blob: e93ceb6ab95d440793e90a5e81960fe054ec37e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "common/status.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h>
#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h>
#include <llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h>
#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "impala-ir/impala-ir-functions.h"
#include "runtime/types.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
/// Forward declare all llvm classes to avoid namespace pollution.
namespace llvm {
class AllocaInst;
class BasicBlock;
class ConstantFolder;
class DiagnosticInfo;
class ExecutionEngine;
class Function;
class LLVMContext;
class Module;
class NoFolder;
class PointerType;
class StructType;
class TargetData;
class Type;
class Value;
namespace legacy {
class FunctionPassManager;
class PassManager;
template<typename T, typename I>
class IRBuilder;
class IRBuilderDefaultInserter;
// The number of function calls replaced is not knowable when UBSAN is enabled, since it
// can double the number of references to a function. To fix, we replaced
// "DCHECK_EQ(replaced" with "DCHECK_REPLACE_COUNT(replaced":
// find be/src -type f -execdir sed -i s/DCHECK_EQ\(replaced,\ /DCHECK_REPLACE_COUNT\(replaced,\ /g {} \;
#define DCHECK_REPLACE_COUNT(p, q) DCHECK_GE(p, q); DCHECK_LE(p, 2*(q))
namespace impala {
class CodegenCallGraph;
class CodegenFnPtrBase;
class CodegenSymbolEmitter;
class FragmentState;
class ImpalaMCJITMemoryManager;
class SubExprElimination;
class Thread;
class TupleDescriptor;
/// Define builder subclass in case we want to change the template arguments later
class LlvmBuilder : public llvm::IRBuilder<> {
using llvm::IRBuilder<>::IRBuilder;
/// LLVM code generator. This is the top level object to generate jitted code.
/// LLVM provides a c++ IR builder interface so IR does not need to be written
/// manually. The interface is very low level so each line of IR that needs to
/// be output maps 1:1 with calls to the interface.
/// The llvm documentation is not fantastic and a lot of this was figured out
/// by experimenting. Thankfully, their API is pretty well designed so it's
/// possible to get by without great documentation. The llvm tutorial is very
/// helpful, In this tutorial, they
/// go over how to JIT an AST for a toy language they create.
/// It is also helpful to use their online app that lets you compile c/c++ to IR.
/// This class provides two interfaces, one for testing and one for the query
/// engine. The interface for the query engine will load the cross-compiled
/// IR module (output during the build) and extract all of functions that will
/// be called directly. The test interface can be used to load any precompiled
/// module or none at all (but this class will not validate the module).
/// There are two classes of functions defined based on how they are generated:
/// 1. Handcrafted functions - These functions are built from scratch using the IRbuilder
/// interface.
/// 2. Cross-compiled functions - These functions are loaded directly from a
/// cross-compiled IR module and are either directly used or are cloned and modified
/// before use.
/// This class is not threadsafe. During the Prepare() phase of the fragment execution,
/// nodes should codegen functions, and register those functions with AddFunctionToJit().
/// Afterward, FinalizeModule() should be called at which point all codegened functions
/// are optimized and compiled. After FinalizeModule() returns, all function pointers
/// registered with AddFunctionToJit() will be pointing to the appropriate JIT'd function.
/// Currently, each fragment instance will create and initialize one of these
/// objects. This requires loading and parsing the cross compiled modules.
/// TODO: we should be able to do this once per process and let llvm compile
/// functions from across modules.
/// LLVM has a nontrivial memory management scheme and objects will take
/// ownership of others. The document is pretty good about being explicit with this
/// but it is not very intuitive.
/// TODO: look into diagnostic output and debuggability
/// TODO: confirm that the multi-threaded usage is correct
/// Function objects in the module are materialized lazily to save the cost of
/// parsing IR of functions which are dead code. An unmaterialized function is similar
/// to a function declaration which only contains the function signature and needs to
/// be materialized before optimization and compilation happen if it's not dead code.
/// Materializing a function means parsing the bitcode to populate the basic blocks and
/// instructions attached to the function object. Functions reachable by the function
/// are also materialized recursively.
/// Memory used for codegen is tracked via the MemTracker hierarchy. Codegen can use
/// significant memory for the IR module and for the optimization and compilation
/// algorithms. LLVM provides no way to directly track this transient memory - instead
/// the memory consumption is estimated based on the size of the IR module and released
/// once compilation finishes. Once compilation finishes, the size of the compiled
/// machine code is obtained from LLVM and and is tracked until the LlvmCodeGen object
/// is torn down and the compiled code is freed.
class LlvmCodeGen {
/// This function must be called once per process before any llvm API calls are
/// made. It is not valid to call it multiple times. LLVM needs to allocate data
/// structures for multi-threading support and to enable dynamic linking of jitted code.
/// if 'load_backend', load the backend static object for llvm. This is needed
/// when is loaded from java. llvm will by default only look in
/// the current object and not be able to find the backend symbols
/// TODO: this can probably be removed after impalad refactor where the java
/// side is not loading the be explicitly anymore.
static Status InitializeLlvm(bool load_backend = false);
/// Creates a codegen instance for Impala initialized with the cross-compiled Impala IR.
