needed for scheduling that will not be sent back to the
/// coordinator as part of the QuerySchedulePB along with a pointer to the corresponding
/// FragmentExecParamsPB in the QuerySchedulePB.
struct FragmentScheduleState {
/// Only needed as intermediate state during exec parameter computation.
/// For scheduling, refer to FInstanceExecParamsPB.per_node_scan_ranges
FragmentScanRangeAssignment scan_range_assignment;
bool is_coord_fragment;
const TPlanFragment& fragment;
/// Fragments that are inputs to an ExchangeNode of this fragment.
std::vector<FragmentIdx> exchange_input_fragments;
/// Instances of this fragment. Instances on a backend are clustered together - i.e. all
/// instances for a given backend will be consecutive entries in the vector. These have
/// their protobuf params Swap()-ed to the BackendExecParamsPB during
/// Scheduler::ComputeBackendExecParams() and are no longer valid after that.
std::vector<FInstanceScheduleState> instance_states;
/// Pointer to the corresponding FragmentExecParamsPB in the parent ScheduleState's
/// 'query_schedule_pb_'
FragmentExecParamsPB* exec_params;
FragmentScheduleState(const TPlanFragment& fragment, FragmentExecParamsPB* exec_params);
/// ScheduleState is a container class for scheduling data used by Scheduler and
/// AdmissionController, which perform the scheduling logic itself, and it is only
/// intended to be accessed by them. The information needed for the coordinator to begin
/// execution is stored in 'query_schedule_pb_', which is returned from the
/// AdmissionController on successful admission. Everything else is intermediate data
/// needed to calculate the schedule but is discarded after a scheduling decision is made.
/// The general usage pattern is:
/// - FragmentScheduleStates are created for each fragment in the plan. They are given
/// pointers to corresponding FragmentExecParamsPBs created in the QuerySchedulePB.
/// - FInstanceScheduleStates are created as children of the FragmentScheduleStates for
/// each finstance and assigned to hosts. The FInstanceScheduleStates each have a
/// corresponding FInstanceExecParamsPB that they initially own.
/// - The scheduler computes the BackendScheduleState for each backend that was assigned a
/// fragment instance (and the coordinator backend). They are given pointers to
/// corresponding BackendExecParamsPBs created in the QuerySchedulePB and the
/// FInstanceExecParamsPB are Swap()-ed into them.
/// - The ScheduleState is passed to the admission controller, which keeps updating the
/// memory requirements by calling UpdateMemoryRequirements() every time it tries to
/// admit the query and sets the final values once the query gets admitted successfully.
/// - On successful admission, the QuerySchedulePB is returned to the coordinator and
/// everything else is discarded.
class ScheduleState {
ScheduleState(const UniqueIdPB& query_id, const TQueryExecRequest& request,
const TQueryOptions& query_options, RuntimeProfile* summary_profile,
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* query_events);
/// For testing only: build a ScheduleState object but do not run Init().
ScheduleState(const UniqueIdPB& query_id, const TQueryExecRequest& request,
const TQueryOptions& query_options, RuntimeProfile* summary_profile);
/// Verifies that the schedule is well-formed (and DCHECKs if it isn't):
/// - all fragments have a FragmentScheduleState
/// - all scan ranges are assigned
/// - all BackendScheduleStates have instances assigned except for coordinator.
/// Expected to be called after the BackendScheduleStates have been computed, i.e. the
/// FInstanceExecParamsPB will have already been swapped.
void Validate() const;
const UniqueIdPB& query_id() const { return query_id_; }
const TQueryExecRequest& request() const { return request_; }
const TQueryOptions& query_options() const { return query_options_; }
std::unique_ptr<QuerySchedulePB>& query_schedule_pb() { return query_schedule_pb_; }
/// Valid after Schedule() succeeds.
const std::string& request_pool() const { return request().query_ctx.request_pool; }
/// Returns the estimated memory (bytes) per-node from planning.
int64_t GetPerExecutorMemoryEstimate() const;
/// Returns the estimated memory (bytes) for the coordinator backend returned by the
/// planner. This estimate is only meaningful if this schedule was generated on a
/// dedicated coordinator.
int64_t GetDedicatedCoordMemoryEstimate() const;
/// Helper methods used by scheduler to populate this ScheduleState.
void IncNumScanRanges(int64_t delta);
/// Map node ids to the id of their containing fragment.
FragmentIdx GetFragmentIdx(PlanNodeId id) const {
return plan_node_to_fragment_idx_[id];
/// Returns next instance id. Instance ids are consecutive numbers generated from
/// the query id.
/// If the query contains a coordinator fragment instance, the generated instance
/// ids start at 1 and the caller is responsible for assigning the correct id
/// to the coordinator instance. If the query does not contain a coordinator instance,
/// the generated instance ids start at 0.
UniqueIdPB GetNextInstanceId();
const TPlanFragment& GetContainingFragment(PlanNodeId node_id) const {
FragmentIdx fragment_idx = GetFragmentIdx(node_id);
DCHECK_LT(fragment_idx, fragment_schedule_states_.size());
return fragment_schedule_states_[fragment_idx].fragment;
const TPlanNode& GetNode(PlanNodeId id) const {
const TPlanFragment& fragment = GetContainingFragment(id);
return fragment.plan.nodes[plan_node_to_plan_node_idx_[id]];
const PerBackendScheduleStates& per_backend_schedule_states() const {
return per_backend_schedule_states_;
PerBackendScheduleStates& per_backend_schedule_states() {
return per_backend_schedule_states_;
/// Returns a reference to the BackendScheduleState corresponding to 'address', creating
/// it if it doesn't already exist.
