blob: 987fb9d774aaaf6053ab6a3931d35143d4f839af [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/coordinator-backend-state.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
DEFINE_uint32_hidden(batched_release_decay_factor, 2,
"The exponential decay factor for the 'Batched Release' of backends. The default of "
"2 ensures that the number of times resources are released is bounded by O(log2(n)). "
"Setting this to another value, such as 10, would bound the number of times "
"resources are released by O(log10(n)).");
DEFINE_uint64_hidden(release_backend_states_delay_ms, 1000,
"The timeout for the 'Timed Release' of backends. If more than this many "
"milliseconds has passed since the last time any Backends were released, then "
"release all pending Backends. Set to 1000 milliseconds by default.");
const vector<BackendState*>& backend_states)
: num_in_use_(backend_states.size()),
release_backend_states_delay_ns_(FLAGS_release_backend_states_delay_ms * 1000000),
batched_release_decay_value_(FLAGS_batched_release_decay_factor) {
DCHECK_GT(batched_release_decay_value_, 0)
<< "Invalid value for --batched_release_decay_factor, must greater than 0";
// Populate the backend_resource_states_ map and mark all BackendStates as
// IN_USE.
for (auto backend_state : backend_states_) {
backend_resource_states_[backend_state] = ResourceState::IN_USE;
// Start the 'Timed Release' timer.
Coordinator::BackendResourceState::~BackendResourceState() {
// Assert that all BackendStates have been released. We use num_backends_ instead of
// backend_states_.size() so backend_states_ does not need to be alive when the
// destructor runs.
DCHECK_EQ(num_released_, num_backends_);
void Coordinator::BackendResourceState::MarkBackendFinished(
BackendState* backend_state, vector<BackendState*>* releasable_backend_states) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
if (!closed_
&& == ResourceState::IN_USE) {
// Transition the BackendState to PENDING and update any related counters. = ResourceState::PENDING;
// If the coordinator backend has not been released, but all other have, then the only
// running Backend must be the coordinator. The Coordinator fragment should buffer
// enough rows to allow all other fragments to be released (if result spooling is
// enabled this is especially true, but even without spooling many queries have a
// coordinator fragment that buffers multiple RowBatches). If the client does not
// fetch all rows immediately, then the Coordinator Backend will be long lived
// compared to the rest of the Backends.
bool is_coordinator_the_last_unreleased_backend =
!released_coordinator_ && num_in_use_ == 1;
// True if the 'Timed Release' heuristic should be triggered.
bool release_backends_timeout_expired =
released_timer_.ElapsedTime() > release_backend_states_delay_ns_;
// True if the 'Batched Release' heuristic should be triggered.
bool unreleased_backend_threshold_reached = num_pending_
>= std::max(floor(num_backends_ / batched_release_decay_value_), 1.0);
// If no Backends are running or if only the Coordinator Backend is running or if both
// the 'Timed Release' and 'Batched Release' heuristic are true, then transition all
// PENDING BackendStates to RELEASABLE and update any state necessary for the
// heuristics.
if (is_coordinator_the_last_unreleased_backend
|| (release_backends_timeout_expired && unreleased_backend_threshold_reached)) {
batched_release_decay_value_ *= FLAGS_batched_release_decay_factor;
for (auto backend_resource_state : backend_resource_states_) {
if (backend_resource_state.second == ResourceState::PENDING) {
backend_resource_states_[backend_resource_state.first] =
DCHECK_GE(num_pending_, 0);
void Coordinator::BackendResourceState::BackendsReleased(
const vector<BackendState*>& released_backend_states) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
// Mark all given BackendStates as RELEASED. A BackendState must be either RELEASABLE
// or IN_USE before it can marked as RELEASED.
for (auto backend_state : released_backend_states) {
DCHECK_NE(, ResourceState::RELEASED);
if ( == ResourceState::IN_USE) {
} = ResourceState::RELEASED;
// If the Backend running the Coordinator has completed and been released, set
// released_coordinator_ to true.
if (backend_state->exec_params().is_coord_backend()) {
released_coordinator_ = true;
num_released_ += released_backend_states.size();
Coordinator::BackendResourceState::CloseAndGetUnreleasedBackends() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> lock(lock_);
vector<BackendState*> unreleased_backend_states;
for (auto backend_resource_state : backend_resource_states_) {
if (backend_resource_state.second == ResourceState::IN_USE
|| backend_resource_state.second == ResourceState::PENDING) {
closed_ = true;
return unreleased_backend_states;