blob: 1c42f07ebb3689b7b9796461226be56ba2e4803e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <limits> // for std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.inline.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value-builder.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value.h"
#include "runtime/raw-value.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/test-env.h"
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include "service/fe-support.h"
#include "testutil/desc-tbl-builder.h"
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using kudu::FreeDeleter;
using std::numeric_limits;
static const int BATCH_SIZE = 250;
// Allow arbitrarily small pages in our test buffer pool.
static const int MIN_PAGE_LEN = 1;
// Limit the size of the buffer pool to bound memory consumption.
static const int64_t BUFFER_POOL_LIMIT = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;
// The page length to use for the streams.
static const int PAGE_LEN = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
static const uint32_t PRIME = 479001599;
namespace impala {
static const StringValue STRINGS[] = {
StringValue("ABC"), StringValue("HELLO"), StringValue("123456789"),
StringValue("FOOBAR"), StringValue("ONE"), StringValue("THREE"),
StringValue("abcdefghijklmno"), StringValue("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"),
static const int NUM_STRINGS = sizeof(STRINGS) / sizeof(StringValue);
class SimpleTupleStreamTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {}
virtual void CreateDescriptors() {
vector<bool> nullable_tuples(1, false);
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids(1, static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
// Construct descriptors for big rows with and without nullable tuples.
// Each tuple contains 8 slots of TYPE_INT and a single byte for null indicator.
DescriptorTblBuilder big_row_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
vector<bool> non_nullable_tuples;
const int num_tuples = BIG_ROW_BYTES / (8 * sizeof(int) + 1);
for (int tuple_idx = 0; tuple_idx < num_tuples; ++tuple_idx) {
big_row_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT << TYPE_INT << TYPE_INT << TYPE_INT
big_row_desc_ = pool_.Add(
new RowDescriptor(*big_row_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, non_nullable_tuples));
nullable_big_row_desc_ = pool_.Add(
new RowDescriptor(*big_row_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
virtual void TearDown() {
if (client_.is_registered()) {
runtime_state_ = nullptr;
/// Set up all of the test state: the buffer pool, a query state, a client with no
/// reservation and any other descriptors, etc.
/// The buffer pool's capacity is limited to 'buffer_pool_limit'.
void Init(int64_t buffer_pool_limit) {
test_env_.reset(new TestEnv());
test_env_->SetBufferPoolArgs(MIN_PAGE_LEN, buffer_pool_limit);
mem_pool_.reset(new MemPool(&tracker_));
ASSERT_OK(test_env_->CreateQueryState(0, nullptr, &runtime_state_));
query_state_ = runtime_state_->query_state();
RuntimeProfile* client_profile = RuntimeProfile::Create(&pool_, "client");
MemTracker* client_tracker =
pool_.Add(new MemTracker(-1, "client", runtime_state_->instance_mem_tracker()));
query_state_->file_group(), runtime_state_->instance_buffer_reservation(),
client_tracker, numeric_limits<int>::max(), client_profile, &client_));
/// Generate the ith element of a sequence of int values.
int GenIntValue(int i) {
// Multiply by large prime to get varied bit patterns.
return i * PRIME;
/// Generate the ith element of a sequence of bool values.
bool GenBoolValue(int i) {
// Use a middle bit of the int value.
return ((GenIntValue(i) >> 8) & 0x1) != 0;
/// Count the total number of slots per row based on the given row descriptor.
int CountSlotsPerRow(const RowDescriptor& row_desc) {
int slots_per_row = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < row_desc.tuple_descriptors().size(); ++i) {
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = row_desc.tuple_descriptors()[i];
slots_per_row += tuple_desc->slots().size();
return slots_per_row;
/// Allocate a row batch with 'num_rows' of rows with layout described by 'row_desc'.
/// 'offset' is used to account for rows occupied by any previous row batches. This is
/// needed to match the values generated in VerifyResults(). If 'gen_null' is true,
/// some tuples will be set to NULL.
virtual RowBatch* CreateBatch(
const RowDescriptor* row_desc, int offset, int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
RowBatch* batch = pool_.Add(new RowBatch(row_desc, num_rows, &tracker_));
int num_tuples = row_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
int idx = offset * CountSlotsPerRow(*row_desc);
for (int row_idx = 0; row_idx < num_rows; ++row_idx) {
TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(row_idx);
for (int tuple_idx = 0; tuple_idx < num_tuples; ++tuple_idx) {
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = row_desc->tuple_descriptors()[tuple_idx];
Tuple* tuple = Tuple::Create(tuple_desc->byte_size(), batch->tuple_data_pool());
bool is_null = gen_null && !GenBoolValue(idx);
for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < tuple_desc->slots().size(); ++slot_idx, ++idx) {
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = tuple_desc->slots()[slot_idx];
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
switch (slot_desc->type().type) {
case TYPE_INT:
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(slot) = GenIntValue(idx);
*reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(slot) = STRINGS[idx % NUM_STRINGS];
// The memory has been zero'ed out already by Tuple::Create().
if (is_null) {
row->SetTuple(tuple_idx, nullptr);
} else {
row->SetTuple(tuple_idx, tuple);
return batch;
virtual RowBatch* CreateIntBatch(int offset, int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
return CreateBatch(int_desc_, offset, num_rows, gen_null);
virtual RowBatch* CreateStringBatch(int offset, int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
return CreateBatch(string_desc_, offset, num_rows, gen_null);
void AppendValue(uint8_t* ptr, vector<int>* results) {
if (ptr == nullptr) {
// For the tests indicate null-ability using the max int value
} else {
void AppendValue(uint8_t* ptr, vector<StringValue>* results) {
if (ptr == nullptr) {
} else {
StringValue sv = *reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(ptr);
uint8_t* copy = mem_pool_->Allocate(sv.len);
memcpy(copy, sv.ptr, sv.len);
sv.ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(copy);
template <typename T>
void AppendRowTuples(TupleRow* row, RowDescriptor* row_desc, vector<T>* results) {
DCHECK(row != nullptr);
const int num_tuples = row_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
for (int tuple_idx = 0; tuple_idx < num_tuples; ++tuple_idx) {
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = row_desc->tuple_descriptors()[tuple_idx];
Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(tuple_idx);
const int num_slots = tuple_desc->slots().size();
for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < num_slots; ++slot_idx) {
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = tuple_desc->slots()[slot_idx];
if (tuple == nullptr) {
AppendValue(nullptr, results);
} else {
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
AppendValue(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(slot), results);
/// Read values from 'stream' into 'results' using the embedded read iterator. 'stream'
/// must have been prepared for reading.