/// 'codegen' will contain the created object on success.
/// 'parent_mem_tracker' - if non-NULL, the CodeGen MemTracker is created under this.
/// 'id' is used for outputting the IR module for debugging.
static Status CreateImpalaCodegen(FragmentState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker,
const std::string& id, boost::scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen>* codegen);
/// Releases all resources associated with the codegen object. It is invalid to call
/// any other API methods after calling close.
void Close();
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile() { return profile_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* ir_generation_timer() { return ir_generation_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* main_thread_timer() { return main_thread_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* llvm_thread_counters() { return llvm_thread_counters_; }
/// Turns on/off optimization passes
void EnableOptimizations(bool enable);
/// For debugging. Returns the IR that was generated. If full_module, the
/// entire module is dumped, including what was loaded from precompiled IR.
/// If false, only output IR for functions which were handcrafted.
std::string GetIR(bool full_module) const;
/// Utility struct that wraps a variable name and llvm type.
struct NamedVariable {
std::string name;
llvm::Type* type;
NamedVariable(const std::string& name="", llvm::Type* type = NULL) {
this->name = name;
this->type = type;
/// Abstraction over function prototypes. Contains helpers to build prototypes and
/// generate IR for the types.
class FnPrototype {
/// Create a function prototype object, specifying the name of the function and
/// the return type.
FnPrototype(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const std::string& name, llvm::Type* ret_type);
/// Returns name of function
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
/// (Re-)sets name of function
void SetName(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
/// Add argument
void AddArgument(const NamedVariable& var) {
void AddArgument(const std::string& name, llvm::Type* type) {
args_.push_back(NamedVariable(name, type));
/// Generate LLVM function prototype.
/// This is the canonical way to start generating a handcrafted codegen'd function.
/// If a non-null 'builder' is passed, this function will also create the entry
/// block, add it to the llvm module via the builder by setting the builder's insert
/// point to the entry block, and add it to the list of functions handcrafted by
/// impala. FinalizeFunction() must be called for any function generated this way
/// otherwise it will be deleted during FinalizeModule().
/// If 'params' is non-null, this function will also return the arguments values
/// (params[0] is the first arg, etc). In that case, 'params' should be preallocated
/// to be number of arguments
llvm::Function* GeneratePrototype(
LlvmBuilder* builder = nullptr, llvm::Value** params = nullptr);
friend class LlvmCodeGen;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen_;
std::string name_;
llvm::Type* ret_type_;
std::vector<NamedVariable> args_;
/// Get host cpu attributes in format expected by EngineBuilder.
static void GetHostCPUAttrs(std::unordered_set<std::string>* attrs);
/// Returns whether or not this cpu feature is supported.
static bool IsCPUFeatureEnabled(int64_t flag);
/// Return a pointer type to 'type'
llvm::PointerType* GetPtrType(llvm::Type* type);
/// Return a pointer to pointer type to 'type'.
llvm::PointerType* GetPtrPtrType(llvm::Type* type);
/// Return a pointer to pointer type for 'name' type.
llvm::PointerType* GetNamedPtrPtrType(const std::string& name);
/// Returns llvm type for Impala's internal representation of this column type,
/// i.e. the way Impala represents this type in a Tuple.
llvm::Type* GetSlotType(const ColumnType& type);
/// Return a pointer type to 'type' (e.g. int16_t*)
llvm::PointerType* GetSlotPtrType(const ColumnType& type);
/// Returns the type with 'name'. This is used to pull types from clang
/// compiled IR. The types we generate at runtime are unnamed.
/// The name is generated by the clang compiler in this form:
/// <class/struct>.<namespace>::<class name>. For example:
/// "class.impala::AggregationNode"
llvm::Type* GetNamedType(const std::string& name);
/// Returns the pointer type of the type returned by GetNamedType(name)
llvm::PointerType* GetNamedPtrType(const std::string& name);
/// Template versions of GetNamed*Type functions that expect the llvm name of
/// type T to be T::LLVM_CLASS_NAME. T must be a struct/class, so GetStructType
/// can return llvm::StructType* to avoid casting on the caller side.
template<class T>
llvm::StructType* GetStructType() {
return llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(GetNamedType(T::LLVM_CLASS_NAME));
template<class T>
llvm::PointerType* GetStructPtrType() { return GetNamedPtrType(T::LLVM_CLASS_NAME); }
template<class T>
llvm::PointerType* GetStructPtrPtrType() {
return GetNamedPtrPtrType(T::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
/// Alloca's an instance of the appropriate pointer type and sets it to point at 'v'
llvm::Value* GetPtrTo(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* v, const char* name = "");
/// Creates a global value 'name' using constant 'ir_constant' and returns
/// a pointer to the global value. Useful for creating constant function arguments
/// which cannot be represented with primitive types (e.g. struct).
