blob: 277d619041438a956864d842ae4282eb4fb012bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Frontend_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/data_stream_service.pb.h"
#include "runtime/dml-exec-state.h"
#include "runtime/query-exec-params.h"
#include "util/counting-barrier.h"
#include "util/progress-updater.h"
#include "util/promise.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class RpcContext;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu
namespace impala {
class AuxErrorInfoPB;
class ClientRequestState;
class FragmentExecParamsPB;
class FragmentInstanceState;
class MemTracker;
class ObjectPool;
class PlanRootSink;
class QueryDriver;
class QueryResultSet;
class QueryState;
class ReportExecStatusRequestPB;
class RuntimeProfile;
class RuntimeState;
class TPlanExecRequest;
class TRuntimeProfileTree;
class TUpdateCatalogRequest;
/// Query coordinator: handles execution of fragment instances on remote nodes, given a
/// TQueryExecRequest. As part of that, it handles all interactions with the executing
/// backends; it is also responsible for implementing all client requests regarding the
/// query, including cancellation. Once a query ends, either by returning EOS, through
/// client cancellation, returning an error, or by finalizing a DML request, the
/// coordinator releases resources.
/// The coordinator monitors the execution status of fragment instances and aborts the
/// entire query if an error is reported by any of them.
/// Queries that have results have those results fetched by calling GetNext(). Results
/// rows are produced by a fragment instance that always executes on the same machine as
/// the coordinator.
/// Thread-safe except where noted.
/// A typical sequence of calls for a single query (calls under the same numbered
/// item can happen concurrently):
/// 1. client: Exec()
/// 2. client: Wait()/client: Cancel()/backend: UpdateBackendExecStatus()
/// 3. client: GetNext()*/client: Cancel()/backend: UpdateBackendExecStatus()
/// A query is considered to be executing until one of three things occurs:
/// 1. An error is encountered. Backend cancellation is automatically initiated for all
/// backends that haven't yet completed and the overall query status is set to the
/// first (non-cancelled) encountered error status.
/// 2. The query is cancelled via an explicit Cancel() call. The overall query status
/// is set to CANCELLED and cancellation is initiated for all backends still
/// executing (without an error status).
/// 3. The query has returned all rows. The overall query status is OK (and remains
/// OK). Client cancellation is no longer possible and subsequent backend errors are
/// ignored. The coordinator initiates cancellation for all backends and waits for the
/// final exec status reports.
/// Lifecycle: this object must not be destroyed until after one of the three states
/// above is reached (error, cancelled, or EOS) to ensure resources are released.
/// There is work that needs to be done as part of the transition into each of the
/// above states. That work is done by the thread that triggered the state transition
/// *after* the atomic state transition by calling HandleExecStateTransition(). If
/// another thread depends on that work being complete, they can wait on the 'finalized_'
/// promise.
/// Lock ordering: (lower-numbered acquired before higher-numbered)
/// 1. wait_lock_
/// 2. Coordinator::FilterRoutingTable::lock
/// 3. exec_state_lock_, backend_states_init_lock_, FilterState::lock_, ExecSummary::lock
/// 4. Coordinator::BackendState::lock_ (leafs)
/// TODO: move into separate subdirectory and move nested classes into separate files
/// and unnest them
class Coordinator { // NOLINT: The member variables could be re-ordered to save space
Coordinator(ClientRequestState* parent, const TExecRequest& exec_request,
const QuerySchedulePB& query_schedule, RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* events);
/// Initiate asynchronous execution of a query with the given schedule. When it
/// returns, all fragment instances have started executing at their respective
/// backends. Exec() must be called exactly once and a call to Exec() must precede
/// all other member function calls.
/// Blocks until result rows are ready to be retrieved via GetNext(), or, if the
/// query doesn't return rows, until the query finishes or is cancelled. A call to
/// Wait() must precede all calls to GetNext(). Multiple calls to Wait() are
/// idempotent and it is okay to issue multiple Wait() calls concurrently. Only valid to
/// call after Exec() returns successfully.
/// Fills 'results' with up to 'max_rows' rows. May return fewer than 'max_rows'
/// rows, but will not return more. If *eos is true, all rows have been returned.