template <typename T>
void ReadValues(BufferedTupleStream* stream, RowDescriptor* desc, vector<T>* results,
int num_batches = -1) {
return ReadValues(stream, nullptr, desc, results, num_batches);
/// Read values from 'stream' into 'results'. If 'read_it' is non-NULL, reads via that
/// iterator. Otherwise use the embedded read iterator, in which case 'stream' must have
/// been prepared for reading.
template <typename T>
void ReadValues(BufferedTupleStream* stream,
BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator* read_it, RowDescriptor* desc, vector<T>* results,
int num_batches = -1) {
bool eos = false;
RowBatch batch(desc, BATCH_SIZE, &tracker_);
int batches_read = 0;
do {
if (read_it != nullptr) {
EXPECT_OK(stream->GetNext(read_it, &batch, &eos));
} else {
EXPECT_OK(stream->GetNext(&batch, &eos));
for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
AppendRowTuples(batch.GetRow(i), desc, results);
} while (!eos && (num_batches < 0 || batches_read <= num_batches));
void GetExpectedValue(int idx, bool is_null, int* val) {
if (is_null) {
*val = numeric_limits<int>::max();
} else {
*val = GenIntValue(idx);
void GetExpectedValue(int idx, bool is_null, StringValue* val) {
if (is_null) {
*val = StringValue();
} else {
*val = STRINGS[idx % NUM_STRINGS];
template <typename T>
void VerifyResults(const RowDescriptor& row_desc, const vector<T>& results,
int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
int idx = 0;
for (int row_idx = 0; row_idx < num_rows; ++row_idx) {
const int num_tuples = row_desc.tuple_descriptors().size();
for (int tuple_idx = 0; tuple_idx < num_tuples; ++tuple_idx) {
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = row_desc.tuple_descriptors()[tuple_idx];
const int num_slots = tuple_desc->slots().size();
bool is_null = gen_null && !GenBoolValue(idx);
for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < num_slots; ++slot_idx, ++idx) {
T expected_val;
GetExpectedValue(idx, is_null, &expected_val);
ASSERT_EQ(results[idx], expected_val)
<< "results[" << idx << "] " << results[idx] << " != " << expected_val
<< " row_idx=" << row_idx << " tuple_idx=" << tuple_idx
<< " slot_idx=" << slot_idx << " gen_null=" << gen_null;
DCHECK_EQ(results.size(), idx);
// Test adding num_batches of ints to the stream and reading them back.
// If unpin_stream is true, operate the stream in unpinned mode.
// Assumes that enough buffers are available to read and write the stream.
template <typename T>
void TestValues(int num_batches, RowDescriptor* desc, bool gen_null, bool unpin_stream,
int64_t default_page_len = PAGE_LEN, int64_t max_page_len = -1,
int num_rows = BATCH_SIZE) {
if (max_page_len == -1) max_page_len = default_page_len;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, desc, &client_, default_page_len, max_page_len);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest", true));
bool got_write_reservation;
if (unpin_stream) {
// Add rows to the stream
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
RowBatch* batch = nullptr;
Status status;
ASSERT_TRUE(sizeof(T) == sizeof(int) || sizeof(T) == sizeof(StringValue));
batch = CreateBatch(desc, offset, num_rows, gen_null);
for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
// TODO: test that AddRow succeeds after freeing memory.
bool b = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(j), &status);
offset += batch->num_rows();
// Reset the batch to make sure the stream handles the memory correctly.
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(false, &got_read_reservation));
// Read all the rows back
vector<T> results;
ReadValues(&stream, desc, &results);
// Verify result
VerifyResults<T>(*desc, results, num_rows * num_batches, gen_null);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
void TestIntValuesInterleaved(int num_batches, int num_batches_before_read,
bool unpin_stream, int64_t page_len = PAGE_LEN) {
BufferedTupleStream stream(runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, page_len, page_len);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest", true));
bool got_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
if (unpin_stream) {
vector<int> results;
for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
RowBatch* batch = CreateIntBatch(i * BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, false);
for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
Status status;
bool b = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(j), &status);
// Reset the batch to make sure the stream handles the memory correctly.
if (i % num_batches_before_read == 0) {
ReadValues(&stream, int_desc_, &results, (rand() % num_batches_before_read) + 1);
ReadValues(&stream, int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, BATCH_SIZE * num_batches, false);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
void TestUnpinPin(bool varlen_data, bool read_write);
void TestTransferMemory(bool pinned_stream, bool read_write);
void TestAttachMemory(bool pinned_stream, bool attach_on_read);
void TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(bool pinned_stream, bool attach_on_read);
/// Helper for TestFlushResourcesReadWrite() to write and read back rows from
/// *stream. 'append_batch_size' is the number of rows to append at a time before
/// reading them back. *num_buffers_attached tracks the number of buffers attached
/// to the output batch.
void AppendToReadWriteStream(int64_t append_batch_size, int64_t buffer_size,
int* num_buffers_attached, BufferedTupleStream* stream);
// Helper for AppendToReadWriteStream() to verify 'out_batch' contents. The value of
// row i of 'out_batch' is expected to be the same as the row at index
// (i + start_index) % out_batch->num_rows() of 'in_batch'.
void VerifyReadWriteBatch(RowBatch* in_batch, RowBatch* out_batch, int64_t start_index);
// Helper to writes 'row' comprised of only string slots to 'data'. The expected
// length of the data written is 'expected_len'.
void WriteStringRow(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, TupleRow* row, int64_t fixed_size,
int64_t varlen_size, uint8_t* data);
// The temporary runtime environment used for the test.
scoped_ptr<TestEnv> test_env_;
RuntimeState* runtime_state_;
QueryState* query_state_;
// Buffer pool client - automatically deregistered in TearDown().
