blob: e3d1819d0827354f83d230465c655e7d2997ea1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaHiveServer2Service.h"
#include "rpc/authentication.h"
#include "util/kudu-status-util.h"
#include "util/network-util.h"
#include "util/os-util.h"
#include "kudu/security/test/mini_kdc.h"
static string IMPALA_HOME(getenv("IMPALA_HOME"));
namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem;
using namespace apache::hive::service::cli::thrift;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace impala {
class TestHS2Service : public ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceIf {
virtual ~TestHS2Service() {}
virtual void OpenSession(TOpenSessionResp& _return, const TOpenSessionReq& req) {}
virtual void CloseSession(TCloseSessionResp& _return, const TCloseSessionReq& req) {}
virtual void GetInfo(TGetInfoResp& _return, const TGetInfoReq& req) {}
virtual void ExecuteStatement(
TExecuteStatementResp& _return, const TExecuteStatementReq& req) {}
virtual void GetTypeInfo(TGetTypeInfoResp& _return, const TGetTypeInfoReq& req) {}
virtual void GetCatalogs(TGetCatalogsResp& _return, const TGetCatalogsReq& req) {}
virtual void GetSchemas(TGetSchemasResp& _return, const TGetSchemasReq& req) {}
virtual void GetTables(TGetTablesResp& _return, const TGetTablesReq& req) {}
virtual void GetTableTypes(TGetTableTypesResp& _return, const TGetTableTypesReq& req) {}
virtual void GetColumns(TGetColumnsResp& _return, const TGetColumnsReq& req) {}
virtual void GetFunctions(TGetFunctionsResp& _return, const TGetFunctionsReq& req) {}
virtual void GetPrimaryKeys(
TGetPrimaryKeysResp& _return, const TGetPrimaryKeysReq& req) {}
virtual void GetCrossReference(
TGetCrossReferenceResp& _return, const TGetCrossReferenceReq& req) {}
virtual void GetOperationStatus(
TGetOperationStatusResp& _return, const TGetOperationStatusReq& req) {}
virtual void CancelOperation(
TCancelOperationResp& _return, const TCancelOperationReq& req) {}
virtual void CloseOperation(
TCloseOperationResp& _return, const TCloseOperationReq& req) {}
virtual void GetResultSetMetadata(
TGetResultSetMetadataResp& _return, const TGetResultSetMetadataReq& req) {}
virtual void FetchResults(TFetchResultsResp& _return, const TFetchResultsReq& req) {}
virtual void GetDelegationToken(
TGetDelegationTokenResp& _return, const TGetDelegationTokenReq& req) {}
virtual void CancelDelegationToken(
TCancelDelegationTokenResp& _return, const TCancelDelegationTokenReq& req) {}
virtual void RenewDelegationToken(
TRenewDelegationTokenResp& _return, const TRenewDelegationTokenReq& req) {}
virtual void GetLog(TGetLogResp& _return, const TGetLogReq& req) {}
virtual void GetExecSummary(
TGetExecSummaryResp& _return, const TGetExecSummaryReq& req) {}
virtual void GetRuntimeProfile(
TGetRuntimeProfileResp& _return, const TGetRuntimeProfileReq& req) {}
virtual void PingImpalaHS2Service(
TPingImpalaHS2ServiceResp& _return, const TPingImpalaHS2ServiceReq& req) {}
virtual void CloseImpalaOperation(
TCloseImpalaOperationResp& _return, const TCloseImpalaOperationReq& req) {}
// Test that the HTTP server can successfuly read chunked requests.
// None of our usual clients are capable of generating chunked requests directly, but we
// may still have to process chunked requests, eg. if the requests are being proxied
// through something like Apache Knox, so we use curl to test it. Unfortunately, its
// difficult to craft a request that Thrift will actually recognize as an rpc, so mostly
// what we're really testing here is just that the server doesn't hang or crash.
TEST(ThriftHttpTest, TestChunkedRequests) {
boost::shared_ptr<TestHS2Service> service(new TestHS2Service());
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> hs2_http_processor(
new ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor(service));
int port = FindUnusedEphemeralPort();
ThriftServer* http_server;
ThriftServerBuilder http_builder("test-http-server", hs2_http_processor, port);
string curl_output;
// Only run this if curl is available.
if (RunShellProcess("curl --version", &curl_output)) {
string host = Substitute("$0", port);
// Send a plain, non-chunked request.
system(Substitute("curl -X POST -v '$0'", host).c_str());
// Send a chunked request with a small amount of data.
system(Substitute("curl -d somedata -H 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' -v '$0'", host)
string filename = Substitute("$0/testdata/data/decimal_rtf_tbl.txt", IMPALA_HOME);
// Send a chunked request with a large amount of data.
Substitute("curl -d @$0 -H 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' -v '$1'", filename, host)
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping test, curl was not present: " << curl_output;
// Test that the HTTP server can be connected to successfully with Kerberos.
TEST(Hs2HttpTest, TestSpnego) {
// Initialize the mini kdc.
kudu::MiniKdc kdc(kudu::MiniKdcOptions{});
string kt_path;
KUDU_ASSERT_OK(kdc.CreateServiceKeytab("HTTP/", &kt_path));
CHECK_ERR(setenv("KRB5_KTNAME", kt_path.c_str(), 1));
// Set up a fake impala server with Kerberos enabled.
gflags::FlagSaver saver;
FLAGS_principal = "HTTP/";
FLAGS_keytab_file = kt_path;
AuthManager auth_manager;
boost::shared_ptr<TestHS2Service> service(new TestHS2Service());
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> hs2_http_processor(
new ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor(service));
int port = FindUnusedEphemeralPort();
ThriftServer* http_server;
ThriftServerBuilder http_builder("test-http-server", hs2_http_processor, port);
string curl_output;
// Only run this if a version of curl with the necessary features is available.
if (RunShellProcess("curl --version", &curl_output)
&& curl_output.find("GSS-API") != string::npos
&& curl_output.find("SPNEGO") != string::npos) {
system(Substitute("curl -X POST -v --negotiate -u : '$0'", port)
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping test, curl was not present or did not have the required "
<< "features: " << curl_output;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
impala::InitCommonRuntime(argc, argv, false, impala::TestInfo::BE_TEST);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();