blob: 62279c0b42f011bc3ff4ad36d7e6763c4ab3e418 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCluster;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterStartNodeResult;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.G;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.X;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.config.GridTestProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.common.GridCommonAbstractTest;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.junit.Test;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.CFG;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.DFLT_TIMEOUT;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.IGNITE_HOME;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.KEY;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.NODES;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.PASSWD;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.SCRIPT;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nodestart.IgniteNodeStartUtils.UNAME;
* Tests for {@code startNodes(..)}, {@code stopNodes(..)}
* and {@code restartNodes(..)} methods.
* <p>
* Environment (obtained via {@link System#getenv(String)}) or, alternatively, {@code} file must
* specify either username and password or private key path in the environment properties (@code test.ssh.username},
* {@code test.ssh.password}, {@code ssh.key} or in test file entries {@code ssh.username} {@code ssh.password},
* {@code ssh.key}respectively.</p>
* <p>
* Configured target host must run ssh server and accept ssh connections at configured port from user with specified
* credentials.</p>
public class IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest extends GridCommonAbstractTest {
/** */
private static final String SSH_UNAME = getProperty("test.ssh.username", "ssh.username");
/** */
private static final String SSH_PWD = getProperty("test.ssh.password", "ssh.password");
/** */
private static final String SSH_KEY = getProperty("ssh.key", "ssh.key");
/** */
private static final String CUSTOM_SCRIPT_WIN = "modules/core/src/test/bin/start-nodes-custom.bat";
/** */
private static final String CUSTOM_SCRIPT_LINUX = "modules/core/src/test/bin/";
/** */
private static final String CFG_NO_ATTR = "modules/core/src/test/config/spring-start-nodes.xml";
/** */
private static final String CFG_ATTR = "modules/core/src/test/config/spring-start-nodes-attr.xml";
/** */
private static final String CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY = "grid.node.ssh.started";
/** */
private static final String CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_VAL = "true";
/** */
private static final long WAIT_TIMEOUT = 90 * 1000;
/** */
private String pwd;
/** */
private File key;
/** */
private Ignite ignite;
/** */
private static final String HOST = "";
/** */
private final AtomicInteger joinedCnt = new AtomicInteger();
/** */
private final AtomicInteger leftCnt = new AtomicInteger();
/** */
private volatile CountDownLatch joinedLatch;
/** */
private volatile CountDownLatch leftLatch;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected IgniteConfiguration getConfiguration(String igniteInstanceName) throws Exception {
return super.getConfiguration(igniteInstanceName).setIncludeEventTypes(EventType.EVTS_ALL);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTest() {
if (SSH_KEY != null) {
key = new File(SSH_KEY);
assert key.exists() : "Private key doesn't exist: " + key.getAbsolutePath();
assert key.isFile() : "Private key is not a file: " + key.getAbsolutePath();
pwd = SSH_PWD;"Username: " + SSH_UNAME);"Password: " + pwd);"Key path: " + key);
ignite = G.start(CFG_NO_ATTR);
G.setDaemon(false);<Event>)evt -> {
info("Received event: " + evt.shortDisplay());
if (evt.type() == EVT_NODE_JOINED) {
if (joinedLatch != null)
else if (evt.type() == EVT_NODE_LEFT || evt.type() == EVT_NODE_FAILED) {
if (leftLatch != null)
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTest() throws Exception {
boolean wasEmpty = true;
if (ignite != null) {
if (!ignite.cluster().nodes().isEmpty()) {
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(ignite.cluster().nodes().size());
assert leftLatch.await(
wasEmpty = ignite.cluster().nodes().isEmpty();
joinedLatch = null;
leftLatch = null;
assert wasEmpty : "grid.isEmpty() returned false after all nodes were stopped " +
"[nodes=" + ignite.cluster().nodes() + ']';
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected long getTestTimeout() {
return 90 * 1000;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartOneNode() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 1, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 1;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 1;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 1;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartThreeNodes() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, DFLT_TIMEOUT, 1);
assert res.size() == 3;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartThreeNodesAndDoEmptyCall() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.isEmpty();
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartThreeNodesAndTryToStartOneNode() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 1, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.isEmpty();
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartFiveNodesInTwoCalls() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 5, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 2;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 5;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 5;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartFiveWithTwoSpecs() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(5);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
F.asList(map(pwd, key, 2, U.getIgniteHome()),
map(pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome())),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 5;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 5;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 5;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStartThreeNodesAndRestart() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 3;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
true, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 3;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 6;
