blob: 97aa406b2e1077986c84b9475e87b699ad8bb3be [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/krpc-data-stream-recvr.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include "exec/kudu-util.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_context.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
#include "runtime/fragment-instance-state.h"
#include "runtime/krpc-data-stream-recvr.h"
#include "runtime/krpc-data-stream-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/sorted-run-merger.h"
#include "service/data-stream-service.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/periodic-counter-updater.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "gen-cpp/data_stream_service.pb.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using kudu::MonoDelta;
using kudu::MonoTime;
using kudu::rpc::RpcContext;
using std::condition_variable_any;
namespace impala {
// Implements a FIFO queue of row batches from one or more senders. One queue is
// maintained per sender if is_merging_ is true for the enclosing receiver, otherwise rows
// from all senders are placed in the same queue.
// Batches are added by senders via AddBatch(), and removed by an enclosing
// KrpcDataStreamRecvr via GetBatch(). There is a soft limit for the total amount of
// memory consumed by buffered row batches in all sender queues of a receiver. If adding
// a batch will push the memory consumption beyond the limit, that RPC is added to the
// 'deferred batches' queue, which will be drained in FIFO order when space opens up.
// Senders in that state will not be replied to until their row batches are deserialized
// or the receiver is cancelled. This ensures that only one batch per sender is buffered
// in the deferred batches queue.
class KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue {
SenderQueue(KrpcDataStreamRecvr* parent_recvr, int num_senders);
// Returns the next batch from this sender queue. Sets the returned batch in cur_batch_.
// A returned batch that is not filled to capacity does *not* indicate end-of-stream.
// The call blocks until another batch arrives or all senders close their channels.
// The returned batch is owned by the sender queue. The caller must acquire the
// resources from the returned batch before the next call to GetBatch().
Status GetBatch(RowBatch** next_batch);
// Adds a new row batch to this sender queue if this stream has not been cancelled.
// If adding this batch causes us to exceed the receiver's buffer limit, the RPC state
// is copied into 'deferred_rpcs_' for deferred processing and this function returns
// immediately. The deferred RPCs are replied to later when space becomes available.
void AddBatch(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request, TransmitDataResponsePB* response,
RpcContext* context);
// Tries inserting the front of 'deferred_rpcs_' queue into 'batch_queue_' if possible.
// On success, the first entry of 'deferred_rpcs_' is removed and the sender of the RPC
// will be responded to. If the serialized row batch fails to be extracted from the
// entry, the error status will be sent as reply.
void ProcessDeferredRpc();
// Takes over the RPC state 'ctx' of an early sender for deferred processing and
// kicks off a deserialization task to process it asynchronously. The ownership of
// 'ctx' is transferred to this sender queue.
void TakeOverEarlySender(std::unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> ctx);
// Decrements the number of remaining senders for this queue and signal any threads
// waiting on the arrival of new batch if the count drops to 0. The number of senders
// will be 1 for a merging KrpcDataStreamRecvr.
void DecrementSenders();
// Sets cancellation flag and signals cancellation to receiver and sender. Subsequent
// incoming batches will be dropped and senders in 'deferred_rpcs_' are replied to.
void Cancel();
// Must be called once to cleanup any queued resources.
void Close();
// Returns the current batch from this queue being processed by a consumer.
RowBatch* current_batch() const { return current_batch_.get(); }
// Returns true if either (1) 'batch_queue' is empty and there is no pending insertion
// or (2) inserting a row batch of 'batch_size' into 'batch_queue' will not cause the
// soft limit of the receiver to be exceeded. Expected to be called with 'lock_' held.
bool CanEnqueue(int64_t batch_size, const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock) const;
// Helper function for inserting 'payload' into 'deferred_rpcs_'. Also does some
// accounting for various counters. 'lock_' must be held when calling this function.
void EnqueueDeferredRpc(unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> payload,
const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock);
// Helper function for removing the first item from 'deferred_rpcs_'. Also does some
// accounting for various counters. 'lock_' must be held when calling this function.
void DequeueDeferredRpc(const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock);
// Mark an error 'status' into the overall status. 'lock_' must be held when calling
// this function. Will notify all threads waiting on 'data_arrival_cv_'.
void MarkErrorStatus(const Status& status, const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock);
// Unpacks a serialized row batch from 'request' and 'rpc_context' and populates
// 'tuple_offsets' and 'tuple_data'. On success, the deserialized row batch sizes is
// stored in 'deserialized_size'. If 'serialized_size' is not NULL, also stores the
// serialized row batch size in it. On failure, the error status is returned.
