blob: 1767357e80ac91cb472cc7c2846e5a1ede8d43d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/function.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list_hook.hpp>
#include <ev++.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/connection.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/connection_id.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/messenger.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
namespace kudu {
class Sockaddr;
class Socket;
namespace rpc {
typedef std::list<scoped_refptr<Connection>> conn_list_t;
class DumpConnectionsRequestPB;
class DumpConnectionsResponsePB;
class OutboundCall;
class Reactor;
class ReactorThread;
enum class CredentialsPolicy;
// Simple metrics information from within a reactor.
// TODO(todd): switch these over to use util/metrics.h style metrics.
struct ReactorMetrics {
// Number of client RPC connections currently connected.
int32_t num_client_connections_;
// Number of server RPC connections currently connected.
int32_t num_server_connections_;
// Total number of client RPC connections opened during Reactor's lifetime.
uint64_t total_client_connections_;
// Total number of server RPC connections opened during Reactor's lifetime.
uint64_t total_server_connections_;
// A task which can be enqueued to run on the reactor thread.
class ReactorTask : public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
// Run the task. 'reactor' is guaranteed to be the current thread.
virtual void Run(ReactorThread *reactor) = 0;
// Abort the task, in the case that the reactor shut down before the
// task could be processed. This may or may not run on the reactor thread
// itself.
// The Reactor guarantees that the Reactor lock is free when this
// method is called.
virtual void Abort(const Status &abort_status) {}
virtual ~ReactorTask();
// A ReactorTask that is scheduled to run at some point in the future.
// Semantically it works like RunFunctionTask with a few key differences:
// 1. The user function is called during Abort. Put another way, the
// user function is _always_ invoked, even during reactor shutdown.
// 2. To differentiate between Abort and non-Abort, the user function
// receives a Status as its first argument.
class DelayedTask : public ReactorTask {
DelayedTask(boost::function<void(const Status &)> func, MonoDelta when);
// Schedules the task for running later but doesn't actually run it yet.
void Run(ReactorThread* thread) override;
// Behaves like ReactorTask::Abort.
void Abort(const Status& abort_status) override;
// libev callback for when the registered timer fires.
void TimerHandler(ev::timer& watcher, int revents);
// User function to invoke when timer fires or when task is aborted.
const boost::function<void(const Status&)> func_;
// Delay to apply to this task.
const MonoDelta when_;
// Link back to registering reactor thread.
ReactorThread* thread_;
// libev timer. Set when Run() is invoked.
ev::timer timer_;
// A ReactorThread is a libev event handler thread which manages I/O
// on a list of sockets.
// All methods in this class are _only_ called from the reactor thread itself
// except where otherwise specified. New methods should DCHECK(IsCurrentThread())
// to ensure this.
class ReactorThread {
friend class Connection;
// Client-side connection map. Multiple connections could be open to a remote
// server if multiple credential policies or different network planes are used
// for individual RPCs.
typedef std::unordered_multimap<ConnectionId, scoped_refptr<Connection>,
ConnectionIdHash, ConnectionIdEqual>
ReactorThread(Reactor *reactor, const MessengerBuilder &bld);
// This may be called from another thread.
Status Init();
// Add any connections on this reactor thread into the given status dump.
Status DumpConnections(const DumpConnectionsRequestPB& req,
DumpConnectionsResponsePB* resp);
// Shuts down a reactor thread, optionally waiting for it to exit.
// Reactor::Shutdown() must have been called already.
// If mode == SYNC, may not be called from the reactor thread itself.
void Shutdown(Messenger::ShutdownMode mode);
// This method is thread-safe.
void WakeThread();
// libev callback for handling async notifications in our epoll thread.
void AsyncHandler(ev::async &watcher, int revents);
// libev callback for handling timer events in our epoll thread.
void TimerHandler(ev::timer &watcher, int revents);
// Register an epoll timer watcher with our event loop.
// Does not set a timeout or start it.
void RegisterTimeout(ev::timer *watcher);
// This may be called from another thread.
const std::string &name() const;
MonoTime cur_time() const;
// This may be called from another thread.