/// Returns a non-OK status if an error was encountered either locally or by any of
/// the executing backends, or if the query was cancelled via Cancel(). After *eos
/// is true, subsequent calls to GetNext() will be a no-op. 'block_on_wait_time_us' is
/// the amount of time the client spent (in microseconds) waiting in BlockOnWait(). It
/// is used to set the correct timeout value for
/// PlanRootSink::GetNext(..., int64_t timeout_us).
/// GetNext() is not thread-safe: multiple threads must not make concurrent GetNext()
/// calls.
Status GetNext(QueryResultSet* results, int max_rows, bool* eos,
int64_t block_on_wait_time_us) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Cancel execution of query and sets the overall query status to CANCELLED if the
/// query is still executing. Idempotent. If 'wait_until_finalized' is true and another
/// thread is cancelling 'coord_', block until the query profile is completed, e.g.
/// if ComputeQuerySummary() is running concurrently. This is only used by the thread
/// unregistering the query - other threads should return immediately if the query
/// is in the process of being cancelled.
void Cancel(bool wait_until_finalized=false);
/// Called by the report status RPC handler to update execution status of a particular
/// backend as well as dml_exec_state_ and the profile. This may block if exec RPCs are
/// pending. 'request' contains details of the status update. 'thrift_profiles' contains
/// Thrift runtime profiles of all fragment instances from the backend.
Status UpdateBackendExecStatus(const ReportExecStatusRequestPB& request,
const TRuntimeProfileForest& thrift_profiles) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the time in ms since the latest report was received for the backend which
/// has gone the longest without a report being received, and sets 'address' to the host
/// for that backend. Only valid to call if Exec() has returned successfully. May return
/// 0, for example if all of the backends have already completed, in which case
/// 'address' will not be set.
int64_t GetMaxBackendStateLagMs(NetworkAddressPB* address);
/// Get cumulative profile aggregated over all fragments of the query.
/// This is a snapshot of the current state of execution and will change in
/// the future if not all fragments have finished execution.
RuntimeProfile* query_profile() const { return query_profile_; }
/// Safe to call only after Exec().
MemTracker* query_mem_tracker() const;
/// Safe to call only after Wait().
DmlExecState* dml_exec_state() { return &dml_exec_state_; }
/// Return error log for coord and all the fragments. The error messages from the
/// individual fragment instances are merged into a single output to retain readability.
std::string GetErrorLog();
const ProgressUpdater& progress() const { return progress_; }
/// Get a copy of the current exec summary. Thread-safe.
void GetTExecSummary(TExecSummary* exec_summary);
/// Receive a local filter update from a fragment instance. Aggregate that filter update
/// with others for the same filter ID into a global filter. If all updates for that
/// filter ID have been received (may be 1 or more per filter), broadcast the global
/// filter to fragment instances.
void UpdateFilter(const UpdateFilterParamsPB& params, kudu::rpc::RpcContext* context);
/// Adds to 'document' a serialized array of all backends in a member named
/// 'backend_states'.
void BackendsToJson(rapidjson::Document* document);
/// Adds to 'document' a serialized array of all backend names and stats of all fragment
/// instances running on each backend in a member named 'backend_instances'.
void FInstanceStatsToJson(rapidjson::Document* document);
/// Struct to aggregate resource usage information at the finstance, backend and
/// query level.
struct ResourceUtilization {
/// Peak memory used for this query (value of the query memtracker's
/// peak_consumption()). At the finstance or backend level, this is the
/// peak value for that backend or if at the query level, this is the max
/// peak value from any backend.
int64_t peak_per_host_mem_consumption = 0;
/// Total bytes read across all scan nodes.
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
/// Total bytes sent by instances that did not contain a scan node.
int64_t exchange_bytes_sent = 0;
/// Total bytes sent by instances that contained a scan node.
int64_t scan_bytes_sent = 0;
/// Total user cpu consumed.
int64_t cpu_user_ns = 0;
/// Total system cpu consumed.
int64_t cpu_sys_ns = 0;
/// Merge utilization from 'other' into this.
void Merge(const ResourceUtilization& other) {
peak_per_host_mem_consumption =
std::max(peak_per_host_mem_consumption, other.peak_per_host_mem_consumption);
bytes_read += other.bytes_read;
exchange_bytes_sent += other.exchange_bytes_sent;
scan_bytes_sent += other.scan_bytes_sent;
cpu_user_ns += other.cpu_user_ns;
cpu_sys_ns += other.cpu_sys_ns;
/// Aggregate resource utilization for the query (i.e. across all backends based on the
/// latest status reports received from those backends).
