blob: 9de5715256e662c5ca58920cad4d218f1463d404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/median.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/stats.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/variance.hpp>
#include "gen-cpp/admission_control_service.pb.h"
#include "gen-cpp/control_service.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "runtime/coordinator.h"
#include "util/error-util-internal.h"
#include "util/progress-updater.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "util/stopwatch.h"
namespace kudu {
class Slice;
namespace impala {
class ProgressUpdater;
class ObjectPool;
class DebugOptions;
class ReportExecStatusRequestPB;
class TUniqueId;
class TQueryCtx;
class ExecSummary;
/// This class manages all aspects of the execution of all fragment instances of a
/// single query on a particular backend. For the coordinator backend its possible to have
/// no fragment instances scheduled on it. In that case, no RPCs are issued and the
/// Backend state transitions to 'done' state right after ExecAsync() is called on it.
/// Object Lifecycle/Thread Safety:
/// - Init() must be called first followed by ExecAsync() and then WaitOnExecRpc().
/// - Cancel() may be called at any time after Init(). After Cancel() is called, it is no
/// longer valid to call ExecAsync().
/// - After WaitOnExecRpc() has completed, all other functions are valid to call and
// thread-safe.
/// - 'lock_' is used to protect all members that may be read and modified concurrently,
/// subject to the restrictions above on when methods may be called.
class Coordinator::BackendState {
BackendState(const QueryExecParams& exec_params, int state_idx,
TRuntimeFilterMode::type filter_mode,
const BackendExecParamsPB& backend_exec_params);
/// The following are initialized in the constructor and always valid to call.
int state_idx() const { return state_idx_; }
const BackendExecParamsPB& exec_params() const { return backend_exec_params_; }
const NetworkAddressPB& impalad_address() const { return host_; }
const NetworkAddressPB& krpc_impalad_address() const { return krpc_host_; }
/// Returns true if there are no fragment instances scheduled on this backend.
bool IsEmptyBackend() const { return backend_exec_params_.instance_params().empty(); }
/// Return true if execution at this backend is done.
bool IsDone();
/// Creates InstanceStats for all instance in backend_exec_params in obj_pool
/// and installs the instance profiles as children of the corresponding FragmentStats'
/// root profile. Also creates a child profile below 'host_profile_parent' that contains
/// counters for the backend.
/// Separated from c'tor to simplify future handling of out-of-mem errors.
void Init(const std::vector<FragmentStats*>& fragment_stats,
RuntimeProfile* host_profile_parent, ObjectPool* obj_pool);
/// Starts query execution at this backend by issuing an ExecQueryFInstances rpc
/// asynchronously and returns immediately. 'exec_status_barrier' is notified when the
/// rpc completes or when an error occurs. Success/failure is communicated through
/// GetStatus() after WaitOnExecRpc() returns.
/// Uses 'filter_routing_table' to remove filters that weren't selected during its
/// construction.
/// No RPC is issued if there are no fragment instances scheduled on this backend.
/// The 'debug_options' are applied to the appropriate TPlanFragmentInstanceCtxs, based
/// on their node_id/instance_idx.
void ExecAsync(const DebugOptions& debug_options,
const FilterRoutingTable& filter_routing_table,
const kudu::Slice& serialized_query_ctx,
TypedCountingBarrier<Status>* exec_status_barrier);
/// Waits until the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc has completed. May be called multiple
/// times and from different threads.
void WaitOnExecRpc();
/// Result of attempting to cancel a backend.
struct CancelResult {
// Whether we tried to cancel the backend in some fashion, e.g. attempted to send
// an RPC. This is for informational purpose only (logging, metrics, etc), not
// control flow.
bool cancel_attempted = false;
// True iff this changed IsDone() from false to true.
bool became_done = false;
/// Cancel execution at this backend if anything is running. See CancelResult
/// for explanation of the return value.
/// May be called at any time after Init(). If the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc is
/// inflight, will attempt to cancel the rpc. If ExecQueryFInstances() has already
/// completed or cancelling it is unsuccessful, sends the Cancel() rpc.
