blob: a51ad3686f3683fe0d859a306cddf07e5b1d91d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "exprs/is-not-empty-predicate.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <codegen/codegen-anyval.h>
#include <codegen/llvm-codegen.h>
#include <llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h>
#include "gen-cpp/Exprs_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#include "exprs/null-literal.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.inline.h"
#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
namespace impala {
const char* IsNotEmptyPredicate::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::IsNotEmptyPredicate";
IsNotEmptyPredicate::IsNotEmptyPredicate(const TExprNode& node) : Predicate(node) {}
BooleanVal IsNotEmptyPredicate::GetBooleanValInterpreted(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
CollectionVal coll = children_[0]->GetCollectionVal(eval, row);
if (coll.is_null) return BooleanVal::null();
return BooleanVal(coll.num_tuples != 0);
Status IsNotEmptyPredicate::Init(
const RowDescriptor& row_desc, bool is_entry_point, RuntimeState* state) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Init(row_desc, is_entry_point, state));
DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), 1);
return Status::OK();
// Sample IR output (when child is a SlotRef):
// define i16 @IsNotEmptyPredicate(%"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"* %eval,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) #37 {
// entry:
// %0 = alloca i16
// %1 = alloca i16
// %coll_val = call { i64, i8* } @GetSlotRef(
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"* %eval, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %2 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %coll_val, 0
// %coll_is_null = trunc i64 %2 to i1
// br i1 %coll_is_null, label %ret_null, label %check_count
// check_count: ; preds = %entry
// %3 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %coll_val, 0
// %4 = ashr i64 %3, 32
// %5 = trunc i64 %4 to i32
// %6 = icmp ne i32 %5, 0
// %has_values_result = load i16, i16* %0
// %7 = zext i1 %6 to i16
// %8 = shl i16 %7, 8
// %9 = and i16 %has_values_result, 255
// %has_values_result1 = or i16 %9, %8
// ret i16 %has_values_result1
// ret_null: ; preds = %entry
// %null_result = load i16, i16* %1
// ret i16 1
// }
Status IsNotEmptyPredicate::GetCodegendComputeFnImpl(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn) {
// Create a method with the expected signature.
llvm::LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
llvm::Value* args[2];
llvm::Function* new_fn =
CreateIrFunctionPrototype("IsNotEmptyPredicate", codegen, &args);
llvm::BasicBlock* entry_block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", new_fn);
LlvmBuilder builder(entry_block);
ScalarExpr* child = children_[0]; // The child node, on which to call GetCollectionVal.
llvm::Function* get_collection_val_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->GetCodegendComputeFn(codegen, false, &get_collection_val_fn));
DCHECK(get_collection_val_fn != nullptr);
// Find type for the CollectionVal struct.
llvm::Type* collection_type = codegen->GetNamedType("struct.impala_udf::CollectionVal");
// Construct the call to the evaluation method, and return the result.
CodegenAnyVal coll_val = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(codegen, &builder,
child->type(), get_collection_val_fn, args, "coll_val");
// Find the 'is_null' field of the CollectionVal.
llvm::Value* is_null = coll_val.GetIsNull("coll_is_null");
llvm::BasicBlock* check_count =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "check_count", new_fn);
llvm::BasicBlock* ret_null = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "ret_null", new_fn);
builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, ret_null, check_count);
// Add code to the block that is executed if is_null was true.
// allocate a BooleanVal, set null in it, and return it.
CodegenAnyVal null_result(codegen, &builder, TYPE_BOOLEAN, nullptr, "null_result");
builder.CreateRet(null_result.GetNullVal(codegen, TYPE_BOOLEAN));
// Back to the branch where 'is_null' is false.
// Load the value of 'num_tuples'.
llvm::Value* num_tuples = coll_val.GetLen();
llvm::Value* has_values = builder.CreateICmpNE(num_tuples, codegen->GetI32Constant(0));
CodegenAnyVal has_values_result(
codegen, &builder, TYPE_BOOLEAN, nullptr, "has_values_result");
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(new_fn);
if (UNLIKELY(*fn == nullptr)) {
return Status(TErrorCode::IR_VERIFY_FAILED, "IsNotEmptyPredicate");
return Status::OK();
string IsNotEmptyPredicate::DebugString() const {
return ScalarExpr::DebugString("IsNotEmptyPredicate");
} // namespace impala