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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
namespace llvm {
class Type;
class Value;
namespace impala {
/// Class for handling AnyVal subclasses during codegen. Codegen functions should use this
/// wrapper instead of creating or manipulating *Val values directly in most cases. This is
/// because the struct types must be lowered to integer types in many cases in order to
/// conform to the standard calling convention (e.g., { i8, i32 } => i64). This class wraps
/// the lowered types for each *Val struct.
/// This class conceptually represents a single *Val that is mutated, but operates by
/// generating IR instructions involving value_ (each of which generates a new Value*,
/// since IR uses SSA), and then setting value_ to the most recent Value* generated. The
/// generated instructions perform the integer manipulation equivalent to setting the
/// fields of the original struct type.
/// Lowered types (in x86-64 ABI):
/// TYPE_BOOLEAN/BooleanVal: i16
/// TYPE_TINYINT/TinyIntVal: i16
/// TYPE_SMALLINT/SmallIntVal: i32
/// TYPE_INT/INTVal: i64
/// TYPE_BIGINT/BigIntVal: { i8, i64 }
/// TYPE_FLOAT/FloatVal: i64
/// TYPE_DOUBLE/DoubleVal: { i8, double }
/// TYPE_ARRAY/TYPE_MAP/CollectionVal: { i64, i8* }
/// TYPE_TIMESTAMP/TimestampVal: { i64, i64 }
/// TYPE_DECIMAL/DecimalVal (isn't lowered):
/// %"struct.impala_udf::DecimalVal" { {i8}, [15 x i8], {i128} }
/// TYPE_DATE/DateVal: i64
/// TODO:
/// - unit tests
class CodegenAnyVal {
static const char* LLVM_BOOLEANVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_TINYINTVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_SMALLINTVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_INTVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_BIGINTVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_FLOATVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_DOUBLEVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_STRINGVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_TIMESTAMPVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_DECIMALVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_DATEVAL_NAME;
static const char* LLVM_COLLECTIONVAL_NAME;
/// Creates a call to 'fn', which should return a (lowered) *Val, and returns the result.
/// This abstracts over the x64 calling convention, in particular for functions returning
/// a DecimalVal, which pass the return value as an output argument.
/// If 'result_ptr' is non-NULL, it should be a pointer to the lowered return type of
/// 'fn' (e.g. if 'fn' returns a BooleanVal, 'result_ptr' should have type i16*). The
/// result of calling 'fn' will be stored in 'result_ptr' and this function will return
/// NULL. If 'result_ptr' is NULL, this function will return the result (note that the
/// result will not be a pointer in this case).
/// 'name' optionally specifies the name of the returned value.
static llvm::Value* CreateCall(LlvmCodeGen* cg, LlvmBuilder* builder,
llvm::Function* fn, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> args, const char* name = "",
llvm::Value* result_ptr = nullptr);
/// Same as above but wraps the result in a CodegenAnyVal.
static CodegenAnyVal CreateCallWrapped(LlvmCodeGen* cg, LlvmBuilder* builder,
const ColumnType& type, llvm::Function* fn, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> args,
const char* name = "");
/// Returns the lowered AnyVal type associated with 'type'.
/// E.g.: TYPE_BOOLEAN (which corresponds to a BooleanVal) => i16
static llvm::Type* GetLoweredType(LlvmCodeGen* cg, const ColumnType& type);
/// Returns the lowered AnyVal pointer type associated with 'type'.
/// E.g.: TYPE_BOOLEAN => i16*
static llvm::PointerType* GetLoweredPtrType(LlvmCodeGen* cg, const ColumnType& type);
/// Returns the unlowered AnyVal type associated with 'type'.
/// E.g.: TYPE_BOOLEAN => %"struct.impala_udf::BooleanVal"
static llvm::Type* GetUnloweredType(LlvmCodeGen* cg, const ColumnType& type);
/// Returns the unlowered AnyVal pointer type associated with 'type'.
/// E.g.: TYPE_BOOLEAN => %"struct.impala_udf::BooleanVal"*
static llvm::PointerType* GetUnloweredPtrType(LlvmCodeGen* cg, const ColumnType& type);
/// Return the constant type-lowered value corresponding to a null *Val.
/// E.g.: passing TYPE_DOUBLE (corresponding to the lowered DoubleVal { i8, double })
/// returns the constant struct { 1, 0.0 }
static llvm::Value* GetNullVal(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const ColumnType& type);
/// Return the constant type-lowered value corresponding to a null *Val.
