blob: e78557263eb2573d6e51d99f452afcf60e4dd713 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include "common/status.h"
#include "service/impala-server.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
class ClientRequestState;
class ExecEnv;
class TExecRequest;
/// References to a ClientRequestState should be done via a QueryHandle. A
/// ClientRequestState requires a QueryDriver to be in scope, since the QueryDriver
/// owns the ClientRequestState. The QueryHandle is similar to a unique_ptr in that it
/// wraps a pointer to a given object (in this case ClientRequestState) and overloads
/// the '->' and '*' operators. The ClientRequestState is accessed using the '->' and '*'
/// operators. This ensures that whenever a ClientRequestState is referenced, a valid
/// shared pointer to a QueryDriver is always in scope.
struct QueryHandle {
/// Sets the QueryDriver and ClientRequestState for this handle.
void SetHandle(
std::shared_ptr<QueryDriver> query_driver, ClientRequestState* request_state) {
const std::shared_ptr<QueryDriver>& query_driver() const { return query_driver_; }
inline ClientRequestState* operator->() const {
DCHECK(request_state_ != nullptr);
return request_state_;
inline ClientRequestState& operator*() const {
DCHECK(request_state_ != nullptr);
return *request_state_;
friend class QueryDriver;
/// Sets the QueryDriver for this handle.
void SetQueryDriver(std::shared_ptr<QueryDriver> query_driver) {
query_driver_ = std::move(query_driver);
/// Sets the ClientRequestState for this handle.
void SetClientRequestState(ClientRequestState* request_state) {
request_state_ = request_state;
std::shared_ptr<QueryDriver> query_driver_;
ClientRequestState* request_state_ = nullptr;
/// The QueryDriver owns the ClientRequestStates for a query. A single query can map
/// to multiple ClientRequestStates if the query is retried multiple times. The
/// QueryDriver sits between the ImpalaServer and ClientRequestState. Currently, it
/// mainly handles query retries.
/// ImpalaServer vs. QueryDriver vs. ClientRequestState vs. Coordinator:
/// All of these classes work together to run a client-submitted query end to end. A
/// client submits a request to the ImpalaServer to run a query. The ImpalaServer
/// creates a QueryDriver and ClientRequestState to run the query. The
/// ClientRequestState creates a Coordinator that is responsible for coordinating the
/// execution of all query fragments and for tracking the lifecyle of the fragments. A
/// fetch results request flows from the ImpalaServer to the ClientRequestState and then
/// to the Coordinator, which fetches the results from the fragment running on the
/// coordinator process.
/// Query Retries:
/// Query retries are driven by the 'TryQueryRetry' and 'RetryQueryFromThread' methods.
/// Each query retry creates a new ClientRequestState. In other words, a single
/// ClientRequestState corresponds to a single attempt of a query. Thus, a QueryDriver can
/// own multiple ClientRequestStates, one for each query attempt.
/// Retries are done asynchronously in a separate thread. If the query cannot be retried
/// for any reason, the original query is unregistered and moved to the ERROR state. The
/// steps required to launch a retry of a query are very similar to the steps necessary
/// to start the original attempt of the query, except parsing, planning, optimizing,
/// etc. are all skipped. This is done by cacheing the TExecRequest from the original
/// query and re-using it for all query retries.
/// At a high level, retrying a query requires performing the following steps:
/// * Cancelling the original query
/// * Creating a new ClientRequestState with a unique query id and a copy of the
/// TExecRequest from the original query
/// * Registering the new query (ImpalaServer::RegisterQuery)
/// * Launching the new query (ClientRequestState::Exec)
/// * Closing and unregistering the original query
/// *Transparent* Query Retries:
/// A key feature of query retries is that they should be "transparent" from the client
/// perspective. No client code modifications should be necessary to support query
/// retries. The QueryDriver makes query retries "transparent" by introducing the
/// concept of an "active" ClientRequestState. The "active" ClientRequestState refers
/// to the currently running attempt to run the query, and is accessible by the method
/// GetActiveClientRequestState(). Callers (e.g. ImpalaServer) can use this method to get
/// a reference to the most recent attempt of the query.
/// Disclaimer: While query retries are designed to be *transparent* there are scenarios
/// where clients may see some unexpected behavior when a query is retried.
/// When a query is retried, the retry is modeled as a brand new query with a new query
/// id, which will be distinct from the query id of the originally submitted query that
/// ultimately failed. So users might see multiple query ids in play during the lifecycle
/// of a single query submission.
/// Since a query retry is a brand new query, that query has its own runtime profile as
/// well; the runtime profiles of the failed and retried queries will be linked together.
/// Users need to be aware that there can be multiple runtime profiles associated with a
/// single query submission.
/// Thread Safety:
/// Only GetClientRequestState(query_id) and GetActiveClientRequestState() are thread
/// safe. They are protected by an internal SpinLock.
class QueryDriver {
QueryDriver(ImpalaServer* parent_server);
/// Creates the TExecRequest for this query. The TExecRequest is owned by the
/// QueryDriver. The TExecRequest is created by calling into,
/// specifically, the Frontend#createExecRequest(PlanCtx) method. When creating the
/// TExecRequest, the Frontend runs the parser, analyzer, authorization code, planner,
/// optimizer, etc. The TQueryCtx is created by the ImpalaServer and contains the full
/// query string (TQueryCtx::TClientRequest::stmt).
Status RunFrontendPlanner(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the ClientRequestState corresponding to the given query id.
