blob: ea2fecb35c635b0c9269f182edf46f0ace8bafb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker-types.h"
#include "util/metrics-fwd.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreService.h" // for TPoolStats
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h" // for TUniqueId
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
namespace impala {
class MetricGroup;
class ObjectPool;
struct ReservationTrackerCounters;
class RuntimeState;
/// A MemTracker tracks memory consumption; it contains an optional limit
/// and can be arranged into a tree structure such that the consumption tracked
/// by a MemTracker is also tracked by its ancestors.
/// A MemTracker has a hard and a soft limit derived from the limit. If the hard limit
/// is exceeded, all memory allocations and queries should fail until we are under the
/// limit again. The soft limit can be exceeded without causing query failures, but
/// consumers of memory that can tolerate running without more memory should not allocate
/// memory in excess of the soft limit.
/// We use a five-level hierarchy of mem trackers: process, pool, query, fragment
/// instance. Specific parts of the fragment (exec nodes, sinks, etc) will add a
/// fifth level when they are initialized. This function also initializes a user
/// function mem tracker (in the fifth level).
/// By default, memory consumption is tracked via calls to Consume()/Release(), either to
/// the tracker itself or to one of its descendents. Alternatively, a consumption metric
/// can be specified, and then the metric's value is used as the consumption rather than
/// the tally maintained by Consume() and Release(). A tcmalloc metric is used to track
/// process memory consumption, since the process memory usage may be higher than the
/// computed total memory (tcmalloc does not release deallocated memory immediately).
/// Other consumption metrics are used in trackers below the process level to account
/// for memory (such as free buffer pool buffers) that is not tracked by Consume() and
/// Release().
/// GcFunctions can be attached to a MemTracker in order to free up memory if the limit is
/// reached. If LimitExceeded() is called and the limit is exceeded, it will first call
/// the GcFunctions to try to free memory and recheck the limit. For example, the process
/// tracker has a GcFunction that releases any unused memory still held by tcmalloc, so
/// this will be called before the process limit is reported as exceeded. GcFunctions are
/// called in the order they are added, so expensive functions should be added last.
/// GcFunctions are called with a global lock held, so should be non-blocking and not
/// call back into MemTrackers, except to release memory.
/// This class is thread-safe.
class MemTracker {
/// 'byte_limit' < 0 means no limit
/// 'label' is the label used in the usage string (LogUsage())
/// If 'log_usage_if_zero' is false, this tracker (and its children) will not be
/// included
/// in LogUsage() output if consumption is 0.
MemTracker(int64_t byte_limit = -1, const std::string& label = std::string(),
MemTracker* parent = nullptr, bool log_usage_if_zero = true,
bool is_query_mem_tracker = false, const TUniqueId& query_id = TUniqueId());
/// C'tor for tracker for which consumption counter is created as part of a profile.
/// The counter is created with name COUNTER_NAME.
MemTracker(RuntimeProfile* profile, int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& label = std::string(), MemTracker* parent = nullptr);
/// C'tor for tracker that uses consumption_metric as the consumption value.
/// Consume()/Release() can still be called. This is used for the root process tracker
/// (if 'parent' is NULL). It is also to report on other categories of memory under the
/// process tracker, e.g. buffer pool free buffers (if 'parent - non-NULL).
MemTracker(IntGauge* consumption_metric, int64_t byte_limit = -1,
const std::string& label = std::string(), MemTracker* parent = nullptr);
/// Closes this MemTracker. After closing it is invalid to consume memory on this
/// tracker and the tracker's consumption counter (which may be owned by a
/// RuntimeProfile, not this MemTracker) can be safely destroyed. MemTrackers without
/// consumption metrics in the context of a daemon must always be closed.
/// Idempotent: calling multiple times has no effect.
void Close();
/// Closes the MemTracker and deregisters it from its parent. Can be called before
/// destruction to prevent other threads from getting a reference to the MemTracker
/// via its parent. Only used to deregister the query-level MemTracker from the
/// global hierarchy.
void CloseAndUnregisterFromParent();
/// Include counters from a ReservationTracker in logs and other diagnostics.
/// The counters should be owned by the fragment's RuntimeProfile.
void EnableReservationReporting(const ReservationTrackerCounters& counters);
/// Construct a MemTracker object for query 'id' with 'mem_limit' as the memory limit.