/// 'val_type' must be a lowered type (i.e. one of the types returned by GetType)
static llvm::Value* GetNullVal(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Type* val_type);
/// Return the constant type-lowered value corresponding to a non-null *Val.
/// E.g.: TYPE_DOUBLE (lowered DoubleVal: { i8, double }) => { 0, 0 }
/// This returns a CodegenAnyVal, rather than the unwrapped Value*, because the actual
/// value still needs to be set.
static CodegenAnyVal GetNonNullVal(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder,
const ColumnType& type, const char* name = "");
/// Creates a wrapper around a lowered *Val value.
/// Instructions for manipulating the value are generated using 'builder'. The insert
/// point of 'builder' is not modified by this class, and it is safe to call
/// 'builder'.SetInsertPoint() after passing 'builder' to this class.
/// 'type' identified the type of wrapped value (e.g., TYPE_INT corresponds to IntVal,
/// which is lowered to i64).
/// If 'value' is NULL, a new value of the lowered type is alloca'd. Otherwise 'value'
/// must be of the correct lowered type.
/// If 'name' is specified, it will be used when generated instructions that set value_.
CodegenAnyVal(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder, const ColumnType& type,
llvm::Value* value = nullptr, const char* name = "");
/// Returns the current type-lowered value.
llvm::Value* GetLoweredValue() const { return value_; }
/// Gets the 'is_null' field of the *Val.
llvm::Value* GetIsNull(const char* name = "is_null") const;
/// Get the 'val' field of the *Val. Do not call if this represents a StringVal or
/// TimestampVal. If this represents a DecimalVal, returns 'val4', 'val8', or 'val16'
/// depending on the precision of 'type_'. The returned value will have variable name
/// 'name'.
llvm::Value* GetVal(const char* name = "val");
/// Sets the 'is_null' field of the *Val.
void SetIsNull(llvm::Value* is_null);
/// Sets the 'val' field of the *Val. Do not call if this represents a StringVal or
/// TimestampVal.
void SetVal(llvm::Value* val);
/// Sets the 'val' field of the *Val. The *Val must correspond to the argument type.
void SetVal(bool val);
void SetVal(int8_t val);
void SetVal(int16_t val);
void SetVal(int32_t val);
void SetVal(int64_t val);
void SetVal(__int128_t val);
void SetVal(float val);
void SetVal(double val);
/// Getters for StringVals and CollectionVals.
llvm::Value* GetPtr();
llvm::Value *GetLen();
/// Setters for StringVals and CollectionVals.
void SetPtr(llvm::Value* ptr);
void SetLen(llvm::Value* len);
/// Getters for TimestampVals.
llvm::Value* GetDate();
llvm::Value* GetTimeOfDay();
/// Setters for TimestampVals.
void SetDate(llvm::Value* date);
void SetTimeOfDay(llvm::Value* time_of_day);
/// Stores this value in an alloca allocation, and returns the pointer, which has the
/// lowered type. This *Val should be non-null. The output variable is called 'name'.
llvm::Value* GetLoweredPtr(const std::string& name = "") const;
/// Stores this value in an alloca allocation, and returns the pointer, which has the
/// unlowered type. This *Val should be non-null. The output variable is called 'name'.
llvm::Value* GetUnloweredPtr(const std::string& name = "") const;
/// Load this *Val's value from 'raw_val_ptr', which must be a pointer to the matching
/// native type, e.g. a StringValue or TimestampValue slot in a tuple.
void LoadFromNativePtr(llvm::Value* raw_val_ptr);
/// Stores this *Val's value into a native slot, e.g. a StringValue or TimestampValue.
/// This should only be used if this *Val is not null.
/// Not valid to call for FIXED_UDA_INTERMEDIATE: in that case the StringVal must be
/// set up to point directly to the underlying slot, e.g. by LoadFromNativePtr().
/// If 'pool_val' is non-NULL, var-len data will be copied into 'pool_val'.
/// 'pool_val' has to be of type MemPool*.
void StoreToNativePtr(llvm::Value* raw_val_ptr, llvm::Value* pool_val = nullptr);
/// Creates a pointer, e.g. StringValue* to an alloca() allocation with the
/// equivalent of this value. This should only be used if this Val is not null.
/// If 'pool_val' is non-NULL, var-len data will be copied into 'pool_val'.