/// If 'fire_and_forget' is true, the RPC is sent and the backend is immediately
/// considered done, without waiting for a final status report. If 'fire_and_forget'
/// is false, the backend is only considered done once the final status report is
/// received.
CancelResult Cancel(bool fire_and_forget);
/// BEGIN: Functions that should only be called after WaitOnExecRpc() has returned.
/// Update overall execution status, including the instances' exec status/profiles
/// and the error log, if this backend is not already done. Updates the fragment
/// instances' TExecStats in exec_summary (exec_summary->nodes.exec_stats) and updates
/// scan_range_progress with any newly-completed scan ranges.
/// If any instance reports an error, the overall execution status becomes the first
/// reported error status. Returns true iff this update changed IsDone() from false
/// to true, either because it was the last fragment to complete or because it was
/// the first error received. Adds the AuxErrorInfoPB from each
/// FragmentInstanceExecStatusPB in backend_exec_status to the vector aux_error_info.
bool ApplyExecStatusReport(const ReportExecStatusRequestPB& backend_exec_status,
const TRuntimeProfileForest& thrift_profiles, ExecSummary* exec_summary,
ProgressUpdater* scan_range_progress, DmlExecState* dml_exec_state,
std::vector<AuxErrorInfoPB>* aux_error_info);
/// Merges the incoming 'thrift_profile' into this backend state's host profile.
void UpdateHostProfile(const TRuntimeProfileTree& thrift_profile);
/// Update completion_times, rates, and avg_profile for all fragment_stats.
void UpdateExecStats(const std::vector<FragmentStats*>& fragment_stats);
/// Make a PublishFilter rpc with given params to this backend. The backend
/// must be one of the filter targets for the filter being published.
void PublishFilter(FilterState* state, MemTracker* mem_tracker,
const PublishFilterParamsPB& rpc_params, kudu::rpc::RpcController& controller,
PublishFilterResultPB& res);
void PublishFilterCompleteCb(const kudu::rpc::RpcController* rpc_controller,
FilterState* state, MemTracker* mem_tracker);
/// Return the overall execution status. For an error status, the error could come
/// from the fragment instance level or it can be a general error from the backend
/// (with no specific fragment responsible). For a caller to distinguish between
/// these errors and to determine the specific fragment instance (if applicable),
/// both 'is_fragment_failure' and 'failed_instance_id' must be non-null.
/// A general error will set *is_fragment_failure to false and leave
/// failed_instance_id untouched.
/// A fragment-specific error will set *is_fragment_failure to true and set
/// *failed_instance_id to the id of the fragment instance that failed.
/// If the caller does not need this information, both 'is_fragment_failure' and
/// 'failed_instance_id' must be omitted (using the default value of nullptr).
Status GetStatus(bool* is_fragment_failure = nullptr,
TUniqueId* failed_instance_id = nullptr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Return peak memory consumption and aggregated resource usage across all fragment
/// instances for this backend.
ResourceUtilization GetResourceUtilization();
/// Merge the accumulated error log into 'merged'.
void MergeErrorLog(ErrorLogMap* merged);
/// Return true if this backend has instances of the fragment with the index
/// 'fragment_idx'
bool HasFragmentIdx(int fragment_idx) const;
/// Return true if this backend has instances of a fragment with an index in
/// 'fragment_idxs'
bool HasFragmentIdx(const std::unordered_set<int>& fragment_idxs) const;
int64_t rpc_latency() const { return rpc_latency_; }
kudu::Status exec_rpc_status() const { return exec_rpc_status_; }
int64_t last_report_time_ms() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
DCHECK(exec_done_) << "May only be called after WaitOnExecRpc() completes.";
return last_report_time_ms_;
/// Serializes backend state to JSON by adding members to 'value', including total
/// number of instances, peak memory consumption, host and status amongst others.
void ToJson(rapidjson::Value* value, rapidjson::Document* doc);
/// Serializes the InstanceStats of all instances of this backend state to JSON by
/// adding members to 'value', including the remote host name.
void InstanceStatsToJson(rapidjson::Value* value, rapidjson::Document* doc);
/// END: Functions that should only be called after WaitOnExecRpc() has returned.