llvm::Constant* ConstantToGVPtr(llvm::Type* type, llvm::Constant* ir_constant,
const std::string& name);
/// Creates a global value 'name' that is an array with element type 'element_type'
/// containing 'ir_constants'. Returns a pointer to the global value, i.e. a pointer
/// to a constant array of 'element_type'.
llvm::Constant* ConstantsToGVArrayPtr(llvm::Type* element_type,
llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Constant*> ir_constants, const std::string& name);
/// Returns reference to llvm context object. Each LlvmCodeGen has its own
/// context to allow multiple threads to be calling into llvm at the same time.
llvm::LLVMContext& context() { return *context_.get(); }
/// Returns execution engine interface
llvm::ExecutionEngine* execution_engine() { return execution_engine_.get(); }
/// Register a expr function with unique id. It can be subsequently retrieved via
/// GetRegisteredExprFn with that id.
void RegisterExprFn(int64_t id, llvm::Function* function) {
DCHECK(registered_exprs_map_.find(id) == registered_exprs_map_.end());
registered_exprs_map_[id] = function;
/// Returns a registered expr function for id or NULL if it does not exist.
llvm::Function* GetRegisteredExprFn(int64_t id) {
std::map<int64_t, llvm::Function*>::iterator it = registered_exprs_map_.find(id);
if (it == registered_exprs_map_.end()) return NULL;
return it->second;
/// Optimize and compile the module. This should be called after all functions to JIT
/// have been added to the module via AddFunctionToJit(). If optimizations_enabled_ is
/// false, the module will not be optimized before compilation. After FinalizeModule()
/// is called, the LLVM module is destroyed and it is invalid to call any LlvmCodegen
/// functions.
Status FinalizeModule();
/// Start executing 'FinalizeModule' in a separate thread and return.
/// 'async_compile_thread_' is set to point to the new 'Thread' object.
/// Execution of the query starts in interpreted mode in the calling thread while
/// compilation is done in 'async_compile_thread_'. When compilation has finished
/// function pointers that have been added via 'AddFunctionToJit' will be set to the
/// compiled functions and the query will automatically use the codegen'd version the
/// next time the corresponding function is called (we always check the codegen'd
/// function pointer and fall back to interpreted mode if it is nullptr).
/// The function pointers are atomic so no locking is needed.
/// 'Close' calls 'Join' on '*async_compile_thread_' if it is not a nullptr.
Status FinalizeModuleAsync(RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* event_sequence);
/// Loads a native or IR function 'fn' with symbol 'symbol' from the builtins or
/// an external library and puts the result in *llvm_fn. *llvm_fn can be safely
/// modified in place, because it is either newly generated or cloned. The caller must
/// call FinalizeFunction() on 'llvm_fn' once it is done modifying it. The function has
/// return type 'return_type' (void if 'return_type' is NULL) and input argument types
/// 'arg_types'. The first 'num_fixed_args' arguments are fixed arguments, and the
/// remaining arguments are varargs. 'has_varargs' indicates whether the function
/// accepts varargs. If 'has_varargs' is true, there must be at least one vararg. If
/// the function is loaded from a library, 'cache_entry' is updated to point to the
/// library containing the function. If 'cache_entry' is set to a non-NULL value by
/// this function, the caller must call LibCache::DecrementUseCount() on it when done
/// using the function.
Status LoadFunction(const TFunction& fn, const std::string& symbol,
const ColumnType* return_type, const std::vector<ColumnType>& arg_types,
int num_fixed_args, bool has_varargs, llvm::Function** llvm_fn,
LibCacheEntry** cache_entry);
/// Replaces all instructions in 'caller' that call 'target_name' with a call
/// instruction to 'new_fn'. The argument types of 'new_fn' must exactly match
/// the argument types of the function to be replaced. Returns the number of
/// call sites updated.
/// 'target_name' must be a substring of the mangled symbol of the function to be
/// replaced. This usually means that the unmangled function name is sufficient.
/// Note that this modifies 'caller' in-place, so this should only be called on cloned
/// functions.
int ReplaceCallSites(llvm::Function* caller, llvm::Function* new_fn,
const std::string& target_name);
/// Same as ReplaceCallSites(), except replaces the function call instructions with the
/// boolean value 'constant'.
int ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(llvm::Function* caller, bool constant,
const std::string& target_name);
/// Replace calls to functions in 'caller' where the callee's name has 'target_name'
/// as a substring. Calls to functions are replaced with the value 'replacement'. The
/// return value is the number of calls replaced.
int ReplaceCallSitesWithValue(llvm::Function* caller, llvm::Value* replacement,
const std::string& target_name);
/// This function replaces calls to FunctionContextImpl::GetConstFnAttr() with constants
/// derived from 'return_type', 'arg_types' and the runtime state 'state_'. Please note
/// that this function only replaces call instructions inside 'fn' so to replace the
/// call to FunctionContextImpl::GetConstFnAttr() inside the callee functions, please
/// inline the callee functions (by annotating them with IR_ALWAYS_INLINE).
