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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <deque>
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "util/tuple-row-compare.h"
namespace impala {
class SortedRunMerger;
class RowBatch;
/// Sorter contains the external sort implementation. Its purpose is to sort arbitrarily
/// large input data sets with a fixed memory budget by spilling data to disk if
/// necessary.
/// The client API for Sorter is as follows:
/// AddBatch() is used to add input rows to be sorted. Multiple tuples in an input row are
/// materialized into a row with a single tuple (the sort tuple) using the materialization
/// exprs in sort_tuple_exprs_. The sort tuples are sorted according to the sort
/// parameters and output by the sorter. AddBatch() can be called multiple times.
/// Callers that don't want to spill can use AddBatchNoSpill() instead, which only adds
/// rows up to the memory limit and then returns the number of rows that were added.
/// For this use case, 'enable_spill' should be set to false so that the sorter can reduce
/// the number of buffers requested from the block mgr since there won't be merges.
/// InputDone() is called to indicate the end of input. If multiple sorted runs were
/// created, it triggers intermediate merge steps (if necessary) and creates the final
/// merger that returns results via GetNext().
/// GetNext() is used to retrieve sorted rows. It can be called multiple times.
/// AddBatch()/AddBatchNoSpill(), InputDone() and GetNext() must be called in that order.
/// Batches of input rows are collected into a sequence of pinned BufferPool pages
/// called a run. The maximum size of a run is determined by the number of pages that
/// can be pinned by the Sorter. After the run is full, it is sorted in memory, unpinned
/// and the next run is constructed. The variable-length column data (e.g. string slots)
/// in the materialized sort tuples are stored in a separate sequence of pages from the
/// tuples themselves. When the pages containing tuples in a run are unpinned, the
/// var-len slot pointers are converted to offsets from the start of the first var-len
/// data page. When a page is read back, these offsets are converted back to pointers.
/// The in-memory sorter sorts the fixed-length tuples in-place. The output rows have the
/// same schema as the materialized sort tuples.
/// After the input is consumed, the sorter is left with one or more sorted runs. If
/// there are multiple runs, the runs are merged using SortedRunMerger. At least one
/// page per run (two if there are var-length slots) must be pinned in memory during
/// a merge, so multiple merges may be necessary if the number of runs is too large.
/// First a series of intermediate merges are performed, until the number of runs is
/// small enough to do a single final merge that returns batches of sorted rows to the
/// caller of GetNext().
/// If there is a single sorted run (i.e. no merge required), only tuple rows are
/// copied into the output batch supplied by GetNext(), and the data itself is left in
/// pinned pages held by the sorter.
/// When merges are performed, one input batch is created to hold tuple rows for each
/// input run, and one batch is created to hold deep copied rows (i.e. ptrs + data) from
/// the output of the merge.
/// Note that Init() must be called right after the constructor.
/// During a merge, one row batch is created for each input run, and one batch is created
/// for the output of the merge (if is not the final merge). It is assumed that the memory
/// for these batches have already been accounted for in the memory budget for the sort.
/// That is, the memory for these batches does not come out of the buffer pool.
/// TODO: Not necessary to actually copy var-len data - instead take ownership of the
/// var-length data in the input batch. Copying can be deferred until a run is unpinned.
/// TODO: When the first run is constructed, create a sequence of pointers to materialized
/// tuples. If the input fits in memory, the pointers can be sorted instead of sorting the
/// tuples in place.
class Sorter {
/// 'sort_tuple_exprs' are the slot exprs used to materialize the tuples to be
/// sorted.
/// 'tuple_row_comparator_config' is used to create the comparator for the sort tuples.
/// 'node_label' is the label of the exec node using the sorter for error reporting.
/// 'enable_spilling' should be set to false to reduce the number of requested buffers
/// if the caller will use AddBatchNoSpill().
/// 'estimated_input_size' is the total rows in bytes that are estimated to get added
/// into this sorter. This is used to decide if sorter needs to proactively spill for
/// the first run. -1 value means estimate is unavailable.
/// The Sorter assumes that it has exclusive use of the client's
/// reservations for sorting, and may increase the size of the client's reservation.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the minimum reservation (returned from
/// ComputeMinReservation()) is available.
Sorter(const TupleRowComparatorConfig& tuple_row_comparator_config,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& sort_tuple_exprs, RowDescriptor* output_row_desc,
MemTracker* mem_tracker, BufferPool::ClientHandle* client, int64_t page_len,
RuntimeProfile* profile, RuntimeState* state, const std::string& node_label,
bool enable_spilling, int64_t estimated_input_size = -1);
/// Initial set-up of the sorter for execution.