Status UnpackRequest(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request,
RpcContext* rpc_context, kudu::Slice* tuple_offsets, kudu::Slice* tuple_data,
int64_t* deserialized_size, int64_t* serialized_size = nullptr);
// Helper function to compute the serialized row batch size from 'request'
// and 'rpc_context'. Returns 0 on failure to unpack the serialized row batch.
int64_t GetSerializedBatchSize(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request,
RpcContext* rpc_context);
// The workhorse function for deserializing a row batch represented by ('header',
// 'tuple_offsets' and 'tuple_data') and inserting it into 'batch_queue'. Expects to be
// called with 'lock_' held and passed into this function via the argument 'lock'. This
// function may drop lock when deserializing the row batch and re-acquire it after
// the row batch is deserialized. 'batch_size' is the size in bytes of the deserialized
// row batch. The caller is expected to have called CanEnqueue() to make sure the row
// batch can be inserted without exceeding the soft limit of the receiver. Also notify
// a thread waiting on 'data_arrival_cv_'. Return error status if the row batch creation
// failed. Returns OK otherwise.
Status AddBatchWork(int64_t batch_size, const RowBatchHeaderPB& header,
const kudu::Slice& tuple_offsets, const kudu::Slice& tuple_data,
unique_lock<SpinLock>* lock, RpcContext* rpc_context) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Receiver of which this queue is a member.
KrpcDataStreamRecvr* recvr_;
// Protects all subsequent fields.
SpinLock lock_;
// Record any error status within KrpcDataStreamRecvr when inserting row batch.
Status status_;
// If true, the receiver fragment for this stream got cancelled. This is usually
// triggered by closing the owning exchange node or cancelling the query.
bool is_cancelled_ = false;
// Number of deserialization requests sent to deserialization threads to drain
// 'deferred_rpcs_' which are yet to be processed. Used to limit the number of
// requests queued.
int num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ = 0;
// Number of senders which haven't closed the channel yet
// (if it drops to 0, end-of-stream is true)
int num_remaining_senders_;
// Number of pending row batch insertion. AddBatchWork() may drop and reacquire 'lock_',
// causing race between multiple threads calling AddBatch() at the same time or race
// between threads calling AddBatch() and threads calling Close() concurrently.
// AddBatchWork() increments this counter before dropping 'lock_' for deserializing
// the row batch. The counter is decremented after 'lock_' is re-acquired and the row
// batch is inserted into 'batch_queue'. The races are as follows:
// 1. Multiple threads inserting into an empty 'batch_queue' concurrently may all see
// it as empty before the first thread manages to insert into batch_queue. This may
// cause the soft limit to be exceeded. A queue is truly empty iff this counter is 0.
// 2. Close() cannot proceed until this counter is 0 to make sure all pending inserts
// complete before the 'batch_queue' is cleared.
int num_pending_enqueue_ = 0;
// Signal the arrival of new batch or the eos/cancelled condition.
condition_variable_any data_arrival_cv_;
// Queue of (batch length, batch) pairs. The SenderQueue owns the memory to these
// batches until they are handed off to the callers of GetBatch().
typedef list<pair<int, std::unique_ptr<RowBatch>>> RowBatchQueue;
RowBatchQueue batch_queue_;
// The batch that was most recently returned via GetBatch(), i.e. the current batch
// from this queue being processed by a consumer. It's destroyed when the next batch
// is retrieved.
scoped_ptr<RowBatch> current_batch_;
// Set to true when the first batch has been received
bool received_first_batch_ = false;
// Queue of deferred RPCs - those that have a batch to deliver, but the queue was
// full when they last tried to do so. The senders wait here until there is a space for
// their batches, allowing the receiver-side to implement basic flow-control.