/// TODO: implement a loop unroller (or use LLVM's) so we can use
/// FunctionContextImpl::GetConstFnAttr() in loops
int InlineConstFnAttrs(const FunctionContext::TypeDesc& return_type,
const std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc>& arg_types, llvm::Function* fn);
/// Returns a copy of fn. The copy is added to the module.
llvm::Function* CloneFunction(llvm::Function* fn);
/// Replace all uses of the instruction 'from' with the value 'to', and delete
/// 'from'. This is a wrapper around llvm::ReplaceInstWithValue().
void ReplaceInstWithValue(llvm::Instruction* from, llvm::Value* to);
/// Returns the i-th argument of fn.
llvm::Argument* GetArgument(llvm::Function* fn, int i);
/// Verify function. All handcrafted functions need to be finalized before being
/// passed to AddFunctionToJit() otherwise the functions will be deleted from the
/// module when the module is finalized. Also, all loaded functions that need to be JIT
/// compiled after modification also need to be finalized.
/// If the function does not verify, it returns NULL and the function will eventually
/// be deleted in FinalizeModule(), otherwise, it returns the function object.
llvm::Function* FinalizeFunction(llvm::Function* function);
/// Adds the function to be automatically jit compiled when the codegen object is
/// finalized. FinalizeModule() will set *fn_ptr to point to the jitted function.
/// Pre-condition: FinalizeFunction() must have been called on the function passed to
/// this method.
/// Only functions registered with AddFunctionToJit() and their dependencies are
/// compiled by FinalizeModule(): other functions are considered dead code and will
/// be removed during optimization.
/// This will also wrap functions returning DecimalVals in an ABI-compliant wrapper (see
/// the comment in the .cc file for details). This is so we don't accidentally try to
/// call non-compliant code from native code.
void AddFunctionToJit(llvm::Function* fn, CodegenFnPtrBase* fn_ptr);
/// This will generate a printf call instruction to output 'message' at the builder's
/// insert point. If 'v1' is non-NULL, it will also be passed to the printf call. Only
/// for debugging.
void CodegenDebugTrace(LlvmBuilder* builder, const char* message,
llvm::Value* v1 = NULL);
/// Returns the string representation of a llvm::Value* or llvm::Type*
template <typename T> static std::string Print(T* value_or_type) {
std::string str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(str);
return str;
/// Returns the cross compiled function. 'ir_type' is an enum which is generated
/// by The returned function and its callee will be materialized
/// recursively. Returns NULL if there is any error.
/// If 'clone' is true, a clone of the function will be returned. Clones should be used
/// iff the caller will modify the returned function so that the original unmodified
/// function remains available. Avoid cloning if possible to reduce compilation time.
/// TODO: Return Status instead.
llvm::Function* GetFunction(IRFunction::Type ir_type, bool clone);
/// Return the function with the symbol name 'symbol' from the module. The returned
/// function and its callee will be recursively materialized. Returns NULL if there is
/// any error.
/// If 'clone' is true, a clone of the function will be returned. Clones should be used
/// iff the caller will modify the returned function so that the original unmodified
/// function remains available. Avoid cloning if possible to reduce compilation time.
/// TODO: Return Status instead.
llvm::Function* GetFunction(const string& symbol, bool clone);
/// Returns the hash function with signature:
/// int32_t Hash(int8_t* data, int len, int32_t seed);
/// If num_bytes is non-zero, the returned function will be codegen'd to only
/// work for that number of bytes. It is invalid to call that function with a
/// different 'len'. Functions returned by these methods have already been finalized.
llvm::Function* GetHashFunction(int num_bytes = -1);
llvm::Function* GetFnvHashFunction(int num_bytes = -1);
llvm::Function* GetMurmurHashFunction(int num_bytes = -1);
/// Set the NoInline attribute on 'function' and remove the AlwaysInline and InlineHint
/// attributes if present.
void SetNoInline(llvm::Function* function) const;
/// Allocate stack storage for local variables. This is similar to traditional c, where
/// all the variables must be declared at the top of the function. This helper can be
/// called from anywhere and will add a stack allocation for 'var' at the beginning of
/// the function. This would be used, for example, if a function needed a temporary
/// struct allocated. The allocated variable is scoped to the function.
/// This should always be used instead of calling LlvmBuilder::CreateAlloca directly.
/// LLVM doesn't optimize alloca's occurring in the middle of functions very well (e.g,
/// an alloca may end up in a loop, potentially blowing the stack).
llvm::AllocaInst* CreateEntryBlockAlloca(llvm::Function* f, const NamedVariable& var);
llvm::AllocaInst* CreateEntryBlockAlloca(
const LlvmBuilder& builder, llvm::Type* type, const char* name = "");
/// Same as above, except allocates an array of 'type' with 'num_entries' entries
/// and alignment 'alignment'.
llvm::AllocaInst* CreateEntryBlockAlloca(const LlvmBuilder& builder, llvm::Type* type,
int num_entries, int alignment, const char* name = "");
/// Utility to create two blocks in 'fn' for if/else codegen. if_block and else_block
/// are return parameters. insert_before is optional and if set, the two blocks
/// will be inserted before that block otherwise, it will be inserted at the end
/// of 'fn'. Being able to place blocks is useful for debugging so the IR has a
/// better looking control flow.
void CreateIfElseBlocks(llvm::Function* fn, const std::string& if_name,
const std::string& else_name,
llvm::BasicBlock** if_block, llvm::BasicBlock** else_block,
llvm::BasicBlock* insert_before = NULL);
/// Create a llvm pointer value from 'ptr'. This is used to pass pointers between
/// c-code and code-generated IR. The resulting value will be of 'type'.
llvm::Value* CastPtrToLlvmPtr(llvm::Type* type, const void* ptr);
/// Returns a constant int of 'byte_size' bytes based on 'low_bits' and 'high_bits'
/// which stand for the lower and upper 64-bits of the constant respectively. For
/// values less than or equal to 64-bits, 'high_bits' is not used. This function
/// can generate constant up to 128-bit wide. 'byte_size' must be power of 2.
llvm::Constant* GetIntConstant(int byte_size, uint64_t low_bits, uint64_t high_bits);
/// Initialise a constant global string and returns an i8* pointer to it.
llvm::Value* GetStringConstant(LlvmBuilder* builder, const char* data, int len);
llvm::Value* GetStringConstant(LlvmBuilder* builder, const std::string& str) {
return GetStringConstant(builder, str.c_str(), str.size());
/// Returns true/false constants (bool type)
llvm::Constant* true_value() { return true_value_; }
llvm::Constant* false_value() { return false_value_; }
llvm::Constant* null_ptr_value() { return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(ptr_type()); }
/// Simple wrappers to reduce code verbosity
llvm::Type* bool_type() { return llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(context()); }
llvm::Type* i8_type() { return llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(context()); }
llvm::Type* i16_type() { return llvm::Type::getInt16Ty(context()); }
llvm::Type* i32_type() { return llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context()); }
llvm::Type* i64_type() { return llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(context()); }
llvm::Type* i128_type() { return llvm::Type::getIntNTy(context(), 128); }
llvm::Type* float_type() { return llvm::Type::getFloatTy(context()); }
llvm::Type* double_type() { return llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(context()); }
llvm::PointerType* ptr_type() { return ptr_type_; }
llvm::Type* void_type() { return void_type_; }
llvm::PointerType* i8_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(i8_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* i16_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(i16_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* i32_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(i32_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* i64_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(i64_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* float_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(float_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* double_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(double_type()); }
llvm::PointerType* ptr_ptr_type() { return GetPtrType(ptr_type_); }
llvm::Constant* GetBoolConstant(bool val) { return val ? true_value_ : false_value_; }
llvm::Constant* GetI8Constant(uint64_t val) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(context(), llvm::APInt(8, val));
llvm::Constant* GetI16Constant(uint64_t val) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(context(), llvm::APInt(16, val));
llvm::Constant* GetI32Constant(uint64_t val) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(context(), llvm::APInt(32, val));
llvm::Constant* GetI64Constant(uint64_t val) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(context(), llvm::APInt(64, val));
/// Load the module temporarily and populate 'symbols' with the symbols in the module.
static Status GetSymbols(const string& file, const string& module_id,
boost::unordered_set<std::string>* symbols);
/// Codegen at the current builder location in function 'fn' to store the
/// max/min('src', value in 'dst_slot_ptr') in 'dst_slot_ptr'
void CodegenMinMax(LlvmBuilder* builder, const ColumnType& type,
llvm::Value* dst_slot_ptr, llvm::Value* src, bool min, llvm::Function* fn);
/// Codegen to call llvm memcpy intrinsic at the current builder location
/// dst & src must be pointer types. size is the number of bytes to copy.
/// No-op if size is zero.
void CodegenMemcpy(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src, int size);
void CodegenMemcpy(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src,
llvm::Value* size);
/// Codegen to call llvm memset intrinsic at the current builder location. 'dst' should
/// be a pointer. No-op if size is zero.
void CodegenMemset(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* dst, int value, int size);
/// Codegen to set all null bytes of the given tuple to 0.
void CodegenClearNullBits(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* tuple_ptr,
const TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc);
/// Codegen to call pool_val->Allocate(size_val).