/// The MemTracker is a child of the request pool MemTracker for 'pool_name', which is
/// created if needed. The returned MemTracker is owned by 'obj_pool'.
static MemTracker* CreateQueryMemTracker(const TUniqueId& id, int64_t mem_limit,
const std::string& pool_name, ObjectPool* obj_pool);
/// Increases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes'.
void Consume(int64_t bytes) {
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
DCHECK(!closed_) << label_;
if (UNLIKELY(bytes <= 0)) return; // < 0 needed in RELEASE, hits DCHECK in DEBUG
if (consumption_metric_ != nullptr) {
for (MemTracker* tracker : all_trackers_) {
if (tracker->consumption_metric_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_GE(tracker->consumption_->current_value(), 0);
/// Increases the consumption of this tracker and the ancestors up to (but
/// not including) end_tracker. This is useful if we want to move tracking between
/// trackers that share a common (i.e. end_tracker) ancestor. This happens when we want
/// to update tracking on a particular mem tracker but the consumption against
/// the limit recorded in one of its ancestors already happened.
void ConsumeLocal(int64_t bytes, MemTracker* end_tracker) {
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
if (UNLIKELY(bytes < 0)) return; // needed in RELEASE, hits DCHECK in DEBUG
ChangeConsumption(bytes, end_tracker);
/// Same as above, but it decreases the consumption.
void ReleaseLocal(int64_t bytes, MemTracker* end_tracker) {
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
if (UNLIKELY(bytes < 0)) return; // needed in RELEASE, hits DCHECK in DEBUG
ChangeConsumption(-bytes, end_tracker);
/// Increases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes' only if
/// they can all consume 'bytes' without exceeding limit (hard or soft) specified
/// by 'mode'. If any limit would be exceed, no MemTrackers are updated. If the
/// caller can tolerate an allocation failing, it should set mode=SOFT so that
/// other callers that may not tolerate allocation failures have a better chance
/// of success. Returns true if the consumption was successfully updated.
bool TryConsume(int64_t bytes, MemLimit mode = MemLimit::HARD) {
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
DCHECK(!closed_) << label_;
if (UNLIKELY(bytes == 0)) return true;
if (UNLIKELY(bytes < 0)) return false; // needed in RELEASE, hits DCHECK in DEBUG
if (consumption_metric_ != nullptr) RefreshConsumptionFromMetric();
int i;
// Walk the tracker tree top-down.
for (i = all_trackers_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
MemTracker* tracker = all_trackers_[i];
const int64_t limit = tracker->GetLimit(mode);
if (limit < 0) {
tracker->consumption_->Add(bytes); // No limit at this tracker.
} else {
// If TryConsume fails, we can try to GC, but we may need to try several times if
// there are concurrent consumers because we don't take a lock before trying to
// update consumption_.
while (true) {
if (LIKELY(tracker->consumption_->TryAdd(bytes, limit))) break;
VLOG_RPC << "TryConsume failed, bytes=" << bytes
<< " consumption=" << tracker->consumption_->current_value()
<< " limit=" << limit << " attempting to GC";
if (UNLIKELY(tracker->GcMemory(limit - bytes))) {
DCHECK_GE(i, 0);
// Failed for this mem tracker. Roll back the ones that succeeded.
for (int j = all_trackers_.size() - 1; j > i; --j) {
return false;
VLOG_RPC << "GC succeeded, TryConsume bytes=" << bytes
<< " consumption=" << tracker->consumption_->current_value()
<< " limit=" << limit;
// Everyone succeeded, return.
DCHECK_EQ(i, -1);
return true;
/// Decreases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes'.
void Release(int64_t bytes) {
DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
DCHECK(!closed_) << label_;
if (UNLIKELY(bytes <= 0)) return; // < 0 needed in RELEASE, hits DCHECK in DEBUG
if (consumption_metric_ != nullptr) {
for (MemTracker* tracker : all_trackers_) {
/// If a UDF calls FunctionContext::TrackAllocation() but allocates less than the
/// reported amount, the subsequent call to FunctionContext::Free() may cause the
/// process mem tracker to go negative until it is synced back to the tcmalloc
/// metric. Don't blow up in this case. (Note that this doesn't affect non-process
/// trackers since we can enforce that the reported memory usage is internally
/// consistent.)
if (tracker->consumption_metric_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_GE(tracker->consumption_->current_value(), 0)
<< std::endl
<< tracker->LogUsage(UNLIMITED_DEPTH);
/// Transfer 'bytes' of consumption from this tracker to 'dst', updating
/// all ancestors up to the first shared ancestor. Must not be used if
/// 'dst' has a limit, or an ancestor with a limit, that is not a common
/// ancestor with the tracker, because this does not check memory limits.