BufferPool::ClientHandle client_;
// Dummy MemTracker used for miscellaneous memory.
MemTracker tracker_;
ObjectPool pool_;
RowDescriptor* int_desc_;
RowDescriptor* string_desc_;
static const int64_t BIG_ROW_BYTES = 16 * 1024;
RowDescriptor* big_row_desc_;
RowDescriptor* nullable_big_row_desc_;
scoped_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool_;
// Tests with a non-NULLable tuple per row.
class SimpleNullStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
virtual void CreateDescriptors() {
vector<bool> nullable_tuples(1, true);
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids(1, static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
}; // SimpleNullStreamTest
// Tests with multiple non-NULLable tuples per row.
class MultiTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
virtual void CreateDescriptors() {
vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
// Tests with multiple NULLable tuples per row.
class MultiNullableTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
virtual void CreateDescriptors() {
vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_INT;
int_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_builder.DeclareTuple() << TYPE_STRING;
string_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
/// Tests with collection types.
class ArrayTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
RowDescriptor* array_desc_;
virtual void CreateDescriptors() {
// tuples: (array<string>, array<array<int>>) (array<int>)
vector<bool> nullable_tuples(2, true);
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
ColumnType string_array_type;
string_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
ColumnType int_array_type;
int_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
ColumnType nested_array_type;
nested_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
DescriptorTblBuilder builder(test_env_->exec_env()->frontend(), &pool_);
builder.DeclareTuple() << string_array_type << nested_array_type;
builder.DeclareTuple() << int_array_type;
array_desc_ =
pool_.Add(new RowDescriptor(*builder.Build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
// Basic API test. No data should be going to disk.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, Basic) {
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, false);
// Test with only 1 buffer.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, OneBufferSpill) {
// Each buffer can only hold 128 ints, so this spills quite often.
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
// Test with a few buffers.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, ManyBufferSpill) {
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
Init(10 * buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, true, buffer_size);
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestUnpinPin(bool varlen_data, bool read_write) {
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
int num_buffers = 10;
Init(num_buffers * buffer_size);
RowDescriptor* row_desc = varlen_data ? string_desc_ : int_desc_;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, row_desc, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestUnpinPin", true));
if (read_write) {
bool got_reservation = false;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(false, &got_reservation));
} else {
bool got_write_reservation;
int offset = 0;
bool full = false;
int num_batches = 0;
while (!full) {
// Make sure we can switch between pinned and unpinned states while writing.
if (num_batches % 10 == 0) {
bool pinned;
RowBatch* batch = varlen_data ? CreateStringBatch(offset, BATCH_SIZE, false) :
CreateIntBatch(offset, BATCH_SIZE, false);
int j = 0;
for (; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
Status status;
full = !stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(j), &status);
if (full) break;
offset += j;
bool pinned = false;
// Read and verify result a few times. We should be able to reread the stream if
// we don't use attach on read mode.
int read_iters = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < read_iters; ++i) {
bool attach_on_read = i == read_iters - 1;
if (i > 0 || !read_write) {
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(attach_on_read, &got_read_reservation));
if (varlen_data) {
vector<StringValue> results;
ReadValues(&stream, row_desc, &results);
VerifyResults<StringValue>(*string_desc_, results, offset, false);
} else {
vector<int> results;
ReadValues(&stream, row_desc, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, offset, false);
// After attach_on_read, all buffers should have been attached to the output batches
// on previous GetNext() calls.
ASSERT_EQ(0, stream.BytesPinned(false));
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stream.BytesPinned(false));
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, UnpinPin) {
TestUnpinPin(false, false);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, UnpinPinReadWrite) {
TestUnpinPin(false, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, UnpinPinVarlen) {
TestUnpinPin(false, false);
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestTransferMemory(bool pin_stream, bool read_write) {
// Use smaller buffers so that the explicit FLUSH_RESOURCES flag is required to
// make the batch at capacity.
int buffer_size = 4 * 1024;
Init(100 * buffer_size);
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestTransferMemory", pin_stream));
if (read_write) {
bool got_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
} else {
bool got_write_reservation;
RowBatch* batch = CreateIntBatch(0, 1024, false);
// Construct a stream with 4 pages.
const int total_num_pages = 4;
while (stream.byte_size() < total_num_pages * buffer_size) {
Status status;
for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
bool ret = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(i), &status);
if (read_write) {
// Read back batch so that we have a read buffer in memory.
bool eos;
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(batch, &eos));
stream.Close(batch, RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
if (pin_stream) {
EXPECT_EQ(total_num_pages, batch->num_buffers());
} else if (read_write) {
// Read and write buffer should be attached.
EXPECT_EQ(2, batch->num_buffers());
} else {
// Read buffer should be attached.
EXPECT_EQ(1, batch->num_buffers());
EXPECT_TRUE(batch->AtCapacity()); // Flush resources flag should have been set.
EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->num_buffers());
/// Test attaching memory to a row batch from a pinned stream.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TransferMemoryFromPinnedStreamReadWrite) {
TestTransferMemory(true, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TransferMemoryFromPinnedStreamNoReadWrite) {
TestTransferMemory(true, false);
/// Test attaching memory to a row batch from an unpinned stream.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TransferMemoryFromUnpinnedStreamReadWrite) {
TestTransferMemory(false, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TransferMemoryFromUnpinnedStreamNoReadWrite) {
TestTransferMemory(false, false);
/// Test iteration over a stream with and without attaching memory.