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx>> deferred_rpcs_;
// Monotonic time in nanoseconds of when 'deferred_rpcs_' goes from being empty to
// non-empty. Set to 0 when 'deferred_rpcs_' becomes empty again. Used for computing
// 'total_has_deferred_rpcs_timer_'.
int64_t has_deferred_rpcs_start_time_ns_ = 0;
KrpcDataStreamRecvr* parent_recvr, int num_senders)
: recvr_(parent_recvr), num_remaining_senders_(num_senders) { }
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::GetBatch(RowBatch** next_batch) {
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
int num_to_dequeue = 0;
// The sender id is set below when we decide to dequeue entries from 'deferred_rpcs_'.
int sender_id = -1;
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
// current_batch_ must be replaced with the returned batch.
*next_batch = nullptr;
// Wait until something shows up or we know we're done
while (batch_queue_.empty() && status_.ok() && !is_cancelled_ &&
num_remaining_senders_ > 0) {
// Verify before waiting on 'data_arrival_cv_' that if there are any deferred
// batches, either there is outstanding deserialization request queued or there
// is pending insertion so this thread is guaranteed to wake up at some point.
DCHECK(deferred_rpcs_.empty() ||
(num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ + num_pending_enqueue_) > 0);
VLOG_ROW << "wait arrival fragment_instance_id="
<< PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id())
<< " node=" << recvr_->dest_node_id();
// Don't count time spent waiting on the sender as active time.
CANCEL_SAFE_SCOPED_TIMER3(recvr_->data_wait_timer_, recvr_->inactive_timer_,
received_first_batch_ ? nullptr : recvr_->first_batch_wait_total_timer_,
// Return early if there is any error when inserting row batches.
if (UNLIKELY(is_cancelled_)) {
// Cancellation should have drained the entire 'deferred_rpcs_' queue.
// Make sure the senders were replied to or they may be stuck waiting for a reply.
return Status::CANCELLED;
// All senders have sent their row batches. Nothing to do.
if (num_remaining_senders_ == 0 && batch_queue_.empty()) {
// Note that it's an invariant that a sender cannot send the EOS RPC until all
// outstanding TransmitData() RPCs have been replied to. Therefore, it should be
// impossible for num_remaining_senders_ to reach 0 before all RPCs in
// 'deferred_rpcs_' have been replied to.
DCHECK_EQ(num_pending_enqueue_, 0);
return Status::OK();
// Notify the deserialization threads to retry delivering the deferred RPCs.
if (!deferred_rpcs_.empty()) {
// Try dequeuing multiple entries from 'deferred_rpcs_' to parallelize the CPU
// bound deserialization work. No point in dequeuing more than number of
// deserialization threads available.
DCHECK_GE(deferred_rpcs_.size(), num_deserialize_tasks_pending_);
num_to_dequeue = min(FLAGS_datastream_service_num_deserialization_threads,
(int)deferred_rpcs_.size() - num_deserialize_tasks_pending_);
num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ += num_to_dequeue;
sender_id = deferred_rpcs_.front()->request->sender_id();
received_first_batch_ = true;
RowBatch* result = batch_queue_.front().second.release();
int64_t batch_size = batch_queue_.front().first;
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->bytes_dequeued_counter_, batch_size);
VLOG_ROW << "fetched #rows=" << result->num_rows();
*next_batch = current_batch_.get();
// Don't hold lock when calling EnqueueDeserializeTask() as it may block.
// It's important that the dequeuing of 'deferred_rpcs_' is done after the entry
// has been removed from 'batch_queue_' or the deserialization threads may fail to
// insert into a non-empty 'batch_queue_' and the receiver will be waiting forever.
if (num_to_dequeue > 0) {
DCHECK_GE(sender_id, 0);
recvr_->dest_node_id(), sender_id, num_to_dequeue);
return Status::OK();
inline bool KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::CanEnqueue(int64_t batch_size,
const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock) const {
// The queue is truly empty iff there is no pending insert. It's important that we
// enqueue the new batch regardless of buffer limit if the queue is currently empty.
// In the case of a merging receiver, batches are received from a specific queue
// based on data order, and the pipeline will stall if the merger is waiting for data
// from an empty queue that cannot be filled because the limit has been reached.
bool queue_empty = batch_queue_.empty() && num_pending_enqueue_ == 0;
return queue_empty || !recvr_->ExceedsLimit(batch_size);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::EnqueueDeferredRpc(
unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> payload, const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock) {
TRACE_TO(payload->rpc_context->trace(), "Enqueuing deferred RPC");
if (deferred_rpcs_.empty()) has_deferred_rpcs_start_time_ns_ = MonotonicNanos();
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->total_deferred_rpcs_counter_, 1);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::DequeueDeferredRpc(
const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock) {
if (deferred_rpcs_.empty()) {
DCHECK_NE(has_deferred_rpcs_start_time_ns_, 0);
int64_t duration = MonotonicNanos() - has_deferred_rpcs_start_time_ns_;
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->total_has_deferred_rpcs_timer_, duration);
has_deferred_rpcs_start_time_ns_ = 0;
inline void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::MarkErrorStatus(const Status& status,
const unique_lock<SpinLock>& lock) {
// Notify all threads which are waiting for row batches that an error has occurred.
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::UnpackRequest(
const TransmitDataRequestPB* request, RpcContext* rpc_context,
kudu::Slice* tuple_offsets, kudu::Slice* tuple_data, int64_t* deserialized_size,
int64_t* serialized_size) {
// Unpack the tuple offsets.
request->tuple_offsets_sidecar_idx(), tuple_offsets),
"Failed to get the tuple offsets sidecar");
// Unpack the tuple data.
request->tuple_data_sidecar_idx(), tuple_data),
"Failed to get the tuple data sidecar");
// Compute the size of the deserialized row batch.
*deserialized_size =
RowBatch::GetDeserializedSize(request->row_batch_header(), *tuple_offsets);
// Compute the size of the serialized row batch.
if (serialized_size != nullptr) {
*serialized_size = tuple_offsets->size() + tuple_data->size();
return Status::OK();
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatchWork(int64_t batch_size,
const RowBatchHeaderPB& header, const kudu::Slice& tuple_offsets,
const kudu::Slice& tuple_data, unique_lock<SpinLock>* lock,
RpcContext* rpc_context) {
DCHECK(lock != nullptr);
// Reserve queue space before dropping the lock below.
// Bump 'num_pending_enqueue_' to avoid race with Close() when lock is dropped below.
DCHECK_GE(num_pending_enqueue_, 0);
// Deserialization may take some time due to compression and memory allocation.
// Drop the lock so we can deserialize multiple batches in parallel.
TRACE_TO(rpc_context->trace(), "Deserializing batch");
unique_ptr<RowBatch> batch;
Status status;
status = DebugAction(recvr_->runtime_state_.query_options(), "RECVR_ADD_BATCH");
if (LIKELY(status.ok())) {
// At this point, a row batch will be inserted into batch_queue_.
// Close() will handle deleting any unconsumed batches from batch_queue_.
// Close() cannot proceed until there are no pending insertion to batch_queue_.
status = RowBatch::FromProtobuf(recvr_->row_desc(), header, tuple_offsets,
tuple_data, recvr_->parent_tracker(), recvr_->buffer_pool_client(), &batch);
DCHECK_GT(num_pending_enqueue_, 0);
if (UNLIKELY(!status.ok())) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Failed to deserialize batch for "
<< PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id());
TRACE_TO(rpc_context->trace(), "Failed to deserialize batch: $0", status.GetDetail());
MarkErrorStatus(status, *lock);
return status;
VLOG_ROW << "added #rows=" << batch->num_rows() << " batch_size=" << batch_size;
TRACE_TO(rpc_context->trace(), "Enqueuing deserialized batch");
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->total_enqueued_batches_counter_, 1);
batch_queue_.emplace_back(batch_size, move(batch));
return Status::OK();
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::AddBatch(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request,
TransmitDataResponsePB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
// TODO: Add timers for time spent in this function and queue time in 'batch_queue_'.
const RowBatchHeaderPB& header = request->row_batch_header();
kudu::Slice tuple_offsets;
kudu::Slice tuple_data;
int64_t batch_size;
Status status = UnpackRequest(request, rpc_context, &tuple_offsets, &tuple_data,
if (UNLIKELY(!status.ok())) {
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
MarkErrorStatus(status, l);
TRACE_TO(rpc_context->trace(), "Error unpacking request: $0", status.GetDetail());
DataStreamService::RespondRpc(status, response, rpc_context);
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->total_received_batches_counter_, 1);
// To be consistent with the senders, only count the sidecars size.
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->bytes_received_counter_, tuple_data.size() + tuple_offsets.size());
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
// There should be one or more senders left when this function is called. The reason
// is that EndDataStream RPC is not sent until all outstanding TransmitData() RPC has
// been replied to. There is at least one TransmitData() RPC which hasn't yet been
// responded to if we reach here.