void TransferTo(MemTracker* dst, int64_t bytes);
/// Returns true if a valid limit of this tracker or one of its ancestors is
/// exceeded.
bool AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit mode) {
for (MemTracker* tracker : limit_trackers_) {
if (tracker->LimitExceeded(mode)) return true;
return false;
/// If this tracker has a limit, checks the limit and attempts to free up some memory if
/// the hard limit is exceeded by calling any added GC functions. Returns true if the
/// limit is exceeded after calling the GC functions. Returns false if there is no limit
/// or consumption is under the limit.
bool LimitExceeded(MemLimit mode) {
if (UNLIKELY(CheckLimitExceeded(mode))) return LimitExceededSlow(mode);
return false;
/// Returns the maximum consumption that can be made without exceeding the limit on
/// this tracker or any of its parents. Returns int64_t::max() if there are no
/// limits and a negative value if any limit is already exceeded.
int64_t SpareCapacity(MemLimit mode) const;
/// Refresh the memory consumption value from the consumption metric. Only valid to
/// call if this tracker has a consumption metric.
void RefreshConsumptionFromMetric();
int64_t limit() const { return limit_; }
bool has_limit() const { return limit_ >= 0; }
int64_t soft_limit() const { return soft_limit_; }
int64_t GetLimit(MemLimit mode) const {
if (mode == MemLimit::SOFT) return soft_limit();
DCHECK_ENUM_EQ(mode, MemLimit::HARD);
return limit();
const std::string& label() const { return label_; }
/// Returns the lowest limit for this tracker and its ancestors. Returns
/// -1 if there is no limit.
int64_t GetLowestLimit(MemLimit mode) const;
/// Returns the memory 'reserved' by this resource pool mem tracker, which is the sum
/// of the memory reserved by the queries in it (i.e. its child trackers). The mem
/// reserved for a query that is currently executing is its limit_, if set (which
/// should be the common case with admission control). Otherwise, if the query has
/// no limit or the query is finished executing, the current consumption is used.
int64_t GetPoolMemReserved();
/// Returns the memory consumed in bytes.
int64_t consumption() const { return consumption_->current_value(); }
/// Note that if consumption_ is based on consumption_metric_, this will the max value
/// we've recorded in consumption(), not necessarily the highest value
/// consumption_metric_ has ever reached.
int64_t peak_consumption() const { return consumption_->value(); }
MemTracker* parent() const { return parent_; }
/// Signature for function that can be called to free some memory after limit is
/// reached. The function should try to free at least 'bytes_to_free' bytes of
/// memory. See the class header for further details on the expected behaviour of
/// these functions.
typedef std::function<void(int64_t bytes_to_free)> GcFunction;
/// Add a function 'f' to be called if the limit is reached, if none of the other
/// previously-added GC functions were successful at freeing up enough memory.
/// 'f' does not need to be thread-safe as long as it is added to only one MemTracker.
/// Note that 'f' must be valid for the lifetime of this MemTracker.
void AddGcFunction(GcFunction f);
/// Register this MemTracker's metrics. Each key will be of the form
/// "<prefix>.<metric name>".
void RegisterMetrics(MetricGroup* metrics, const std::string& prefix);
/// Logs the usage of this tracker and optionally its children (recursively).
/// If 'logged_consumption' is non-NULL, sets the consumption value logged.
/// 'max_recursive_depth' specifies the maximum number of levels of children
/// to include in the dump. If it is zero, then no children are dumped.
/// Limiting the recursive depth reduces the cost of dumping, particularly
/// for the process MemTracker.
/// TODO: once all memory is accounted in ReservationTracker hierarchy, move
/// reporting there.
std::string LogUsage(int max_recursive_depth, const std::string& prefix = "",
int64_t* logged_consumption = nullptr);
/// Dumping the process MemTracker is expensive. Limiting the recursive depth
/// to two levels limits the level of detail to a one-line summary for each query
/// MemTracker, avoiding all MemTrackers below that level. This provides a summary
/// of process usage with substantially lower cost than the full dump.
/// Unlimited dumping is useful for query memtrackers or error conditions that
/// are not performance sensitive
static const int UNLIMITED_DEPTH = INT_MAX;
/// Logs the usage of 'limit' number of queries based on maximum total memory
/// consumption.
std::string LogTopNQueries(int limit);
/// Update the following data members in pool_stats for all queries tracked through
/// query memory trackers:
/// heavy_memory_queries: the query Ids of top 'limit' queries in memory consumption
/// (in descending order)
/// min_memory_consumed: the minimal memory consumed among all queries
/// max_memory_consumed: the maximal memory consumed among all queries
/// total_memory_consumed: the total memory consumed by all queries
/// num_running: the total number of all queries
void UpdatePoolStatsForQueries(int limit, TPoolStats& pool_stats);
/// Log the memory usage when memory limit is exceeded and return a status object with
/// details of the allocation which caused the limit to be exceeded.
