blob: 46d2cf84fdc49da7b9295a99d1f1c2e5ad0b3876 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# IMPALA-2376: run scan that constructs large collection and set memory limit low enough
# to get the below query to consistently fail when allocating a large collection. Set
# num_nodes to 1 in the python test and mt_dop to 1 here in order to make the query as
# deterministic as possible. mem_limit is tuned for a 3-node HDFS minicluster.
set buffer_pool_limit=24m;
set mt_dop=1;
select max(cnt1), max(cnt2), max(cnt3), max(cnt4), max(cnt5)
from customer c,
(select count(l_returnflag) cnt1, count(l_partkey) cnt2, count(l_suppkey) cnt3,
count(l_linenumber) cnt4, count(l_quantity) cnt5
from c.c_orders.o_lineitems) v;
---- TYPES
---- CATCH
row_regex: .*Memory limit exceeded: Failed to allocate [0-9]+ bytes for collection 'tpch_nested_.*.customer.c_orders.item.o_lineitems'.*