DCHECK_GT(num_remaining_senders_, 0);
if (UNLIKELY(is_cancelled_)) {
TRACE_TO(rpc_context->trace(), "Receiver was cancelled");
Status cancel_status = Status::Expected(TErrorCode::DATASTREAM_RECVR_CLOSED,
PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id()), recvr_->dest_node_id());
DataStreamService::RespondRpc(cancel_status, response, rpc_context);
// If there's something in the queue or this batch will push us over the buffer
// limit we need to wait until the queue gets drained. We store the rpc context
// so that we can signal it at a later time to resend the batch that we couldn't
// process here. If there are already deferred RPCs waiting in queue, the new
// batch needs to line up after the deferred RPCs to avoid starvation of senders
// in the non-merging case.
if (UNLIKELY(!deferred_rpcs_.empty() || !CanEnqueue(batch_size, l))) {
auto payload = make_unique<TransmitDataCtx>(request, response, rpc_context);
EnqueueDeferredRpc(move(payload), l);
// At this point, we are committed to inserting the row batch into 'batch_queue_'.
status = AddBatchWork(batch_size, header, tuple_offsets, tuple_data, &l, rpc_context);
// Respond to the sender to ack the insertion of the row batches.
DataStreamService::RespondRpc(status, response, rpc_context);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::ProcessDeferredRpc() {
// Owns the first entry of 'deferred_rpcs_' if it ends up being popped.
std::unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> ctx;
Status status;
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
DCHECK_GT(num_deserialize_tasks_pending_, 0);
if (deferred_rpcs_.empty()) return;
// A sender queue cannot be cancelled if there is any deferred RPC.
// Try enqueuing the first entry into 'batch_queue_'.
TRACE_TO(ctx->rpc_context->trace(), "Processing deferred RPC");
kudu::Slice tuple_offsets;
kudu::Slice tuple_data;
int64_t batch_size;
status = UnpackRequest(ctx->request, ctx->rpc_context, &tuple_offsets,
&tuple_data, &batch_size);
// Reply with error status if the entry cannot be unpacked.
if (UNLIKELY(!status.ok())) {
"Error unpacking deferred RPC: $0", status.GetDetail());
MarkErrorStatus(status, l);
DataStreamService::RespondAndReleaseRpc(status, ctx->response, ctx->rpc_context,
// Stops if inserting the batch causes us to go over the limit.
// Put 'ctx' back on the queue.
if (!CanEnqueue(batch_size, l)) {
TRACE_TO(ctx->rpc_context->trace(), "Batch queue is full");
DCHECK(deferred_rpcs_.front().get() != nullptr);
// Dequeues the deferred batch and adds it to 'batch_queue_'.
const RowBatchHeaderPB& header = ctx->request->row_batch_header();
status = AddBatchWork(
batch_size, header, tuple_offsets, tuple_data, &l, ctx->rpc_context);
DCHECK(!status.ok() || !batch_queue_.empty());
// Release to MemTracker while still holding the lock to prevent race with Close().
// Responds to the sender to ack the insertion of the row batches.
// No need to hold lock when enqueuing the response.
DataStreamService::RespondRpc(status, ctx->response, ctx->rpc_context);
int64_t KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::GetSerializedBatchSize(
const TransmitDataRequestPB* request, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
kudu::Slice tuple_offsets;
kudu::Slice tuple_data;
int64_t unused;
int64_t serialized_size = 0;
if (UnpackRequest(request, rpc_context, &tuple_offsets, &tuple_data, &unused,
&serialized_size).ok()) {
return serialized_size;
return 0;
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::TakeOverEarlySender(
unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> ctx) {
// TakeOverEarlySender() is called by the same thread which calls Close().
// The receiver cannot be closed while this function is in progress so
// 'recvr_->mgr_' shouldn't be NULL.
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
DCHECK(!recvr_->closed_ && recvr_->mgr_ != nullptr);
COUNTER_ADD(recvr_->total_received_batches_counter_, 1);
GetSerializedBatchSize(ctx->request, ctx->rpc_context));
int sender_id = ctx->request->sender_id();
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
if (UNLIKELY(is_cancelled_)) {
TRACE_TO(ctx->rpc_context->trace(), "Recvr closed");
Status cancel_status = Status::Expected(TErrorCode::DATASTREAM_RECVR_CLOSED,
PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id()), recvr_->dest_node_id());
DataStreamService::RespondRpc(cancel_status, ctx->response, ctx->rpc_context);
// Only enqueue a deferred RPC if the sender queue is not yet cancelled.
EnqueueDeferredRpc(move(ctx), l);
recvr_->dest_node_id(), sender_id, 1);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::DecrementSenders() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
DCHECK_GT(num_remaining_senders_, 0);
num_remaining_senders_ = max(0, num_remaining_senders_ - 1);
VLOG_FILE << "decremented senders: fragment_instance_id="
<< PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id())
<< " node_id=" << recvr_->dest_node_id()
<< " #senders=" << num_remaining_senders_;
if (num_remaining_senders_ == 0) data_arrival_cv_.notify_one();
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::Cancel() {
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
if (is_cancelled_) return;
is_cancelled_ = true;
// Respond to deferred RPCs.
while (!deferred_rpcs_.empty()) {
const unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx>& ctx = deferred_rpcs_.front();
Status cancel_status = Status::Expected(TErrorCode::DATASTREAM_RECVR_CLOSED,
PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id()), recvr_->dest_node_id());
DataStreamService::RespondAndReleaseRpc(cancel_status, ctx->response,
ctx->rpc_context, recvr_->deferred_rpc_tracker());
VLOG(2) << "cancelled stream: fragment_instance_id="
<< PrintId(recvr_->fragment_instance_id())
<< " node_id=" << recvr_->dest_node_id();
// Wake up all threads waiting to produce/consume batches. They will all
// notice that the stream is cancelled and handle it.
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::Close() {
unique_lock<SpinLock> l(lock_);
// Note that the queue must be cancelled first before it can be closed or we may
// risk running into a race which can leak row batches. Please see IMPALA-3034.
// The deferred RPCs should all have been responded to in Cancel().
// Wait for any pending insertion to complete first.
while (num_pending_enqueue_ > 0) data_arrival_cv_.wait(l);
// Delete any batches queued in batch_queue_
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::CreateMerger(const TupleRowComparator& less_than) {
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
vector<SortedRunMerger::RunBatchSupplierFn> input_batch_suppliers;
// Create the merger that will a single stream of sorted rows.
merger_.reset(new SortedRunMerger(less_than, row_desc_, profile_, false));
for (SenderQueue* queue: sender_queues_) {
[queue](RowBatch** next_batch) -> Status {
return queue->GetBatch(next_batch);
return Status::OK();
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::TransferAllResources(RowBatch* transfer_batch) {
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
for (SenderQueue* sender_queue: sender_queues_) {
if (sender_queue->current_batch() != nullptr) {
KrpcDataStreamRecvr::KrpcDataStreamRecvr(KrpcDataStreamMgr* stream_mgr,
MemTracker* parent_tracker, const RowDescriptor* row_desc,
const RuntimeState& runtime_state, const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
PlanNodeId dest_node_id, int num_senders, bool is_merging,
int64_t total_buffer_limit, RuntimeProfile* profile,
BufferPool::ClientHandle* client)
: mgr_(stream_mgr),
deferred_rpc_tracker_(new MemTracker(-1, "KrpcDeferredRpcs", parent_tracker)),
dequeue_profile_(RuntimeProfile::Create(&pool_, "Dequeue")),
enqueue_profile_(RuntimeProfile::Create(&pool_, "Enqueue")) {
// Create one queue per sender if is_merging is true.
int num_queues = is_merging ? num_senders : 1;
int num_sender_per_queue = is_merging ? 1 : num_senders;
for (int i = 0; i < num_queues; ++i) {
SenderQueue* queue = pool_.Add(new SenderQueue(this, num_sender_per_queue));
// Add the profiles of the dequeuing side (i.e. GetBatch()) and the enqueuing side
// (i.e. AddBatchWork()) as children of the owning exchange node's profile.