/// If 'failed_allocation_size' is greater than zero, logs the allocation size. If
/// 'failed_allocation_size' is zero, nothing about the allocation size is logged.
/// If 'state' is non-NULL, logs the error to 'state'.
Status MemLimitExceeded(RuntimeState* state, const std::string& details,
int64_t failed_allocation = 0) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return MemLimitExceeded(this, state, details, failed_allocation);
/// Makes MemLimitExceeded callable for nullptr MemTrackers.
static Status MemLimitExceeded(MemTracker* mtracker, RuntimeState* state,
const std::string& details, int64_t failed_allocation = 0) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
void set_query_exec_finished() {
static const std::string COUNTER_NAME;
friend class PoolMemTrackerRegistry;
/// Returns true if the current memory tracker's limit is exceeded.
bool CheckLimitExceeded(MemLimit mode) const {
int64_t limit = GetLimit(mode);
return limit >= 0 && limit < consumption();
/// Slow path for LimitExceeded().
bool LimitExceededSlow(MemLimit mode);
/// If consumption is higher than max_consumption, attempts to free memory by calling
/// any added GC functions. Returns true if max_consumption is still exceeded. Takes
/// gc_lock. Updates metrics if initialized.
bool GcMemory(int64_t max_consumption);
/// Walks the MemTracker hierarchy and populates all_trackers_ and
/// limit_trackers_
void Init();
/// Adds tracker to child_trackers_
void AddChildTracker(MemTracker* tracker);
/// Log consumption of all the trackers provided. Returns the sum of consumption in
/// 'logged_consumption'. 'max_recursive_depth' specifies the maximum number of levels
/// of children to include in the dump. If it is zero, then no children are dumped.
static std::string LogUsage(int max_recursive_depth, const std::string& prefix,
const std::list<MemTracker*>& trackers, int64_t* logged_consumption);
/// Helper function for LogTopNQueries that iterates through the MemTracker hierarchy
/// and populates 'min_pq' with 'limit' number of elements (that contain state related
/// to query MemTrackers) based on maximum total memory consumption.
void GetTopNQueries(
std::priority_queue<pair<int64_t, string>, vector<pair<int64_t, string>>,
std::greater<pair<int64_t, string>>>& min_pq,
int limit);
/// If an ancestor of this tracker is a query MemTracker, return that tracker.
/// Otherwise return NULL.
MemTracker* GetQueryMemTracker();
/// Return the root ancestor of this tracker.
MemTracker* GetRootMemTracker();
/// Increases/Decreases the consumption of this tracker and the ancestors up to (but
/// not including) end_tracker.
void ChangeConsumption(int64_t bytes, MemTracker* end_tracker) {
DCHECK(!closed_) << label_;
DCHECK(consumption_metric_ == nullptr) << "Should not be called on root.";
for (MemTracker* tracker : all_trackers_) {
if (tracker == end_tracker) return;
DCHECK(!tracker->closed_) << tracker->label_;
DCHECK(false) << "end_tracker is not an ancestor";
/// Update the following fields in pool_stats.
/// min_memory_consumed: take the min of min_memory_consumed and mem_consumed
/// max_memory_consumed: take the max of max_memory_consumed and mem_consumed
/// total_memory_consumed: increased by mem_consumed
/// num_running++
void UpdatePoolStatsForMemoryConsumed(int64_t mem_consumed, TPoolStats& pool_stats);
/// Collect the top N queries into a priority queue, and computes the min, the max,
/// the total memory consumption, and the total number of all queries that are
/// all children query mem trackers. The top element in the queue is the
/// min-element such that the remaining elements after a sequence of pop operations
/// are the largest in memory consumptions. This method should only be called for
/// mem-trackers that are either query mem trackers or higher in the mem tracker
/// hierarchy.
typedef std::priority_queue<THeavyMemoryQuery, std::vector<THeavyMemoryQuery>,
void GetTopNQueriesAndUpdatePoolStats(
MinPriorityQueue& min_pq, int limit, TPoolStats& pool_stats);
/// Lock to protect GcMemory(). This prevents many GCs from occurring at once.
std::mutex gc_lock_;
/// True if this is a Query MemTracker returned from CreateQueryMemTracker().
bool is_query_mem_tracker_ = false;
/// Only used if 'is_query_mem_tracker_' is true.
