blob: 7bc74cb48f8acc787715f4005572a73259c4918d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "exec/data-sink.h"
#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
class KrpcDataStreamSender;
class MemTracker;
class RowDescriptor;
class TDataStreamSink;
class TNetworkAddress;
class PlanFragmentDestinationPB;
class KrpcDataStreamSenderConfig : public DataSinkConfig {
DataSink* CreateSink(RuntimeState* state) const override;
void Close() override;
/// Codegen KrpcDataStreamSender::HashAndAddRows() if partitioning type is
/// HASH_PARTITIONED. Replaces KrpcDataStreamSender::HashRow() and
/// KrpcDataStreamSender::GetNumChannels() based on runtime information.
void Codegen(FragmentState* state) override;
/// The type of partitioning to perform.
TPartitionType::type partition_type_ = TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED;
/// Expressions of partition keys. It's used to compute the
/// per-row partition values for shuffling exchange;
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> partition_exprs_;
/// The number of channels that this node will create.
int num_channels_;
/// Hash seed used for exchanges. Query id will be used to seed the hash function.
uint64_t exchange_hash_seed_;
/// Type and pointer for the codegen'd KrpcDataStreamSender::HashAndAddRows()
/// function. NULL if codegen is disabled or failed.
typedef Status (*HashAndAddRowsFn)(KrpcDataStreamSender*, RowBatch* row);
CodegenFnPtr<HashAndAddRowsFn> hash_and_add_rows_fn_;
~KrpcDataStreamSenderConfig() override {}
Status Init(const TDataSink& tsink, const RowDescriptor* input_row_desc,
FragmentState* state) override;
/// Codegen the KrpcDataStreamSender::HashRow() function and returns the codegen'd
/// function in 'fn'. This involves unrolling the loop in HashRow(), codegens each of
/// the partition expressions and replaces the column type argument to the hash function
/// with constants to eliminate some branches. Returns error status on failure.
Status CodegenHashRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn);
/// Returns the name of the partitioning type of this data stream sender.
std::string PartitionTypeName() const;
/// Single sender of an m:n data stream.
/// Row batch data is routed to destinations based on the provided partitioning
/// specification.
/// *Not* thread-safe.
/// TODO: capture stats that describe distribution of rows/data volume
/// across channels.
class KrpcDataStreamSender : public DataSink {
/// Constructs a sender according to the config (sink_config), sending to the
/// given destinations:
/// 'sender_id' identifies this sender instance, and is unique within a fragment.
/// 'destinations' are the receivers' network addresses. There is one channel for each
/// destination.
/// 'per_channel_buffer_size' is the soft limit in bytes of the buffering into the
/// per-channel's accumulating row batch before it will be sent.
/// NOTE: supported partition types are UNPARTITIONED (broadcast), HASH_PARTITIONED,
/// and RANDOM.
KrpcDataStreamSender(TDataSinkId sink_id, int sender_id,
const KrpcDataStreamSenderConfig& sink_config, const TDataStreamSink& sink,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PlanFragmentDestinationPB>& destinations,
int per_channel_buffer_size, RuntimeState* state);
virtual ~KrpcDataStreamSender();
/// Initializes the sender by initializing all the channels and allocates all
/// the stat counters. Return error status if any channels failed to initialize.
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) override;
/// Initializes the evaluator of the partitioning expressions. Return error status
/// if initialization failed.
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Flushes all buffered data and close all existing channels to destination hosts.
/// Further Send() calls are illegal after calling FlushFinal(). It is legal to call
/// FlushFinal() no more than once. Return error status if Send() failed or the end
/// of stream call failed.
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Sends data in 'batch' to destination nodes according to partitioning
/// specification provided in c'tor.
/// Blocks until all rows in batch are placed in their appropriate outgoing
/// buffers (ie, blocks if there are still in-flight rpcs from the last
/// Send() call).
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) override;
/// Shutdown all existing channels to destination hosts. Further FlushFinal() calls are
/// illegal after calling Close().
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Counters shared with other parts of the code
static const char* TOTAL_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER;
/// KrpcDataStreamSender::HashRow() symbol. Used for call-site replacement.
static const char* HASH_ROW_SYMBOL;
/// An arbitrary constant used to seed the hash.
static constexpr uint64_t EXCHANGE_HASH_SEED_CONST = 0x66bd68df22c3ef37;
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
friend class DataStreamTest;
/// Returns total number of bytes sent. If batches are broadcast to multiple receivers,
/// they are counted once per receiver.
int64_t GetNumDataBytesSent() const;
class Channel;
/// Serializes the src batch into the serialized row batch 'dest' and updates
/// various stat counters.
