blob: 1ec4ca1e3d8c2960cfb14c36752f5774311c61f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "common/init.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "runtime/fragment-state.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "runtime/test-env.h"
#include "service/fe-support.h"
#include "gutil/sysinfo.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/filesystem-util.h"
#include "util/hash-util.h"
#include "util/path-builder.h"
#include "util/scope-exit-trigger.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace impala {
class LlvmCodeGenTest : public testing:: Test {
scoped_ptr<TestEnv> test_env_;
FragmentState* fragment_state_;
virtual void SetUp() {
test_env_.reset(new TestEnv());
RuntimeState* runtime_state_;
ASSERT_OK(test_env_->CreateQueryState(0, nullptr, &runtime_state_));
QueryState* qs = runtime_state_->query_state();
TPlanFragment* fragment = qs->obj_pool()->Add(new TPlanFragment());
PlanFragmentCtxPB* fragment_ctx = qs->obj_pool()->Add(new PlanFragmentCtxPB());
fragment_state_ =
qs->obj_pool()->Add(new FragmentState(qs, *fragment, *fragment_ctx));
virtual void TearDown() {
fragment_state_ = nullptr;
static void LifetimeTest() {
ObjectPool pool;
Status status;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
LlvmCodeGen object1(NULL, &pool, NULL, "Test");
LlvmCodeGen object2(NULL, &pool, NULL, "Test");
LlvmCodeGen object3(NULL, &pool, NULL, "Test");
unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(new llvm::Module("Test", object1.context()))));
unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(new llvm::Module("Test", object2.context()))));
unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(new llvm::Module("Test", object3.context()))));
// Wrapper to call private test-only methods on LlvmCodeGen object
Status CreateFromFile(const string& filename, scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen>* codegen) {
fragment_state_->obj_pool(), NULL, filename, "test", codegen));
return (*codegen)->MaterializeModule();
static void ClearHashFns(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
static void AddFunctionToJit(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* fn,
CodegenFnPtrBase* fn_ptr) {
// Bypass Impala-specific logic in AddFunctionToJit() that assumes Impala's struct
// types are available in the module.
return codegen->AddFunctionToJitInternal(fn, fn_ptr);
static bool VerifyFunction(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* fn) {
return codegen->VerifyFunction(fn);
static Status FinalizeModule(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) { return codegen->FinalizeModule(); }
static Status LinkModuleFromLocalFs(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const string& file) {
return codegen->LinkModuleFromLocalFs(file);
static Status LinkModuleFromHdfs(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const string& hdfs_file) {
return codegen->LinkModuleFromHdfs(hdfs_file, -1);
static bool ContainsHandcraftedFn(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* function) {
const auto& hf = codegen->handcrafted_functions_;
return find(hf.begin(), hf.end(), function) != hf.end();
// Helper function to enable and disable LlvmCodeGen's cpu_attrs_.
static void EnableCodeGenCPUFeature(int64_t flag, bool enable) {
auto enable_flag_it = LlvmCodeGen::cpu_flag_mappings_.find(flag);
auto disable_flag_it = LlvmCodeGen::cpu_flag_mappings_.find(~flag);
DCHECK(enable_flag_it != LlvmCodeGen::cpu_flag_mappings_.end());
DCHECK(disable_flag_it != LlvmCodeGen::cpu_flag_mappings_.end());
const std::string& enable_feature = enable_flag_it->second;
const std::string& disable_feature = disable_flag_it->second;
if (enable) {
auto attr_it = LlvmCodeGen::cpu_attrs_.find(disable_feature);
if (attr_it != LlvmCodeGen::cpu_attrs_.end()) {
} else {
auto attr_it = LlvmCodeGen::cpu_attrs_.find(enable_feature);
// Disable feature if currently enabled.