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestAttachMemory(bool pin_stream, bool attach_on_read) {
// Use smaller buffers so that the explicit FLUSH_RESOURCES flag is required to
// make the batch at capacity.
int buffer_size = 4 * 1024;
Init(100 * buffer_size);
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestAttachMemory", pin_stream));
bool got_write_reservation;
RowBatch* in_batch = CreateIntBatch(0, 1024, false);
// Construct a stream with 4 pages.
const int total_num_pages = 4;
while (stream.byte_size() < total_num_pages * buffer_size) {
Status status;
for (int i = 0; i < in_batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
bool ret = stream.AddRow(in_batch->GetRow(i), &status);
RowBatch* out_batch = pool_.Add(new RowBatch(int_desc_, 100, &tracker_));
int num_buffers_attached = 0;
int num_flushes = 0;
int64_t num_rows_returned = 0;
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(attach_on_read, &got_read_reservation));
bool eos;
do {
ASSERT_EQ(0, out_batch->num_buffers());
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(out_batch, &eos));
EXPECT_LE(out_batch->num_buffers(), 1) << "Should only attach one buffer at a time";
if (out_batch->num_buffers() > 0) {
EXPECT_TRUE(out_batch->AtCapacity()) << "Flush resources flag should have been set";
num_buffers_attached += out_batch->num_buffers();
for (int i = 0; i < out_batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
int slot_offset = int_desc_->tuple_descriptors()[0]->slots()[0]->tuple_offset();
TupleRow* in_row = in_batch->GetRow(num_rows_returned % in_batch->num_rows());
num_flushes += out_batch->flush_mode() == RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES;
} while (!eos);
if (attach_on_read) {
EXPECT_EQ(4, num_buffers_attached) << "All buffers attached during iteration.";
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(0, num_buffers_attached) << "No buffers attached during iteration.";
if (attach_on_read || !pin_stream) {
EXPECT_EQ(4, num_flushes);
stream.Close(out_batch, RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
if (attach_on_read) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, out_batch->num_buffers());
} else if (pin_stream) {
// All buffers should be attached.
EXPECT_EQ(4, out_batch->num_buffers());
} else {
// Buffer from last pinned page should be attached.
EXPECT_EQ(1, out_batch->num_buffers());
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestAttachMemoryPinned) {
TestAttachMemory(true, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestNoAttachMemoryPinned) {
TestAttachMemory(true, false);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestAttachMemoryUnpinned) {
TestAttachMemory(false, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestNoAttachMemoryUnpinned) {
TestAttachMemory(false, false);
// Test for advancing the read/write page with resource flushing.
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(
bool pin_stream, bool attach_on_read) {
// Use smaller buffers so that the explicit FLUSH_RESOURCES flag is required to
// make the batch at capacity.
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
const int BATCH_SIZE = 100;
// For unpinned streams, we should be able to iterate with only two buffers.
const int MAX_PINNED_PAGES = pin_stream ? 1000 : 2;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE);
stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::TestFlushResourcesReadWrite", pin_stream));
bool got_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(attach_on_read, &got_reservation));
int num_buffers_attached = 0;
/// Read over the page in different increments.
for (int append_batch_size : {1, 10, 100, 1000}) {
append_batch_size, BUFFER_SIZE, &num_buffers_attached, &stream);
if (attach_on_read) {
EXPECT_EQ(stream.byte_size() / BUFFER_SIZE - 1, num_buffers_attached)
<< "All buffers except the current write page should have been attached";
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(0, num_buffers_attached);
RowBatch* final_out_batch = pool_.Add(new RowBatch(int_desc_, BATCH_SIZE, &tracker_));
stream.Close(final_out_batch, RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::AppendToReadWriteStream(int64_t append_batch_size,
int64_t buffer_size, int* num_buffers_attached, BufferedTupleStream* stream) {
RowBatch* in_batch = CreateIntBatch(0, BATCH_SIZE, false);
/// Accumulate row batches until we see a flush. The contents of the batches should
/// remain valid until reset or delete trailing batches.
vector<unique_ptr<RowBatch>> out_batches;
// The start row index of each batch in 'out_batches'.
vector<int64_t> out_batch_start_indices;
// Iterate over at least 10 pages.
int64_t start_byte_size = stream->byte_size();
while (stream->byte_size() - start_byte_size < 10 * buffer_size) {
Status status;
for (int i = 0; i < append_batch_size; ++i) {
bool ret = stream->AddRow(
in_batch->GetRow(stream->num_rows() % in_batch->num_rows()), &status);
int64_t rows_read = 0;
bool eos;
while (rows_read < append_batch_size) {
out_batches.emplace_back(new RowBatch(int_desc_, BATCH_SIZE, &tracker_));
ASSERT_OK(stream->GetNext(out_batches.back().get(), &eos));
// Verify the contents of all valid batches to make sure that they haven't become
// invalid.
LOG(INFO) << "Verifying " << out_batches.size() << " batches";
for (int i = 0; i < out_batches.size(); ++i) {
VerifyReadWriteBatch(in_batch, out_batches[i].get(), out_batch_start_indices[i]);
*num_buffers_attached += out_batches.back()->num_buffers();
rows_read += out_batches.back()->num_rows();
EXPECT_EQ(rows_read == append_batch_size, eos);
if (out_batches.back().get()->flush_mode()
== RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES) {
EXPECT_EQ(append_batch_size, rows_read);
EXPECT_EQ(true, eos);
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::VerifyReadWriteBatch(
RowBatch* in_batch, RowBatch* out_batch, int64_t start_index) {
int slot_offset = int_desc_->tuple_descriptors()[0]->slots()[0]->tuple_offset();
int64_t row_index = start_index;
for (int i = 0; i < out_batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
TupleRow* in_row = in_batch->GetRow(row_index++ % in_batch->num_rows());
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestFlushResourcesReadWritePinnedAttach) {
TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(true, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestFlushResourcesReadWritePinnedNoAttach) {
TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(true, false);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestFlushResourcesReadWriteUnpinnedAttach) {
TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(false, true);
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, TestFlushResourcesReadWriteUnpinnedNoAttach) {
TestFlushResourcesReadWrite(false, false);
// Test that tuple stream functions if it references strings outside stream. The
// aggregation node relies on this since it updates tuples in-place.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, StringsOutsideStream) {
int buffer_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
Init(2 * buffer_size);
Status status = Status::OK();
int num_batches = 100;
int rows_added = 0;
DCHECK_EQ(string_desc_->tuple_descriptors().size(), 1);
TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc = *string_desc_->tuple_descriptors()[0];
set<SlotId> external_slots;
for (int i = 0; i < tuple_desc.string_slots().size(); ++i) {
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, string_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size, external_slots);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::StringsOutsideStream", false));
bool got_reservation;
for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
RowBatch* batch = CreateStringBatch(rows_added, BATCH_SIZE, false);
for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
int fixed_size = tuple_desc.byte_size();
// Copy fixed portion in, but leave it pointing to row batch's varlen data.