/// Print host/port info for the first backend that's still in progress as a
/// debugging aid for backend deadlocks.
static void LogFirstInProgress(std::vector<BackendState*> backend_states);
/// Returns a timestamp using monotonic time for tracking arrival of status reports.
static int64_t GenerateReportTimestamp() { return MonotonicMillis(); }
/// Execution stats for a single fragment instance.
/// Not thread-safe.
class InstanceStats {
InstanceStats(const FInstanceExecParamsPB& exec_params, const TPlanFragment* fragment,
const NetworkAddressPB& address, FragmentStats* fragment_stats,
ObjectPool* obj_pool);
/// Updates 'this' with exec_status and the fragment intance's thrift profile. Also
/// updates the fragment instance's TExecStats in exec_summary. Also updates the
/// instance's avg profile. Caller must hold BackendState::lock_.
void Update(const FragmentInstanceExecStatusPB& exec_status,
const TRuntimeProfileTree& thrift_profile, ExecSummary* exec_summary);
int per_fragment_instance_idx() const {
return exec_params_.per_fragment_instance_idx();
/// Serializes instance stats to JSON by adding members to 'value', including its
/// instance id, plan fragment name, and the last event that was recorded during
/// execution of the instance.
void ToJson(rapidjson::Value* value, rapidjson::Document* doc);
friend class BackendState;
/// The exec params for this fragment instance. Owned by the QuerySchedulePB in
/// ClientRequestState.
const FInstanceExecParamsPB& exec_params_;
/// The corresponding fragment. Owned by the TExecRequest in QueryDriver.
const TPlanFragment* fragment_;
/// Unix time in milliseconds of the last status report update for this fragment
/// instance. Set in Update(). Uses UnixMillis() instead of MonotonicMillis() as
/// the last update time in the profile is wall clock time.
/// This is also used for computing the elapsed time (presented in the debug webpage)
/// since the last status report update. While UnixMillis() may be prone to time
/// change due to clock adjustment (e.g. NTP), it's assumed that time change is not
/// frequent enough to seriously affect the output. Moreover, the inconsistency only
/// persists for the duration of one status report update (5 seconds by default).
int64_t last_report_time_ms_ = 0;
/// The sequence number of the last report.
int64_t last_report_seq_no_ = 0;
/// owned by coordinator object pool provided in the c'tor, created in Update()
RuntimeProfile* profile_ = nullptr;
/// true if the final report has been received for the fragment instance.
/// Used to handle duplicate done ReportExecStatus RPC messages. Used only
/// in ApplyExecStatusReport()
bool done_ = false;
/// cumulative size of all splits; set in c'tor
int64_t total_split_size_ = 0;
/// wall clock timer for this instance
MonotonicStopWatch stopwatch_;
/// Descriptor string for the last query status report time in the profile.
static const char* LAST_REPORT_TIME_DESC;
/// The current state of this fragment instance's execution. This gets serialized in
/// ToJson() and is displayed in the debug webpages.
FInstanceExecStatePB current_state_ = FInstanceExecStatePB::WAITING_FOR_EXEC;
/// ExecParams associated with the Coordinator that owns this BackendState.
const QueryExecParams& exec_params_;
const int state_idx_; /// index of 'this' in Coordinator::backend_states_
const TRuntimeFilterMode::type filter_mode_;
/// Backend exec params, owned by the QuerySchedulePB in ClientRequestState and has
/// query lifetime.
const BackendExecParamsPB& backend_exec_params_;
/// map from instance idx to InstanceStats, the latter live in the obj_pool parameter
/// of Init()
std::unordered_map<int, InstanceStats*> instance_stats_map_;
/// indices of fragments executing on this backend, populated in Init()
std::unordered_set<int> fragments_;
/// Contains counters for the backend host that are not specific to a particular
/// fragment instance, e.g. global CPU utilization and scratch space usage.