if (attr_it != LlvmCodeGen::cpu_attrs_.end()) {
// Simple test to just make and destroy llvmcodegen objects. LLVM
// has non-obvious object ownership transfers and this sanity checks that.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, BasicLifetime) {
// Same as above but multithreaded
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, MultithreadedLifetime) {
const int NUM_THREADS = 10;
thread_group thread_group;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
thread_group.add_thread(new thread(&LifetimeTest));
// Test loading a non-existent file
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, BadIRFile) {
string module_file = "";
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
EXPECT_FALSE(CreateFromFile(module_file.c_str(), &codegen).ok());
// IR for the generated linner loop
// define void @JittedInnerLoop() {
// entry:
// call void @DebugTrace(i8* inttoptr (i64 18970856 to i8*))
// %0 = load i64* inttoptr (i64 140735197627800 to i64*)
// %1 = add i64 %0, <delta>
// store i64 %1, i64* inttoptr (i64 140735197627800 to i64*)
// ret void
// }
// The random int in there is the address of jitted_counter
llvm::Function* CodegenInnerLoop(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, int64_t* jitted_counter, int delta) {
llvm::LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
LlvmBuilder builder(context);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype fn_prototype(codegen, "JittedInnerLoop", codegen->void_type());
llvm::Function* jitted_loop_call = fn_prototype.GeneratePrototype();
llvm::BasicBlock* entry_block =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", jitted_loop_call);
codegen->CodegenDebugTrace(&builder, "Jitted\n");
// Store &jitted_counter as a constant.
llvm::Value* const_delta = codegen->GetI64Constant(delta);
llvm::Value* counter_ptr =
codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(codegen->i64_ptr_type(), jitted_counter);
llvm::Value* loaded_counter = builder.CreateLoad(counter_ptr);
llvm::Value* incremented_value = builder.CreateAdd(loaded_counter, const_delta);
builder.CreateStore(incremented_value, counter_ptr);
return codegen->FinalizeFunction(jitted_loop_call);
// This test loads a precompiled IR file (compiled from testdata/llvm/
// The test contains two functions, an outer loop function and an inner loop function.
// The outer loop calls the inner loop function.
// The test will
// 1. create a LlvmCodegen object from the precompiled file
// 2. add another function to the module with the same signature as the inner
// loop function.
// 3. Replace the call instruction in a clone of the outer loop to a call to the new
// inner loop function.
// 4. Update the original loop with another jitted inner loop function
// 5. Run both loops and make sure the correct inner loop is called
// 4. Run the loop and make sure the inner loop is called.
// 5. Updated the jitted loop in place with another jitted inner loop function
// 6. Run the loop and make sure the updated is called.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, ReplaceFnCall) {
const string loop_call_name("_Z21DefaultImplementationv");
const string loop_name("_Z8TestLoopi");
typedef void (*TestLoopFn)(int);
string module_file;
PathBuilder::GetFullPath("llvm-ir/test-loop.bc", &module_file);
// Part 1: Load the module and make sure everything is loaded correctly.
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(CreateFromFile(module_file.c_str(), &codegen));
EXPECT_TRUE(codegen.get() != NULL);
llvm::Function* loop_call = codegen->GetFunction(loop_call_name, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(loop_call != NULL);
llvm::Function* loop = codegen->GetFunction(loop_name, false);
EXPECT_EQ(loop->arg_size(), 1);
// Part 2: Generate a new inner loop function.