assert leftCnt.get() == 3;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomScript() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
String script = U.isWindows() ? CUSTOM_SCRIPT_WIN : CUSTOM_SCRIPT_LINUX;
script = Paths.get(U.getIgniteHome()).relativize(U.resolveIgnitePath(script).toPath()).toString();
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 1, U.getIgniteHome(), null, script),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 1;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedCnt.get() == 1;
assert leftCnt.get() == 0;
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 1;
assert CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_VAL.equals(F.first(ignite.cluster().nodes()).<String>attribute(CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStopNodes() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, null, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR,
null), false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 3;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().isEmpty();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStopNodesFiltered() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 2, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 2;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 1;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Collection<UUID> ids = F.transform(ignite.cluster().forAttribute(CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY, CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_VAL).nodes(),
(IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, UUID>)ClusterNode::id);
ignite.cluster().forAttribute(CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY, CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_VAL).nodes();
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 1;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStopNodeById() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 2;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStopNodesByIds() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Iterator<ClusterNode> it = ignite.cluster().nodes().iterator();
Collection<UUID> ids = new HashSet<>();
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 1;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRestartNodes() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRestartNodesFiltered() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 2, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 2;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
res = startNodes(ignite.cluster(),
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 1;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
X.println("Restarting nodes with " + CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY);
Collection<UUID> ids = F.transform(ignite.cluster().forAttribute(CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_KEY, CUSTOM_CFG_ATTR_VAL).nodes(),
(IgniteClosure<ClusterNode, UUID>)ClusterNode::id
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRestartNodeById() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRestartNodesByIds() throws Exception {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
leftLatch = new CountDownLatch(2);
Iterator<ClusterNode> it = ignite.cluster().nodes().iterator();
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert leftLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @param passwd Password.
* @param key Private key file.
* @param nodes Number of nodes.
* @param igniteHome Ignite home.
* @return Parameters map.
private Map<String, Object> map(
@Nullable String passwd,
@Nullable File key,
@Nullable Integer nodes,
@Nullable String igniteHome) {
assert IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.HOST != null;
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(IgniteNodeStartUtils.HOST, IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.HOST);
params.put(UNAME, IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.SSH_UNAME);
params.put(PASSWD, passwd);
params.put(KEY, key);
params.put(NODES, nodes);
params.put(IGNITE_HOME, igniteHome);
params.put(CFG, IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.CFG_NO_ATTR);
params.put(SCRIPT, null);
return params;
* @param hosts Hostnames.
* @param passwd Password.
* @param key Private key file.
* @param nodes Number of nodes.
* @param igniteHome Ignite home.
* @param cfg Configuration file path.
* @param script Startup script path.
* @return Parameters map.
private Collection<Map<String, Object>> maps(
Collection<String> hosts,
@Nullable String passwd,
@Nullable File key,
@Nullable Integer nodes,
@Nullable String igniteHome,
@Nullable String cfg,
@Nullable String script) {
assert HOST != null;
Collection<Map<String, Object>> maps = new ArrayList<>(hosts.size());
for (String host : hosts) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(IgniteNodeStartUtils.HOST, host);
params.put(UNAME, IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.SSH_UNAME);
params.put(PASSWD, passwd);
params.put(KEY, key);
params.put(NODES, nodes);
params.put(IGNITE_HOME, igniteHome);
params.put(CFG, cfg);
params.put(SCRIPT, script);
return maps;
* @throws InterruptedException If failed.
private void startCheckNodes() throws InterruptedException {
joinedLatch = new CountDownLatch(3);
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> res =
maps(Collections.singleton(HOST), pwd, key, 3, U.getIgniteHome(), CFG_NO_ATTR, null),
false, 0, 16);
assert res.size() == 3;
res.forEach(t -> {
assert t.getHostName().equals(HOST);
if (!t.isSuccess())
throw new IgniteException(t.getError());
assert joinedLatch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS);
assert ignite.cluster().nodes().size() == 3;
* @param cluster Cluster.
* @param hosts Hosts.
* @param restart Restart flag.
* @param timeout Timeout.
* @param maxConn Maximum connections.
* @return Results collection.
private Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> startNodes(IgniteCluster cluster,
Collection<Map<String, Object>> hosts,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) {
return cluster.startNodesAsync(hosts, null, restart, timeout, maxConn).get(WAIT_TIMEOUT);
/** */
private static String getProperty(String envName, String gridTestName) {
String candidate = System.getenv(envName);
if (candidate != null)
return candidate;
return GridTestProperties.getProperty(gridTestName);