/// 'pool_val' has to be of type MemPool*.
llvm::Value* ToNativePtr(llvm::Value* pool_val = nullptr);
/// Writes this *Val's value to the appropriate slot in 'tuple' if non-null, or sets the
/// appropriate null bit if null. This assumes null bits are initialized to 0. Analogous
/// to RawValue::Write(void* value, Tuple*, SlotDescriptor*, MemPool*). 'tuple' should
/// be a pointer to the generated LLVM struct type, not an opaque Tuple*.
/// Creates new basic blocks in order to branch on the 'is_null' fields, and leaves
/// builder_'s insert point at the block after these new blocks. This block will be
/// 'insert_before' if specified, or a new basic block created at the end of the
/// function if 'insert_before' is NULL.
/// If 'pool_val' is non-NULL, var-len data will be copied into 'pool_val'.
/// 'pool_val' has to be of type MemPool*.
void WriteToSlot(const SlotDescriptor& slot_desc, llvm::Value* tuple,
llvm::Value* pool_val, llvm::BasicBlock* insert_before = nullptr);
/// Rewrites the bit values of a value in a canonical form.
/// Floating point values may be "NaN". Nominally, NaN != NaN, but
/// for grouping purposes we want that to not be the case.
/// Therefore all NaN values need to be converted into a consistent
/// form where all bits are the same. This method will do that -
/// ensure that all NaN values have the same bit pattern.
/// Similarly, -0 == +0 is handled here.
/// Generically speaking, a canonical form of a value ensures that
/// all ambiguity is removed from a value's bit settings -- if there
/// are bits that can be freely changed without changing the logical
/// value of the value. (Currently this only has an impact for NaN
/// float and double values.)
void ConvertToCanonicalForm();
/// Replaces negative floating point zero with positive zero,
/// leaves everything else unchanged.
llvm::Value* ConvertToPositiveZero(llvm::Value* val);
/// Returns the i1 result of this == other. this and other must be non-null.
llvm::Value* Eq(CodegenAnyVal* other);
/// Compares this *Val to the value of 'native_ptr'. 'native_ptr' should be a pointer to
/// a native type, e.g. StringValue, or TimestampValue. This *Val should match
/// 'native_ptr's type (e.g. if this is an IntVal, 'native_ptr' should have type i32*).
/// Returns the i1 result of the equality comparison. "inclusive_equality" means that
/// the scope of equality will be expanded to include considering as equal scenarios
/// that would otherwise resolve to not-equal, such as a comparison of floating-point
/// "NaN" values.
llvm::Value* EqToNativePtr(llvm::Value* native_ptr, bool inclusive_equality = false);
/// Returns the i32 result of comparing this value to 'other' (similar to
/// RawValue::Compare()). This and 'other' must be non-null. Return value is < 0 if
/// this < 'other', 0 if this == 'other', > 0 if this > 'other'.
llvm::Value* Compare(CodegenAnyVal* other, const char* name = "result");
/// Generate code to branch to 'null_block' if this value is NULL. The branch terminates
/// the current BasicBlock, so a new BasicBlock for the non-NULL case is also created,
/// and builder's insert position is set to the start of the non-NULL block.
/// This corresponds to the C++ code:
/// if (val.is_null) goto null_block;
/// non_null_block:
/// <-- Builder insert position after this function returns.
/// ...
/// null_block:
/// ...
void CodegenBranchIfNull(LlvmBuilder* builder, llvm::BasicBlock* null_block);
/// Ctor for created an uninitialized CodegenAnYVal that can be assigned to later.
: type_(INVALID_TYPE), value_(nullptr), name_(nullptr),
codegen_(nullptr), builder_(nullptr) {}
LlvmCodeGen* codegen() const { return codegen_; }
ColumnType type_;
llvm::Value* value_;
const char* name_;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen_;
LlvmBuilder* builder_;
/// Helper function for getting the top (most significant) half of 'v'.
/// 'v' should have width = 'num_bits' * 2 and be an integer type.
llvm::Value* GetHighBits(int num_bits, llvm::Value* v, const char* name = "");
/// Helper function for setting the top (most significant) half of a 'dst' to 'src'.
/// 'src' must have width <= 'num_bits' and 'dst' must have width = 'num_bits' * 2.
/// Both 'dst' and 'src' should be integer types.
llvm::Value* SetHighBits(int num_bits, llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* dst,
const char* name = "");