// The c++ version of the code is
// static int64_t* counter;
// void JittedInnerLoop() {
// printf("LLVM Trace: Jitted\n");
// ++*counter;
// }
int64_t jitted_counter = 0;
llvm::Function* jitted_loop_call = CodegenInnerLoop(codegen.get(), &jitted_counter, 1);
// Part 3: Clone 'loop' and replace the call instruction to the normal function with a
// call to the jitted one
llvm::Function* jitted_loop = codegen->CloneFunction(loop);
int num_replaced =
codegen->ReplaceCallSites(jitted_loop, jitted_loop_call, loop_call_name);
EXPECT_EQ(1, num_replaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyFunction(codegen.get(), jitted_loop));
// Part 4: Generate a new inner loop function and a new loop function
llvm::Function* jitted_loop_call2 =
CodegenInnerLoop(codegen.get(), &jitted_counter, -2);
llvm::Function* jitted_loop2 = codegen->CloneFunction(loop);
num_replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(jitted_loop2, jitted_loop_call2, loop_call_name);
EXPECT_EQ(1, num_replaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyFunction(codegen.get(), jitted_loop2));
CodegenFnPtr<TestLoopFn> original_loop;
AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), loop, &original_loop);
CodegenFnPtr<TestLoopFn> new_loop;
AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), jitted_loop, &new_loop);
CodegenFnPtr<TestLoopFn> new_loop2;
AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), jitted_loop2, &new_loop2);
// Part 5: compile all the functions (we can't add more functions after jitting with
// MCJIT) then run them.
ASSERT_TRUE(original_loop.load() != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_loop.load() != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_loop2.load() != nullptr);
TestLoopFn original_loop_fn = original_loop.load();
EXPECT_EQ(0, jitted_counter);
TestLoopFn new_loop_fn = new_loop.load();
EXPECT_EQ(5, jitted_counter);
EXPECT_EQ(10, jitted_counter);
TestLoopFn new_loop_fn2 = new_loop2.load();
EXPECT_EQ(0, jitted_counter);
// Test function for c++/ir interop for strings. Function will do:
// int StringTest(StringValue* strval) {
// strval->ptr[0] = 'A';
// int len = strval->len;
// strval->len = 1;
// return len;
// }
// Corresponding IR is:
// define i32 @StringTest(%StringValue* %str) {
// entry:
// %str_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %StringValue* %str, i32 0, i32 0
// %ptr = load i8** %str_ptr
// %first_char_ptr = getelementptr i8* %ptr, i32 0
// store i8 65, i8* %first_char_ptr
// %len_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %StringValue* %str, i32 0, i32 1
// %len = load i32* %len_ptr
// store i32 1, i32* %len_ptr
// ret i32 %len
// }
llvm::Function* CodegenStringTest(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
llvm::PointerType* string_val_ptr_type =
EXPECT_TRUE(string_val_ptr_type != NULL);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "StringTest", codegen->i32_type());
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("str", string_val_ptr_type));
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
llvm::Value* str;
llvm::Function* interop_fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &str);
// strval->ptr[0] = 'A'
llvm::Value* str_ptr = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str, 0, "str_ptr");
llvm::Value* ptr = builder.CreateLoad(str_ptr, "ptr");
llvm::Value* first_char_offset[] = {codegen->GetI32Constant(0)};
llvm::Value* first_char_ptr =
builder.CreateGEP(ptr, first_char_offset, "first_char_ptr");
builder.CreateStore(codegen->GetI8Constant('A'), first_char_ptr);
// Update and return old len
llvm::Value* len_ptr = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str, 1, "len_ptr");
llvm::Value* len = builder.CreateLoad(len_ptr, "len");
builder.CreateStore(codegen->GetI32Constant(1), len_ptr);
return codegen->FinalizeFunction(interop_fn);
// This test validates that the llvm StringValue struct matches the c++ stringvalue
// struct. Just create a simple StringValue struct and make sure the IR can read it
// and modify it.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, StringValue) {
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(LlvmCodeGen::CreateImpalaCodegen(fragment_state_, NULL, "test", &codegen));
EXPECT_TRUE(codegen.get() != NULL);
string str("Test");
StringValue str_val;
// Call memset to make sure padding bits are zero.
memset(&str_val, 0, sizeof(str_val));
str_val.ptr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
str_val.len = str.length();
llvm::Function* string_test_fn = CodegenStringTest(codegen.get());
EXPECT_TRUE(string_test_fn != NULL);
// Jit compile function
typedef int (*TestStringInteropFn)(StringValue*);
CodegenFnPtr<TestStringInteropFn> jitted_fn;
AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), string_test_fn, &jitted_fn);
ASSERT_TRUE(jitted_fn.load() != nullptr);
// Call IR function
TestStringInteropFn fn = jitted_fn.load();
int result = fn(&str_val);
// Validate
EXPECT_EQ(str.length(), result);
EXPECT_EQ('A', str_val.ptr[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, str_val.len);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<void*>(str_val.ptr), static_cast<const void*>(str.c_str()));
// After IMPALA-7367 removed the padding from the StringValue struct, validate the
// length byte alone.