ResourceUtilization ComputeQueryResourceUtilization();
/// Return the backends in 'candidates' that still have at least one fragment instance
/// executing on them. The returned backends may not be in the same order as the input.
std::vector<NetworkAddressPB> GetActiveBackends(
const std::vector<NetworkAddressPB>& candidates);
class BackendState;
class BackendResourceState;
struct FilterTarget;
struct FilterRoutingTable;
class FilterState;
class FragmentStats;
/// The parent QueryDriver object for this coordinator. The reference is set in the
/// constructor. It always outlives the coordinator.
QueryDriver* parent_query_driver_;
/// The parent ClientRequestState object for this coordinator. The reference is set in
/// the constructor. It always outlives the coordinator.
ClientRequestState* parent_request_state_;
/// Contains references to Thrift and Protobuf structs constituting the execution
/// parameters. These structs are owned by the QueryDriver and ClientRequestState.
QueryExecParams exec_params_;
/// Copied from TQueryExecRequest, governs when finalization occurs. Set in Exec().
TStmtType::type stmt_type_;
/// BackendStates for all execution backends, including the coordinator. All elements
/// are non-nullptr and owned by obj_pool(). Populated by Exec()/InitBackendStates().
std::vector<BackendState*> backend_states_;
/// A map from the NetworkAddressPB of a backend to the BackendState running on the
/// NetworkAddressPB. All values are non-nullptr and owned by obj_pool(). The address
/// is the kRPC address (Coordinator::BackendState::krpc_impalad_address) of the
/// Backend. This map is distinct from QuerySchedulePB::per_backend_exec_params(),
/// which uses the Thrift address as the key rather than the kRPC address.
boost::unordered_map<NetworkAddressPB, BackendState*> addr_to_backend_state_;
/// Protects the population of backend_states_ vector (not the BackendState objects).
/// Used when accessing backend_states_ if it's not guaranteed that
/// InitBackendStates() has completed.
SpinLock backend_states_init_lock_;
/// The QueryState for this coordinator. Reference taken in Exec(). Reference
/// released in destructor.
QueryState* query_state_ = nullptr;
/// Non-null if and only if the query produces results for the client; i.e. is of
/// TStmtType::QUERY. Coordinator uses these to pull results from plan tree and return
/// them to the client in GetNext(), and also to access the fragment instance's runtime
/// state.
/// Result rows are materialized by this fragment instance in its own thread. They are
/// materialized into a QueryResultSet provided to the coordinator during GetNext().
/// Owned by the QueryState. Set in Exec().
FragmentInstanceState* coord_instance_ = nullptr;
/// Owned by the QueryState. Set in Exec().
PlanRootSink* coord_sink_ = nullptr;
/// ensures single-threaded execution of Wait(). See lock ordering class comment.
SpinLock wait_lock_;
/// If true, Wait() was called. When read / written in Wait() the wait_lock_ should
/// still be acquired to ensure Wait() is only executed once.
AtomicBool has_called_wait_;
BackendResourceState* backend_resource_state_ = nullptr;
/// Keeps track of number of completed ranges and total scan ranges. Initialized by
/// Exec().
ProgressUpdater progress_;
/// Aggregate counters for the entire query. Lives in 'obj_pool_'. Set in Exec().
RuntimeProfile* query_profile_ = nullptr;
/// Aggregate counters for backend host resource usage and other per-host information.
/// Will contain a child profile for each backend host that participates in the query
/// execution. Lives in 'obj_pool_'. Set in Exec().
RuntimeProfile* host_profiles_ = nullptr;
/// Total time spent in finalization (typically 0 except for INSERT into hdfs
/// tables). Set in Exec().
RuntimeProfile::Counter* finalization_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Total number of filter updates received (always 0 if filter mode is not
/// GLOBAL). Excludes repeated broadcast filter updates. Set in Exec().