/// The evaluators for 'sort_tuple_exprs_' will be created and stored in 'obj_pool'.
Status Prepare(ObjectPool* obj_pool) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Opens the sorter for adding rows and initializes the evaluators for materializing
/// the tuples. Must be called after Prepare() or Reset() and before calling AddBatch().
/// Adds the entire batch of input rows to the sorter. If the current unsorted run fills
/// up, it is sorted and a new unsorted run is created. Cannot be called if
/// 'enable_spill' is false.
Status AddBatch(RowBatch* batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Adds input rows to the current unsorted run, starting from 'start_index' up to the
/// memory limit. Returns the number of rows added in 'num_processed'.
Status AddBatchNoSpill(
RowBatch* batch, int start_index, int* num_processed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Called to indicate there is no more input. Triggers the creation of merger(s) if
/// necessary.
Status InputDone() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Get the next batch of sorted output rows from the sorter.
Status GetNext(RowBatch* batch, bool* eos) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Resets all internal state like ExecNode::Reset().
/// Init() must have been called, AddBatch()/GetNext()/InputDone()
/// may or may not have been called.
void Reset();
/// Close the Sorter and free resources.
void Close(RuntimeState* state);
/// Compute the minimum amount of buffer memory in bytes required to execute a
/// sort with the current sorter. Must be kept in sync with
/// SortNode.computeNodeResourceProfile() in fe.
int64_t ComputeMinReservation() const;
/// Return true if the sorter has any spilled runs.
bool HasSpilledRuns() const;
class Page;
class Run;
class TupleIterator;
class TupleSorter;
/// Minimum value for sot_run_bytes_limit query option.
static const int64_t MIN_SORT_RUN_BYTES_LIMIT = 32 << 20; // 32 MB
/// Create a SortedRunMerger from sorted runs in 'sorted_runs_' and assign it to
/// 'merger_'. 'num_runs' indicates how many runs should be covered by the current
/// merging attempt. Returns error if memory allocation fails during in
/// Run::PrepareRead(). The runs to be merged are removed from 'sorted_runs_'. The
/// Sorter sets the 'deep_copy_input' flag to true for the merger, since the pages
/// containing input run data will be deleted as input runs are read.
Status CreateMerger(int num_runs) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Repeatedly replaces multiple smaller runs in sorted_runs_ with a single larger
/// merged run until there are few enough runs to be merged with a single merger.
/// Returns when 'merger_' is set up to merge the final runs. If the number of sorted
/// runs is too large, merge sets of smaller runs into large runs until a final merge
/// can be performed. An intermediate row batch containing deep copied rows is used for
/// the output of each intermediate merge.
Status MergeIntermediateRuns() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Execute a single step of the intermediate merge, pulling rows from 'merger_'
/// and adding them to 'merged_run'.
Status ExecuteIntermediateMerge(Sorter::Run* merged_run) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Called once there no more rows to be added to 'unsorted_run_'. Sorts
/// 'unsorted_run_' and appends it to the list of sorted runs.
Status SortCurrentInputRun() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Helper that cleans up all runs in the sorter.
void CleanupAllRuns();
/// Based on the amount of unused buffers the Sorter has through the BufferPool this
/// function calculates the maximum number of runs that can be taken care of during the
/// next merge intermediate merge. Takes into account that a separate run is needed for
/// the output.
int MaxRunsInNextMerge() const;
/// Calculates the number of runs the 'merger_' should grab for merging in the current
/// round of merging. Returns at most MaxRunsInNextMerge(), so the Sorter will have
/// enough reservation to merge this number of runs.
int GetNumOfRunsForMerge() const;
/// If the number of available buffers is not enough to grab all the runs to merge in
/// one round then this functions starts allocating additional free buffers one by one
/// until it reaches the maximum limit the Sorter can have or until we have enough free
/// buffers for all the runs. This is possible if other operators have released memory
/// since the Sorter has started working on it's initial runs.
void TryToIncreaseMemAllocationForMerge();
/// Given 'estimated_input_size', compute whether we most likely going to spill or not.
void ComputeSpillEstimate(int64_t estimated_input_size);
/// Check if we should enable enforce_sort_run_bytes_limit_ flag.
void CheckSortRunBytesLimitEnforcement();
/// Get value of sort_run_bytes_limit query option. If user specifies value between
/// [1,MIN_SORT_RUN_BYTES_LIMIT], it will be silently overridden by
/// MIN_SORT_RUN_BYTES_LIMIT. Otherwise, return sort_run_bytes_limit from state_.
int64_t GetSortRunBytesLimit() const;
/// Check if it is necessary to do an intermediate run and spill the sorted run.