uint8_t* tuple_data = stream.AddRowCustomBegin(fixed_size, &status);
ASSERT_TRUE(tuple_data != nullptr);
memcpy(tuple_data, batch->GetRow(j)->GetTuple(0), fixed_size);
rows_added += batch->num_rows();
DCHECK_EQ(rows_added, stream.num_rows());
for (int attach_on_read = 0; attach_on_read <= 1; ++attach_on_read) {
// Keep stream in memory and test we can read ok.
vector<StringValue> results;
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(attach_on_read, &got_read_reservation));
ReadValues(&stream, string_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<StringValue>(*string_desc_, results, rows_added, false);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Construct a big row by stiching together many tuples so the total row size
// will be close to the IO block size. With null indicators, stream will fail to
// be initialized; Without null indicators, things should work fine.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, BigRow) {
const int64_t MAX_BUFFERS = 10;
// Test writing this row into the stream and then reading it back.
// Make sure to exercise the case where the row is larger than the default page.
// If the stream is pinned, we can only fit MAX_BUFFERS - 1 rows (since we always
// advance to the next page). In the unpinned case we should be able to write
// arbitrarily many rows.
TestValues<int>(1, big_row_desc_, false, false, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, false, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
TestValues<int>(1, big_row_desc_, false, false, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, false, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
TestValues<int>(1, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
5 * MAX_BUFFERS, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
TestValues<int>(1, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
5 * MAX_BUFFERS, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4, BIG_ROW_BYTES, 1);
// Test the case where it fits in an in-between page size.
TestValues<int>(MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, false, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4,
BIG_ROW_BYTES * 2, 1);
TestValues<int>(MAX_BUFFERS - 1, big_row_desc_, false, true, BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4,
BIG_ROW_BYTES * 2, 1);
// Construct a big row with nullable tuples. This requires extra space for null
// indicators in the stream so adding the row will fail.
BufferedTupleStream nullable_stream(
runtime_state_, nullable_big_row_desc_, &client_, BIG_ROW_BYTES, BIG_ROW_BYTES);
ASSERT_OK(nullable_stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::BigRow", true));
bool got_reservation;
// With null tuples, a row can fit in the stream.
RowBatch* batch = CreateBatch(nullable_big_row_desc_, 0, 1, true);
Status status;
EXPECT_TRUE(nullable_stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(0), &status));
// With the additional null indicator, we can't fit all the tuples of a row into
// the stream.
batch = CreateBatch(nullable_big_row_desc_, 0, 1, false);
EXPECT_FALSE(nullable_stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(0), &status));
EXPECT_EQ(TErrorCode::MAX_ROW_SIZE, status.code());
nullable_stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Test the memory use for large rows.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, BigRowMemoryUse) {
const int64_t MAX_BUFFERS = 10;
const int64_t DEFAULT_PAGE_LEN = BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4;
Status status;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, big_row_desc_, &client_, DEFAULT_PAGE_LEN, BIG_ROW_BYTES * 2);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::BigRowMemoryUse", true));
RowBatch* batch;
bool got_reservation;
// We should be able to append MAX_BUFFERS without problem.
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
batch = CreateBatch(big_row_desc_, i, 1, false);
bool success = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(0), &status);
// We should have one large page per row.
EXPECT_EQ(BIG_ROW_BYTES * (i + 1), client_.GetUsedReservation())
<< i << ": " << client_.DebugString();
// We can't fit another row in memory - need to unpin to make progress.
batch = CreateBatch(big_row_desc_, MAX_BUFFERS, 1, false);
bool success = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(0), &status);
success = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(0), &status);
// Read all the rows back and verify.
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(false, &got_reservation));
vector<int> results;
ReadValues(&stream, big_row_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*big_row_desc_, results, MAX_BUFFERS + 1, false);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Test rows greater than the default page size. Also exercise the read/write
// mode with large pages.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, BigStringReadWrite) {
const int64_t MAX_BUFFERS = 10;
const int64_t DEFAULT_PAGE_LEN = BIG_ROW_BYTES / 4;
Status status;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, string_desc_, &client_, DEFAULT_PAGE_LEN, BIG_ROW_BYTES * 2);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::BigStringReadWrite", true));
RowBatch write_batch(string_desc_, 1024, &tracker_);
RowBatch read_batch(string_desc_, 1024, &tracker_);
bool got_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(false, &got_reservation));
TupleRow* write_row = write_batch.GetRow(0);
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = string_desc_->tuple_descriptors()[0];
vector<uint8_t> tuple_mem(tuple_desc->byte_size());
Tuple* write_tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(;
write_row->SetTuple(0, write_tuple);
StringValue* write_str =
// Make the string large enough to fill a page.
const int64_t string_len = BIG_ROW_BYTES - tuple_desc->byte_size();
vector<char> data(string_len);
write_str->len = string_len;
write_str->ptr =;
// We should be able to append MAX_BUFFERS without problem.
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; ++i) {
// Fill the string with the value i.
memset(write_str->ptr, i, write_str->len);
bool success = stream.AddRow(write_row, &status);
// We should have one large page per row, plus a default-size read/write page, plus
// we waste the first default-size page in the stream by leaving it empty.
EXPECT_EQ(BIG_ROW_BYTES * (i + 1), client_.GetUsedReservation())
<< i << ": " << client_.DebugString() << "\n"
<< stream.DebugString();
// Read back the rows as we write them to test read/write mode.
bool eos;
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(&read_batch, &eos));
EXPECT_EQ(1, read_batch.num_rows());
EXPECT_TRUE(eos) << i << " " << stream.DebugString();
Tuple* tuple = read_batch.GetRow(0)->GetTuple(0);
StringValue* str = tuple->GetStringSlot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset());
EXPECT_EQ(string_len, str->len);
for (int j = 0; j < string_len; ++j) {
EXPECT_EQ(i, str->ptr[j]) << j;
// We can't fit another row in memory - need to unpin to make progress.
memset(write_str->ptr, MAX_BUFFERS, write_str->len);
bool success = stream.AddRow(write_row, &status);
success = stream.AddRow(write_row, &status);
// Read all the rows back and verify.
