blob: 004feff577432789f12047f345f63f46c6a7de98 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# test querying text table "extended" ASCII (latin) delimiters:
# fields terminated by '-2' -- thorn character
# escaped by '-22' -- lowercase e with circumflex
# lines terminated by '\n'
select * from functional.text_thorn_ecirc_newline
---- TYPES
---- QUERY
# create new tables like the ones above to test inserting
create table tecn like functional.text_thorn_ecirc_newline;
'Table has been created.'
---- QUERY
# insert data into tecn table and check results
# TODO: Expand verification to cover inserting a field terminator and escape character.
# Some additional work needs to be done in the test framework to properly encode/decode
# the values going into the INSERT query before this will work.
insert overwrite tecn values
('abc', 'xyz', 1, 2),
('efg', 'xyz', 3, 4)
---- QUERY
select * from tecn
---- TYPES