/// Owned by coordinator object pool provided in the c'tor, created in Update().
RuntimeProfile* host_profile_ = nullptr;
/// Thrift address of execution backend.
NetworkAddressPB host_;
/// Krpc address of execution backend.
NetworkAddressPB krpc_host_;
/// The query context of the Coordinator that owns this BackendState.
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx_;
/// The query id of the Coordinator that owns this BackendState. Owned by
/// 'exec_params_'.
const UniqueIdPB& query_id_;
/// Used to issue the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc.
kudu::rpc::RpcController exec_rpc_controller_;
/// Response from ExecQueryFInstances().
ExecQueryFInstancesResponsePB exec_response_;
/// The status returned by KRPC for the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc. If this is an error,
/// we were unable to successfully communicate with the backend, eg. because of a
/// network error, or the rpc was cancelled by Cancel().
kudu::Status exec_rpc_status_;
/// Time, in ms, that it took to execute the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc.
int64_t rpc_latency_ = 0;
/// BEGIN: Members that are protected by 'lock_'.
/// Lock ordering: Coordinator::lock_ must only be obtained *prior* to lock_
std::mutex lock_;
// Number of in-flight instances
int num_remaining_instances_ = 0;
/// If the status indicates an error status, execution has either been aborted by the
/// executing impalad (which then reported the error) or cancellation has been
/// initiated; either way, execution must not be cancelled.
Status status_;
/// Used to distinguish between errors reported by a specific fragment instance,
/// which would set failed_instance_id_, rather than an error independent of any
/// specific fragment.
bool is_fragment_failure_ = false;
/// Id of the first fragment instance that reports an error status.
/// Invalid if no fragment instance has reported an error status.
TUniqueId failed_instance_id_;
/// Errors reported by this fragment instance.
ErrorLogMap error_log_;
/// If true, ExecQueryFInstances() rpc has been sent.
bool exec_rpc_sent_ = false;
/// If true, any work related to Exec() is done. The usual case is that the
/// ExecQueryFInstances() rpc callback has been executed, but it may also be set to true
/// if Cancel() is called before Exec() or if no Exec() rpc needs to be sent.
bool exec_done_ = false;
/// Notified when the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc is completed.
ConditionVariable exec_done_cv_;
/// Initialized in ExecCompleteCb(), then set in each call to ApplyExecStatusReport().
/// Uses GenerateReportTimeout().
int64_t last_report_time_ms_ = 0;
/// True if a CancelQueryFInstances RPC was already sent to this backend.
bool sent_cancel_rpc_ = false;
/// Total scan ranges complete across all scan nodes. Set in ApplyExecStatusReport().
int64_t total_ranges_complete_ = 0;
/// Resource utilization values. Set in ApplyExecStatusReport().
ResourceUtilization backend_utilization_;
/// END: Members that are protected by 'lock_'.
/// Fill in 'request' and 'fragment_info' based on state. Uses 'filter_routing_table' to
/// remove filters that weren't selected during its construction.
void SetRpcParams(const DebugOptions& debug_options,
const FilterRoutingTable& filter_routing_table,
ExecQueryFInstancesRequestPB* request, TExecPlanFragmentInfo* fragment_info);
/// Expects that 'status' is an error. Sets 'status_' to a formatted version of its
/// message and notifies 'exec_status_barrier' with it. Caller must hold 'lock_'.
void SetExecError(
const Status& status, TypedCountingBarrier<Status>* exec_status_barrier);
/// Same as WaitOnExecRpc(), except 'l' must own 'lock_'.
void WaitOnExecLocked(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>* l);
/// Called when the ExecQueryFInstances() rpc completes. Notifies 'exec_status_barrier'
/// with the status. 'start' is the MonotonicMillis() timestamp when the rpc was sent.
void ExecCompleteCb(
TypedCountingBarrier<Status>* exec_status_barrier, int64_t start_ms);
/// Version of IsDone() where caller must hold lock_ via lock;
bool IsDoneLocked(const std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock) const;
/// Same as GetResourceUtilization() but caller must hold lock.
ResourceUtilization GetResourceUtilizationLocked();
/// Logs 'msg' at the VLOG_QUERY level, along with 'query_id_' and 'krpc_host_'.
void VLogForBackend(const std::string& msg);
/// Per fragment execution statistics.
class Coordinator::FragmentStats {
/// typedef for boost utility to compute averaged stats
typedef boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<int64_t,
> SummaryStats;
/// Create avg and root profiles in obj_pool.
FragmentStats(const std::string& avg_profile_name,
const std::string& root_profile_name,
int num_instances, ObjectPool* obj_pool);
RuntimeProfile* avg_profile() { return avg_profile_; }
RuntimeProfile* root_profile() { return root_profile_; }
SummaryStats* bytes_assigned() { return &bytes_assigned_; }
/// Compute stats for 'bytes_assigned' and add as info string to avg_profile.
void AddSplitStats();
/// Add summary string with execution stats to avg profile.
void AddExecStats();
friend class BackendState;
/// Averaged profile for this fragment. Stored in obj_pool.
/// The counters in this profile are averages (type AveragedCounter) of the
/// counters in the fragment instance profiles.
/// Note that the individual fragment instance profiles themselves are stored and
/// displayed as children of the root_profile below.
RuntimeProfile* avg_profile_;
/// root profile for all fragment instances for this fragment; resides in obj_pool
RuntimeProfile* root_profile_;
/// Number of instances running this fragment.
int num_instances_;
/// Bytes assigned for instances of this fragment
SummaryStats bytes_assigned_;
/// Completion times for instances of this fragment
SummaryStats completion_times_;
/// Execution rates for instances of this fragment
SummaryStats rates_;
/// Tracks the state of the resources of all BackendStates for a Coordinator. Implements
/// throttling logic to limit the rate at which BackendStates release their admission
/// controller resources. The class is initialized with all the BackendStates running for
/// a query. 'MarkBackendFinished' and 'BackendsReleased' should be called when a Backend
/// finishes and is released, respectively. MarkBackendFinished returns a vector of
/// BackendStates that should be released.
/// Each BackendState has an associated ResourceState that can take on the values:
/// * IN_USE: All BackendStates start out in this state as their resources are
/// being used and have not been released yet.
/// * PENDING: The BackendState has completed, but should not be released yet.
/// * RELEASABLE: The BackendState has completed, and should be released.
/// * RELEASED: The BackendState has been completed and released.
/// Each BackendState starts as IN_USE, and can either transition to PENDING or
/// RELEASED. Any PENDING states must transition to RELEASABLE and then to RELEASED.
/// All BackendStates must eventually transition to RELEASED.
/// BackendStates passed into the MarkBackendFinished method transition to the PENDING
/// state. BackendStates returned by MarkBackendFinished are in the RELEASABLE state
/// until they are released by BackendsReleased, after which they transition to the
/// RELEASED state.
/// Throttling is necessary because the AdmissionController is currently protected by a
/// single global lock, so releasing resources per-Backend per-query can overwhelm the
/// AdmissionController on large clusters. Throttling is done using the following
/// heuristics to limit the rate at which the Coordinator releases admission control
/// resources:
/// * Coordinator-Only Release: If the only running Backend is the Coordinator,
/// release all PENDING backends. This is particularly useful when combined with
/// result spooling because the Coordinator backend may be long lived. When result
/// spooling is enabled, and clients don't immediately fetch query results, the
/// coordinator fragment stays alive until the results are fetched or the query is
/// closed.
/// * Timed Release: If more than 'FLAGS_release_backend_states_delay_ms' milliseconds
/// have elapsed since the last time a Backend completed, release all PENDING
/// backends. This is useful for queries that are long running, and whose Backends
/// complete incrementally (perhaps because of skew or fan-in). It also helps decrease
/// the rate at which Backends are released, especially for short lived queries.