Reactor *reactor();
// Return true if this reactor thread is the thread currently
// running. Should be used in DCHECK assertions.
bool IsCurrentThread() const;
// Begin the process of connection negotiation.
// Must be called from the reactor thread.
Status StartConnectionNegotiation(const scoped_refptr<Connection>& conn);
// Transition back from negotiating to processing requests.
// Must be called from the reactor thread.
void CompleteConnectionNegotiation(const scoped_refptr<Connection>& conn,
const Status& status,
std::unique_ptr<ErrorStatusPB> rpc_error);
// Collect metrics.
// Must be called from the reactor thread.
Status GetMetrics(ReactorMetrics *metrics);
friend class AssignOutboundCallTask;
friend class CancellationTask;
friend class RegisterConnectionTask;
friend class DelayedTask;
// Run the main event loop of the reactor.
void RunThread();
// When libev has noticed that it needs to wake up an application watcher,
// it calls this callback. The callback simply calls back into libev's
// ev_invoke_pending() to trigger all the watcher callbacks, but
// wraps it with latency measurements.
static void InvokePendingCb(struct ev_loop* loop);
// Similarly, libev calls these functions before/after invoking epoll_wait().
// We use these to measure the amount of time spent waiting.
// NOTE: 'noexcept' is required to avoid compilation errors due to libev's
// use of the same exception specification.
static void AboutToPollCb(struct ev_loop* loop) noexcept;
static void PollCompleteCb(struct ev_loop* loop) noexcept;
// Find a connection to the given remote and returns it in 'conn'.
// Returns true if a connection is found. Returns false otherwise.
bool FindConnection(const ConnectionId& conn_id,
CredentialsPolicy cred_policy,
scoped_refptr<Connection>* conn);
// Find or create a new connection to the given remote.
// If such a connection already exists, returns that, otherwise creates a new one.
// May return a bad Status if the connect() call fails.
// The resulting connection object is managed internally by the reactor thread.
Status FindOrStartConnection(const ConnectionId& conn_id,
CredentialsPolicy cred_policy,
scoped_refptr<Connection>* conn);
// Shut down the given connection, removing it from the connection tracking
// structures of this reactor.
// The connection is not explicitly deleted -- shared_ptr reference counting
// may hold on to the object after this, but callers should assume that it
// _may_ be deleted by this call.
void DestroyConnection(Connection *conn, const Status &conn_status,
std::unique_ptr<ErrorStatusPB> rpc_error = {});
// Scan any open connections for idle ones that have been idle longer than
// connection_keepalive_time_. If connection_keepalive_time_ < 0, the scan
// is skipped.
void ScanIdleConnections();
// Create a new client socket (non-blocking, NODELAY)
static Status CreateClientSocket(Socket *sock);
// Initiate a new connection on the given socket.
static Status StartConnect(Socket *sock, const Sockaddr &remote);
// Assign a new outbound call to the appropriate connection object.
// If this fails, the call is marked failed and completed.
void AssignOutboundCall(std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> call);
// Cancel the outbound call. May update corresponding connection
// object to remove call from the CallAwaitingResponse object.
// Also mark the call as slated for cancellation so the callback
// may be invoked early if the RPC hasn't yet been sent or if it's
// waiting for a response from the remote.
void CancelOutboundCall(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// Register a new connection.
void RegisterConnection(scoped_refptr<Connection> conn);
// Actually perform shutdown of the thread, tearing down any connections,
// etc. This is called from within the thread.
void ShutdownInternal();
scoped_refptr<kudu::Thread> thread_;
// our epoll object (or kqueue, etc).
ev::dynamic_loop loop_;
// Used by other threads to notify the reactor thread
ev::async async_;
// Handles the periodic timer.
ev::timer timer_;
// Scheduled (but not yet run) delayed tasks.
// Each task owns its own memory and must be freed by its TaskRun and
// Abort members, provided it was allocated on the heap.
boost::intrusive::list<DelayedTask> scheduled_tasks_;
// The current monotonic time. Updated every coarse_timer_granularity_secs_.
MonoTime cur_time_;
// last time we did TCP timeouts.
MonoTime last_unused_tcp_scan_;
// Map of sockaddrs to Connection objects for outbound (client) connections.
conn_multimap_t client_conns_;
// List of current connections coming into the server.
conn_list_t server_conns_;
Reactor *reactor_;
// If a connection has been idle for this much time, it is torn down.
const MonoDelta connection_keepalive_time_;
// Scan for idle connections on this granularity.
const MonoDelta coarse_timer_granularity_;
// Metrics.
scoped_refptr<Histogram> invoke_us_histogram_;
scoped_refptr<Histogram> load_percent_histogram_;
// Total number of client connections opened during Reactor's lifetime.
uint64_t total_client_conns_cnt_;
// Total number of server connections opened during Reactor's lifetime.
uint64_t total_server_conns_cnt_;
// Set prior to calling epoll and then reset back to -1 after each invocation
// completes. Used for accounting total_poll_cycles_.
int64_t cycle_clock_before_poll_ = -1;
// The total number of cycles spent in epoll_wait() since this thread
// started.
int64_t total_poll_cycles_ = 0;
// Random number generator for randomizing the TCP keepalive interval.
Random rng_;
// Accounting for determining load average in each cycle of TimerHandler.
struct {
// The cycle-time at which the load average was last calculated.
int64_t time_cycles = -1;
// The value of total_poll_cycles_ at the last-recorded time.
int64_t poll_cycles = -1;
} last_load_measurement_;
// A Reactor manages a ReactorThread
class Reactor {
Reactor(std::shared_ptr<Messenger> messenger,
int index,
const MessengerBuilder &bld);
Status Init();
// Shuts down the reactor and its corresponding thread, optionally waiting
// until the thread has exited.
void Shutdown(Messenger::ShutdownMode mode);
const std::string &name() const;
// Collect metrics about the reactor.
Status GetMetrics(ReactorMetrics *metrics);
// Add any connections on this reactor thread into the given status dump.
Status DumpConnections(const DumpConnectionsRequestPB& req,
DumpConnectionsResponsePB* resp);
// Queue a new incoming connection. Takes ownership of the underlying fd from
// 'socket', but not the Socket object itself.
// If the reactor is already shut down, takes care of closing the socket.
void RegisterInboundSocket(Socket *socket, const Sockaddr &remote);
// Queue a new call to be sent. If the reactor is already shut down, marks
// the call as failed.
void QueueOutboundCall(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// Queue a new reactor task to cancel an outbound call.
void QueueCancellation(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// Schedule the given task's Run() method to be called on the
// reactor thread.
// If the reactor shuts down before it is run, the Abort method will be
// called.
// Does _not_ take ownership of 'task' -- the task should take care of
// deleting itself after running if it is allocated on the heap.
void ScheduleReactorTask(ReactorTask *task);
Status RunOnReactorThread(const boost::function<Status()>& f);
// If the Reactor is closing, returns false.
// Otherwise, drains the pending_tasks_ queue into the provided list.
bool DrainTaskQueue(boost::intrusive::list<ReactorTask> *tasks);
Messenger *messenger() const {
return messenger_.get();
// Indicates whether the reactor is shutting down.
// This method is thread-safe.
bool closing() const;
// Is this reactor's thread the current thread?
bool IsCurrentThread() const {
return thread_.IsCurrentThread();
friend class ReactorThread;
typedef simple_spinlock LockType;
mutable LockType lock_;
// parent messenger
std::shared_ptr<Messenger> messenger_;
const std::string name_;
// Whether the reactor is shutting down.
// Guarded by lock_.
bool closing_;
// Tasks to be run within the reactor thread.
// Guarded by lock_.
boost::intrusive::list<ReactorTask> pending_tasks_; // NOLINT(build/include_what_you_use)
ReactorThread thread_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu