blob: 6c8adabc0d5d666aefd8bee21e6ca6af28472b39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include "exprs/timestamp-functions.h"
#include "exprs/timezone_db.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-parse-util.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.inline.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::date_time::not_a_date_time;
using boost::gregorian::date;
using boost::gregorian::date_duration;
using boost::posix_time::from_time_t;
using boost::posix_time::nanoseconds;
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
using boost::posix_time::ptime_from_tm;
using boost::posix_time::time_duration;
using boost::posix_time::to_tm;
// Boost stores dates as an uint32_t. Since subtraction is needed, convert to signed.
const int64_t EPOCH_DAY_NUMBER =
static_cast<int64_t>(date(1970, boost::gregorian::Jan, 1).day_number());
namespace impala {
using datetime_parse_util::DateTimeFormatContext;
const char* TimestampValue::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::TimestampValue";
const double TimestampValue::ONE_BILLIONTH = 0.000000001;
TimestampValue TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(const char* str, int len) {
TimestampValue tv;
discard_result(TimestampParser::ParseSimpleDateFormat(str, len, &tv.date_, &tv.time_));
return tv;
TimestampValue TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(const string& str) {
return ParseSimpleDateFormat(str.c_str(), str.size());
TimestampValue TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(const char* str, int len,
const DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx) {
TimestampValue tv;
discard_result(TimestampParser::ParseSimpleDateFormat(str, len, dt_ctx, &tv.date_,
return tv;
TimestampValue TimestampValue::ParseIsoSqlFormat(const char* str, int len,
const datetime_parse_util::DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx) {
TimestampValue tv;
discard_result(TimestampParser::ParseIsoSqlFormat(str, len, dt_ctx, &tv.date_,
return tv;
string TimestampValue::Format(const DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx) const {
return TimestampParser::Format(dt_ctx, date_, time_);
namespace {
inline cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds> UnixTimeToTimePoint(time_t t) {
static const cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds> epoch =
return epoch + cctz::sys_seconds(t);
inline time_t TimePointToUnixTime(const cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds>& tp) {
static const cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds> epoch =
return (tp - epoch).count();
// Returns 'true' iff 'cs' is out of valid range (years 1400..9999 are considered valid).
inline bool IsDateOutOfRange(const cctz::civil_second& cs) {
// Smallest valid year.
const static int MIN_YEAR =
// Largest valid year.
const static int MAX_YEAR =
return cs.year() < MIN_YEAR || cs.year() > MAX_YEAR;
TimestampValue CivilSecondsToTimestampValue(const cctz::civil_second& cs, int64_t nanos) {
// boost::gregorian::date() throws boost::gregorian::bad_year if year is not in the
// 1400..9999 range. Need to check validity before creating the date object.
if (UNLIKELY(IsDateOutOfRange(cs))) {
return TimestampValue();
} else {
return TimestampValue(
date(cs.year(), cs.month(),,
time_duration(cs.hour(), cs.minute(), cs.second(), nanos));
void TimestampValue::UtcToLocal(const Timezone& local_tz,
TimestampValue* start_of_repeated_period, TimestampValue* end_of_repeated_period) {
time_t unix_time;
if (UNLIKELY(!UtcToUnixTime(&unix_time))) {
cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds> from_tp = UnixTimeToTimePoint(unix_time);
cctz::civil_second to_cs = cctz::convert(from_tp, local_tz);
*this = CivilSecondsToTimestampValue(to_cs, time_.fractional_seconds());
if (start_of_repeated_period == nullptr && end_of_repeated_period == nullptr) return;
// Do the reverse conversion if repeated period boundaries are needed.
const cctz::time_zone::civil_lookup from_cl = local_tz.lookup(to_cs);
if (UNLIKELY(from_cl.kind == cctz::time_zone::civil_lookup::REPEATED)) {
if (start_of_repeated_period != nullptr) {
// Start of the period is simply the transition time converted to local time.
to_cs = cctz::convert(from_cl.trans, local_tz);
*start_of_repeated_period = CivilSecondsToTimestampValue(to_cs, 0);
if (end_of_repeated_period != nullptr) {
// End of the period is last nanosecond before transition time converted to
// local time.
to_cs = cctz::convert(from_cl.trans - std::chrono::seconds(1), local_tz);
*end_of_repeated_period =
CivilSecondsToTimestampValue(to_cs, NANOS_PER_SEC - 1);
void TimestampValue::LocalToUtc(const Timezone& local_tz) {
const cctz::civil_second from_cs(date_.year(), date_.month(),,
time_.hours(), time_.minutes(), time_.seconds());
// 'from_cl' represents the 'time_point' that corresponds to 'from_cs' civil time within
// 'local_tz' time-zone.
const cctz::time_zone::civil_lookup from_cl = local_tz.lookup(from_cs);
// In case the resulting 'time_point' is ambiguous, we have to invalidate
// TimestampValue.
// 'civil_lookup' members and the details of handling ambiguity are described at:
// include/cctz/time_zone.h#L106
if (UNLIKELY(from_cl.kind != cctz::time_zone::civil_lookup::UNIQUE)) {
} else {
int64_t nanos = time_.fractional_seconds();
*this = UtcFromUnixTimeTicks<1>(TimePointToUnixTime(from_cl.pre));
// Time-zone conversion rules don't affect fractional seconds, leave them intact.
time_ += nanoseconds(nanos);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const TimestampValue& timestamp_value) {
return os << timestamp_value.ToString();
TimestampValue TimestampValue::UnixTimeToLocal(
time_t unix_time, const Timezone& local_tz) {
cctz::time_point<cctz::sys_seconds> from_tp = UnixTimeToTimePoint(unix_time);
cctz::civil_second to_cs = cctz::convert(from_tp, local_tz);
// boost::gregorian::date() throws boost::gregorian::bad_year if year is not in the
// 1400..9999 range. Need to check validity before creating the date object.
if (UNLIKELY(IsDateOutOfRange(to_cs))) {
return ptime(not_a_date_time);
} else {
return TimestampValue(
boost::gregorian::date(to_cs.year(), to_cs.month(),,
boost::posix_time::time_duration(to_cs.hour(), to_cs.minute(), to_cs.second()));
TimestampValue TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(time_t unix_time, const Timezone* local_tz) {
if (local_tz != UTCPTR) {
return UnixTimeToLocal(unix_time, *local_tz);
} else {
return UtcFromUnixTimeTicks<1>(unix_time);
string TimestampValue::ToString() const {
stringstream ss;
if (HasDate()) {
ss << boost::gregorian::to_iso_extended_string(date_);
if (HasTime()) {
if (HasDate()) ss << " ";
ss << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(time_);
return ss.str();