/// 'pool_val' has to be of type MemPool*.
llvm::Value* CodegenMemPoolAllocate(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::Value* pool_val,
llvm::Value* size_val, const char* name = "");
/// Codegens IR to load array[idx] and returns the loaded value. 'array' should be a
/// C-style array (e.g. i32*) or an IR array (e.g. [10 x i32]). This function does not
/// do bounds checking.
llvm::Value* CodegenArrayAt(
LlvmBuilder*, llvm::Value* array, int idx, const char* name = "");
/// Codegens IR to call the function corresponding to 'ir_type' with argument 'args'
/// and returns the value.
llvm::Value* CodegenCallFunction(LlvmBuilder* builder, IRFunction::Type ir_type,
llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> args, const char* name);
/// If there are more than this number of expr trees (or functions that evaluate
/// expressions), avoid inlining avoid inlining for the exprs exceeding this threshold.
static const int CODEGEN_INLINE_EXPRS_THRESHOLD = 100;
/// If there are more than this number of expr trees (or functions that evaluate
/// expressions), avoid inlining the function that evaluates the expression batch
/// into the calling function.
/// Name prefix of the thread counters that track async codegen time.
friend class ExprCodegenTest;
friend class LlvmCodeGenTest;
friend class LlvmCodeGenTest_CpuAttrWhitelist_Test;
friend class LlvmCodeGenTest_HashTest_Test;
friend class SubExprElimination;
/// Top level codegen object. 'module_id' is used for debugging when outputting the IR.
LlvmCodeGen(FragmentState* state, ObjectPool* pool, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker,
const std::string& module_id);
/// Initializes the jitter and execution engine with the given module.
Status Init(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module);
/// Creates a LlvmCodeGen instance initialized with the module bitcode from 'file'.
/// 'codegen' will contain the created object on success. The functions in the module
/// are materialized lazily. Getting a reference to a function via GetFunction() will
/// materialize the function and its callees recursively.
static Status CreateFromFile(FragmentState* state, ObjectPool* pool,
MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker, const std::string& file,
const std::string& id, boost::scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen>* codegen);
/// Creates a LlvmCodeGen instance initialized with the module bitcode in memory.
/// 'codegen' will contain the created object on success. The functions in the module
/// are materialized lazily. Getting a reference to a function via GetFunction() will
/// materialize the function and its callees recursively.
static Status CreateFromMemory(FragmentState* state, ObjectPool* pool,
MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker, const std::string& id,
boost::scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen>* codegen);
/// Loads an LLVM module from 'file' which is the local path to the LLVM bitcode file.
/// The functions in the module are materialized lazily. Getting a reference to the
/// function via GetFunction() will materialize the function and its callees
/// recursively. The caller is responsible for cleaning up the module.
Status LoadModuleFromFile(const string& file, std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>* module);
/// Loads an LLVM module. 'module_ir_buf' is the memory buffer containing LLVM bitcode.
/// 'module_name' is the name of the module to use when reporting errors. The caller is
/// responsible for cleaning up 'module'. The functions in the module aren't
/// materialized. Getting a reference to the functiom via GetFunction() will materialize
/// the function and its callees recursively.
Status LoadModuleFromMemory(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> module_ir_buf,
std::string module_name, std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>* module);
/// Loads a module at 'file' and links it to the module associated with this
/// LlvmCodeGen object. The 'file' must be on the local filesystem.
Status LinkModuleFromLocalFs(const std::string& file);
/// Same as 'LinkModuleFromLocalFs', but takes an hdfs file location instead and makes
/// sure that the same hdfs file is not linked twice. The mtime is used ensure that the
/// cached hdfs_file that's used is the most recent.
Status LinkModuleFromHdfs(const std::string& hdfs_file, const time_t mtime);
/// Strip global constructors and destructors from an LLVM module. We never run them
/// anyway (they must be explicitly invoked) so it is dead code.
static void StripGlobalCtorsDtors(llvm::Module* module);
/// Set the "target-cpu" and "target-features" of 'function' to match the host's CPU's
/// features. Having consistent attributes for all materialized functions allows
/// generated IR to be inlined into cross-compiled functions' IR and vice versa.
static void SetCPUAttrs(llvm::Function* function);
// Setup any JIT listeners to process generated machine code object, e.g. to generate
// perf symbol map or disassembly.
void SetupJITListeners();
/// Load the intrinsics impala needs. This is a one time initialization.
/// Values are stored in 'llvm_intrinsics_'
Status LoadIntrinsics();
/// Internal function for unit tests: skips Impala-specific wrapper generation logic.
void AddFunctionToJitInternal(llvm::Function* fn, CodegenFnPtrBase* fn_ptr);
/// Verifies the function, e.g., checks that the IR is well-formed. Returns false if
/// function is invalid.
bool VerifyFunction(llvm::Function* function);
// Used for testing.
void ResetVerification() { is_corrupt_ = false; }
/// Optimizes the module. This includes pruning the module of any unused functions.
Status OptimizeModule();
/// Points the function pointers in 'fns_to_jit_compile_' to the compiled functions.
void SetFunctionPointers();
/// Clears generated hash fns. This is only used for testing.
void ClearHashFns();
/// Finds call instructions in 'caller' where 'target_name' is a substring of the
/// callee's name. Found instructions are appended to the 'results' vector.
static void FindCallSites(llvm::Function* caller, const std::string& target_name,
std::vector<llvm::CallInst*>* results);
/// This function parses the function body of the given function 'fn' and materializes
/// any functions called by it.