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(false, &got_reservation));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS + 1; ++i) {
bool eos;
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(&read_batch, &eos));
EXPECT_EQ(1, read_batch.num_rows());
EXPECT_EQ(eos, i == MAX_BUFFERS) << i;
Tuple* tuple = read_batch.GetRow(0)->GetTuple(0);
StringValue* str = tuple->GetStringSlot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset());
EXPECT_EQ(string_len, str->len);
for (int j = 0; j < string_len; ++j) {
ASSERT_EQ(i, str->ptr[j]) << j;
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Test that UnpinStream advances the read page if all rows from the read page are
// attached to a returned RowBatch.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, UnpinReadPage) {
int num_rows = 1024;
int buffer_size = 4 * 1024;
Init(100 * buffer_size);
bool eos;
bool got_reservation;
Status status;
RowBatch* write_batch = CreateIntBatch(0, num_rows, false);
// Test unpinning a stream when the read page has been attached to the output batch.
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::UnpinReadPage", true));
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
// Add rows to stream.
for (int i = 0; i < write_batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
EXPECT_TRUE(stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(i), &status));
// Read until the read page is attached to the output.
RowBatch read_batch(int_desc_, num_rows, &tracker_);
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(&read_batch, &eos));
// If GetNext did hit the capacity of the RowBatch, then the read page should have
// been attached to read_batch.
ASSERT_TRUE(read_batch.num_rows() < num_rows);
// Unpin the stream.
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Test unpinning an empty stream (all rows have been attached to RowBatches).
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::UnpinReadPage", true));
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
for (int i = 0; i < write_batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
EXPECT_TRUE(stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(i), &status));
// Read and validate all contents of the stream.
vector<int> results;
ReadValues(&stream, int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, num_rows, false);
// Unpin and close the stream.
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Test writing to a stream (AddRow and UnpinStream), even though attached pages have not
// been released yet.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, WriteAfterReadAttached) {
int buffer_size = 4 * 1024;
Init(100 * buffer_size);
bool eos;
bool got_reservation;
Status status;
vector<int> results;
RowBatch read_batch(int_desc_, 1, &tracker_);
RowBatch* write_batch = CreateIntBatch(0, 1, false);
ASSERT_EQ(write_batch->num_rows(), 1);
// Test adding a row to the stream before releasing an output batch returned by
// GetNext.
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::InterleaveReadAndWrite", true));
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
// Add a row to the stream.
EXPECT_TRUE(stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(0), &status));
// Read a row from the stream, but do not reset the read_batch.
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(&read_batch, &eos));
// Add a row to the stream.
EXPECT_TRUE(stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(0), &status));
// Validate the contents of read_batch.
AppendRowTuples(read_batch.GetRow(0), int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, 1, false);
// Validate the data just added to the stream.
ReadValues(&stream, int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, 1, false);
// Reset the read_batch and close the stream.
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Read a batch from the stream, unpin the stream, add a row, and then validate the
// contents of read batch.
BufferedTupleStream unpin_stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(unpin_stream.Init("SimpleTupleStreamTest::InterleaveReadAndWrite", true));
ASSERT_OK(unpin_stream.PrepareForReadWrite(true, &got_reservation));
// Add a row to the stream.
EXPECT_TRUE(unpin_stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(0), &status));
// Read a row from the stream, but do not reset the read_batch.
ASSERT_OK(unpin_stream.GetNext(&read_batch, &eos));
// Unpin the stream.
// Add a row to the stream.
EXPECT_TRUE(unpin_stream.AddRow(write_batch->GetRow(0), &status));
// Validate the contents of read_batch.
AppendRowTuples(read_batch.GetRow(0), int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, 1, false);
// Validate the data just added to the stream.
ReadValues(&unpin_stream, int_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, 1, false);
// Reset the read_batch and close the stream.
unpin_stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
/// Test multiple threads reading from a pinned stream using separate read iterators.
TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, ConcurrentReaders) {
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
// Each tuple is an integer plus a null indicator byte.
const int VALS_PER_BUFFER = BUFFER_SIZE / (sizeof(int32_t) + 1);
const int NUM_BUFFERS = 100;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, int_desc_, &client_, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("ConcurrentReaders", true));
bool got_write_reservation;
// Add rows to the stream.
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BATCHES; ++i) {
RowBatch* batch = nullptr;
Status status;
batch = CreateBatch(int_desc_, offset, ROWS_PER_BATCH, false);
for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
bool b = stream.AddRow(batch->GetRow(j), &status);
offset += batch->num_rows();
// Reset the batch to make sure the stream handles the memory correctly.
// Invalidate the write iterator explicitly so that we can read concurrently.
const int READ_ITERS = 10; // Do multiple read passes per thread.
const int NUM_THREADS = 4;
// Read from the main thread with the built-in iterator and other threads with
// external iterators.
thread_group workers;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
workers.add_thread(new thread([&] () {
for (int j = 0; j < READ_ITERS; ++j) {
BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator it;
// Read all the rows back
vector<int> results;
ReadValues(&stream, &it, int_desc_, &results);
// Verify result
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, ROWS_PER_BATCH * NUM_BATCHES, false);
for (int i = 0; i < READ_ITERS; ++i) {
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(false, &got_read_reservation));
// Read all the rows back
vector<int> results;
ReadValues(&stream, int_desc_, &results);
// Verify result
VerifyResults<int>(*int_desc_, results, ROWS_PER_BATCH * NUM_BATCHES, false);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Basic API test. No data should be going to disk.
TEST_F(SimpleNullStreamTest, Basic) {
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, true, true);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, true, false);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, true, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, true);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, false);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, false);
// Test tuple stream with only 1 buffer and rows with multiple tuples.
TEST_F(MultiTupleStreamTest, MultiTupleOneBufferSpill) {
// Each buffer can only hold 128 ints, so this spills quite often.
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
// Test with a few buffers and rows with multiple tuples.
TEST_F(MultiTupleStreamTest, MultiTupleManyBufferSpill) {
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
Init(10 * buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, true, buffer_size);
// Test that we can allocate a row in the stream and copy in multiple tuples then
// read it back from the stream.
TEST_F(MultiTupleStreamTest, MultiTupleAddRowCustom) {
// Use small buffers so it will be flushed to disk.
int buffer_size = 4 * 1024;
Init(2 * buffer_size);
Status status = Status::OK();
int num_batches = 1;
int rows_added = 0;
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, string_desc_, &client_, buffer_size, buffer_size);
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("MultiTupleStreamTest::MultiTupleAddRowCustom", false));
bool got_write_reservation;
for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
RowBatch* batch = CreateStringBatch(rows_added, 1, false);
for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(j);
int64_t fixed_size = 0;
int64_t varlen_size = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < string_desc_->tuple_descriptors().size(); k++) {
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = string_desc_->tuple_descriptors()[k];
fixed_size += tuple_desc->byte_size();
varlen_size += row->GetTuple(k)->VarlenByteSize(*tuple_desc);
uint8_t* data = stream.AddRowCustomBegin(fixed_size + varlen_size, &status);
ASSERT_TRUE(data != nullptr);
WriteStringRow(string_desc_, row, fixed_size, varlen_size, data);
stream.AddRowCustomEnd(fixed_size + varlen_size);
rows_added += batch->num_rows();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
bool attach_on_read = i == 2;
vector<StringValue> results;
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(attach_on_read, &got_read_reservation));
ReadValues(&stream, string_desc_, &results);
VerifyResults<StringValue>(*string_desc_, results, rows_added, false);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
void SimpleTupleStreamTest::WriteStringRow(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, TupleRow* row,
int64_t fixed_size, int64_t varlen_size, uint8_t* data) {
uint8_t* fixed_data = data;
uint8_t* varlen_write_ptr = data + fixed_size;
for (int i = 0; i < row_desc->tuple_descriptors().size(); i++) {
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = row_desc->tuple_descriptors()[i];
Tuple* src = row->GetTuple(i);
Tuple* dst = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(fixed_data);
fixed_data += tuple_desc->byte_size();
memcpy(dst, src, tuple_desc->byte_size());
for (SlotDescriptor* slot : tuple_desc->slots()) {
StringValue* src_string = src->GetStringSlot(slot->tuple_offset());
StringValue* dst_string = dst->GetStringSlot(slot->tuple_offset());
dst_string->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(varlen_write_ptr);
memcpy(dst_string->ptr, src_string->ptr, src_string->len);
varlen_write_ptr += src_string->len;
ASSERT_EQ(data + fixed_size + varlen_size, varlen_write_ptr);
// Test with rows with multiple nullable tuples.
TEST_F(MultiNullableTupleStreamTest, MultiNullableTupleOneBufferSpill) {
// Each buffer can only hold 128 ints, so this spills quite often.
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
// Test with a few buffers.
TEST_F(MultiNullableTupleStreamTest, MultiNullableTupleManyBufferSpill) {
int buffer_size = 128 * sizeof(int);
Init(10 * buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(0, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(1, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(10, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<int>(100, int_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, false, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(0, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(1, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(10, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestValues<StringValue>(100, string_desc_, true, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(0, 1, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5, true, buffer_size);
TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15, true, buffer_size);
/// Test that ComputeRowSize handles nulls
TEST_F(MultiNullableTupleStreamTest, TestComputeRowSize) {
const vector<TupleDescriptor*>& tuple_descs = string_desc_->tuple_descriptors();
// String in second tuple is stored externally.
set<SlotId> external_slots;
const SlotDescriptor* external_string_slot = tuple_descs[1]->slots()[0];
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, string_desc_, &client_, PAGE_LEN, PAGE_LEN, external_slots);
gscoped_ptr<TupleRow, FreeDeleter> row(
reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(malloc(tuple_descs.size() * sizeof(Tuple*))));
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple0(
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple1(
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple2(
memset(tuple0.get(), 0, tuple_descs[0]->byte_size());
memset(tuple1.get(), 0, tuple_descs[1]->byte_size());
memset(tuple2.get(), 0, tuple_descs[2]->byte_size());
const int tuple_null_indicator_bytes = 1; // Need 1 bytes for 3 tuples.
// All nullable tuples are NULL.
row->SetTuple(0, tuple0.get());
row->SetTuple(1, nullptr);
row->SetTuple(2, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(tuple_null_indicator_bytes + tuple_descs[0]->byte_size(),
// Tuples are initialized to empty and have no var-len data.
row->SetTuple(1, tuple1.get());
row->SetTuple(2, tuple2.get());
EXPECT_EQ(tuple_null_indicator_bytes + string_desc_->GetRowSize(),
// Tuple 0 has some data.
const SlotDescriptor* string_slot = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
StringValue* sv = tuple0->GetStringSlot(string_slot->tuple_offset());
*sv = STRINGS[0];
int64_t expected_len =
tuple_null_indicator_bytes + string_desc_->GetRowSize() + sv->len;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_len, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
// Check that external slots aren't included in count.
sv = tuple1->GetStringSlot(external_string_slot->tuple_offset());
sv->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(1234);
sv->len = 1234;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_len, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
/// Test that deep copy works with arrays by copying into a BufferedTupleStream, freeing
/// the original rows, then reading back the rows and verifying the contents.