// Initialize various counters for measuring dequeuing from queues.
bytes_dequeued_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(dequeue_profile_, "TotalBytesDequeued", TUnit::BYTES);
bytes_dequeued_time_series_counter_ = ADD_TIME_SERIES_COUNTER(
dequeue_profile_, "BytesDequeued", bytes_dequeued_counter_);
queue_get_batch_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(dequeue_profile_, "TotalGetBatchTime");
data_wait_timer_ =
ADD_CHILD_TIMER(dequeue_profile_, "DataWaitTime", "TotalGetBatchTime");
inactive_timer_ = profile_->inactive_timer();
first_batch_wait_total_timer_ =
ADD_TIMER(dequeue_profile_, "FirstBatchWaitTime");
// Initialize various counters for measuring enqueuing into queues.
bytes_received_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalBytesReceived", TUnit::BYTES);
bytes_received_time_series_counter_ = ADD_TIME_SERIES_COUNTER(
enqueue_profile_, "BytesReceived", bytes_received_counter_);
deserialize_row_batch_timer_ =
ADD_TIMER(enqueue_profile_, "DeserializeRowBatchTime");
total_eos_received_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalEosReceived", TUnit::UNIT);
total_early_senders_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalEarlySenders", TUnit::UNIT);
total_received_batches_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalBatchesReceived", TUnit::UNIT);
total_enqueued_batches_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalBatchesEnqueued", TUnit::UNIT);
total_deferred_rpcs_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalRPCsDeferred", TUnit::UNIT);
deferred_rpcs_time_series_counter_ =
enqueue_profile_->AddSamplingTimeSeriesCounter("DeferredQueueSize", TUnit::UNIT,
bind<int64_t>(mem_fn(&KrpcDataStreamRecvr::num_deferred_rpcs), this));
total_has_deferred_rpcs_timer_ =
ADD_TIMER(enqueue_profile_, "TotalHasDeferredRPCsTime");
dispatch_timer_ =
ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_TIMER(enqueue_profile_, "DispatchTime");
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::GetNext(RowBatch* output_batch, bool* eos) {
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
DCHECK(merger_.get() != nullptr);
return merger_->GetNext(output_batch, eos);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::AddBatch(const TransmitDataRequestPB* request,
TransmitDataResponsePB* response, RpcContext* rpc_context) {
MonoDelta duration(MonoTime::Now() - rpc_context->GetTimeReceived());
DCHECK_GE(duration.ToNanoseconds(), 0);
int use_sender_id = is_merging_ ? request->sender_id() : 0;
// Add all batches to the same queue if is_merging_ is false.
sender_queues_[use_sender_id]->AddBatch(request, response, rpc_context);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::ProcessDeferredRpc(int sender_id) {
int use_sender_id = is_merging_ ? sender_id : 0;
// Add all batches to the same queue if is_merging_ is false.
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::TakeOverEarlySender(unique_ptr<TransmitDataCtx> ctx) {
int use_sender_id = is_merging_ ? ctx->request->sender_id() : 0;
// Add all batches to the same queue if is_merging_ is false.
COUNTER_ADD(total_early_senders_counter_, 1);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::RemoveSender(int sender_id) {
int use_sender_id = is_merging_ ? sender_id : 0;
COUNTER_ADD(total_eos_received_counter_, 1);
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::CancelStream() {
for (auto& queue: sender_queues_) queue->Cancel();
void KrpcDataStreamRecvr::Close() {
DCHECK(TestInfo::is_test() || FragmentInstanceState::IsFragmentExecThread());
closed_ = true;
// Remove this receiver from the KrpcDataStreamMgr that created it.
// All the sender queues will be cancelled after this call returns.
const Status status = mgr_->DeregisterRecvr(fragment_instance_id(), dest_node_id());
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error deregistering receiver: " << status.GetDetail();
for (auto& queue: sender_queues_) queue->Close();
// Given all queues have been cancelled and closed already at this point, it's safe to
// call Close() on 'deferred_rpc_tracker_' without holding any lock here.
// Remove reference to the unowned resources which may be freed after Close().
mgr_ = nullptr;
row_desc_ = nullptr;
parent_tracker_ = nullptr;
buffer_pool_client_ = nullptr;
profile_ = nullptr;
KrpcDataStreamRecvr::~KrpcDataStreamRecvr() {
DCHECK(mgr_ == nullptr) << "Must call Close()";
Status KrpcDataStreamRecvr::GetBatch(RowBatch** next_batch) {
DCHECK_EQ(sender_queues_.size(), 1);
return sender_queues_[0]->GetBatch(next_batch);
} // namespace impala