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Sub-module in Apache Ignite ML: Spark ML model parser
Supported and tested Spark version: 2.3.0
Possibly might work with next Spark versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
This module supports the loading machine learning models generated by Spark ML.
To get the model from Spark ML you should save the model built as a result of training in Spark ML to the parquet file
like in example below:
val spark: SparkSession = TitanicUtils.getSparkSession
val passengers = TitanicUtils.readPassengersWithCasting(spark)
.select("survived", "pclass", "sibsp", "parch", "sex", "embarked", "age")
// Step - 1: Make Vectors from dataframe's columns using special Vector Assmebler
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("pclass", "sibsp", "parch", "survived"))
// Step - 2: Transform dataframe to vectorized dataframe with dropping rows
val output = assembler.transform("pclass", "sibsp", "parch", "survived", "age"))
).select("features", "age")
val lr = new LinearRegression()
// Fit the model
val model =
This listing of code was used to get the Spark ML models for examples in spark-model-parser.
This module supports the all common models in Ignite ML and Spark ML:
- LogisticRegression
- LinearRegression
- LinearSVC
- DecisionTreeClassifier
- RandomForestClassifier
- GBTClassifier
- KMeans
- DecisionTreeRegressor
- RandomForestRegressor
- GBTRegressor
To load in Ignite ML you should use SparkModelParser class via method parse() call like in
NOTE: it doesn't support loading from PipelineModel in Spark.