Status MaterializeCallees(llvm::Function* fn);
/// This is the workhorse for materializing function 'fn'. It's invoked by
/// MaterializeFunction(). Calls LLVM to materialize 'fn' if it's materializable
/// (i.e. the function has a definition in the module and it's not materialized yet).
/// This function parses the bitcode of 'fn' to populate basic blocks, instructions
/// and other data structures attached to the function object. Return error status
/// for any error.
Status MaterializeFunction(llvm::Function* fn);
/// Materialize the module owned by this codegen object. This will materialize all
/// functions and delete the module's materializer. Returns error status for any error.
Status MaterializeModule();
/// With lazy materialization, functions which haven't been materialized when the module
/// is finalized must be dead code or referenced only by global variables (e.g. boost
/// library functions or virtual function (e.g. IfExpr::GetBooleanVal())), in which case
/// the function is not inlined so the native version can be used and the IR version is
/// dead code. Mark them as not materializable, change their linkage types to external
/// (so linking will happen to the native version) and strip their personality functions
/// and comdats. DCE may complain if the above are not done. Return error status if
/// there is error in materializing the module.
Status FinalizeLazyMaterialization();
/// Destroy the IR module, freeing memory used by the IR. Any machine code that was
/// generated is retained by the execution engine.
void DestroyModule();
/// Disable CPU attributes in 'cpu_attrs' that are not present in
/// the '--llvm_cpu_attr_whitelist' flag. The same attributes in the input are
/// always present in the output, except "+" is flipped to "-" for the disabled
/// attributes. E.g. if 'cpu_attrs' is {"+x", "+y", "-z"} and the whitelist is
/// {"x", "z"}, returns {"+x", "-y", "-z"}.
static std::unordered_set<std::string> ApplyCpuAttrWhitelist(
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& cpu_attrs);
/// Whether InitializeLlvm() has been called.
static bool llvm_initialized_;
/// Host CPU name and attributes, filled in by InitializeLlvm().
static std::string cpu_name_;
/// The cpu_attrs_ should not be modified during the execution except for tests.
static std::unordered_set<std::string> cpu_attrs_;
/// Value of "target-features" attribute to be set on all IR functions. Derived from
/// 'cpu_attrs_'. Using a consistent value for this attribute among
/// hand-crafted IR and cross-compiled functions allow them to be inlined into each
/// other.
static std::string target_features_attr_;
/// Mapping between CpuInfo flags and the corresponding strings.
/// The key is mapped to the string as follows:
/// CpuInfo flag -> enabled feature.
/// Bitwise negation of CpuInfo flag -> disabled feature.
const static std::map<int64_t, std::string> cpu_flag_mappings_;
/// A global shared call graph for all IR functions in the main module.
/// Used for determining dependencies when materializing IR functions.
static CodegenCallGraph shared_call_graph_;
/// Pointer to the FragmentState which owns this codegen object. Needed in
/// InlineConstFnAttr() to access the query options.
const FragmentState* state_;
/// ID used for debugging (can be e.g. the fragment instance ID)
std::string id_;
/// Codegen counters
RuntimeProfile* const profile_;
/// MemTracker used for tracking memory consumed by codegen. Connected to a parent
/// MemTracker if one was provided during initialization. Owned by the ObjectPool
/// provided in the constructor.
MemTracker* mem_tracker_;
/// Time spent reading the .ir file from the file system.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* load_module_timer_;
/// Time spent creating the initial module with the cross-compiled Impala IR.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* prepare_module_timer_;
/// Time spent by ExecNodes while adding IR to the module. Update by
/// FragmentInstanceState during its 'CODEGEN_START' state.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* ir_generation_timer_;
/// Time spent optimizing the module.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* optimization_timer_;
/// Time spent compiling the module.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* compile_timer_;
/// Total codegen time spent in the main thread.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* main_thread_timer_;
/// Total codegen time spent in the compiler (helper) thread.
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* compile_thread_counters_;
/// Total size of bitcode modules loaded in bytes.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* module_bitcode_size_;
/// Number of functions and instructions that are optimized and compiled after pruning
/// unused functions from the module.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_functions_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_instructions_;
/// Aggregated llvm thread counters. Also includes the phase represented by
/// 'ir_generation_timer_' and hence is also updated by FragmentInstanceState.
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* llvm_thread_counters_;
std::unique_ptr<Thread> async_compile_thread_;
/// whether or not optimizations are enabled
bool optimizations_enabled_;
/// If true, the module is corrupt and we cannot codegen this query.
/// TODO: we could consider just removing the offending function and attempting to
/// codegen the rest of the query. This requires more testing though to make sure
/// that the error is recoverable.
bool is_corrupt_;
/// If true, the module has been compiled. It is not valid to add additional
/// functions after this point.
bool is_compiled_;
/// Error string that llvm will write to
std::string error_string_;
/// Top level llvm object. Objects from different contexts do not share anything.
