blob: 9c1e15bad30cf90003d29e7452583b9dcde2a51f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include <kudu/client/client.h>
#include "catalog/catalog-service-client-wrapper.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "exec/kudu-util.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/service_if.h"
#include "rpc/rpc-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/backend-client.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/client-cache.h"
#include "runtime/coordinator.h"
#include "runtime/hbase-table-factory.h"
#include "runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.h"
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/krpc-data-stream-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/lib-cache.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/query-exec-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/thread-resource-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include "scheduling/admission-controller.h"
#include "scheduling/cluster-membership-mgr.h"
#include "scheduling/request-pool-service.h"
#include "scheduling/scheduler.h"
#include "service/control-service.h"
#include "service/data-stream-service.h"
#include "service/frontend.h"
#include "service/impala-server.h"
#include "statestore/statestore-subscriber.h"
#include "util/cgroup-util.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/default-path-handlers.h"
#include "util/hdfs-bulk-ops.h"
#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
#include "util/mem-info.h"
#include "util/memory-metrics.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "util/network-util.h"
#include "util/openssl-util.h"
#include "util/parse-util.h"
#include "util/periodic-counter-updater.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/system-state-info.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "util/thread-pool.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
#include "util/webserver.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::algorithm::join;
using kudu::rpc::GeneratedServiceIf;
using namespace strings;
DEFINE_string(catalog_service_host, "localhost",
"hostname where CatalogService is running");
DEFINE_bool(enable_webserver, true, "If true, debug webserver is enabled");
DEFINE_string(state_store_host, "localhost",
"hostname where StatestoreService is running");
DEFINE_int32(state_store_subscriber_port, 23000,
"port where StatestoreSubscriberService should be exported");
DEFINE_int32(num_hdfs_worker_threads, 16,
"(Advanced) The number of threads in the global HDFS operation pool");
DEFINE_int32(max_concurrent_queries, 0,
"(Deprecated) This has been replaced with --admission_control_slots, which "
"better accounts for the higher parallelism of queries with mt_dop > 1. "
"If --admission_control_slots is not set, the value of --max_concurrent_queries "
"is used instead for backward compatibility.");
DEFINE_int32(admission_control_slots, 0,
"(Advanced) The maximum degree of parallelism to run queries with on this backend. "
"This determines the number of slots available to queries in admission control for "
"this backend. The degree of parallelism of the query determines the number of slots "
"that it needs. Defaults to number of cores / -num_cores for executors, and 8x that "
"value for dedicated coordinators).");
DEFINE_bool_hidden(use_local_catalog, false,
"Use experimental implementation of a local catalog. If this is set, "
"the catalog service is not used and does not need to be started.");
DEFINE_int32_hidden(local_catalog_cache_mb, -1,
"If --use_local_catalog is enabled, configures the size of the catalog "
"cache within each impalad. If this is set to -1, the cache is auto-"
"configured to 60% of the configured Java heap size. Note that the Java "
"heap size is distinct from and typically smaller than the overall "
"Impala memory limit.");
DEFINE_int32_hidden(local_catalog_cache_expiration_s, 60 * 60,
"If --use_local_catalog is enabled, configures the expiration time "
"of the catalog cache within each impalad. Even if the configured "
"cache capacity has not been reached, items are removed from the cache "
"if they have not been accessed in this amount of time.");
DEFINE_int32_hidden(local_catalog_max_fetch_retries, 40,
"If --use_local_catalog is enabled, configures the maximum number of times "
"the frontend retries when fetching a metadata object from the impalad "
"coordinator's local catalog cache.");
DEFINE_int32(backend_client_connection_num_retries, 3, "Retry backend connections.");
// When network is unstable, TCP will retry and sending could take longer time.
// Choose 5 minutes as default timeout because we don't want RPC timeout be triggered
// by intermittent network issue. The timeout should not be too long either, otherwise
// query could hang for a while before it's cancelled.