BackendScheduleState& GetOrCreateBackendScheduleState(const NetworkAddressPB& address);
/// Removes any BackendScheduleStates that have been created. Only used in testing.
void ClearBackendScheduleStates() {
std::vector<FragmentScheduleState>& fragment_schedule_states() {
return fragment_schedule_states_;
const FragmentScheduleState& GetFragmentScheduleState(FragmentIdx idx) const {
return fragment_schedule_states_[idx];
FragmentScheduleState* GetFragmentScheduleState(FragmentIdx idx) {
return &fragment_schedule_states_[idx];
RuntimeProfile* summary_profile() { return summary_profile_; }
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* query_events() { return query_events_; }
int64_t largest_min_reservation() const { return largest_min_reservation_; }
int64_t coord_min_reservation() const { return coord_min_reservation_; }
/// Must call UpdateMemoryRequirements() at least once before calling this.
int64_t per_backend_mem_limit() const {
return query_schedule_pb_->per_backend_mem_limit();
/// Must call UpdateMemoryRequirements() at least once before calling this.
int64_t per_backend_mem_to_admit() const {
DCHECK_GE(query_schedule_pb_->per_backend_mem_to_admit(), 0);
return query_schedule_pb_->per_backend_mem_to_admit();
/// Must call UpdateMemoryRequirements() at least once before calling this.
int64_t coord_backend_mem_limit() const {
return query_schedule_pb_->coord_backend_mem_limit();
/// Must call UpdateMemoryRequirements() at least once before calling this.
int64_t coord_backend_mem_to_admit() const {
DCHECK_GT(query_schedule_pb_->coord_backend_mem_to_admit(), 0);
return query_schedule_pb_->coord_backend_mem_to_admit();
void set_largest_min_reservation(const int64_t largest_min_reservation) {
largest_min_reservation_ = largest_min_reservation;
void set_coord_min_reservation(const int64_t coord_min_reservation) {
coord_min_reservation_ = coord_min_reservation;
/// Returns the Cluster wide memory admitted by the admission controller.
/// Must call UpdateMemoryRequirements() at least once before calling this.
int64_t GetClusterMemoryToAdmit() const;
/// Returns true if coordinator estimates calculated by the planner and specialized for
/// dedicated a coordinator are to be used for estimating memory requirements.
/// This happens when the following conditions are true:
/// 1. Coordinator fragment is scheduled on a dedicated coordinator
/// 2. Either only the coordinator fragment or no fragments are scheduled on the
/// coordinator backend. This essentially means that no executor fragments are scheduled
/// on the coordinator backend.
bool UseDedicatedCoordEstimates() const;
/// Populates or updates the per host query memory limit and the amount of memory to be
/// admitted based on the pool configuration passed to it. Must be called at least once
/// before making any calls to per_backend_mem_to_admit(), per_backend_mem_limit() and
/// GetClusterMemoryToAdmit().
void UpdateMemoryRequirements(const TPoolConfig& pool_cfg);
const std::string& executor_group() const { return executor_group_; }
void set_executor_group(string executor_group);
std::mt19937* rng() { return &rng_; }
/// These references are valid for the lifetime of this query schedule because they
/// are all owned by the enclosing QueryExecState.
const UniqueIdPB& query_id_;
const TQueryExecRequest& request_;
/// The query options from the TClientRequest
const TQueryOptions& query_options_;
/// Contains the results of scheduling that will be sent back to the coordinator.
/// Ownership is transferred to the coordinator after scheduling has completed.
std::unique_ptr<QuerySchedulePB> query_schedule_pb_;
/// TODO: move these into QueryState
RuntimeProfile* summary_profile_;
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* query_events_;
/// Maps from plan node id to its fragment idx. Filled in c'tor.
std::vector<int32_t> plan_node_to_fragment_idx_;
/// Maps from plan node id to its index in plan.nodes. Filled in c'tor.
std::vector<int32_t> plan_node_to_plan_node_idx_;
/// Populated in Init(), then calculated in Scheduler::ComputeFragmentExecParams().
/// Indexed by fragment idx (TPlanFragment.idx).
std::vector<FragmentScheduleState> fragment_schedule_states_;
/// Map from backend address to corresponding BackendScheduleState. Created in
/// GetOrCreateBackendScheduleState().
PerBackendScheduleStates per_backend_schedule_states_;
/// Used to generate consecutive fragment instance ids.
UniqueIdPB next_instance_id_;
/// The largest min memory reservation across all executors. Set in
/// Scheduler::Schedule().
int64_t largest_min_reservation_ = 0;
/// The coordinator's backend memory reservation. Set in Scheduler::Schedule().
int64_t coord_min_reservation_ = 0;
/// The name of the executor group that this schedule was computed for. Set by the
/// Scheduler and only valid after scheduling completes successfully.
std::string executor_group_;
/// Random number generated used for any randomized decisions during scheduling.
std::mt19937 rng_;
/// Map from fragment idx to references into the 'request_'.
std::unordered_map<int32_t, const TPlanFragment&> fragments_;
/// Populate fragments_ and fragment_schedule_states_ from request_.plan_exec_info.
/// Sets is_coord_fragment and exchange_input_fragments.
/// Also populates plan_node_to_fragment_idx_ and plan_node_to_plan_node_idx_.
void Init();
/// Returns true if a coordinator fragment is required based on the query stmt type.
bool RequiresCoordinatorFragment() const {
return request_.stmt_type == TStmtType::QUERY;
} // namespace impala