blob: 4d689e5c9e0e8cd3de3f10962e81cecc86a1b095 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h" // for TUniqueId
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "util/tuple-row-compare.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class RpcContext;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu
namespace impala {
class KrpcDataStreamMgr;
class MemTracker;
class RowBatch;
class RuntimeProfile;
class SortedRunMerger;
struct TransmitDataCtx;
class TransmitDataRequestPB;
class TransmitDataResponsePB;
/// Single receiver of an m:n data stream.
/// KrpcDataStreamRecvr maintains one or more queues of row batches received by a
/// KrpcDataStreamMgr from one or more sender fragment instances. Receivers are created
/// via KrpcDataStreamMgr::CreateRecvr(). Ownership of a stream recvr is shared between
/// the KrpcDataStreamMgr that created it and the caller of
/// KrpcDataStreamMgr::CreateRecvr() (i.e. the exchange node).
/// The is_merging_ member determines if the recvr merges input streams from different
/// sender fragment instances according to a specified sort order.
/// If is_merging_ is false : Only one batch queue is maintained for row batches from all
/// sender fragment instances. These row batches are returned one at a time via GetBatch()
/// If is_merging_ is true : One queue is created for the batches from each distinct
/// sender. A SortedRunMerger instance must be created via CreateMerger() prior to
/// retrieving any rows from the receiver. Rows are retrieved from the receiver via
/// GetNext(RowBatch* output_batch, int limit, bool eos). After the final call to
/// GetNext(), TransferAllResources() must be called to transfer resources from the input
/// batches from each sender to the caller's output batch.
/// The receiver sets deep_copy to false on the merger - resources are transferred from
/// the input batches from each sender queue to the merger to the output batch by the
/// merger itself as it processes each run.
/// KrpcDataStreamRecvr::Close() must be called by the caller of CreateRecvr() to remove
/// the recvr instance from the tracking structure of its KrpcDataStreamMgr in all cases.
/// Unless otherwise stated, class members belong to KrpcDataStreamRecvr. They are safe to
/// access from any threads as long as the caller obtained a shared_ptr to keep the
/// receiver alive. For class members not owned by the receiver, they must stay valid till
/// after Close() is called. Since a receiver is co-owned by an exchange node and the
/// singleton KrpcDataStreamMgr, it's possible that certain threads may race with Close()
/// called from the fragment execution thread. A receiver may also be cancelled at any
/// time due to query cancellation. To avoid resource leak, the following protocol is
/// followed:
/// - callers must obtain the target sender queue's lock and check if it's cancelled
/// - no new row batch or deferred RPCs should be added to a cancelled sender queue
/// - Cancel() will drain the deferred RPCs queue and the row batch queue
class KrpcDataStreamRecvr {
/// Returns next row batch in data stream; blocks if there aren't any.
/// Retains ownership of the returned batch. The caller must call TransferAllResources()
/// to acquire the resources from the returned batch before the next call to GetBatch().
/// A NULL returned batch indicated eos. Must only be called if is_merging_ is false.
/// Called from fragment instance execution threads only.
/// TODO: This is currently only exposed to the non-merging version of the exchange.
/// Refactor so both merging and non-merging exchange use GetNext(RowBatch*, bool* eos).
Status GetBatch(RowBatch** next_batch);
/// Deregister from KrpcDataStreamMgr instance, which shares ownership of this instance.
/// Called from fragment instance execution threads only.
void Close();
/// Create a SortedRunMerger instance to merge rows from multiple sender according to
/// the specified row comparator. Fetches the first batches from the individual sender
/// queues. The exprs used in less_than must have already been prepared and opened.
/// Called from fragment instance execution threads only.
Status CreateMerger(const TupleRowComparator& less_than);
/// Fill output_batch with the next batch of rows obtained by merging the per-sender
/// input streams. Must only be called if is_merging_ is true. Called from fragment
/// instance execution threads only.
Status GetNext(RowBatch* output_batch, bool* eos);
/// Transfer all resources from the current batches being processed from each sender
/// queue to the specified batch. Called from fragment instance execution threads only.
void TransferAllResources(RowBatch* transfer_batch);
/// Marks all sender queues as cancelled and notifies all waiting consumers of
/// the cancellation.
void CancelStream();
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id() const { return fragment_instance_id_; }
PlanNodeId dest_node_id() const { return dest_node_id_; }
const RowDescriptor* row_desc() const { return row_desc_; }
MemTracker* deferred_rpc_tracker() const { return deferred_rpc_tracker_.get(); }
MemTracker* parent_tracker() const { return parent_tracker_; }
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client() const { return buffer_pool_client_; }
friend class KrpcDataStreamMgr;
class SenderQueue;
KrpcDataStreamRecvr(KrpcDataStreamMgr* stream_mgr, MemTracker* parent_tracker,
const RowDescriptor* row_desc, const RuntimeState& runtime_state,
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id, PlanNodeId dest_node_id, int num_senders,
bool is_merging, int64_t total_buffer_limit, RuntimeProfile* profile,
BufferPool::ClientHandle* client);
/// Adds a new row batch to the appropriate sender queue. If the row batch can be
/// inserted, the RPC will be responded to before this function returns. If the batch
/// can't be added without exceeding the buffer limit, it is appended to a queue for
/// deferred processing. The RPC will be responded to when the row batch is deserialized
/// later.
void AddBatch(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request, TransmitDataResponsePB* response,
kudu::rpc::RpcContext* context);
/// Tries adding the first entry of 'deferred_rpcs_' queue for the sender queue
/// identified by 'sender_id'. If is_merging_ is false, it always defaults to
/// queue 0; If is_merging_ is true, the sender queue is identified by 'sender_id_'.
/// Called from KrpcDataStreamMgr's deserialization threads only.
void ProcessDeferredRpc(int sender_id);
/// Takes over the RPC state 'ctx' of an early sender for deferred processing and
/// kicks off a deserialization task to process it asynchronously. This makes sure
/// new incoming RPCs won't pass the early senders, leading to starvation.
/// Called from fragment instance execution threads only.
void TakeOverEarlySender(std::unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> ctx);
/// Indicate that a particular sender is done. Delegated to the appropriate
/// sender queue. Called from KrpcDataStreamMgr.
void RemoveSender(int sender_id);
/// Return true if the addition of a new batch of size 'batch_size' would exceed the
/// total buffer limit.
bool ExceedsLimit(int64_t batch_size) {
return num_buffered_bytes_.Load() + batch_size > total_buffer_limit_;
/// Return the current number of deferred RPCs.
int64_t num_deferred_rpcs() const { return num_deferred_rpcs_.Load(); }
/// KrpcDataStreamMgr instance used to create this recvr. Not owned.
KrpcDataStreamMgr* mgr_;
/// The runtime state of the fragment instance which owns this receiver. Not owned.
const RuntimeState& runtime_state_;
/// Fragment and node id of the destination exchange node this receiver is used by.
TUniqueId fragment_instance_id_;
PlanNodeId dest_node_id_;
/// Soft upper limit on the total amount of buffering in bytes allowed for this stream
/// across all sender queues. We defer processing of incoming RPCs once the amount of
/// buffered data exceeds this value.
const int64_t total_buffer_limit_;
/// Row schema. Not owned.
const RowDescriptor* row_desc_;
/// True if this reciver merges incoming rows from different senders. Per-sender
/// row batch queues are maintained in this case.
const bool is_merging_;
/// True if Close() has been called on this receiver already. Should only be accessed
/// from the fragment execution thread.
bool closed_;
/// Current number of bytes held across all sender queues.
AtomicInt32 num_buffered_bytes_;
/// Current number of outstanding deferred RPCs across all sender queues.
AtomicInt64 num_deferred_rpcs_;
/// Memtracker for payloads of deferred Rpcs in the sender queue(s). This must be
/// accessed with a sender queue's lock held to avoid race with Close() of the queue.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> deferred_rpc_tracker_;
/// The MemTracker of the exchange node which owns this receiver. Not owned.
/// This is the MemTracker which 'client_' below internally references.
MemTracker* parent_tracker_;
/// The buffer pool client for allocating buffers of incoming row batches. Not owned.
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client_;
/// One or more queues of row batches received from senders. If is_merging_ is true,
/// there is one SenderQueue for each sender. Otherwise, row batches from all senders
/// are placed in the same SenderQueue. The SenderQueue instances are owned by the
/// receiver and placed in 'pool_'.
std::vector<SenderQueue*> sender_queues_;
/// SortedRunMerger used to merge rows from different senders.
boost::scoped_ptr<SortedRunMerger> merger_;
/// Pool which owns sender queues and the runtime profiles.
ObjectPool pool_;
/// Runtime profile of the owning exchange node. It's the parent of
/// 'dequeue_profile_' and 'enqueue_profile_'. Not owned.
RuntimeProfile* profile_;
/// Maintain two child profiles - receiver side measurements (from the GetBatch() path),
/// and sender side measurements (from AddBatch()). These two profiles own all counters
/// below unless otherwise noted. These profiles are owned by the receiver and placed
/// in 'pool_'. 'dequeue_profile_' and 'enqueue_profile_' must outlive 'profile_'
/// to prevent accessing freed memory during top-down traversal of 'profile_'. The
/// receiver is co-owned by the exchange node and the data stream manager so these two
/// profiles should outlive the exchange node which owns 'profile_'.
RuntimeProfile* dequeue_profile_;
RuntimeProfile* enqueue_profile_;
/// Pointer to profile's inactive timer. Not owned.
/// Not directly shown in the profile and thus data_wait_time_ below. Used for
/// subtracting the wait time from the total time spent in exchange node.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* inactive_timer_;
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Following counters belong to 'dequeue_profile_'.
/// Number of bytes of deserialized row batches dequeued.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_dequeued_counter_;
/// Time series of bytes of deserialized row batches, samples 'bytes_dequeued_counter_'.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* bytes_dequeued_time_series_counter_;
/// Total wall-clock time spent in SenderQueue::GetBatch().
RuntimeProfile::Counter* queue_get_batch_timer_;
/// Total wall-clock time spent waiting for data to be available in queues.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* data_wait_timer_;
/// Wall-clock time spent waiting for the first batch arrival across all queues.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* first_batch_wait_total_timer_;
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Following counters belong to 'enqueue_profile_'.
/// Total number of bytes of serialized row batches received.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_received_counter_;
/// Time series of number of bytes received, samples 'bytes_received_counter_'.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* bytes_received_time_series_counter_;
/// Total wall-clock time spent deserializing row batches.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* deserialize_row_batch_timer_;
/// Total number of EOS received.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_eos_received_counter_;
/// Total number of senders which arrive before the receiver is ready.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_early_senders_counter_;
/// Total number of serialized row batches received.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_received_batches_counter_;
/// Total number of deserialized row batches enqueued into the row batch queues.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_enqueued_batches_counter_;
/// Total number of RPCs whose responses are deferred because of early senders or
/// full row batch queue.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_deferred_rpcs_counter_;
/// Time series of number of deferred row batches, samples 'num_deferred_rpcs_'.
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* deferred_rpcs_time_series_counter_;
/// Total wall-clock time in which the 'deferred_rpcs_' queues are not empty.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_has_deferred_rpcs_timer_;
/// Summary stats of time which RPCs spent in KRPC service queue before
/// being dispatched to the RPC handlers.
RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* dispatch_timer_;
} // namespace impala