DEFINE_int32(backend_client_rpc_timeout_ms, 300000, "(Advanced) The underlying "
"TSocket send/recv timeout in milliseconds for a backend client RPC. ");
DEFINE_int32(catalog_client_connection_num_retries, 10, "The number of times connections "
"or RPCs to the catalog should be retried.");
DEFINE_int32(catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms, 0, "(Advanced) The underlying TSocket "
"send/recv timeout in milliseconds for a catalog client RPC.");
DEFINE_int32(catalog_client_rpc_retry_interval_ms, 3000, "(Advanced) The time to wait "
"before retrying when the catalog RPC client fails to connect to catalogd or when "
"RPCs to the catalogd fail.");
DEFINE_int32(metrics_webserver_port, 0,
"If non-zero, the port to run the metrics webserver on, which exposes the /metrics, "
"/jsonmetrics, /metrics_prometheus, and /healthz endpoints without authentication "
DEFINE_string(metrics_webserver_interface, "",
"Interface to start metrics webserver on. If blank, webserver binds to");
const static string DEFAULT_FS = "fs.defaultFS";
// The multiplier for how many queries a dedicated coordinator can run compared to an
// executor. This is only effective when using non-default settings for executor groups
// and the absolute value can be overridden by the '--admission_control_slots' flag.
namespace {
using namespace impala;
/// Helper method to forward cluster membership updates to the frontend.
/// The frontend uses cluster membership information to determine whether it expects the
/// scheduler to assign local or remote reads. It also uses the number of executors to
/// determine the join type (partitioned vs broadcast). For the default executor group, we
/// assume that local reads are preferred and will include the hostnames and IP addresses
/// in the update to the frontend. For non-default executor groups, we assume that we will
/// read data remotely and will only send the number of executors in the largest healthy
/// group.
void SendClusterMembershipToFrontend(
ClusterMembershipMgr::SnapshotPtr& snapshot, Frontend* frontend) {
TUpdateExecutorMembershipRequest update_req;
const ExecutorGroup* group = nullptr;
bool is_default_group = false;
auto default_it =
if (default_it != snapshot->executor_groups.end()) {
is_default_group = true;
group = &(default_it->second);
} else {
int max_num_executors = 0;
// Find largest healthy group.
for (const auto& it : snapshot->executor_groups) {
if (!it.second.IsHealthy()) continue;
int num_executors = it.second.NumExecutors();
if (num_executors > max_num_executors) {
max_num_executors = num_executors;
group = &(it.second);
if (group) {
for (const auto& backend : group->GetAllExecutorDescriptors()) {
if (backend.is_executor()) {
if (is_default_group) {
Status status = frontend->UpdateExecutorMembership(update_req);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error updating frontend membership snapshot: " << status.GetDetail();
namespace impala {
struct ExecEnv::KuduClientPtr {
kudu::client::sp::shared_ptr<kudu::client::KuduClient> kudu_client;
ExecEnv* ExecEnv::exec_env_ = nullptr;
: ExecEnv(FLAGS_be_port, FLAGS_krpc_port,
FLAGS_state_store_subscriber_port, FLAGS_webserver_port,
FLAGS_state_store_host, FLAGS_state_store_port) {}
ExecEnv::ExecEnv(int backend_port, int krpc_port,
int subscriber_port, int webserver_port, const string& statestore_host,
int statestore_port)
: obj_pool_(new ObjectPool),
metrics_(new MetricGroup("impala-metrics")),
// Create the CatalogServiceClientCache with num_retries = 1 and wait_ms = 0.
// Connections are still retried, but the retry mechanism is driven by
// DoRpcWithRetry. Clients should always use DoRpcWithRetry rather than DoRpc to
// ensure that both RPCs and connections are retried.
new CatalogServiceClientCache(1, 0,
FLAGS_catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms, FLAGS_catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms, "",
htable_factory_(new HBaseTableFactory()),
disk_io_mgr_(new io::DiskIoMgr()),
webserver_(new Webserver(FLAGS_webserver_interface, webserver_port, metrics_.get())),
pool_mem_trackers_(new PoolMemTrackerRegistry),
thread_mgr_(new ThreadResourceMgr),
tmp_file_mgr_(new TmpFileMgr),
frontend_(new Frontend()),
async_rpc_pool_(new CallableThreadPool("rpc-pool", "async-rpc-sender", 8, 10000)),
query_exec_mgr_(new QueryExecMgr()),
enable_webserver_(FLAGS_enable_webserver && webserver_port > 0),
configured_backend_address_(MakeNetworkAddress(FLAGS_hostname, backend_port)) {
UUIDToUniqueIdPB(boost::uuids::random_generator()(), &backend_id_);
// Resolve hostname to IP address.