/// 0 if the query is still executing or 1 if it has finished executing. Before
/// it has finished executing, the tracker limit is treated as "reserved memory"
/// for the purpose of admission control - see GetPoolMemReserved().
AtomicInt32 query_exec_finished_{0};
/// Only valid for MemTrackers returned from CreateQueryMemTracker()
TUniqueId query_id_;
/// Only valid for MemTrackers returned from GetRequestPoolMemTracker()
std::string pool_name_;
/// Hard limit on memory consumption, in bytes. May not be exceeded. If limit_ == -1,
/// there is no consumption limit.
const int64_t limit_;
/// Soft limit on memory consumption, in bytes. Can be exceeded but callers to
/// TryConsume() can opt not to exceed this limit. If -1, there is no consumption limit.
const int64_t soft_limit_;
std::string label_;
/// The parent of this tracker. The pointer is never modified, even after this tracker
/// is unregistered.
MemTracker* const parent_;
/// in bytes; not owned
RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter* consumption_;
/// holds consumption_ counter if not tied to a profile
RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter local_counter_;
/// If non-NULL, used to measure consumption (in bytes) rather than the values provided
/// to Consume()/Release(). Only used for the process tracker, thus parent_ should be
/// NULL if consumption_metric_ is set.
IntGauge* consumption_metric_;
/// If non-NULL, counters from a corresponding ReservationTracker that should be
/// reported in logs and other diagnostics. Owned by this MemTracker. The counters
/// are owned by the fragment's RuntimeProfile.
AtomicPtr<ReservationTrackerCounters> reservation_counters_;
std::vector<MemTracker*> all_trackers_; // this tracker plus all of its ancestors
std::vector<MemTracker*> limit_trackers_; // all_trackers_ with valid limits
/// All the child trackers of this tracker. Used only for computing resource pool mem
/// reserved and error reporting, i.e., updating a parent tracker does not update its
/// children.
SpinLock child_trackers_lock_;
std::list<MemTracker*> child_trackers_;
/// Iterator into parent_->child_trackers_ for this object. Stored to have O(1)
/// remove.
std::list<MemTracker*>::iterator child_tracker_it_;
/// Functions to call after the limit is reached to free memory.
std::vector<GcFunction> gc_functions_;
/// If false, this tracker (and its children) will not be included in LogUsage() output
/// if consumption is 0.
bool log_usage_if_zero_;
bool closed_ = false;
/// The number of times the GcFunctions were called.
IntCounter* num_gcs_metric_;
/// The number of bytes freed by the last round of calling the GcFunctions (-1 before any
/// GCs are performed).
IntGauge* bytes_freed_by_last_gc_metric_;
/// The number of bytes over the limit we were the last time LimitExceeded() was called
/// and the limit was exceeded pre-GC. -1 if there is no limit or the limit was never
/// exceeded.
IntGauge* bytes_over_limit_metric_;
/// Metric for limit_.
IntGauge* limit_metric_;
friend class AdmissionControllerTest;
friend class MemTestTest_TopN_Test;
FRIEND_TEST(AdmissionControllerTest, TopNQueryCheck);
/// Global registry for query and pool MemTrackers. Owned by ExecEnv.
class PoolMemTrackerRegistry {
/// Returns a MemTracker object for request pool 'pool_name'. Calling this with the same
/// 'pool_name' will return the same MemTracker object. This is used to track the local
/// memory usage of all requests executing in this pool. If 'create_if_not_present' is
/// true, the first time this is called for a pool, a new MemTracker object is created
/// with the process tracker as its parent. There is no explicit per-pool byte_limit
/// set at any particular impalad, so newly created trackers will always have a limit
/// of -1.
MemTracker* GetRequestPoolMemTracker(
const std::string& pool_name, bool create_if_not_present);
/// All per-request pool MemTracker objects. It is assumed that request pools will live
/// for the entire duration of the process lifetime so MemTrackers are never removed
/// from this map. Protected by 'pool_to_mem_trackers_lock_'
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<MemTracker>> PoolTrackersMap;
PoolTrackersMap pool_to_mem_trackers_;
/// IMPALA-3068: Use SpinLock instead of std::mutex so that the lock won't
/// automatically destroy itself as part of process teardown, which could cause races.
SpinLock pool_to_mem_trackers_lock_;