int32_t* bytes = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&str_val);
EXPECT_EQ(1, bytes[2]); // str_val.len
// Test calling memcpy intrinsic
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, MemcpyTest) {
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(LlvmCodeGen::CreateImpalaCodegen(fragment_state_, NULL, "test", &codegen));
ASSERT_TRUE(codegen.get() != NULL);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen.get(), "MemcpyTest", codegen->void_type());
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("dest", codegen->ptr_type()));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("src", codegen->ptr_type()));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("n", codegen->i32_type()));
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
char src[] = "abcd";
char dst[] = "aaaa";
llvm::Value* args[3];
llvm::Function* fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &args[0]);
codegen->CodegenMemcpy(&builder, args[0], args[1], sizeof(src));
fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
typedef void (*TestMemcpyFn)(char*, char*, int64_t);
CodegenFnPtr<TestMemcpyFn> jitted_fn;
LlvmCodeGenTest::AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), fn, &jitted_fn);
ASSERT_TRUE(jitted_fn.load() != nullptr);
TestMemcpyFn test_fn = jitted_fn.load();
test_fn(dst, src, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(src, dst, 4), 0);
// Test codegen for hash
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, HashTest) {
// Values to compute hash on
const char* data1 = "test string";
const char* data2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
bool restore_sse_support = false;
// Loop to test both the sse4 on/off paths
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(LlvmCodeGen::CreateImpalaCodegen(fragment_state_, NULL, "test", &codegen));
ASSERT_TRUE(codegen.get() != NULL);
const auto close_codegen =
MakeScopeExitTrigger([&codegen]() { codegen->Close(); });
llvm::Value* llvm_data1 =
codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(codegen->ptr_type(), const_cast<char*>(data1));
llvm::Value* llvm_data2 =
codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(codegen->ptr_type(), const_cast<char*>(data2));
llvm::Value* llvm_len1 = codegen->GetI32Constant(strlen(data1));
llvm::Value* llvm_len2 = codegen->GetI32Constant(strlen(data2));
uint32_t expected_hash = 0;
expected_hash = HashUtil::Hash(data1, strlen(data1), expected_hash);
expected_hash = HashUtil::Hash(data2, strlen(data2), expected_hash);
expected_hash = HashUtil::Hash(data1, strlen(data1), expected_hash);
// Create a codegen'd function that hashes all the types and returns the results.
// The tuple/values to hash are baked into the codegen for simplicity.
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(
codegen.get(), "HashTest", codegen->i32_type());
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
// Test both byte-size specific hash functions and the generic loop hash function
llvm::Function* fn_fixed = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, NULL);
llvm::Function* data1_hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction(strlen(data1));
llvm::Function* data2_hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction(strlen(data2));
llvm::Function* generic_hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction();
ASSERT_TRUE(data1_hash_fn != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(data2_hash_fn != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(generic_hash_fn != NULL);
llvm::Value* seed = codegen->GetI32Constant(0);
seed = builder.CreateCall(
data1_hash_fn, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>({llvm_data1, llvm_len1, seed}));
seed = builder.CreateCall(
data2_hash_fn, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>({llvm_data2, llvm_len2, seed}));
seed = builder.CreateCall(
generic_hash_fn, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>({llvm_data1, llvm_len1, seed}));
fn_fixed = codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn_fixed);
ASSERT_TRUE(fn_fixed != NULL);
typedef uint32_t (*TestHashFn)();
CodegenFnPtr<TestHashFn> jitted_fn;
LlvmCodeGenTest::AddFunctionToJit(codegen.get(), fn_fixed, &jitted_fn);
ASSERT_TRUE(jitted_fn.load() != nullptr);
TestHashFn test_fn = jitted_fn.load();
uint32_t result = test_fn();
// Validate that the hashes are identical
EXPECT_EQ(result, expected_hash) << LlvmCodeGen::IsCPUFeatureEnabled(CpuInfo::SSE4_2);
if (i == 0 && LlvmCodeGen::IsCPUFeatureEnabled(CpuInfo::SSE4_2)) {
// Modify both CpuInfo and LlvmCodeGen::cpu_attrs_ to ensure that they have the
// same view of the underlying hardware while generating the hash.
EnableCodeGenCPUFeature(CpuInfo::SSE4_2, false);
CpuInfo::EnableFeature(CpuInfo::SSE4_2, false);
restore_sse_support = true;
} else {
// System doesn't have sse, no reason to test non-sse path again.
// Restore hardware feature for next test
EnableCodeGenCPUFeature(CpuInfo::SSE4_2, restore_sse_support);
CpuInfo::EnableFeature(CpuInfo::SSE4_2, restore_sse_support);
// Test that an error propagating through codegen's diagnostic handler is
// captured by impala. An error is induced by asking Llvm to link the same lib twice.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, HandleLinkageError) {
string ir_file_path("llvm-ir/test-loop.bc");
string module_file;
PathBuilder::GetFullPath(ir_file_path, &module_file);
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(CreateFromFile(module_file.c_str(), &codegen));
EXPECT_TRUE(codegen.get() != nullptr);
Status status = LinkModuleFromLocalFs(codegen.get(), module_file);
EXPECT_STR_CONTAINS(status.GetDetail(), "symbol multiply defined");
// Test that the default whitelisting disables the expected attributes.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, CpuAttrWhitelist) {
// Non-existent attributes should be disabled regardless of initial states.
// Whitelisted attributes like sse2 and lzcnt should retain their initial
// state.
// arm does not have sse2
{"-dummy1", "-dummy2", "-dummy3", "-dummy4",
base::IsAarch64() ? "-sse2" : "+sse2", "-lzcnt"}),
{"+dummy1", "+dummy2", "-dummy3", "+dummy4", "+sse2", "-lzcnt"}));
// IMPALA-6291: Test that all AVX512 attributes are disabled.
vector<string> avx512_attrs;
EXPECT_EQ(std::unordered_set<string>({"-avx512ifma", "-avx512dqavx512er", "-avx512f",
"-avx512bw", "-avx512vl", "-avx512cd", "-avx512vbmi", "-avx512pf"}),
LlvmCodeGen::ApplyCpuAttrWhitelist({"+avx512ifma", "+avx512dqavx512er", "+avx512f",
"+avx512bw", "+avx512vl", "+avx512cd", "+avx512vbmi", "+avx512pf"}));
// Test that exercises the code path that deletes non-finalized methods before it
// finalizes the llvm module.
TEST_F(LlvmCodeGenTest, CleanupNonFinalizedMethodsTest) {
scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen;
ASSERT_OK(LlvmCodeGen::CreateImpalaCodegen(fragment_state_, nullptr, "test", &codegen));
ASSERT_TRUE(codegen.get() != nullptr);
const auto close_codegen = MakeScopeExitTrigger([&codegen]() { codegen->Close(); });
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype incomplete_prototype(
codegen.get(), "IncompleteFn", codegen->void_type());
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype complete_prototype(
codegen.get(), "CompleteFn", codegen->void_type());
llvm::Function* incomplete_fn =
incomplete_prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, nullptr);
llvm::Function* complete_fn = complete_prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, nullptr);
complete_fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(complete_fn);
EXPECT_TRUE(complete_fn != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsHandcraftedFn(codegen.get(), incomplete_fn));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsHandcraftedFn(codegen.get(), complete_fn));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
impala::InitCommonRuntime(argc, argv, true, impala::TestInfo::BE_TEST);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();