ClientRequestState* GetClientRequestState(const TUniqueId& query_id);
/// Returns the active ClientRequestState for the query. If a query is retried, this
/// method returns the most recent attempt of the query.
ClientRequestState* GetActiveClientRequestState();
/// Retry the query if query retries are enabled (they are enabled / disabled using the
/// query option 'retry_failed_queries') and if the query can be retried. Queries can
/// only be retried if (1) no rows have already been fetched for the query, (2) the
/// query has not already been retried (when a query fails, only a single retry of that
/// query attempt should be run), and (3) the max number of retries has not been
/// exceeded (currently the limit is just one retry). Queries should only be retried if
/// there has been a cluster membership change. So either a node is blacklisted or a
/// statestore update removes a node from the cluster membership. The retry is done
/// asynchronously by a dedicated thread. 'error' is the reason why the query failed. If
/// the attempt to retry the query failed, additional details might be added to the
/// status. If 'was_retried' is not nullptr it is set to true if the query was actually
/// retried, false otherwise. This method is idempotent, it can safely be called
/// multiple times, however, only the first call to the method will trigger a retry.
/// This method will set the query_status_ of the given client_request_state.
void TryQueryRetry(ClientRequestState* client_request_state, Status* error,
bool* was_retried = nullptr);
/// Finalize this QueryDriver. Must be called before Unregister(...) is called.
/// This indicates that the query should no longer be considered registered from the
/// client's point of view. Returns an INVALID_QUERY_HANDLE error if finalization
/// already started. After this method has been called, finalized() will return true.
/// 'check_inflight' and 'cause' are passed to
/// ClientRequestState::Finalize(bool, Status).
Status Finalize(QueryHandle* query_handle, bool check_inflight, const Status* cause);
/// Delete this query from the given QueryDriverMap.
Status Unregister(QueryDriverMap* query_driver_map) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// True if Finalize() was called.
bool finalized() const { return finalized_.Load(); }
/// Creates a new QueryDriver instance using the given ImpalaServer. Creates the
/// ClientRequestState for the given 'query_ctx' and 'session_state'. Sets the given
/// QueryHandle's QueryDriver.
static void CreateNewDriver(ImpalaServer* impala_server, QueryHandle* query_handle,
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx,
std::shared_ptr<ImpalaServer::SessionState> session_state);
/// Helper method to process query retries, called by the 'retry_query_thread_'.
/// 'error' is the reason why the query failed. The failed query is cancelled, and then
/// a new ClientRequestState is created for the retried query. The new
/// ClientRequestState copies the TExecRequest from the failed query in order to avoid
/// query compilation and planning again. Once the new query is registered and launched,
/// the failed query is unregistered. 'query_driver' is a shared_ptr to 'this'
/// QueryDriver. The pointer is necessary to ensure that 'this' QueryDriver is not
/// deleted while the thread is running.
void RetryQueryFromThread(
const Status& error, std::shared_ptr<QueryDriver> query_driver);
/// Creates the initial ClientRequestState for the given TQueryCtx. Should only be
/// called once by the ImpalaServer. Additional ClientRequestStates are created by
/// CreateRetriedClientRequestState, although they are only created if the query
/// is retried.
void CreateClientRequestState(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx,
std::shared_ptr<ImpalaServer::SessionState> session_state,
QueryHandle* query_handle);
/// Helper method for RetryQueryFromThread. Creates the retry client request state (the
/// new attempt of the query) based on the original request state. Uses the TExecRequest
/// from the original request state to create the retry request state. Creates a new
/// query id for the retry request state.
void CreateRetriedClientRequestState(ClientRequestState* request_state,
std::unique_ptr<ClientRequestState>* retry_request_state,
std::shared_ptr<ImpalaServer::SessionState>* session);
/// Helper method for handling failures when retrying a query. 'status' is the reason
/// why the retry failed and is expected to be in the error state. Additional details
/// are added to the 'status'. Once the 'status' has been updated, it is set as the
/// 'query status' of the given 'request_state'. Finally, the 'request_state' is
/// unregistered from 'parent_server_', since the retry failed.
void HandleRetryFailure(Status* status, string* error_msg,
ClientRequestState* request_state, const TUniqueId& retry_query_id);
/// ImpalaServer that owns this QueryDriver.
ImpalaServer* parent_server_;
/// Protects 'client_request_state_' and 'retried_client_request_state_'.
SpinLock client_request_state_lock_;
/// The ClientRequestState for the query. Set in 'CreateClientRequestState'. Owned by
/// the QueryDriver.
std::unique_ptr<ClientRequestState> client_request_state_;
/// The ClientRequestState for the retried query. Set in 'RetryQueryFromThread'. Only
/// set if the query is retried. Owned by the QueryDriver.
std::unique_ptr<ClientRequestState> retried_client_request_state_;
/// The TExecRequest for the query. Created in 'CreateClientRequestState' and loaded in
/// 'RunFrontendPlanner'.
std::unique_ptr<TExecRequest> exec_request_;
/// The TExecRequest for the retried query. Created in
/// 'CreateRetriedClientRequestState'.
std::unique_ptr<TExecRequest> retry_exec_request_;
/// Thread to process query retry requests. Done in a separate thread to avoid blocking
/// control service RPC threads.
std::unique_ptr<Thread> retry_query_thread_;
/// True if a thread has called Finalize(). Threads calling Finalize() do a
/// compare-and-swap on this so that only one thread can proceed.
AtomicBool finalized_{false};