/// 'num_receivers' is the number of receivers this batch will be sent to. Used for
/// updating the stat counters.
Status SerializeBatch(RowBatch* src, OutboundRowBatch* dest, int num_receivers = 1);
/// Returns 'partition_expr_evals_[i]'. Used by the codegen'd HashRow() IR function.
ScalarExprEvaluator* GetPartitionExprEvaluator(int i);
/// Returns the number of channels in this data stream sender. Not inlined for the
/// cross-compiled code as it's to be replaced with a constant during codegen.
int IR_NO_INLINE GetNumChannels() const { return channels_.size(); }
/// Evaluates the input row against partition expressions and hashes the expression
/// values. Returns the final hash value.
uint64_t HashRow(TupleRow* row);
/// Used when 'partition_type_' is HASH_PARTITIONED. Call HashRow() against each row
/// in the input batch and adds it to the corresponding channel based on the hash value.
/// Cross-compiled to be patched by Codegen() at runtime. Returns error status if
/// insertion into the channel fails. Returns OK status otherwise.
Status HashAndAddRows(RowBatch* batch);
/// Adds the given row to 'channels_[channel_id]'.
Status AddRowToChannel(const int channel_id, TupleRow* row);
/// Sender instance id, unique within a fragment.
const int sender_id_;
/// The type of partitioning to perform.
const TPartitionType::type partition_type_;
/// Amount of per-channel buffering for rows before sending them to the destination.
const int per_channel_buffer_size_;
/// RuntimeState of the fragment instance.
RuntimeState* state_ = nullptr;
/// Index of the current channel to send to if random_ == true.
int current_channel_idx_ = 0;
/// Index of the next OutboundRowBatch to use for serialization.
int next_batch_idx_ = 0;
/// The outbound row batches are double-buffered so that we can serialize the next
/// batch while the other is still referenced by the in-flight RPC. Each entry contains
/// a RowBatchHeaderPB and buffers for the serialized tuple offsets and data. Used only
/// when the partitioning strategy is UNPARTITIONED.
static const int NUM_OUTBOUND_BATCHES = 2;
OutboundRowBatch outbound_batches_[NUM_OUTBOUND_BATCHES];
/// If true, this sender has called FlushFinal() successfully.
/// Not valid to call Send() anymore.
bool flushed_ = false;
/// List of all channels. One for each destination.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Channel>> channels_;
/// Expressions of partition keys. It's used to compute the
/// per-row partition values for shuffling exchange;
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& partition_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> partition_expr_evals_;
/// Time for serializing row batches.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* serialize_batch_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Number of TransmitData() RPC retries due to remote service being busy.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rpc_retry_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of times RPC fails or the remote responds with a non-retryable error.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rpc_failure_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of bytes sent. Updated on RPC completion.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_sent_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Time series of number of bytes sent, samples bytes_sent_counter_.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* bytes_sent_time_series_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of EOS sent.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* eos_sent_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of bytes of row batches before compression.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* uncompressed_bytes_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of rows sent.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_sent_rows_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Summary of network throughput for sending row batches. Network time also includes
/// queuing time in KRPC transfer queue for transmitting the RPC requests and receiving
/// the responses.
RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* network_throughput_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Summary of network time for sending row batches and eos. Network time also includes
/// queuing time in KRPC transfer queue for transmitting the RPC requests and receiving
/// the responses.
RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* network_time_stats_ = nullptr;
/// Summary of network time spent processing requests on the receiver side. The total
/// RPC time is the sum of receiver and network time.
RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* recvr_time_stats_ = nullptr;
/// Identifier of the destination plan node.
PlanNodeId dest_node_id_;
/// Used for Kudu partitioning to round-robin rows that don't correspond to a partition
/// or when errors are encountered.
int next_unknown_partition_;
/// Hash seed used for exchanges. Query id will be used to seed the hash function.
uint64_t exchange_hash_seed_;
/// Pointer for the codegen'd HashAndAddRows() function.
/// NULL if codegen is disabled or failed.
const CodegenFnPtr<KrpcDataStreamSenderConfig::HashAndAddRowsFn>& hash_and_add_rows_fn_;
} // namespace impala