/// There are two cases where it is necessary to do an intermediate run.
/// 1) Number of rows added to a run is less than total number of rows in RowBatch,
/// indicating that mem_limit has been reached.
/// 2) enforce_sort_run_bytes_limit_ is true and current used memory is greater than or
/// equal to specified sort_run_bytes_limit.
bool MustSortAndSpill(const int rows_added, const int batch_num_rows);
/// Try to lower current memory reservation up to sort_run_bytes_limit.
void TryLowerMemUpToSortRunBytesLimit();
/// Label of the ExecNode that owns the sorter, used for error reporting.
const std::string node_label_;
/// Runtime state instance used to check for cancellation. Not owned.
RuntimeState* const state_;
/// MemPool for allocating data structures used by expression evaluators in the sorter.
MemPool expr_perm_pool_;
/// MemPool for allocations that hold results of expression evaluation in the sorter.
/// Cleared periodically during sorting to prevent memory accumulating.
MemPool expr_results_pool_;
/// In memory sorter and less-than comparator.
boost::scoped_ptr<TupleRowComparator> compare_less_than_;
boost::scoped_ptr<TupleSorter> in_mem_tuple_sorter_;
/// Client used to allocate pages from the buffer pool. Not owned.
BufferPool::ClientHandle* const buffer_pool_client_;
/// The length of page to use.
const int64_t page_len_;
/// True if the tuples to be sorted have var-length slots.
bool has_var_len_slots_;
/// Expressions used to materialize the sort tuple. One expr per slot in the tuple.
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& sort_tuple_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> sort_tuple_expr_evals_;
/// Mem tracker for batches created during merge. Not owned by Sorter.
MemTracker* mem_tracker_;
/// Descriptor for the sort tuple. Input rows are materialized into 1 tuple before
/// sorting. Not owned by the Sorter.
RowDescriptor* output_row_desc_;
/// True if this sorter can spill. Used to determine the number of buffers to reserve.
bool enable_spilling_;
/// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
/// The current unsorted run that is being collected. Is sorted and added to
/// sorted_runs_ after it is full (i.e. number of pages allocated == max available
/// buffers) or after the input is complete. Owned and placed in obj_pool_.
/// When it is added to sorted_runs_, it is set to NULL.
Run* unsorted_run_;
/// List of sorted runs that have been produced but not merged. unsorted_run_ is added
/// to this list after an in-memory sort. Sorted runs produced by intermediate merges
/// are also added to this list during the merge. Runs are added to the object pool.
std::deque<Run*> sorted_runs_;
/// Merger object (intermediate or final) currently used to produce sorted runs.
/// Only one merge is performed at a time. Will never be used if the input fits in
/// memory.
boost::scoped_ptr<SortedRunMerger> merger_;
/// Spilled runs that are currently processed by the merge_.
/// These runs can be deleted when we are done with the current merge.
std::deque<Run*> merging_runs_;
/// Output run for the merge. Stored in Sorter() so that it can be cleaned up
/// in Sorter::Close() in case of errors.
Run* merge_output_run_;
/// Pool of owned Run objects. Maintains Runs objects across non-freeing Reset() calls.
ObjectPool run_pool_;
/// END: Members that must be Reset()
/// Runtime profile and counters for this sorter instance.
RuntimeProfile* profile_;
/// Pool of objects (e.g. exprs) that are not freed during Reset() calls.
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
/// Number of initial runs created.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* initial_runs_counter_;
/// Number of runs that were unpinned and may have spilled to disk, including initial
/// and intermediate runs.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* spilled_runs_counter_;
/// Number of merges of sorted runs.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_merges_counter_;
/// Time spent sorting initial runs in memory.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* in_mem_sort_timer_;
/// Total size of the initial runs in bytes.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* sorted_data_size_;
/// Min, max, and avg size of runs in number of tuples.
RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* run_sizes_;
/// Flag to enforce sort_run_bytes_limit.
bool enforce_sort_run_bytes_limit_ = false;
} // namespace impala