TEST_F(ArrayTupleStreamTest, TestArrayDeepCopy) {
Status status;
const int NUM_ROWS = 4000;
BufferedTupleStream stream(runtime_state_, array_desc_, &client_, PAGE_LEN, PAGE_LEN);
const vector<TupleDescriptor*>& tuple_descs = array_desc_->tuple_descriptors();
// Write out a predictable pattern of data by iterating over arrays of constants.
int strings_index = 0; // we take the mod of this as index into STRINGS.
int array_lens[] = {0, 1, 5, 10, 1000, 2, 49, 20};
int num_array_lens = sizeof(array_lens) / sizeof(array_lens[0]);
int array_len_index = 0;
ASSERT_OK(stream.Init("ArrayTupleStreamTest::TestArrayDeepCopy", false));
bool got_write_reservation;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
const int tuple_null_indicator_bytes = 1; // Need 1 bytes for 2 tuples.
int expected_row_size = tuple_null_indicator_bytes + tuple_descs[0]->byte_size()
+ tuple_descs[1]->byte_size();
gscoped_ptr<TupleRow, FreeDeleter> row(
reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(malloc(tuple_descs.size() * sizeof(Tuple*))));
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple0(
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple1(
memset(tuple0.get(), 0, tuple_descs[0]->byte_size());
memset(tuple1.get(), 0, tuple_descs[1]->byte_size());
row->SetTuple(0, tuple0.get());
row->SetTuple(1, tuple1.get());
// Only array<string> is non-null.
const SlotDescriptor* array_slot_desc = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
const TupleDescriptor* item_desc = array_slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
int array_len = array_lens[array_len_index++ % num_array_lens];
CollectionValue* cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(array_slot_desc->tuple_offset());
cv->ptr = nullptr;
cv->num_tuples = 0;
CollectionValueBuilder builder(
cv, *item_desc, mem_pool_.get(), runtime_state_, array_len);
Tuple* array_data;
int num_rows;
ASSERT_OK(builder.GetFreeMemory(&array_data, &num_rows));
expected_row_size += item_desc->byte_size() * array_len;
// Fill the array with pointers to our constant strings.
for (int j = 0; j < array_len; ++j) {
const StringValue* string = &STRINGS[strings_index++ % NUM_STRINGS];
RawValue::Write(string, array_data, item_desc->slots()[0], mem_pool_.get());
array_data += item_desc->byte_size();
expected_row_size += string->len;
// Check that internal row size computation gives correct result.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_row_size, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
bool b = stream.AddRow(row.get(), &status);
mem_pool_->FreeAll(); // Free data as soon as possible to smoke out issues.
// Read back and verify data.
bool got_read_reservation;
ASSERT_OK(stream.PrepareForRead(false, &got_read_reservation));
strings_index = 0;
array_len_index = 0;
bool eos = false;
int rows_read = 0;
RowBatch batch(array_desc_, BATCH_SIZE, &tracker_);
do {
ASSERT_OK(stream.GetNext(&batch, &eos));
for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
TupleRow* row = batch.GetRow(i);
Tuple* tuple0 = row->GetTuple(0);
Tuple* tuple1 = row->GetTuple(1);
ASSERT_TRUE(tuple0 != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(tuple1 != nullptr);
const SlotDescriptor* array_slot_desc = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
const TupleDescriptor* item_desc = array_slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
int expected_array_len = array_lens[array_len_index++ % num_array_lens];
CollectionValue* cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(array_slot_desc->tuple_offset());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_array_len, cv->num_tuples);
for (int j = 0; j < cv->num_tuples; ++j) {
Tuple* item = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(cv->ptr + j * item_desc->byte_size());
const SlotDescriptor* string_desc = item_desc->slots()[0];
const StringValue* expected = &STRINGS[strings_index++ % NUM_STRINGS];
const StringValue* actual = item->GetStringSlot(string_desc->tuple_offset());
ASSERT_EQ(*expected, *actual);
rows_read += batch.num_rows();
} while (!eos);
ASSERT_EQ(NUM_ROWS, rows_read);
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
/// Test that ComputeRowSize handles nulls
TEST_F(ArrayTupleStreamTest, TestComputeRowSize) {
const vector<TupleDescriptor*>& tuple_descs = array_desc_->tuple_descriptors();
set<SlotId> external_slots;
// Second array slot in first tuple is stored externally.
const SlotDescriptor* external_array_slot = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[1];
BufferedTupleStream stream(
runtime_state_, array_desc_, &client_, PAGE_LEN, PAGE_LEN, external_slots);
gscoped_ptr<TupleRow, FreeDeleter> row(
reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(malloc(tuple_descs.size() * sizeof(Tuple*))));
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple0(
gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple1(
memset(tuple0.get(), 0, tuple_descs[0]->byte_size());
memset(tuple1.get(), 0, tuple_descs[1]->byte_size());
const int tuple_null_indicator_bytes = 1; // Need 1 bytes for 3 tuples.
// All tuples are NULL - only need null indicators.
row->SetTuple(0, nullptr);
row->SetTuple(1, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(tuple_null_indicator_bytes, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
// Tuples are initialized to empty and have no var-len data.
row->SetTuple(0, tuple0.get());
row->SetTuple(1, tuple1.get());
EXPECT_EQ(tuple_null_indicator_bytes + array_desc_->GetRowSize(),
// Tuple 0 has an array.
int expected_row_size = tuple_null_indicator_bytes + array_desc_->GetRowSize();
const SlotDescriptor* array_slot = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
const TupleDescriptor* item_desc = array_slot->collection_item_descriptor();
int array_len = 128;
CollectionValue* cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(array_slot->tuple_offset());
CollectionValueBuilder builder(
cv, *item_desc, mem_pool_.get(), runtime_state_, array_len);
Tuple* array_data;
int num_rows;
ASSERT_OK(builder.GetFreeMemory(&array_data, &num_rows));
expected_row_size += item_desc->byte_size() * array_len;
// Fill the array with pointers to our constant strings.
for (int i = 0; i < array_len; ++i) {
const StringValue* str = &STRINGS[i % NUM_STRINGS];
RawValue::Write(str, array_data, item_desc->slots()[0], mem_pool_.get());
array_data += item_desc->byte_size();
expected_row_size += str->len;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_row_size, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
// Check that the external slot isn't included in size.
cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(external_array_slot->tuple_offset());
// ptr of external slot shouldn't be dereferenced when computing size.
cv->ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(1234);
cv->num_tuples = 1234;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_row_size, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
// Check that the array is excluded if tuple 0's array has its null indicator set.
EXPECT_EQ(tuple_null_indicator_bytes + array_desc_->GetRowSize(),
stream.Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
impala::InitCommonRuntime(argc, argv, true, impala::TestInfo::BE_TEST);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();