blob: 1687043e2868e531e8d8cbe57493959b4c776f4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "gen-cpp/row_batch.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
namespace kudu {
class Slice;
} // namespace kudu
namespace impala {
template <typename K, typename V> class FixedSizeHashTable;
class MemTracker;
class RowBatchSerializeTest;
class RuntimeState;
class TRowBatch;
class Tuple;
class TupleRow;
class TupleDescriptor;
/// A KRPC outbound row batch which contains the serialized row batch header and buffers
/// for holding the tuple offsets and tuple data.
class OutboundRowBatch {
const RowBatchHeaderPB* header() const { return &header_; }
/// Returns the serialized tuple offsets' vector as a kudu::Slice.
/// The tuple offsets vector is sent as KRPC sidecar.
kudu::Slice TupleOffsetsAsSlice() const {
return kudu::Slice(
const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
tuple_offsets_.size() * sizeof(tuple_offsets_[0]));
/// Returns the serialized tuple data's buffer as a kudu::Slice.
/// The tuple data is sent as KRPC sidecar.
kudu::Slice TupleDataAsSlice() const {
return kudu::Slice(
const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
/// Returns true if the header has been intialized and ready to be sent.
/// This entails setting some fields initialized in RowBatch::Serialize().
bool IsInitialized() const {
return header_.has_num_rows() && header_.has_uncompressed_size() &&
friend class RowBatch;
/// The serialized header which contains the meta-data of the row batch such as the
/// number of rows and compression scheme used etc.
RowBatchHeaderPB header_;
/// Contains offsets into 'tuple_data_' of all tuples in a row batch. -1 refers to
/// a NULL tuple.
vector<int32_t> tuple_offsets_;
/// Contains the actual data of all the tuples. The data could be compressed.
std::string tuple_data_;
/// A RowBatch encapsulates a batch of rows, each composed of a number of tuples.
/// The maximum number of rows is fixed at the time of construction.
/// The row batch can reference various types of memory.
/// 1. TupleRow ptrs - malloc'd and owned by the RowBatch. See the comment on
/// tuple_ptrs_ for more details.
/// 2. Fixed and variable-length tuple data. This memory may be directly attached to
/// the batch: either in the batch's MemPool or in an attached buffer. Or it may
/// live elsewhere - either in a subsequent batch returned by an ExecNode or
/// still be owned by the ExecNode that produced the batch. In those cases the
/// owner of this RowBatch must be careful not to close the producing ExecNode
/// or free resources from trailing batches while the batch's data is still being
/// used.
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: simplify the ownership transfer model.
/// In order to minimize memory allocations, RowBatches and TRowBatches or
/// OutboundRowBatch that have been serialized and sent over the wire should be reused
/// (this prevents compression_scratch_ from being needlessly reallocated).
/// Row batches and memory usage: We attempt to stream row batches through the plan
/// tree without copying the data. This means that row batches are often not-compact
/// and reference memory outside of the row batch. This results in most row batches
/// having a very small memory footprint and in some row batches having a very large
/// one (it contains all the memory that other row batches are referencing). An example
/// is buffers which are only attached to one row batch. Only when the row batch reaches
/// a blocking operator or the root of the fragment is the row batch memory freed.
/// This means that in some cases (e.g. very selective queries), we still need to
/// pass the row batch through the exec nodes (even if they have no rows) to trigger
/// memory deletion. AtCapacity() encapsulates the check that the batch does not have
/// excessive memory attached to it.
/// A row batch is considered at capacity if all the rows are full or it has accumulated
/// auxiliary memory up to a soft cap. (See at_capacity_mem_usage_ comment).
class RowBatch {
/// Flag indicating whether the resources attached to a RowBatch need to be flushed.
/// Defined here as a convenience for other modules that need to communicate flushing
/// modes.
enum class FlushMode {
/// Create RowBatch for a maximum of 'capacity' rows of tuples specified
/// by 'row_desc'.
/// tracker cannot be NULL.
RowBatch(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, int capacity, MemTracker* tracker);
/// Populate a row batch from a serialized thrift input_batch by copying
/// input_batch's tuple_data into the row batch's mempool and converting all
/// offsets in the data back into pointers.
/// TODO: figure out how to transfer the data from input_batch to this RowBatch
/// (so that we don't need to make yet another copy)
RowBatch(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, const TRowBatch& input_batch,
MemTracker* tracker);
/// Creates a row batch from the protobuf row batch header, decompress / copy
/// 'input_tuple_data' into a buffer and convert all offsets in 'input_tuple_offsets'
/// back into pointers. The tuple pointers and data's buffers are allocated from the
/// buffer pool with 'client' as client handle. The newly created row batch is
/// stored in 'row_batch_ptr'. Returns error status on failure. Returns ok otherwise.
static Status FromProtobuf(const RowDescriptor* row_desc,
const RowBatchHeaderPB& header, const kudu::Slice& input_tuple_data,
const kudu::Slice& input_tuple_offsets, MemTracker* mem_tracker,
BufferPool::ClientHandle* client, std::unique_ptr<RowBatch>* row_batch_ptr)
/// Releases all resources accumulated at this row batch. This includes
/// - tuple_ptrs
/// - tuple mem pool data
/// - buffer handles from the io mgr
/// AddRows() is called before adding rows to the batch. Returns the index of the next
/// row to be added. The caller is responsible for ensuring there is enough remaining
/// capacity: it is invalid to call AddRows when num_rows_ + n > capacity_. The rows
/// are uninitialized and each tuple of the row must be set, after which CommitRows()
/// can be called to update num_rows_. Two consecutive AddRow() calls without a
/// CommitRows() call between them have the same effect as a single call.
int ALWAYS_INLINE AddRows(int n) {
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_ + n, capacity_);
return num_rows_;
int ALWAYS_INLINE AddRow() { return AddRows(1); }
void ALWAYS_INLINE CommitRows(int n) {
DCHECK_GE(n, 0);
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_ + n, capacity_);
num_rows_ += n;
void ALWAYS_INLINE CommitLastRow() { CommitRows(1); }
/// Set function can be used to reduce the number of rows in the batch. This is only
/// used in the limit case where more rows were added than necessary.
void set_num_rows(int num_rows) {
DCHECK_LE(num_rows, num_rows_);
DCHECK_GE(num_rows, 0);
num_rows_ = num_rows;
/// Returns true if the row batch has filled rows up to its capacity or has accumulated
/// enough memory. The memory calculation includes the tuple data pool and any
/// auxiliary memory attached to the row batch.
bool ALWAYS_INLINE AtCapacity() {
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_, capacity_);
// Check AtCapacity() condition enforced in MarkNeedsDeepCopy() and
// MarkFlushResources().
DCHECK((!needs_deep_copy_ && flush_mode_ == FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES)
|| num_rows_ == capacity_);
int64_t mem_usage = attached_buffer_bytes_ + tuple_data_pool_.total_reserved_bytes();
return num_rows_ == capacity_ || mem_usage >= AT_CAPACITY_MEM_USAGE;
TupleRow* ALWAYS_INLINE GetRow(int row_idx) {
DCHECK(tuple_ptrs_ != NULL);
DCHECK_GE(row_idx, 0);
DCHECK_LT(row_idx, capacity_);
return reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_ptrs_ + row_idx * num_tuples_per_row_);
/// An iterator for going through a row batch, starting at 'row_idx'.
/// If 'limit' is specified, it will iterate up to row number 'row_idx + limit'
/// or the last row, whichever comes first. Otherwise, it will iterate till the last
/// row in the batch. This is more efficient than using GetRow() as it avoids loading
/// the row batch state and doing multiplication on each loop with GetRow().
class Iterator {
Iterator(RowBatch* parent, int row_idx, int limit = -1) :
row_(parent->tuple_ptrs_ + num_tuples_per_row_ * row_idx),
row_batch_end_(parent->tuple_ptrs_ + num_tuples_per_row_ *
(limit == -1 ? parent->num_rows_ :
std::min<int>(row_idx + limit, parent->num_rows_))),
parent_(parent) {
DCHECK_GE(row_idx, 0);
DCHECK_GT(num_tuples_per_row_, 0);
/// We allow empty row batches with num_rows_ == capacity_ == 0.
