blob: db45456a25a09a62e063dbb71cdc0dbc1228537e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
class FragmentInstanceState;
class QueryCtx;
class RuntimeProfile;
/// This encapsulates all the static state for a fragment that will be shared across its
/// instances which includes the thrift structures representing fragments and all its
/// instances, plan node tree and data sink config. It also contains state and methods
/// required for creating, invoking and managing codegen. Is not thread safe unless
/// specified.
class FragmentState {
/// Create a map of fragment index to its FragmentState object and only populate the
/// thrift and protobuf references of the fragment and instance context objects from
/// 'fragment_info' and 'exec_request'.
static Status CreateFragmentStateMap(const TExecPlanFragmentInfo& fragment_info,
const ExecQueryFInstancesRequestPB& exec_request, QueryState* state,
std::unordered_map<TFragmentIdx, FragmentState*>& fragment_map);
FragmentState(QueryState* query_state, const TPlanFragment& fragment,
const PlanFragmentCtxPB& fragment_ctx);
/// Called by all the fragment instance threads that execute this fragment. The first
/// fragment instance to call this does the actual codegen work. The rest either wait
/// till codegen is complete or simple return immediately if it is already completed. In
/// case codegen fails, it attempts to set an error status in the query state and
/// returns that status on every subsequent call. Is thread-safe.
Status InvokeCodegen(RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* event_sequence);
/// Release resources held by codegen, the plan tree and data sink config.
void ReleaseResources();
ObjectPool* obj_pool() { return &obj_pool_; }
int fragment_idx() const { return fragment_.idx; }
const TQueryOptions& query_options() const { return query_state_->query_options(); }
const TPlanFragment& fragment() const { return fragment_; }
const PlanFragmentCtxPB& fragment_ctx() const { return fragment_ctx_; }
const std::vector<const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx*>& instance_ctxs() const {
return instance_ctxs_;
const std::vector<const PlanFragmentInstanceCtxPB*>& instance_ctx_pbs() const {
return instance_ctx_pbs_;
const PlanNode* plan_tree() const { return plan_tree_; }
const DataSinkConfig* sink_config() const { return sink_config_; }
const TUniqueId& query_id() const { return query_state_->query_id(); }
const DescriptorTbl& desc_tbl() const { return query_state_->desc_tbl(); }
MemTracker* query_mem_tracker() const { return query_state_->query_mem_tracker(); }
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile() { return runtime_profile_; }
static const std::string FSTATE_THREAD_GROUP_NAME;
static const std::string FSTATE_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX;
/// Methods relevant for codegen.
/// Create a codegen object accessible via codegen() if it doesn't exist already.
Status CreateCodegen();
/// Codegen all ScalarExpr expressions in 'scalar_exprs_to_codegen_'. If codegen fails
/// for any expressions, return immediately with the error status. Once IMPALA-4233 is
/// fixed, it's not fatal to fail codegen if the expression can be interpreted.
/// TODO: Now that IMPALA-4233 is fixed, revisit this comment.
Status CodegenScalarExprs();
/// Add ScalarExpr expression 'expr' to be codegen'd later if it's not disabled by query
/// option. If 'is_codegen_entry_point' is true or 'interpretable' is false, 'expr' will
/// be an entry point into codegen'd evaluation (i.e. it will have a function pointer
/// populated) - if the expression is not interpretable, we need an entry point to
/// evaluate it from interpreted code, e.g. GetConstValue().
/// Adding an expr here ensures that it will be codegen'd (i.e. fragment execution will
/// fail with an error if the expr cannot be codegen'd).
void AddScalarExprToCodegen(ScalarExpr* expr, bool is_codegen_entry_point,
bool interpretable) {
is_interpretable_ = is_interpretable_ && interpretable;
scalar_exprs_to_codegen_.push_back({expr, is_codegen_entry_point || !interpretable});
/// Returns true if there are ScalarExpr expressions in the fragments that we want
/// to codegen (because they can't be interpreted or based on options/hints).
/// This should only be used after the plan tree and the data sink configs have been
/// created, init'ed in which all expressions' Prepare() are invoked.
bool ScalarExprNeedsCodegen() const { return !scalar_exprs_to_codegen_.empty(); }
/// Check if codegen was disabled and if so, add a message to the runtime profile.
/// Call this only after expressions have been have been created.
void CheckAndAddCodegenDisabledMessage(std::vector<std::string>& codegen_status_msgs) {
if (CodegenDisabledByQueryOption()) {
GenerateCodegenMsg(false, "disabled by query option DISABLE_CODEGEN"));
} else if (CodegenDisabledByHint()) {
GenerateCodegenMsg(false, "disabled due to optimization hints"));
/// Returns true if there is a hint to disable codegen. This can be true for single node
/// optimization or expression evaluation request from FE to BE (see
/// Note that this internal flag is advisory and it may be ignored if the fragment has
/// any UDF which cannot be interpreted. See ScalarExpr::Prepare() for details.
inline bool CodegenHasDisableHint() const {
return query_state_->query_ctx().disable_codegen_hint;
/// Returns true iff there is a hint to disable codegen and all expressions in the
/// fragment can be interpreted. This should only be used after the Prepare() phase
/// in which all expressions' Prepare() are invoked.
inline bool CodegenDisabledByHint() const {
return CodegenHasDisableHint() && !ScalarExprNeedsCodegen();
/// Returns true if codegen is disabled by query option.
inline bool CodegenDisabledByQueryOption() const {
return query_options().disable_codegen;
/// Returns true if codegen should be enabled for this fragment. Codegen is enabled
/// if all the following conditions hold:
/// 1. it's enabled by query option
/// 2. it's not disabled by internal hints or there are expressions in the fragment
/// which cannot be interpreted.
inline bool ShouldCodegen() const {
return !CodegenDisabledByQueryOption() && !CodegenDisabledByHint();
/// Whether all expressions are interpretable or codegen is necessary because an
/// expression cannot be interpreted.
inline bool is_interpretable() const {
return is_interpretable_;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen() { return codegen_.get(); }
/// Utility methods for generating a messages from Status objects by adding context
/// relevant to codegen.
static std::string GenerateCodegenMsg(bool codegen_enabled,
const Status& codegen_status, const std::string& extra_label = "");
static std::string GenerateCodegenMsg(bool codegen_enabled,
const std::string& extra_info = "", const std::string& extra_label = "");
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
/// Reference to the query state object that owns this.
QueryState* query_state_;
/// References to the thrift structs for this fragment.
const TPlanFragment& fragment_;
std::vector<const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx*> instance_ctxs_;
/// References to the protobuf structs for this fragment.
const PlanFragmentCtxPB& fragment_ctx_;
std::vector<const PlanFragmentInstanceCtxPB*> instance_ctx_pbs_;
/// Lives in obj_pool(). Not mutated after being initialized in InitAndCodegen() except
/// for being closed.
PlanNode* plan_tree_ = nullptr;
DataSinkConfig* sink_config_ = nullptr;
boost::scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen_;
/// Stores the result of calling InitAndCodegen() to check for any errors encountered
/// during that call.
Status codegen_status_;
/// Contains all ScalarExpr expressions which need to be codegen'd. The second element
/// is true if we want to generate a codegen entry point for this expr.
std::vector<std::pair<ScalarExpr*, bool>> scalar_exprs_to_codegen_;
/// Whether all expressions are interpretable. If at least one expression is
/// non-interpretable, codegen is necessary and we should return an error if it is
/// disabled.
bool is_interpretable_ = true;
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile_ = nullptr;
/// Serializes access to InvokeCodegen().
/// Lock ordering: QueryState::status_lock_ must *not be obtained* prior to this.
std::mutex codegen_lock_;
/// Indicates whether codegen has been invoked. Used to make sure only the first
/// fragment instance to call InvokeCodegen() does the actual codegen work.
bool codegen_invoked_ = false;
/// Used by the CreateFragmentStateMap to add the TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx and the
/// PlanFragmentInstanceCtxPB for the fragment that this object represents.
void AddInstance(const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx* instance_ctx,
const PlanFragmentInstanceCtxPB* instance_ctx_pb) {
/// Helper method used by InvokeCodegen(). Does the actual codegen work.
Status CodegenHelper(RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* event_sequence);
/// Create the plan tree, data sink config.
Status Init();