RuntimeProfile::Counter* filter_updates_received_ = nullptr;
/// A RuntimeProfile Counter of the number of completed backends. Updated for each
/// Backend in 'UpdateBackendExecStatus' when 'ApplyExecStatusReport' returns true.
/// Only valid after InitBackendStates() is called. Does not count the number of
/// CANCELLED Backends.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_completed_backends_ = nullptr;
/// The filtering mode for this query. Set in constructor.
TRuntimeFilterMode::type filter_mode_;
/// Tracks the memory consumed by runtime filters during aggregation. Child of
/// the query mem tracker in 'query_state_' and set in Exec(). Stored in
/// query_state_->obj_pool() so it has same lifetime as other MemTrackers.
MemTracker* filter_mem_tracker_ = nullptr;
/// Object pool owned by the coordinator.
std::unique_ptr<ObjectPool> obj_pool_;
/// Execution summary for a single query.
/// A wrapper around TExecSummary, with supporting structures.
struct ExecSummary {
TExecSummary thrift_exec_summary;
/// See the ImpalaServer class comment for the required lock acquisition order.
/// The caller must not block while holding the lock.
SpinLock lock;
/// A mapping of plan node ids to index into thrift_exec_summary.nodes
boost::unordered_map<TPlanNodeId, int> node_id_to_idx_map;
/// A mapping of fragment data sink ids to index into thrift_exec_summary.nodes
boost::unordered_map<TPlanNodeId, int> data_sink_id_to_idx_map;
void Init(const QueryExecParams& exec_params);
// Initialized by Exec().
ExecSummary exec_summary_;
/// Filled in as the query completes and tracks the results of DML queries. This is
/// either the union of the reports from all fragment instances, or taken from the
/// coordinator fragment: only one of the two can legitimately produce updates.
DmlExecState dml_exec_state_;
/// Event timeline for this query. Not owned.
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* query_events_ = nullptr;
/// Indexed by fragment idx (TPlanFragment.idx). Filled in
/// Exec()/InitFragmentStats(), elements live in obj_pool(). Updated by BackendState
/// sequentially, without synchronization.
std::vector<FragmentStats*> fragment_stats_;
/// Barrier that is released when all backend Exec() rpcs have completed successfully,
/// or when one fails, in which case the returned value is the error from that rpc.
TypedCountingBarrier<Status> exec_rpcs_status_barrier_;
/// True if all Exec() rpcs have completed.
AtomicBool exec_rpcs_complete_{false};
/// Barrier that is released when all backends have indicated execution completion,
/// or when all backends are cancelled due to an execution error or client requested
/// cancellation. Initialized in StartBackendExec().
std::unique_ptr<CountingBarrier> backend_exec_complete_barrier_;
/// Barrier that is released when all Backends have released their admission control
/// resources.
CountingBarrier backend_released_barrier_;
// Protects exec_state_ and exec_status_. exec_state_ can be read independently via
// the atomic, but the lock is held when writing either field and when reading both
// fields together.
SpinLock exec_state_lock_;
/// EXECUTING: in-flight; the only non-terminal state
/// RETURNED_RESULTS: GetNext() set eos to true, or for DML, the request is complete
/// CANCELLED: Cancel() was called (not: someone called CancelBackends())
/// ERROR: received an error from a backend
enum class ExecState {
AtomicEnum<ExecState> exec_state_{ExecState::EXECUTING};
/// Overall execution status; only set on exec_state_ transitions:
/// - ERROR: error status
Status exec_status_;
/// Set when all of the work to transition into a terminal state is complete,
/// including ComputeQuerySummary().
Promise<bool> finalized_;
/// Contains all the state about filters being handled by this coordinator.
std::unique_ptr<FilterRoutingTable> filter_routing_table_;
/// True if the first row has been fetched, false otherwise.
bool first_row_fetched_ = false;
/// Returns a local object pool.
ObjectPool* obj_pool() { return obj_pool_.get(); }
/// Returns request's finalize params, or nullptr if not present. If not present, then
/// HDFS INSERT finalization is not required.
const TFinalizeParams* finalize_params() const;
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx() const;
const TUniqueId& query_id() const;
/// Returns a pretty-printed table of the current filter state.
/// Caller must have exclusive access to filter_lock_.
std::string FilterDebugString();
/// Called when the query is done executing due to reaching EOS or client
/// cancellation. If 'exec_state_' != EXECUTING, does nothing. Otherwise sets
/// 'exec_state_' to 'state' (must be either CANCELLED or RETURNED_RESULTS), and
/// finalizes execution (cancels remaining backends if transitioning to CANCELLED;
/// either way, calls ComputeQuerySummary() and releases resources). Returns the
/// resulting overall execution status.
Status SetNonErrorTerminalState(const ExecState state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Transitions 'exec_state_' given an execution status and returns the resulting
/// overall status:
/// - if the 'status' parameter is ok, no state transition
/// - if 'exec_state_' is EXECUTING and 'status' is not ok, transitions to ERROR
/// - if 'exec_state_' is already RETURNED_RESULTS, CANCELLED, or ERROR: does not
/// transition state (those are terminal states) however in the case of ERROR,
/// status may be updated to a more interesting status.
/// Should not be called for (client initiated) cancellation. Call
/// SetNonErrorTerminalState(CANCELLED) instead.
/// 'failed_finstance' is the fragment instance id that has failed (or nullptr if the
/// failure is not specific to a fragment instance), used for error reporting along
/// with 'instance_hostname'.
Status UpdateExecState(const Status& status, const TUniqueId* failed_finstance,
const string& instance_hostname) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Helper for SetNonErrorTerminalState() and UpdateExecStateIfError(). If the caller
/// transitioned to a terminal state (which happens exactly once for the lifetime of
/// the Coordinator object), then finalizes execution (cancels remaining backends if
/// transitioning to CANCELLED; in all cases releases resources and calls
/// ComputeQuerySummary()). Must not be called if exec RPCs are pending.
/// Will block waiting for backends to completed if transitioning to the
/// RETURNED_RESULTS terminal state. Does not block if already in terminal state or
/// transitioning to ERROR or CANCELLED.
void HandleExecStateTransition(const ExecState old_state, const ExecState new_state);
/// Return true if 'exec_state_' is RETURNED_RESULTS.
bool ReturnedAllResults() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return exec_state_.Load() == ExecState::RETURNED_RESULTS;
/// Return the string representation of 'state'.
static const char* ExecStateToString(const ExecState state);
// For DCHECK_EQ, etc of ExecState values.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ExecState s) {
return o << ExecStateToString(s);
/// Helper for HandleExecStateTransition(). Sends cancellation request to all
/// executing backends. If 'fire_and_forget' is true, does not wait for the
/// final exec status reports from the backends. The ExecState state-machine
/// ensures this is called at most once.
void CancelBackends(bool fire_and_forget);
/// Returns only when either all execution backends have reported success or a request
/// to cancel the backends has already been sent. It is safe to call this concurrently,
/// but any calls must be made only after Exec().
void WaitForBackends();
/// Returns when all Exec() rpcs have completed. Thread-safe.
void WaitOnExecRpcs();
/// Initializes fragment_stats_ and query_profile_. Must be called before
/// InitBackendStates().
void InitFragmentStats();
/// Populates backend_states_ based on schedule_.fragment_exec_params().
/// BackendState depends on fragment_stats_, which is why InitFragmentStats()
/// must be called before this function.
void InitBackendStates();
/// Computes execution summary info strings for fragment_stats_ and query_profile_.
/// This is assumed to be called at the end of a query -- remote fragments'
/// profiles must not be updated while this is running.
void ComputeQuerySummary();
/// Perform any post-query cleanup required for HDFS (or other Hadoop FileSystem)
/// INSERT. Called by Wait() only after all fragment instances have returned, or if
/// the query has failed, in which case it only cleans up temporary data rather than
/// finishing the INSERT in flight.
Status FinalizeHdfsDml() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Helper for Exec(). Populates backend_states_, starts query execution at all
/// backends in parallel, and blocks until startup completes.
Status StartBackendExec();
/// Helper for Exec(). Checks for errors encountered when starting backend execution,
/// using any non-OK status, if any, as the overall status. Returns the overall
/// status. Also updates query_profile_ with the startup latency histogram and the
/// backend_exec_complete_barrier_ if there is any backend which is already done (only
/// possible at this point if no fragment instances were assigned to it).