/// That's why we cannot call GetRow() above to initialize 'row_'.
DCHECK_LE(row_idx, parent->capacity_);
/// Return the current row pointed to by the row pointer.
TupleRow* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE Get() { return reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(row_); }
/// Increment the row pointer and return the next row.
TupleRow* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE Next() {
row_ += num_tuples_per_row_;
DCHECK_LE((row_ - parent_->tuple_ptrs_) / num_tuples_per_row_, parent_->capacity_);
return Get();
/// Returns the index in the RowBatch of the current row. This does an integer
/// division and so should not be used in hot inner loops.
int RowNum() { return (row_ - parent_->tuple_ptrs_) / num_tuples_per_row_; }
/// Returns true if the iterator is beyond the last row for read iterators.
/// Useful for read iterators to determine the limit. Write iterators should use
/// RowBatch::AtCapacity() instead.
bool IR_ALWAYS_INLINE AtEnd() { return row_ >= row_batch_end_; }
/// Returns the row batch which this iterator is iterating through.
RowBatch* parent() { return parent_; }
/// Number of tuples per row.
const int num_tuples_per_row_;
/// Pointer to the current row.
Tuple** row_;
/// Pointer to the row after the last row for read iterators.
Tuple** const row_batch_end_;
/// The row batch being iterated on.
RowBatch* const parent_;
int num_tuples_per_row() { return num_tuples_per_row_; }
MemPool* tuple_data_pool() { return &tuple_data_pool_; }
int num_buffers() const { return buffers_.size(); }
/// Resets the row batch, returning all resources it has accumulated.
void Reset();
/// Adds a buffer to this row batch. The buffer is deleted when freeing resources.
/// The buffer's memory remains accounted against the original owner, even when the
/// ownership of batches is transferred. If the original owner wants the memory to be
/// released, it should call this with 'mode' FLUSH_RESOURCES (see MarkFlushResources()
/// for further explanation).
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: simplify the ownership transfer model.
void AddBuffer(BufferPool::ClientHandle* client, BufferPool::BufferHandle&& buffer,
FlushMode flush);
/// Used by an operator to indicate that it cannot produce more rows until the
/// resources that it has attached to the row batch are freed or acquired by an
/// ancestor operator. After this is called, the batch is at capacity and no more rows
/// can be added. The "flush" mark is transferred by TransferResourceOwnership(). This
/// ensures that batches are flushed by streaming operators all the way up the operator
/// tree. Blocking operators can still accumulate batches with this flag.
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: blocking operators should acquire all memory resources including
/// attached buffers, so that MarkFlushResources() can guarantee that the
/// resources will not be accounted against the original operator (this is currently
/// not true for buffers, which aren't transferred).
void MarkFlushResources() {
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_, capacity_);
capacity_ = num_rows_;
flush_mode_ = FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES;
/// Set the capacity of the row batch to 'limit' so that only that many rows can be
/// appended to it. The capacity will be restored to its original value when Reset()
/// is called.
void limit_capacity(int limit) {
DCHECK_LE(num_rows_, limit);
capacity_ = limit;
FlushMode flush_mode() const { return flush_mode_; }
/// Called to indicate that some resources backing this batch were not attached and
/// will be cleaned up after the next GetNext() call. This means that the batch must
/// be returned up the operator tree. Blocking operators must deep-copy any rows from
/// this batch or preceding batches.
/// This is a stronger version of MarkFlushResources(), because blocking operators
/// are not allowed to accumulate batches with the 'needs_deep_copy' flag.
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: always attach backing resources and remove this flag.
void MarkNeedsDeepCopy() {
MarkFlushResources(); // No more rows should be added to the batch.
needs_deep_copy_ = true;
bool needs_deep_copy() { return needs_deep_copy_; }
/// Transfer ownership of resources to dest. This includes tuple data in mem
/// pool and buffers.
void TransferResourceOwnership(RowBatch* dest);
/// Update accounting so that attached memory is accounted against 'new_tracker'.
void SetMemTracker(MemTracker* new_tracker);
void CopyRow(TupleRow* src, TupleRow* dest) {
memcpy(dest, src, num_tuples_per_row_ * sizeof(Tuple*));
/// Copy 'num_rows' rows from 'src' to 'dest' within the batch. Useful for exec
/// nodes that skip an offset and copied more than necessary.
void CopyRows(int64_t dest, int64_t src, int64_t num_rows) {
DCHECK_LE(dest, src);
DCHECK_LE(src + num_rows, capacity_);
memmove(tuple_ptrs_ + num_tuples_per_row_ * dest,
tuple_ptrs_ + num_tuples_per_row_ * src,
num_rows * num_tuples_per_row_ * sizeof(Tuple*));
void ClearTuplePointers() {
memset(tuple_ptrs_, 0, capacity_ * num_tuples_per_row_ * sizeof(Tuple*));
void ClearRow(TupleRow* row) {
memset(row, 0, num_tuples_per_row_ * sizeof(Tuple*));
/// Acquires state from the 'src' row batch into this row batch. This includes all
/// buffers and tuple data.
/// This row batch must be empty and have the same row descriptor as the src batch.
/// This is used for scan nodes which produce RowBatches asynchronously. Typically,
/// an ExecNode is handed a row batch to populate (pull model) but ScanNodes have
/// multiple threads which push row batches.
void AcquireState(RowBatch* src);
/// Deep copy all rows this row batch into dst, using memory allocated from
/// dst's tuple_data_pool_. Only valid when dst is empty.
/// TODO: the current implementation of deep copy can produce an oversized
/// row batch if there are duplicate tuples in this row batch.
void DeepCopyTo(RowBatch* dst);
/// Create a serialized version of this row batch in output_batch, attaching all of the
/// data it references to output_batch.tuple_data. This function attempts to detect
/// duplicate tuples in the row batch to reduce the serialized size.
/// output_batch.tuple_data will be LZ4-compressed unless the compressed data is larger
/// larger than the uncompressed data. Use output_batch.compression_type to determine
/// whether tuple_data is compressed. If an in-flight row is present in this row batch,
/// it is ignored. This function does not Reset().
Status Serialize(OutboundRowBatch* output_batch);
Status Serialize(TRowBatch* output_batch);
/// Utility function: returns total byte size of a batch in either serialized or
/// deserialized form. If a row batch is compressed, its serialized size can be much
/// less than the deserialized size.
static int64_t GetSerializedSize(const TRowBatch& batch);
static int64_t GetDeserializedSize(const TRowBatch& batch);
static int64_t GetSerializedSize(const OutboundRowBatch& batch);
static int64_t GetDeserializedSize(const OutboundRowBatch& batch);
static int64_t GetDeserializedSize(const RowBatchHeaderPB& header,
const kudu::Slice& tuple_offsets);
int ALWAYS_INLINE num_rows() const { return num_rows_; }
int ALWAYS_INLINE capacity() const { return capacity_; }
// The maximum value that capacity_ ever took, before MarkCapacity() might have changed
// it.
int ALWAYS_INLINE InitialCapacity() const {
return tuple_ptrs_size_ / (num_tuples_per_row_ * sizeof(Tuple*));
const RowDescriptor* row_desc() const { return row_desc_; }
/// Max memory that this row batch can accumulate before it is considered at capacity.
/// This is a soft capacity: row batches may exceed the capacity, preferably only by a
/// row's worth of data.
static const int AT_CAPACITY_MEM_USAGE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
// Max memory out of AT_CAPACITY_MEM_USAGE that should be used for fixed-length data,
// in order to leave room for variable-length data.
// Batch size to compute hash, keep it small to avoid large stack allocations.
// 16 provided the same speedup compared to operating over a full batch.
static const int HASH_BATCH_SIZE = 16;
/// Allocates a buffer large enough for the fixed-length portion of 'capacity_' rows in
/// this batch from 'tuple_data_pool_'. 'capacity_' is reduced if the allocation would
/// exceed FIXED_LEN_BUFFER_LIMIT. Always returns enough space for at least one row.
/// Returns Status::MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED and sets 'buffer' to NULL if a memory limit would
/// have been exceeded. 'state' is used to log the error.
/// On success, sets 'buffer_size' to the size in bytes and 'buffer' to the buffer.
Status ResizeAndAllocateTupleBuffer(
RuntimeState* state, int64_t* buffer_size, uint8_t** buffer);
/// Same as above except allocates buffer for 'capacity' rows with fixed-length portions
/// of 'row_size' bytes each from 'pool', instead of using RowBatch's member variables.
static Status ResizeAndAllocateTupleBuffer(RuntimeState* state, MemPool* pool,
int row_size, int* capacity, int64_t* buffer_size, uint8_t** buffer);
/// Helper function to log the batch's rows if VLOG_ROW is enabled. 'context' is a
/// string to prepend to the log message.
void VLogRows(const std::string& context);
friend class RowBatchSerializeBaseline;
friend class RowBatchSerializeBenchmark;
friend class RowBatchSerializeTest;
friend class SimpleTupleStreamTest;
/// Creates an empty row batch based on the serialized row batch header. Called from
/// FromProtobuf() above before desrialization of a protobuf row batch.
RowBatch(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, const RowBatchHeaderPB& header,
MemTracker* mem_tracker);
/// Allocate from buffer pool a buffer of 'len' using the client handle 'client'.
/// The actual buffer size is 'len' rounded up to power of 2 or minimum buffer size,
/// whichever is larger. The reservation of 'client' may be increased. On success,
/// the newly allocated buffer is returned in 'buffer_handle'. Return error status
/// if allocation failed. In which case, 'buffer_handle' is not opened.
Status AllocateBuffer(BufferPool::ClientHandle* client, int64_t len,
BufferPool::BufferHandle* buffer_handle);
/// Free all BufferInfo and the associated buffers in 'buffers_'.
void FreeBuffers();
/// Decide whether to do full tuple deduplication based on row composition. Full
/// deduplication is enabled only when there is risk of the serialized size being
/// much larger than in-memory size due to non-adjacent duplicate tuples.
bool UseFullDedup();
/// Overload for testing that allows the test to force the deduplication level.
Status Serialize(TRowBatch* output_batch, bool full_dedup);
/// Shared implementation between thrift and protobuf to serialize this row batch.
/// 'full_dedup': true if full deduplication is used.
/// 'tuple_offsets': Updated to contain offsets of all tuples into 'tuple_data' upon
/// return. There are a total of num_rows * num_tuples_per_row offsets.
/// An offset of -1 records a NULL.
/// 'tuple_data': Updated to hold the serialized tuples' data. If 'is_compressed'
/// is true, this is LZ4 compressed.
/// 'uncompressed_size': Updated with the uncompressed size of 'tuple_data'.
/// 'is_compressed': true if compression is applied on 'tuple_data'.
/// Returns error status if serialization failed. Returns OK otherwise.
/// TODO: clean this up once the thrift RPC implementation is removed.
Status Serialize(bool full_dedup, vector<int32_t>* tuple_offsets, string* tuple_data,
int64_t* uncompressed_size, bool* is_compressed);
/// Shared implementation between thrift and protobuf to deserialize a row batch.
/// 'input_tuple_offsets': an int32_t array of tuples; offsets into 'input_tuple_data'.
/// Used for populating the tuples in the row batch with actual pointers.
/// 'input_tuple_data': contains pointer and size of tuples' data buffer.
/// If 'is_compressed' is true, the data is compressed.
/// 'uncompressed_size': the uncompressed size of 'input_tuple_data' if it's compressed.
/// 'is_compressed': True if 'input_tuple_data' is compressed.
/// 'tuple_data': buffer of 'uncompressed_size' bytes for holding tuple data.