/// We can have multiple instances of the LlvmCodeGen object in different threads
std::unique_ptr<llvm::LLVMContext> context_;
/// Top level codegen object. Contains everything to jit one 'unit' of code.
/// module_ is set by Init(). module_ is owned by execution_engine_.
llvm::Module* module_;
/// Execution/Jitting engine.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::ExecutionEngine> execution_engine_;
/// The memory manager used by 'execution_engine_'. Owned by 'execution_engine_'.
ImpalaMCJITMemoryManager* memory_manager_;
/// Functions parsed from pre-compiled module. Indexed by ImpalaIR::Function enum.
std::vector<llvm::Function*> cross_compiled_functions_;
/// Stores functions handcrafted by impala. This does not contain cross compiled
/// functions, only function that were generated from scratch at runtime. Does not
/// overlap with loaded_functions_.
std::vector<llvm::Function*> handcrafted_functions_;
/// Stores the functions that have been finalized.
std::unordered_set<llvm::Function*> finalized_functions_;
/// A mapping of unique id to registered expr functions
std::map<int64_t, llvm::Function*> registered_exprs_map_;
/// A set of all the functions in 'registered_exprs_map_' for quick lookup.
std::set<llvm::Function*> registered_exprs_;
/// A cache of loaded llvm intrinsics
std::map<llvm::Intrinsic::ID, llvm::Function*> llvm_intrinsics_;
/// This is a cache of generated hash functions by byte size. It is common
/// for the caller to know the number of bytes to hash (e.g. tuple width) and
/// we can codegen a loop unrolled hash function.
std::map<int, llvm::Function*> hash_fns_;
/// The locations of modules that have been linked. Uses hdfs file location as the key.
/// Used to avoid linking the same module twice, which causes symbol collision errors.
std::set<std::string> linked_modules_;
/// The vector of functions to automatically JIT compile after FinalizeModule().
std::vector<std::pair<llvm::Function*, CodegenFnPtrBase*>> fns_to_jit_compile_;
/// Debug strings that will be outputted by jitted code. This is a copy of all
/// strings passed to CodegenDebugTrace.
std::vector<std::string> debug_strings_;
/// llvm representation of a few common types. Owned by context.
llvm::PointerType* ptr_type_; // int8_t*
llvm::Type* void_type_; // void
llvm::Type* string_value_type_; // StringValue
llvm::Type* timestamp_value_type_; // TimestampValue
llvm::Type* collection_value_type_; // CollectionValue
/// llvm constants to help with code gen verbosity
llvm::Constant* true_value_;
llvm::Constant* false_value_;
/// The symbol emitted associated with 'execution_engine_'. Methods on
/// 'symbol_emitter_' are called by 'execution_engine_' when code is emitted or freed.
/// The lifetime of the symbol emitter must be longer than 'execution_engine_'.
boost::scoped_ptr<CodegenSymbolEmitter> symbol_emitter_;
/// Provides an implementation of a LLVM diagnostic handler and maintains the error
/// information from its callbacks.
class DiagnosticHandler {
/// Returns the last error that was reported via DiagnosticHandlerFn() and then
/// clears it. Returns an empty string otherwise. This should be called after any
/// LLVM API call that can fail but returns error info via this mechanism.
/// TODO: IMPALA-6038: use this to check and handle errors wherever needed.
std::string GetErrorString();
/// Handler function that sets the state on an instance of this class which is
/// accessible via the LlvmCodeGen object passed to it using the 'context'
/// input parameter.
static void DiagnosticHandlerFn(const llvm::DiagnosticInfo &info, void *context);
/// Contains the last error that was reported via DiagnosticHandlerFn().
/// Is cleared by a call to GetErrorString().
std::string error_str_;
DiagnosticHandler diagnostic_handler_;
/// Very rough estimate of memory in bytes that the IR and the intermediate data
/// structures used by the optimizer may consume per LLVM IR instruction to be
/// optimized (after dead code is removed). The number is chosen to avoid pathological
/// behaviour at either extreme: failing queries unnecessarily because the memory
/// estimate is too high versus having large amounts of untracked memory because the
/// estimate is too low.
/// This was chosen by looking at the behaviour of TPC-H queries. Using the heap growth
/// profile from gperftools reveal that LLVM allocated ~9mb of memory for fragments with
/// ~17k total instructions in TPC-H Q2. Inspection of other TPC-H queries revealed
/// that a typical fragment from a TPC-H query is < 5,000 instructions, which translates
/// to 2.5MB, which is almost always lower than the runtime memory requirement of the
/// fragment - so we are unlikely to fail queries unnecessarily.
/// This assumes optimizer memory usage scales linearly with instruction count. This is
/// true only if the size of functions is bounded, because some optimization passes
/// (e.g. global value numbering) use time and memory that is super-linear in relation
/// to the # of instructions in a function. So codegen should avoid generating
/// arbitrarily large function.
static constexpr int64_t ESTIMATED_OPTIMIZER_BYTES_PER_INST = 512;