Status FinishBackendStartup() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Build the filter routing table by iterating over all plan nodes and data sinks and
/// collecting the filters that they either produce or consume.
void InitFilterRoutingTable();
/// Helper for InitFilterRoutingTable() that adds a source join node or join build sink
/// for 'filter' to the routing table. 'src_fragment_params' is the parameters for the
/// fragment containing the join node (if build is integrated) or build sink (if the
/// build is separate). 'num_instances' and 'num_backends' are the number of instances
/// and backends that the fragment runs on.
void AddFilterSource(const FragmentExecParamsPB& src_fragment_params, int num_instances,
int num_backends, const TRuntimeFilterDesc& filter, int join_node_id);
/// Helper for HandleExecStateTransition(). Releases all resources associated with
/// query execution. The ExecState state-machine ensures this is called exactly once.
void ReleaseExecResources();
/// Helper for HandleExecStateTransition(). Releases admission control resources for
/// use by other queries. This should only be called if one of following
/// preconditions is satisfied for each backend on which the query is executing:
/// * The backend finished execution. Rationale: the backend isn't consuming
/// resources.
/// * A cancellation RPC was delivered to the backend.
/// Rationale: the backend will be cancelled and release resources soon. By the
/// time a newly admitted query fragment starts up on the backend and starts consuming
/// resources, the resources from this query will probably have been released.
/// * Sending the cancellation RPC to the backend failed
/// Rationale: the backend is either down or will tear itself down when it next tries
/// to send a status RPC to the coordinator. It's possible that the fragment will be
/// slow to tear down and we could overadmit and cause query failures. However, given
/// the communication errors, we need to proceed based on incomplete information about
/// the state of the cluster. We choose to optimistically assume that the backend will
/// tear itself down in a timely manner and admit more queries instead of
/// pessimistically queueing queries while we wait for a response from a backend that
/// may never come.
/// Calling WaitForBackends() or CancelBackends() before this function is sufficient
/// to satisfy the above preconditions. If the query has an expensive finalization
/// step post query execution (e.g. a DML statement), then this should be called
/// after that completes to avoid over-admitting queries.
/// The ExecState state-machine ensures this is called exactly once.
void ReleaseQueryAdmissionControlResources();
/// Helper method to release admission control resource for the given vector of
/// BackendStates. Resources are released using
/// AdmissionController::ReleaseQueryBackends which releases the admitted memory used
/// by each BackendState and decrements the number of running queries on the host
/// running the BackendState.
void ReleaseBackendAdmissionControlResources(
const std::vector<BackendState*>& backend_states);
/// Checks the exec_state_ of the query and returns true if the query is executing.
bool IsExecuting();
/// Helper function for UpdateBackendExecStatus that iterates through the given vector
/// of AuxErrorInfoPB objects and uses each one to check if any nodes should be
/// blacklisted. AuxErrorInfoPB contains additional error information about why the
/// fragment failed, beyond what is available in the
/// ReportExecStatusRequestPB::overall_status field. This method uses information in
/// AuxErrorInfoPB to classify specific nodes as "faulty" and then blacklists them. A
/// node might be considered "faulty" if, for example, a RPC to that node failed, or a
/// fragment on that node failed due to a disk IO error.
/// 'status' is the Status of the given BackendState. 'backend_state' is the
/// BackendState that reported an error.
/// Returns the Status object used when blacklising a backend, or Status::OK if no
/// backends were blacklisted.
Status UpdateBlacklistWithAuxErrorInfo(std::vector<AuxErrorInfoPB>* aux_error_info,
const Status& status, BackendState* backend_state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Called if the Exec RPC to the given vector of BackendStates failed. Currently, just
/// triggers a retry of the query.
void HandleFailedExecRpcs(std::vector<BackendState*> failed_backend_states);
/// Deletes the query-level staging directory.
Status DeleteQueryLevelStagingDir();
/// BackendState and BackendResourceState are private to the Coordinator class, so mark
/// all tests in CoordinatorBackendStateTest as friends.
friend class CoordinatorBackendStateTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CoordinatorBackendStateTest, StateMachine);
FRIEND_TEST(CoordinatorBackendStateTest, CoordinatorOnly);
FRIEND_TEST(CoordinatorBackendStateTest, TimedRelease);
FRIEND_TEST(CoordinatorBackendStateTest, BatchedRelease);