ABORT_IF_ERROR(HostnameToIpAddr(FLAGS_hostname, &ip_address_));
// KRPC relies on resolved IP address.
rpc_mgr_.reset(new RpcMgr(IsInternalTlsConfigured()));
stream_mgr_.reset(new KrpcDataStreamMgr(metrics_.get()));
request_pool_service_.reset(new RequestPoolService(metrics_.get()));
TNetworkAddress subscriber_address =
MakeNetworkAddress(FLAGS_hostname, subscriber_port);
TNetworkAddress statestore_address =
MakeNetworkAddress(statestore_host, statestore_port);
statestore_subscriber_.reset(new StatestoreSubscriber(
Substitute("impalad@$0", TNetworkAddressToString(configured_backend_address_)),
subscriber_address, statestore_address, metrics_.get()));
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
CreateHdfsOpThreadPool("hdfs-worker-pool", FLAGS_num_hdfs_worker_threads, 1024));
scheduler_.reset(new Scheduler(metrics_.get(), request_pool_service_.get()));
cluster_membership_mgr_.reset(new ClusterMembershipMgr(
PrintId(backend_id_), statestore_subscriber_.get(), metrics_.get()));
// TODO: Consider removing AdmissionController from executor only impalads.
new AdmissionController(cluster_membership_mgr_.get(), statestore_subscriber_.get(),
request_pool_service_.get(), metrics_.get(), configured_backend_address_));
if (FLAGS_metrics_webserver_port > 0) {
metrics_webserver_.reset(new Webserver(FLAGS_metrics_webserver_interface,
FLAGS_metrics_webserver_port, metrics_.get(), Webserver::AuthMode::NONE));
exec_env_ = this;
ExecEnv::~ExecEnv() {
if (buffer_reservation_ != nullptr) buffer_reservation_->Close();
if (rpc_mgr_ != nullptr) rpc_mgr_->Shutdown();
disk_io_mgr_.reset(); // Need to tear down before mem_tracker_.
Status ExecEnv::InitForFeTests() {
mem_tracker_.reset(new MemTracker(-1, "Process"));
is_fe_tests_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status ExecEnv::Init() {
LOG(INFO) << "Initializing impalad with backend uuid: " << PrintId(backend_id_);
// Initialize thread pools
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
int64_t bytes_limit;
// Need to register JVM metrics first so that we can use them to compute the buffer pool
// limit.
if (!BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(FLAGS_min_buffer_size)) {
return Status(Substitute(
"--min_buffer_size must be a power-of-two: $0", FLAGS_min_buffer_size));
// The bytes limit we want to size everything else as a fraction of, excluding the
// JVM.
admit_mem_limit_ = bytes_limit;
if (FLAGS_mem_limit_includes_jvm) {
// The JVM max heap size is static and therefore known at this point. Other categories
// of JVM memory consumption are much smaller and dynamic so it is simpler not to
// include them here.
admit_mem_limit_ -= JvmMemoryMetric::HEAP_MAX_USAGE->GetValue();
bool is_percent;
int64_t buffer_pool_limit = ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_buffer_pool_limit,
&is_percent, admit_mem_limit_);
if (buffer_pool_limit <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Invalid --buffer_pool_limit value, must be a percentage or "
"positive bytes value or percentage: $0", FLAGS_buffer_pool_limit));
buffer_pool_limit = BitUtil::RoundDown(buffer_pool_limit, FLAGS_min_buffer_size);
LOG(INFO) << "Buffer pool limit: "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(buffer_pool_limit, TUnit::BYTES);
int64_t clean_pages_limit = ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_buffer_pool_clean_pages_limit,
&is_percent, buffer_pool_limit);
if (clean_pages_limit <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Invalid --buffer_pool_clean_pages_limit value, must be a "
"percentage or positive bytes value or percentage: $0",
InitBufferPool(FLAGS_min_buffer_size, buffer_pool_limit, clean_pages_limit);
admission_slots_ = CpuInfo::num_cores();
if (FLAGS_admission_control_slots > 0) {
if (FLAGS_max_concurrent_queries > 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignored --max_concurrent_queries, --admission_control_slots was "
<< "set and takes precedence.";
admission_slots_ = FLAGS_admission_control_slots;
} else if (FLAGS_max_concurrent_queries > 0) {
admission_slots_ = FLAGS_max_concurrent_queries;
} else if (FLAGS_is_coordinator && !FLAGS_is_executor) {
// By default we assume that dedicated coordinators can handle more queries than
// executors.
if (enable_webserver_) {
if (FLAGS_metrics_webserver_port > 0) {
catalogd_client_cache_->InitMetrics(metrics_.get(), "catalog.server");
metrics_.get(), true, buffer_reservation_.get(), buffer_pool_.get()));
// Initialize impalad metrics
// Initializes the RPCMgr, ControlServices and DataStreamServices.
// Initialization needs to happen in the following order due to dependencies:
// - RPC manager, DataStreamService and DataStreamManager.
control_svc_.reset(new ControlService(rpc_metrics_));
data_svc_.reset(new DataStreamService(rpc_metrics_));
// Bump thread cache to 1GB to reduce contention for TCMalloc central
// list's spinlock.
if (FLAGS_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytes == 0) {
FLAGS_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytes = 1 << 30;
// Change the total TCMalloc thread cache size if necessary.
if (FLAGS_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytes > 0 &&
FLAGS_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytes)) {
return Status("Failed to change TCMalloc total thread cache size.");
// A MemTracker for TCMalloc overhead which is the difference between the physical bytes
// reserved (TcmallocMetric::PHYSICAL_BYTES_RESERVED) and the bytes in use
// (TcmallocMetrics::BYTES_IN_USE). This overhead accounts for all the cached freelists
// used by TCMalloc.
IntGauge* negated_bytes_in_use = obj_pool_->Add(new NegatedGauge(
MakeTMetricDef("negated_tcmalloc_bytes_in_use", TMetricKind::GAUGE, TUnit::BYTES),
vector<IntGauge*> overhead_metrics;
SumGauge* tcmalloc_overhead = obj_pool_->Add(new SumGauge(
MakeTMetricDef("tcmalloc_overhead", TMetricKind::GAUGE, TUnit::BYTES),
new MemTracker(tcmalloc_overhead, -1, "TCMalloc Overhead", mem_tracker_.get()));
mem_tracker_->RegisterMetrics(metrics_.get(), "mem-tracker.process");
// Start services in order to ensure that dependencies between them are met
if (enable_webserver_) {
AddDefaultUrlCallbacks(webserver_.get(), metrics_.get(), mem_tracker_.get());
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Not starting webserver";
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
[this](ClusterMembershipMgr::SnapshotPtr snapshot) {
SendClusterMembershipToFrontend(snapshot, this->frontend());
// Get the fs.defaultFS value set in core-site.xml and assign it to configured_defaultFs
TGetHadoopConfigRequest config_request;
TGetHadoopConfigResponse config_response;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(frontend_->GetHadoopConfig(config_request, &config_response));
if (config_response.__isset.value) {
default_fs_ = config_response.value;
} else {
default_fs_ = "hdfs://";
return Status::OK();
Status ExecEnv::ChooseProcessMemLimit(int64_t* bytes_limit) {
// Depending on the system configuration, we detect the total amount of memory
// available to the system - either the available physical memory, or if overcommitting
// is turned off, we use the memory commit limit from /proc/meminfo (see IMPALA-1690).
// The 'memory' CGroup can also impose a lower limit on memory consumption,
// so we take the minimum of the system memory and the CGroup memory limit.
int64_t avail_mem = MemInfo::physical_mem();
bool use_commit_limit =
MemInfo::vm_overcommit() == 2 && MemInfo::commit_limit() < MemInfo::physical_mem();
if (use_commit_limit) {
avail_mem = MemInfo::commit_limit();
// There might be the case of misconfiguration, when on a system swap is disabled
// and overcommitting is turned off the actual usable memory is less than the
// available physical memory.
LOG(WARNING) << "This system shows a discrepancy between the available "
<< "memory and the memory commit limit allowed by the "
<< "operating system. ( Mem: " << MemInfo::physical_mem()
<< "<=> CommitLimit: " << MemInfo::commit_limit() << "). "
<< "Impala will adhere to the smaller value when setting the process "
<< "memory limit. Please verify the system configuration. Specifically, "
<< "/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory and "
<< "/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio.";
LOG(INFO) << "System memory available: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(avail_mem)
<< " (from " << (use_commit_limit ? "commit limit" : "physical mem") << ")";
int64_t cgroup_mem_limit;
Status cgroup_mem_status = CGroupUtil::FindCGroupMemLimit(&cgroup_mem_limit);
if (cgroup_mem_status.ok()) {
if (cgroup_mem_limit < avail_mem) {
avail_mem = cgroup_mem_limit;
LOG(INFO) << "CGroup memory limit for this process reduces physical memory "
<< "available to: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(avail_mem);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not detect CGroup memory limit, assuming unlimited: $0"
<< cgroup_mem_status.GetDetail();
bool is_percent;
*bytes_limit = ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec(FLAGS_mem_limit, &is_percent, avail_mem);
// ParseMemSpec() returns -1 for invalid input and 0 to mean unlimited. From Impala
// 2.11 onwards we do not support unlimited process memory limits.
if (*bytes_limit <= 0) {
return Status(Substitute("The process memory limit (--mem_limit) must be a positive "
"bytes value or percentage: $0", FLAGS_mem_limit));
if (is_percent) {
LOG(INFO) << "Using process memory limit: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(*bytes_limit)
<< " (--mem_limit=" << FLAGS_mem_limit << " of "
<< PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(avail_mem) << ")";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Using process memory limit: " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(*bytes_limit)
<< " (--mem_limit=" << FLAGS_mem_limit << ")";
if (*bytes_limit > MemInfo::physical_mem()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Process memory limit " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(*bytes_limit)
<< " exceeds physical memory of "
<< PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(MemInfo::physical_mem());
if (cgroup_mem_status.ok() && *bytes_limit > cgroup_mem_limit) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Process Memory limit " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(*bytes_limit)
<< " exceeds CGroup memory limit of "
<< PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(cgroup_mem_limit);
return Status::OK();
Status ExecEnv::StartStatestoreSubscriberService() {
LOG(INFO) << "Starting statestore subscriber service";
// Must happen after all topic registrations / callbacks are done
if (statestore_subscriber_.get() != nullptr) {
Status status = statestore_subscriber_->Start();
if (!status.ok()) {
status.AddDetail("Statestore subscriber did not start up.");
return status;
return Status::OK();
Status ExecEnv::StartKrpcService() {
LOG(INFO) << "Starting KRPC service";
return Status::OK();
void ExecEnv::SetImpalaServer(ImpalaServer* server) {
DCHECK(impala_server_ == nullptr) << "ImpalaServer already registered";
DCHECK(server != nullptr);
impala_server_ = server;
// Register the ImpalaServer with the cluster membership manager
cluster_membership_mgr_->SetLocalBeDescFn([server]() {
return server->GetLocalBackendDescriptor();
if (FLAGS_is_coordinator) {
[server](ClusterMembershipMgr::SnapshotPtr snapshot) {
std::unordered_set<BackendIdPB> current_backend_set;
for (const auto& it : snapshot->current_backends) {
if (FLAGS_is_executor && !TestInfo::is_test()) {
[](ClusterMembershipMgr::SnapshotPtr snapshot) {
std::unordered_set<BackendIdPB> current_backend_set;
for (const auto& it : snapshot->current_backends) {
void ExecEnv::InitBufferPool(int64_t min_buffer_size, int64_t capacity,
int64_t clean_pages_limit) {
// Aggressive decommit is required so that unused pages in the TCMalloc page heap are
// not backed by physical pages and do not contribute towards memory consumption.
// Enable it in TCMalloc before InitBufferPool().
"tcmalloc.aggressive_memory_decommit", 1);
new BufferPool(metrics_.get(), min_buffer_size, capacity, clean_pages_limit));
buffer_reservation_.reset(new ReservationTracker());
buffer_reservation_->InitRootTracker(nullptr, capacity);
void ExecEnv::InitMemTracker(int64_t bytes_limit) {
DCHECK(AggregateMemoryMetrics::TOTAL_USED != nullptr) << "Memory metrics not reg'd";
new MemTracker(AggregateMemoryMetrics::TOTAL_USED, bytes_limit, "Process"));
if (FLAGS_mem_limit_includes_jvm) {
// Add JVM metrics that should count against the process memory limit.
obj_pool_->Add(new MemTracker(
JvmMemoryMetric::HEAP_MAX_USAGE, -1, "JVM: max heap size", mem_tracker_.get()));
obj_pool_->Add(new MemTracker(JvmMemoryMetric::NON_HEAP_COMMITTED, -1,
"JVM: non-heap committed", mem_tracker_.get()));
if (buffer_pool_ != nullptr) {
// Tests can create multiple buffer pools, meaning that the metrics are not usable.
if (!TestInfo::is_test()) {
// Add BufferPool MemTrackers for cached memory that is not tracked against queries
// but is included in process memory consumption.
obj_pool_->Add(new MemTracker(BufferPoolMetric::FREE_BUFFER_BYTES, -1,
"Buffer Pool: Free Buffers", mem_tracker_.get()));
obj_pool_->Add(new MemTracker(BufferPoolMetric::CLEAN_PAGE_BYTES, -1,
"Buffer Pool: Clean Pages", mem_tracker_.get()));
// Also need a MemTracker for unused reservations as a negative value. Unused
// reservations are counted against queries but not against the process memory
// consumption. This accounts for that difference.
IntGauge* negated_unused_reservation = obj_pool_->Add(new NegatedGauge(
MakeTMetricDef("negated_unused_reservation", TMetricKind::GAUGE, TUnit::BYTES),
obj_pool_->Add(new MemTracker(negated_unused_reservation, -1,
"Buffer Pool: Unused Reservation", mem_tracker_.get()));
mem_tracker_->AddGcFunction([buffer_pool=buffer_pool_.get()] (int64_t bytes_to_free)
// Only free memory in excess of the current reservation - the buffer pool
// does not need to give up cached memory that is offset by an unused reservation.
int64_t reserved = BufferPoolMetric::RESERVED->GetValue();
int64_t allocated_from_sys = BufferPoolMetric::SYSTEM_ALLOCATED->GetValue();
if (reserved >= allocated_from_sys) return;
buffer_pool->ReleaseMemory(min(bytes_to_free, allocated_from_sys - reserved));
void ExecEnv::InitSystemStateInfo() {
system_state_info_.reset(new SystemStateInfo());
PeriodicCounterUpdater::RegisterUpdateFunction([s = system_state_info_.get()]() {
TNetworkAddress ExecEnv::GetThriftBackendAddress() const {
DCHECK(impala_server_ != nullptr);
return impala_server_->GetThriftBackendAddress();
Status ExecEnv::GetKuduClient(
const vector<string>& master_addresses, kudu::client::KuduClient** client) {
string master_addr_concat = join(master_addresses, ",");
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(kudu_client_map_lock_);
auto kudu_client_map_it = kudu_client_map_.find(master_addr_concat);
if (kudu_client_map_it == kudu_client_map_.end()) {
// KuduClient doesn't exist, create it
KuduClientPtr* kudu_client_ptr = new KuduClientPtr;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateKuduClient(master_addresses, &kudu_client_ptr->kudu_client));
*client = kudu_client_ptr->kudu_client.get();
} else {
// Return existing KuduClient
*client = kudu_client_map_it->second->kudu_client.get();
return Status::OK();
} // namespace impala