blob: 8351252db8032b399a641a140e0b8022dc1b1e7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/common.pb.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
namespace datetime_parse_util {
struct DateTimeFormatContext;
/// Represents a DATE value.
/// - The minimum and maximum dates are 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31. Valid dates must fall
/// in this range.
/// - Internally represents DATE values as number of days since 1970-01-01.
/// - This representation was chosen to be the same (bit-by-bit) as Parquet's date type.
/// (
/// - Proleptic Gregorian calendar is used to calculate the number of days since epoch,
/// which can lead to different representation of historical dates compared to Hive.
/// (
/// - Supports construction from year-month-day triplets. In this case, CCTZ is used to
/// check the validity of date.
/// - A DateValue instance will be invalid in the following cases:
/// - If created using the default constructor.
/// - If constructed from out-of-range or invalid year-month-day values.
/// - If parsed from a date string that is not valid or represents an out-of-range
/// date.
/// - Note, that boost::gregorian::date could not be used for representation/validation
/// due to its limited range.
class DateValue {
static const DateValue MIN_DATE;
static const DateValue MAX_DATE;
/// Default constructor creates an invalid DateValue instance.
DateValue() : days_since_epoch_(INVALID_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH) {
explicit DateValue(int64_t days_since_epoch)
: days_since_epoch_(INVALID_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH) {
if (LIKELY(days_since_epoch >= MIN_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH
&& days_since_epoch <= MAX_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH)) {
days_since_epoch_ = static_cast<int32_t>(days_since_epoch);
DateValue(int64_t year, int64_t month, int64_t day);
/// Creates a DateValue instance from the ISO 8601 week-based date values:
/// 'year' is expected to be in the [1, 9999] range.
/// 'week_of_year' is expected to be in the [1, 53] range.
/// 'day_of_week' is expected to be in the [1, 7] range.
/// If any of the parameters is out of range or 'year' has less than 'week_of_year'
/// ISO 8601 weeks, returns an invalid DateValue instance.
static DateValue CreateFromIso8601WeekBasedDateVals(int week_numbering_year,
int week_of_year, int day_of_week);
bool IsValid() const {
return days_since_epoch_ != INVALID_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH;
/// If this DateValue instance is valid, return the string representation formatted as
/// 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
/// Otherwise, return empty string.
std::string ToString() const;
/// If this DateValue instance is valid, convert it to year-month-day and return true.
/// Result is placed in 'year', 'month', 'day'.
/// Otherwise, return false.
bool ToYearMonthDay(int* year, int* month, int* day) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// If this DateValue instance is valid, convert it to year and return true. Result is
/// placed in 'year'.
/// Otherwise, return false.
bool ToYear(int* year) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// If DateValue instance is valid, returns day-of-week in [0, 6] range; 0 = Monday and
/// 6 = Sunday.
/// Otherwise, return -1.
int WeekDay() const;
/// If DateValue instance is valid, returns day-of-year in [1, 366] range.
/// Otherwise, return -1.
int DayOfYear() const;
/// Returns the ISO 8601 week corresponding to this date.
/// If this DateValue instance is invalid, the return value is -1; otherwise the return
/// value is in the [1, 53] range.
/// ISO 8601 weeks start with Monday. Each ISO 8601 week's year is the Gregorian year in
/// which the Thursday falls.
int Iso8601WeekOfYear() const;
/// Returns the year that the current ISO 8601 week belongs to.
/// If this DateValue instance is invalid, the return value is -1; otherwise the return
/// value is in the [current_year - 1, current_year + 1] range, which always falls into
/// the [1, 9999] range.
/// ISO 8601 weeks start with Monday. Each ISO 8601 week's year is the Gregorian year in
/// which the Thursday falls.
int Iso8601WeekNumberingYear() const;
/// If this DateValue instance valid, add 'days' days to it and return the result.
/// Otherwise, return an invalid DateValue instance.
DateValue AddDays(int64_t days) const;
/// If this DateValue instance valid, add 'months' months to it and return the result.
/// Otherwise, return an invalid DateValue instance.
/// If 'keep_last_day' is set and this DateValue is the last day of a month, the
/// returned DateValue will fall on the last day of the target month too.
DateValue AddMonths(int64_t months, bool keep_last_day) const;
/// If this DateValue instance valid, add 'years' years to it and return the result.
/// Otherwise, return an invalid DateValue instance.
DateValue AddYears(int64_t years) const;
/// If this DateValue instance is valid, convert it to the number of days since epoch
/// and return true. Result is placed in 'days'.
/// Otherwise, return false.
bool ToDaysSinceEpoch(int32_t* days) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// If this DateValue instance is valid, return DateValue corresponding to the last day
/// of the current month.
/// Otherwise, return an invalid DateValue instance.
DateValue LastDay() const;
/// If this DateValue and 'other' are both valid, set 'months_between' to the number of
/// months between dates and return true. Otherwise return false.
/// If this is later than 'other', then the result is positive. If this is earlier than
/// 'other', then the result is negative. If this and 'other' are either the same days
/// of the month or both last days of months, then the result is always an integer.
/// Otherwise calculate the fractional portion of the result based on a 31-day month.
bool MonthsBetween(const DateValue& other, double* months_between) const;
/// Returns a DateVal representation in the output variable.
/// Returns null if the DateValue instance doesn't have a valid date.
impala_udf::DateVal ToDateVal() const {
if (!IsValid()) return impala_udf::DateVal::null();
return impala_udf::DateVal(days_since_epoch_);
/// Returns the underlying storage. There is only one representation for any DateValue
/// (including the invalid DateValue) and the storage is directly comparable.
int32_t Value() const { return days_since_epoch_; }
/// Returns a DateValue converted from a DateVal. The caller must ensure the DateVal
/// does not represent a NULL.
static DateValue FromDateVal(const impala_udf::DateVal& udf_value) {
return DateValue(udf_value.val);
// Store the days_since_epoch_ of this DateValue in 'pvalue'.
void ToColumnValuePB(ColumnValuePB* pvalue) const {
DCHECK(pvalue != nullptr);
// Returns a new DateValue created from the value in 'value_pb'.
static DateValue FromColumnValuePB(const ColumnValuePB& value_pb) {
return DateValue(value_pb.date_val());
/// Constructors that parse from a date string. See DateParser for details about the
/// date format.
static DateValue ParseSimpleDateFormat(const char* str, int len, bool accept_time_toks);
static DateValue ParseSimpleDateFormat(const std::string& str, bool accept_time_toks);
static DateValue ParseSimpleDateFormat(const char* str, int len,
const datetime_parse_util::DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx);
static DateValue ParseIsoSqlFormat(const char* str, int len,
const datetime_parse_util::DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx);
/// Format the date using the given 'dt_ctx' format context. If *this is invalid
/// returns an empty string.
std::string Format(const datetime_parse_util::DateTimeFormatContext& dt_ctx) const;
bool operator==(const DateValue& other) const {
return days_since_epoch_ == other.days_since_epoch_;
bool operator!=(const DateValue& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator<(const DateValue& other) const {
return days_since_epoch_ < other.days_since_epoch_;
bool operator>(const DateValue& other) const { return other < *this; }
bool operator<=(const DateValue& other) const { return !(*this > other); }
bool operator>=(const DateValue& other) const { return !(*this < other); }
/// Number of days since 1970.01.01.
int32_t days_since_epoch_;
static const int32_t MIN_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH;
static const int32_t MAX_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH;
static const int32_t INVALID_DAYS_SINCE_EPOCH = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DateValue& date_value);