/// TODO: clean this up once the thrift RPC implementation is removed.
void Deserialize(const kudu::Slice& input_tuple_offsets,
const kudu::Slice& input_tuple_data, int64_t uncompressed_size, bool is_compressed,
uint8_t* tuple_data);
typedef FixedSizeHashTable<Tuple*, int> DedupMap;
/// The total size of all data represented in this row batch (tuples and referenced
/// string and collection data). This is the size of the row batch after removing all
/// gaps in the auxiliary and deduplicated tuples (i.e. the smallest footprint for the
/// row batch). If the distinct_tuples argument is non-null, full deduplication is
/// enabled. The distinct_tuples map must be empty.
int64_t TotalByteSize(DedupMap* distinct_tuples);
Status SerializeInternal(int64_t size, DedupMap* distinct_tuples,
vector<int32_t>* tuple_offsets, string* tuple_data);
/// All members below need to be handled in RowBatch::AcquireState()
// Class members that are accessed on performance-critical paths should appear
// up the top to fit in as few cache lines as possible.
int num_rows_; // # of committed rows
int capacity_; // the value of num_rows_ at which batch is considered full.
/// If FLUSH_RESOURCES, the resources attached to this batch should be freed or
/// acquired by a new owner as soon as possible. See MarkFlushResources(). If
/// FLUSH_RESOURCES, AtCapacity() is also true.
FlushMode flush_mode_;
/// If true, this batch references unowned memory that will be cleaned up soon.
/// See MarkNeedsDeepCopy(). If true, 'flush_mode_' is FLUSH_RESOURCES and
/// AtCapacity() is true.
bool needs_deep_copy_;
const int num_tuples_per_row_;
/// Array of pointers with InitialCapacity() * num_tuples_per_row_ elements.
/// The memory ownership depends on whether legacy joins and aggs are enabled.
/// Memory is malloc'd and owned by RowBatch and is freed upon its destruction. This is
/// more performant that allocating the pointers from 'tuple_data_pool_' especially
/// with SubplanNodes in the ExecNode tree because the tuple pointers are not
/// transferred and do not have to be re-created in every Reset().
const int tuple_ptrs_size_;
Tuple** tuple_ptrs_ = nullptr;
/// Total bytes of BufferPool buffers attached to this batch.
int64_t attached_buffer_bytes_;
/// holding (some of the) data referenced by rows
MemPool tuple_data_pool_;
// Less frequently used members that are not accessed on performance-critical paths
// should go below here.
/// Full row descriptor for rows in this batch. Owned by the exec node that produced
/// this batch.
const RowDescriptor* row_desc_;
MemTracker* mem_tracker_; // not owned
struct BufferInfo {
BufferPool::ClientHandle* client = nullptr;
BufferPool::BufferHandle buffer;
/// Pages attached to this row batch. See AddBuffer() for ownership semantics.
std::vector<BufferInfo> buffers_;
/// The BufferInfo for the 'tuple_ptrs_' which are allocated from the buffer pool.
std::unique_ptr<BufferInfo> tuple_ptrs_info_;
/// String to write compressed tuple data to in Serialize().
/// This is a string so we can swap() with the string in the serialized row batch
/// (i.e. TRowBatch or OutboundRowBatch) we're serializing to (we don't compress
/// directly into the serialized row batch in case the compressed data is longer than
/// the uncompressed data). Swapping avoids copying data to the serialized row batch
/// and avoids excess memory allocations: since we reuse the serialized row batches, and
/// assuming all row batches are roughly the same size, all strings will eventually be
/// allocated to the right size.
std::string compression_scratch_;
/// Macros for iterating through '_row_batch', starting at '_start_row_idx'.
/// '_row_batch' is the row batch to iterate through.
/// '_start_row_idx' is the starting row index.
/// '_iter' is the iterator.
/// '_limit' is the max number of rows to iterate over.
#define FOREACH_ROW(_row_batch, _start_row_idx, _iter) \
for (RowBatch::Iterator _iter(_row_batch, _start_row_idx); \
!_iter.AtEnd(); _iter.Next())
#define FOREACH_ROW_LIMIT(_row_batch, _start_row_idx, _limit, _iter) \
for (RowBatch::Iterator _iter(_row_batch, _start_row_idx, _limit); \
!_iter.AtEnd(); _iter.Next())