/// * Batched Release: If more than half the remaining Backends have been released
/// since the last time Backends were released, release all PENDING backends. This
/// bounds the number of times resources are released to O(log(n)) where n is the
/// number of backends. The base value of the logarithm is controlled by
/// FLAGS_batched_release_decay_factor.
/// This class has a 'CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends' method that must be called before the
/// object is destroyed. The 'CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends' method returns any remaining
/// unreleased Backends (e.g. Backends in either the IN_USE or PENDING state). Backends in
/// the RELEASABLE state are assumed to be released by the client, and any RELEASABLE
/// Backends must be marked as RELEASED by a call to 'BackendsReleased' before the
/// destructor is called. It is valid to call 'MarkBackendFinished' or 'BackendsReleased'
/// after the BackendResourceState is closed. Once a BackendResourceState is closed,
/// BackendStates can no longer transition to the PENDING or RELEASABLE state.
/// This class is thread-safe unless pointed out otherwise.
class Coordinator::BackendResourceState {
/// Create the BackendResourceState with the given vector of BackendStates. All
/// BackendStates are initially in the IN_USE state.
BackendResourceState(const std::vector<BackendState*>& backend_states);
/// Mark a BackendState as finished and transition it to the PENDING state. Applies
/// above mentioned heuristics to determine if all PENDING BackendStates should
/// transition to the RELEASABLE state. If the transition to RELEASABLE occurs, this
/// method returns a list of RELEASABLE states that should be released by the caller
/// and then passed to BackendsReleased. Returns an empty list if no PENDING Backends
/// should be released. A no-op if the BackendResourceState is closed already.
void MarkBackendFinished(
BackendState* backend_state, std::vector<BackendState*>* releasable_backend_states);
/// Marks the BackendStates as RELEASED. Must be called after the resources for the
/// BackendStates have been released. This can be called after
/// CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends() has been called. If CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends()
/// returns any BackendStates, they must be passed to this method so they can be marked
/// as RELEASED.
void BackendsReleased(const std::vector<BackendState*>& released_backend_states);
/// Closes the state machine and returns a vector of IN_USE or PENDING BackendStates.
/// This method is idempotent. The caller is expected to mark all returned
/// BackendStates as released using BackendReleased().
std::vector<BackendState*> CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends();
/// Represents the state of the admission control resources associated with a
/// BackendState. Each BackendState starts off as IN_USE and eventually transitions
/// to RELEASED.
/// Protects all member variables below.
SpinLock lock_;
/// A timer used to track how frequently calls to MarkBackendFinished transition
/// Backends to the RELEASABLE state. Used by the 'Timed Release' heuristic.
MonotonicStopWatch released_timer_;
/// Counts the number of Backends in the IN_USE state.
int num_in_use_;
/// Counts the number of Backends in the PENDING state.
int num_pending_ = 0;
/// Counts the number of Backends in the RELEASED state.
int num_released_ = 0;
/// True if the Backend running the Coordinator fragment has been released, false
/// otherwise.
bool released_coordinator_ = false;
/// Tracks all BackendStates for a given query along with the state of their admission
/// control resources.
std::unordered_map<BackendState*, ResourceState> backend_resource_states_;
/// The BackendStates for a given query. Owned by the Coordinator.
const std::vector<BackendState*>& backend_states_;
/// The total number of BackendStates for a given query.
const int num_backends_;
// True if the BackendResourceState is closed, false otherwise.
bool closed_ = false;
/// Configured value of FLAGS_release_backend_states_delay_ms in nanoseconds.
const int64_t release_backend_states_delay_ns_;
/// The initial value of the decay factor for the 'Batched Release'. Increases by
/// *FLAGS_batched_released_decay_factor on each batched release.
int64_t batched_release_decay_value_;
// Requires access to RELEASE_BACKEND_STATES_DELAY_NS and backend_resource_states_.
friend class CoordinatorBackendStateTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CoordinatorBackendStateTest, StateMachine);